
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
xubuntu987hi, I just installed xubuntu, but i don't seem to have a window manager01:14
xubuntu987After I log into the loging manager I get nada01:15
xubuntu987anz ideas?01:15
xubuntu987oh sorry, it finallz seems to have worked.01:15
xubuntu987updating and upgrading seem to have paid off. False alarm...01:15
genii-aroundAgain. After updates. My ubuntu, kubuntu, and lubuntuare gone and the only option in lightdm is xubuntu01:20
ochosisounds perfect :)01:20
ochosi(hope you don't mind sarcasm)01:21
xubuntu987yes, sorry about that it's been a while01:21
xubuntu987what's the best way to get texlive >2009 installed?01:21
xubuntu987use the installer from tex-live? (and not apt-get)01:22
xubuntu987will there be any problems if I do this?01:22
UnknownForkWhat directory is xfconf located in again?01:38
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dottletrying to install xubuntu, the install locks up before it really gets started05:02
dottleget the splash screen with the slidy bar, then dark screen, then second splash screen with mouse cursor. The arrow changes to a circle and starts to rotate, then freezes05:03
dottleanyone with any ideas what I can try?05:03
hanslandahello there, can anyone help me? i think its easy to do, but im very new to linux...i was changing some sound settings on XFCE and now i have no sound, just microfone..anyone?05:05
dottletry alsamixer, run it in a terminal05:05
dottleafter you get sound back you need to save settings or they will revert when you boot05:06
dottleto save type: sudo alsacntl store05:06
dottlethe one that made me silent was the "line" setting, it kept going to zero05:07
hanslandahello there, can anyone help me? i think its easy to do, but im very new to linux...i was changing some sound settings on XFCE and now i have no sound, just microfone..anyone?05:10
tychehanslanda: make that sudo alsactl store05:10
hanslandaand then..05:11
tycheIn alsamixer (sudo alsamixer) press F6 and choose the output you want to use.  Then exit and use the sudo alsactl store to keep it on reboots.05:11
tycheWhen you're in the F6 and choose what you want, you can raise and lower the volume by using the up-arrow and down-arrow keys.05:12
tycheIf you're using xubuntu, then you may also have to tell PulseAudio to not use any other outputs than what your speakers are plugged into.05:14
hanslandaim sorry, but i did that steps and still mute05:14
hanslandaabout pulseaudio i didnt make any change yet05:15
dottletrying to install xubuntu and it locks up05:15
tycheI had that problem in particular, since my speakers are BOSE USB speakers - and PulseAudio was defaulting to my monitor (which is HDMI) or my on board sound card (which was worthless).05:15
tycheIn alsamixer, you also have a spot that says 'Auto Mute' and it's enabled.  I've never seen that before on any of my machines.05:17
dottleme neither05:17
tychedottle: what do you have for a system?05:18
dottlecan you de-select that one?05:18
dottletyche: it is an old intel05:18
dottlecobbled together05:18
dottletwo disk drives and a cd-rom05:18
dottle1.5 gig mem05:19
tycheYour video may be locking it up.  I had problems with an older machine not being able to install Ubuntu - the screen turned to large pixel hash.05:19
dottlescreen looks good, nice picture05:19
tycheI've had the same thing happen with a new machine, where Ubuntu couldn't figure out what video card I had.05:20
dottleI think its a pci=e ati 6800 video card05:20
tycheI'm not familiar with ATI's, but that sounds fairly recent.05:20
dottleabout year 100505:21
tycheLOL, there's a bit of a difference, there.  About a thousand years.05:21
dottlejust before gpu access became available05:21
tycheWhere in the installation process is it locking up?05:21
dottle<--- time traveller05:21
hanslandai will reboot..see you in 2 min05:21
tycheYea.  Right.05:21
dottleI get the first splash screen ok05:22
dottlethen it goes dark, and I get the second splash screen05:22
dottlethe mouse pointer appears05:22
dottlethen it turns to a circle, goes about 40 minutes around the face and freezes05:22
dottle40 minutes = not quite 3/4 of 1 pass05:23
tycheDid you check the md5 sum of the download?05:23
dottleyes, did the check disk function and it was fine05:23
dottleI have burned it on dvd, and cd05:24
tycheStill sounds like something is corrupt.05:24
dottleand I have tried with the ubuntu disk, as well05:24
tycheDid you use the slowest burning speed available to your system and software?05:24
dottlewas not able to slow it down with brassero05:24
dottletold it to do 4x and it did 40x anyway05:25
dottlestill have both iso's on this box05:25
tycheI usually use K3B, because it's more flexible, and I can control more.05:25
dottlethis box is ubuntu 12.04 running xfce05:25
tycheIt will also read the MD5 sum of the .iso05:26
dottleI think I burned the cd with k3b, it checked the md5 sum before and after05:26
dottlesaid it was ok05:26
