
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:40
jgdxGood morning!08:48
mandel`morning all!!08:49
=== mandel` is now known as mandel
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gatoxgood morning!11:10
mandelgatox, morning!11:35
mandelhow is everything going :)11:36
mandelgatox, have you seen the following:11:36
gatoxmandel, fine..... you?11:36
mandelgatox, ok, got the mac vm ready to be a jenkins slave.. I was suppose to start later to day, but I ran out of things to do :P11:37
gatoxmandel, no...... didn't see that!11:37
gatoxmandel,  are you already started your working day?? or are you going to start late today?? (i wanted to asj you for a review.... but i can wait)12:02
mandelgatox, sure, I started a few hours ago when I ran out of errands hehe12:03
gatoxmandel, ok, this one please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/transfers/+merge/11993212:03
mandelgatox, I've been done 'work work' for a few hours already :P12:03
mandelgatox, although, I'm in a virtual sprint with mmcc so when he is here no reviews12:04
mandelgatox, why not using u'' in the strings?12:04
gatoxmandel, this string?12:05
gatoxRECENTTRANSFERS = 'recent-transfers'12:05
gatox10+UPLOADING = 'uploading'12:05
mandelyes, those12:07
mandelgatox, ^12:07
gatoxmandel, they are dictionary keys.... so i don't see the need to use unicode12:07
mandelgatox, ok, but remeber they will be unicode as soon as we move to py312:08
mandelgatox, that is the only reason I'm asking :)12:08
gatoxmandel, yes, but.... if we use those constants is going to be the same12:08
gatoxeverything is going to be converted12:08
gatoxand we avoid the u'' now, that is doesn't fit into py312:09
mandelgatox, sure, I was concerned that you wanted bytes and not unicode12:10
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
* mandel lunch12:31
dobeyugh, not feeling so great today :(12:57
ralsina_good morning!13:01
gatoxralsina_, dobey hi13:01
=== ralsina_ is now known as ralsina
dobeyhi gatox13:09
ralsinagatox: one of your branches failed a test13:13
gatoxralsina, yes, already fix it13:14
* mandel back13:14
ralsinaok, slow mail :-)13:14
gatoxoh.... it fail again13:14
mandelralsina, 1-1?13:14
alecuhello all!13:14
mandelgatox, having fun with tarmac ;)13:14
gatoxalecu, hi13:14
ralsinamandel: sorry, have to talk with alecu and then I have another call13:14
ralsinamandel: so, maybe in 45'?13:14
mandelralsina, so, np13:14
ralsinaalecu: mumble?13:15
gatoxmandel, ralsina i'll need to review some of the tests.... the problem is that i can't run u1-client tests locally13:15
mandelralsina, I meant to say sure :)13:15
ralsinamandel: understood :-)13:15
mandelgatox, how come?13:15
gatoxmandel, some problem that thursday..... a lot of asserts are failing13:15
mandelgatox, ugh13:15
mandelgatox, let me try and fix something with jenkins and I'll take a look13:16
gatoxah..... i'll run them on windows...13:16
ralsinagatox: was it asserting user_home to be str?13:17
ralsinagatox: because dobey fixed that one13:17
alecuralsina: sure13:17
gatoxralsina, mmmm and i need to do something in particular?? i did a dist-upgrade today and it keeps failing here13:18
gatoxralsina, or i need to update u1-client branch?13:18
dobeygatox: you don't have u1-client trunk then13:18
ralsinagatox: merge trunk13:18
gatoxahhhhh ok... i'll merge that13:18
dobeyso everything done for FF releases? :P13:32
gatoxdobey, not yet13:32
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
mandelmmcc, morning! I ran the tests in the jenkins slave, and although they were slow things were ok14:10
mandelmmcc, and I'm nearly done with the jenkins setup (I started a few hours ago when I ran of things to do in the morning :P )14:11
gatoxmandel, this branch has been updated: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/transfers/+merge/11993214:11
gatoxralsina, when you have a moment please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/shares/+merge/12039414:12
mmcchi mandel, so how slow were they? did they show GUI exception dialogs?14:13
mandelmmcc, the machine is veeeeeeery slow so I left it over night and did not see any exception dialogs when I got back14:13
mmccwell, I gave up on a clean solution on friday - the hacky fix I wrote in my email works for now14:14
