[02:25] thanks, queuebot [13:34] http://www.junauza.com/2012/08/best-educational-linux-distributions.html [13:39] nice [13:40] we need an 'edubuntu in the press' section on the website that links to all of these [13:40] * jocarter needs some edubuntu website time badly [13:48] Hi, how can I contribute to Edubuntu by testing?:) [13:50] smartboyhw: we need lots of upgrade testing, if you could test 11.04 -> 12.04 -> 12.10 upgrades for i386 and amd64 that would be great. even better if you could report on it to the edubuntu-devel mailing list [13:52] Er, I don't saw people testing the new daily of Edubuntu 12.04.1, should I do that too? [13:52] There edubuntu chat in Portuguese of Brazil? [13:53] smartboyhw: well, I know for a fact that stgraber and I are testing those :) [13:53] ThiagoNalli: there used to be a channel for that, but unfortunately it died down [13:55] Hi, I am back! [13:56] jocarter, thanks [13:59] jocarter: Downloading 11.04 iso, will test after download:) [14:00] smartboyhw: great [14:05] jocarter: I will leave the test for tmr. I think that will take a very long time to upgrade in my VM. === smartboyhw_w8 is now known as smartboyhw [14:27] smartboyhw: ok, whenever you have the time. thanks! [14:27] Ok [17:16] stgraber: oops, I get busybox on i386 ltsp live [17:17] (that's on kvm though so maybe it's just weirdness) [17:18] jocarter: it's working here [20:09] http://www.guiadopc.com.br/analises/27107/review-edubuntu-12-04.html [20:40] alkisg: cool! [20:40] (of course not mine, just found it while googling) [20:41] nice that the portuguese translations also worked in the screenshots :) [20:42] "Upon installation, you will be asked to choose the number of packages in the system will be any friendlier. This option of choice is undoubtedly the smartest choice of the maintainers of the system, it allows choosing the target audience." [20:42] nice going stgraber :) [20:43] :)