[00:00] Im assuming "echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" is not supposed to output a blank line [00:01] Jordan_U: here it is: http://pastebin.com/hAa8azsX [00:01] w4sp: does it mean that anytime I update my 12.04 I'll get the same issues?... so far I have rebooted 5 times and it works === nick is now known as Guest38838 === mrs is now known as mrdigital [00:03] Jordan_U: sorry got disconn [00:03] Jordan_U: did i miss anything? [00:03] hey, I got my desktop set up to use my wide scren tv, but the picture is shifted to the right by about 5 inches. running the latest nvidia drivers. is there anything I can do? === root is now known as Guest95570 [00:06] HACKhalo2: in your tv settings, tell your tv to "just scan" [00:06] ozpy: I don't know but I have to assume that the information is written to the hardware temporarily. I have gone thorugh the doc and can't see any reference to a file where the information is stored and read during boot time. [00:06] just scan [00:06] was wondering if I was to install lubuntu 12.04 I can install most or all the app I use no in ubuntu 12.04 [00:07] l3d: you can install any app you would want.. they all use the same repos [00:07] l3d: thats a main feature of the package manager system. it will pull in any needed dependencies for any app you tell it to install. [00:07] mrdigital, i would use PATH="$PATH:/home/mrs/Scripts/todo/todo.txt_cli-2.9" [00:08] nice thank you [00:08] otak: let me try; thanks btw [00:08] otak: if you made a /home/mrs/bin directory and put a link from the script to a file IN that bin dir.. it would get auto added to the default path [00:09] TV wouldn't let me do just scan, but I finally figured out how to adjust the screen settings [00:09] thank you! [00:10] otak: it stopped the bash variable completely. sorry that did not work. thanks for trying though === Fluffer is now known as log === log is now known as k [00:12] mrdigital: The line t='/home/mrs/Scripts/todo/todo.txt_cli-2.9/todo.sh' is either completely useless or the authors of this todo.txt app have chosen a multiply terrible environment variable. Is the variable really supposed to be the single letter 't'? Where did you get this line from? [00:13] The icons on my desktop are not loading as well as any locations I try to open from the places drop down menu [00:13] Jordan_U: i got it from their official document/faq that is available on their website. It does not have to be "t", i have used it cause they have used the same [00:14] programs such as terminal and firefox load fine [00:15] mrdigital: I can't find a line anything like that on thier website. I think you intended to make an alias, when all you really did was create a variable $t. [00:17] ANyone ever heard of this problem before? [00:17] mrdigital: alias t='/home/mrs/Scripts/todo/todo.txt_cli-2.9/todo.sh' [00:17] Jordan_U: here is the link https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/wiki/Tips-and-Tricks [00:18] mrdigital: You forgot the word "alias". [00:18] Jordan_U: yes you are right [00:18] Hmm.. an alias is radicially differnt then a path. ;) [00:19] Jordan_U: yes i think i deleted alias when i was trying out something else, btw i am stil getting that error msg [00:20] Jordan_U: i think i got it....maybe I have to edit the bash on the normal user cause up till now all that i have done is on root [00:21] Silly one here, I've forgotten how to execute a .sh [00:21] Jordan_U: hence it is giving me an error when the terminal is booting in the normal user acc [00:21] Jordan_U: let me check [00:21] . ./????.sh [00:21] sudo . ./.sh [00:22] Dreadtower: chmod +x foo.sh && ./foo.sh [00:22] Ah! Of ocourse [00:22] Thx :) [00:22] hi all [00:23] Dreadtower: You're welcome. The '.' command is a bash builtin which is equivalent to the "source" builtin command, and executed the contents of the file in the current shell, which is almost certainly not what you want. [00:23] lol [00:23] It did thrash around for 2 minutes :) [00:24] I was about to kill it [00:24] THx for the help and for the fuller explanation :) [00:24] I now understand what . does [00:25] Jordan_U: anyways no luck ...that did not work...i am going to call it a night ....:-( [00:26] Jordan_U: thanks [00:27] mrdigital: You're welcome. I'll bet that the error you're seeing is not a result of either of those lines in the bashrc. [00:27] Jordan_U: but those are the only ones that i have added [00:28] Jordan_U: will have a look at it tomm, thanks again [00:29] I don't understand why I can't shrink an ntfs partition using a livecd. It might have something to do with the exclamation point next to the /dev/sda3 label, but I can't read the whole error message when I right click and try to see the information [00:32] What's the simplest way to run PulseAudio on top of dmix and get as many apps as possible on dmix? (I got stealth-upgraded to Skype 4.0 and it introduces a 10-second lag in playback if you don't have PulseAudio. Apparently it's Ubuntu's fault for forcing PulseAudio on apps in a manner that breaks Skype if you simple uninstall it) [00:32] I can't just use PulseAudio because it likes to suddenly start consuming 100% of one of my CPU cores when I play various games. [00:33] deitarion: I would recommend asking about the 100% CPU utilization in #pulseaudio. [00:34] Jordan_U: They've been announcing "it's fixed now" for far too long. It'll never be "fixed now". [00:36] deitarion: Have you tried asking about the 100% CPU utilization in #pulseaudio yet? [00:37] Jordan_U: If I hadn't been distracted by something IRL, I'd have finished saying that I don't think it's worth it. I'm actually more likely to run Windows Skype in Wine or VirtualBox or use some other VoIP solution than to put up with PulseAudio. (Or switch back to Gentoo where a pulse-free system is a supported option) [00:37] I only switched to Lubuntu because I needed my system reinstalled fast. [00:39] Let's try a different question. Since I KNOW Mumble doesn't depend on the pulseaudio daemon (just the library), can anyone remind me how to pin the "pulseaudio" package at "Not installed, disallow, but treat as installed for the purposes of dependency resolution"? [00:40] What do you all think is the best music manager for ubuntu? I'd like to be able to sync my ipod and have playlist folders (something most linux managers seem not to have) [00:42] !ipod| threex5 [00:42] threex5: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod === ubuntu is now known as Guest61941 === smplman_ is now known as smplman [00:52] hi, is there any mobile internet connection manager available for ubuntu 12.04? === smplman_ is now known as smplman [00:53] i've got hawaeii 3g usb is there any internet manager for this device? [00:53] how do i get this dumb bar on the right side to go away. it sux === Fed45 is now known as Fed44 [00:53] errr left side [00:54] !notunity | enix [00:54] enix: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [00:56] ubottu: i know your a bot but i have to download a bunch a stuff just to get an application bar to autohide? lame. windows atleat has taskbar hiding down. [00:56] enix: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [00:56] ubottu i know your a bot but i have to download a bunch a stuff just to get an application bar to autohide? lame. windows atleat has taskbar hiding down. [00:56] enix: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [00:56] enix, stop that [00:57] bazhang: the only one here with any *help* is a bot? lamesouce [00:58] enix, this is NOT the complaints channel. [00:58] bazhang: isnt anytime someone needs help a complaint? [00:59] bazhang: lemme try this....will someone help me autohide the weak taskbar? [00:59] enix use myUnity, it's in the software center [01:00] MonkeyDust: thanks for your input, i will look into that. [01:04] exit === Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st [01:07] what taskbar? [01:08] I like ubuntu 10.04 and I want to keep it at 10.04 [01:09] I don't know how I can without support for repositories 'n' stuff [01:09] 10.04 still has support for some time... [01:09] I know [01:09] but it will go out soon [01:09] manpower is the ultimate limiting factor in anything.. [01:10] is there perhaps some way of accessing some other repository or some way I can still get support for ubuntu even though it will have been run out? [01:10] depends on your definition of 'support' [01:10] Security updates and so forth will not get ported back into the older versions.. thats the main issue. [01:10] I want to have security and I want to have access to software center 'n' stuff [01:11] or have software center work and be able to find packages [01:11] if Security is a primary concern then you will want to upgrade. [01:11] : \ [01:11] Once somthing goes out of 'support' the repos dont just vanish.. but they do eventiually get moved to an archive server [01:11] hmmmm [01:12] if you are on a home pc and run n0o services.. then i doubt if you will be under much risk.. but you wont be getting newer versions of many apps you may want. [01:12] so I could still have some support in a sense [01:12] depends on your definition of 'support' [01:12] maybe I will just upgrade then [01:12] 'support' = security updates ;) is the main 'part' of supports definition i would say. [01:13] no third party group of people who offer support for older OS? [01:13] Dr_Willis: including the smiley? [01:13] hi, I have a HP Pavalion and it has a headphone jack in the front. How can I test them? [01:14] Led_Zeppelin: what do you mean by test? plug headphones and play some music? [01:14] Would it take longer to update ubuntu from 10 as apposed to from 11 [01:15] i7c, heh, let me try that. where can I get xmms? [01:15] coldpizza72i: Yes it would. You would have to increment...but just install 12.04 [01:15] coldpizza72i: you normally go from whatever version you got -- release by relase untill you get to a LTS version. then you can go LTS to Lts... [01:15] Led_Zeppelin: sudo apt-get install xmms2 [01:15] I have a 12.04 dvd === |_ocke2 is now known as |_ocke [01:15] i7c, done that. how do I statit up? [01:16] and all my important data is saved on a different disk [01:16] upgrading won't be too much of a problem [01:16] when in doubt.. have backups at other locations also. ;) [01:16] Led_Zeppelin: does xmms have a GUI? then with launcher (alt+f2) [01:16] Led_Zeppelin: type xxms2 and it should start by hitting return [01:17] no, nothing comes up! [01:17] xmms* [01:17] i did [01:17] xmms2 does not use a gui.. it has clients that access it. [01:17] MissionControl: FYI debian's current stable version, squeeze, is supported for more then 1 year as of today. Lucid was based on squeeze when it was "testing". [01:17] those give the gui, u recall [01:17] xmms2 xmms2d xmms2-launcher [01:17] none of them work [01:17] Led_Zeppelin: so then you need to install a client for xmms [01:17] !info xmms2 [01:17] xmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8+dfsg-2 (precise), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB [01:17] why use xmms2 when theres other media players in the repos ;) [01:17] oh man, xmms2 got this complicated! [01:18] Dr_Willis, what should I use? [01:18] !xmms [01:18] xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead. [01:18] !media [01:18] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [01:18] Led_Zeppelin: http://xmms2.org/wiki/Clients or there are also easier players [01:18] so maybe I can base off of the Debian Repository instead [01:18] well I'll figure it out [01:18] thanks for the info [01:18] MissionControl: you dont add debian repos into a ubuntu system. [01:19] MissionControl: DON'T mix distros! that's insane. [01:19] it is [01:19] but as a last resort I think I will try it just to see what happens [01:19] one way to get to do a clean install.. ;) === Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st [01:20] how can i downgrade the grub version for other older? [01:20] what other version? [01:20] an older grub2 version? or back to grub1? or back to LILO. ;) [01:24] ok, my audio works from the back, but it seems I have a connection in the front also. [01:24] how can I make sure that works? I plugged in my headphones abut can see to figure it out [01:25] MonkeyDust: tried thay MyUnity....apparently i was running a '2D' window manager, no worky with your app.. Log out, check, sure enough im on Ubuntu 2D, swith over to regular Ubuntu. took forever but i have a desktop w/ no bar on top or left side and an error that compiz(i think) crashed. altctrlf2 to get a cli and here i am [01:27] Led_Zeppelin: theres some sound test app that plays sounds to the front left, front right, front center and so forth... [01:27] but i forget the name/command. [01:27] Dr_Willis, right. so, first how can I check what should I have? === scottas is now known as zz_scottas [01:28] like, how can I see my sound card options? [01:28] Hello [01:28] http://askubuntu.com/questions/162160/how-do-you-test-multiple-speakers-in-ubuntu-distributions [01:28] not sure what options you mean Led_Zeppelin .. [01:28] help [01:28] !ask [01:28] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [01:29] what hapen [01:29] HELP PLEASE: So I got Ubuntu running perfectly, all the little hardware and software tweaks I need. How do I save an image state? (I know using dd if=/dev/sda1 of=image.iso but that means that my HDD partitioning has to be EXACTLY matching if I ever want to restore?) ... What's a really safe and easy way to make a recovery image or something of the like? THANKS [01:30] TaJMoX: that will NOT be an 'iso9660' image.. it will be a clone of the first Partition. [01:30] I haven't used Linux in many years, and I know when it breaks, it's hard to fix. So I'd like to make a quick and simple recovery sollution, based on what I've currently got set up. [01:30] !backup [01:30] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [01:30] it is my first day in ubuntu, i have a built-in graphic card but it says it is unknown mother board m2a-vm asus [01:30] TaJMoX: when it breaks - i normally find it not hard to fix. [01:31] Dr_Willis so I'll save it as a .backupImage or something ... and to restore, just boot from Live CD and do 'dd if=BackupImage of=/dev/sda1' ?? [01:31] TaJMoX: thats the basics.. clonezilla gives a better solution however. [01:31] Thanks Dr_Willis for the ubottu info, I'll go read. Just wanted personal opinions. [01:31] Thanks! [01:31] I'll check out clonezilla [01:32] if you shrank the partions down to the smallest they could be.. you could image the system to a usb flash drive. ;) [01:33] MonkeyDust: having trouble with the taskbar autohiding, someone recomended tried that MyUnity....apparently i was running a '2D' window manager, no worky with your app.. Log out, check, sure enough im on Ubuntu 2D, swith over to regular Ubuntu. took forever but i have a desktop w/ no bar on top or left side and an error that compiz(i think) crashed. altctrlf2 to get a cli and here i am [01:33] any one can help ?, it is my first day in ubuntu, i have a built-in graphic card but it says it is unknown, mother board m2a-vm asus [01:33] Dr_Willis: haha that message to monkey was for you....(damn fat fingers) [01:34] enix: i dont even remember the problem.. [01:34] Dr_Willis ? [01:34] Im using 12.10 beta testing right now. so no idea on unity2d. Its gone in 12.10 ;) [01:35] !ati [01:35] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [01:35] Dr_Willis: i was trying to bring you up to speed. all i want is the taskbar to autohide... now compiz has crashed [01:35] hi [01:35] enix: i alwyas set it to never hide when auto-hideing was the default. :) and shrink it down. [01:35] thanks ubottu === vjn_ is now known as vjn [01:38] Dr_Willis: im on 12.04, when i looked how to hide it didnt work [01:38] night all [01:38] Dr_Willis: see ya === ubuntu is now known as Guest30009 [01:39] /nick asdfg === ubuntu__ is now known as Guest71328 === Guest71328 is now known as z0mgwtfbbq [01:45] i have issues with my window managers, anyone wanna toss their hat in the ring === christian is now known as Guest7989 [01:48] someone messes with apache [01:48] !ask [01:48] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [01:49] !someone [01:49] A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [01:52] does anyone know how to fix compiz that crashes, i cant do much in gnome [01:53] I accidently (well kinda intentionally) overwritten my harddrive through quick format. how can I retrieve files if that space wasnt overwritten? [01:53] I don't understand why I can't shrink an ntfs partition using a livecd. I ran defrag and the Vista computer is not running Norton. Any other likely culprits? [01:54] I actually reinstalled ubuntu as a fresh install but only backeduped the 'savestate' of a vital virtual machine [01:56] Darkenvy: i know of something that can recover lost files, look into photorec, it recovers alot [01:56] Darkenvy: Use testdisk. [01:57] Darkenvy: You can most likely restore your old partition. [01:57] well thats good to know [02:00] ev_: I suggest you log into your system as a different user and see if it gives the same error. Then you know if its your setting or soemthing deeper rooted. [02:00] testdisk is only finding the current partition. I overwritten the current partition for the same partition. [02:01] W4sp: i will try that, have to do a reboot, brb [02:01] so im not recovering a file from a non-existent partition but one that is currently as it was but with the actual link to the file removed essentially [02:02] craigbass1976: The best option is to perform those tasks from within Windows. What version do you have? If that's Vista as well I can't tell but '7' has the option to modify NTFS partitions. I do not recommend to perform those tasks from LiveCD. [02:03] W4sp, It's Vista. I can resize a partition from within windows? [02:04] Hi! Can someone help me with a login problem? When I (well, it's a friend) login into the main account, a black screen appears and some white letters appear as well, then it automatically logs out. [02:04] My httpd not hundreds of hides the door applies. example: www.dominio.com.br then converts it to the user www.dominio.com.br:8090 what I do to solve [02:04] Elesa, what if you hit Ctrl + Alt + F1 ? Will that also get you to a login? Can you log in? [02:06] Darkenvy: I suggest you run dd and save the HDD or partition to safe place. [02:06] Yup. [02:07] craigbass1976: I know that 7 can, not sure about Vista (##windows may know more). [02:07] We did sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [02:08] W4sp: same problem [02:08] And well, it didn't work. [02:08] I told her to install GNOME Panel, maybe it's a issue with Unity and Nvidia + Bumblebee, but I'm not sure at all. It was working fine earlier. [02:11] W4sp: i was running 'Ubuntu 2D' but it crashes when i use regular 'ubuntu' [02:12] morpheu: Not sure what you require as I don't understand. [02:12] !br | morpheu [02:12] morpheu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [02:13] hi guys. does anyone know how to change color depth to 24/32 bits? [02:14] Help please? [02:16] ev_: Did you install any packages prior the crashes? Were updates applied? You can see that in /var/log/dpkg ir you are unsure. You may need to clean up the installation. [02:18] W4sp: i installed myUnity based on anothers recomendation to get the taskbar to autohide. i can remove myUnity... === sandyd_ is now known as sandyd [02:19] Help please.. [02:22] hey, I broke my ubuntu, is this a support channel? [02:22] please say yes [02:22] chrootedidiot: tell me [02:22] W4sp: i can just go back to the 2d working WM, just have to deal with a taskbar that wont hide...something windoze seemed to have figured oout [02:23] yes [02:23] there is also #ubuntuforums as well as the Ubuntu forums themselves [02:23] ksinkar_: I broke everything. tried to use the rc shell, now my terminals wont open [02:23] can you access Ubuntu Software Centre? [02:23] instead of chsh like a normal person I edited /etc/passwd [02:23] Transhumanist: is there any real difference between the two, for future ref...? [02:24] oh yeah, and Im using ubuntu minimal [02:24] ev_: #ubuntuforums is the IRc chan for the forums. It has different people and a more laidback atmosphere than this channel, and sometimes I've had success getting support there, other times here [02:24] so you can't access apt-get in any way? [02:25] nope [02:25] where the hell is rc installed to? [02:25] I figured itd be in /bin/ with all the other shells [02:25] ev_: My Unity shouldn't be the issue, perhaps it installed some dependencies. If you refer to the task bar, do you mean the status bar at the bottom of the screen or is it the auto hide from Launcher that doesn't show up? [02:26] anyway, I can still log onto my computer and all that since I didnt edit any of the entries that were just bin/sh so I only edited root and my user account b/c they used bin/bash [02:26] chrootedidiot: So change it back. [02:26] Transhumanist: thanks for the info, i can usually use all the resources i can get [02:26] rypervenche: I cant [02:26] Why not? [02:26] how do I change my shell back if I cant access a terminal? [02:26] Boot into recovery mode. [02:26] a.k.a. single user mode. === k is now known as Logan_ [02:26] rypervenche: its not going to work [02:27] Or use a live cd. [02:27] W4sp: right now i have no bars, in 2d it is the bar on the left that is stuck and interferes with things like web browsing [02:27] my user and root shells dont exist [02:27] just a swing in the dark: can you try ctrl+alt+t [02:27] Transhumanist: no [02:27] its alt+shift+return since Im on dwm anyway [02:27] chrootedidiot: lol, yes they do. You decide that when you boot into single user mode. Just have it drop you into a shell. [02:28] rypervenche: alright, so then I just have to fix everything [02:28] brb [02:28] live CD sounds like a good idea too [02:28] are Precise's repos still frozen for updates/SRUs? [02:30] chrootedidiot: http://www.noah.org/wiki/Single_User_Mode [02:30] How can I fix my Libre Office? It broke after an update early today. [02:31] it says version 3.6, after I rebooted my PC it will no longer launch [02:33] Is there any way to get my /var/log/dmesg to persist thru reboot? [02:34] and (potentially) forceful shutdowns [02:34] Help.. [02:34] elesa ask the question, not to ask to ask [02:34] Can someone help me with a login problem? When I (well, it's a friend) login into the main account, a black screen appears and some white letters appear as well, then it automatically logs out. [02:35] Elesa, small or big? [02:35] spartan: I'm an Ubuntu noob myself, so I'm not 100% familiar with the package management system, but would uninstalling then reinstalling help? Not sure if preferences would be preserved. [02:35] who can tell me the name of the package that I need to install in order to be able to use the "startup applications" app that is available in gnome preferences? [02:35] Small or big what? letters? [02:35] Yeah [02:36] BRB. [02:36] Do you know what a terminal screen looks like Elesa? [02:36] SuperNoeMan: it is in gnome-session-bin [02:36] Yeah. [02:36] so it's not a terminal screen? [02:36] We did sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in Ctrl + Alt + F1 [02:36] Elesa did you reboot? [02:36] Uhm, I'm not sure, my friend needs help but she doesn't know how to speak english. [02:36] do the letters have any mewaning or are they garble? [02:37] Yeah, she tried logging on and she couldn't. She also got some message at boot talking about some /dev/mapper/cry and if she wanted to fix it right now or fix it manually. [02:37] We aren't sure, they appear too fast. [02:38] Elesa what language does your friend speak? [02:38] Spanish. [02:38] Elesa refer them to the #ubuntu-es channel [02:38] But she's a newbie, so I'm trying to help her. xD [02:38] Okay. Thanks guys! [02:38] It sounds like an xorg problem to me. [02:38] Any idea though? [02:39] She can log in the Guest account. [02:39] That's where she's talking to me right now. [02:39] so her .xincgc or .xauthority [02:39] er [02:39] not .xincgc... .xinitrc [02:39] how do I add startup applications to lubuntu? or lxde? and I don't want to use the stupid "add this file here", I want what gnome-sesion-bin offers... [02:39] I see. D: [02:40] It's an almost fresh install. We installed.. Two days ago? In a external USB hard drive, but I doubt that has anything to do with her issue. [02:40] SuperNoeMan, Try adding it to the ~/.config/openbox/autostart file [02:40] For extra info, she has the Nvidia drivers and Bumblebee because her laptop has 2 graphics cards. [02:40] with an &, always with an & [02:41] Rallias: no, that's not what I want. [02:41] how do i give a folder full read/write permissions? [02:41] Rallias: I found that I could run gnome-session-properties [02:41] Jeremy3D, chmod 0777 folder_name [02:41] and it allows me to add startup applications [02:41] I only just solved it [02:41] (i'm running wine to open some dll's thru lmms and having trouble loading the plugins_ [02:41] but thanks [02:42] Umm.. Rallias, what do you suggest? [02:42] I'd rather get help here. Seems much faster. [02:43] Elesa go to ctrl-alt-f1 and use scrot [02:43] and send her a pic, ask if that's what it looked like [02:44] Oh, yeah, we already did that. We tried reconfiguring lightdm, we upgraded the outdated packages.. [02:44] Does she have an external storage appliance? [02:44] We even installed gnome-panel (it's Ubuntu 12.04) to check if it was an issue with Unity. [02:45] Well.. She has a Live DVD? Her Ubuntu is installed in a USB Hard Drive because her Windows is dead but she can't format it right now. [02:45] And a MP4 player too. [02:45] I'd suggest doing a backup and reinstall [02:45] i think the chmod0777 worked but didnt seem to fix the problem [02:45] unless you can find an alternate solution [02:46] Ugh.. Does it really have to be that way? And I wonder what caused this? [02:46] How can a fresh install get broken so.. easily? [02:47] Can I share /home between two Xubuntu installations? [02:47] Elesa, There's probably another solution, I don't know it. [02:47] I see.. [02:47] Well, thank you! [02:50] n2diy, yes [02:54] wilee-nilee, ok, I guess I have to tell the install is on the /home partition of the first install? [02:55] does anyone know the best way to get music onto my iphone? [02:55] n2diy, I'm not sure to be honest I never use separate homes or shared homes, I just know it is not a big deal. [02:56] rhett: You can use gtkPod. Or Rhytmbox. Or Banshee. [02:56] i've mounted a partition but besides cd'ing to /mnt/sdb2 I can't 'see' it anywhere, for example in the file browser. I do see other partitions there though [02:56] Elesa, I just tried banshee, and it took forever, and wiped my phone's music, and put nothing on it [02:57] wilee-nilee, ok, I'm starting the install now, so I'll ask again when I get there. [02:57] rhett: Ugh.. Banshee did that to me once. But gtkPod worked flawlessly for me. [02:57] Nautilus: doesn't the file browser show you /mnt/sdb2? What about after pressing "reload"? [02:58] jrib no, can't see it. just tried refresh [02:58] Nautilus: what does it show in /mnt? [02:58] if i want to start with web development where shoudl i start? [02:58] jrib: sda1 and my new sdb2 [02:59] Nautilus: so now you /can/ see it? [02:59] i did an ls in the CLI [02:59] Nautilus: what does nautilus show in /mnt? [02:59] ahhhyea it shows them both in /mnt. I didnt even know where to look ;) [03:00] jrib: I was expecting to see it under "Places" in the file manager [03:02] How do I get that BackTrack or whatever to stop my flash from suckin? [03:03] CellTech: you're using backtrack linux? [03:03] No... Is it a distro? [03:03] CellTech: what "BackTrack" are you referring to in your question? [03:04] I came in the other day asking if other peoples flash is crashing, and having issues. and someone told me to install backtrack, or something to that [03:04] CellTech: backtrack is the name of a distro based on ubuntu... === mike is now known as Guest6285 [03:04] what should i use to write html [03:05] Oh ok... So how then can I fix my flash from crashing and skipping [03:05] rexis: I use gedit but your questions are larger [03:05] Rallias, are you still there? D: [03:05] yeah [03:05] Nautilus: ty [03:06] Err.. Her home folder.. doesn't exist anymore. ._. [03:07] when does support for 10.04 end? [03:07] Elesa cp /etc/skel /home/username -R [03:07] n2diy 18 months for desktop, 2 years after that for servers. [03:08] !lts | Rallias, n2diy [03:08] Rallias, n2diy: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) [03:08] Will that restore her home folder? [03:08] Elesa not the documents in it. [03:08] n2diy: (10.04 is LTS) [03:08] ...How did that happen? Thanks. [03:08] jrib sorry, my math was off. [03:09] Why was her home folder deleted? AND her contents? [03:09] n2diy, for desktop, support expires april 2013 [03:09] jrib, yes I know, thanks. [03:09] Elesa I have no clue. [03:09] for servers, april 2015 [03:09] Here's my question... [03:10] whoa. put a file in a folder on sda1 and it shows up on sdb2? Something is crossed up [03:10] I've got a desktoppy build installed from a server disk... does that survive 3 years or 5? [03:10] Hey, how do I get the classic ubuntu desktop or the old Netbook desktop environment? [03:10] this the right spot for help with getting a usb wifi adapter working under the arm7 kernel for a beaglebone? [03:10] jpastore, its ubuntu, right? [03:11] rallias yep [03:11] then yes. [03:11] Hey, how do I get the classic ubuntu desktop or the old Netbook desktop environment? [03:11] Could Somebody please help me to atleast just get Gnome back on ubuntu..? [03:11] I really want gnome back. === ryan_ is now known as Ryan_Burchett [03:13] Could Somebody please help me to atleast just get Gnome back on ubuntu?? [03:13] How do I get Gnome? D: What is the terminal Command? Sudo apt-get "???????????" [03:14] Ryan_Burchett, 10.04 ? [03:14] 12.04 [03:14] No [03:14] I'm saying try 10.04 [03:14] I'm not sure there is gnome-classic in 12.04 [03:14] Ryan_Burchett: ubuntu already uses gnome, are you refering to gnome shell¿ [03:15] No, Ubuntu 12.04 uses Unity. (Ubuntu Environment) I am trying to get the Classic Ubuntu Gnome Environment. [03:15] I've got Gnome/ Openbox but it won't load anything... [03:16] installing from synaptec a package for bluefish says its needed for "architecture independent data" whats that mean? do i need this add on? [03:16] Ryan_Burchett, try apt-cache search gnome classic [03:16] sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback [03:16] God it XD [03:16] no [03:16] Got [03:16] that's a gnome-3 session. [03:16] sorry nevermind it was automarked with bluefish [03:16] Bluefish? Xd [03:17] web design app [03:17] Oh okay XD [03:19] I used apt-cache search gnome classic to find the environment, there was nothing at all XDD [03:19] Thanks though! [03:21] Uhm.. [03:21] Err.. [03:21] Does anybody know what language Terminal is in? [03:21] sudo apt-get install gnome-panel? [03:21] >.