
ochosimr_pouit: ok, how do you put me in the loop?00:17
ochosimr_pouit: (didn't receive any emails or pings so far...)00:17
pleia2knome: need to update twitter link on your blog :)04:47
knomepleia2, ah, will do08:40
elfyanyone know what package to file a bug for if there is an error with something in the menu? 15:07
ochosimr_pouit: what was with that lightdm discussion you mentioned yesterday?16:23
ochosielfy: you mean the application menu that sits in the panel16:23
elfyyea - the click this to get to the menu's 16:24
elfylittle blue mouse - long and short is - help fails 16:24
ochosithat's a bug in the xfcepanel16:24
elfyok - known about one is it then 16:25
ochosiyou have to select "applications menu" as component16:25
ochosibut before you do that, browse if there is a bugreport already16:25
elfyoh lord - do I really have to create a xfce bugzilla account :(16:25
elfyfound one there and a LP one 16:30
elfyexo-open bug apparently16:30
elfyI think it's one mr_pouit knows about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qimo-session/+bug/100225316:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002253 in qimo-session (Ubuntu) "[quantal] xfce4-utils is deprecated in 4.10" [Undecided,Fix released]16:32
mr_pouitxfhelp4 doesn't exist anymore, so if something is still calling it directly, it will fail16:34
mr_pouit(if too many things still rely on it, I guess I'll put it back, afaik they reintroduced it temporarily in opensuse)16:35
elfythe help button in the menu is doing so - calls xfbrowser4 16:35
mr_pouitoh yeah, same for xfbrowser16:36
elfyI assume there are bugs already for that then and no need to duplicate16:36
mr_pouitI'm not aware of existing bugs for that, so feel free to report them ;p16:38
elfyok - against xfbrowser ?16:38
mr_pouitif it's the help item from the xubuntu menu, it's in xubuntu-default-settings16:39
elfyok - thanks mr_pouit 16:39
mr_pouite.g. if you change  /usr/share/xubuntu/applications/xfhelp4.desktop manually and it works, it's xubuntu-specific :p16:39
elfyI just changed xfbrowser4 in the menu item to firefox for me 16:40
elfymr_pouit: well changing xfhelp4.desktop doesn't appear to make any difference - but I reported it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/103911716:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039117 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Help menu item fails in Xubuntu" [Undecided,New]16:59
pleia2fmolinero is trying to do some testing, can someone give him a hand? (I'm at work, can't break away right now)17:17
elfyhi fmolinero - if I can help I will17:18
fmolinero I am triying to do my first test17:18
fmolinero but when VM starts17:18
fmolinero I received the message:17:18
fmolinero This kernel requires the following features not present on teh CPU:17:18
fmolinero pae17:18
fmolinero Unable to boot17:18
elfyaah - long time since I used a VM 17:19
knomehmm. i'm wondering if you can run PAE-stuff in VM, if your CPU doesn't support it17:20
elfyhave you got it turned on fmolinero 17:21
fmolinerono I have not17:21
elfyright click the vm OS - settings - then system - processor17:21
knomeoh, right! :)17:22
knomeyeah, stupid me..17:22
elfyif it's disabled and your real cpu does not have pae then I'd suspect knome is right17:22
fmolinerobut the problem is the VM is setup by Testdrive program17:22
elfycan you change the settings though ?17:22
fmolineroI will try17:23
knomeelfy, what i'm wondering is if you can enable PAE altogether if the physical CPU doesn't support that, eg. can you simulate PAE :)17:24
elfyyea - if pc doesnlt have it and vm settings doesn't let you - I'd assume not 17:24
fmolineroThe VM alow me to use PAE17:25
elfyk 17:25
knometurn that on, and booting should work17:25
fmolinerobut when Testdrive setup de VM machine does not use this feature17:25
elfyok - but setting it and booting now it works?17:26
fmolineroit works!17:26
knomei'd imagine testdrive generally is able to support pae17:26
elfycool :)17:26
fmolinero I realized I do not need to bott from Testdrive17:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgawesome, the ISOs went up another few MB22:09
micahgare any of our testers on slow connections22:20
GridCubei am, sadly that fact has made me not to test anymore22:22