mmccthe dialogs pop up and go away very fast, so you wouldn't have seen them after the run14:15
mandelmmcc, ok, I'm nearly done with the jenkins setup so that we at least have sso running on it so that we stop other team members from screwing us up, we can focus on landing the small fixes I have for the daemon and then I'#ll look at the fsevents bug14:17
mandelmmcc, we also need to look at how to integrate the root daemon in the bundle, right?14:17
mmccright. I started looking at code signing a python app a bit on friday, I'll keep doing that now14:18
mmccmandel - let me know when you're done with the jenkins setup14:19
mandelmmcc, superb, if I get the slave connected I'll just have to set it as a daemon process for the vm and will be done14:20
gatoxralsina, mmcc mandel dobey briancurtin thisfred standup?15:00
briancurtintyping now15:00
ralsinaI'm otp go on without me15:01
gatoxLast branch of the sync menu about New Shares proposed. Working on Share links tab for control panel.15:02
gatoxFinish with share links tab ui and some functionality.15:02
gatoxthisfred, go15:02
thisfredDONE: documentation2 through 4, started on lp:gouda over the weekend TODO: documentation5 and up BLOCKED: no NEXT: briancurtin15:02
briancurtinDONE: removed mocker, updated and broke the VM and fiddled with it most of the afternoon15:02
briancurtinTODO: keep running, piecing together what's needed, removing what's not15:02
briancurtinNEXT: mandel15:02
mandelDONE: Lion VM has been setup to be able to run all the projects tests. Jenkins is setup and but connecting to the master node is timing out, no idea why. Reviews.15:03
mandelTODO: Finish the jenkins work if possible and add projects for the python projects, the daemon is a diff story (need an xcode plugin). Look at fsevents bug.15:03
mandelBLOCKED: no15:03
mandeldobey, please15:03
mandeloh, and 1-1 with ralsina15:03
dobeyDONE: reviews, discuss icons,15:03
dobeyTODO: releases, FF rush, icon generating magic15:03
dobeyBLCK: None.15:03
dobeymmcc: go15:03
mmccDONE: built a Qt with no x11 dependency, fought control-panel tests15:03
mmccTODO: sprint w/mandel to integrate fsevents daemon, code signing.15:03
mmccBLCK: no15:03
thisfredlittle early15:04
thisfredbut sure :)15:04
mmccmandel, what do you need an Xcode plugin for with jenkins?15:05
gatoxeom :P15:05
gatoxthisfred, jjeje15:05
gatoxbriancurtin, do you have time for a review?15:05
briancurtingatox: sure, send it15:05
mandelmmcc, to run the daemon tests and get them as a subunit format so that it can be parsed by jenkins and show the test results15:05
gatoxbriancurtin, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/shares/+merge/120394 thx!15:05
mandelmmcc, it exists but I don't want to waste time on that right now15:06
mandelmmcc, got reviews related to mac for me?15:06
mmccmandel: ah, ok - not just to run them, but to post process the output…15:06
mandelmmcc, yes, to make the things useful we could say, it could only run them and say ok or not, but you would not get the nice results we get on the windows version15:07
mmccmandel, yes: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1037313-add-revnos/+merge/119799 https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-1037395-run-mac-tests/+merge/119830 https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/fix-1037432-run-mac-tests/+merge/119842  https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1037904-run-tests/+merge/12005715:07
mmccnot sure if you've already looked at any of those…15:07
mmccno you haven't15:08
ralsinamandel: 1-1?15:08
ralsinammcc: at least the 1st one you could merge with 1 review15:08
mandelralsina, sure, mumble?15:08
ralsinamandel: yes15:08
mmccralsina: ok, thanks. the other three are also trivial but I'd like someone else on a mac to try the CP test changes. (this is just the buildout change, not related to the issue I was fighting friday.) (talking about this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1037904-run-tests/+merge/120057 )15:10
* gatox lunch!15:20
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mandelmmcc, did you create a bug regarding the fsevents error?15:27
mmccmandel: what error? the test running problem? no15:27
mandelmmcc, the one with the lack of upload in a create file15:28