> [03:22] that installs a GNOME 2-like environment [03:22] sudo apt-get install gnome-shell [03:26] * flyback bbl gotta MOVE shit to new bedroom [03:26] how do I tell if libevent is installed? [03:27] in ubuntu, when I save the screen resolution settings, what file does that go in? === anuvrat_ is now known as anuvrat [03:29] Any of you guys in here know how to take a package on launchpad and recompile it and submit to your own ppa? [03:30] Thank you, that worked [03:30] https://launchpad.net/~mojocode/+archive/ppa << I'm trying to take the nginx package and install the rtmp module [03:30] blendedbychris: couldn't you download the source and just commit it to your own? [03:30] howardgrigg: apt-cache policy libevent [03:31] cfhowlett, thanks - I'm just having issues getting transmissions watch folder working === dark3n is now known as dark3n|off [03:34] this is so... confusing. I boot as sda1 and have a clonezilla copy in sdb2. I mount sdb2, open the file browser and nav to /mnt/sdb2/home/name/Desktop, and it shows me a newly created file on the Desktop in sda1. Whaaaa? [03:34] Je déco d'ici, désolé tout le monde. Bonne nuit !! [03:35] Nautilus: Having two filesystems with the same UUID can lead to unexpected results. [03:36] !fr|Ptit-Yan [03:36] Ptit-Yan: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [03:36] ohhhhhhhh. how do I fix that [03:36] Jordan_U: complete collapse of space time continuum AND crashed filesystem [03:37] Nautilus: First, please pastebin the output of "cat /proc/mounts && sudo blkid" [03:37] ow, that never occurred to me. Still, what could I do? Basically I'm trying to make and confirm a backup of sda1 before I wipe it [03:37] ok [03:38] Can anybody think of a way to install Ubuntu overtop windows ME? I have tried using a live USB and CD but cannot get the bios to load from them, and I have tried Wubi but it wont start under the OS [03:39] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.ca/2196962 [03:39] Colt: what are your hardware specifications [03:39] Colt: either you did not configure your bios to boot from the cd or you have a bad burn (checksum your cd) [03:40] Colt: was jrib said. bad iso downloads are common so checksum is a must. [03:40] Nautilus: And "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/"? [03:41] It is an old emachine that has Intel celeron, 15gB and 128kb cache, 64mbsyncdram. I am assuming none of that was updated along the way..I have not had a chance to really get into this machine. [03:41] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.ca/2196963 [03:42] Jordan_U: I see that sdb2 doesnt show [03:42] Colt: try a different distro. xubuntu and lubuntu are designed for low spec machines. === are is now known as Guest71437 [03:43] test [03:43] alright thanks [03:43] How can I remote into an Ubuntu pc accross the net, I'm helping a faimly member with duel booting issues [03:43] Colt: fyi, xubuntu (ubuntu on xfce) is arguably the more mature of the 2 and is the platform for ubuntustudio. [03:44] Vert: think ssh, but I've never done. I tried to desktop share via vinagre but it requires that both machines be on the same network?? [03:44] So I have about 15 partitions. How the heck do I prevent unity from making shortcuts to them on the left bar ? [03:44] It gets in the way [03:44] SuperNoeMan: So I figured how how to copy into my private PPA. Any idea how to download those source files maybe and make modifications to resubmit and recompile? https://launchpad.net/~blendedbyus/+archive/master/+packages [03:45] And it looks really stupid [03:45] Vert: I'd suggest something like TeamViewer as an easy solution [03:45] firestarter a good firewall to use? [03:46] TeamViewer(.com) is pretty cool === silvano is now known as silvan === Guest71437 is now known as arree === silvan is now known as Guest70440 [03:47] Nautilus: /dev/sda3 is what is currently mounted as your root filesystem. [03:47] !info myunity [03:47] you can do it with Myunity rawfodog, default is to show mounted, and there is also to show Always and Never [03:47] myunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB === Guest70440 is now known as SILVANO [03:47] Thanks xangua [03:48] Jordan_U: yep, 3rd on the drive, the first two are NTFS partitions. It's mounted as sda1 though. Anyways, the question now is that that partition and my clonezilla copy on sdb2 have the same UUID. [03:50] Nautilus: It is not "mounted as sda1". You need to change the UUID of one of the copies. I would recommend changing the UUID of the copy, and keeping the original the same. [03:51] ok i dont fully understand mounting and yea I'd like to change the UUID of the copy. Unless ya think it's already fubar [03:52] how would I change UUID? [03:52] Nautilus: You can use tune2fs to change the UUID, but unmount it first. After changing the UUID you will need to re-install grub *and* run update-grub and update the /etc/fstab. [03:52] yikes [03:52] Nautilus: I'm typing from my phone, so expect slow responses :) [03:53] why would I need to do those things? sdb2 isnt referenced in grub at all [03:53] Jordan_U: oh, owch! dont worry if it's too much trouble. [03:54] i think my current (10.04) install is GRUB1, it may have been an upgrade from 8.04. Dang, all I want to do is upgrade. so many days [03:55] Nautilus: OK. Please boot from a LiveCD to make things simpler. [03:56] Nautilus: fyi, if you had pre-lucid, and upgraded to lucid it wouldn't automatically update grub1 to grub2... so it's possible you are running grub1 (aka grub-legacy) [03:56] the grub file is something like menu.lst [03:56] Nautilus: menu.lst is grub1 [03:57] i looked at editing grub2, man what a pain [03:57] Nautilus: Now would be a good time to upgrade to grub2 then :) [03:57] Nautilus: very retro ;) [03:57] * zykotick9 has totally forgotten grub-legacy, but remember the "radical" transition to grub2 ;) [03:58] all i wanna do is make a backup, confirm i, and scratch install 12.04 on sda3 [03:58] it* [03:58] and import all my stuff like apache & mysql. [03:58] Nautilus: honest you should forget sdX# and move to UUIDs or Labels [03:58] * zykotick9 thinks labels is WAY easier [03:58] huh. wild [03:59] Nautilus: Can youboot with just the backup drive plugged in? [03:59] i dont think that (second) drive has a boot system [04:00] in Windows Iplug in a drive, look for the new drive letter. type drive letter. [04:00] (assuming it has a valid partition) [04:00] Nautilus: If the backup doesn't need to be bootable then you can just change the UUID and not worry about updating grub or the fstab. [04:01] Jordan_U: it does not need to be bootable, correct [04:01] Hi everyone! [04:02] Can someone help me [04:02] Jordan_U: I see that tune2fs has a -U option... can I just manually randomize the last char of that? [04:02] I am trying trying to create a hardware raid with an Adaptec 1220sa card using ubunt server [04:03] the card says it only supports Suse and Redhat [04:03] Nautilus: Boot a LiveCD, run "sudo tune2fs /dev/sdXY -U random". [04:03] gotcha! [04:04] !ask|BigThetan: [04:04] BigThetan:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [04:05] Jordan_U: perhaps I should reboot to clonezilla PC to redo the backup, then boot to live and change UUID before I even boot normal again [04:06] Nautilus: I don't see any need for that. [04:06] Jordan_U: just wondering if the filesystem got fubared, but after I change UUID I should be able to get a better look [04:06] thanks TONS! [04:07] no wonder stuff was so crossed up [04:08] Nautilus: No, were it btrfs then the duplicate UUIDs might have caused more problems, but as it is I don't see how any FS corruption would have occured. [04:10] Jordan_U: cool :) [04:12] Jordan_U: thanks. you just provided me further reasons, why i want nothing to do with btrfs === dong is now known as Guest24332 [04:15] zykotick9: I don't know that it would have been a problem. The root issue is that a btrfs filesystem can be composed of multiple drives/ partitions so UUIDs are really important in assembling in that case, you have the same sort of problem with an RAID. [04:17] Jordan_U: RAID another server technology i don't perscribe to on desktops. simpilcity and stability. and an os on ssd is blazing fast and simple ;) [04:23] !info qupzilla [04:23] Package qupzilla does not exist in precise [04:23] :( [04:34] i installed the japanese fonts as indicated here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1806438 [04:34] but a touch of こんにちは.t still ends up in ???.t [04:34] how do i fix that? === Garr255_ is now known as Garr255 [04:42] is there a wordpress package? [04:43] お元気ですか [04:50] http://www.c64.name/ [04:50] why does that say forbitten? [04:52] !spam|Garr255 [04:55] question [04:55] i have a question* [04:56] brous_000: Just ask it [04:56] okay, so my wireless button on my computer keeps flashing from blue (connected) to orange (not connected) but i'm still connected to the internet during this [04:56] any clue to why this happens? [04:59] sorry about that [05:01] Any of you familiar with packaging? [05:02] I'm trying to repackage the stable version of https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/stable and add http://arut.github.com/nginx-rtmp-module/ and then submit to launchpad === rohit is now known as Guest27626 [05:04] hello world [05:04] blendedbychris better contact the maintainer, read his name on the launchpad page === usa_today[cloud] is now known as usa_today [05:05] MonkeyDust: in the meantime? [05:05] I could care less about them repackaging with that module [05:11] any help on this error when trying to uninstall java6; "dpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching sun-java6-jre:amd64" but when i try to install java7 from the software center, it says i must uninstall sun-java6-jre [05:17] brous_000: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre". [05:17] brous_000: Are you uninstalling using apt-get or aptitude? Aptitude is broken on 64-bit currently. [05:18] hi all [05:18] i'm trying to uninstall with apt-get [05:18] Jordan_U: should he use the purge as well. [05:18] let me pastebin [05:18] subb1: greetings? [05:18] subb1: greetings! [05:18] brous_000: Hm, alright, please do "sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre" and pastebin the result. [05:19] cfhowlett: I don't know. I wouldn't expect that would be needed, but at the same time it probably wouldn't hurt anything either. [05:19] on ubuntu 11.10, when trying to install from gui packet manager, I'm being asked for 'root' passwd instead of the sudo user's password. please help. [05:19] cfhowlett: greetings to you too :) [05:20] subb1: what's your ubuntu issue today? [05:20] cfhowlett: (s)he asked already. [05:21] theadmin: thx. missed it. is there a way to search the stream in xchat? [05:21] subb1: Try using your user's password, maybe it's just bad wording of the prompt [05:21] subb1: What happens if you run "gksu --sudo-mode whoami" in a terminal? [05:21] cfhowlett: I dunno about xchat. But try "/lastlog QUERY_STRING", that works in irssi at least [05:21] cfhowlett: Or maybe hit Ctrl-F [05:22] Jordan_U, root [05:22] http://pastebin.com/ueDpduby [05:22] subb1: And it asked for your user's password? [05:23] Jordan_U, yes my user's password. [05:23] theadmin: Thank you! last log found it. What a WONDERFUL command! [05:23] !cookie|theadmin [05:23] theadmin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [05:23] cfhowlett, go troll elsewhere, e.g. #debian [05:23] thank you [05:23] subb1: OK. Try just "gksu whoami" and confirm that that asks for your root password. [05:23] (the ops are less nice there) [05:24] brous_000 do as the error msg suggests, type sudo apt-get autoremove [05:24] Calinou: if sarcasm, misplaced. I expressed gratitude for somone who answered my question and reduced my ignorance. What's your beef? [05:24] Jordan_U, that again prompted for paswd. it accepted my user's pasword. and displays as 'root' [05:25] MonkeyDust http://pastebin.com/LdE7Ue1L [05:25] kill apt-get in system moniter? [05:25] subb1, "root" = the "sudo" password ;) [05:25] brous_000 it's with sudo [05:26] MonkeyDust i'm used to sudo bash and i always forget it [05:27] brous_000 you should read error messages, it says 'are you root?' [05:27] MonkeyDust sorta new to this whole Ubuntu thing, so still getting used to it. thanks [05:32] my other question was never answered. my wireless button flashes from blue (connected) to orange (disconnected). but im never disconnected to the internet. any advice on what causes this and how to fix it if possible [05:32] disonnected from* [05:32] how can I allow vnc connections on ubuntu 12.04? [05:34] 'man sftp' shows in the last row "August 21, 2012". Isn't that a bug? [05:35] subb1: Try "pkexec whoami". === RoozbehOnline is now known as Rosha [05:36] Jordan_U, asking for root passwd [05:36] now [05:37] subb1: OK, so something is wrong with PolicyKit. === Hunter is now known as Hunter33 [05:37] Jordan_U, any hint on how to solve? I'm not sure of it. :( [05:40] luftikuss depends on the timezone, i guess [05:40] MonkeyDust: You are mistaken. [05:43] subb1: No, sorry :( [05:44] subb1: What is the output of "groups"? === vjn_ is now known as vjn [05:45] LANG=en_DE.UTF-8 ……..how do add ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8 to the locale file? comma separated? [05:46] anyone here familiar with PXE? [05:46] i keep trying to uninstall java7, but it wants to uninstall java6 [05:46] brous_000: try purging via dpkg [05:49] !anyone | kieppie [05:49] kieppie: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [05:51] Jordan_U: true - based in NZ, so time-difference makes comms a hit & miss prospect [05:51] got an instance of erpxe going in a VM, but trying to debug why I'm unable to get the selection going as per the documented method. should work but I'm missing something [05:52] resting: What »locale« file do you refer to? On my ubuntu computer there are 18 different »locale« files. [05:52] kieppie not to sure what you mean, fairly new to Ubuntu [05:52] luftikuss: wow.../etc/default/locale [05:52] i've also tried remove completely and tried to remove from synaptics [05:52] its so confusing [05:53] anybody use ghostry? [05:53] I believe it is making my browers superrr slow [05:53] uw yes [05:54] uw no such issue here, but you can configure it a bit [05:54] MonkeyDust, hello. have you had to configure anything? [05:54] uw you can choose if you want to block trackers or not [05:54] it really takes like a minute to do a whois lookup through a web brower [05:54] Jordan_U, i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1577781 [05:54] several differnt ones [05:55] Jordan_U, trying to figure out from there now [05:55] MonkeyDust, oh yea ok so ive messed with that. do you think that could be making it slower? [05:55] uw i block them all, but it does not decrease speed here [05:56] uw in both chromium and firefox [05:56] i wanted to reimage my drive and i wanted to preserve my login/password stuff. is there a procedure to to export your login/pw accounts that are preserved so that i can hopefully restore them to a new image? [05:57] MonkeyDust, man it must be something else. Im on ubuntu 10.04, firefox 13.0.1, or chrome 16.0.912.75 [05:57] subb1: What is the output of "groups"? === B0g4r7__ is now known as B0g4r7 [05:58] resting: /etc/default/locale is a simple ASCII text file. You could use a simple text editor and add another locale value in a row, comma-separated. But I do not recommend that. You probably do not know the function of this file. [05:58] uw bi'm sure an upgrade to 12.04 will solve most of your technical issues [05:58] MonkeyDust, however these webbrowsers have always been kinda slow for me. Would you recommend a way to see how long packets get sent, replied to and such? [05:58] maybe just etheral or whatever... [05:58] MonkeyDust, true, i should get on that [05:59] luftikuss: exactly, i'm not changing anything until i'm sure…any idea how to add japanese char for the filenames? [06:01] !locale | resting [06:01] resting: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/ [06:01] how can i completely remove all java versions to start over, if that's possible. minecraft doesn't seem to be working [06:02] Anyone have recommended reading for system hardening? [06:02] brous_000 in software center, select all java for removal [06:02] luftikuss: thanks…will look at that [06:03] sambagirl: What sort of passwords/accounts do you refer to? For the system, or for something like your Firefox profile? [06:03] do i have to restart my computer for the auto-hide feature to take effect? [06:06] i removed java6, and then java7 pops up so i removed it, and now java6 is back on software center. any clue? [06:08] i need to uninstall jre6 [06:08] hi guys [06:08] i need some help [06:08] here [06:09] need to set up a vpn cpnnection from ubuntu to windows 2003 server [06:09] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager#VPN_support & remmina [06:10] where does rsyslog write its default logs too? [06:11] /var/log ? [06:11] not in messages or syslog tho that i am seeing [06:12] unless something is messed up on this install [06:12] i installed syslog-ng and it worked but reinstalled rsylogd and it doesn't [06:13] installing syslog-ng removes ubuntu-minimal [06:13] oh well.. i'll roll with what worked [06:14] Hi [06:15] http://pastebin.com/2a3W8PMi ......... is there no end? java won't leave my system so i can properly re-install [06:15] when i am in office, my laptop is always connected to power source, will that degrade the battery performance> [06:15] kaushal: yes [06:16] trijntje: ok [06:16] trijntje: so any right method? [06:19] kaushal: I usually remove the battery when connected to a power source, and recharge it when its between 10 and 20% capacity [06:20] http://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries [06:20] Kaushal: You could also get yourself a second battery to place in the laptop when you know you will be charging for long periods. That way you don't degrade your good battery [06:25] YES [06:28] how can i fix broken packages (i.e. java 6) [06:29] brous_000: Most of the time, "sudo apt-get -f install" does the trick. [06:29] zzz [06:30] what trick [06:30] gogeta: Fixing broken packages. [06:30] How can one upgrade a single package with apt? [06:30] theadmin "dpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching sun-java6-jre:amd64" i'm tired of getting this message. how do i fix this?! [06:31] Elesa: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install packagename [06:31] Thanks, theadmin! [06:32] brous_000: Sorry, I'm not sure, does "sudo apt-get -f install" not help? [06:33] !info sun-java6-jre [06:33] Package sun-java6-jre does not exist in precise [06:33] theadmin http://pastebin.com/DU5iyGjW [06:33] brous_000: what ubuntu version are you using? [06:33] Stanley00 12.04 [06:34] brous_000: Hm. Let's go to extremes: sudo dpkg -P sun-java6-jre [06:34] and it does indeed exist because when im in software center trying to download jdk 6, it says i must remove sun-java6-jre to install [06:34] !find java6 [06:34] Found: default-jdk, default-jre, default-jre-headless, openjdk-6-jdk, openjdk-6-jre [06:35] brous_000 the problem is the difference between sun jdk and open jdk [06:35] hi, I am still on10.04 lts and got an upgrade for postgresql-8.4 but it won't apply. tried to remove and reinstall but that also failed. log at http://pastebin.com/9FE3qh2c [06:35] how can I force an uninstall of a package ? [06:35] theadmin: java version "1.6.0_24"OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.3) (6b24-1.11.3-1ubuntu0.12.04.1)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)" [06:35] theadmin: that was from "java -version" [06:36] brous_000: Umm... Hm, well, that isn't Sun Java, that's "openjdk-6-jre" [06:36] all i'm trying to do is uninstall openjdk java7 jre, and properly install openjdk java6 jre [06:38] theadmin: nevermind the dpkg purge worked and jdk6 is running well. and i've asked a question twice but no response at all. can someone help [06:38] homoo [06:39] brous_000: Nobody knows => nobody helps, not sure about your blinking light :( [06:40] theadmin: *sigh* okay... well if anyone ever comes across an answer, or anything let me know. this is really bothering me [06:40] brous_000: Well, try posting to the Ubuntu Forums or askubuntu.com === jessekivimaki is now known as alpovalimaa [06:40] oh, and also i've disabled the auto-hide feature. but it's still active [06:40] must i restart? [06:42] theadmin: i have already tried that...... http://askubuntu.com/questions/178041/wireless-connectivity-on-ubuntu-12-04 [06:42] so my do-release-upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 crashed during the dpkg --configure -a stage, and I had to forcibly reboot the system (the error was something about a read-only filesystem). I finished dpkg --configure -a as instructed.. but what else do I need to do ? [06:42] aarcane: Probably nothing (if it all works) [06:42] aarcane: configuring packages is like the last step in the install if I recall right [06:43] Jordan_U: no clue from there... :( [06:49] I mistakenly set my language settings for US English instead of UK English, how do I change it? [06:50] *- [06:50] hai gaize [06:50] !locale | no-n [06:50] no-n: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/ [06:51] thanks [06:51] its gettin late [06:51] omg 1500 users [06:51] ^^^ [06:52] * pilotbub puts on the radio [06:52] oh, that's a nice tune [06:53] I like the sound of the trumpet [06:53] hi guys [06:53] !ot [06:53] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [06:53] !ot | pilotbub please stop your random noise here [06:53] pilotbub please stop your random noise here: please see above [06:53] oh, that's odd... says my local is nz english yet xchat is giving me the american spellings of things :| [06:53] hihi what can we do for you guys [06:53] I just managed to get my PXE going - what do I add to the boot string to enter expert install mode? [06:55] how do i properly connect my laptop to a television screen via hdmi cable? [06:55] you'll need a vga cable and television [06:55] brous_000: Plug it in, go to monitor settings, choose the monitor you want (the tv) [06:56] theadmin: i did, but the only thing that switches to my tv is the launcher [06:56] brous_000: Oh, that's... very odd [06:57] theadmin: i agree.. that's why i asked. because usually i can plug it in, select the tv and everything switches over [06:58] theadmin: nevermind, i had to click the "use laptop" slider to off :P [06:58] brous_000: oh lol [06:58] theadmin: but,...... my launcher is cut off [06:58] brous_000: >.< [06:59] brous_000: Sorry, I dunno [06:59] theadmin: and my tv is zoomed all the way out [07:01] theadmin: aww... i had to use 1024x768 instead of 1920x1080 >.> === mimor is now known as mimor_ [07:06] brous_000: Ouch, that just sucks [07:06] theadmin and 4:3 so i have like 5 inch black bars on either side of my tv === thomas is now known as miggle [07:07] micahg: You happen to be about? === enchilad1 is now known as enchilado === AntORG_ is now known as AntORG === miggle is now known as thomas [07:09] sounds hot [07:12] Any chance anyone could help with an ubuntu problem? i'm a new user, just installed lts, and 90% of the time it freezes / mouse buttons dont work [07:12] keyboard seems to work fine... just mouse bogs out [07:13] Hi! How can i make my server accesible [07:13] any one using ubuntu 12 lts? [07:13] via hostname in local network [07:14] Vex__, unplug it then replug it [07:14] Vex: I just use Leopard [07:14] mc_plectrum, how? using ssh? [07:14] the hostname is only resolved using ssh and accessing the ip on port 80 just works fine [07:15] i tried unplug / replug, it's like the buttons just disappear, are there any known hardware issues / conflicts with 12.04 lts? [07:15] Calinou: thought i need avahi-deamon to get it to work… but it had not changed anything [07:15] what is the difference between the gconf editor and the dconf editor? is the latter just specific to Ubuntu and Unity? [07:16] Vex__, the buttons disappear? is it a wired mouse or wireless? [07:16] wireless tends to work less well with linux most of the time (from my experience); use a wired mouse [07:17] !details > Vex__ [07:17] Vex__, please see my private message [07:17] everything is wires... i'll post my sys specs... [07:17] Hi I'm using a standard terminal (in Ubuntu) and my default shell is bash. Is it possible to write a script that opens multiple tabs and executes certain commands in each tab? Thanks. [07:18] Calinou: I just want my rails app to be accesibl [07:18] i have "when lid is closed do nothing" so when i close my lid, it sleeps... im trying to close it because i have my laptop hooked ip to my tv and i was going to close it to store easier but i obviously cant [07:18] Calinou: via hostname [07:18] quad and 64 3.1ghz cpu, Asus crosshair formula II mobo, 8 gig ddr3 1333mhz ram, Cyborg Rat 3 mouse, standard keyboard, nvidia 9600 [07:19] greek: i use screen for that [07:19] ok ubottu, i have previously installed 12.04 lts, my system specs are above, sometime the pc just sort of freezes, the win key and alt keys do bring up the shortcut menu's, but i cant click with left or right mouse button an anything [07:19] Hello [07:20] greek better ask in #bash [07:20] ok thanks [07:20] i tried almost everything but nothing workds [07:21] works* [07:21] I changed some configs in libreoffice ( Interfaces , Language settings , .. .e.g) . How can save this configurations for all users ? [07:23] mah454: Copy over .config/libreoffice to all user's home directories and to /etc/skel (for new users) [07:25] still possible to get a 64bit, ubuntu 10 / 11? [07:25] theadmin: thatll cause errors because some personal pathes are stored there too [07:25] llutz_: Oh, my bad. [07:26] mah454, save it in templates then set that save as default in templates. [07:26] Vex__: Sure, see http://releases.ubuntu.com for all currently supported releases. [07:27] Vex__: Try the alternate install. That solved my problem that sounds similar to yours. [07:27] thanks theadmin, do u know of any freezing issues with 12.04 lts? i'm goosed [07:27] the default in in organize in templates mah454 [07:27] Vex__: Sorry, no [07:28] alternate install? i tried installing from cd..... took 4 hours and nothin... i just did the windows installer exe, that installed fine... just mouse decides to say no lol [07:28] ok theadmin thanks.... i'll grab an earlier version and see how i get on..... [07:30] well, the good thing about my wireless button is that it turns a neat purple color when the frequency of the flashing increases >.< [07:36] hey [07:36] I'm still searching for a good graphics card for fast dual-head unity3d with open source drivers. [07:37] any experiences with the ati radeon hd 6450? does dual-head work good with the open source radeon driver? [07:39] hi, I just installed an ubuntu system from an USB drive (desktop image), when booting grub install failed (the installer tried to install grub onto the usb device itself) [07:40] now I'm into the installed system (rebooted with the usb key and mounted the HDD image), how can I execute the simplest grub installation? [07:40] I tried update-grub and hoped to do a grub-install /dev/sda [07:40] but I got a /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). === iphone is now known as Guest80542 [07:41] is there a tool that handles simple case automatically in 12.04? [07:41] !grub | anddam [07:41] anddam: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [07:42] anddam, your booted into the install you want to have grub control correct? [07:42] or not [07:44] wilee-nilee: I booted into the installed system, not into the install image [07:45] anddam, syntax is strange here the usb is not a install but ISO loaded for install, and that is where your at right? [07:45] ISO Loaded usb [07:47] I'm not sure what "ISO loaded usb" mean, to explain it better: I downloaded the desktop install iso, dumped it onto an USB mass storage disk, booted this USB disk, installed onto HDD [07:47] In other words you are in the booted usb and want grub in the HD's mbr right? [07:48] grub wasn't installed correctly so at reboot with USB unplugged I got nothing, I plugged the USB key again, halted at bootloader prompt and passed root=/dev/sda1 to the boot image [07:49] but now that I wrote that I realize that I'm possibly into a live system [07:49] from USB [07:50] ah I see the point [07:51] this computer BIOS switched device when I picked the USB disk from disk device, /dev/sda is the USB disk and /dev/sdb is the actual internal HDD [07:51] so grub was correctly trying to install /dev/sdb [07:51] wilee-nilee: ok, so I'm into the live system and I'd like to have control on grub setup, is there a quick tool to do that? [07:52] when i run sudo cat /dev/null > /var/spool/mail/root, it says permission denied. I have recently authenticated to root, so im not sure what the issue is [07:52] is there another method for emptying the root mailbox? [07:52] anddam, If you are on the live cd in the usb you need to chroot to the install on the HD and here is a link that defaults to that. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#ChRoot YOU could also just download supergrub to boot into the actual install not the usb and run the grub-install /dev/sdX X is probably "a" no partitions http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/ [07:52] wilee-nilee: ok, I'm familiar with *NIX, just not with ubuntu [07:52] I'll do the classic chroot [07:52] MACscr: you cannot use sudo and redirection, use tee [07:53] MACscr: sudo bash -c 'cat /dev/null >/var/spool/mail/root' [07:53] anddam, yeah if you get chrooted in just run sudo grub-install /dev/sda if sda is the HD, the sudo update-grub then close the chroot [07:54] then* [07:54] anddam, oops no sudo in a chroot my bad. [07:55] MACscr: and btw "cat /dev/null" makes no sense, just use sudo bash -c ' >/var/spool/mail/root' [07:56] anddam: thanks. Worked perfectly [07:58] llutz_: yes actually I thought it made little sense too, but the question was about how to perform redirection when sudo'ing [07:58] now to figure out what is going on with my drobo connected to my ubuntu server. When large files are being uncompressed, the system appears to start having issues. Cant even kill the unrar process and even using the reboot command seems to hang [08:00] rebooting [08:00] just started happening [08:00] MACscr: check memory usage [08:01] llutz_: yeah, mem usage does seem high at those times as well. Not sure how to solve the issue though. Has 4gb of ram and typically uses very little [08:02] id throw more ram at it since its cheap these days, but thats for ddr3 and this is an older ddr2 system [08:02] free RAM is wasted RAM [08:04] how do you take of su command [08:04] off* [08:05] rexis: what do you mean? [08:06] auronandace: i type 'su' to get root, now how do i go back to non root in same terminal [08:06] rexis: exit [08:06] one problem with resource usage when it comes to the connected drobo is that its an ntfs fs. Something im going to move away from as soon as i get the new disks at the end of the week [08:06] auronandace: ty [08:07] going to take the drobo out of the scenario and just throw the 4 x 2tb drives in the tower case [08:08] rexis: why did you enable root-account if you dont even know some basics? [08:08] llutz_: just because i dont know one command dosn't mean i dont know other things [08:08] rexis: are you aware of sudo? [08:09] rexis: still:why did you enable root-account? [08:09] worked [08:09] auronandace: yea [08:09] rexis: that is what you are meant to be using [08:09] rexis: very rarely is a root terminal ever needed [08:10] auronandace: i know, i just seen on a website someone wrote su then a command and i was interested [08:10] llutz_: i did it to write a aptana.desktop file [08:10] odd reason, well wait until you see a website fiddling with some rm-commands :) [08:11] rexis: you already have permission to write to the desktop, why do it as root? [08:11] auronandace: it wouldn't write it for me, i asked in a different channel but no one said anything. i was in /usr/bin...perhaps that was the reason? [08:12] hi i have a problem with my ltsp setup im using ubuntu 12.04. when i shutdown or reboot the system i get a lot of squashfs errors (i mount the root with nbd over the network) and the computer just hangs up (i have to hard reset the computer) any advice? [08:12] rexis: i thought you said you knew what you were doing? [08:12] rexis: sudo nano /usr/path/whatever/file.desktop still no need for a root-account === bobbyaldol is now known as bobbyaldolAFK [08:13] when i did /usr/bin vim aptana.desktop i could open it when i did :wq it said permission denied to write [08:13] Hi guys - having a hard time trying to get directory names and so on colored when I hit ls in a terminal. Any idea? [08:13] im in linux mint right now [08:14] rexis: query the bot for mint, root, sudo [08:14] rexis: obviously, you only have write permission in your home folder [08:14] read...yea i think so. i am still learning permissions, they piss me off [08:14] rexis: mint isn't supported in this channel either [08:15] rexis: they annoy you because you don't understand them [08:16] What value do I set for JAVA_HOME? I know which Java I'm using and so forth, just don't know what value to put there. https://gist.github.com/3401713 [08:16] yea have looked but i havn't found a tutorial or information i found usefull yet, plus its pretty easy to type su or sudo [08:16] !permissions | rexis [08:16] rexis: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [08:18] thanks guys [08:20] good morning [08:20] o/ [08:21] i have a weird problem here. i have just installed ubuntu 12.04 and i realised that totem cant play mp4 files [08:21] derien: gnome mplayer [08:21] also ubuntu 12.04 consumes too much ram if we compare it to ubuntu 11.04(which is the best according to me) [08:21] although, probably, totem works fine, you're maybe just missing codecs? [08:22] i have downloaded restricted extras [08:22] it's not 12.04 versu 11.04 that's the problem, it's almost certainly the configuration. [08:22] and also i couldnot see amsn on repos [08:22] thufir_, no it was ok in 1104 [08:22] i cant play on 1204 [08:22] how much ram do you have? ddr or dd2 or ddr3? [08:22] 2 ddr3 [08:23] also firefox consumes too much [08:23] I have 2gb of ddr, 11.10 is the same as 12.04 for me. it's your DE or osmehting. [08:23] just installed a fresh 12.04. why on earth are samba "personal file sharing" "This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system", despite the fact that Samba is enabled in tasksel? [08:23] thufir_, i use unity [08:23] i didnot change any configuration [08:23] derien: you likely need gstreamer-plugins-bsd and ugly [08:23] are there in repos? [08:24] and i have a problem with installing amsn [08:24] derien: indeed [08:24] i couldnot install from source code [08:24] derien: why not use empathy or pidgin? [08:24] adons? [08:24] i know empathy [08:24] it is not so good [08:25] well ubuntu is ok but [08:25] they restrict us to change the os [08:25] i dont see any gnometweak tool i just installed them [08:26] derien: if you are using unity there is myunity in the repos [08:26] yeah i installed it [08:26] it is so good [08:26] but at least ic could be in cd [08:27] derien, in the menu it is advanced settings [08:27] i think a single cd wont enough for ubuntu [08:27] i wonder wht do you think about firefox [08:27] and epiphany [08:28] which one is good fast [08:28] any ideas? [08:28] no polls here please derien [08:28] ah sorry [08:28] derien: use whichever browser you prefer, firefox gets regularly updated [08:28] yeah [08:29] and when a new version is released [08:29] old firefox becomes heavier and when you update it it become ok( i mean ram) [08:29] sorry my bad english [08:29] derien or try xine [08:30] vlc is closes unexpectedly [08:30] Is lubuntu officially supported by canonical? [08:30] also some apps on 1204 give warnings this software is closedd unexpectedly [08:30] What value do I set for JAVA_HOME? I know which Java I'm using and so forth, just don't know what value to put there. https://gist.github.com/3401713 [08:30] derien don't hit too often, it's getting a headache [08:31] cairne: yes [08:31] derien don't hit enter too often, it's getting a headache [08:31] Is it true unity 2d is no longer available? [08:31] cairne as of 12.10 idd [08:31] MonkeyDust, oky [08:32] MonkeyDust: so if I'm using 12.04 I can use unity 2d. I have grown quite attached to unity but my laptop I'd way to weak for that [08:33] cairne the code has been modified in such way, that you won't notice the difference [08:33] Is* [08:33] thufir_: usually to the dir containing "bin/java" [08:34] cairne http://www.muktware.com/4161/unity-2d-removed-quantal [08:34] llutz_: I have no such directory as/bin/java . what else could it be, pls? [08:34] ls -l /etc/alternatives/java thufir_ [08:35] thufir_: is a link to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java here, so $JAVA_HOME would be "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre/" [08:35] MonkeyDust my laptop has a Intel celeron m 1.5ghz with 512 of ram I believe should I just stick with lubuntu? Or could Ubuntu work? [08:36] cairne try lubuntu [08:36] cairne: yeah, lubuntu is good for that, you can also try crunchbang [08:36] MonkeyDust that's what I figure. Been using lxde spin of fedora 17 but I like Ubuntu better [08:37] Thank you all [08:37] Which IRC server is the most tech-oriented? [08:38] Freenode I'd think [08:38] Freenode isn't the only one, is it? [08:38] !ot > whatsyourname how is that ubuntu-related? [08:38] whatsyourname: we only do ubuntu support here, ask in #freenode [08:38] alright [08:38] OH FFS! [08:39] !language | kieppie [08:39] kieppie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [08:40] auronandace: sory, but this is now pure frustration. I've now set up a number of *fresh* 12.04 desktops from mini ISO, and consistently there are little crashes all aver the place. I'm now prepping a new box to a potential recruit, and wondering they they won't be better of with the W7 who's licence is slapped on the side [08:42] kieppie: ubuntu is now renowned for stability, although the LTS's are pretty good [08:42] not renowned [08:42] LOL [08:44] ix_: my setup has been pretty good, but this last release is absolutely *appaling*. up to now I've been sunning the last LTS - 10.04 - *for* stability & support, but some stuff stopped updating. /me wondering if I should move to "vanilla" debian until the next LTS in 2 years === patryk1 is now known as monkey [08:44] what is this "Call Trace" that is showing up in my syslog: http://pastie.org/private/q5wbgukvtv66ftmw0smww [08:45] kieppie: yeah, debian and centos are stable [08:46] kieppie: 12.04 is the first lts with unity, might be better to wait till the next one yeah [08:47] ix_: this is *infuriating*. I get that on a fresh release there could be a few minor teething issues like drivers & whatnot, but we're now well into 12.04.1 & I'm getting this [EXPLETIVE] on a brand-spanking new, gutsy machine [08:47] yeah, I don't like unity either, or gnome 3 for that matter [08:47] Hey guys, i have downloaded a .deb package and modified the postinst file, now when i repack it, i get that the deb files i corrupted or has missing permissions. You guys have any idea why? :) [08:47] Really I love unity once you get use to it. Its very efficient [08:47] i have tried to remake the md5 by the way, and also tried to remove it completely [08:48] unity isn't as bad as i thought it would be, but it certainly could be more stable (compiz is likely to blame for that) [08:48] auronandace: I've tried it with the new Gnome shell, and although it's actually better, is simply not good enough. This is supposed to be an LTS, and upgrading to the next minor release as a way to fix what broken now is a terrible cop-out, I'm sorry to say [08:48] wtf is accounts daemon? and why it is needed? will ubuntu work with it disabled/removed? [08:48] smookey: I think when you are trying to make modifications, you should download the source code and edit that and compile or make a .deb file [08:49] kieppie: you could just use kubuntu === monkey is now known as monkeyt [08:49] it should be more stable === monkeyt is now known as hellograndpa === hellograndpa is now known as monkey === chimay is now known as chimay_ [08:50] But there are several guides explaining how to do it and they work fine (well...) up until i try to run the .deb file again. Its just a "ar" file isnt it? And im only changing in ascii files, nothing in binarys so that sounds to me like it should work [08:50] oooooh - I've moved off KDE long ago because it was a GUI too far, but considering the dog's breakfast that is Unity, that's maybe not a terrible idea === monkey is now known as monkey_ === chimay_ is now known as chimay_1 === chimay_1 is now known as chimay_2 [08:51] provided the