GridCubei cant get images fast enough to do anything with them22:22
knomeGridCube, what happened with your ISP? 22:23
knomeGridCube, or you? :P22:23
GridCubei don't know, im getting up to 30kb/s!!22:24
knomecall them and say "GRR"22:24
GridCubewell sometimes it goes to 300kbs but only for like 3 minuts22:24
knomeseriously, have you checked your cables? :P22:25
knomewhat are you paying for?22:25
knome300 or 30?22:25
knomeyeah, call them and say you aren't getting what you are paying for22:25
GridCubeits a 3Mb connection22:25
knomeand tell them to either drop the price to 10% or raise the speed to 100%22:26
GridCubei did, it turns out im at the edge of the telephone lines, they need to replace all the cables and improve their oversold technology22:26
knomeso tell them you want a discount for not getting what you pay for22:26
knomeare there other ISPs around?22:27
knomewould they have better networks?22:27
GridCubesadly no, but they do have better networks22:27
knomeor are they using the same backbone22:27
knomethey? the same ISP?22:27
GridCubeother companies22:27
GridCubetelevision cable companies22:27
* micahg thinks he just found 15MB to reclaim22:28
knomeso why don't you take one of those?22:28
micahgBug #1039264 22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039264 in speech-dispatcher (Ubuntu) "speech-dispatcher pulling in flite in quantal" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103926422:28
knomemicahg, ooh shiny!22:28
knomethat's quite a lot comparing to other stuff we thought we could drop22:28
GridCubethe nearest one cables go 30 blocks away from my house, i hope they tend cables to this area soon22:28
knomeGridCube, i totally wish good luck22:28
knomeif not else, just make your own connection22:29
micahgthere's another 20 or so unaccounted for, I think it's fonts related22:29
knomei can send you some extra cabling and connectors22:29
GridCubei could buy satellital internets22:29
knomeGridCube, that sounds hi-tech22:30
micahgok, so I'll stop pursuing the "nuclear" option of xz compressing in squashfs then22:30
knomemicahg, the "worst" we can do for Q is just blacklist that package?22:30
micahgknome: nah, if Luke doesn't fix it I will22:30
knomeokay, great22:30
knomei'm quite certain luke will, though22:31
* micahg would just prefer to spend his vacation doing other thinsg22:31
knomeif he is who i think he is22:31
knomeyes, exactly him.22:31
micahgknome: I think worst case is that the amd64 live image is oversized and the rest fit on a CD22:31
knomethat's bad.22:32
knomethat doesn't sound like we'd have a bright future with getting the images fit22:32
knomenot that it is very bright now22:32
micahgalternates fit fine :)22:33
micahgbecause I can xz compress stuff in the package repo22:33
knomebut desktops need to work22:33
micahgwell, i386 should fit on a CD22:33
knomeamd64 not fitting ain't good22:34
micahgwell, I might be able to pull it off...I'm just not sure if I will have the time or not22:34
knomei hope we will be able to pull it off together, as a team! :)22:35
micahgknome: well, if someone can go through that list I pasted and look for obvious problematic additions, that would help22:35
micahglibflite1 was on tehre22:35
knomewhere is that again? :]22:35
knomei'll add that to my bookmarks this time, i promise22:36
knomei'm sure i did that last time, but it doesn't look like i did22:36
micahgmeh, that looks like it's only on the alternate CD, but I think seeded-in-ubuntu is lying22:38
knomemeh then22:38
knomewatch your language.23:21
knomeSkippersBoss, did you have something on your heart?23:36
SkippersBossoops i do apologise23:37
SkippersBossMy system is seriously messing up23:37
SkippersBossi type classroom23:37
SkippersBosshowever Thanks to xubuntu stealing focus all the time half of it gets in another window23:38
SkippersBossI seriously apologise. the cl bit went into a different window. Xubuntu is getting me into trouble here23:39
knomeok, no problem :)23:39
SkippersBossit is for me :-((23:40
knomenah, it's fine23:45
knomethat was actually quite funny accident, now that you told us what happened23:46
knomebetter that way than a troll.23:47
SkippersBossoops i would never ever23:47

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