tycheIf you've got Ubuntu 12.04, then you can just put KDE and XFCE (Xubuntu) on top of it, and select at login.05:26
dottletrying to get a second box up05:26
dottlewant to play with vnc05:27
tycheLOL.  Understood.  That's why I have four partitions on a terabyte drive.05:27
dottlewhat could cause a hang at that point in the process?05:27
tycheInfinite loop.05:28
tycheAnd, without seeing where it actually was in the process, I'd have no way of knowing what held it up.05:28
dottleis it loading modules there?05:28
tycheIt might be.  Like I said, I don't know.  There used to be a way to hit <Esc> and see the action on screen.  I don't know if that still works.05:29
dottleis there a way to get a trace?05:29
dottleI'll try, when does one hit esc?05:29
tycheSorry, not that much of a programmer/developer.  In fact, I'm NO type of programmer/developer05:30
tycheFrom grub, as soon as the splash screen comes up.05:30
tycheI'm not sure from the install.05:30
dottlegenerating locales05:31
dottlechange passwd failed05:31
dottlenice, I cant type that fast05:32
tycheJust tell me when it stops processing things.05:32
dottleok, that cool screen went away, then I got the second splash screen and the lock up05:33
dottlecould not hit esc to see anything05:33
dottlethere is a white square on the bottom right of the screen, but I can't see what it might be saying05:34
hanslandahello there, can anyone help me? i think its easy to do, but im very new to linux...i was changing some sound settings on XFCE and now i have no sound, just microfone working..anyone?05:34
tycheOK.  dottle I'm sorry, but you've just hit the end of what I'd know to do. (Perpetual n00bie - just too much for this old man to know).  You need someone that's in the devs, I think.  Or at least someone more knowledgeable than I am.05:35
tychehanslanda: Did you make the changes in PulseAudio?05:35
dottleok, thanks for trying tyche , at least I now know about that cool esc function05:35
hanslandai dont know what changes i have to make...im very very dumb ..i think im going back to windows05:36
tycheYea, and I know it still works, from your trying to type the trace.  :-)05:36
dottleit went quite a ways, too. just not far enuf05:36
tychehanslanda: PulseAudio Control (Applications->Sound & Video -> PulseAudio Control), go to the Configuration tab.05:37
tycheThat should show you all the output devices you have on your machine.05:38
hanslandatyche, cant find applications sound and video settings05:41
tycheIf you're in Xubuntu, it might be in a different place.  Look around.05:41
tycheIt may be under system settings05:42
=== kvarley is now known as Guest93836
xubuntu064hi, i just installed xubuntu 12.04 and i have problem with the bottom panel bar08:51
xubuntu064when i open multiple applications, the panel is to short and i cant acces some things anymore, how to fix or avoid this?08:52
TheSheepmake it longer?08:55
xubuntu064it is on full length08:55
xubuntu064but i would expect that the panel moves to left or right. when its 'full'08:56
TheSheepthat's not possible08:57
TheSheepbut it should never grow larger than your screen08:57
xubuntu064so it will happen often that icons are just offscreen?08:59
TheSheepthat should not happen09:00
xubuntu064is there an other way to have an overview of all the applications that are open, beside the use of this bottom panel?09:03
TheSheepxubuntu064: there are like 4 panel plugins that give you an overview of open windows, and the middle click on the desktop09:05
izrailhi there09:05
aquixxubuntu064  ps shows all open processes ..use it like this     ps aux                   or search for a process like this ps aux | grep  PROCESS09:05
izraili am searching for a solution to get a "mandatory user profile" on xubuntu09:06
TheSheepizrail: isn't that a windows thing?09:07
izrailbackground: i am using xubuntu as alternative OS in a lab environment at university fulda. what i need is a local user account that my students can use (and modify and crash) ... after re-login, i want the account to be in the initial state again09:08
izrailTheSheep yes indeed ... but i am trying to get rid of windows in the lab :)09:08
TheSheepizrail: one thing that comes to mind is deleting the user's home directory on logout09:09
izraili thought of copying the complete $HOME to /etc/skel and then forcing deletion of the $HOME on logout ... at next login /etc/skel would be copied back to $HOME ...09:09
izrailnot sure is this is the best solution09:09
izrailright :)09:09
izrailbut this can't be done using .bash_logout, can it?09:10
izrail.bash_logout can't delete itself ...09:10
TheSheepthere might be something more ready out there, but I never needed anything like this, so I didn't look09:10
xubuntu064TheSheep, could you tell me some of these plugins to get an overview?09:10
TheSheepizrail: plus, students could just edit it before logging out09:10
TheSheepxubuntu064: just look throught the list in the panel settings, really09:11
izrailTheSheep good point ... danm09:11