issues are only DE/DM & not more serious underlying stuff [08:51] hi guys [08:51] Can I get here some help on grub problem ? [08:51] monkey_: what grub problem? [08:51] What's up? [08:52] what program works best with lightscribe? [08:52] hey [08:52] in ubuntu 12.04 compiz has lots of bugs [08:53] hellyeah: is that a question? [08:53] What bugs do you have in compuz [08:53] Compiz [08:53] no it just statement [08:54] cairne: most of plugins gave an error cause crash of compiz === chimay_2 is now known as chimay [08:54] i guess nowadays has lack of maintenance team or support team lac of management etc. [08:54] what program works best with lightscribe? [08:55] I have very little issues with composition other then when spinning cube that I get a flash of last screen but other then that its smooth [08:55] my hdd died so i dont have a chance to check [08:55] Compiz sorry stupid android auto fix [08:56] but as far as i remember when you open desktop cube [08:56] ix_: I have resized and moved some partitions on my hdd and now I cannot boot(i don't get grub), i have "fixed it" with boot-repair to place grub somewhere else on harddrive and now I am able to boot only windows ( I have dual boot win 7 and ubuntu) but after few trials I have successfully installed grub on usb stick and i can boot to ubuntu with my usB :) (kinda stupid ;) ) and now since I am ubuntu I have tried to reinstall grub to my /dev/sda with grub-ins [08:56] there is one of my boot-repair logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/1155024/ [08:56] it causes compiz crash [08:56] hi [08:57] What do you mean open the cube? [08:59] sorry [08:59] when i enabled desktop cube for example [08:59] it caused crash on compiz [08:59] I mean I can rotate it about its axis, flatten it out. [09:00] There was a good guide for setting it up on omgubuntu I believe [09:00] i dont know but i just said honestly i faced with compiz crash so many times [09:01] and unity sucks [09:01] :S [09:01] monkey_, from the ubuntu install run sudo grub-install /dev/sda then sudo update grub [09:02] hellyeah you're free to not use unity [09:02] <__sjh> Hi all, is there a way to discover all changes made to a system since install? e.g. packages installed / config files changed? [09:02] what is the difference between chroot and sudo [09:02] hellyeah: a lot [09:02] monkey_, 2nd command is sudo update-grub I left out the - [09:02] MonkeyDust: if i remove ubuntu-unity probably system will mess up [09:03] chroot is a "jail", sudo runs a command with admin rights [09:03] _Sjh: you can check through software center [09:03] wilee-nilee: yeah but when I try to do this I get this error : /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Your embedding area is unusually small. core.img won't fit in it.. [09:03] why chroot is a jail? [09:03] <__sjh> cairne, not really... that won't tell me config changes, its a headless server box anyway [09:04] only connected to wireless `vnstat` returns sensible results for wlan0. vnstat -l doesn't return anything for wlan0 (only returns 0 results from eth0, which is not in use). what is going on? [09:04] hellyeah no eed to remove, just install a different DE and use that [09:04] no need* [09:04] i like gnome with gnome-panel [09:04] can i do gnome 2d with compiz and cairo like old times [09:04] that would be nice [09:05] monkey_, Are you sure you are booted into the ubuntu in sda7 when you run this command? [09:06] wilee-nilee: yes, I am. I am currently using it to chat here. If you want I can paste here my fdisk -l dump so that you can see my other partitions as well cuz there might be issue with them. [09:06] guys a new question here. i have killed zeitgesit and related jobs in system monitor but they have started again how can i shut them completely [09:07] monkey_, that info is in the bootscript === root is now known as Guest63477 [09:09] monkey_, There are some anomalies in the script, post a thread at the ubuntu forums with a fresh script, and I suspect you will get this fixed, that is where I learned all this from basically. The best help is on there during the day US time. [09:10] wilee-nilee: did you write something ? I got dc [09:11] patryk1, not to you. [09:12] ah I see you have a new nic yes, There are some anomalies in the script, post a thread at the ubuntu forums with a fresh script, and I suspect you will get this fixed, that is where I learned all this from basically. The best help is on there during the day US time. [09:12] patryk1, ^^^ you were monkey_ [09:13] yeah :/ I will never learn IRC properly :/ === patryk1 is now known as monkey_ [09:14] wilee-nilee: which script should I post ? [09:14] monkey_, the one you posted earlier is called the boot script, run a fresh one to post, it is important that it shows your system as it is. [09:15] if that one does meaning no modifications after running it use that one monkey_ [09:19] How come in windows it says I have 4 GB RAM but in Linux it says I have 3.8 GB? [09:20] Linux stole your RAM [09:20] hehe [09:20] the longer you keep it the more it's gonna eat until there's none left, be carefull [09:20] xiaopi[z]: serious answers only please [09:21] sorry was so obvious [09:23] is there an irc channel for backintime? cannot work out how to restore a single file [09:23] hi all..iam running ubuntu inside a virtualbox at my workplace where FTP is blocked...is there a way where I can use apt-get without ftp access.. [09:24] robertzaccour, do you have 64-bit system? [09:24] fenbekus: yes [09:25] !offtopic [09:25] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [09:28] robertzaccour: are you using a laptop? [09:29] Squall5668: yes [09:30] Hello. I have a problem regarding anthy Japanese input. Does anyone have any experience using it? [09:30] robertzaccour: With intergrated gpu maybe? [09:32] Squall5668: according to windows its dedicated (4.0 GB RAM) [09:33] according to windows, i'm currently using 5.5gb of ram running pidgin and windows update [09:33] Squall5668: Nvidia Quadro graphics [09:33] robertzaccour: windows says what ram you build in, linux says waht ram you could actually use [09:35] !l [09:35] !list > ed911 [09:35] ed911, please see my private message [09:36] !L === shruggar1 is now known as shruggar [09:38] windows displays what you can use also. it appears linux isn't using it all but windows is? [09:39] robertzaccour: no [09:39] robertzaccour: can you nopaste the "free -m" in a pasteservice? [09:42] free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3919 3417 502 0 23 2576 -/+ buffers/cache: 817 3102 Swap: 4058 1 4057 [09:42] robertzaccour: there you have your 4gb [09:43] robertzaccour: use a pastebin next time [09:44] but in Details it says 3.8 [09:45] terminal and doesn't reconcile with Details [09:45] Anyone know why vsftpd on ubuntu server has to be restarted before I can connect to it? [09:46] k1l: how do I know which one is correct? [09:47] !atemyram | robertzaccour [09:47] robertzaccour: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html [09:48] Anyone know why vsftpd on ubuntu server has to be restarted before I can connect to it? [09:49] JayWood: not unless you can give us an error message or a description of why/how you can't connect :) [09:50] Hey, is it possible to use beowulf cluster or something to make a small cluster for encoding video? [09:50] Or rather,,, the most pain free easy way to do it [09:51] i have some 4 years of experience running a linux server and associated network at home with 7 computers but im not a wizard or anything [09:52] Sling: sorry jumping channel to channel haha [09:54] Sling: vsftpd is used in tandem with UFW and blocks all OUTSIDE calls aside from my computer, ips have been verified. Server is in my living room. I am currently logged out of the system but it stays on, like any other server. [09:55] When I try to connect with filezilla it times out, dreamweaver, times out... however when I restart the service, works fine... [09:55] this happens if I stay disconnected for a few hours, i have to restart the service, once it's started, works fine. [09:55] why does it still print bash? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6559846/Capture.PNG [09:57] noone an idea? :O [09:59] JayWood: can you run a tcpflow/tcpdump and see if the packets are being received, and if anything is being returned, for example 'tcpflow -c port 21' [09:59] i doubt that vsftpd itself actively 'blocks' the requests [09:59] sure gimme a sec [10:01] Sling: tcpdump or flow doesn't exist [10:01] JayWood: so apt-get install it [10:02] lol sorry m8 been up awhile forgot [10:02] what is the name of the ubuntu offtopic channel? [10:02] !OT|brous_000: [10:02] brous_000:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [10:04] sling: failure resolving us.ubuntu.com [10:04] er us.archive.ubuntu.com [10:04] odd [10:04] How would it be possible to quit Gnome? [10:05] spobat: $SHELL gives you the shell used for login and as in /etc/passwd. [10:05] fruity: what do you mean by "quit"? [10:05] W4sp: That made it clear, thanks! [10:05] W4sp: What's a reliable way to get the currently active shell? [10:05] JayWood: apt-get update then, perhaps your aptitude sources are outdated [10:06] yeats, sorry, but I'm not sure how I could bettery clarify what I mean. [10:06] better * [10:06] updated it...nothing... man I have bad luck with linux haha [10:06] Spobat: w [10:06] still got the "temporary failure" also [10:07] mamu: yes? [10:07] spobat: YOu can change to that using 'chsh'. Check with 'which csh' its location and use that to alter '/bin/bash' to the desired one. [10:08] Spobat: w displays all active users and what theyre doin right now [10:08] fruity: just exit? or looking to switch to another desktop? [10:08] spobat: echo $0 [10:08] spobat: ps -p $$ # is the most portable way I know of to see what the current shell is [10:08] llutz_ echo $0 won't work in the csh [10:09] mamu: ah! [10:09] spobat: If you do that, however, mind that most scripts and login scripts expect /bin/sh [10:09] !dash [10:09] /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash [10:09] I want to exit into console mode with Bash running. I hope that makes sense. [10:10] Okay [10:10] fruity: "quit" = "exit"? or "quit" = "stop using gnome and use another environment"? [10:10] I think ps -p $$ is actually the best [10:10] ThinkT510: I think we should need to change that to #!/bin/bash as the space renders the line useless. [10:10] * yeats just saw ThinkT510's question [10:11] W4sp: the space makes no difference in the shebang [10:11] llutz_ +1 [10:12] xrandr gives resolutions, but how do i choose the one i want. because my computer is hooked up to my laptop and the current resolution is 1024x768 4:s (which sucks) and 1920x1080 is too large because it cuts off a half inch of everything. how do i fix this. my screen currently has about 5 inches of black bars on each side! [10:12] llutz_: Yeah, now that you say that. [10:12] computer hooked up to my tv**** [10:12] 4:3** i'm so tired.. [10:13] W4sp: Hm? Changing ones login shell has no impact on sh scripts [10:15] geirha: What are you trying to convey? [10:16] I want to quit Gnome and enter X.] [10:16] W4sp: Regarding your comment: «If you do that, however, mind that most scripts and login scripts expect /bin/sh» [10:17] geirha: I see. For instance, your .profile, .login are not read by csh. so, whatever you define there is not utilized by csh. Also, the syntax is different. [10:18] geirha: This can give someone unexpected results. [10:19] W4sp: Right, .profile is only for bourne-derivates. csh uses .login (among other csh specific dotfiles) I believe. [10:20] sorry sorry JayWood [10:20] geirha: It was meant as a warning, not as a way to fix things, shoult someone change to csh or tcsh. [10:20] W4sp: But I do see your point, though users of csh are probably already aware of what files they need to set up [10:23] geirha: I agree with you but I have seen some struggling after chsh has been run. Yesterday was the most recent incident reported around this subject. [10:23] what program works with lightscribe? [10:24] fruity: Are you being served? [10:27] atm i back up my system's config with 2 scripts, one deploys modification files to my system from my home/mods (this is only to be used with a fresh OS install), when i have my system setup and do active changes i use the other script to update my home/mods files with my new system changes, which is fine -but if i want to add a new modification with a new file i have to update both scripts to that file/location etc..... [10:27] is there an easier way to go about this? perhaps by backing up my whole os +mods with rsync to another drive? or would that involve compiling a distro and it's boot things too each time [10:31] i realize this might be OT, but does anyone here know of any existing ways of making ubuntu (or other distros, live ones etc) utilize several computers in a cluster beyond mpi and such? So that all work on the cpu would be distributed across nodes? [10:32] Viliny^ sounds like multiseat [10:32] Viliny^: not off topic but definitely an esoteric request. I'm inclined to suggest that the #ubuntu-server channel might have an answer as this channel seems dominated by desktop users. [10:33] ok good maintained incremental backup for ubuntu where I can restore a single file - gui or command line - any ideas [10:33] ? [10:34] Thank you, i should have realized that server side might be a better fit for the question [10:34] opalepatrick a backup with rsync, you basically create a copy, from which you can recover single files === James is now known as Guest51474 [10:34] Viliny^: best of luck and please consider writing up the solution for future users. [10:35] aah just typing that this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem - doesnt really refer to single files :-) MonkeyDust :-) OK, I will check that out in more depth. cl or gui (or does it matter)? [10:36] cfhowlett, sure - where do you suggest i document this? [10:36] Viliny^: ubuntu forums would be one site. Assuming you have such, also to your blog? [10:37] opalepatrick cli is faster, rsync -azvv for incremental compressed copy/backup [10:37] cfhowlett, roger [10:37] great thank you MonkeyDust [10:38] opalepatrick rsync -azvv --progress even [10:38] just noted :-) [10:40] multiseat is definetly not what im after [10:44] I'm impressed by the average-Joe-install-experience provided by Ubuntu, it's really smooth [10:45] I hadn't tried it since release 8, I think this works extremely well for mass end users [10:45] well apart that grub thing but actually I didn't read thoroughly what happened so I cannot complain [10:49] hi...is there an ARM port of Ubuntu (to install on Raspberry Pi) [10:49] !arm | me-1 [10:49] me-1: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel. [10:52] i want to boot with iso image stored in hd ,how do that ? [10:52] aguitel: you can do that via grub2, not sure how myself [10:52] aguitel: gotta burn a CD or usb boot media [10:53] ok [10:53] !grub2 | aguitel [10:53] aguitel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [10:56] guys, when my cursor becomes a vertical dotted line, what am i to do to return it to the original shape? [10:56] Wiz_KeeD: can we see a screenshot? [10:57] pff it's gone now [10:57] comes and gos idk wtf [10:57] any way I can get gnome 3 instead of unity ubuntu 12.04..? [10:57] found a similar topic [10:57] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1478818 [10:57] !notunity | me-1 [10:57] me-1: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [11:00] W4sp, served? :) [11:00] ThinkT510, I am asking about gnome 3 not 2 [11:00] me-1: thats what the factoid addresses [11:01] me-1: gnome shell is gnome3 [11:03] ThinkT510, I am novice I am sorry for noob question but I want normal gnome 3 which comes with Fedora 17 [11:03] * mbahkangkung brb take a shower dl [11:03] * thanmustoki brb take a shower dl [11:03] me-1: re-read the factoid, it tells you rather clearly to install gnome-shell [11:04] so gnome shell is gnome 3..? [11:04] me-1: yes [11:05] me-1: gnome3 is just the base. gnome-shell is what you acctually see [11:05] Is my understanding that X acts as a skeleton to desktop environments like Gnome correct? [11:05] fruity: essentially yes [11:05] I see. [11:05] ThinkT510, k1l thank you guyz [11:06] me-1: and unity is just another shell for the gnome3. it uses the same base. [11:06] Guys, what I would like to do is quite Gnome and enter X. [11:06] !x | fruity [11:06] fruity: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [11:06] me-1 http://i.imgur.com/3N5f6.jpg [11:07] fruity: are you in gnome3 or unity? [11:07] Gnome 3 [11:08] fruity: isn't there a logout option somewhere? [11:09] I wanted to do it through the CLI. [11:09] fruity: because... [11:10] hi all [11:11] how can I tell ubuntu to use vga - nvidia card? [11:11] in firefox whatever i enter in url bar i am redirected to www.163.com. [11:12] ThinkT510, I'm not sure whether I could give you a satisfying explanation as to why. I just want to learn. [11:12] fire_: you in china?? [11:12] fruity: x is not like gnome. X is a base for the desktop-enviroment. without it there is nothing === bobbyaldolAFK is now known as bobbyaldol [11:13] cfhowlett, no [11:13] fire_: also, clear your ffox caches, delete ffox history, and check FF preferences. === xperiamaniac is now known as Xperia_Maniac [11:13] fire_: check proxy settings [11:14] cfhowlett, and k1l ok [11:14] k1l: thanks, I knew there was something else ... [11:14] k1l, I understand that. [11:15] hi there [11:15] i need som help [11:15] if i have triple buffering enabled in my xorg.conf is there any point in enabling double buffering in smplayer? [11:16] Xperia_Maniac: we can't help without knowing the problem [11:16] would anyone of you have an link for Ubuntu 11 iso?? along with the Wubi? [11:16] :) === stevecam is now known as 66MAADC11 [11:16] Xperia_Maniac: greetings [11:16] !ask|Xperia_Maniac: [11:16] Xperia_Maniac:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [11:17] Xperia_Maniac: 11.04 or 11.10, why would you want them instead of 12.04? [11:17] Xperia_Maniac: 11.04 or 11.10 also Y U NO 12.04? [11:17] Xperia_Maniac wubi :( [11:18] !u > cfhowlett [11:18] cfhowlett, please see my private message [11:18] cfhowlett, and k1l still it is redirecting [11:19] in proxy it is use system proxy settings. [11:19] fire_: definitely something in your ffox, thus not strictly an ubuntu issue. Sorry I don't have a solution for it.. [11:19] OK [11:20] fire_: try this; preferences and reset everything to FF defaults. [11:20] fire_: better; try incognito mode [11:21] trying it hope everything gets ok this time [11:23] fire_: last option; in your /home is a hidden file .mozilla. delete the firefox folder. that'll reset you to factory settings ... [11:24] hi everybody. I'm trying to set up solr-jetty, and on ARM I seem to be missing /usr/lib/jvm/default-java which some of the tools depend on. Can anybody tell me what package put it there, so I can check I've not bungled the java install before looking for something more ARM-specific? === crazygir_ is now known as Guest57913 [11:25] cfhowlett, nothing works i am getting redirected to www.163.com [11:25] !find /usr/lib/jvm/default-java | Chipaca [11:25] Chipaca: File /usr/lib/jvm/default-java found in default-jre-headless [11:25] Chipaca better ask in #ubuntu-server, i guess [11:25] fire_: sudo apt-get purge firefox reboot then sudo apt-get install firefox [11:26] ah, I have neither default-jre nor default-jre-headless installed [11:26] excellent, thank you ThinkT510 [11:26] Chipaca: no worries :) [11:26] fire_: assuming that you do not need a browser to sign into the net. OR install a 2nd browser; chromium? [11:29] I trashed my entire Precise apt system by adding an old Lucid repository in order to get an old, old version of gthumb I really like. I have removed the held/locked packages and removed the Lucid repository, but ANY package I try to install hits a random snag where "blah blah version" IS TO BE INSTALLED for seom dependencies [11:30] I can't install anything now. It really seems like updates aren't showing up, and so it's expecting updated versions of dependencies that aren't available somehow [11:30] Draconicus: ow. why not just download the package .deb? [11:30] cfhowlett, :( [11:30] Draconicus: don't mix version repos [11:30] Draconicus: No expert, but I do belive you're looking a fresh install. [11:30] fire_: even 2nd browser redirects?? === bobbyaldol is now known as bobbyaldolAFK [11:31] fire_: if so, I'd suspect your router... [11:31] You're all really terrible. How do I wipe the apt system back to defaults? [11:32] cfhowlett, using chromium, it doesnot redirect. but i have installed mint, arch and ubuntu in all of them firefox is redirecting. and chromium doesn't. checked windows afterwards in it firefox and chromium are working fine. [11:32] Draconicus: remove the repo and sudo apt-get install -f [11:32] ThinkT510: Two days ago. [11:32] all reinstalled ubuntu but still in a fresh installed the same thing is happening [11:32] Draconicus: i don't expect that to work so if it doesn't you'd need to reinstall === railsraider_ is now known as railsraider [11:33] ThinkT510: That logic is flawed. Why do I need to reinstall the entire system to get apt back to normal? [11:33] fire_: purge and reinstall or adopt a new broswer? [11:33] fire_: maybe some addon you are using. or you proxy setting you have [11:33] Draconicus: could you pastebin the actual output from apt-get please? [11:33] Draconicus: because you deliberately broke it by adding an unsupported repo [11:33] Draconicus: as to why you might need to reinstall, it's because you've purposely hosed your system, and getting it back to normal would require an expert at the keyboard [11:34] cfhowlett, here what i am concered about is the security ?? isn't my system compromized ? [11:34] Draconicus: still, pastebin the output, let's see if it's that bad [11:34] Draconicus: where was your logic when braking your apt-system? [11:34] * Chipaca -> lunch [11:35] so that is no reason for or against a method. pastebin the whole error messages so we can have a look at it [11:35] should i change my dns ?? [11:35] any dns server addr that i can use ?? [11:36] fire_: definitely something weird happened, but it could be (forgive me for saying so) an OHE - Operator Headspace Error - especially if this is a shared system. www.163.com is a legit site here in China. Are you compromised? Doubt it, but possible. To be certain, you'd have to clean re-install ... [11:36] Chipaca: http://pastebin.com/65etEnm0 [11:36] fire_: dns knowledge is above my level of "expertise" [11:37] cfhowlett, i have re-installed. and then installed firefox to check the error. but this error persisted even in the new system === Kasjopaja is now known as Guest61402 [11:37] hello! The /etc/hosts file is supposed to be a name resolution method which preceed external DNS... but nslookup still prints the external reply instead of hosts one [11:38] I've already clean the DNS cache [11:38] What could it be? [11:38] I have inherited rather big server and I noticed that it has virbr0 device configured but i've no idea where.../etc/netw/ifcs doesnt contain any mention of it yet on reboot the interface still comes up in ifconfig output...mmm [11:38] fire_: whoa. THAT is absolutely abnormal behavior... [11:38] anyone ideas ? === patryk1 is now known as monkey [11:39] People I started to use Ubuntu in april -I thought it would give me option weather to boot into ubuntu or windows at each start but that didnt happen - but i was happy with ubuntu and didnt have time so didnt try for getting a dual boot [11:39] Now my father has stepped up pressure on me to either have a dual boot working or remove ubuntu. [11:39] 2 months back I had tried out repairing windows(was suggested by a friend) by putting the cd but still I didnt get the dual boot option [11:39] recently after searching the web I found out that a lot of people do use dual boot [11:39] but I dont get what I should do even after searching a lot [11:39] udayan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:39] do u think I should try something like this-http://www.howtoforge.com/working_with_the_grub_menu === monkey is now known as monkey_ [11:39] cfhowlett, again reinstalling the system now :( hope i get out of this prob soon, and thanks for the support cfhowlett :) [11:40] fire_: glad to provide what little I could. Best of luck. And if you figure it out, let us know! post up at ubuntu forums [11:40] cfhowlett, ya sure :) [11:40] udayan: windows repair will NOT create a dual boot option, it'll restore windows default/supremacy in your boot system. [11:40] udayan: please don't use enter so much (keep your replies on a single line). Regarding your question. If you have windows installed, just choose the proper option when installing ubuntu (so that it keeps windows). What's the status now? Do you have just ubuntu? Just windows? Or do you have both installed and one is inaccessible? Which one? [11:41] damn bug, can't beleive it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/957843 [11:41] Launchpad bug 957843 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "files in eCryptFS Private directory get corrupted" [Undecided,Confirmed] [11:41] udayan: if you install ubuntu along with windows then you get a dual boot, are you sure you haven't erased windows? [11:41] Chipaca: I've been tooling around Debian-based distros since Woody. Normally I would handle this sort of outdated package thing with dpkg and some loose files, but the number of ancient dependencies I had to dig up became overwhelming. The repo was only active and used for three packages, and to even use them I had to force-version. [11:42] udayan: curious, did you install via wubi, i.e. the windows installer method? [11:42] Both are installed but I never get windows option only ubuntu load on each boot [11:42] do you see anything on your screen before ubuntu loads? [11:42] udayan: when you boot ubuntu, can you see the windows partitions? [11:43] udayan which 'both' are installed? did you use wubi? [11:43] ya the frequency thing in spanish or french [11:44] windows was installed but after i had ubuntu only ubuntu starts now [11:44] no i dont have wubi [11:45] udayan: can you see your windows partition from ubuntu? [11:45] ya all files are intact -i think === alakoo_ is now known as alakoo [11:45] udayan: do you see anything on the screen before ubuntu starts to load? for example the screen where it says "pres F2 to go to bios ...."? [11:45] udayan: What option did you choose during the installation? "Install alongside Windows"? [11:46] if i have triple buffering enabled in my xorg.conf is there any point in enabling double buffering in smplayer? [11:46] How can I determine the PID of a pop-up window? [11:46] ya install alongside windows and no screen to say press f2 [11:46] Chipaca: What I see is that the newer versions of packages are available, but not listed or expected. Where do you think the disconnect might be? [11:46] I'm using awesome wm. [11:47] hello [11:47] namoamitabuddha: xwininfo might be able to help you. [11:47] udayan: is this a laptop? [11:47] jgcampbell300: greetings. What's your ubuntu question? [11:47] does anyone know how to turn the vertical dotted line back to a cursor in ubuntu 12.04? [11:47] PC [11:47] Pici: Let me try. Thanks! [11:47] udayan: When your computer starts up, after the BIOS part where the brand logo shows or whatever, press ESC rapidly (wait for the screen to go black for a second). This will force the boot loader menu to appear [11:47] Pici: seems good! [11:48] udayan: In fact, I think the screen turns purple by that point. [11:48] thanks draconicus i will try that and come back if it dosnt work [11:49] I am in need of advice. I want to setup ubuntu server, I need a web server but there are so many options to look at and need advice in witch way to go. I would like to be able to move my server to a cloud eventualy and would also like to be able to host many sites and sub sites .... any thoughts === freakingass is now known as dnsresman [11:49] I was thinking of setting up on a VBox or something like that [11:50] jgcampbell300: FYI #ubuntu-server might have specific answers to many server type questions. [11:50] jgcampbell300: you can certainly do a server in vbox... [11:50] cfhowlett, hmm ok thanks much [11:50] jgcampbell300: best of luck. [11:52] . [11:52] if i have triple buffering enabled in my xorg.conf is there any point in enabling double buffering in smplayer? [11:53] Has anyone used lkl. Where do we see the log file? === Belial is now known as Guest36854 [11:54] anyone? [11:55] Wiz_KeeD, vertical dotted line? [11:56] yes indieross it's the strangest little shit, just comes and goes [11:56] cursor gets transformed into a dotted vertical black line [11:56] where? [11:56] Wiz_KeeD: i'd love to see a screenshot [11:57] and if i take a screenshot the cursor shows normaly in the sc, no joke [11:57] maybe it'f from eclipse or i have no ideea... [11:57] Wiz_KeeD: then take a picture [11:57] have you tried a different cursor theme? [11:57] yeah that could work [11:57] next time it happens i will [11:57] what is extlinux, and why was it installed with unetbootin? [11:58] wow not many people talking in the server room [11:58] !help [11:58] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === ubuntu is now known as Guest99562 [11:58] jgcampbell300: that happens. Lemme try: specify the type/use of the server you plan. [11:59] cfhowlett, nice ... thanks [11:59] jgcampbell300: no, I mean here + now YOU: specify the type and use of the server you're planning. :) [12:02] as suggested by draconicus i started pressing esc when asus(company) logo appeared but i didnt get the dual boot option instead it passed to the normal screen which says "ATENCION 92K/58HZ FREQUENCIA DE MARGEN" and then finally to the ubuntu login screen what to do next [12:02] udayan: you should hold the shift button during boot [12:02] jgcampbell300 what do you want to do, what brings you here? [12:03] ubuntu 12.04 ey guys: (13)Permission denied: /home/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable [12:03] Is it possible to find out what architecture an installed application is built for? I'm not sure if my IDE is intel86 or amd64 [12:04] file coomand may tell you g105b [12:04] retnan_: have you tried chmod 777 /home/.htaccess ? [12:05] Dr_Willis: the outcome is this: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV) [12:05] I take it that it is 64 bit? [12:05] looks like it to me [12:05] g105b: yes, thats what it says [12:06] my problem is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1158887/ === Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st [12:06] udayan: a small summary would be nice for the channel [12:07] hello, every time I open the software application it just re-close automatically ...? [12:07] udayan: when installing ubuntu it would automatically detect windows and offer it as a boot option [12:07] ThinkT510:2 hard drives on udayan's system ... [12:08] Dr_Willis: 2 hard drives on udayan's system... [12:08] amr_: run software-center in the terminal - what output do you get? [12:08] cfhowlett: yeah, it would still detect them [12:08] ThinkT510- ya i installe ubuntu alongside windows and all my c drive is intact in filesystem 43 [12:08] amr_: try running it from terminal and look for errors. or do a sudo apt-get update &upgrade then try it again === cryptfu_ is now known as Guest80261 [12:09] hi ! Just bought my new Galaxy S-III Android super-phone and it is great ! How to install Ubuntu for Android on it ? [12:09] !grub|udayan: [12:09] udayan:: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [12:09] udayan: are you in ubuntu now? [12:09] technologov: there is no official ubuntu-for-android yet [12:10] udayan: try reinstalling grub from the tutorial at that link. It should pick up the other OS and automatically configure for dual boot [12:10] I got E: mailformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list what I should do? [12:10] !extlinux [12:10] k1l, but I seen press release as well as pictures of docked phone with Ubuntu-for-Android running on it. Fake ? [12:10] technologov: random first sesrch hit: http://www.addictivetips.com/android/run-ubuntu-linux-on-samsung-galaxy-s3/ [12:10] android market has some ubuntu vms [12:10] no warranty at all ;) [12:10] thanks cfthowlett [12:10] amr_: can you put your source list into a pastebin? [12:10] amr_: pastebin your sources.list [12:10] wil try it [12:10] technologov: demo/developer version only [12:10] amr_: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list #And sent resulting url [12:11] udayan: are you in ubuntu now? [12:11] technologov: no. read the mesages complete and not just the headlines :/ [12:11] how to do this (pastbin) ??? [12:11] technologov: its in development [12:11] !paste | amr_ [12:11] amr_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [12:11] ya think I am in ubuntu [12:11] amr_: or just try commenting out that line. [12:11] udayan: sudo apt-get install gparted [12:11] as far as managing multi hosts can anyone recommend anything [12:11] hi there i have a problem with my routing i have a server (eth0, eth1 which should forward packages for 192.168.1.