
len-dtailo, fun fun. Also, take a look at the conversation I had on #ubuntustudio. with newagepunk/DataJuggler. How has he installed that is different from what we tested?03:58
len-dtIs it just a strange keyboard language setup?05:01
ailolen-dt: I'm pretty sure he didn't choose the correct keyboard layout05:10
ailoLet me check about the audio group for amd6405:10
ailolen-dt: groups works for me05:12
len-dtWell he says he has the wrong KB for the language05:14
ailoWhen you choose keyboard layout, you also need to specify the exact layout. There are usually multiple for each language05:15
ailoFor example, Swedish has about 5 or more05:15
ailoMost are for language minorities05:16
smartboyhwknome: I'm wondering: Why isn't there a "Get involved" section in ubuntustudio.org?08:59
knomesmartboyhw, i don't know. i'm not managing the content09:01
smartboyhwknome: Then who is? I thought you manage the website...:)09:03
knomei only helped create the website style09:03
smartboyhwOh, sorry, knome...09:03
smartboyhwOK, that's weird, I will ask someone later then. Thanks knome09:05
knomeno problem09:06
smartboyhwBTW, why isn't there a "Upgrade Ubuntu Studio" in the ISO QA Tracker? astraljava please fix it.09:17
astraljavasmartboyhw: It wasn't supported before due to the DE change. For 12.10, we could enable it again, but we won't for precise.10:01
smartboyhwastraljava: Thanks, but what do you mean by DE change?10:02
astraljavaDesktop environment, previously we had GNOME 2, now it's XFCE.10:02
smartboyhwOh, so now since it's more stable, I think we can add it to 12.1010:03
astraljavaWell, it's possible. The question is do we support it.10:04
smartboyhwastraljava: Why not?10:04
astraljavaI'm not 100% up-to-date on all changes in the project-related packages, we'd have to start testing it and make sure all transitions are in place. Granted, gut-feel suggests there aren't that huge changes this cycle, but I'm not overly confident before I get enough results. If you have time, please run it a few times, with a mixed application set.10:09
smartboyhwastraljava: Can you help the problem in #ubuntustudio for a bit for Jonny1?10:19
smartboyhwastraljava: Ignore the previous message, no need now.11:17
smartboyhwscott-work: Why isn't there a "Get involved" section in ubuntustudio.org? I asked knome, he said it's other's job to manage the content11:52
scott-worksmartboyhw: there are probably several reasons for this, which i will share11:52
scott-worksmartboyhw: but what information would you put there?11:52
smartboyhwNo, just wondering there should be one... Maybe info on dev and testing and documentation?11:53
scott-workwe have talked about putting something there but sometimes it becomes difficult to actually accomplish something when you can't agree or define exactly what must be done11:54
scott-workmaybe we should start by defining the problem:11:55
scott-work"users do not have an easy or informative way to learn about contributing to ubuntu studio"11:55
scott-workcould we add to the statement or change it to be more accurate? take something away?11:56
scott-worksmartboyhw: oh, just to help you understand his position - kn.ome is the lead for the xubuntu team, which ubuntu studio shares many of the programs, and has graciously helped ubuntu studio with the web development, he's not really responsible for it though11:57
smartboyhwI agree with the problem definition11:58
scott-workit is harder than it looks :P11:59
scott-worki agree with you that something probably needs to be done11:59
scott-worki think it is obvious we need something there to help people transition to contributing to ubuntu studio, but defining _what_ is was became very difficult12:00
scott-workhowever, smartboyhw, if you want to think about it and through out some ideas...well, that would be very, very helpful12:00
smartboyhwSo where can I spit out those ideas on?12:01
scott-workthe mailing list is a good place that is transparent and easily accessed12:04
smartboyhwOK, I will write a email to it.12:04
scott-worksmartboyhw: how are you doing on the documentation for ailo?12:04
smartboyhwscott-work: Still need some time, I'm a bit busy these days12:07
scott-worksmartboyhw: can i ask that you finish the documentation _befure_ you start other tasks?12:09
smartboyhwJust wondering!12:09
scott-workthis isn't to pick on you, this is a common issue with all of us :P12:09
scott-work_everything_ is far too interesting to complete anything before moving on to the shiny, new, exciting next item ;)12:10
