
gch-scilifelabhello everybody09:22
gch-scilifelabdon't know if this is the right room to ask about an error in the building of a package09:23
gch-scilifelabI'm doing my master thesis in the scilifelab (scilifelab.se) in Stockholm, we are currently working in a nexgen-data processing pipeline and I'm packagin all its dependencies09:25
gch-scilifelabi've already packaged some of them, but I'm having problems when packaging gatk09:25
gch-scilifelabit looks like it's failing to download some data, and this is what I don't understand, locally, I can build the package without problems, but when submitting to launchpad I get this error09:26
gch-scilifelabcan anybody give me a clue of what is happening please?09:26
geirhagch-scilifelab: Hi, I think #ubuntu-motu would be a better place to ask.09:28
geirhamotu does packaging for the universe repository, I think they help out with general packaging too09:29
gch-scilifelabok, thank you very much, I'll ask there09:29
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