* to my routes are http://pastebin.com/HXx6zVKv i can ping from the server to but not from a client (eth0 route table is http://pastebin.com/dHbKQiDn [12:11] udayan: then launch gparted and show us a screenshot [12:12] how to commenting the line put (//) in the begining of the line? [12:12] amr_: to regenerate/replace your .sources.list see http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php [12:12] amr_: If you look at it, and compare to other lines, you will probably see. # [12:12] amr_: # will comment out a line [12:12] any idea what package jni.h is in? [12:13] amr_: You will see other lines with # as first character. [12:13] !find jni.h | Doxin [12:13] Doxin: File jni.h found in gcc-snapshot, gcj-4.5-jdk, gcj-4.6-jdk, kompozer-dev, openjdk-6-jdk, openjdk-7-jdk [12:14] here is my 57 line >>deb http://archive.canonical.com/lucid partner [12:14] THINK i did that but where to paste screenshot [12:14] and the next line is >>>deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/lucid partner [12:14] I commented both of them [12:14] udayan: use imagebin.org [12:14] amr_: paste the whole file into the pastebin pls [12:14] ThinkT510: thanks a bunch [12:14] I will save now and try to run my software center [12:14] Doxin: no worries :) [12:14] amr_: You should show us [12:14] here is the whole file [12:14] # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120423)]/ precise main restricted [12:14] # See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to [12:14] # newer versions of the distribution. [12:14] deb http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted [12:14] deb-src http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted [12:14] amr_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:15] !paste | amr_ [12:15] amr_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [12:15] amr_: Can you read? [12:15] amr_: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [12:16] amr_: lsb_release -r [12:17] amr_: What does it say? [12:17] amr_: Have you done a distribution upgrade? [12:17] release: 12.04 [12:18] NO [12:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/ just keep loading for ever [12:18] THINKT5 - its takin time please wait [12:18] amr_: Then how did those lines get in there? [12:18] amr_: don't mix versions repos [12:18] amr_: once again, pls put the text from that file into a pastebin (its like uploading a picture) and show the link here [12:18] amr_: You must have a network problem [12:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/ is not woking with me [12:19] I guess so [12:19] amr_: definbe: not working with me [12:19] amr_: sudo apt-get update [12:19] THINKT5 open this http://imagebin.org/225318 [12:19] when I put the ## before the lines I wasn't able to save the file ,what should I do..? [12:19] whiskers75: chmod 777 /home/.htaccess didnt work [12:19] i also chown www-data [12:19] amr_: You must edit as in admin mode sudo gsudo [12:19] E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) [12:19] E: The list of sources could not be read. [12:20] amr_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [12:20] retnan_: pastebin: ls -ld / /home /home/.htaccess [12:20] hi! [12:20] amr_: Solve your network problem and upload the file to paste.ubuntu.com [12:20] is there a hook to run files when a user logs in? [12:21] klawd_prime: greetings [12:21] udayan: ok, now pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg [12:21] yes yes now I able to update [12:21] I think I can open my software center now [12:21] THINKT5 whats paste bin i dont know [12:21] Hi, can i change ubunt so when i type a url it always goes to the IP i want it to go? So www.beeptoot.bla goes to e.g. [12:21] !paste | udayan [12:21] udayan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [12:22] amr_: Did you look at the date of the file before you edited it? (It might give you a clue as to what happened to it.) [12:22] klawd_prime: /etc/xdg/autostart/ if for every user or ~/.config/autostart/ per user [12:22] aye, thanks [12:22] klawd_prime: note .desktop files should go in those directories [12:22] ok, thank you [12:22] udayan: copy it to http://paste.ubuntu.com [12:23] it's working now [12:23] thank you so much [12:23] jrib: there's a misunderstanding, i don't mean log in via gdm or something [12:23] i'm logging in via bash [12:23] erm.. ssh [12:24] this is a machine with tomcat and the PATH var is broken [12:24] klawd_prime: use ~/.profile [12:24] amr_: You probably should have just changed the words lucid to precise [12:24] jrib: /usr/lib/apache-maven-3.0.4/bin:$PATH:$JAVA_HOME:$RJE_HOME this is the path i have after logging in [12:24] so i figure tomcat messed it up and I' [12:25] I'm trying to figure out where [12:25] amr_: dont edit the text inside those files if you dint know what you are doing. you broke your ubuntu by adding an old and wrong repositry to it [12:25] klawd_prime: how are you determining that? [12:25] whiskers75: -rwxrwxrwx 1 www-data root 0 Aug 21 12:36 /home/.htaccess [12:26] still think and k1l i dont get how to paste bin- pasted the /boot line in terminal nothin happened [12:26] usr13: i did what you said and it's working fine [12:26] amr_: If you change it again, do apt-get update (And from now on, if you add repositories, watch what you are doing, use the application that does it for you). [12:26] jrib: i got it. in /etc/environment was a faulty line [12:26] thanks [12:26] udayan: visit this website: http://paste.ubuntu.com, then copy and paste whatever you want into the box, then submit, then give the url here [12:26] udayan: its like uploading a screenshot but just with text. read the message from the bot [12:26] udayan: no, got to /boot/grub/ and copy the contents of the grub.cfg file to the website [12:26] usr13: thank you [12:26] k1l: thank you, [12:27] amr_: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources [12:27] where can i find the hosts file in ubuntu? [12:27] Daghdha: /etc/hosts [12:28] !hostname | Daghdha [12:28] Daghdha: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. [12:28] /join #eclipse [12:28] wops [12:28] no no, i mean like the one in windows. Wich has IP + name combinations. Sorry :P [12:28] Daghdha: that is it [12:29] heloo [12:29] ow, i have to be admin to open maybe. ok thank you :) [12:29] Hey guys. I have a local mirror via apt-mirror, mirroring lucid and precise 64-bit main, restricted, universe and multiverse. My 64-bit precise client is pointing to my local mirror, and is trying to download a 'binary-i386' file. Why would it be looking for i386 when it is a 64-bit server? [12:29] usr13: I did it ,thank you [12:30] when i changed from a USB keyboard to a PS2 keyboard, I get an error saying that Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode... this behavior disappears as soon as I reboot with the USB keyboard plugged back in... what can i do about this? [12:30] How may I debug a kernel that does not boot with EFI ? [12:30] http://pastie.org/4561891 [12:30] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1158921/ [12:31] can i configure and use two wireless internet connections on same pc? anyone has any idea? [12:31] udayan: open your file manager, travel to /boot/grub/ open the file grub.cfg and copy its contents to the paste site [12:33] hi guys! is anyone installed iredmail using virtual domains ?my dns is kept on my isp. iredmail (0.81) is installed on debian 605. the problem is that i cant receive any emails [12:33] Error: Debian bug 605 could not be found [12:33] How can I change a bunch of numbers I pasted into libreoffice into actual 'numbers' so that I can sum them? [12:36] sorry THINK but where is /boot i didnt get it in home folder [12:36] it worked ThinkT510. Thanks, L( [12:36] udayan: see bookmarks to the left? click filesystem === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [12:37] could someone tell me how or provide a link so i could either download pre-built packages for the latest kismet and aircrack developement builds for ubuntu 64 bit? [12:38] i want to use ubuntu live cd and then just install (dpkg) those two packages [12:38] THINK in bookmarks there is home no filesystem(they r under devices) [12:38] en1gma: if they aren't in the repos then we can't really help you [12:39] you can help with me building the packages and saving a .deb [12:39] so i can then later use dpkg -i [12:39] udayan: just press file system, you can see it right? [12:40] ya THINK got it [12:40] en1gma: i can't no, you could use a ppa but they are unsupported (use at your own risk) [12:40] !ppa | en1gma [12:40] en1gma: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [12:40] thanks [12:41] en1gma: no worries :) [12:41] I've accidentally removed /usr/include [12:41] is it very important? === nakou_ is now known as nakou [12:42] THINK open this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1158947/ [12:43] hi [12:43] do you know about bug reports on testing packages? [12:44] udayan: windows 7 is there twice, so its picked up both your installs (one on each disk) [12:44] THINK- so what to do now [12:44] I've accidentally removed /usr/include :( [12:44] udayan: when you boot you should see a menu to pick what to boot (it has a purple background) [12:44] I have trouble reporting a problem with gecko-mplayer 1.0.6 packages [12:46] !quantal | silverarrow [12:46] silverarrow: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 === screen is now known as Guest30120 === Guest30120 is now known as faggot === faggot is now known as faggote [12:48] Hi guys !!! [12:48] I need to uninvite 1,000 people from a facebook page; is there a macro application for ubuntu? (I need to click the X with my mouse and then hit enter to delete 1 person) === faggote is now known as faggot [12:49] Anomie21, Not the right channel.. but, why not just delete the page? [12:49] I have installed win 7. But when I try to install ubuntu 12.04 or 10.10 it shows 500Gb free space instead of 75Gb C drive and other drives. How can I solve it ? [12:50] Auzy: Lots of info on it. Looking for a macro program that'll run on ubuntu, cant find anything online [12:50] I want to quit X/twm to console mode. [12:51] is ubantu 4 imac g3 stil mainted?? [12:51] Ann-Mariya, you had partitioned the hd ? [12:51] THINK- open this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1158963/ [12:51] faggot: can you rephrase? [12:51] I've accidentally removed /usr/include , can I fix things with apt-get? [12:52] aguitel: Normal win 7 installation with 3 other partitions [12:52] aristidesfl, doubtful [12:52] compdoc what can I do? [12:52] udayan: can you paste /etc/default/grub [12:53] !ppc | faggot [12:53] faggot: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [12:53] uh, iwas gonna edit my network connection but the Network Connections doesn't list any [12:53] I am on network though [12:53] aristidesfl, you might install ubuntu on another drive or in a VM, and copy the folder [12:54] THINK : see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1158968/ [12:54] compdoc what about packages installed afterwards? [12:54] are they installed in another location? [12:54] aristidesfl, yeah, there's no way to know what they installed there [12:55] Where can i find what dns my network is using? [12:55] aguitel: r u there ? [12:56] I have installed win 7. But when I try to install ubuntu 12.04 or 10.10 it shows 500Gb free space instead of 75Gb C drive and other drives. How can I solve it ? [12:56] udayan: according to that grub should show at boot [12:57] THINK - wat to do now [12:57] Ann-Mariya: 10.10 is no longer supported [12:57] well I can't install 12 too [12:57] udayan: run: sudo update-grub and then reboot and use a camera to record the boot process [12:58] k thenuda007 [12:58] Ann-Mariya: what does gparted show [12:58] sorry people by mistake [12:59] ThinkT510: In the installation step ? [12:59] Ann-Mariya: well, i'd use gparted on its own [13:00] ThinkT510: well in the installation step it shows 500GB free space.... instead of my partitions [13:00] hi guys, i have a tablet (with pen) and i want to draw a plan of something. i need a tool that can give me an unlimited sheet of paper where i can soom in out, and paint [13:01] Ann-Mariya: can you post a screenshot of gparted? [13:01] Hi, how can I run my script from within gedit? [13:02] ThinkT510: oh sorry. but believe me...its showing the full hard disk as free space...no other partitiions [13:02] Ann-Mariya: yes, i'd like to see it please [13:02] Hello there! Can anyone help me with Cedarview drivers? [13:03] ThinkT510: where r u from ? [13:03] !find cedarview [13:03] nikoschwarz, I didn't try, but I see there's a plugin called "External Tools" in gedit [13:03] Ann-Mariya: why is that important? [13:03] Package/file cedarview does not exist in precise [13:03] ThinkT510: Just formal [13:03] Ann-Mariya: uk [13:03] ThinkT510: Is that bothered u ? [13:03] THINK i will reboot right now and be back in less than 5mins [13:04] udayan: ok [13:04] Kihokki from de cedarview page: "These packages are now in 12.04 in multiverse as of 8/17/2012, please don't use this PPA." === webdev is now known as Guest50343 [13:06] hey guys can anyone tell about configuring two wireless connections on ubuntu? [13:06] MonkeyDust, I've installed mine from "Additional drivers" [13:06] hello everyone [13:07] this program tux paint is cool even adults like it [13:10] Which one is better? [13:10] MPlayer or MPlayer2? [13:10] namoamitabuddha choose the one you prefer most [13:11] MonkeyDust: I don't exactly know the difference. [13:11] namoamitabuddha that's why you have to try them both, then choose [13:11] !best | namoamitabuddha [13:11] namoamitabuddha: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:12] so most of the other chat programs in Linux have Spellcheck by default, anyway to get that for Skype? [13:13] THINK where do i upload the video its 70 mb [13:13] MonkeyDust: I tried but did not find the difference. [13:13] namoamitabuddha that's good, then you can use them both :) [13:14] udayan: not sure, i'd need to either view it or download it, would dropbox work? [13:15] designbybeck: skype is closed source, so you'd need to ask skype devs [13:15] they're meanies ThinkT510 [13:15] ;) [13:15] designbybeck skype is free as in free beer, but not as in free speech [13:15] I know that all to well MonkeyDust [13:16] just thought someone might have had a plugin or work around [13:16] designbybeck, Well I think it is better if you learn the words on your own and don't let the computer do the work for you ;) [13:16] true but when you are dyslexic it makes things interesting at times Kihokki [13:17] THINK dropbox isnt workin - should i try youtube [13:17] udayan: sure, good idea [13:18] udayan: if you hover over the dropbox icon, it will state the issue [13:19] what program works best with lightscribe media? [13:19] bunjee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe [13:20] !lightscribe | bunjee [13:20] bunjee: For information on how to use LightScribe on Ubuntu please see the Wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe [13:20] thank you! [13:20] i thought lightscribe died out [13:24] THINK i didnt have dropbox - i was on its website but have started the youtube upload 15 mins remain [13:25] udayan: if you use TAB it will complete the nick :) [13:25] udayan: ok [13:26] hi guys - just installed xubuntu and it looks like the "pipe key" does not work correctly. If I run "ls | ls", I get "ls: command not found" [13:26] Any idea? [13:27] ourea: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc [13:28] ActionParsnip, precise [13:29] how do you stop a bash script lol [13:29] ourea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159016/ the command I copied and pasted from you is ok, but when I type it, it works [13:29] I set a bash script to perform a macro 1000 times [13:29] Anomie21: why the 'lol'? [13:29] and its clicking everywhere [13:29] it took me 3 minutes to get onto this irc [13:29] I am running ubuntu 12.04 and he cursor disappears sometime returns as square, fine after a reboot but has happened three times today and ideas for a fix ? [13:29] Anomie21: in a terminal you can kill it's PID [13:29] Anomie21: ctrl-c [13:29] I found the right printer driver for linux but the HP laser printer 2600n STILL willnot print in color???? any help? [13:29] woo [13:29] I was trying ctrl+c [13:29] but obviously not fast enough before it clicked off terminal [13:30] Anomie21: did you kill the PID, you can press CTRL+ALT+F! and do it there [13:30] confused: did you grab the latest HPLIP from the HPLIP site/ [13:31] Hiyas all [13:31] ActionParsnip NO.. I didn't know the first thing about that.. Do you know the site? [13:31] I have tryed changing he cursor with sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme but it still disappears after a while [13:31] confused: you'll find it with searching [13:32] ActionParsnip, confirms that my "|"  key is screwed, doesn't it? [13:33] dspam vs. spamassassin anyone? [13:33] ourea: are you fully updated? [13:33] !best | abletony84 [13:33] abletony84: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:33] abletony84: both are as good as each other, just in different ways [13:33] abletony84: also please don't cross-post [13:33] ActionParsnip, yes === dark3n|off is now known as dark3n [13:33] ThinkT510: wasn't asking for which is the best [13:33] ourea: "command not found" implies that bash can't find /bin/ls [13:34] ThinkT510: oh yeah what you gonna do about it? [13:34] ourea: try /bin/ls | /bin/ls [13:34] ThinkT510: i value opinions from different people using different os'es. big deal. [13:34] ourea: what is the output of: echo $PATH [13:34] ActionParsnip: yeah ive heard good things about both too [13:34] abletony84: then try both, see which you prefer [13:34] cool alright [13:34] thanks man! [13:35] Ohh well it is a known bug since 11.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/774434 [13:35] Launchpad bug 774434 in Ubuntu "mouse pointer disappears in ubuntu (11.04 onwards...)" [Low,Confirmed] === ecthiender_ is now known as ecthiender [13:36] Time to move away from ubuntu if they cannot even sort out a damn cursor. [13:36] ActionParsnip, bkc_ when I copy/paste your "/bin/ls | /bin/ls" it works, but when I type it, it doesn't: bash:  /bin/ls: No such file or directory [13:36] ourea: your installation seems messed up :/ [13:36] can you do a simple ls? [13:36] ourea: what is the output of: echo $PATH [13:37] My built doesn't show in my sounds settings input panel, its blank... it showed before upgrading [13:37] ActionParsnip, bkc_ : /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin [13:37] bkc_, a simple ls works [13:37] ourea: the easiest way is to echo "|" > pipe.txt; hexedit pipe.txt and see what it actually outputs :) [13:38] and compare with a copied pipe :) [13:38] bkc_: nice [13:39] ourea: "7C 0A" on my system... I'm guessing that the 0A is something added by echo :/ [13:40] bkc_: 0A is a character [13:40] Can I upgrade an old 9.04 system to something current? [13:40] I have a problem with install ubuntu [13:40] ActionParsnip: riight... echo -n ^^ [13:41] Its an old EEEpc system [13:41] ska: it would be much simpler to reinstall [13:41] ska fresh install is fastest, easiest en most efficient [13:41] bkc_, I get the same result [13:41] ska> check the system requirements and you will have to do a fresh install if going to 12.04 [13:41] ourea: o.O [13:41] ska: you'd have to upgrade a lot to get to Precise. I would clean install [13:42] Hi all, can anyone offer some advice. I want to do a dual boot install. Currently using Win7 and want to install ubuntu. I have an SSD and HDD, should I be concerned about HDD boot changes made during the install? Some people have suggested to disconnect the HDD when installing Ubuntu on the SSD? [13:43] opieng, why would you? [13:43] opieng: why? you don't want grub to detect it? [13:43] bkc_, that is confusing... [13:43] My computer no longer wants to boot in a regular way. "Stopping mount network filesystems [ok]" is the last line I can see. It is stuck for minutes without end. Checked lots of post I found via google, but none helped. Quite old machine, 11.04->11.10->12.04. My closest guess would be that gdm did something funny, when I installed gnome-desktop-environment a few days ago. [13:43] ourea: no shit ^^ [13:43] !language | bkc_ [13:43] bkc_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [13:43] opieng if you disconnect the Win7 drive, when you install ubuntu it will not see the Win7 drive so it will not be put into the grub menu lis [13:44] On a sitenote: I am able to login via ctrl-alt-f2 and then login with my user and do a "sudo lightdm" [13:44] Any idea how to fix that? A dpkg-reconfigure of lightdm did not work [13:44] ok so if I follow dual boot installation instruction on the ubuntu site, then all should be ok? [13:45] opieng, how are you installing? [13:45] opieng: sure, what do expect to happen? [13:46] Currently I have windows 7 installed on my SSD and I would like to install Ubuntu on SSD also (dual boot) [13:46] must be a vry large ssd [13:46] ^ [13:47] opieng: resize the NTFS partition in Windows then install to the free space [13:48] Good point compdoc. its only 120GB.... would it be less hassle to install Ubuntu on my HDD? [13:49] opieng: Ubuntu is only about 10Gb to be comfortable [13:49] Win7 + all the stuff ubuntu gives is about 4 times that much easily [13:50] Is there any issue partioning SSDs? I heard it reduces the life of them? [13:51] ActionParsnip: do you think 12.04 will install ok on an EeePC with SSD? [13:51] im having problems with network management. I read this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/146948/internet-on-ubuntu-12-04-stopped-to-work-after-installing-updates-from-the-updat but still doesnt work, any idea? [13:51] opieng: how, you are just assigning more partitions rather than just one. Should be fine [13:51] when i changed from a USB keyboard to a PS2 keyboard, I get an error saying that Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode... this behavior disappears as soon as I reboot with the USB keyboard plugged back in... what can i do about this? [13:52] ska: sure, I'd use Xubuntu or Lubuntu for lightness but it will be fine [13:53] ActionParsnip: ok.. ty [13:53] ActionParsnip: can I use icewm on Xubuntu or Lubuntu? [13:54] ska: Of course you can [13:54] !info icewm | ska [13:54] ska: icewm (source: icewm): wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.7-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 822 kB, installed size 1972 kB [13:55] THINK: apologise for keeping u waiting but you tube taking hell of time to process it so i am uploading it on 4shared (25mins remain)- iam really sorry [13:55] udayan: no worries [13:55] if i mount a device to a folder in my home directory, and the home dir is encrypted, will the device get encrypted? [13:57] shubbar: no [13:57] ActionParsnip, bkc_ I've run "setxkbmap fr" andnow it works... [13:57] ourea: could add that as a startup item [13:58] ourea: I agree with ActionParsnip [13:58] ActionParsnip, bkc_ I used to have to type twice to get the ` character. Now just once. [13:58] ActionParsnip, bkc_ how would you do? [13:58] or rather... I put it in xorg.conf.d [13:59] for swedish layout [13:59] bkc_, thanks [14:00] bkc_, I only have a xorg.conf file. What if xorg.conf.d? [14:00] bkc_, I only have a xorg.conf file. What is xorg.conf.d? [14:00] ourea: a directory [14:00] ourea: same same but different :) [14:01] ourea: http://pastebin.com/J1JzDinR <-- that's how to do it "the right way" :) [14:01] ourea: put it (or change the existing Section) in your xorg.conf and you should be fine :) [14:02] ourea: search dash for 'start' and you'll find it [14:04] hello. I am getting a headless ubuntu 12.04 server up and running. So far so good. I am about to add two 3TB drives to it. What is the best way to mount and share those so that they can be accessed from a Windows client over the network? [14:04] hi mates [14:04] how are u? [14:04] sin_tax: install samba [14:04] no [14:05] hey all. i need a syslog that can handle log rotation @0.0 w/o cron, and archiving to zip. any ideas? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [14:05] MoTec, after I install samba I assume that I will need to format the disks and set them to be shared? [14:06] sin_tax: yes [14:06] ActionParsnip, bkc_ thanks. [14:06] bkc_, is that fairly straightforward or are there any 'gotchas' I need to look out for? [14:07] sin_tax: If it isn't fixed automagicaly, you also probably wanna add them to your fstab === Guest49187 is now known as jsec [14:07] not the last time I used it (2010 iirc) [14:07] thanks for the info bkc_ and MoTec [14:09] anybody here with back track 5 r 2? [14:09] H4Z4RD, its not supported here [14:10] #backtrack-linux H4Z4RD [14:10] but i thought that Backtrack is based on ubuntu? [14:10] sin_tax: Yep [14:10] !backtrack-linux | H4Z4RD [14:10] H4Z4RD: it is, but we dont' support it here [14:10] ok thx ^^ sorry... [14:10] !backtrack | H4Z4RD [14:10] H4Z4RD: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition [14:11] okok if don't a backtrack user, i will go... godby linux-friends have a nice Day ^^ [14:11] *...want a... [14:11] morning, I need some guidance with UEFI installation. [14:12] H4Z4RD backtack is a network intrusion distro for professionals [14:12] Whenever I use UEFI boot the kernel is not able to boot unless I put noefi on the cmdline. [14:12] How could I debug this issue further ? [14:13] MonkeyDust: well, someone needing the tools :) [14:14] !help [14:14] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [14:14] !commands [14:14] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [14:14] ... [14:14] is there no list of the bot commands? [14:14] !bot [14:14] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [14:14] at the bot homepsge [14:14] thx ActionParsnip [14:16] AFAIK, ubottu is the only female with a manual [14:17] if I want to do simple drive pooling for a network share, is greyhole my best bet? [14:19] sin_tax: samba or cifs will make it accessible to more OSes, assuming you only want access over LAN === smartboyhw_w8 is now known as smartboyhw [14:19] what is a quick and easy app for seeing what services are enabled? [14:19] in redhat this was system-config-services [14:19] DrManhattan> system monitor [14:20] sin_tax: greyhole looks decent actually, give it a shot [14:20] THINK: download it http://www.4shared.com/video/LBEdhnd4/M4H01257.html?refurl=d1url [14:20] ActionParsnip, I want to be able to share to Windows client over the LAN, I would prefer a pooled drive that can be expanded later by adding more drives, but that isn't a dealbreaker [14:20] Will do, thanks [14:20] sin_tax: could use LVM but greyhole seems to cover both [14:20] nitrohax, if I was to type the name of that app into a console, what would it be? [14:21] DrManhattan: service --status-all | less will do it in CLI [14:21] nitrohax, gnome-system-monitor [14:21] ActionParsnip, thank you [14:22] Hi. I can't use Ubuntu as my main operating system anymore because of a bug with the nVidia drivers. I CAN use the nouveau drivers, but that means I have to cope with slower speeds. The bug in question is: When the binary nVidia drivers are active, eventually, Xorg will just crash out of nowhere and the screen will turn black. You can't even see the TTY's anymore. Anyone know a fix for this? [14:23] lots of question marks :( [14:24] mystblade9: Have you tried installing the latest drivers from nvidia's homepage? [14:25] hello - i tried to install a minimal Ubuntu via debootstrap, but i seem to miss hardware support for ... quite everything. I'm not familiar with Ubuntu, but with Debian. Is there anything special needed on Ubuntu for basic hardware support (Mouse, Harddisk, Network Card,...)? [14:25] when i execute "chown root error.log" ubuntu return me "chown: changing ownership of `error.log': Read-only file system" . help me make this file writable for apache2 plz [14:25] Kvaks: No, not yet. [14:27] when i execute "chown root error.log" ubuntu return me "chown: changing ownership of `error.log': Read-only file system" . help me make this file writable for apache2 plz [14:27] !repeat | farhad2161 [14:27] farhad2161: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [14:28] ubottu: sorry [14:28] It's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/ [14:28] bazhang: sorry === zen is now known as Guest62588 [14:29] ThinkT510 :dude are you online [14:29] joun #back-track [14:29] join #back-track [14:29] What kind of program is »netkit-ftp«? It is from the package »ftp«. 'man netkit-ftp' opens the manpage for »ftp«, and only the button line remarks: "Linux NetKit (0.17)." [14:29] hey [14:30] farhad2161: use "sudo chown root error.log" [14:30] hi to all [14:31] farhad2161: check WHY the filesystem is readonly and fix it [14:32] llutz: how! [14:32] I made a ubuntu 12.04 usb installation,and when i try to install it i got to the point where i get asked to transfer files from windows,and when i click continue the screen goes black and blank. [14:33] llutz: i can not start apache because "(30)Read-only file system: apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log." [14:33] hi i am trying to use VLC to watch BBC 3 and other live streams but every time i input the link into VLC it doesn't play. do i need to add other stuff like rtmp [14:34] farhad2161: check WHY the filesystem is readonly and fix it. check logs, run fsck on umounted fs etc.pp [14:35] where does rsyslog write its logs? [14:35] i was used to syslog-ng in /var/log/messages and /var/log/system [14:36] unless something is broken with this config, I don't see where it is writing logs [14:36] and it wants to remove syslog-ng and reinstall rsylogd as well as minimal-ubuntu [14:37] i use a separate boot partition on my ubuntu system. well now its full. does anyone know what the proper procedure is in ubuntu for cleaning out old kernel versions? [14:38] llutz: reboot was the key LOL [14:40] sharp15 there's the 3rd party app ubuntu-tweak, ubuntu-tweak.com === testbot is now known as testdump [14:43] MonkeyDust: many bad experiences have taught me not to use things like that. so unfortunately for i have to use text and not someone's software. [14:43] sharp15, use the package manager [14:43] to clarify though. my experience doesn't include ubuntu-tweak it may be fine. [14:44] bazhang: so i just uninstall the kernel in the package manager then? [14:44] sharp15, correct. good to keep an extra around though [14:44] biohazrd: you can configure where logs should go, if you don't want it you can disable the service or you can comment out all the lines in the config file [14:45] hehe. === railsraider_ is now known as railsraider [14:48] What kind of program is »netkit-ftp«? It is from the package »ftp«. 'man netkit-ftp' opens the manpage for »ftp«, and only the button line remarks: "Linux NetKit (0.17)." [14:50] luftikuss it's not a program in itself [14:50] luftikuss i guess it's a module *inside* ftp [14:52] MonkeyDust: How can I make good use of your two messages? I don't know. [14:53] luftikuss: it provides basic ftp client functionality [14:53] so uninstaling the associated kernel version will remove the initrd-img file from /boot, correct? [14:53] luftikuss https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netkit-ftp [14:54] hello all i have 2 hard disks, 500 gb and 1tb size, 500 gb having windows xp on it and 1tb is having pinguyos 12.04, recently i fortmatted my xp and re-installed it after that i can not able to boot into my pinguyos 12.04, so i booted with pinguy os 12.04 and i started gparted and its showing my 1tb hdd as unallocated space, but actually that 1tb hard disk has 900gb of ntfs file system which is visible and accessible from windows xp & rest of 1tb hard disk [14:54] is given to pinguy os installed there, how can i make my pinguy os to recognise this? [14:54] epinky, do you know how to restart rsylogd? [14:54] its not a direct script in /etc/init.d [14:56] deven_, go to the pinguy support channel, it's not supported here [14:56] I have an image in Rackspace cloud...downloaded it and tried to create a VM via virt manager...but it doesnt seem to be booting...the output in the console says no boot found or something like that [14:56] should I be loading .ovf file or .vhd ? [14:57] #PinguyOS <---- deven_ [14:57] biohazrd: iirc "sudo service rsyslog restart" woudl do it === zz_scottas is now known as scottas [14:58] hmm do i REALLY use ndiswrapper (with buggy windows drivers) if i want to get netgear wna3100 usb dongle to work? [14:59] tsaknorris, no you can also buy another dongle [14:59] tsaknorris, not meaning to be nasty, but a dongle can be acquired quite cheaply [14:59] can anyone help me generate a channels.conf? [15:00] and spares you quite some headaches [15:00] all I need to do is view analog tv channel 3 [15:00] nothing else [15:00] peterrus, i can do that headache part :) i just need more info [15:00] tsaknorris, I have no idea XD [15:00] find out what chipset it uses === lks_ is now known as l === l is now known as lopen [15:00] ;D [15:00] VDrakov: Ubuntu 12.04 does not offer a package “netkit-ftp” in contrast to what is written in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netkit-ftp. As I wrote, my program netkit-ftp comes from the »ftp« package. [15:01] peterrus, BCM43231 chip [15:02] epinky: What you said is said of any other »ftp« client program also. So how does it differ? [15:02] RSA, [15:02] eh [15:02] tsaknorris, [15:02] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel.wireless.general/83290 [15:02] peterrus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:02] shut it === smartviking is now known as Guest68831 [15:03] peterrus, thank you! i start to read this forum :) [15:03] luftikuss: I don't know, maybe it's a dependence for other package to work correctly [15:03] tsaknorris, those mailinglists are populated by kernel developers, so if they dont know about it, probably no-one does [15:04] can anyone tell me how to get eth0 to BOOT to 1000 Mb/s instead of 100? I have a pre-up line in /etc/network/interfaces but it still comes up at 100Mb/s every single time [15:05] So, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS what are you supposed to do if you do NOT own the network? [15:05] epinky: Yes.Thank you. [15:05] that document LIES. It does NOT "look at both of these ways to run MAAS." [15:05] LIST [15:06] hi I search video formation integral Ubuntu if possible I am a beginner [15:07] LabThug if you found inaccurate information, you're free to report it, start in #ubuntu-offtopic [15:07] LabThug: #ubuntu-server would probably be a better place to ask MaaS questions. [15:07] thanks for the info, I'll go there [15:07] MonkeyDust: what? No. #ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel, nor does it handle documentation issues. [15:08] Guest62588, edit videos? [15:08] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-strongswan/+bug/872824 [15:08] Launchpad bug 872824 in network-manager-strongswan (Ubuntu Precise) "Network-manager locks up when adding strongSwan VPN connection" [Critical,Triaged] [15:08] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/network-manager-strongswan/ [15:08] I see the updated package in the repository, is it not apart of 12.04.1 yet? [15:08] or do I have something wrong with my sources.list far as what may be needed? [15:09] hello. recently, xubuntu (precise) complains that it cannot download http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/universe/binary-amd64/Packages, so automatic updates fail. this file apparently does not exist, but a Packages.gz exists. Is there any solution to this? [15:09] hey is her someone with a asus zenbook ? maybe with a ux31a ? [15:10] !ask | lampe2 [15:10] lampe2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:10] schoppenhauer: update your sources.lst look for an active mirror for your version [15:11] can anyone tell me how to get eth0 to BOOT to 1000 Mb/s instead of 100? I have a pre-up line in /etc/network/interfaces but it still comes up at 100Mb/s every single time [15:11] epinky: the file does not exist in us.archive.ubuntu.com as well [15:11] schoppenhauer: just wait or change to another server. sometimes the servers dont have synced correctly [15:11] schoppenhauer: you'll have to look for it [15:11] dross: It looks like the fixed version was not released for precise (12.04). [15:11] my problem is that i today got a ux31a and in the ubuntu forums some say that you must to this some that you must do this. now iam confused and i thought maybe i can find someone how has expierience with this notebook [15:11] Pici: I thought it was supposed to be in precise-updates? [15:12] or am I mistaken on how 12.04.1 works? [15:12] dross: They were uploaded to the repos for 12.10. Not 12.04.1 [15:13] o [15:13] I have a machine that i'd like to run with no monitor attached. When there is no monitor it defaults to 800X600 resolution and it does not allow the resolution to go any higher. [15:13] Hi [15:13] :) well I downloaded the deb manually and installed it [15:13] works great [15:13] Is there a way i can get the resolution higher with no monitor? [15:13] Does anyone know anything about deja-dup? I'm having some issues with it [15:13] I was just curious on my own confusion [15:13] Pici: thanks [15:13] thank you [15:13] mdh: how are you seeing the display? [15:14] Dr_Willis: vnc [15:14] mdh what are you using to get into the machine [15:14] lampe2: i would stick to this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2006790 [15:14] codezp: ssh and ven when i need to [15:14] codezp: vnc* [15:14] mdh you should be able to set resolution in vnc on connect [15:14] mdh: vncserver gas its own resilytion [15:14] resolution [15:14] I'm using x11vnc. [15:15] dont use x11vnc [15:15] lampe2: and this wiki page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbookPrime === scottas is now known as zz_scottas [15:15] use tightvnc [15:15] I need the acutal resolution on the machine to be bigger, i need a certain amount of pixels for a macro system to work [15:15] vnc has a res option. x11vnc is a specilixed vnc server [15:16] I use x11vnc because I want my vnc to go to the desktop that is connected to the console. [15:16] it mirrors the current display.. tightvnc disent [15:16] you just said ut has no monitor [15:16] I actually do want to see the current display [15:17] It dosen't have a monitor all the time [15:17] How do I get my network card to boot up at 1000Mb/s? It always boots to 100, and on my network that = kick after a few minutes. [15:17] use tightvnc when it dosent [15:17] TriBeCa99: it depends what's in the other