mandelmmcc, which you wrote a quick 2 liner hack to fix15:28
mmccoh that one. yes, hold on15:28
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1034127 not found15:29
mmccubot5: put your glasses on15:29
ubot5mmcc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:29
mandelI have the impression we are getting close to a deadline, jenkins fails, ubot5 is stupid.. timeouts, failing tests..15:30
=== eu is now known as Guest97966
mandelmmcc, can you do me a favour, in the bug report you say the following: 'folder will be uploaded and become visible in web interface' did you use a file or a folder for the test?15:32
ralsinamandel: you still have not been bitten by a rabid dingo...15:32
mmccmandel: I tried both. either should show the bug.15:33
mandelmmcc, can you add a comment and let me know what happens if you do it with a file and when you do it with a folder?15:33
mandelmmcc, and if you can the app, can I haz an already build version? /me is lazy15:33
* dobey hopes it stops raining soon, and dries up15:33
mmccmandel: sure, I'll need to rebuild it without the hack, just a minute :)15:34
mandelmmcc, awesomeness on irc o/15:35
briancurtingatox_lunch: for that review, the TODO comments are being addressed in another branch, right? just want to make sure it wasnt something you forgot for this one15:39
briancurtiner, comment, since there's just one15:39
dobeyok, need to get lunch. bbiab15:41
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
mandelmmcc, I'll be testing that bundle to see if I can reproduce it15:51
mmccmandel: ok - I'm sending you another build now to make it easier to debug…15:53
mandelmmcc, superb, I want to see what happens to write the tests correctly15:57
mmccyeah, this debug build should help, can add prints and just re-run -- just edit the code in UbuntuOne.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/ubuntuone/15:59
mmcc44% uploaded15:59
mandelralsina, mmcc, so the jenkins slave for mac os x times out when it tries to connect to the master, sidnei if filling an RT to see what is going one since we have done all what is possible from the master side16:00
mandelmaybe the block or connection outside some way or we have to specify a port.. they should know16:01
mandelmmcc, let me know when the upload is done16:01
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mmccmandel: ok, it's up now16:05
mandelmmcc, thx16:07
mandelmmcc, bummer, just got a nice message telling me it won't open because is from an unknown developer, do you know a work around?16:10
mmccoh right, 10.8 - I know there is a workaround, don't know it off the top of my head16:11
mmccright click it , and choose open16:12
mmccthen the warning dialog will have an 'open anyway' button or something like that16:12
mandelmmcc, my brain just exploded... wthf (holly)16:12
mmccfor permanent fix: see http://osxdaily.com/2012/07/27/app-cant-be-opened-because-it-is-from-an-unidentified-developer/16:13
mmccmandel: why the explode?16:13
mandelmmcc, so, double click does not work, right click open does, it does not make sense at all..16:14
mandelmmcc, it looks like there are issues with the rest api, right? my username does not appear at all16:14
mmccoh, heh. I guess they figured that if you're right clicking it, you really mean it :) just make it hard for people to accidentally run untrusted code …16:14
mandelmmcc, yes, might be yet weird16:15
mmccmandel: it works for me…16:15
mmcccan you run it from the console as 'U1_DEBUG=1 UbuntuOne.app/Contents/MacOS/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt" ?16:15
mandelmmcc, I get all the info but the Hi Manuel! or whatever string goes on the top left label16:15
mandelmmcc, sure16:16
mmccthat's weird16:16
mandelmmcc, worked now O_o16:18
mmcclogging is also sent to ~/Library/Caches/ubuntuone/log/ , if you're curious16:19
mandelmmcc, will take a look, but after I fix the creation thing16:19
mmccmandel: sure16:20
mandelmmcc, good news are, with the root daemon running and you bundle it works perfectly :)16:22
mmccmandel: that's with manually starting the daemon and passing the socket name to syncdaemon somehow? remind me how that works…16:23
mandelmmcc, let me find the code that does that, one min16:24
