
AminosAmigossoprano,  is the home folder encrypted ?01:07
sopranoAminosAmigos: c'est resolut :D01:54
AminosAmigos:) great !01:55
sopranola solution je l'ai trouvé ici , ca vous aide peut etre http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-recover-password-under-ubuntu.html02:49
=== davlefou_ is now known as davlefou
sopranoSalam tous le Monde13:31
sopranoAminosAmigos, voila la solution d'hier pour recuperer le mot de passe http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-recover-password-under-ubuntu.html13:32
AminosAmigosok merci :) soprano13:33
sopranoDe rien :D13:33
ounishey AminosAmigos soprano13:33
sopranoAminosAmigos: tu te debrouille en php !!13:34
ounisAminosAmigos I finally returned to this channel :)13:34
AminosAmigoshey ounis  :D Good for you13:34
elacheche_anissalam soprano13:35
sopranoelacheche_anis, salam :D13:35
AminosAmigoswhat do you mean ? soprano13:35
sopranoAminosAmigos: i mean if you know how to make a script php ( page html + script shell )13:36
AminosAmigosNo :)13:37
sopranoAminosAmigos, great13:38
AminosAmigosi have a ppa problem (can't fetch ) and i can't tell what is that ppa for :/13:39
AminosAmigos http://ppa.launchpad.net/norsetto/... any ideas ?13:39
sopranoIs there is anyone can help me13:40
ounisAminosAmigos it's easy get rid of your Ubuntu OS :D it's too shitty to fix all its problems13:40
AminosAmigoswhat do you use ounis  ?13:41
ounissoprano what is the need?13:41
ounisin general or right now?13:41
ounisIn general I use CentOS13:42
ounisright now I'm too ashamed of the OS I use (it's the companie's PC)13:42
AminosAmigosLoL i know that feel bro13:42
sopranoounis: how to make a script php ( page html + script shell )13:43
ounisplease be more specific soprano13:43
ounisyou mean when you open the web page the php script launches a shell script on the server?13:44
Tux-Tnhello guys13:44
sopranotake a look here http://pastebin.com/P5FZsJQS13:44
ounishey Tux-Tn13:44
sopranoTux-Tn: hi :D13:44
Tux-Tnounis, time to change the topic :D13:44
ounissoprano your code style is too ugly13:45
ounisi'll try to read it evn if it's causing too much pain to my eyes13:46
sopranoounis: :S i have test it , it works fine , ther is one problem at line 26513:47
ounisI mean the coding style13:47
ounisnot if it works or not13:47
ouniscode beauty is important too13:47
sopranoOK, got it13:48
ounissoprano you got examples of the 3 conf files?13:49
sopranoi have 2 only ; wait a minute13:51
ounisSoprano Soprano_ pay attention to railing spaces @ the end of your lines & spaces in empty lines13:55
ounisindentation is important too13:55
Soprano_ounis: http://pastebin.com/RM4ZW7QP the is an other example13:56
ounisstill missing conf.php13:59
ounistry to give something that works not something missing setup13:59
ounisSoprano_ try to give a short esplanation of the function of each code14:02
Tux-Tnhe doesn't know14:02
ounisSoprano_ try also to add a phpdoc style comment to each function14:02
ounisTux-Tn try to stfu14:02
Tux-Tnounis, u wanna a kick?14:03
ounisyes please14:03
Tux-Tnbut seriously14:04
Tux-TnSoprano_ got the code from somewhere14:04
Tux-Tnand he doesn't know how to code in php14:04
ounisat least a short explanation on what the code is supposed todo14:04
ounisespecially if the code is that bad14:05
ounisit's too hard to read14:05
ounispfff, I mean too*14:05
* ounis in a boring meeting, so trying to occupy himself with anything14:06
ounisSoprano_ you still here?14:07
Soprano_ounis: yep :/14:07
ounisso any answer?14:07
Tux-Tnounis, when u will finish ur meeting?14:08
ounisidk the retards I work with talk too much to say nothing14:08
ounisthey don't respect time plannings14:08
ounisso it may stay for a while14:09
Soprano_ounis: no, but you can take a look here ,
ouniswhat is that?14:09
Soprano_try to put code 11 and Activate14:09
ounisI got no activation code14:10
Soprano_and you will see the message14:10
ounisindeet what is the problem?14:10
Soprano_at line 256 in the first file , there the Reactive Action14:11
Soprano_sorry line 26514:11
ounisyour issue is in function file_user_check()14:15
ounistry to var_dump $act['End']14:15
Soprano_ounis: did you try to put code : 11!!!14:16
ounisthe date is the UNIX origina date14:16
Soprano_try it now and see the message14:17
ounisit means the value of the date is 014:17
ounisnow it says expire14:17
Soprano_what i have understan from file14:18
Soprano_gives expire code14:18
ounischeck line 27014:18
Soprano_i guess ther is the problem14:19
ounisI still maintain that the issue is in  function file_user_check()14:19
ounisor maybe in user.xml14:19
ounisthe structure maybe not good14:19
ounisTux-Tn please change the topic14:20
ounisin here it's not about ubuntu at all14:20
ounisTux-Tn add me as op14:20
Soprano_ounis , try to put code: 1514:21
Soprano_and i will explain you the proxy.act, user.xml, proxy.codes14:22
ounisok it worked14:23
Soprano_in proxy.act14:23
Soprano_makes an history14:23
Soprano_[2012/08/21][18:22:44]   Username = AB1345558964   Password = 503399b4ac487   15=10   Start: 2012/08/21   End: 2012/08/31  IP: *********14:24