TheSheepizrail: the 'safe' way of doing it would be to set the user's shell to a script that runs bash and then deletes the home09:12
izrailhmh ... that's not a bad idea09:12
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izrailalternatively i found that gdm has something called PostSession ...09:13
izrailis there something similar to xubuntus login manager?09:13
TheSheepI'm not that familiar with lightdm09:14
izrail# session-cleanup-script = Script to run when quitting a user session (runs as root)09:15
izraili will try this first :)09:15
izrailthe backup solution will be to modify the users shell09:15
izrailthanks TheSheep :)09:15
pimperleare there any things to consider when running xubuntu on an encrypted ssd? Like special filesystem options to help the wear leveling?09:17
MJBrune-Workhey hey09:17
TheSheeppimperle: the usual options for ssd09:20
TheSheeppimperle: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1400/how-do-i-optimize-the-os-for-ssds09:21
pimperleTheSheep: thanks!09:21
pimperledo you have a hint on which one to buy? are there obviously bad choices? or can i just go and pick the topseller from amazon or something the likeß09:23
TheSheepyou could ask on ##hardware maybe09:23
pimperleok, thanks09:23
izrailworks perfect :)09:55
izraillightdm has session-setup-script and session-cleanup-script variables. i defined a cleanup script, that deletes the $HOME and copies it back from a backup location, where i store the clean profile09:56
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Guest96020I am in??14:59
Guest96020Come faccio ad impostare un nome utente in luogo di "Guest96020"?15:00
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:01
Guest96020Oh, hi. No prob with using EN. I'd just like to know how can I change my nickname from "Guestxxxxx" to another one! Thank u so much guyz.15:02
PiciGuest96020: type /nick something15:02
Guest96020it doesn't work. what am i doing wrong with that command? sorry to bother you guys :D15:04
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cliscook, simply i could not use points, commas and so on in the nickname. thanku15:06
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:10
fAz4i just installed xubuntu-desktop15:53
fAz4and all the Icons are ordered wrong on the panel15:53
xubuntu607Hello, can i run xubuntu on a 1,80hz amd sepron with 256ram?16:17
Azelphuryes but *buntu probably isn't the best for such an old machine, it tends to eat up a bit more RAM than that16:18
Azelphurit'd run, just probably not all that fast16:18
ochosii agree, if it runs, it'd be rather slowish16:18
ochosi(not even talking about launching e.g. a web-browser)16:18
AzelphurYou'd be better off with something lighter, like debian+lxde16:18
xubuntu607cool i havent had the chance to try debian yet16:21
Murtaughusing the alternate install disk, it is possible to run xubuntu on that machine, but 512mb of ram is higly recomended16:23
MurtaughYou could look into DSL, they released a new version recently, and it's still debian based16:25
Murtaughhuh, I just booted my desktop, and idle ram usage is 177mb o_O16:26
MurtaughThen again, this would be using under 200mb of ram if I killed firefox.16:33
Moonshiner24mUK i need some compilation help17:04
Moonshiner24mUK* __stas__ (~kvirc@ has joined #ndiswrapper17:05
Moonshiner24mUK<Moonshiner24mUK> new kernel out on 12.04 ubuntu/xubuntu17:05
Moonshiner24mUK* __stas__ (~kvirc@ has left #ndiswrapper ("Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is")17:05
Moonshiner24mUK<Moonshiner24mUK> http://pastebin.com/mG6vNbfE17:05
Moonshiner24mUK<Moonshiner24mUK> heres the error log and the problem17:05
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Riley24hey is anyone here18:48
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:49
Riley24hey guys i was wandering if there was anyway to activate the ati driver but use the x,org conf instead for options18:49
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Riley24because for whatever reason the control center does not do anything for tearing even with tearfree desktop on i really need my driver activated though to prevent overheating18:50
Riley24do yall know what im talking about lol18:51
Riley24for somereason amdcccle does not do anything for me with screen tearing and its driving me crazy18:52
recon_lapRiley24: sorry no idea, maybe someone else might, you'll have to wait and see ;) you can also try as in ubuntu channel19:01
Riley24yea right19:03
Riley24i cant get anything out of them lol19:03
vorsorkenIs it possible to leave wifi on and connected during suspend?19:59
shpankbut it's not a linux limitation20:01
vorsorkenthought that might be the case, thanks20:01
shpankbut they're developing something20:02
shpanki think in win8 it's possible20:02
shpankwith certain chipsets20:02
XbooXthat captcha is very hard to read lol20:26
PhantorGorthhi Unit193.21:08
PhantorGorthanyone able to suggest additional ideas on how to get sound working when all the usual tricks fail?21:08
SkippersBoss/dev/usual tricks21:09