mandelmmcc, it will pick the default monitor defined at ubuntuone/platform/filesystem_notifications/monitor/__init__.py16:25
mandelmmcc, and by looking at the code, it should not be using the daemon, I'm going to kill everything and try again16:26
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mandelmmcc, ha, annoying, in order to test the app and see the behaviour you  had we have to use a mkdir, if you use the finder is a mkdir 'untitled folder' + a move which does work16:40
mmccmandel: not sure I understand - I was seeing the same problem with just doing "echo blah > ~/Ubuntu\ One/test.txt"16:41
mmccoh, you're talking about writing tests - but I guess I still don't understand why you have to make a directory…16:42
mandelmmcc, is me thinking out loud.. I used the finder to make a new folder and that is the reason why it worked, is not the same events16:43
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
mmccmandel: ah, ok.16:48
mandelbriancurtin, ping16:49
briancurtinmandel: what's up16:50
mandelbriancurtin, do you have a copy of the latests u1 client running on windows? can you do a small test for me?16:50
briancurtinmandel: sure, what do you need?16:50
mandelbriancurtin, can you create a 0 byte file on windows and see if it uploads, it should not16:51
briancurtinmandel: is there a branch for this or should i just do it manually on trunk?16:51
mandelbriancurtin, manual test, no need for more :)16:52
briancurtinmandel: i'll set it up and try in a min16:52
mandelbriancurtin, thx16:52
mandelmmcc, I think that the same bug is on windows but it only affects 0 byte files :P16:52
mmccmandel: yeah, that could make sense, a create with no open/close because there's no data16:53
mmccso it only affects 0 byte files on windows but on macs it happens for all files?16:54
mandelmmcc, yes, and I think rye had a bug about that long time ago which I ignored16:55
mmccmandel: ah, interesting. btw, this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157492/ was useful to see what raw events the macfsevents python lib was sending without spinning up all of u116:55
mandelmmcc, great!16:56
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
mandelalecu, mmcc, ralsina fancy a mumble?17:28
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alecumandel: I have 15 minutes before lunch, let's do it17:29
mmccmandel, I'm available17:29
alecumandel: ralsina seems to be lunching right now17:30
mandelalecu, mmcc lets do it now, we can tell him later :)17:30
briancurtinmandel: 0 size files do get synched17:46
mandelbriancurtin, great!17:46
* briancurtin sandwich time17:50
dobeyhrmm, i really need to get my squid proxy working18:00
dobeyand my RAID18:01
dobeymandel, ralsina: care to review https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1037904-run-tests/+merge/120057 ?18:04
dobeyand https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/dirspec/update-4-0/+merge/12044318:06
ralsinadobey: sure18:07
ralsinadobey: global +1 on both18:12
ralsinamandel: mumble about what?18:13
mandelralsina, done, but I can update you in a sec if you want18:13
ralsinamandel: sure, I guess :-)18:14
mandelralsina, ok, super quick mumble then :)18:14
ralsinamandel: starting it18:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
gatoxralsina, do you have a minute for a review?18:18
ralsinagatox: sure!18:18
gatoxralsina, 2 reviews actually if you can (the second one is just ui): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/shares/+merge/12039418:19
gatoxand i'm proposing the second one right now18:19
ralsinagatox: ok, looking18:22
gatoxralsina, and this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/tab-shares/+merge/12044518:25
gatoxralsina, now i'm going to start working in the real publish and share implementation..... that was just the ui as we talked18:25
=== Guest97966 is now known as adorilson
mandeldobey, done18:28
dobeymandel: thanks18:29
ralsinagatox: your branch bounced18:35
ralsinagatox: oops, sorry, not you18:35
ralsinammcc: your branch bounced ;-)18:35
mmccralsina: looking…18:35
ralsinagatox: your shares branch has a lot of lint18:37
gatoxralsina, really? :S i don't get anything here......18:37
ralsinagatox: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1157650/18:38