Soprano_in user.xml14:24
Soprano_generate a user and password with start date and end date <user name="AB1345558964" password="503399cf350fd" code="15" startDate="21-08-2012" days="10" expire-date="31-08-2012" max-connections="false" admin="false"/>14:24
Soprano_but the reactive action dosen't work :S14:26
Soprano_the problem is here in line 270 i guess  if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] == $GLOBALS['USER_AG'] )14:27
ounisno it isn't14:34
ounisit's in L441 & L 44314:34
ounistry to put mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $month, (int) $day, (int) $year),14:35
ounisSoprano_ does that solve your issue?14:36
Soprano_Ok wait14:36
Soprano_mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $month, (int) $day, (int) $year), sorry , where i put it !!! :S14:37
ounisreplace the old mktime in L441 & L44314:37
Soprano_Ok Got it14:37
ounisI told you it's in that function & you need to var_dump($act['End'])14:38
Soprano_mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $month, (int) $day, (int) $year), !!! must be terminatd by ( ; ) no !!14:38
ounisI don't give you the fish I'm teaching you how to catch it ;)14:39
Soprano_Expire code14:40
Soprano_same problem14:40
Soprano_i'm not pro but i guess is at line 26514:40
Soprano_wait i will explain you14:40
Soprano_try now and put the code 14 and see what message you will got it14:41
ounisounis failed14:43
ounisSoprano_ how can I test it locally?14:44
Soprano_Activation , Reactivation , Wron code and  Expire code , at lines ( 265 --- 280 )14:44
Soprano_do you mean how to test it in your machine !14:45
Soprano_Activation , Reactivation , Wron code and  Expire code , at lines ( 256 --- 280 )14:45
Soprano_ounis, are you there ?14:50
ounisI insist it's in $act['End'] mktime is not working right14:50
ounisgot it14:51
ounisthe problem is in the XML14:51
ounisdon't put "expire-date" it't "endDate"14:51
Soprano_if is it really what you14:53
Soprano_i will not got this in proxy.act14:53
Soprano_[2012/08/21][18:52:22]   Username = AB1345559986   Password = 5033a0a638c6e   14=10   Start: 2012/08/21   End: 2012/08/31  IP: 164.********14:53
Soprano_and this in use.xml <user name="AB1345559986" password="5033a0a638c6e" code="14" startDate="21-08-2012" days="10" expire-date="31-08-2012" max-connections="false" admin="false"/>14:53
Soprano_time it's correcte14:54
ounisin fact you need to put "endDate" after the activaation the code will convert it to "expire-date"14:54
ounisyou may need to put it in a future date let's say in 201314:55
Soprano_after activation the code ( who has been in proxy.codes like this 14=10 ( code 14 for 10 days ) he delete automaticly14:55
Soprano_you mean endate in 2013 !!14:56
ounisfor example14:56
Soprano_put the code 11 :D14:56
ounisI did14:57
ounisit worked!14:57
Soprano_[2012/08/21][18:57:22]   Username = AB1345561022   Password = 5033a1d26f378   11=366   Start: 2012/08/21   End: 2013/08/22  IP: 164.*******14:58
Soprano_<user name="AB1345561022" password="5033a1d26f378" code="11" startDate="21-08-2012" days="366" expire-date="22-08-2013" max-connections="false" admin="false"/>14:58
Soprano_you see it's works fine14:58
ounisbelieve me14:58
ounisyou need to put "endDate" the execution will change it to "expire-date"14:59
Soprano_i don't think so15:00
Soprano_"endate" change "expire-date" in user.xml15:01
ounis"endDate" not "endate"15:01
ounisand yes the execution is changing it15:02
Soprano_and the Activation , Code Expire, Wrong Code , Reactive, all this will be doing withe chek file proxy.act15:02
ounisIDK I still don't understand what your code is doing15:02
ounisI just gave you what is going on & why you see those messages15:03
Soprano_you can test it in your machine !!15:03
Soprano_you will understand15:03
ounisI understood!15:03
Soprano_so with this config file15:04
ounisdon't negotiate too much with me I know what I'm talking about and I get mad quickly when people act as you do15:04
Soprano_i didn't say anything :/ who makes you mad15:06
ounisyour making me repeate the same thing more than 5 times15:09
ounisIf it's not stupidity (BTW I hate stupidity) your trying intentionally to make me mad!15:10
ounisI said I know what I'm talking about15:10
ounisyou just need to try what I told you15:10
ounisno need to ask me about it15:10
ounisif you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying don't ask questions until you get a brain first15:12
DelphiWorldsalut Tux-Tn15:24
ounishey DelphiWorld15:28
DelphiWorldhey ounis15:29
Tux-Tnsalut DelphiWorld17:29
Tux-Tnca va bien?17:29
Tux-Tn3idek mabrouk17:29
DelphiWorldmerci Tux-Tn et a tout le monde:P17:29
DelphiWorldtré long tamp Tux-Tn17:29
Tux-Tnt'es rentré du maroc?17:29
DelphiWorldoui Tux-Tn ;)17:30
DelphiWorldTux-Tn: et samedi a dubai :P17:30
Tux-Tntu fais le tour du monde ? :D17:31
DelphiWorldTux-Tn: LOL17:32
DelphiWorldTux-Tn: http://mum.mikrotik.com/17:33
Tux-Tnt'as de la place dans ta valise?17:35
DelphiWorldTux-Tn: oui, elle est grande ;)17:37

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