scott-workhappens to me as well12:10
smartboyhwscott-work: kidding, but will there be any changes to the 12.04.1 image now?12:14
smartboyhwBTW, since I'm busy these days, I will install 12.04.1, then continue to work on the documentation.12:15
scott-worksmartboyhw: i am not aware of any changes for 12.04.112:33
smartboyhwThanks scott-work12:34
scott-workit would have been nice to have an updated lowlatency kernel for 12.04.1 though12:34
scott-work*sigh* but i guess that is partly my fault for not talking to apw instead of waiting on him12:35
smartboyhwscott-work: ...12:35
scott-workwhich reminds me...thanks astraljava for sending out an email for the ISO testing12:35
scott-worksmartboyhw: yes?12:35
smartboyhwscott-work: ... means *sigh* for me:)12:36
smartboyhwastraljava: Status report on upgrading: Upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10, will tell you the results later13:13
len-dtailo, scott-work I am just looking at the docs for module-jackdbus-detect. They are very sparce :) but it is possible to have the bridge default to no auto connect.13:26
smartboyhwlen-dt: You happy with 12.04.1?13:27
len-dtI am going to test this13:27
smartboyhwWell, you tested it already, didn't you?13:27
len-dtsmartboyhw, I am as happy as i can get. It would have been nice to use 12.10 as LTS13:27
len-dtthe testing is about pulse.13:28
smartboyhwlen-dt: I agree about 12.10 being LTS13:28
len-dtHowever, the next LTS... if there are no big changes in DE, should be really nice13:29
smartboyhwlen-dt: Memory problem: I forgot what is DE13:30
len-dtDesktop Environmet13:30
len-dtIn this case xfce13:30
smartboyhwAh, yeah, let's see will there be an update on Xfce13:30
len-dt12.04 has xfce4.8 and 12.10 has xfce4.1013:31
astraljavaFor the next LTS, we _might_ get full GTK3 port. :D13:31
len-dtThere are a number of fixes I like in 4.10. The theme still needs a few tweaks13:32
smartboyhwastraljava: You're back! Also, next LTS: +`13:32
len-dtastraljava, I figured out how to add things to the xfce settings manager BTW13:32
astraljavalen-dt: Oh cool! Do tell, I'll read the backlog later, must leave the office now.13:33
smartboyhwlen-dt: Congrats13:33
len-dtastraljava, very simple just set the categories right13:34
astraljavascott-work: Next time you see an email stuck in the queue due to that too many recipients message, leave it there, I'll look into it more carefully.13:34
len-dtastraljava, in the desktop file13:34
astraljavascott-work: Any news from apw re: -lowlatency refresh on precise? We're running out of time soon.13:34
scott-workastraljava: sent apw pm about it13:43
len-dtailo, I would suggest adding to your controls starting pulse with no pa-jack bridge auto connect.14:12
smartboyhwastraljava: Upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 succeeded for me:)14:35
ailolen-dt: I've been thinking about that. Also, looking at a simple jack control. 14:38
ailoFor connections, I'd use patchage14:38
ailolen-dt: I might not get that much done before 12.10 though14:39
len-dtailo, to have pa-jack not auto connect the file /etc/pulse/default.pa has a line: load-module module-jackdbus-detect14:40
len-dtchange that to: load-module module-jackdbus-detect connect=no14:41
ailolen-dt: Ok. I'll save that somewhere :)14:42
ailoSaved in resources for -controls. I'm actually planning on making it as Debian friendly as possible. Was thinking about a name for it: pro-audio-controls14:46
smartboyhwailo: I like that name:)14:46
ailoWhile the version for Ubuntu Studio would still be called ubuntustudio-controls14:46
ailosmartboyhw: Did you already post at the mentors list?14:47
smartboyhwailo: What do you mean?14:47
ailosmartboyhw: About the package you wanted to upload14:47
smartboyhwailo: I need to recommit, will take some time14:47
smartboyhwWell, bye for now!16:00
ailoI'm participating in a little IT course, involving php among other things for a couple of weeks. Old PC's. Was allowed to install ubuntu on one. 16:14
ailoUI performance was terrible, so I installed awesome16:15
ailoAnd it was awesome16:15
ailoI takes something like 30MB of RAM16:16
ailoNo, sorry. 6MB16:46
len-dtailo, the user having trouble with audio group at install printed a dvd from the iso and it was ok.22:28
len-dtThe use that failed to put the user in the audio group was writing the ISO to a USB stick in windows. using Universal-USB-Installer- This is the program suggested by the ubuntu how to page.22:30

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