gatoxralsina, weird..... ok, i'll fix that18:38
ralsinagatox:ybe you are missing a push? ma18:39
ralsinaok, X, why did you move that "ma" to the end there?18:39
mmccmandel, I did a test with python-macfsevents where I opened a file, wrote a bit, then waited a long time, wrote some more, and closed. on the write after the wait, I got an IN_MODIFY. - even though I got no IN_MODIFY for the first writes18:40
mmccmandel: and in a separate test, an immediate open(),write(), flush() gives me an IN_CREATE followed by an IN_MODIFY18:42
mmccI think in my first long test, the close() triggered a flush and caused the modify event18:42
mandelmmcc, interesting, I need to find a good test for diff volmen tests..18:44
mmccyes. this is encouraging for things like a sqlite DB, though - since any changes are sure to be fsync'd, and should then trigger a modify event, we won't be writing inconsistent DBs18:46
alecujgdx: hey, welcome to the team!18:48
mandelI'm off to have my gazpacho for dinner, I shall be back :)18:50
mandeljgdx, bienvenido!18:51
alecumandel: I can't understand how people feel that cold puke is an acceptable dinner.18:52
ralsinaalecu: "Palomitas de maíz como las hacía mi madre! Regurgitadas!" -- Skipper de los pingüinos de Madagascar18:53
mandelalecu, well, you have not tried the right one then.. is like raw fish, not all raw fish is shusi and not all tomatoes soup is gazpacho18:53
gatoxralsina,  lint issues fixed here: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/shares/+merge/120394  ...... for this one, you need to include u1-client trunk in the PYTHONPATH:  211:  [E1101, SyncDaemonClient.sync_menu] Instance of 'SyncDaemonTool' has no 'sync_menu' member18:54
ralsinagatox: ack18:54
mmccok, my bouncing branch runs correctly on linux again. I missed an instance of s/$u1lint/u1lint, which was impossible to spot just looking at the diff18:57
mmccralsina: can I just re-approve it, or do we need 3 more reviews ;)18:57
gatoxbriancurtin, do you have a minute for a small review?? mostly a .ui file added18:58
briancurtingatox: sure, send it18:58
gatoxbriancurtin, thanks! https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/tab-shares/+merge/12044518:58
ralsinammcc: just re approve it ;=)18:58
mmcchey neat, LP comments containing $words are stripped of those $words19:04
jgdxgod kveld, mandel :)19:11
ralsinagatox: global +1 on shares/19:27
gatoxralsina, cool.... thx19:27
briancurtinargh wtf. how can ubuntu_sso/main/qt.py have invalid syntax at line 265 when there arent 265 lines in that file?19:31
* mandel back from lunch19:31
briancurtinah there we go19:32
ralsinadobey: looking19:42
gatoxralsina, don't forget about this poor and lonely branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/tab-shares/+merge/120445 jeje19:57
ralsinagatox: loooking20:13
gatoxralsina, thx! :D20:13
ralsinagatox: line 8/9 of the diff look like an artifact of you playing with designer :-)20:15
ralsinagatox: also, will make u1cp start on the wrong tab by default, I think20:15
gatoxralsina, ohhhh... i hate when the designer change that just for pressing on an item20:15
gatoxralsina, changing....20:15
ralsinagatox: happens to me all the time :-)20:16
gatoxralsina, change pushed20:18
mmccmandel, sleeping toddler interfered with my lunch timing - I had to wait until now, be back in a bit…20:21
mandelmmcc, ralsina, alecu, one of the example on how to break the events is copying a file from a smaba share to the watch file for example20:21
ralsinagatox: needs fixing: update the help for the switch-to option please20:22
alecumandel: how so?20:22
gatoxralsina, checking20:22
alecumandel: you only get one event in that case?20:22
ralsinagatox: wait, I may have ran the wrong copy of the script20:22
mandelalecu, I copied a large video and just got a single event20:22
ralsinacd ..20:22
alecuralsina: stack empty!20:22
ralsinaalecu: OMG IRC is a Lisp machine!!!! ;-)20:23
alecumandel: allright. What about the root daemon? you get multiple events in that case?20:23
mandelalecu, one sec on the phone20:23
ralsinagatox: confirmed, that needs updating20:24
alecumandel: so, in the case of files being copied, or video being recorded, we would very easily see the file size changing, if we set a timer to watch every 5 secs.20:24