end [15:17] epinky: how do you mean? [15:17] The thing that I'm running is running on the display the user would see looking at the monitor. That is the screen that needs the pixels. [15:18] TriBeCa99: is it connected to a switch that supports GE? === andredieb_ is now known as andredieb [15:19] GE? [15:19] TriBeCa99: gbit [15:19] yes [15:20] oh, right [15:20] :) [15:20] hi people [15:20] hey, i am trying to set the cpu speed to maximum by echoing "performance" into the /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/scaling_governor, however i can still see the cpu speed changing in the /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq, any ideas why this is happening ? [15:20] man, how blind am I today [15:20] It's on a gigabit switch, but it always starts up at 100Mb and I have to manually switch it to gigabit. [15:20] is anyone here using a nvidia GPU with ubuntu lucid (10.04) ? [15:20] I've released a fix to -updates before, I remember seeing "fix released" after triaged [15:20] TriBeCa99, did you make the patch cord? [15:21] jbatista: where is the real problem? [15:21] i0x71, which cpu? [15:21] compdoc everything outside the box is ITs concern, not mine. I don't know anything about the switch or closet except that I'm supposed to be connecting to it at 1Gb / Full duplex [15:21] k1l: since the last kernel update, I've begun experiencing irregular hangs of X [15:22] k1l: if I don't ssh from another system to force a reboot, after about 1 minute the whole system freezes [15:22] k1l: this happens when using GPU-intensive programs (e.g. stellarium) [15:22] compdoc: all of them [15:22] k1l: it has also happened when using Firefox and Chrome (presumably when loading some Flash) [15:23] k1l: my first suspect is something weird with the nvidia-current [15:23] hey guys why isn't JAVA_HOME set by default when installing a java [15:23] TriBeCa99, thats not a normal condition - netwrk devices have been automatically selecting the corect speed for years. So, it ld be a hardware problem [15:23] jbatista: i dont use luvid anymore but couldnt experience these problems [15:23] seems ridiculous that it isn't [15:23] i0x71, I mean which brand of cpu? [15:23] oh [15:24] tbrock: you could use different versions of java, that's why [15:24] compdoc: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5570 [15:24] k1l: how can I do some troubleshooting of these issues? X/Nvidia/...? [15:24] im using the ubuntu default one [15:24] jbatista: could this be a heat problem? [15:24] i0x71, is there a speed-step option in the bios? [15:24] and depending on which I install it should set the home [15:24] why run sudo update-alternatives --config java then? [15:24] k1l: hhmmm it's possible [15:24] that should set the JAVA_HOME [15:24] k1l: although it has started to happen even when I'm not running any graphics-intensive programs [15:25] jbatista: looking at .xsession-errors in /home and dmesg in /var/log [15:25] compdoc I don't know... this network I've always had to manually set speeds. I set my win7 box to gigabit full manually, and it STAYS that way. On ubuntu I have to set it manually because it won't come up at the right speed. [15:25] k1l: the GPU temp is currently 58ºCelsius [15:25] k1l: although I've seen it gone up to 80º (!!) a few months ago, without any problems (this was during winter/spring, though) [15:25] TriBeCa99, sounds like you need some new IT guys [15:25] tbrock: env | grep -i java [15:26] compdoc: not sure, this is a production box, so i cant reboot at the moment [15:26] epinky, i know how to set it [15:26] compdoc: you think the option might be disabled in the bios ? [15:26] but im annoyed it isn't set for me :-) [15:26] seems insane [15:26] that i have to edit my bashrc etc, [15:26] tbrock: then go to complaining room #ubuntu-complain [15:26] i0x71, amny cpus have a turbo mode now - saves power and makes less heat. might not be able to switch it off [15:26] hi, I've just bought a pc which has already 4 primary partitions.. system, windows, recovery and hp tools... is there something that I can remove? [15:26] using some system default uf not set.. i imsgine [15:26] *many [15:27] compdoc absolutely. their website was clearly designed in 1998, and the phone numbers and contact info haven't been updated since then. They don't even have the phone number listed for their OWN help desk. [15:27] lupzz: what is system? [15:27] I don't know is a small partition on the front of the disk [15:27] compdoc: hmm perhaps [15:28] something relatedo to win7 I think. [15:28] compdoc: i shall look into that, thanks [15:28] lupzz: hm, could be the win7 loader partition. [15:28] win7 has a boot partition often [15:29] i just installed 12.04 [15:29] and the horrible unity is plaguing my desktop [15:29] how do i go back to gnome [15:29] !notunity | rajkosto [15:29] rajkosto: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [15:29] hmm, compdoc quit [15:29] How do I check oif my ubuntu is 32 or 64? and can i run 64bit on vmware on a 32 bit machine? [15:29] anyone else wanna take a stab at helping me get my network adapter to come online at the right speed? [15:29] Yiq, uname -a [15:29] Yiq: uname -a [15:30] 64bit software will only run on 64bit ubuntu, installed on a 64bit computer [15:30] at present, I have to manually run a 'sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000' every single time I boot up [15:30] if you only want to use more than 3GB ram, while only running 32bit software, you can use a 32bit ubuntu install and just change your kernel to an amd64 one [15:30] this still requires a 64bit machine [15:30] TriBeCa99: put it into a simple script in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d [15:31] TriBeCa99: This sounds like a bug, did you report it to launchpad? [15:31] TriBeCa99: ethtool is not that bad [15:31] Hi guys i'm new of ubuntu, this is my picture http://89d7e43c.tinylinks.co [15:31] llutz thanks, just any script name in there? [15:32] TriBeCa99: any without an extension [15:32] vibhav no I have not... not familiar with launchpad. I had this problem on 10.10 and am still ahving it with 12.04 [15:32] TriBeCa99: just add this to your interfaces post-up ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 [15:32] TriBeCa99: that way it's done automatically :) [15:33] Linux ubuntu 3.2.0-23-generic-pae #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 22:19:09 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux [15:33] #Doesnt say 32 or 64bit [15:33] i386 [15:33] Yiq: i386 = 32bit [15:34] TriBeCa99: Do you want any help in reporting the bug? [15:34] hmm isnt there vmware for 64bit? [15:34] Yiq, vmware is 32bit, but it will run 64bit guest if your machine supports 64bit [15:34] Yiq: yes [15:34] Yiq: x86_64 GNU/Linux would say its 64bit. so its only 32bit on your machine [15:35] vibhav sure [15:35] my ubuntu always lags when I start to use around 2GB of memory. My computer is brand new, i5, 4GB RAM. Why is it so bloody laggy when I get this high? My swap is also up to 1.6GB (why not use real RAM?) [15:35] is this a unity problem? [15:35] my machine is 64bit [15:35] TriBeCa99: for my own curiosity, what is the output for... lspci|grep Ethernet [15:36] ninjai: can you pastebin a "free -m"? [15:36] !paste | ninjai [15:36] ninjai: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:36] TriBeCa99: Do you have a launchpad account? [15:36] dross the post-up line doesn't work [15:36] vibhav no [15:36] k1l, http://pastebin.com/67cH53yk [15:36] so could i run the 32bit ubuntu vmware as 64 or i need to download another ubuntu iso? [15:36] dross still comes up at 100Mb/s [15:37] ninjai: and if its using the swap its getting slower because of the write/read speed of our harddisk in comparison to the ram speed [15:37] k1l, it wasn't multi line either, just an after though :P [15:37] TriBeCa99: PLease signup for a launchpad account using the instructions at https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/NewAccount [15:37] Please* [15:37] k1l, I'm aware of that, but why so much swap usage VS RAM? I have 2 GB of real ram FREE [15:37] ah! actually i have a 64bit downloaded as well [15:37] ninjai: i dont know? did you fiddle with the swappiness? [15:37] k1l, nope. Stock install. [15:38] hey guys -- I am having a problem with my VPN when I have a static IP assigned to my desktop. It's not the provider, but rather an issue with Linsys apparently [15:38] in /var/log/syslog I can see this -- with invalid source port 32768 on interface 'eth0.0' [15:38] TriBeCa99: Please inform me when you successfully sign up :) [15:38] can anyone help? I can't seem to find an answer [15:39] ciao [15:39] vibhav one sec [15:39] a tutti [15:39] !list [15:39] maxsic: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [15:39] Is there any Ubuntu maintenance that any of you do? I run checks with rkhunter and chkrootkit, but never find anything. [15:39] GeekAdmin: Do you mean "virus scan"? [15:39] jardineworks: have you tried upgrading the firmware of your router? [15:40] vibhav: no I meant all around general maintenane.. [15:40] ninjai: i dont know, why your system uses the swap. did you use ram-hungry apps like gimp, vbox etc? [15:40] Hello, I tried installing ubuntu on my machine from windows using Ubuntu Desktop 12.04LTS 64bit. It downladed and installed but after restart it didn't boot to ubuntu, instead all I saw was a black screen and white _, I let it sit there for 10 nothing happened. My specs Intel i5 750, 8GB RAM ddr3, AMD/ATI Radeon HD6870. Primary disk is SSD and mode in bios is set ahci. pls help [15:40] how do I load a .ovpn file into the VPN Connections area of Ubuntu? [15:40] GeekAdmin: I did not get you, what do mean by "All around general maintainance"? [15:40] !nomodeset | porkinson [15:40] porkinson: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [15:40] k1l, I was just going to say, yes. I shut down my VM and right after for a solid 4 minutes I can hear my hard drive working like crazy. Makes no sense, shouldn't the system just mark that ram as free after? [15:41] ok, thank you [15:41] hello guys. Today I noticed that there's no automatic update option in fx browser downloaded from ppa:mozillateam/*. It's a pity because I was going to run nightly builds from today. Do I need to downloaded fx from Mozilla website to able to use this feature? Is ubuntuzilla worth a look? [15:41] vibhav: like on Windows you have to do a bunch of things to keep it running smooth. (defrag, chkdsk, virus scans, msconfig)...Was just wondering if there is anything I should be doing to keeping my Ubuntu box running good [15:41] TriBeCa99: PM [15:42] my X keeps crashing and putting me back to login screen. Its very annoying, how do I go about figuring out why its crashing? [15:42] ninjai: well. it parks stuff at the swap untill the ram gets free. but im not quite sure that it is going to put everything back into the ram [15:42] GeekAdmin apt-get autoremove and apt-get clean, from time to time [15:43] k1l, hm. Why does free -m return a different number than my system monitor? free -m says I'm using ~2.8GB of RAM, and system monitor says 2.1GB [15:43] ninjai: you could reduce the sysctl vm.swappiness. it should be 60 as standard. [15:43] GeekAdmin apart from apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, that is [15:43] Can Virtualbox OSE run a 32bit OS like Windows 95/NT4.0, on my 64bit system? I tried installing Windows NT4.0 in a Virtualbox window and it crashed our magnificently. I am studying and the demo GIS software that came with study material as a sample and introduction only runs on Windows 95/98 generation. [15:43] MonkeyDust: ahh okay. Thanks I already run that too...and yes I run apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade as well [15:43] holy crap help ... driver not loading on server ...( *-network:0 UNCLAIMED [15:43] ) [15:43] ninjai: +/- buffers [15:43] Do any of you use bleachbit? or is tht overkill? [15:43] ah [15:44] ninjai: look at the second line in free [15:44] hi everyone, I'm having new trouble with /tmp and 'overflow' - I'm running out of temp space whenver I try to do anything [15:44] ninjai: if you like your swap to bee used less often you should take a look at lowerng your sysctl vm.swappiness [15:44] also I noticed every once in a while after I rebooto Ubuntu will check for disk errors. How can I schedule that to be more often? [15:44] Ascavasaion: i don't think there is an ose version anymore [15:44] k1l, thanks I'll do that [15:45] ThinkT510: Oh, I am still running Ubuntu 10.04 and that is ther version it installed. [15:45] and df reports 1mb size /tmp [15:45] Ascavasaion: ah, yeah thats getting rather old [15:45] GeekAdmin: For the first, Bleachbit is a great tool once configured properly. Second, see the "man fstab", the "sixth field" section. [15:45] ThinkT510: Yes, it is :) [15:46] theadmin: k thanks [15:47] Ascavasaion, maybe worth a look, Xubuntu wit GIS software, live cd >> http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html [15:48] HAMKoot: Thank you, but that still does not answer my question of whether 64bit Ubuntu Distro can run 32bit Windows in a virtual window? [15:49] vibhav account created [15:49] Ascavasaion: it can, yes [15:49] Ascavasaion, sure it can. [15:49] Does "oldfred" from the forums ever come here? [15:49] ActionParsnip: Oh, then something else went wrong with ym NT4 installation in virtualbox. [15:49] Ascavasaion: does NT4 work in vbox? [15:50] ActionParsnip: I do not know. I tried Virtualbox [15:50] hey guys, after installing nvidia drivers my ubuntu 11.10 doesn't boot normally. i have to go to recovery mode and then select resume normal boot. is there any solution? [15:50] Ascavasaion: then I suggest you check the vbox site to check, should've done that first really... === DarkAceZ is now known as oldfred === oldfred is now known as DarkAceZ [15:51] ActionParsnip: I presumes Virtualbox would have done the trick for me. [15:51] newguest1122: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings and set the display, click 'save to xorg config file' when done [15:51] Ascavasaion: it doesn't work with every OS ever [15:51] hi [15:51] Ascavasaion, if Vbox does not have your windows in preset, it won't. [15:52] Ascavasaion: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Guest_OSes for example PCBSD won't run [15:52] Ascavasaion: is yourinstall media up to SP6a? [15:53] thank you guys. So you think I should uninstall virtualbox and install vbox from their site? [15:53] Ascavasaion: it may help, you can add the repo and install easier [15:54] ActionParsnip: thats a little misleading, i got pcbsd running fine in vbox [15:54] ActionParsnip: thanks. also whenever kernel upgrades to newer version, i cant boot to full graphical system. i have to install nvidia drivers again and then it boots normally. [15:54] ThinkT510: then I suggest you report it so the page can be updated [15:54] ActionParsnip: they've even made guest additions for it [15:54] newguest1122: no as there is a DKMS module in the packaged driver so it gets rebuilt [15:54] ThinkT510: Ever tried getting Win95 up in virtualbox? :P That's what he meant. BSDs are quite common. [15:55] theadmin: I've installed it in dosbox :) [15:55] theadmin: i've done win98 === as456fgt is now known as dury [15:55] ActionParsnip o/. any must have apps on a ubuntu pc for coding. [15:55] Is it normal for makefs to take a while on this step (formatting a 3TB drive as ext3): "Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information:" [15:56] A_J: build-essential if you code in C / C++ [15:56] Im trying to ssh out from my box and get read from socket failed [15:56] n00bi1: have you configured your firewall any? [15:57] !build-essential [15:57] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [15:57] havent touched the firewall [15:58] n00bi1: can you ping the server? [15:58] yes [15:58] okie ActionParsnip doin that. [15:58] A_J, see !ide too [15:58] !*-network:0 UNCLAIMED [15:58] n00bi1: try: ssh username@server -vv [15:58] !network unclaimed [15:58] jgcampbell300: what chip? [15:58] !unclaimed [15:59] ActionParsnip, RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ [15:59] are security updates passed to lts releases pretty often? [15:59] jgcampbell300: and the output of: lsb_release -sc === enuke_ is now known as enuke [15:59] ActionParsnip what purpose does Build=essential serve rather than gcc ? [15:59] . [15:59] ActionParnip: Thanks. that works. one last question. as the kernel upgrades, my grub list is constantly increasing. is there a safer way to remove old kernels(other than deleting them). [15:59] I am trying to weigh running the latest version of ubuntu every 6 months over running an lts for 2 years [15:59] A_J: it gives some extra libs and other nice things, gcc just installs a compiler [15:59] ActionParsnip, one sec ... its been hung on reconfigureing network interfaces for a few sec ... may have to kill [16:00] jiffe98: I'd suggest you stay LTS for server systems but upgrade to the latest on end systems if you wish, depends on inclination [16:00] ha ha ha ... cant bleave i did that again lol ... lazy ssh lol [16:00] ActionParsnip do they have a wiki / [16:00] A_J: does what have a wiki? [16:01] how long should formatting a 3TB HDD take? ~20-30 minutes? [16:01] ActionParsnip: well these are all servers, but security updates always seem to be outdated according to my security engineer === whiskers75 is now known as Guest10825 [16:01] sin_tax: depends on speed of the drive and so forth [16:01] http://pastebin.com/K9xnD7Au [16:02] jiffe98: depends on requirements of the server, security updates will come as they are made, program updates get tested more (if memory serves) before publishing [16:02] n00bi1: is openssh-server installed and running on the server side? [16:02] yes [16:03] i have scaned it and port 22 is open [16:03] is it abnormal for my main boot drive to be on sdc? I assumed it'd be sda [16:03] ActionParsnip, precise [16:03] <`4fun`> heya guys, anyone know on how to start a batch file on boot in ubuntu server? [16:03] sin_tax: can be anywhere. mine is sdd [16:03] I don't think ubuntu is the right way to go for enterprise IT jiffe98 [16:04] ActionParsnip build-essential [16:04] Dantevios: why, wikipedia uses it [16:04] thanks Dr_Willis, very new to this all, trying to make sure I understand as much as I can =) [16:04] Dantevios: I'm talking like mail and web servers [16:05] customer facing [16:05] *blush* VBox and Virtualbox are the same thing? [16:05] Just based off experience of what I've seen used in industry ActionParsnip, and I don't know much about their support but like novell and RHEL sell support and they're pretty cheap I don't know [16:05] Ascavasaion, yes [16:05] * Ascavasaion feels super stupid now. [16:05] and RHEL patch system is very stable === rain is now known as Guest14638 [16:05] `4fun`: add it in /etc/rc.local add an ampersand at the end of the command and above the exit 0 line, itwill run as root at boot (unless you use su -c ) [16:05] with backport patches for compatibility [16:06] damn! i have more problems. this 12.04 LTS hangs when i select shutdown on GUI or if i write shutdown -P now in terminal [16:06] I just haven't heard of anyone doing any enterprise IT with ubuntu all my admin buddies that have worked in the field (super computer admins down to regular IT) told me they wouldn't use ubuntu in their environment [16:06] so i trust their opinions [16:07] vibhav you still here? [16:07] Dantevios: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/casestudies/wikimedia is wikimedia, wikipedia? [16:07] hi guys [16:07] n00bi1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1448030 may help [16:07] so any ides to where to start looking for error? [16:07] tnx [16:08] i did install ubuntu on new hard drive [16:08] sorry about that ... got problems with my kde [16:08] resize a window and it locks gui up [16:08] n00bi1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2419412/ssh-connection-stop-at-debug1-ssh2-msg-kexinit-sent [16:08] will ubuntu 12.10 get rid of unity once for all and be back to classic gnome? [16:08] n00bi1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60350/putty-works-but-ssh-from-terminal-fails-after-ssh2-msg-kexinit [16:08] the installation was in the whole disk can i re-do the partition [16:08] we've been running ubuntu for 4 years now and it seems to work fine, we've been updating to the newest release within a few months of its release though [16:09] l_r: no, its in the Gnome based version [16:09] TriBeCa99: yes [16:09] ActionParsnip, gnubuntu? [16:09] l_r: if you dislike Unity, install Xubuntu and it won't be installed and you will get the 2 panel desktop like in gnome2 [16:09] ActionParsnip: it isnt dns, as i have alredy configured no dns [16:09] l_r: the release called 'ubuntu' uses the gnome desktop [16:10] and that probably works for them ActionParsnip when they're just doing LAMP stuffs, but once you get into the email world and such and IT for end users it gets more complicated. I remember at one time groupwise wouldn't even run on ubuntu in wine [16:10] n00bi1: tried renaming ~/.ssh on the client system then reconnecting [16:10] maybe i yust try to reinstall sshd and se if it fixes the solution. since it could be that there is a compability problem with thoes to difrent versions [16:10] good day! [16:10] ActionParsnip, i dont understand. isn't "ubuntu" the default release? [16:10] anyone added a lagg interface before ? [16:10] l_r, i been looking into kde ... i find it a bit easier to use than the new gnome [16:10] trying add add on 12.1 server [16:10] l_r: no, there is no 'default release' [16:10] Not sure how LDAP and all the other one off services are supported by ubuntu in the sense that yes I have seen them in the documentation, but how compatible are they and how reliable are they [16:10] do i need to build a new kernel for it ? [16:11] l_r: its only 'default' if you go to the ubuntu site, if you grab the xubuntu ISO, it is equally as supported as ubuntu. [16:11] ActionParsnip, you said "ubuntu" will use the gnome desktop. so what is the name of the release using unity? [16:11] Dantevios: we run ldap on most of our servers [16:11] l_r: ubuntu [16:11] working well for you jiffe98 ? [16:11] l_r: it just uses Unity as the default shell in the release [16:12] yeah we haven't had any problems with it [16:12] excellent [16:12] slt [16:12] Another reason why we couldn't make the switch to ubuntu in our last IT place is because of oracle I think [16:12] est ce qlq'un peut me dire comment rejoindre le channel facemon svp? [16:12] !fr [16:12] ActionParsnip, ok, so it's the same as 12.04 basically. i am using the gnome-desktop. but i am disappointed it has not been considered adequately [16:12] Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [16:12] I don't know it's just a lot of the big names out there dont make software for ubuntu and alien doesn't always do it's magic correctly [16:13] anyone setup Lagg in ubuntu? [16:13] *-network:0 UNCLAIMED any ideas ? [16:13] l_r: its just a different desktop and window manager, if you don't like Unity, don't use it. [16:13] no network bonding ? [16:13] Dantevios: do you have a real support issue? your topic seems placed better into #ubuntu-discuss [16:14] ActionParsnip, i am saying that the when gnome was the default, ubuntu gave it much more consideration [16:14] !notunity | l_r [16:14] l_r: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [16:14] Didn't even know that existed k1l i'll take my chatty self over there then thanks. [16:14] l_r: they do now as it is still installed when you install ubuntu [16:14] Is LibreOffice the new name for OpenOffice? Or just a new Office suite? And how would it run on Ubuntu 10.04, AMD64, Centrino DualCore laptop with 2Gb RAM? [16:14] anyone using network interface bonding on ubuntu server ? [16:15] jgcampbell300_: try: sudo modprobe 8139too [16:15] so my mom was using my computer while I was away and supposedly a notification saying that an unknown user wants to make changes to the system showed up asking for password and a while later another one saying that the computer will be disconnected from the Internet for safety reasons [16:15] l_r: GNOME 2 is dead. So live with it. You have to move on sometime [16:15] Ascavasaion: its the new open-office due to licence issues [16:15] so my mom was using my computer while I was away and supposedly a notification saying that an unknown user wants to make changes to the system showed up asking for password and a while later another one saying that the computer will be disconnected from the Internet for safety reasons [16:15] Just like with all things [16:15] Ascavasaion: libreoffice is a fork of openoffice [16:15] how can I check what was going on with the system about half an hour ago? [16:16] !patience | Kroach [16:16] Kroach: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [16:16] <`4fun`> ActionParsnip, this will work http://pastebin.com/wdWTruhq ? if i add it to /etc/rc.local ? [16:16] islandmonkey: sorry, I got disconnected and thought it didn't go through [16:16] Kroach: syslog to the rescue! [16:16] oh that is getting so old [16:16] l_r, http://blog.sudobits.com/2012/05/01/alternative-desktop-environments-for-ubuntu-12-04-lts/ [16:16] thank you k1l and ActionParsnip [16:17] `4fun`: you don't need the amperand on a line on it's own [16:17] ThinkT510: *trumpet fanfare* === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [16:17] <`4fun`> ActionParsnip, so remove it from the batch file and will still run at boot as root? === oluwatosin is now known as LibertarianBroci [16:17] ThinkT510: I opened syslog in Syste Log Viewer and I can only see about five minutes into the past [16:18] `4fun`: yes, the ampersand backgrounds commands, so if you have one that never ends then it will hang the boot [16:18] `4fun`: yours won't do that, so you can leave it. All commands run as root in the file [16:19] ok let me try this again ... *-network:0 UNCLAIMED RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. ... any ideas .... sorry for the crashes [16:19] where can I find /etc/init/ttyS0.conf in 12.10 ?? [16:19] I cant seem to find it [16:19] !12.10 | gyre007 [16:19] gyre007: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 [16:19] gyre007, try locate ttyS0.conf === mimor_ is now known as mimor [16:19] jgcampbell300: did my command work? [16:19] anyone know if unbuntu bonding will do lacp ? [16:19] sorry, I meant 12.04 [16:20] ActionParsnip, i must have missed it ... i have crashed like 3 times [16:20] jgcampbell300_: try: sudo modprobe 8139too [16:20] ActionParsnip, something is wrong with my desktop since i switched window managers ... but thats another story [16:20] does syslog get deleted on shutdown? === oluwatosin_ is now known as LibertarianBroci [16:21] or overwritten on boot? [16:21] *-network:0 UNCLAIMED [16:21] no it's not there... [16:21] justr trying to follow serial console setup as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Access [16:22] ActionParsnip, *-network:0 UNCLAIMED ... command succeeded but nothing changed [16:23] gyre007: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo updatedb; clear; cat /etc/lsb-release | sudo tee /tmp/out.txt; locate ttyS0.conf | sudo tee -a /tmp/out.txt; pastebinit /tmp/out.txt; sudo rm /tmp/out.txt [16:24] jgcampbell300: try: sudo modprobe 8139cp [16:24] ActionParsnip, Id love to but im accessing that host via virt-manager and im not sure i will be able to copy paste [16:24] to pastebin [16:24] gyre007: do you have web access? [16:25] ActionParsnip, no GUI [16:25] ActionParsnip, Cannot find device "eth1" [16:25] Failed to bring up eth1. [16:25] just a console [16:25] gyre007: its a cli interface, so you don't need gui [16:25] jgcampbell300: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/18140 [16:25] I know :-) but how do I copy paste from virt-manager display ??\ [16:26] im connected to that guest via virt-manager's VNC graphical console or whatever way that works [16:26] jgcampbell300: unload both modules and then reload 8139too [16:26] the output of updatedb and locate... is empty [16:26] gyre007: if you run the command I gave it will make a link which you can then tell us [16:27] ok [16:27] sec [16:27] So when I click shutdown, or on my clock to bring up the calendar, the resultant window shows up 1/2 off the screen like this; http://imagebin.org/225334 any ideas? [16:27] re-do a partition how? [16:28] Praxi: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc [16:28] precise [16:29] ActionParsnip, sorry i dont know how to unload them [16:29] I'm running a custom theme, but I don't know how to describe it well, other than its a mac looking theme [16:29] jgcampbell300: sudo modprobe -r module [16:29] ActionParsnip, ty === JoFo_ is now known as JoFo === tensorpudding_ is now known as tensorpudding [16:30] Praxi: what if you switch theme? [16:30] ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159294 [16:31] thats the output...contains pretty much what I told you...just Ubuntu version [16:31] I'm a little confused by the themes to be honest. Which part should I actually switch ActionParsnip? [16:31] the GTK theme? [16:32] Praxi: worth a try,see if its causing the issue [16:33] gyre007: i don't have it in Precise or Quantal [16:33] !find ttyS0.conf [16:33] Package/file ttyS0.conf does not exist in precise [16:33] ActionParsnip, sorry, "module" im lost on that part ... is that the *-network:1 ? [16:34] jgcampbell300: no its the 2 modules you loaded easrlier.... [16:34] Praxi: seems to be /etc/init/ttyS0.conf from web searching [16:34] ActionParsnip, so basically I wont be able to access that guest from virsh... [16:35] interesting [16:35] Praxi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto has an example file [16:36] gyre007: ^ [16:36] ActionParsnip, nothing === ares_ is now known as Guest12066 [16:38] anyone know how I can install evolution 3.4 on Quetzal ? [16:39] hey guys whenever i use command line(without x) i'm getting these errors all over my display. What these means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159307/ [16:39] I want the evolution-exchange package, which doesn't work with the default evolution 3.5 [16:39] samfromat: looks like your harddrive is dying [16:40] samfromat: or some hardware fault [16:40] samfromat: i think it means your kernel is having difficulty accessing hard drive. hard drive problem [16:40] !quantal | matiu [16:40] matiu: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 [16:40] hey i'm getting this only when i connect my usb modem. [16:41] <`4fun`> ActionParsnip, i did this in my /etc/rc.local http://pastebin.com/0R0Ayk9h but it doesnt run on boot [16:41] <`4fun`> the batch file itself works if i run it manualy, so atleast i know the batch file works [16:41] okay, first try at this came up empty. But I'm on a 1Gb switch with a 1Gb capable network adapter, but it absolutely refuses to auto-config to 1Gb and always comes up as 100Mb instead. So I have to manually run 'sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000' every time I boot the system. This is in 12.04 but I had the problem in 10.10 as well. [16:41] awesome thanks ActionParsnip will start reading [16:42] manas_b: so does it mean that there is a problem with my usb modem? [16:43] dont think so [16:43] i think it says that the kernel resets the link because the hard drive is unresponsive [16:44] manas_b: also it happening only when i connect the modem to the esata port. [16:45] your modem connects to the esata port? [16:45] my modem connects to the usb port. [16:46] manas_b: i mean where you connect your external esata hard drive. i have one port which says esata+usb. === shankar is now known as shankarcabus [16:46] oh. i am not really familiar with that. have you tried connecting to a plain usb drive? [16:47] ActionParsnip, well thanks for your help ... i think im gona go buy a couple of giga cards and smash this old pice of junk card [16:48] manas_b: yes. but no errors there. but modem disconnect very quickly when connected to those ports. [16:49] Hello [16:49] yeah i think you should wait in here for someone more informed than me to help you [16:50] i dont have problems with the errors on gui. only on command line. is there way to disable these errors so they will not come on display. [16:51] thanks bye [16:52] hi [16:52] i have a problem [16:52] Lebby1: ask away [16:53] i've upgraded from lucid to precise [16:53] and ... i have that all my desktop environment is broken [16:53] i'm using gnome-fallback [16:53] i have that gnome-panel doesn't start [16:54] and i doesn't have desktop icons [16:54] ActionParsnip: i'm getting these errors on command line. how to disable them or solve this problem. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159307/ [16:54] how i can inspect what's going wrong? [16:55] samfromat: tried setting the SATA to IDE compatibility [16:56] I'm on a 1Gb switch with a 1Gb capable network adapter, but it absolutely refuses to auto-config to 1Gb and always comes up as 100Mb instead. So I have to manually run 'sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000' every time I boot the system. This is in 12.04 but I had the problem in 10.10 as well. [16:56] Lebby1: press ALT+F2 and run: nautilus [16:56] i did ... [16:56] it open home but doesn't show desktop icons ... [16:56] another hints is that "righ click" on desktop doesn't works === mimor is now known as mimor_ [16:56] samfromat: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1038608.html [16:56] ActionParsnip: i didn't understand that. [16:57] samfromat: try to read this link : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1038608.html [16:57] samfromat: its an option in BIOS [16:58] ActionParsnip: where i can find a log error to inspect my desktop problems? [17:00] i think i must ask in ubuntu forums ... [17:01] Lebby1: if you use unity session, is it ok? [17:01] ActionParsnip: yes [17:01] partitioning is so complex sheesh. [17:02] Lebby1: i read that link. but on the link its been issue with the cable. i don't have cables. [17:02] sambagirl: its simple [17:02] ActionParsnip: another hints is that i created a new test user ... if i switch ( and switch doesn't work well ) to it ... i have only that desktop icons doesn't show [17:02] hello [17:02] sambagirl: 4 primarypartitions, or 3 and 1 as extended with as mant logical partitions as you want [17:02] with fdisk it is and just dos sure actionparsnip :) [17:02] samfromat: ... ???? [17:02] ActionParsnip, That's only your opinion. [17:02] sambagirl: you can use fdisk in linux [17:03] Kihokki: makes sense if you ask me [17:03] sambagirl: or you can use gparted ... === Lebby1 is now known as Lebby [17:03] well i wanted to install a partition using half the drive just ubuntu and something else on another but it's to complex [17:03] well i know gparted but the installs come with their own partition stuff. [17:04] then it wants a swap partition [17:04] it wants to have a location etc... [17:04] sambagirl: you must have a swap partition ... [17:04] so i just let it just do the whole drive in the end, [17:04] sambagirl: you can resize by righ click [17:04] lebby if i have 32gb of ram why would i ever need a swap? [17:04] sambagirl: when you run the installer itself you tell it what partitions to use for what [17:05] sambagirl: ... it's better to have a swap partition ... it prevents unexpected hangs [17:05] i'll retry it again after it installs first. just to see. [17:05] I would like to sync mail/contacts/calendar to a microsoft exchange server. is there an alternative to outlook in linux? [17:05] Thunderbird ? J0nathan-to [17:06] i received this msg when i was doing an install from a live session install attempt is this bad or irreleveant? i received a msg while doing install ubiquity:3912 CRITICAL ** unable to create /root/.cache/dconf; dconf will not work properly [17:07] Lebby: from the link it is not clear that this is an bug or hdd failure. but thanks for help. [17:07] where is ubuntu-greeter.conf file in 12.04 [17:07] i decided to do a boot install and forgo the live session install. [17:07] i was just curious [17:08] does 12.04 have a bug that could disable windows 7 from connecting to the internet in a dual boot situation? [17:08] lmann, no [17:08] lmann, there is no such thing. You should check windows 7 internet connection setting [17:09] Imann: no ubuntu cant affect windows internet connection. [17:09] lmann: how would those two interact in a dual boot situation? they don't affect each other aside from where on the drive they're taken up. [17:09] hi, i have a question, what is better use ubuntu with Xubuntu desktop or install xubuntu? [17:09] fi anything windows is a bug. [17:09] lmann: if you'ire having windows issues, try in ##windows [17:09] gsje2f: is the same result [17:09] gsje2f: depends on what you want, typically you'd do just Xubuntu [17:09] how do i configure lightdm in ubuntu 12.04 [17:09] thanks for reply Bobweaver, I tried some plugins for ms echange in thunderbird, but now thunderbird is unresponsive.. [17:10] thanks it stopped connecting when I updated ubuntu, just checking [17:10] I'm trying to setup a samba server for a small school, and hopefull implement and LDAP directory as well, is this the right chan or should I be in education? [17:10] huh not sure J0nathan-to I do not use MSWhatever sorry someone will help thou [17:12] ActionParsnip, I looked at that link, and am having trouble in my mind relating that to my issue [17:13] J0nathan-to, I just had a read at this cool stuff http://askubuntu.com/questions/41341/can-i-use-thunderbird-to-access-microsoft-exchange-server [17:13] i've decided i am going to do my own distrobution. could someone point me to a site that i could use as a guide for this? [17:13] sambagirl, I would read http://live.debian.net/manual/ [17:15] sambagirl, I am sorry looks like debian needs to fix that site [17:15] oops lol [17:15] ok btw bobwaver did you ever go as bob2 [17:15] bobweaver: this will probably not sync my calendar and contacts? [17:16] ok i found some guides btw thanks [17:16] sambagirl, not that I know off . so nope [17:16] ok thanks [17:17] sambagirl: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ [17:19] hi anyone know if claws mail has notification for new email? [17:20] '~$ LANG=C update-alternatives --config ftp; There is only one alternative in link group ftp: /usr/bin/netkit-ftp; Nothing to configure.' What package(s) do I need to install to change that message? [17:21] luftikuss: install a different command line ftp client? [17:21] violinappren: Which one? === milind is now known as abyss42 [17:22] luftikuss: What are you trying to acheive? [17:22] luftikuss: i have no recommendations, whats wrong with the default one? [17:23] I want to run a cron job, of running a script 5 times every 10 mins and log the output to a file. What is the best way to do it? [17:23] Pici: TLS [17:23] luftikuss: then you need an ftps client. [17:23] violinappren: insufficient security [17:24] !info ftp-ssl | luftikuss [17:24] luftikuss: ftp-ssl (source: netkit-ftp-ssl): The FTP client with SSL or TLS encryption support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.17.23+0.2-1build1 (precise), package size 57 kB, installed size 184 kB [17:24] scp comes with ssh ? [17:25] ftp always is insecure luftikuss think about using sftp if possible [17:25] bobweaver: FTPS is not SFTP [17:25] bobweaver: sftp is something different from ftps [17:25] then what is scp ? [17:25] bobweaver: secure copy, ssh [17:25] so it is like ftp but over ssh ? [17:26] bobweaver: man scp [17:26] bobweaver: no its cp over ssh [17:26] thanks everyone [17:26] more or less... === xibalba_ is now known as xibalba [17:27] how do I build a KVM VM from Ubuntu Cloud images ?? [17:27] how can i check what hosts were blocked by the denyhosts application? [17:28] xibalba: less /etc/hosts.deny [17:28] ie from http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/beta-2/ [17:28] llutz, perfect thank you [17:28] llutz, in your opinion which is better? fail2ban, denyhosts? [17:29] hmm its part of Cairo Dock ActionParsnip === zz_scottas is now known as scottas [17:30] ciao [17:30] !list [17:30] beppe: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». === mimor_ is now known as mimor [17:35] what can i use for a daily check on rootkits or something liken to that? I have a box that i only have a shell/openssh on and I need it to remain secure as possible since i use it to bounce to other ssh gateways [17:35] i should probably just build an openbsd box [17:36] !info rkhunter | xibalba [17:36] xibalba: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.8-10 (precise), package size 204 kB, installed size 878 kB [17:36] !info snort [17:36] snort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.2-3ubuntu1 (precise), package size 680 kB, installed size 1752 kB [17:37] and [17:37] !info openvas [17:37] Package openvas does not exist in precise [17:37] IDS is overkill on a machine just offering ssh-access [17:38] llutz, so no pfsense or ipcop with snort running and a rootkit log . you are right that is over kill sorry [17:40] why the heck did mdadm suddenly decide my RAID10 array should be md127? [17:40] i have no other md devices... [17:40] What did you before "suddenly"? [17:40] "Nothing" is no valid answer. :) [17:41] i rebooted a few times after the RAID finished syncing after the initial build [17:41] and fiddled around with ethtool [17:41] bobweaver, , thanks [17:41] :D [17:41] TriBeCa99: And installed updates? [17:41] no [17:41] bobweaver, do you put it on a crontab or does it do it automagically [17:41] have not used the update manager, nor run apt-get at all [17:42] TriBeCa99: Which Ubuntu do you have exactly? [17:42] 12.04 [17:43] * Sino np: Azealia Banks - Nathan [17:43] as long as it stays as 127 i guess it's okay, since i haven't mounted anything to it yet or anything [17:44] Pici: I installed the DEB program package »ftp-ssl«. It works all right. -- Thank you. -- But the update-alternatives still offers me only one choice ("alternative") because /usr/bin/netkit-ftp has been deinstalled automatically. [17:46] llutz: The remote host offers a Pure-FTPd server. So far I was not yet able to install SSH on the remote host. [17:48] when i changed from a USB keyboard to a PS2 keyboard, I get an error saying that Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode... this behavior disappears as soon as I reboot with the USB keyboard plugged back in... what can i do about this? [17:49] m1chael: /var/log/dmesg should guide you to a clue. === Cantide is now known as CanStudy === ubuntu is now known as Guest9309 === B0g4r7__ is now known as B0g4r7 [18:05] how can i see what my current dns resolution name servers are? ubuntu 12.04. thanks! [18:05] ifconfig? [18:05] Praxi: No [18:06] dig ? [18:06] cat /etc/resolv.conf [18:06] arooni-mobile: cat /etc/resolv.conf === pp7 is now known as malkauns === kenneth is now known as Guest77458 [18:07] hey guys, i'm new to Ubuntu, finally kicked windows out [18:07] this is always the best channel for making screenshots of Smuxi, so everyone smile :-D [18:08] is anyone here familiar with 'Wine1.5' by any chance? [18:09] Guest77458: Why...? [18:09] well [18:09] Guest77458: Just ask you actual question, please :) [18:09] how do you do that? [18:09] And dont PM me please, ask the channel. [18:09] !ask@Guest77458 [18:09] bekks, i only see nameserver [18:10] arooni-mobile: Then you have a nameserver running on localhost. [18:10] when i close my computer, it sleeps. considering i have "when lid is closed do nothing" enabled. anyone know how to fix this? [18:10] oh i'm sorry [18:11] i got an issue in Wine1.5 [18:11] !ask | Guest77458 [18:11] Guest77458: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [18:11] arooni-mobile: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ [18:11] ty bekks :) [18:11] bekks, what might that be? dnsmasq? [18:11] arooni-mobile: maybe, take a look at the link you've been given. [18:11] ok, my audio doesn't work through wine1.5 or 1.4. any hints? [18:12] Jordan_U, how can i use dnsmasq => then google public dns if dnsmasq doesnt have a result [18:12] arooni-mobile: Because dnsmasq masks the dns servers it is using. [18:12] Hence its name. [18:13] bekks, so the question then is to get dnsmasq to use google's dns as a fallback? [18:13] arooni-mobile: No. [18:13] arooni-mobile: The question is: "What do you really want to do?" [18:15] bekks, i want to make sure that i get really fast dns resolution as i'm travelling through hostels and usually the isp's dns resolution really sucks in developing countries. so i'd like to cache lookup requests, then use google dns for requests not cahced [18:16] what the name i need to search for when i want to install the gnome Basic skin ? [18:16] im getting a lot of failed DNS lookup requests [18:16] how can i fix? [18:16] Ok here goes: I installed Wine1.4 earlier to see if it was possible to run a windows game on ubuntu. It runs, quite fluently. But the sound/audio is terrible, it crackles for about 2 minutes and after that it just stops making sound. any ideas? [18:17] Use Windows for games and linux for everything else. Thats what everyone I know does. [18:17] arooni-mobile: "cat /run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf" : http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ [18:17] arooni-mobile: switch DNS servers to test [18:18] or just stop wasting precious time playing games and start being productive ;) [18:18] #ubuntu-de [18:19] lattera: Sundsays where invented for some downtime. [18:19] !notunity [18:19] rootkit: I game in Linux very well [18:19] Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [18:19] Can someone please tell me the name of an image viewer software that uses mouse wheel to advance to the next image? [18:19] @rootkit & lattera, ok thanks for the helpful answer. [18:19] Also must be able to launch GIMP to edit an image. [18:19] Guest77458: try asking in #winehq [18:20] Guest77458: I'd take a look at the appdb, and #winehq [18:20] !appdb | Guest77458 [18:20] Guest77458: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [18:20] TajMoX: None that I know of, but iirc, Eye Of Mate lets you assign those. [18:20] "This dnsmasq server isn’t a caching server for security reason to avoid risks related to local cache poisoning and users eavesdropping on other’s DNS queries on a multi-user system." ... is there a way to cache DNS requests on ubuntu? [18:20] ok thanks guys. i think it's a driver problem though i'm not sure.. [18:20] ubuntu is reporting "serious errors" when disk checking my RAID10 array, and fails to mount it [18:21] can anyone help? [18:21] TriBeCa99: Then check it manually to see what errors you get. [18:21] arooni-mobile: i use dnsmasq, its great [18:21] bekks how so? [18:21] TriBeCa99: are the drives healthy? [18:21] ActionParsnip they show as "active sync" [18:22] it's a newly created array, synced overnight [18:22] ActionParsnip, can you config it to cache requets [18:22] the only odd thing is the device is /dev/md127 when i'm sure i specified /dev/md0 [18:22] during the create call, that is. so i don't what theheck is going on with that [18:23] TriBeCa99: you can test the using the testing app on the ultimate boot cd [18:23] TriBeCa99: Take a look at "cat /proc/mdstat" [18:23] bekks md127 active (auto-read-only) [18:23] There is MUCH more output. [18:23] Use a pastebin please. [18:23] kk sec [18:24] rootkit 'ristretto' was the sollution =) [18:24] awesome :) [18:24] how can i test dns name resolution speed [18:24] arooni-mobile: use the dig command [18:24] bekks pastebin.com/mgMYntEf [18:25] ActionParsnip, can you make dnsmasq cache your requests? i.e. so you dont have to continue to lookup yahoo or google for instance [18:25] I have a macbook and ubuntu server that i want to connect via ethernet… What would I have to do to ssh to the server [18:25] arooni-mobile: yes, set it as the first DNS, then the second as one online [18:25] Install SSHd and configure the server with a static ip in your router [18:25] ActionParsnip, so set as first DNS server? [18:25] @ coldpizza72i [18:25] Should my computer be running at 65 degrees Celsius with only basic Unity desktop running? [18:26] ActionParsnip, after i change /run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf ... how can i get the new name servers to take effect? sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart ? [18:26] rootkit: I want them directly connected with no router [18:26] You'll need a crossover cable. [18:26] arooni-mobile: yes, set the DNS in network manager [18:26] cellofellow: We dont know the hardware details like fan status, etc. of your computer. So most likely: "Yes." [18:26] rootkit: Not true in most cases. [18:26] bekks: fan is running somewhat. [18:26] ActionParsnip, id like for my changes to take effect for all APs I connect to as i'm travelling thru south america by motorcycle and i am often in different hostels [18:27] I've never heard of it being done another way, so do feel free to educate us both :) [18:27] cellofellow: Then the answer is "Somewhat yes." [18:27] ActionParsnip, would editing /run/dm-dnsmasq.conf be the right approach then? [18:27] Hello everybody. [18:27] rootkit: most nics nowdays have autocrossover embedded. [18:27] arooni-mobile: then set it for each AP, I'm not sure how to set it globally [18:27] * cellofellow is used to desktops maybe, and not having his hands right on top of the heat source. [18:27] rootkit: You never heard of a hub, switch, or router? Or even of wifi accesspoints? I doubt that. [18:27] rootkit: only one of the nics needs it actually. [18:27] Yea I used to bridge a connection to my xbox without crossover cable [18:28] hey guys, my server is on recovery mode, it's got attached a sdb to it, which I need to mount in order to do backup. But my question is: after doing fdisk -l I see the device, but not the partitions, so when I try to mount it to /data it says "mount: you must specify the filesystem type", what am I missing? [18:28] I seem to have some problems with Nvidia drivers installation for my graphic cards on Kubuntu [18:28] most NICs these days can autodetect a direct connection and emulate a crossover cable. [18:28] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto-MDIX#Auto-MDIX [18:28] bekks did you see my pastebin? [18:28] cellofellow: not sure about most [18:28] I have crap NICs then. [18:28] I'm not sure whether I should ask here or contact Nvidia about it, but there seems to be some problems with the kernel [18:29] cellofellow: ive seen it happen in windows, not at a hardware level [18:29] rootkit: try and see. [18:29] ActionParsnip: O === GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl [18:29] ActionParsnip: I've seen it at hardware level though, too [18:29] Tried before and had to end up using an old Orange Livebox router [18:29] I'm getting information about disabling Nouveau kernel or something similar [18:29] * cellofellow is getting used to this keyboard. [18:29] kishi: how do you install nvidia drivers? [18:29] cellofellow: fancy hardware I guess [18:30] Well, I disable X server, run as root and run the installation script [18:30] Everything done correctly, driver is same as my card model [18:30] So what would I have to do once the computers are connected via ethernet? [18:30] Kishi: could blacklist the nouveau module [18:30] kishi: do you tried changing runlevel? [18:30] Hold on, I'll jump into terminal and try to cite the error message more carefully [18:31] arnpro: What partitions do you expect to be on this drive? [18:31] rootkit: ^^ [18:31] coldpizza72i: set 2 static IPs in the same netmask [18:32] Oh wait, it would mean shutting X server down again [18:32] I would have to go away for a while [18:32] coldpizza72i: Install sshd(if missing) or sudo service sshd start and ssh in, once you find the IP address of the server machine. I'm not sure but I'd imagine it to be that way on a direct link. [18:32] Also, total newb here, with practically no skills in using bash. Just saying. [18:33] is anyone able to tell me how you might find out what domain an open ldapt install thinks its part of (for entering the full distingushed name in a search) [18:33] Jordan_U: I tried using command sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb, but it says it's the entire device, so should I go ahead and accept the confirmation?? by the way, how do I know what filetype I need to format it on?? [18:33] kishi:try to change the runlevel to 3. and then install the drivers. [18:33] Kishi: you set it at boot, or add: blacklist nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf [18:34] Hi, how to enable desktop sharing in ubuntu 12.04 from terminal? [18:34] Jordan_U: do can I check if the device sdb is empty and what filetype should be formatted on?? [18:34] Well, how do I do that? [18:34] howto delete an interface (eth1) to not show in ifconfig -a [18:34] arnpro: Is English your first language? [18:35] Jordan_U: nope, here's the sdb info: http://pastebin.com/vXJNg6Fa [18:35] OK, I'll jump into vim and try to blacklist nouveau now [18:36] arnpro: What is your first language? [18:37] l [18:37] Anubisss_: if you use: ifconfig eth0 it will only show the interface you name [18:38] yea I know but I did a wrong ifconfig eth1 ip etc [18:39] OK, I've blacklisted it [18:40] I'll try again now [18:40] Be right back [18:43] solved [18:44] hi all [18:45] i have a geforce gt 430 graphic card with two monitor [18:45] im having a lot of trouble getting DNS resolution working on ubuntu 12.04. im using dnsmasq.... right now nm-tool indicates i'm using open's public DNS.... what I WANT TO HAVE is setup: 1) DNS caching, and 2) use Google DNS instead. must i uninstall dnsmasq and use bind9 to do this? [18:45] first one have full resolutuion but second one is on 640.. [18:45] how can i fix it [18:46] pii3: one second [18:46] pii3, is catalyst covering this setup ?? [18:47] pii3: did you use nvidia-settings [18:47] http://zeusmckagan.com/97/linux-dual-screen-problems/ following these instructions for it will work (Link is safe. From my blog. I have confirmed the instructions) [18:47] yes the max resolution is 640*480 [18:47] even in nvidia-setting [18:48] i remove old xorg.conf and run nvidia-xconfig again [18:48] but not help me [18:48] pii3: You need to edit your xorg.conf rather than rebuild it. [18:48] kurwa czy w tym urdelu ktos mi powie jak sie polaczyc z bassdrive.com [18:49] ? [18:49] where to paste my xorg.conf ? [18:49] psatebin is okay ? [18:49] Pastebin is fine, yes [18:49] http://pastebin.com/gQSdfH4R [18:49] pii3: if you run: gksudo nvidia-settings set the resolution to something and click "save to xorg config file" [18:50] It didn't help. [18:50] i have downloaded minitube to /home/minitube. minitube is an executable file. what should i write in the prompt to install it? [18:50] pii3: then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the res to what you use [18:50] pii3: http://pastebin.com/6M6gQCch use this instead [18:50] Now I remember that the Nvidia installer set a script to disable the Nouveau kernel during installation anyway [18:50] So I can't seem to disable it at all [18:50] and restart X11 [18:50] When I try to start my computer I get: [18:51] the config says: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dnsmasq .... to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf ... but i dont have a dhclient.conf file there [18:51] arooni-mobile: do you have dnsmasq installed? [18:51] rootkit, is this the only change ? [18:51] Virtual 3200 3200 [18:51] Yes [18:51] kishi: the inbuilt script to disable the Nouveau drivers doesn't work most of the time. [18:51] It solved all the issues I had with dual monitors. [18:52] Warning: no DISPLAY variable set, setting it to :0 compiz (core) - Fatal: Couldn't open displau :0 [18:52] rootkit, then restart the computer ? [18:52] samfromat: Adding it to blacklist.conf manually didn't work either [18:52] ActionParsnip, yes [18:52] arooni-mobile: and did you edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf to tell it to listen to localhost [18:52] pii3, sudo service X11 restart should suffice [18:52] in terminal right ? [18:52] kishi which distro are you using? [18:53] I have tried to start in FailSafeX but it doesn't do anything. [18:53] samfromat: Kubuntu [18:53] ActionParsnip, yes; next step on ubuntu docs says to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf ... but i dont have anything there. i only ave /etc/dhclient.conf [18:53] /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf [18:53] pii3: yes [18:53] check if the file /etc/inittab exists. [18:54] arooni-mobile: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using you can set it there [18:54] !runlevel | samfromat [18:54] samfromat: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. [18:54] Hi, how to enable desktop sharing in ubuntu 12.04 from terminal? [18:54] is running processs like apache in a chroot still considered a secure/proper way to run your app? [18:55] subhadip: Without having a desktop, its pointless. [18:55] samfromat: Nope, there's no inittab in /etc/ [18:56] so now my dns resolution doesnt even work at all.... [18:56] actually my friend has done something with his ubuntu, and apparently he can't load unity anymore, so I was kinda hoping to access his computer remotely and investigate what's causing the prob [18:57] Can someone help me out? I'm having a problem with dualbooting a SONY VAIO in RAID 0 [18:57] subhadip, you could ssh in [18:57] rowanbrendan: How did you create the RAID0? [18:57] can someone help me make wifi usb adapter TL-WN723N work under 10.04 [18:58] bekks: It's hardware RAID - two 256 GB SSDs [18:58] rowanbrendan: So which raid controller do you use then? [18:58] bekks did you have a chance to look at my pastbin? sorry this computer got accidentally rebooted.... === netsjanek__ is now known as netsjanek [18:59] bekks: um im not entirely sure...that's why i could use some help. I tried dualbooting ubuntu, but after installing 12.04 the Windows 7 loader didn't appear in grub [18:59] So... is there any way to get my NVIDIA card running? -_- [18:59] rootkit, same problem man [19:00] rowanbrendan: How many disks did you see in Windows? [19:00] kishi: ok so i cant help. but here what i have done: restart the pc.go to recovery mode->select check filesystem(so it will leave read-only mode)->then select drop to root shell prompt.and then installing drivers from there. [19:00] still maximum resolution for another screen is 640x480 [19:00] TriBeCa99: mdadm --readwrite /dev/md127 should fix it. [19:00] bekks: I tried editting my grub.cfg manually, and that didn't work...black screen. So i took out the lines i added and it still doesnt work. Now my computer wont boot [19:00] pii3: Are you sure you're not at maximum resolution for that monitor? [19:00] samfromat: I'll try, thanks. [19:00] yes [19:00] max resolution is 1440x... [19:01] anything to do with HorizSync 28.0 - 55.0 [19:01] VertRefresh 43.0 - 72.0 [19:01] is there a global user-dirs.dirs file that can change directories for all users? [19:01] bekks ty, trying to mount now [19:01] bekks: I did happen to get a BootConfig summary before the machine couldnt boot anymore: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159385/ [19:01] try raising the Virtual Size [19:02] is there a way to create a folder that when written to writes to disks on 2 different machines simultaneously? === andredieb_ is now known as andredieb [19:02] rowanbrendan: Please boot from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB, run boot info script, and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ [19:02] in xorg i cannot find each section for each monitor ? [19:03] bekks when rebooting i still get "serious errors" when mounting the filesystem to the md device [19:03] Jordan_U: okay ill try that now. thanks [19:03] I've just seen that. I'm not sure how to proceed on that issue. [19:03] TriBeCa99: Then fix the filesystem errors using fsck -f [19:03] TriBeCa99: WITHOUT mounting it. [19:03] bekks cat /proc/mdstat shows (auto-read-only) again [19:03] switch(opcode) [19:04] nishttal2: There are many ways to accomplish that, none of them particularly straightforward. What is your end goal? [19:04] TriBeCa99: Then switch it to rw again... [19:04] can anyone tell me how to find out what base DN of an openldap install currently is? [19:04] { [19:04] case 1 : reg[op1]+=mem[op2]; [19:04] break; [19:04] [19:04] case 2 : reg[op1]-=mem[op2]; [19:04] newguest1122: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:04] Jordan_U: hot backup.. so If a file is written on one machine (disk).. i want it available on the other immidiately.. so rsync etc are out [19:05] TriBeCa99: Then fix the filesystem errors using fsck -f [19:05] bekks will do, but it seems to me it's switching itself back to read only on reboot... ? [19:05] Hello everybody! I have a few problems with some linux native applications on Lubuntu. There is an grey icon with rack on. [19:05] TriBeCa99: Did you fix the errors yet...? [19:05] Jordan_U: so kind of like RAID1 across machines [19:05] bekks: It doesn't appear to be filesystem errors, rather errors in the array. [19:05] #planet.e [19:06] When trying to log on to ubuntu I get: WARNING: no DISPLAY variable set, setting it to :0 compiz (core) - Fatal: Couldn't open display :0 [19:06] any ideas? [19:06] nishttal2: There are distributed filesystems, I've never personally used any of them though. [19:06] bekks "the superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem" [19:06] bekks did i run fsck wrong? [19:06] it's an ext4 filesystem for one thing.... [19:06] I dont know how you run it. [19:06] Jordan_U: any recommendations.. so i can start reading [19:07] Jordan_U: Here's the bootinfo RESULTS.txt: http://pastebin.com/M9C5EcZB [19:07] bekks "sudo fsck -f /dev/md127" [19:07] bekks: Jordan_U asked me to get a bootinfoscript output. here it is: http://pastebin.com/M9C5EcZB [19:07] TriBeCa99: Do you have partitions on your array? [19:07] bekks: sudo fsck.ext4 -f /dev/md127 perhaps? [19:08] L3top: No. [19:08] hmm, perhaps i didn't partition md127 [19:08] Normally, a filesystem is created inside a partition, not on a full blown device [19:08] TriBeCa99: You have to know it :) [19:08] yeah... [19:09] sorryyyyyy, will put ext4 on there now [19:09] TriBeCa99: Put it where...? [19:09] TriBeCa99: Run fsck -f on a partition, not on the whole device. [19:09] rowanbrendan: To me, it doesnt look like a hardware raid, since sda and sdb are visible. [19:10] Tried running the script in recovery mode as root [19:10] there's no partition on the device, is what i mean. forgot to partition it after creating the RAID [19:10] Got an error message "Cannot create temporary file in /tmp/" [19:10] nishttal2: glusterfs [19:11] Kishi: see where /tmp/ is mounted to via mount [19:11] bekks: I think those showed up because I'm on a live CD. Normally, it's just sda, sdb, and then a lot of partitions in /dev/mapper [19:12] via "mount /tmp/" ? [19:12] just look at mount output [19:12] huh? lol [19:12] rowanbrendan: Is your Windows installation EFI based? [19:12] mount | grep tmp [19:12] hello my question which is still not resolved: http://askubuntu.com/questions/178297/i-want-to-do-a-bridge-between-ubuntu-and-my-ps3 [19:12] "/tmp/ not found in /etc/fstab or in /etc/mtab [19:12] hi [19:13] Kishi: just 'mount' and LOOK for a tmp entry but i guess there is none if none is found in fstab. ;) [19:13] Kishi: so is your / full then? df -h [19:13] any idea how to configure my DNS resolver on ubuntu? [19:13] I'm using ubuntu 12.04 and I have an issue with video, it's like all what is supposed to be black, is transparent [19:13] Well, I suck at bash [19:13] likewyise: a bridge to do what? whare the internet connection? [19:13] Jordan_U: I believe so. Before I messed up my computer, the boot option in bios needed to be UEFI for Windows to boot correctly and Legacy for the live cd to boot correctly [19:13] !ics | likewyise [19:13] likewyise: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [19:13] I mean, I have any flash app in the browser running, adn everything that is black, is like transparent for that flash app [19:14] I can hold with this, but it's getting annoying [19:14] still here I can see through the words (that are black) [19:14] and sometimes I just can't read well [19:15] razieliyo: cant say ive ever seen that issue with flash or heard of anyone else with the issue.. a screenshot may help explain it. [19:15] rowanbrendan: Having a hardware raid, no OS knows that there are more disks to show than just the RAID. I strongly believe you dont have a hardware raid controller. [19:15] razieliyo: you could try tyrning off 'hardware acceleration' in the flash settings, You may need to fullscreen a flash video to access the settings. [19:15] rowanbrendan: In order for grub to be able to load Windows via UEFI, grub itself needs to be loaded via UEFI. At the same time though, booting Ubuntu via UEFI can cause issues with graphics drivers. [19:15] None of directories printed by df are full... [19:15] I had that issue before with flash something similar to that a long time ago in ubuntu 6ish realm when x64 was just becoming popular [19:15] Dr_Willis: wait, Ill make a screenshot about it [19:15] but this is also when the flash drivers weren't very good in ubuntu [19:16] rowanbrendan: bekks: Indeed, you do not have hardware RAID at all. You have FakeRAID. [19:16] how do i automatic loading of gdm....(ubuntu 11.04)...so that i manually have to load it [19:16] So... what now? >_< [19:16] I think he asked how to turn gdm off [19:17] huh? [19:17] Dr_Willis: you wouldn't even believe me [19:17] Jordan_U_bak: I have FakeRAID? huh...so how should I go about getting my computer to recognize GRUB again? As i said i tried adding a Windows 7 item to grub.cfg (that didn't work). So i took it out and it still doesn't boot or even get to grub [19:17] I can't do a screenshot of that [19:17] because it interprets black as transparent only with me [19:18] razieliyo: as a test., try it in a differnt window manager like openbox. or icewm. somthing simple. [19:18] Jordan_U_bak: There wasn't a Windows 7 loader in GRUB after installing ubuntu [19:18] rowanbrendan: You have a FakeRAID. Not us :) [19:18] um sounds like you need to fix the master boot record (MBR) with a windows installation repair disk rowanbrendan [19:18] I mean, I make a screenshot but it doesn't see transparent until I place it over a flash app [19:18] there's a command /fixmbr in most windows disks for their command line tools [19:18] Dr_Willis: ok, I'll try with icewm [19:18] and tell you [19:19] Dantevios: I have recovery media disks that I created before doing all of this, but I couldnt get my system to boot to anything besides a live cd [19:19] rowanbrendan: That's because A: Grub doesn't yet automatically detect UEFI based Windows installs and B: You booted Ubuntu's installer via the BIOS interface, and thus it installed grub-pc rather than grub-efi. [19:19] did you try to fix the master boot record before rowanbrendan ? [19:20] Are you running a macbook pro rowanbrendan ? [19:20] Dr_Willis: the problem persists [19:20] in icewm [19:20] Dantevios: sony vaio. and no i dont really know what to do [19:20] I found someone with the same problem as me, he solved it, but I can't solve it the way he did [19:20] then that uses BIOS doesn't it Jordan_U_bak ? [19:21] Dantevios: No, Windows can't boot via EFI (only via UEFI) so they must be using a non-apple PC. [19:21] he just configured the screen to be in a fixed resolution and 60hz fixed too [19:21] I did that and shit for me [19:21] Right so rowanbrendan 's problem has nothing to do with EFI [19:21] Jordan_U_bak: I dont understand why GRUB wouldnt load though...whenever I start my pc i get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left [19:21] How can you force grub-efi to install Jordan_U_bak ? [19:21] Dantevios: It has to do with UEFI, as they have UEFI firmware and Windows installed via UEFI. [19:23] well, NP [19:23] I'll try to reinstall nvidia drivers [19:23] Jordan_U_bak: I think my main problem now is just getting GRUB back. Would a copy of my grub.cfg be useful? How about the code I put in, then took out? [19:24] rowanbrendan: If you're just getting a blinking cursor then the problem is deeper than your grub.cfg, grub itself isn't being loaded properly. [19:24] I need to edit xorg.conf without an x server running [19:24] Jordan_U: oh brother...I wouldnt know where to start [19:24] OK. So... I can't install driver, because of the Nouveau kernel. I can't disable the kernel either. I can't run the script on recovery mode too, because i get the message "Cannot create temporary file in /tmp/" And what now?... [19:25] rowanbrendan: I unfortunately need to leave now, but I'll be back in about an hour. [19:25] any help for disk partition on ubuntu 12.04 [19:25] Jordan_U: okay. I'll have pastebins ready with grub.cfg and stuff [19:25] How can I edit a file purely from the terminal? [19:25] Sagenth: boot to recovery and open the file with nano? [19:25] !xorgconf | Sagenth [19:25] Sagenth: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax. [19:25] Jordan_U: thanks for all the help so far [19:25] Sagenth: Also, as k1l states [19:25] with nano [19:26] Kishi: Did you try simply using the "Additional Drivers" utility, before doing anything else? [19:26] abdelghani: you got a specific question? [19:26] rowanbrendan: You're welcome. [19:26] * silverghost is a pink bunny [19:26] Jordan_U_bak: You bet I did. [19:26] Kishi: mount -o remount,rw / then it should be able to write in /tmp [19:26] ok [19:26] Grr, sorry, wrong window [19:27] It doesn't list the hotkey for saving [19:27] Hello everybody, will Ubuntu 12.04 work on 512MB of ram? [19:27] Jotek: barely but yes [19:27] Oh wait nevermind I think its writoute [19:27] genii-around: I'll try. [19:27] xangua: ah, damn [19:27] nano does list the hotkey for writeing a file to disk. ;) [19:27] ^=ctrl key [19:28] they really need to make a more dumbed down nano. :) [19:28] yes it will Jotek http://askubuntu.com/questions/125280/what-are-the-minimum-system-requirements-for-12-04-lts [19:28] any idea how to configure my DNS resolver on ubuntu? [19:29] Jotek: yes it will work [19:29] "minimum memory requirement for 32bit is 384 MB" i dont think so if it can run smooth on 512 ;) [19:30] Jotek: you don't want to run 64bit on that amoutn of ram though [19:30] Jotek: It can run on more, thus the minimum is 384M. [19:30] I am setting up ssh keys on ubuntu 12.04 server and when I login from my 11.10 machine It returns this, Permission denied (publickey). [19:30] jotek use puppy linux it would suit your pc better than our beautiful ubuntu 12.04 [19:30] Dr_Willis, I know what those symbols mean lol I just was looking for save and didn't see it. [19:30] TomM2: use ssh-copy-id to transfer you key [19:31] Okay [19:31] !ot | silverghost [19:31] silverghost: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [19:31] What does ESP stand for when referring to hard disks? [19:31] * silverghost sighs [19:31] in the sense of ESP space on a drive [19:31] silverghost: does it support wifi cards from scratch? Cause it is my only way to connect with the web [19:32] any help for a repartition disk? [19:32] abdelghani_: clarify what you mean. Gparted works wonders from a live cd. [19:32] Jotek: pls give me more inf oabt ur hardware cpu video card if any [19:32] !ask | abdelghani_ [19:32] abdelghani_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:32] Jotek: totally depends on the card. I have several wifi dongles that are spported with the default setup [19:33] silverghost: cpu around 3ghz, video card 64mb [19:33] Dr-willis: i did install ubuntu on the whole 320 GB disk [19:33] silverghost: geforce2 MX [19:33] jotek how long have u been using linux? [19:33] silverghost: since 2 days [19:33] can i separate a part of