SkippersBossdev/ fail21:09
SkippersBoss!details | PhantorGorth21:10
ubottuPhantorGorth: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:10
PhantorGorth(usual as in check that the driver is installed, check that nothing is on mute, etc)21:10
Unit193Normally I link to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio and21:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:10
PhantorGorthI have just install 11.10 then imediately upgraded to 12.04.21:11
SkippersBossPhantorGorth, Pulse raises a lot of hairs/problems/stress levels21:11
PhantorGorthI just tried removing pulseaudio. no joy21:11
SkippersBossFirst check Alsamixer see if anything is muted down there21:11
PhantorGorthSkippersBoss: done that one :-)21:11
SkippersBossso with alsa gone sound still not working21:12
UnknownForkWhat should I open xfconf with?21:12
SkippersBosswith PULSE gone sound still not working21:12
PhantorGorthyes I removed Pulse and got nothing21:13
PhantorGorthI have used three players, vlc, aplay and play21:13
PhantorGorthjust in case it was the player21:14
SkippersBossare your system sounds working ??21:14
PhantorGorthhaven't actually checked that21:14
PhantorGorthI am not a XFCE expert. I am stuggling to find the system sound settings21:16
SkippersBossLets be up front here21:16
SkippersBossI am not either21:16
pleia2I've had some mute weirdness, usually just killing the pulseaudio process and starting it again got me sorted21:17
SkippersBossjust trying to point you to a certain point of thinking21:17
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:17
SkippersBossPleia is however :-)21:17
Unit193pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio --start21:17
PhantorGorthI agree I can not rule out that is not all types of sound21:18
SkippersBossUnit193,  he has removed pulse and still no sound21:18
GridCubePhantorGorth, on a terminal run: lspci | grep "Audio"21:18
PhantorGorthyes but I put it back after testing21:18
Unit193Well, with the idea of restarting audio, that was the idea.21:19
PhantorGorthGridCube: returned nothing21:19
GridCubewait, did you put "Audio" with the proper A21:19
Unit193Could have him pastebin.com lspci output.21:20
PhantorGorthlspci | grep -i "Audio" returns: Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)21:20
GridCube:D thats it21:20
GridCubethe -i makes the upper case irrelevant tho21:21
PhantorGorthyes which is what I did after looking at the raw lspci output21:21
PhantorGorthI am wondering as I alway keep my /home partition when changing OS I am wondering if there could be some rogue config left over from my previous OS (LMDE) causing trouble21:23
GridCubePhantorGorth, probably21:24
GridCubedon't really know tho21:24
PhantorGorthI removed the .asoundrc file as alsa docs say that normally you don't need one21:25
PhantorGorthSkippersBoss: just added that .asoundrc. I am not getting sound but I am now hearing it "click" when I a toggle the "Digital/Analog" switch21:32
PhantorGorthIt's like it's muted but all volume controls > 0%21:33
SkippersBossLike i said I am by no means an xpert and I have learned that in linux it either works or you are spending a lot of blood sweat and tears to get it to work21:33
PhantorGorthI would prefer it if they would actually write a tool that tells you if alsa/pulse are receiving data21:34
PhantorGorthso I can at least trace where the problem is21:34
SkippersBossAs pulse runs on top of ALSA i would advise to remove pulse whilst you are sorting out your alsa issue.21:35
PhantorGorthSkippersBoss: blood and tears like me when I was trying to get flash to work yesterday21:36
PhantorGorthgot that one sorted. I had to revert to an earlier driver and move it in manually21:37
SkippersBossI have a repeating issue with pulse and skype21:37
PhantorGorthI used to on Kubuntu before I went to LMDE and I made the mistake of switching to OSS421:38
=== UnknownFork_ is now known as UnknownFork
PhantorGorthWell I am now getting white noise when I play a track21:44
PhantorGorthI am now getting sound21:45
David-APhantorGorth: and now you don't want it :)21:46
PhantorGorthI removed Pulse and restarted alsa21:46
SkippersBosshave fun21:46
PhantorGorththink the force-reload was missing before when I removed alsa21:46
PhantorGorthsorry pusle21:46
PhantorGorth*pulse :-)21:47
PhantorGorththanks everyone who helped21:47
PhantorGorthnow to try it with flash21:48
PhantorGorththat's working too :-)21:50
=== UnknownFork__ is now known as UnknownFork
SkippersBossok can any one point me please to the right setting for preventing focus window under mouse pointer. ?? this behaviour just got me into serious trouble and is annoying23:43
knomeSkippersBoss, apps > settings > settings manager > window manager > tab "focus" > set "focus model" to "click to focus", not "focus follows mouse"23:45
SkippersBossyou are a live saver23:46
knomeof course! i save your life from.. myself!23:46
SkippersBossi bow to your wisdom23:47

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