mandelalecu, yes, it would work, I'm testing atm with downloading a file from the internet and stopping the network etc..20:25
* mandel is jumping from one machine to the other20:25
gatoxralsina, mmmm i'm not sure what you mean.... can you point me to the code or something?20:25
mandelalecu, let me test with the root daemon20:25
ralsinagatox: sure20:25
ralsinagatox: ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/main/__init__.py look for switch-to20:26
ralsinagatox: you implemented the functionality in the switch_to function already20:26
gatoxralsina, ahhhhh i understand now20:27
ralsinagatox: I suspect you also have to patch the manpage20:27
ralsinagatox: luckily you can do it without learning *roff first :-)20:28
mandelalecu, with the daemon there is no problem at all, I would even say we get too many events :)20:28
* alecu pities the poor soul that needs to review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-sync/initial-impl20:28
alecugatox: ^20:28
alecumandel: right :-)20:28
gatoxalecu, ohhhhhhh my god!20:29
mandelalecu, get get content create file, stat changed, content modified, xattr removed etc..20:29
gatoxralsina, where is the manpage? :S20:29
alecu"The diff has been truncated for viewing"!20:29
ralsinagatox: docs/*.120:29
ralsinaalecu: ffffuuuuuu20:30
mmccalecu, I looked at that diff - lots of generated code - makefile.in, stuff from .deps…20:30
ralsinaalecu: I assume he already had reviews in a private repo and this is just the initial code dump20:31
mmccseems like it could be smaller :)20:31
ralsinathe GPL20:31
alecuright :-)20:31
gatoxralsina, done and pushed20:31
ralsinagatox: cool20:32
mandelralsina, alecu plus does loevely huuuuuuge tab sizes :P20:33
mandelralsina, alecu, mmcc, copy operations on fsevents client code will not rase an IN_MODIFY which I would expect to be a common thing to be done by our user base20:36
mandelDrag & Drop has the same problem20:36
mmccmandel: yep, that's what I saw too.20:36
mmccsame with short-duration writes like "echo foo > test.txt"20:37
mandelmmcc, no comes the 'holly cow how do I write a test for this!'20:37
alecumandel, mmcc: those operations *do not* send a "folder modified" event?20:37
briancurtindobey: what's the status of devtools on python3?20:37
mandelalecu, they do, but the lib understands them as a IN_CREATE and not an IN_CREATE followed by an IN_MODIFY so if is large and we are slow we have the problem20:38
mmccalecu, the macfsevents.py sends just an IN_CREATE for them. It gets a folder modified event from the framework and creates the IN_CREATE from it20:38
alecuthen I don't understand the problem20:38
dobeybriancurtin: not there yet; still a bunch of work to do for it20:39
mandelalecu, that if it is done over the network we get truncated files, that is why I did the samba test20:39
alecumandel: and what do you mean by "we are slow"?20:39
mandelalecu, takes long, I get the IN_CREATE and I hash before the file is done20:39
briancurtindobey: mind if i go ahead with it? or at least the parts in my way?20:39
mandelalecu, well, I meant, if the system is slow writing on the file20:40
mmccalecu, the problem is that for a copy or a fast write you get a single IN_CREATE event from fsevents.py , and nothing else.20:40
dobeybriancurtin: what's in your way right now?20:40
mmccs/fast write/fast create,write,close/20:40
alecumandel, mmcc: ok, as far as I can understand this, we *are* able to solve this with mandel's idea to delay sending the "modify" event20:41
mandelalecu, yes we are :)20:41
gatoxeod here!! ralsina i'll close to the computer, so let me know if the branch needs any other fix and i'll do it today so we can land it20:41
mandelalecu, now the hard part is writing the tests for this hehe20:41
* alecu was scared that we found a more huge hole.20:41
briancurtindobey: global name 'unicode' is not defined (ubuntuone/devtools/runners/__init__.py line 215). easy to fix by itself. i guess i'll just fix what it takes to get me running and propose each bit if that's ok20:42
ralsinagatox: so far it's looking good20:42
briancurtindobey: that one would just be fixed by a simple 2/3 check to use unicode or str. i currently have that check in utils.py for the time being20:42
