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blendedbychrisI don't want to hijack this channel but I'm trying to do something super simple it seems. I've copied another project from launchpad to my own launchpad repo, I'd like to download the source and make some changes  to resubmit to my own repo03:51
blendedbychrisi installed bzr but I'm not sure what to plugin to "branch"03:52
spivblendedbychris: "bzr branch ORIGINAL_AS_URL_OR_PATH new-thing"03:59
spiv(There are plenty of alternatives to that which tweak things in various ways in case you want to re-use the same working dir all the time, etc etc, but that's the quick answer)04:01
blendedbychrisspiv: I found that you can do bzr branch lp:foo.04:04
blendedbychrishow do i figure out the branch name, or i guess maybe create a new branch/04:05
blendedbychristhis is my ppa btw… nginx is what i am trying to branch. https://launchpad.net/~blendedbyus/+archive/master04:05
spivFigure out which branch name?  The one you want to branch from, or the one you are trying to create?04:25
spivIf you want to push a branch to Launchpad, that's just "bzr push lp:...", e.g. I might do "bzr push lp:~spiv/bzr/new-thing"04:26
blendedbychrisspiv: branch from i pressume04:27
blendedbychrissomething like bzr branch lp:~blendedbyus/nginx/trunk …04:28
blendedbychrisbut it doesn't list a "branch"04:28
blendedbychris(maybe because I haven't created one?)04:28
spivblendedbychris: PPAs don't necessarily have their source available via bzr04:30
spiv(Unless Launchpad has grown new features since I last looked at this...)04:31
spivIn this case, AFAICS there's no source package recipes involved with that PPA, so no directly connected bzr branches.04:31
spivIt's possible there are relevant bzr branches, but if so Launchpad doesn't know about that link in this case.04:32
spivSo you'll need to ask the owner(s) of that PPA where/how they recommend working with their source.04:32
blendedbychrishttps://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/stable << so that has no branch?04:32
spiv(You can get "source" deb packages from PPAs, but that's a slightly different thing)04:33
blendedbychriswhat's a ppa look like when it does have source available?04:33
blendedbychrisLet me do a better job at explaining what I am trying to do. I'm trying to take the latest stable version of nginx (whether it's from their website or launchpad, though I figured launchpad would be useful somehow) and compile it with an additional module.04:34
spivI don't know that Launchpad makes that obvious.  It should; file a bug.04:35
spive.g. if you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~nginx/+recipe/nginx-nightly, it says "Daily build archive: Nightly Snapshot" (which is https://code.launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/nightly)04:35
spivAnd the recipe (in small text at the bottom of that page) tells you that lp:nginx and lp:nginx/debian are used to build those packages04:36
spivBut I don't see any recipes for the PPA you mention at https://code.launchpad.net/~nginx/+recipes04:36
spivblendedbychris: in that case, I suggest just taking their source package from the PPA (i.e. using the deb-src lines and "apt-get source ...", etc), and working with that04:37
spivi.e. the standard debian toolchain04:37
spivAs there's no obvious bzr involvement in that PPA04:37
blendedbychrisdoesn't look like this is even up to date https://code.launchpad.net/~nginx/+recipe/nginx-nightly04:38
blendedbychriswoud you suggest trying to make a branch with bzr in my ppa or just submit the deb files?04:39
blendedbychris(does that even make sense?)04:39
spivAs I say, there's no obvious use of bzr for making the package (and PPA) you're interested in04:40
spivSo it seems simplest and most direct to just use the standard debian tools04:40
spivi.e. work with the deb source packages, rather than look for bzr branches that probably don't exist.04:41
blendedbychrisfair enouhg04:41
blendedbychriswhere's ubuntu dump stuff downloaded from apt-get source anyhow?04:46
blendedbychristhe googler is letting me down :(04:46
blendedbychrisoh into the current dir :_04:47
blendedbychriscool :)04:47
blendedbychrisspiv: a module like this to compile it with nginx should I include it in nginx-1.2.3/src/ or when you run the command ./configure --add-module… do you think it copies necessary files… http://arut.github.com/nginx-rtmp-module/04:53
spivblendedbychris: I don't know anything about nginx's build system, sorry04:55
spiv(Let alone how it may have been patched and configured by Ubuntu)04:55
spivYou're probably better off asking a #ubuntu-* channel for help, maybe #ubuntu-packaging?04:56
mertsasis it possible to do an interactive rebase with bazaar-rewrite? Want to fix a commit, which has not been pushed up to our main repository06:16
jammertsas: if it is a recent commit, the easiest thing is to just "bzr uncommit" fix it then "bzr commit". I don't think rewrite supports --interactive yet, though I also know there is: https://launchpad.net/bzr-interactive08:06
jamI'm not sure on the workflow for bzr-rewrite of an old revision.08:07
jamI would gues you could pop back to the one you want to fix, fix it, then 'bzr replay' the rest of the revisions.08:07
mertsasdidn't find an easy way to do it, so did a branch, uncommited all changes to the one I wanted to change, reverted, uncommited, fixed, commited and did a replay from the original before I pulled from the new branch. Tedious, but worked08:12
mertsasa --interactive would be nice:P08:12
lduroshello, I have an "upstream" branch and I have a new tar.bz2 of the upstream. I forgot how to add it to upstream again09:50
ldurosI know there is a command09:50
lduroscan't find it in my .bash_history... guess I should have taken notes :-\09:51
ldurosbzr import I guess?09:52
ldurosah, I knew I asked about that before: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/07/11/%23bzr.txt09:54
mgzhm, I'd poke jelmer but he's dropped of irc...09:56
mgzlduros: I think you want merge-upstream, but from the log it may be a little more complex09:57
mgzor import-upstream, depending on how you're working.09:58
ldurosmgz: hmm09:59
mgzyou have one branch tracking the upstream tarballs, and then merge that into another branch with all your debian packaging?09:59
lduroswell this is for IceCat, it's a slightly different flavor of Firefox10:00
ldurosso there are minor changes in a few files10:00
ldurosand some new files10:00
mgzjelmer: any suggestions for lduros? <http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/08/21/%23bzr.html#t09:50>10:32
jelmerthere is a '10:33
jelmerbzr import-upstream' command that is part of bzr-builddeb IIRC10:33
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elmoerr, did someone make bzr ci with no changes error out in Quantal?17:17
mgzelmo: you've always needed --unchanged, or do you mean something more specific like return code?17:18
elmomgz: the return code17:21
elmomgz: I use etckeeper and a dist-upgrade just exploded17:21
elmomgz: because of it17:21
elmomgz: also, I mean precise not quantal.  so, umm, it seems unlikely bzr changed; let me investigate further, sorry17:21
dpb___Hi all -- is there a way to remove old binary blobs from a branch?  we have a dependencies branch that could use some cleanup19:51
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bob2note, makes a whole new history22:13

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