dobeybriancurtin: ah, yeah. please file bugs and feel free to fix them20:43
briancurtindobey: will do20:43
ralsinadobey: I think we have all the branches we wanted in trunk of u1cp and u1-client20:46
mandelmmcc, so the root daemon is safe, I need to ensure that state changed and other little events are triggered as in modify to make it more reliable, I'll focus on that first so that in the worst case scenario by the end of the week we have a bundle with the root daemon in it, sounds good?20:46
dobeyralsina: cool20:47
ralsinadobey: also, elopio will do testing of it, should he do trunk?20:48
ralsinadobey: or should he wait until we have the stable-4 branch packaged?20:48
ralsinadobey: since it will pretty much be trunk anyway20:48
mmccmandel, ok, just worth noting that that's assuming that code signing and launchd integration goes faster than fixing this issue with macfsevents.20:50
dobeyralsina: well i guess it won't be packaged until tomorrow; but then is fine20:50
mandelmmcc, yes, indeed.. how is that going?20:50
dobeyralsina: also, not sure if builders are back up, but just testing nightlies if they're built is fine as well20:50
mmccI've got the ctypes translation of the jobbless calls set up now, will be testing it in Apple's sample app next.20:51
ralsinadobey: thought so, I'll tell him20:51
mmcchaven't started code signing the apps, that'll be fast to try and not sure how fast it'll be to debug if there are issues20:51
mmccmandel: have to go feed a toddler and myself, back in a bit, for real this time20:52
ralsinammcc: on windows we had to sign the python27 library along with the binaries. I know it's not the same thing in mac, but just a  heads up :-)20:52
mandelmmcc, np20:53
mmccralsina: yeah, similar issues. need to sign lots of parts20:55
ralsinammcc: also, your qt is not signed, right20:56
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
alecuralsina: I've been going thru a vala tutorial, and I like it.21:29
alecuralsina: but I've been checking all the stuff we would need to implement in vala and it's not so easy as I thought21:29
alecuralsina: we would need:21:29
alecu * oauth21:29
alecu * timestamp synchronization with server (for oauth)21:30
alecu * getting u1 credentials from the keyring21:30
alecu * parsing the json posibly returned by the webservice21:30
alecu * getting proxy credentials from the keyring21:31
ralsinaalecu: is there vala-dbus? (I assumed yes)21:31
alecuralsina: roman says yes: http://rtg.in.ua/blog/2012/02/vala-and-dbus/21:31
ralsinaalecu: also, the previous pages are getting lots of stuff from u1ms, so I am guessing they have the json parsing solved21:31
mandelok, eod for me catch you all tom!21:32
ralsinaalecu: ditto about the proxy (being the only page that supports proxy is useless ;-)21:32
ralsinabye mandel!21:32
alecubye mandel!21:32
ralsinaalecu: so, credentials, we can get via dbus21:32
ralsinaalecu: timestamp sync is a nice-to-have21:32
ralsinaalecu: the one that's left to consider is oauth21:32
alecuralsina: yes, we can get credentials via dbus, but we have everything already implemented in python!21:33
ralsinaalecu: the precondition for that page to appear is that the user has credentials already21:34
alecuralsina: so, I think it still might be much easier to expose alll of this to dbus21:34
alecuralsina: and who checks that the credentials are there?21:34
ralsinaalecu: so, yes, we could just expose our stuff via dbus and hook from vala21:34
ralsinaalecu: "we" should21:34
ralsinaalecu: or at least provide a way to do it21:34
alecuralsina: perfect then.21:35
dobeyalright, have a good evening all. time to get off here21:50
alecubriancurtin: needsfixing here: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-dev-tools/py3-print-function/+merge/12047222:13
briancurtinalecu: you beat me to it, i was just re-running tests because i noticed that i pushed before fixing some other lint warnings22:15
briancurtinalecu: pushed a fixed version 1 second ago22:16
mmccok, have to split for a while. will be back later. I think we can fix this fsevents bug in the macfsevents code, without poking at our own code. I'll explain more in an email once I get back in a few hours so mandel sees it before he starts tomorrow…23:49

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