it? [19:34] abdelghani_: with gparted on a live cd.. yes. [19:34] Jotek: which distro r u currently running? [19:34] abdelghani_: not from the running system. boot a live-usb-stick or live-cd and go on with gparted [19:34] silverghost: Lubuntu [19:35] Jotek: why r u unhappy with it ? [19:35] yes from a usb stick [19:35] silverghost: not every application that works on ubuntu works here [19:35] like [19:35] silverghost: Tibia :D [19:36] can't i use it now? [19:36] * silverghost thinks ubuntu 12.04 would be too heavy on ur pc [19:36] im back [19:36] yo [19:36] hi [19:36] i fix dual monitor problem [19:36] ok [19:36] i try to gconftool-2 --set "/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options" --type string "spanned" [19:37] i did that ro have dual monitor wallpapeer [19:37] Jotek: if u want ubuntu get it and see i think it will perform very bad in ur pc [19:37] but it screw my desktio [19:37] desktop [19:37] dual mointer is for power users [19:37] HEHE [19:37] How can i restore it [19:37] andrew_: Thats nonsense :) [19:37] unless u game [19:37] its not [19:37] think im game [19:37] It is. [19:37] my thoughts [19:37] how to restore it back plz [19:37] \cool [19:37] * silverghost ubunt 12.04 is sluggish [19:38] i game [19:38] i will not be moving to the next ubuntu [19:38] so dont know the answer ? [19:38] @Dr_Willis I'm going to try what you have posted let's see [19:38] I am on ubuntu 12 now I just descover that I don't see the top bar and the switch bar on the left side ,any advice [19:38] pii3: What exactly happens when you try to log out and log back in? [19:38] panel ? [19:38] unetbootin is frozed [19:38] let me test [19:38] :( [19:39] Hello. I have Dell R710 I am trying to installed ubuntu server 12 onto a RAID1 perc6 controller. The installer asks me to configure iscsi volumes. I do not want to do this. I just want to install the OS onto the raid1. [19:39] whats upn with ubuntu on tablets ? [19:39] think it will actaualy happen ? [19:39] abdelghani_: you cant seperate a bit from partition if you are online with this system which uses this partition. so you need to boot a usb-stick === marcus_____ is now known as marcusDavidus [19:40] confoozled: Then do it. You dont have to configure iscsi volumes. [19:40] bekks: that is my only option [19:40] hello, I am getting the error that get_architecture was not found... any clue what package it's in? I'm trying to run make-jpkg [19:40] non answer [19:40] andrew_: that would be a topic for #ubuntu-discuss [19:40] why the support # for 12.10 is dead? [19:40] god damned [19:40] lol [19:40] again non answer [19:40] !12.10 | marcusDavidus [19:40] marcusDavidus: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 [19:40] confoozled: then the installer does not find any harddisks. Do you use the server iso or the alternate iso? [19:41] pii3 man gconftool-2 there is a --set and an --unset option. [19:41] bekks: server... i guess I need the alternate? [19:41] confoozled: I'd try with that, yes. [19:41] Is there a way I can install ubuntu over an existing install while keeping all of the files in my home directory/ [19:41] /whois silverghost [19:41] ok Kil thank you [19:41] bekks: ok ty [19:41] confoozled: And make sure you have raid volumes configured in the bios of the controller before. [19:41] ugh [19:41] non answer [19:41] is xmms still available to play shoutcast streamsif not which else? === james_ is now known as blitzkrieg3 [19:42] I am on ubuntu and I can't see my top bar ,please help [19:42] non answer [19:42] andrew_: Please stop it. [19:42] !ot | andrew_ [19:42] andrew_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [19:43] lol [19:43] k1l: I KNOW [19:43] non answer [19:43] it's not working I can't seem to share my internet connection with my ps3 [19:43] doesnt answer my question [19:44] andrew_: go and troll somewhere else if you are bored. [19:44] trying to get my question answered [19:44] thanks [19:44] /msg NickServ [19:45] My /home directory is on the same partition as the install itself, and when I try to install from a live usb it just gives me the option to erase my existing ubuntu install (including /home) and do a fresh one [19:45] thanks [19:45] hola muchachos...qué alternativa para 'correr' skype, sin tener skype? [19:45] what package do I need to get the get_architecture command? [19:45] /join loco [19:46] will we ever see ubuntu tablets [19:46] thanks yo [19:46] anybody good at working with IPTABLES in Ubuntu ? [19:46] andrew_: We have no influence or inside info. You are offtopic and spamming. Stop. Go to ubuntu-offtopic if you want to listen to conjecture. [19:46] xago join #ubuntu-es [19:46] your a jerk [19:46] andrew_: that is offtopic. i directed you to the right channels. so please stop asing here [19:46] all nid did was asking a question buddy [19:46] you're* [19:46] hi! is there a way to make my changes to /etc/grub.d/00_header persist through package upgrades? [19:46] Does ubuntu or another flavor work with CULV processors? [19:46] asing ? [19:47] no idea [19:47] An off topic question. You have been told. [19:47] too you perhaps [19:47] user_: I'm not even... What architecture is that? [19:47] yeah [19:47] i64 [19:47] user_: ia64, you mean? [19:47] intel flavor ? [19:47] never heard of it [19:47] in additional drivers I can see ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates) ,so is it good idea to try to activate it? [19:48] user_: Hmph... I think Ubuntu doesn't work with it. Gentoo is the only distro I know that does, but it's one heck of a confusing distro. [19:48] theadmin: yea, Win7 is running. But I stick to linux/unix [19:48] ppl talk good about gentoo [19:48] hey how can I make sure that files are owned by two users ? [19:48] tried it once [19:48] theadmin: you got that right, I just read one thread, which not much into it I thought it would be difficult [19:48] zatan: Thery can only be one - owner. [19:48] I would like to use a linux distro since I get nearly 11hrs batt with CULV processor [19:49] bekks, can it by owned by group ? [19:49] why not use ram [19:49] user_: Ubuntu works fine with CULV AFAIK ...have one myself Consumer Ultra Low Voltage I believe it stands for. [19:49] opps arm cpu ? [19:49] is this the correct channel for ubuntu server? [19:49] andrew_: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tablet and there is a mailing list off that, there are some tablets that can run Ubuntu but none pre-installed yet [19:49] ok [19:49] cudgel: there is #ubuntu-server as well which might be more appropriate depending on the question [19:49] zatan: A file always has an owner, and a group it belongs to. [19:49] thanks [19:49] coraxx: yeah but the battery lasts HALF as much as CULV running Win7 [19:50] AlanBell: thanks, I'll try that :) [19:50] coraxx: or does it last a longer or same time? [19:50] how do you change the firewall settings that come by default with ubuntu to allow vlc to play network streams? [19:50] !firewall | ghostnik11 [19:50] ghostnik11: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist. === bobbyaldolAFK is now known as bobbyaldol [19:50] user_: mine works fine ... I don't know if the battery time is shorter ...but its ok for my use. [19:51] ghostnik11: by default there is no firewall rules. [19:51] went to ubuntu disscuss [19:51] coraxx: Sure it will "work fine" I just thought someone had gotten CULV into the kernel core fixed so it reduced power consumption and battery [19:52] Unity/gnome has a wi-fi manager... what's its name? I've been using wpa_gui under awesome, but somehow the unity wi-fi manager can connect to certain networks which wpa_gui can't (wpa_gui doesn't get an IP address, and just idles, where whatever manager gnome/unity uses is able to do that last step for certain networks) [19:52] is xmms still available to play shoutcast streamsif not which else? [19:52] SoobNauce: network manager (applet) [19:52] Dr_Willis: yeah but over at VLC forums they are saying or posted that the reason why i keep getting mrl error when i try to watch a network stream is because of firewall issues [19:52] cntb: shoutcast web site worked in a web browser last i looked.. theres also streamtuner and tunapie [19:52] SoobNauce, nmapplet iirc [19:52] if I have HSRP and a different default route configured in each device, suppose just that interface fails but the WAN not is there any way to configure to respect the default route that was assigned in that device? [19:52] I'll look into nmapplet, thanks Furry and k1l [19:52] ghostnik11: sudo iptables --list shows any rules... there are none by default [19:53] I've had two or three kernel panics (GUI freezes solid and CPU usage seems to go nuts, at least the fan blows like crazy), in the last few hours. What could be causing it? [19:53] now that we are on the firewall topic ...and iptables ... what iptables command does one write, when: I want traffic from a specific internal IP-adress to be re-directed to one specific external IP ( 1 of 8 ) ? [19:53] Well, I've almost done it [19:53] in additional drivers I can see ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates) ,so is it good idea to try to activate it? [19:53] coraxx: are we doing your homework? ;) [19:54] I've managed to install those drivers [19:54] Dr_Willis: damn...you caught me ;-) [19:54] cntb xmms has been remived for a long time now. You can try audacious http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=audacious&suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names [19:54] Except for one little thingy :/ [19:54] Dr_Willis, your right just ran the command and did command earlier and all i got was target prot opt source destination [19:54] Anyone know how I could re-install ubuntu onto a parition which contains / and all its subdirectories, while preserving the contents of /home/ ? [19:54] Furry: thisis why use of /home/ on its own partition is commonplace. [19:54] hello. i've got 12.04 running as a VBoxHeadless VM on my laptop here. since it's headless, want to have it always boot the default kernel, no questions asked. if there's some sort of issue, ok, I'll deal with it through the GUI. Essentially I want to never display the grub menu. So, I've configured /etc/grub.d/00_header, run update-grub, that all works fine. however, when I recently upgraded all my packages, this [19:54] change seems to have been lost. how can I make this persist through package upgrades? what's the right "ubuntu" way? (sorry for wall-of-text) [19:55] Whenever I open the Nvidia X Server settings, I get the message that I'm not currently using the NVIDIA X Server [19:55] Furry: it would be best to backup /home/ befor you try anything. [19:55] Dr_Willis, so it must not be a firewall issue and something else, probably has to be a plugin or something i am missing will check again [19:55] It works perfectly, thanks [19:55] Dr_Willis: but seriously...I have done all the other rules in regards to DNAT and MASQ ...the only rule missing is the one that makes sure that my email-server sends outgoing emails on a specific public ip. [19:55] Then I'm instructed to edit my X configuration file by running a command as root and restarting the X server [19:55] in additional drivers I can see ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates) ,so is it good idea to try to activate it? [19:55] Well, I allready did [19:55] coraxx: i always just google and find iptable command examples for my limited needs. ;) [19:55] Furry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [19:55] And I'm still getting this message [19:56] Kishi: you are using the .run drivers from nvidia.com? [19:56] I think so [19:56] Furry: but a real backup before deleteing and installing would help afterwards :) [19:56] Dr_Willis: me too ...there are _A LOT_ of IPTABLES examples ... but most, if not all, is for ONE PUBLIC IP ... never for more than that. [19:56] when I press on super key for long time I don't get the shortcut board ,why? [19:56] Kishi: askubuntu.com has some guides on using them.. but they can break your system and using them is basically unsupported by this channel. I alwyas use the versions from the repos. [19:57] cntb: Looks like tunapie and audacious could work as combination http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1431727 [19:57] alt+f2 is the preferred way of opening a program by name, yes? (akin to super + r in awesome) [19:57] amr_: it doesn't appear on unity2d [19:57] (in unity, I mean) [19:57] amr_: it is possible to turn that off using the compiz config settings manager, do you think that could have happened? [19:57] Kishi: remove nvidia-current, remove the noveau drivers, go to the console (close by stopping lightdm) install drivers.. reboot.. hope they work. [19:57] bbl ya all. [19:58] It's kdm here. [19:58] kil, I'd back it up and just delete + install if I could - but I don't have any external storage units with more than 16gb of space, and I need to fit ~90gb of /home/ [19:58] here's my lshw, and if anybody can spot something that would cause kernel panics I'd be much appreciated. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159645/ [19:58] yes I think so, so how to fix it using compiz? [19:58] !CULV [19:58] amr_: log into unity (the 3d one, not unity2d) [19:59] SoobNauce, alt-f2 is for commands at least in gnome-shell [19:59] ThinkT510: I am in unity not in 2d [19:59] uhh [19:59] Dr_Willis: I've been unsuccessful in finding any example that fits my 'simple' scenario. Its either about multiple inbound traffic rules....or a single outbound traffic rule.... no multiple outbound rules found on google.... Pweeeease help ;-) [19:59] wilee-nilee: it seems to be reluctant to respond to the enter key (which is why I ask), and brings up a fullscreen dialog like the super key, in Unity. [19:59] amr_: sure? what is the output of: ps aux | grep compiz [20:00] minimec: ty [20:00] SoobNauce, this for user amr_ ? [20:00] or yourself? [20:01] amr_: in a terminal run ccsm (if that doesn't work then it isn't installed and there is a different problem going on) === anuvrat_ is now known as anuvrat === anuvrat is now known as anuvrat_ [20:01] ThinkT510: it's >>>> amr 4815 0.0 0.0 4368 832 pts/0 S+ 22:00 0:00 grep --color=auto compiz [20:01] wilee-nilee: for myself; awesome has gotten me into the habit of opening things such as gedit and texworks by name, rather than by menu === anuvrat_ is now known as anuvrat [20:01] AlanBell: ccsm just run the compz [20:02] amr_: then go to the unity plugin on the experimental tab look for the "Enable shortcut hints overlay" checkbox and if it isn't checked then turn it on [20:02] amr_: and: ps aux | grep metacity [20:02] SoobNauce, does the super key in unity open the app search? [20:02] sometimes I like to go back to unity, though, especially for things like automatic flash drive mounting, and automatic wi-fi [20:02] Hi, I tried to ask in #OOo, but nobody answered. So I'll paste it in here again. I got issues with base in lucid. [20:02] wilee-nilee: Yes, I believe it does search apps, I can go back to unity (back in awesome now) if you'd like me to test [20:02] OOo base didn't exist? [20:02] <- in lucid? [20:03] Hi, I'm using OOo in ubuntu lucid 10.04. It's version 3.2. It seems that I cannot create a new database. [20:03] OOO320m19 (Build:9505) [20:03] oo tab gives oowriter, oocalc .. but no oobase. [20:03] file>new> lacks database, so I guess it's not possible to load adresses from a ods list to print lables in oowriter? [20:03] I can load the ods from tools>options... and in the register OpenOffice.org Base I can add the ods as a new database, but it won't save that, and it doesn't appear as a database on a new label sheet [20:03] floogy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:03] floogy: yes...it did exist, but was not installed by default [20:03] SoobNauce, I'm not familiar with awesome, so I can't really help with it. ;) [20:03] AlanBell: it's enabled and should work by pressing the super key [20:03] Hey -- I'd like to make my ubuntu faster from login to desktop. What logs can I look in to find out what's broken/unnecessarily being loaded? [20:04] wilee-nilee: but of course - I just had that as a side question about unity, thanks [20:04] amr_: ooh, what is the vertical size of your screen? less than 768 and it won't show [20:04] ThinkT510: amr 1755 1.0 0.2 160768 14524 ? Sl 21:03 0:38 metacity [20:04] amr 4826 0.0 0.0 4372 832 pts/0 S+ 22:03 0:00 grep --color=auto metacity [20:04] amr_: there you go, you're in unity2d [20:04] coraxx, so that's the thing I'm lookin for? I mean, I can not print lables with that ods adress spread sheet due to the lack of oobase? [20:04] really [20:04] !!!!!!! [20:04] but I never log to 2d [20:04] amr_: yes, 2d uses metacity [20:04] ok, sorry I will logout and be sure again that I will log to 3d [20:05] amr_: you get directed to 2d if you dont have 3d support [20:05] amr_: it would log you into 2s automatically if your drivers aren't up to the task of 3d [20:05] floogy: are you not using libreoffice now ? ....are you still using lucid ? [20:05] 2d === user_ is now known as calwig [20:05] floogy: yes, you need base installed as a dependency of the mailmerge stuff (you don't need to run base, just have it installed) [20:07] hey! Can anybody help me with trouble regarding a BOOTMGR problem? [20:07] corax, yes I'm still using lucid. I plan to switch my 7 year old computer to a smarter i5 with ssd and loads of ram. But in the meanwhile, I need to get things working here with lucid. [20:08] sharksfan98: ask away [20:08] sharksfan98: describe the problem a bit more [20:08] AlanBell, thank you. [20:08] Hey ActionParsnip, you've always helped me out in the past :D [20:09] what logs the login process -- the stuff that happens after you type your password in ubuntu, but before you get the desktop? I think i'm getting some funky errors that slow stuff down [20:09] I downloaded ubuntu via wubi and used OS-uninstaller to get rid of windows xp, I rebooted and got the message BOOTMGR is missing. His computer now not works [20:09] semitones: i try [20:09] AlanBell, openoffice.org-base-core <- I guess, that's the right package (apt-cache search lists that) [20:10] ActionParsnip: :D [20:10] Ubuntu Certified Professional/Ubuntu Certified Engineer training and certification even still exist anymore, and if so, how much does it cost? [20:11] AlanBell, Nope, I'll try it with openoffice.org-base [20:11] Tried to look up what it cost while I was at school, listening to some LabSIM videos while doing so, couldn't find anything useful. === bobbyaldol is now known as bobbyaldolAFK [20:12] Hopefully if it's still around, it's within financial reach, 'cause Redhat certification certainly isn't. going into the quadruple figures and all. [20:12] TeamRocket1233c: do you have LPI101 and 102? [20:12] ActionParsnip: Considering trying for it in a few years, actually. [20:13] floogy: you can also do tab complete when installing stuff so sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-ba will list the possible completions [20:13] TeamRocket1233c: i believe its a prerequisite [20:13] ii openoffice.org-base-core 1:3.2.1-6ubuntu2~10.04.1 <- is already installed :( [20:14] ActionParsnip: Might look into that and see what the price is for it, if I decide to even get certified in any form of Linux, although I might, any form of Linux cert would look badass on your resume and your wall, sorry 'bout the language there/ [20:16] ciao [20:16] !list [20:16] revenge: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [20:17] AlanBell, http://pastebin.com/Dgb7jsZT E: Broken packages and http://pastebin.com/vNzN2ey6 [20:18] G2G. [20:19] floogy: that looks annoying, did you do an apt-get update first? I don't have Lucid so I am on LibreOffice so I can't really test that [20:20] yes, do you know a libre office ppa for lucid [20:20] floogy: uninstall all openoffice packages, then download the archive for openoffice, extract and install the debs in one command and should be ok [20:20] ? [20:20] floogy: I am on lucid. sudo apt-get update then sudo dpkg --configure -a and maybe throw in a sudo apt-get -f install for good measure... then tell me what you need that is lucid specific. [20:21] floogy: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid [20:21] Anybody with IPTABLES knowledge --> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j SNAT --to-source $PUBLIC188 ....is that correct and how do I add a paramter that makes sure only this rules apply to one specific internal ip adress ? === amogorkon2_ is now known as amogorkon [20:23] floogy: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa/ [20:24] floogy: better yet...a guide !!! --> http://www.mytechguide.org/9088/install-libreoffice-ubuntu/ [20:24] floogy: it also tells you how to remove openoffice [20:25] coraxx, I did sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa apt-get update. Now it will remove openoffice automatically on a dist-upgrade ;) [20:25] floogy: I would be a bit cautious of that [20:25] floogy: nice :-) [20:26] AlanBell, what do you think on? [20:26] floogy: well it might well work and be awesome, you might also consider upgrading to a new overall release of Ubuntu [20:27] ok, I'll switch to 12.04 precise with a new computer anyway [20:27] Hello Ubuntu-ites. Is it possible to tell ubuntu NOT to check for a new release all the time? "check_new_release" is misbehaving on my boot and taking a lot of IO usage [20:28] semitones: software-properties-gtk, Updates tab, notify me of new updates - Never [20:28] awesome [20:29] thanks I'll try it [20:29] semitones: you can disable the startup item as well as tell the system not to check for updates [20:29] openclipart-svg 34,5MB/354MB wow! [20:29] ActionParsnip: would that be through BootUp Manager (bum) [20:30] semitones: I don't think bum works now, its within the OS too, not at the bum level [20:30] hmm [20:31] my computer is permanently connected to a VPN. problem: my ISP resets my internet connection once a day (always at the same time). how could i automatically reconnect after this happens? [20:33] semitones: cd /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier.desktop is what makes it run at startup [20:33] anyone know of any issues installing 12.04 on an acer aspire v3 laptop? [20:33] semitones: I think /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade is what eventually runs check-new-release on login, but I think the option in software-properties-gtk should keep it from doing too much work [20:34] semitones: might only be remotely though, probably ActionParsnip's on session login [20:35] Everyday: looks like a dual GPU system which is a tonne of eadaches in Linux [20:36] ok, i'm investigating. Thank you very much trism and ActionParsnip! [20:36] semitones: if it doesn't then you'll be fine [20:37] ActionParsnip: what is the /etc/xdg/autostart/ directory for? Is that everything that autostarts? [20:37] ActionParsnip thanks. I'm just looking for a decent laptop to install 12.04. any recommendations? === floogy_ is now known as floogy [20:37] semitones: they are hidden by default so your user can add their own, they make system stuff start [20:39] irca på pendeln på G hem är fan epic [20:40] any one know of any MAJOR issues with having ubuntu installed to a USB drive instead of a hard drive? it's for permanent deployment in a single system. [20:40] !sw [20:40] !sweden [20:40] Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack! [20:40] aarcane: Depends on the type of USB drive. [20:41] So I've just installed drivers for my NVIDIA graphic card, and I'm having some trouble getting it working with X server [20:41] aarcane: If we are talking a proper SSD with a USB interface, there aren't any problems, performance will be just fine. [20:41] Everyday: system 76 can come pre-installed [20:41] thats english bitch [20:41] What up you fucking piece of shits? [20:41] aarcane: If you are thinking of a USB stick type device, you will have high latency for reads/writes, though bandwidth should be fine. [20:41] Everyday: if you look on amazon you will see people saying if ubuntu worked [20:41] Debolaz, I'm looking at kingston TD drives [20:41] !ops [20:41] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U! [20:41] *DT [20:42] hi. so is there away to manually clear the entries in the notifications applet? i'm using xchat, and when someone pms me, but then changes nick, those pm entries remain in the dropdown list in the applet until i quit xchat... [20:42] Everyday: there are also people saying on the linux hcl if their system worked [20:42] aarcane: Could you link to it? [20:42] When I run the NVIDIA X Server Settings, I get the message saying that I'm not running the NVIDIA X server [20:42] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139246 [20:42] after installing phpmyadmin [20:42] What is the best way/command to copy 200gb of data, from /mnt to a sdb device mounted also [20:42] shoudlnt files appear in /var/www/phpmyadmin ? [20:42] I'm instructed to run nvidia-xconfig as root, and then restart the X server [20:42] Debolaz, I want to mount them on an internal USB header and boot them in a raid1 configuration [20:42] Kishi: did you install nvidia-xconfig command [20:42] And I did so [20:43] It did change some things in xorg.conf [20:43] But it doesn't seem to work. [20:43] Kishi: ok then reboot and it should load the driver, your display isn't reporting EDID as it should (likely) [20:43] aarcane: Latency is going to be your problem. Ie, it's going to take significantly longer from a read request from the OS is issued, till the data has returned, compared to a normal harddrive. RAID will not change this. [20:43] I did reboot the X server [20:43] Many times [20:43] Kishi: then does nvidia-settings work ok [20:43] Debolaz, latency is the only issue? that just means slower load times for stuff, right? [20:44] aarcane: Slower reaction when things needs to be accessed from the harddrive. [20:44] aarcane: Load time will suffer as a result of that as well of course. [20:44] Nvidia settings shows up the same GUI which told me that I'm not running NVIDIA X driver [20:44] I'm looking to replace some... poor quality "traditional" sata SSDs. For most of what I want, everything should be loaded into RAM on first use and never unloaded. I'm using mpd & xbmc on one system, and running a ZFS file server on another, and these crap SSDs keep losing data. [20:45] anyone familiar with this problem ? [20:45] Kishi: I suggest you run: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what is happening [20:46] Plumblum: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin [20:46] hey guys, does anyone knwo what is the best way/command to copy 200gb of data, from /mnt to a mounted sdb device also?? [20:46] Well, I probably won't understand a thing [20:46] aarcane: It might be somewhat expensive to get the same amount of data on USB sticks as a low grade SSD. [20:46] Do you want me to send it to pastebin? [20:46] Kishi: look for EE and WW in the file, it is fairly english [20:46] Debolaz, I'm using 8GB SSDs, and only need about 6 for any system. I've limited myself to 8GB on purpose to make upgrades and backups easier and faster :) [20:47] Some directories don't exist [20:47] aarcane: Well, it works just fine to have the OS on an USB stick. But you'll just have to see if you are willing to live with the tradeoffs I've mentioned. [20:47] arnpro: "cp -rv /foo /mnt" would be one way [20:48] Well yes, the log said that system failed to load NVIDIA kernel module [20:48] ActionParsnip, thx had no idea about the "dpkg-reconfigure" but it works now === violinappren is now known as Guest11434 [20:49] I'm not sure what to do about it though. [20:49] Debolaz, these drives are pretty slow. I'll have to try it and see, I 'spose. I'll try it on my media server first before putting it on the file server. === zarathoustra is now known as lycosa [20:50] My computer starts to boil - high cpu usage - when I play a flv file, Despite what player I use Anyone? [20:50] Plumblum: its all in the docs.....a little searching goes a long way [20:50] Kishi: keep reading down, you'll get warnings about fonts [20:51] hello - I have a folder which I want to have 775 permissions - but when I add folders/file or new ones are genreated they have other permissions. is there a way to have them default to 775? === guest-ZxYmgo is now known as Dekker3D [20:52] ActionParsnip: Nope, I didn't get anything about fonts [20:52] ActionParsnip: Just some missing modules [20:52] istvan: you need to set the "sticky bit" on the directory [20:52] istvan: seems like a permissive setting 775, but if you want it system wide, see umask [20:53] Hey all. I can login to my guest account, but when I try to login to my own account the screen goes black for a bit and kicks me back to the login screen... it's not a wrong password, because I tried another pass and it just told me it was wrong. [20:53] Anybody know of any good universal Unix decompiolers? [20:53] istvan: something like chmod 1775 directory [20:53] Kishi: I can give you my xorg.conf file if you want, may work? [20:53] Dekker3D: full partitions maybe? [20:53] ActionParsnip: Sure, let's try it. [20:54] Ryan_Burchett: hopefully most "Unix" software just comes with the source code... [20:54] AlanBell: thanks! [20:54] Kishi: just reinstall your nvidia driver [20:54] Would that cause such a strange error, k1l? [20:54] I know, but I want a decomiolor for all of my sofware... I've got some windows programs I would like to view... [20:54] Dekker3D: could be [20:54] istvan: I might be a bit wrong about that, but I think that should point you in the right direction [20:55] 14.3 GB free on an SSD does not count as "full", right? [20:55] Dekker3D no... [20:55] no but you should free up space [20:55] Kishi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159731 [20:55] Dekker3D: you could take a look into the .xsession-errors in the users home or the dmesg in /var/log [20:55] It only has 128 GB, shared with a Windows partition [20:55] Dekker3D: not neccessarily, but you might have run out of inodes or something [20:56] I have no idea what inodes are. Could you explain? [20:56] Oh lol. I can't sudo su because I'm a guest. [20:56] Lol yes. [20:56] XD [20:57] Dekker3D: if you have vast numbers of small files a not-full disk might report as full sometimes. Why do you think the disk is full? [20:57] AlanBell, k1l asked if it's full. [20:57] AlanBell: he was wasking if 14gb free of 128gb is considered "full" [20:57] Actually, of 64 GB because I split the SSD between two OSes.. but yeah [20:58] Dekker3D: oh, sorry, I missed the start of the question [20:58] Dekker3D: 5% is reserved for root only. so if ots under 5% there is no login [20:58] OK, got it [20:58] my computer is permanently connected to a VPN. problem: my ISP resets my internet connection once a day (always at the same time). how could i automatically reconnect after this happens? [20:58] I'll reboot now and try it [20:58] Stupid question here, but how do I change my mouse on Gnome desktop..? [20:58] i7c yell at your isp not to reset your connection [20:58] Hm. [20:58] i7c that is pretty annoying [20:58] Ryan_Burchett: change in what way? [20:58] danielboston26: i did already :-/ === Magix is now known as xBytez [20:59] Well, it's 10% of the whole disk and 20% of the partition. That should be fine. [20:59] Ryan_Burchett : what do you mean? [20:59] i7c: check in regular intervals if the tunnel is working, if not, reconnect [20:59] ActionParsnip I wanna change the cursor, like change it's color to black XD [20:59] The .xsession-errors fils in my guest account doesn't mention anything worthwhile [20:59] Dekker3D, df -i to see how much inodes are used [20:59] i7c: it's what I do with our flaky vpn asa gateway [21:00] I want to make my cursor black, but I don't know what to do to change it. [21:00] Ryan_Burchett: try myunity or ubuntu-tweak [21:00] Okay, thank you ActionParsnip; will try that out! [21:00] It has 12 entries, floogy [21:00] MasterOfDisaster: how could i check the easiest way if the tunnel is still active? i know that after connection loss there is no connection to the internet possible anymore... how can i use that? [21:01] Oh hey, it didn't work. [21:01] Dekker3D: the .xsession errors in the users home. not the guests home [21:01] MasterOfDisaster: ping google.com or and check the response or something like that? [21:01] Dekker3D, look at the column IUse% [21:01] i7c: ping an IP address in the VPN, it it's reachable the tunnel is up [21:02] MasterOfDisaster: ah right =) [21:02] Is there a partition (line) listed with almiost 100% [21:02] <- Dekker3D, [21:03] ActionParsnip: Any other ideas? [21:03] Ah, moment. I was in another tty, floogy [21:03] myunity dose not have a mouse setting, and I cannot find Ubuntu-Tweak. :\ [21:04] myunity dose not have a mouse setting, and I cannot find Ubuntu-Tweak, ActionParsnip... [21:04] :\ [21:04] Dekker3D: and a df -h to take a look at the 5% FILLING [21:04] And yeah, I couldn't access the .xsession-errors in my own home dir because I'm not logged in on it [21:04] #name [21:04] -caps-lock :/ [21:04] besides ClamAV, are there any good security software(s) for Ubuntu? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [21:04] Dekker3D, df -h and df -i to look if a partition is the culprit. ~/.xsession-errors as suggested by k1l is another approach [21:04] floogy, df -i has two entries at 23% each.. the rest is about 1% each [21:05] that's ok [21:05] Ryan_Burchett: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hu9JrdSXB8&feature=player_embedded [21:05] floogy, df -h lists an Earth 2150 cd whose iso file I mounted as 100% use [21:05] Seems perfectly natural since it's read-only [21:05] So if df -h do not list nearly 100% go with k1l's approach and look for errors === bobbyaldolAFK is now known as bobbyaldol [21:06] * Ryan_Burchett RyanWyan [21:06] It also lists a normal drive as 96%.. so that's too full? [21:06] Dekker3D, yes cd/dvd's and other read only media got 100% [21:07] floogy, it seems to be an external drive. Would a 96% filled external drive cause problems? [21:07] Dekker3D, Is that mounted as your home directory and high is the amount of free disk space in MiB? [21:08] It's not mounted as my home directory, and it has 29 GB left of disk space. [21:08] So that's not the culprit [21:08] And I just realized... I CAN actually log in on my ordinary account. [21:08] Because on that other tty, I AM [21:08] But the Ubuntu login screen just isn't letting me [21:09] Dekker3D: so thats smells like a gui error. take a look the x.session errors [21:09] I can't really make much sense of it myself [21:10] I need to use the tty to move it to a place where my guest account can read it [21:10] And then I can use the GUI to copy it to a pastebin, I guess. [21:10] And maybe show it to one of you? [21:10] ? if you are logged in just use pastebinit [21:10] Lol. Okay, will try. [21:12] Hi all. I'm trying to replace Win7 by Ubuntu. Can someone tell me how I can upgrade gcc compiler to last available release version? [21:13] soman: you may have to install from source or your can check backports [21:13] !backports | soman [21:13] soman: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [21:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159759/ [21:14] I just don't know what to do with those drivers -_- [21:14] I probably should go to NVIDIA guys and ask for support [21:14] i need some answer. [21:14] But it would be a looooooong wait [21:14] besides ClamAV, are there any good security software(s) for Ubuntu?? [21:14] Me? [21:15] Kishi: how did you initially install nvidia drivers? [21:15] histo: as I understand I can build it myself? [21:15] DJRWolf1: security in what way? [21:15] hi all, anyone familiar with rsyslog? [21:15] Oh, nvm. So anyway.. can anyone help me with that paste? Figure out the problem? [21:15] anyone, i need some answer? [21:15] !ask | reborn [21:15] anti-malware [21:15] reborn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:16] Hi. Chromium and Chrome is same thing? [21:16] reborn: without a question, how do you expect to get an answer? [21:16] reborn just ask [21:16] Lady_swe: chromium is the open source version of chrome [21:16] !ask | reborn [21:16] reborn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:16] ok, my desktop running radeon hd 5450, but which is requirement 400 watt power supply, and my deesktop running is 240 watt, is fine with that? [21:16] histo: I downloaded them from nvidia.com I've checked it with my card model and 64bit architecture, it was all well [21:16] i would like to setup rsyslog with a daily rotation cycle based on incoming port number, can anyone assist? [21:17] histo which is better? === n is now known as Guest57595 [21:17] Kishi: do you still have the download? [21:17] reborn this is a linux chatroom not a ati hardware chatroom === diegovieiraeti is now known as revolts [21:17] ActionParsnip: anti-malware (virus, spyware) [21:17] histo: Yup. [21:17] Lady_swe: just use chromium [21:17] Kishi: did you try the xorg edgers update PPA instead...? [21:17] does ipblock gui use moblock under the covers? [21:17] Daniel i think this is general talk? [21:17] DJRWolf1: linux doesn't have that [21:17] reborn but to answer your question no you need the 440 watt powersupply [21:18] Kishi: navigate to the directory where the download is and sh NVIDIAxxxxxxx.run or whatever the name of the install file is [21:18] ok [21:18] Kishi: use sudo [21:18] reborn otherwise it will not work [21:18] reborn: join #hardware or someother channel your question doesn't ahve anything to do with ubuntu [21:18] histo: You mean reinstalling it. [21:18] DJRWolf1: you can use rkhunter to detect root kits but linux doesn't need AV unless you run a file server with windows clients, or an email server [21:18] Kishi: yes you need to reinstall it to rebuild the kernel module that you are missing. [21:18] histo: And after that? [21:18] ok [21:18] histo, why not chrome? [21:19] Kishi: you will be able to login to X [21:19] !better | Lady_swe [21:19] Lady_swe: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [21:19] floogy, k1l.. do either of you have any idea what http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159759/ might mean? [21:19] Lady_swe: chrome will be a great way to get flash when adobe quit linux support [21:19] Lady_swe: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome [21:19] ActionParsnip: you can get flash in linux [21:20] danielboston26: not for much longer [21:20] Lady_swe: google chrome is a google product [21:20] Lady_swe: chromium is a open source project [21:20] histo: Well, when I was installing it, I've encountered some kind of problem, though I installed it anyway. Maybe that's the thing. [21:20] danielboston26: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/adobe-adandons-flash-on-linux [21:21] Kishi: is that when all your issues started? [21:21] Lady_swe: chrome would require you to agree to the google license argeement which violates the gpl [21:21] histo: Something with runoff as far as I remember [21:21] Hello. I'm finding the pid of a process by its command name, with *ps -C command* option. It's ok, but .. what if I need only the 4-number-pid as output, instead of all those columns? [21:21] histo: Or something like that [21:21] Kishi: I have to go but i'm sure someone else can help you get your nvidia troubles sorted out. Just ask your question in one line again and someone will answer [21:21] Kishi: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade [21:21] caaaaaaaa: top [21:22] Back! IDK for how long. [21:22] wb TeamRocket1233c [21:22] caaaaaaaa: pipe it into awk [21:22] that would work too [21:22] but top will show you all running processes [21:23] I have a feeling the Ubuntu Certified Professional certification no longer exists, if I decide to go for any kind of Linux/UNIX-related cert, it'll be either Oracle or Redhat. [21:23] caaaaaaaa: kill `ps -C command | awk {'print $2'}` [21:24] TeamRocket1233c: who are you talking to? [21:24] TeamRocket1233c: do the voices respond? [21:24] ActionParsnip: Done, what now? [21:24] Dekker3D, It looks like you started x as root. I don't really know what's happened, though... [21:25] danielboston26: I was talking to pretty much anyone who'll listen. [21:25] ok I keep chromium [21:25] TeamRocket1233c: this is a support chatroom not a annoucment chat room === smartviking is now known as Guest74348 [21:25] floogy, ... I guess so? My Ubuntu failed to start and "gdm start" didn't work.. so I reverted to that nearly-automatic line that I'd learned ages ago, "sudo startx" [21:25] danielboston26: Sorry. [21:25] Would a reboot fix it? [21:25] Dekker3D, ** (gnome-user-share:3721): WARNING **: gnome-user-share cannot be started as root for security reasons. [21:26] Ah. [21:26] ... Guess I'm rebooting. [21:26] Home directory /home/dekker3d not ours [21:26] TeamRocket1233c: no problem [21:26] Dekker3D: ah, that wount work in ubuntu [21:26] danielboston26: Meant no harm. [21:26] Apparently not :P [21:26] Kishi: reboot to test [21:27] i was thinking about a reason why that should be a root issue [21:27] Dekker3D, never ever use X as root. Also that might have touched some config files and turned them to be config files for root now... [21:27] ActionParsnip: Kay, will be right back [21:27] smallfoot-: It's still a Linux/UNIX-related cert, which would look cool on the resume. [21:28] I need assistance in getting my sound working. I've done all the basic stuff (checking connection, sound preferences, etc) and everyone seems to check out. However, they're still not working. [21:28] smallfoot-: Debian, if there's such a thing? [21:28] smallfoot-: In addition, Solaris is a decent OS for the purpose it serves. [21:30] It still won't let me log in after a reboot. But at least I didn't have to do some shell stuff before it let me to the login screen this time [21:30] So it's getting closer to normal behaviour again [21:30] Shall I put up a new pastebin? [21:30] Dekker3D: yep [21:30] smallfoot-: Redhat/CentOS pwns anyways, TBH. [21:31] smallfoot-: Ubuntu and Debian also work great for servers or workstations as well. [21:31] k1l, floogy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159787/ [21:31] smallfoot-: I DO NOT see Mint in a Server setting though... XD [21:31] !ot | TeamRocket1233c [21:31] TeamRocket1233c: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [21:32] smallfoot-: Wanna take this to #ubuntu-offtopic? [21:32] smallfoot-: I'm heading over there right now. [21:33] Dekker3D: no new entries there [21:33] smallfoot-: Never mind then. [21:33] TeamRocket1233c: take things to a /query, please [21:33] Eh... didn't work either [21:33] Soo... I take this install out back and put it out of its misery, k1l? [21:33] Looks like only NVIDIA guys can save me now. [21:34] * Dekker3D loads his gun. [21:34] I mean, srsly. I don't really know how to fix this. What do I do? :P [21:36] I can't manage to run Flash on Firefox or Chrome. [21:36] Chrome crashes and reports : Could not load plugin. And firefox does nothing,there is just blank space. [21:36] ubuntu sucks [21:36] i gave up [21:37] hellyeah: Ubuntu's a good distro, your experience depends on what spin you use. [21:37] hellyeah: Try one of the other spins and see what happens? [21:39] Why no Ctrl + v not pastes in Terminal? there is another key? [21:39] unity i didnt like at all [21:39] Lady_swe: +shift [21:39] So there is no help for Flash ? [21:40] i dont like cononical guys because they mess up compiz [21:40] !ot | hellyeah [21:40] hellyeah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [21:40] you mean Ctrl+shift? [21:40] Lady_swe: ctrl+shift+v [21:40] I would really like to see the bloody Adobe company burn to the ground. The one thing they made dosen't work right. [21:40] hellyeah: What about building up your own custom spin from a base command-line install. [21:41] hellyeah: You don't really need compiz to have a decent GUI. [21:41] oh than you [21:41] Lady_swe: ctrl+c is another shortcut in terminal so they need to add shift to them [21:41] thank you... [21:41] hellyeah: I don't think Fluxbox or Openbox depends on compiz at all. [21:41] what is the terminal command to check your network settings? [21:42] Folks? I would love some help with logging back in to my regular, non-guest account.. [21:42] Anyone? [21:42] Dekker3D: right now i dont know how to solve your problem. because the .xsession errors was the same [21:42] would some one tell me how can I install Open Office in terminal? sudo apt-get install openoffice ? [21:43] what is the terminal command to check your network settings? [21:43] Mhm.. I'm hoping someone else might know.. bleh. [21:43] Lady_swe: which ubuntu and you mean openoffice or libreffice? [21:43] Hm, libre office 3.5 gives this old openoffice error, what's that? Error loading BASIC of document file:///usr/lib/openoffice/share/basic/WebWizard/script.xlb: General Error. General Input/output error. [21:43] !doesn'twork | Dekker3D [21:44] Lady_swe: don't you mean LibreOffice¿ [21:44] !work | Dekker3D [21:44] Dekker3D: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [21:44] Wow a year 2005 error. http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=28252 [21:44] Alright. [21:44] I thought Linux ppl uses open office never heard of libre before [21:44] hello i know its wrong # but anyone know ppa that got fglrx build against xorg abi 13? [21:44] its ubuntu but ldxe gnome-panel [21:44] Lady_swe: well libreoffice is the new openoffce and already comes in ubuntu [21:45] Lady_swe: ubuntu 12.04? [21:45] My problem is this: I can reach my default Ubuntu login screen just fine.. but when I try to login to my own account, I can fill in a password, my screen goes black, I hear the "login screen starts" bell sound and it's back at the login screen. [21:45] Oh really? open office called libreoffice anymore? [21:45] Is it possible to use apt-get to download a package to a specific folder? How would I do this PLEASE? [21:45] k1l, yeah the last version ubuntu [21:45] Lady_swe: then install libre office [21:45] I have libreoffice [21:46] !details | Dekker3D [21:46] Dekker3D: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [21:46] Using a different password makes it tell me that's the wrong password, so I'm using the correct password normally.. and I can log in to the guest account. I can also log in to my own account on a tty, but.. not on the gui [21:46] Ubuntu is the latest stable one. 12.04, I'd guess. I regularly upgrade. [21:47] I get the black screen, login bell of death, and then I get booted back to the login screen. [21:47] I kubuntu 12.04 is a big difference from 10.04LTS... [21:47] I expect it to simply log me in and show me my usual desktop. [21:47] I know... [21:47] and what is the different about sudo update or upgrade commands? [21:47] Using the default Ubuntu spin, by the way [21:47] update is for packages [21:47] upgrade is for OS [21:48] Sooo.. the xsession-errors paste is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159787/ [21:48] What do I do? [21:49] Dekker3D: is nautilus there? [21:49] I have full access to the file manager.. that's nautilus, as far as I know? [21:49] * Argento np: fd: File o directory non esistente [21:49] It looks just fine, except I can't access my files and the settings are default. === babilen_ is now known as Guest96569 === maximilian is now known as Guest37801 [21:50] Dekker3D: ok, try this work-arounds http://askubuntu.com/questions/129246/after-12-04-upgrade-cant-log-in-although-password-is-correct [21:50] hi everyone, i'm having trouble with my wired network, wireless works fine though === Guest96569 is now known as babilen [21:51] Thanks, epinky [21:51] Dekker3D: np [21:51] when i plug in the ethernet cable and let the wired network connect automatically, it won't connect and if i use the ip, mask and gateway from the wireless network, it doesn't work either [21:51] !details | Guest37801 [21:51] Guest37801: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [21:52] Guest37801: are you receiving traffic? check cables [21:52] yep, it works on my brother's laptop [21:52] I am using the latest ubuntu 12.04, and I added virtualization which uses qemu. However, it looks like it is missing roms.. I need openbios-sparc32 which does not come with ubuntu. [21:53] Guest37801: install ethtool wirelessly [21:53] can i use apt-get for it? [21:53] Guest37801: whatever just install it [21:54] Grabbing an apt-get update&upgrade while I'm at it. === axl__ is now known as axl_ [21:56] Dekker3D: does your NIC/port blink when you plug the cable? [21:56] nevermind I found the problem [21:56] epinky, I don't really have any internet problems. You may have meant to talk to someone else? [21:57] hey i got a problem with my laptop. if iam on cable wifi runs super fast if i unplugg the cable the wifi is really bad ?? [21:57] Probably Guest37801. [21:57] Dekker3D: sry, [21:57] dadam i build fglrx against 3.5 kernel and xorg 13 [21:57] xD [21:57] hey sorry, ya, it blinks when i plug in the cable [21:57] Is there a way to rebuild the download repositories and what i have downloaded? when I do a 'sudo apt-get update' I am getting all kinds of cannot connect and failed to fetch errors. Any help would be great. [21:57] Guest37801: does your NIC/port blink when you plug the cable? [21:57] it does blink when the cable is plugged in [21:58] Guest37801: check your config with "sudo ifconfig" is ethX UP? [21:59] scott_z, there should be an apt folder somewhere. /etc/apt/sources.list.d, I think. [21:59] here is the output. http://pastie.org/4564569 [21:59] In there, you should find files for any repositories you've added via apt-add-repository [21:59] Is there anything I can do to 'reset' gconf, or somehow resolve the errors? I'm getting a lot of gconf errors in my .xsession-errors. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159833/ [21:59] (Or apt-repository-add) [22:00] well there's an eth0 there, i'm not sure what UP means [22:00] But I guess that's not your problem, scott_z, so what I said is probably not helpful [22:01] G2G. [22:01] I'd like to run Unity on top of my Xubuntu desktop to get a global menu, but I would not like to use the launcher or the rest of Unity. I have successfully run the entire Unity plugin on top of my Xfce desktop (I use compiz anyway), but is there a way to disable all of the other features of Unity *besides* the global menu? Thanks so much. [22:02] epinky, I tried the workaround you linked to, but it hasn't fixed anything yet. Do I need to reboot for it to work? [22:02] It seems things got mucked up yesterday when i tried to fix files that where not updated but ignored. now thing seem to be really screwed up. I was hoping to try to clear things out and start over. [22:02] scott_z: add http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-add-medibuntu-repository-in-ubuntu-via-terminal-and-gui/ [22:03] epinky: there's an eth0, but i'm not sure what i should be looking at in there [22:04] Hello. Has anybody else experienced crashes with LibreOffice 1.3.6 on Ubuntu? It doesn't even start, crashes shortly after displaying a splash window. [22:05] What would happen if I deleted ~/.gconf ? [22:08] I'd like to run Unity on top of my Xubuntu desktop to get a global menu, but I would not like to use the launcher or the rest of Unity. I have successfully run the entire Unity plugin on top of my Xfce desktop (I use compiz anyway), but is there a way to disable all of the other features of Unity *besides* the global menu? Thanks so much. [22:09] semitones: With unity? Nothing at *all* good. With Gnome 3? Nothing good, but maybe still a sorta usable desktop. All of your settings would go *poof*. [22:09] soliloquy1: i have unity2d -- I think some of the settings in gconf are messed up, so I'm looking to just reset to default settings [22:11] The MATE desktop is very nice, but it needs properly integrated rather than just installed. [22:11] semitones: I would try to get a default copy of the settings from a fresh user account and overwrite your file rather than delete it, only because I don't know that it regenerates itself automatically and it's a file that you need to have for a lot of things to be functional. [22:11] Mrokii: Mine just came up fine...not sure which version it is [22:11] ki4ro_: I just updated today. If it's a green splash window it's 1.3.6 [22:12] soliloquy1: good idea [22:12] semitones: That being said, I'm an xfce and gnome 2/mate/compiz-fusion person much more than a unity one and truthfully don't know that much about Unity 3d, and NOTHING about unity 2d, so it's just a strong hunch. [22:12] Mrokii: Okay, mine is still white [22:13] Actually, I'ma head off again, I'll be back later, bye! -wave- [22:14] soliloquy1: alright, taken under advisement. I know that unity2d uses a lot of Qt, but that's the extent of my knowledge [22:15] semitones: yes, and that's truthfully why I don't deal with it; I do GTK2/GTK3 and Compiz/xfwm4, so I just never touch it. === black is now known as Guest13152 [22:16] hey, does anyone know what the least memory intensive environment would be that still has a gui? [22:16] Guest37801: just fluxbox on it's own [22:16] it really depends how minimal you want to go [22:16] semitones: since it uses qt, I also don't know if all the settings would be in gconf? it would make sense to me they might be in some sort of config file instead, but with the way the DE universe is it's entirely possible they all write to gconf, because at this point, nothing at all can suprise me. [22:16] Guest37801: or flwm if you want super light [22:17] thanks [22:17] flwm? Hmmm. Never heard of. [22:17] !info flwm [22:17] flwm (source: flwm): Fast Light Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02+cvs20080422-9 (precise), package size 40 kB, installed size 156 kB [22:17] guest37801: LXDE is also very light weight, openbox is as well; xfce and mate are the middle between those and gnome 3 and unity, and cinnamon is on the more intensive end. [22:18] W4sp: 156k installed :) [22:18] guest37801: LXDE is also very light weight, openbox is as well; xfce and mate are the middle between those and gnome 3 and unity, and cinnamon is on the more intensive end. [22:18] thanks [22:18] now it's time to figure out how to install them :) [22:19] ActionParsnip: Now that's a footprint. ;-) What matters though is process and memory consumption. [22:19] Is there some tool for ubuntu where i can mark a part of the screen with the mouse to be screendumped into a file? (so that i dont have to screendump and edit the dump in some imagehandling program after) [22:19] guest37801: using Ubuntu software center :). [22:19] soliloquy1: if you install lxde you get openbox, so you can just install openbox and ditch the lxde bit :) [22:19] W4sp: true, its fun to play [22:20] diverdude: tried kazam? [22:20] actionparsnip: Oooh, really? I didn't realize that. I'm coming back to linux after a break from when KDE 4 was right about to come out, gnome 2 and xfce were the only other full GTK desktops, sooo I'm just a little rusty. [22:20] Guest37801: or use apt-get [22:20] oh okay, sweet thanks, do i restart afterwards is all? [22:20] guest37801: no need, just new x session. [22:20] ActionParsnip: isn't that for screencast? like recording video? [22:21] Guest37801: ust log off and select the new session [22:21] although it may be easier to restart in reality to get consistency, it shouldn't be needed. [22:21] oh cool [22:21] diverdude: isn't that what you meant? [22:21] diverdude: gimp's screenshot tool will let you do that. [22:21] diverdude: or do you mean an image? [22:21] ActionParsnip: just an image [22:22] diverdude: if you mean an image, install imagemagick and run: sleep 10;import ~/screenpart.png and you can select the area using the mouse when the cursor changes [22:22] diverdude: the sleep command is to allow you to get the screen ready [22:24] hi [22:26] can ayone help me getting error saying ubi partman failed error code 141 [22:26] SlicedOrange: what makes the error happen? [22:27] when i try to continue to install from live cd [22:27] after i click continue [22:28] more so it happens when my usb is plugged in [22:28] when it is not plugged in it doesnt occur [22:29] is there an irc channel that talks about operating systems in general? [22:29] SlicedOrange: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? [22:30] schultza: could try in #ubuntu-offtopic [22:30] no but ive installed with this live cd before so [22:31] SlicedOrange: did you try upgrading the ubiquity and gparted packages? [22:31] tdont thibk so [22:31] think [22:31] schultza: there's ##linux for all linux, and then rooms for most oses indvidually that I know of. Try using the channel list feature in your IRC client to find what you're looking for. [22:31] Hi, I have ubuntu 10.10 and I would like to upgrade a headless server, however I do not have the package update-manager-core, what should I do? [22:32] There were three young ladies of Birmingham, [22:32] And this is the scandal concerning 'em. [22:32] They lifted the frock [22:32] And tickled the cock [22:32] Of the Bishop engaged in confirming 'em. [22:32] Now, the Bishop was nobody's fool, [22:32] phoenix_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:32] benji_: I would clean install with Precise [22:32] He'd been to a good public school, [22:32] ActionParsnip, I should be able to run a do-release-ugrade though no? [22:34] benji_: I suggest you grab the alternate ISO for Natty and MD5 test then mount it and you can upgrade that way. You will be doing a LOT Of upgrading. A clean install will get you to Precise in one jump and will be a cleaner OS [22:34] I got banned from all the slackware and linux mint servers [22:35] I wish I knew about LTS back then :( [22:35] i just did a fresh install, and opted to do the home encryption, and only putting the passphrase in once im not sure I got it. is there a way I can test it? [22:36] kraetzja: try accessing your home data from live CD desktop [22:36] nothing i can do from live machine? [22:37] kraetzja: well, you have decrypted the data, so it is accessible to your user, so no [22:38] kraetzja: if you have another linux based OS you can test from there [22:38] can i alt-ctrl-# to a console, log in as root, and try mounting it? [22:40] hello my question is still unresolved thanks for any help : http://askubuntu.com/questions/178297/i-want-to-do-a-bridge-between-ubuntu-and-my-ps3 [22:47] anyone here using firefox and had the problem with superfish plugin? [22:48] Hi, Unity sucks. [22:49] ljack: so use Gnome 3 or Xfce (my favorite) or KDE 4 or LXDE or plain blackbox/fluxbox/lightbox or MATE or Cinnamon. No shortage of choices at the moment - try stuff till you find something comfy! [22:50] ljack: Why ? cause it works like a phone ? no prob wit that ! [22:50] *openbox not lightbox [22:51] Unity in precise is a good desktop environment. [22:51] soliloquy: Do you like Gnome 2? [22:51] Kircle: How? [22:52] I can't explain exactly how but I like it better then gnome shell. [22:52] !notunity | ljack [22:52] ljack: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [22:53] #python [22:53] archemike: TYPE /j #python [22:53] ty [22:53] hello, i´m running win7 in VmwarePlayer on linux. By moving the cursors betwenn win and linux the complete system stutter for a few seconds. very high CPU load for X. No Problems with Unity-Mode. [22:54] ljack: I liked it, yes, but it's dead now. For something similar, use XFCE (my favorite), gnome 3 in fallback mode, or MATE, which is a branch of gnome 2 (but i don't think is natively in synaptic). [22:54] c1c3 sounds like a driver issue [22:54] v1c3* [22:55] danielboston26, hm, i´m using catalyst/fglrx and 3d acceleration @host&guest [22:56] * zykotick9 wonders why anyone would use vmware (propretary software) when VirtualBox (Oracle contaminated now) and kvm exist? [22:56] ljack: gnome 3 is hugely different from gnome 2, which is dead; I've heard it's very nice, but shares some properties with Unity as well (they're both based on the same stuff). I personally don't use gnome 3, so it's hard for me to say - I can only really tell you about xfce and unity. [22:56] v1c3: have you installed the vmware drivers for windows? [22:56] danielboston26, yes of couse [22:57] soliloquy1: I like Xfce, do you recommend me using Ubuntu and installing Xfce on top of it, or just using Xubuntu? [22:57] zykotick9, vmware is faster and the unity function is nicer than seamlessmode in virtualbox [22:57] i have a piece of software that consists of one source file and a makefile. i want to make a source package so i can upload this to my launchpad ppa. can someone please point me to a guide that tells me how to do exactly this? i don't want to use bazaar or whatever. i would consider switching to autoconf if said guide would tell me how to set that up [22:57] ljack: just install xfce on top from synaptic and then new x session, run in Xubuntu mode. [22:58] Okey dokey. [22:58] ljack: just be aware that you also have compiz floating around (which is totally fine for xfce, I use the two together), but if your windows come up with no borders, don't panic, just type "xfwm4 --replace" into the run programs dialog. [22:59] I still have no luck getin flash to work on Ubuntu. It's not working on firefox,chrome and chromium. [23:00] Alright. [23:00] nightwalkerkg: What have you done so far? [23:00] ljack: if you choose to use compiz or it launches itself, make sure to use ccsm to disable the unity plugin, otherwise it'll try to run unity on top of xfce - if you want to go back to unity, you;ll have to renable it or else things will not work. [23:00] nightwalkerkg, just install the package? [23:01] ljack: I installed one from the official adobe website via USC,then i installed via terminal sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer. [23:01] ljack: for more help, head over to #xfce [23:01] And i have tried some plugins that i found on forums. But no luck. [23:01] nightwalkerky: adobe-installer isn't the correct package. [23:02] I think it's something like flash-plugin can't remember. [23:02] ljack: Flashplugin-installer [23:02] Hey all -- I'm running ubunu 12.04 LTS and I switched from unity to Gnome 3 -- If I wish to find a theme -- What do I search for? I'm afraid I'll install something that isn't compatible :P Thanks in advance. [23:02] and there is a second one, mozilla flash or something similar .. one of them shuld work [23:02] ljack: also be aware that Gnome 3 can be quite mac-like, if you're after that - http://skiesofazel.deviantart.com/art/Orta-184118297 is an example [23:03] ljack: Is there any other way,i am thinking about trying with Synaptic. I think there was someting like flashplugin-nonfree. But i can't remember. [23:04] nightwalkerkg: just download flash plugin from ubuntu software denter [23:04] nightwalkerkg: Please install the adobe-flashplugin package. [23:04] It's in the Ubuntu Software Centre, aptitude etc... [23:04] danielboston26: Tried it,not working. [23:04] ljack: Just a sec. [23:04] nightwalkerkg: search for adobe flash plder [23:05] on a fresh install, i feel like im at a mac, right clicking doesn't do anything on things i want it to [23:05] like this obnoxious bar on the left, how do i get rid of that [23:05] get rid of unity [23:05] kraetzja: I'd just install a new desktop enviroment... [23:06] you can install classic gnome or kde [23:06] kraetzja: so use Gnome 3 or Xfce (my favorite) or KDE 4 or LXDE or plain blackbox/fluxbox/lightbox or MATE or Cinnamon. No shortage of choices at the moment - try stuff till you find something comfy! [23:06] *I need my own bot* [23:06] <3 me some gnome [23:06] or someone needs to train ubottu to say that [23:06] ljack: adobe-flashplugin is already the newest version. [23:06] nightwalkerkg: Restart your browsers. [23:07] Have you tried that? [23:07] Yes,about ten times. [23:07] I am going to try it this time. [23:07] kraetzja: gnome 2 is now gone - for something like it, try xfce or gnome 3 in fallback mode or MATE, which is a fork of gnome 2. === JasonK75 is now known as teresa91180 [23:07] ljack: I will be right back, I just need to restart my computer [23:07] I hate Gnome 3... [23:07] Okay. [23:08] ljack: Could not load shockwave flash. Same thing. [23:08] bye [23:08] ljack: yeah it's the least configurable thing I've ever seen - even worse than mountain lion os x! [23:08] nightwalkerkg, go to the ppluginsection of firefox [23:09] v1c3: I am on Chrome. [23:09] and disable "the other" flashplugins, i think you have installed to much flashcrap [23:09] nightwalkkerkg: Maybe the Ubuntu Software Center isn't installing it correctly. I'd install Synaptic, it's a much better package manager and just... works. [23:09] nightwalkerkg: i believe adobe-flashplugin requires the partner repo (could be wrong). ljack don't use aptitude with modern ubuntu's (see "/msg ubottu aptitude") [23:09] does ginn no longer work in 12.04? [23:10] v1c3: I think that could be. I have ubuntu restricted extras installed. [23:10] zykotick9: What's the correct package then? [23:10] But i did the purge option. [23:10] ljack: ? i wouldn't know ;) [23:10] restricted extras is something other.. should work [23:10] Ah,damn it. [23:10] How do i uninstall everything that has to do with flash and start all over ? [23:11] good question [23:11] search in synaptic for flash.. [23:11] Ubuntu Software Center is bad... install Synaptic, search for flash and uninstall all of them. [23:11] see what is installed and what you can remove [23:12] nightwalkerkg: have you installed more then one flash program? that causes issues! ActionParsnip has a great 1 liner (that i don't have convient) to check for all/most of the flash programs - once discovered, you remove all but the one you want ;) [23:12] guys i need some help [23:12] xperiamaniac: Ask your question. [23:12] i need a link to download ubuntu 11 [23:12] ljack: Yeah,i hate thing. I usually install everything i need via terminal. [23:12] zykotick9: Can you give me that line ? [23:12] nightwalkerkg: lol nope... [23:12] nightwalkerkg: Synaptic is very good. Never had a single problem with it. [23:12] cuz ubuntu 12.04 LTS is lagging a lot [23:13] i got a 512 mb ram [23:13] and ubuntu 10 worked like a hot knife on butter [23:13] xperiamaniac: In that case, install a new desktop environment. [23:13] terminal : apt-cache search *flash* [23:13] but 12 is very sad [23:13] xperiamaniac: i don't think that meet's "ubuntu's" RAM requirement. see lubuntu for a lighter version. [23:13] !requirements [23:13] Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu [23:13] xperiamaniac: Just install Xfce or LXDE. [23:14] xfce? [23:14] whats that? [23:14] I want to do sudo killall dnsmasq because I am trying to do this but it isn't possible how can I really kill all ipv6 settings because when I type ifconfig it still shows the same ipv6 settings for both eth0 and eth1?????????? [23:14] I am wondering does ubuntu or linux based systems only VNC or is there software for remote desktop protocal so I can uses the windows mstsc,exe program / standard built in programs on my windows box to connect to my linux box [23:14] xperiamaniac: i was wrong, 512MB is the minimum... [23:14] xperiamaniac: It's a desktop environment that is very fast and looks good. Open your package manager, search then install. It's lightweight too. [23:14] ubuntu 10 works gr8 [23:15] Don't downgrade... [23:15] i am currently on windows [23:15] ubuntu_, there's also vnc for windows [23:15] xperiamaniac: xfce is similar to gnome2 in both requirements and styles... [23:15] is there a way i can find it from windows [23:15] v1c3: Dafuq ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1159911/ [23:15] xperiamaniac: Okay, then just download Xubuntu. http://xubuntu.org [23:15] hmmm... [23:15] I removed everything from the synaptic that has to do with flash. [23:15] It's Ubuntu but a lighter version. [23:16] oh kool [23:16] but do i gt the same interface? [23:16] ubuntu_, the remote desktop in the menu can also do rdp (which is what mstsc.exe does-- MsWindows native remote is called RDP) [23:16] or is it different? [23:16] xperiamaniac: BTW/FYI you could just install xfce4 in ubuntu to try it out! [23:16] And in my opinion, better. :) No you don't get the same interface but it's very easy to use. [23:16] true but I am wondering jagginess if there is remote desktop services /serverside software for linux that would enable me to uses the standard mstscs.exe programs [23:17] i love the ubuntu 12 interface [23:17] lol [23:17] ubuntu_, mstsc.exe is created by m$. [23:17] VNC and RDP are not the same and are not fully compatible thats why I asked [23:17] ubuntu_, no. [23:17] xperiamaniac: There's nothing you can do... [23:17] ljack: back [23:17] and one more question [23:17] ubuntu_, the client on linux does multiple protocols.. [23:17] i wanna register with this room [23:17] well , just asking because the samba was made compatible with ms netbios shares ,...etc [23:17] nightwalkerkg, after removing all what has to do with flash install ONE packet [23:17] how do i do that? [23:18] ubuntu_, that has nothing to do with remote desktop. [23:18] v1c3: Somehow the ads on a website work but not the player. But when i disable flash plugin the ads don't work. o.O [23:18] ubuntu_, samba is not a windows protocol.. it's a toolset on linux to use smb/cifs [23:18] v1c3: Yes,but witch one ? :D [23:18] soliloquy1: xperiamaniac's computer only has 512MB RAM and needs to run a different desktop environment because Unity is too heavy. [23:18] You're the expert. [23:18] ljack: How about the unity 2D ? [23:18] what are talking about here? [23:19] Might work. [23:19] or else i will install ubuntu 10 [23:19] xperiamaniac: Tried Unity 2D? [23:19] nightwalkerkg, sry i dont use ubuntu. in my system its called flashplugin [23:19] it worked gr8 wid dis system [23:19] " ubuntu_, samba is not a windows protocol.. it's a toolset on linux to use smb/cifs" No it comes with the server side so you can host shares on a linux computer and be compatible with windows shares or access from a windows computer [23:19] nope [23:19] havent [23:19] how do i obtain unity 2D [23:19] :) [23:19] I am using it eaven if i have 1GB of ram. [23:20] xperiamaniac: Logout, click on the cog icon then click on Ubuntu 2D, then login again. [23:20] ubuntu_, the protocol is smb/cifs. it's a toolset [23:20] xperiamaniac: Just log out,and click on the gear icon next to the login,and select Unity 2D. [23:20] i really appriciate u guys helping me out wid dis a BIG THANK YOU GUS :) [23:20] ubuntu_, anyways i think you want #linux.. you're not asking anything ubuntu [23:20] GUYS* [23:21] yes it is a tool set but it has a services with it and supports the protocal compatible with what microsoft shares uses [23:21] Does the xfce filebrowser support samba / network file browsing? [23:21] thor if i am right [23:21] how do i register with this room? [23:21] ljack: this sounds like LXDE or straight openbox/blackbox/fluxbox territory. Anything compositing is going to be agonzing, so unity (compiz) xfce and gnome 3 are all issues. [23:21] /msg identify password [23:21] xperiamaniac: /msg NickServ REGISTER [23:22] xperiamaniac: It' basically a striped down version of Unity. No animations,no fancy stuff. [23:22] Back! [23:22] ubuntu_, you can use smb:// or cifs:// with konqueror or nautilus. When you see smb:// it doesnt mean you're using samba. [23:22] Also do you need to install VNC to access a linux desktop enviroment or can you uses microsoft RDP protocal to access linux computer [23:22] seem reasonable if you have samba the way it is [23:23] * jagginess ignores ubuntu_ [23:23] ubuntu: i dont think rdp woulkd work but not sure [23:23] awsome [23:23] thank you :) [23:24] Oh,one thing more. I the system info,under Graphic i have Unknown. I remember that i had installed something via terminal and got it to work. But i can't remember what. [23:24] I think that even Unity2D will be too much for 512 memory, to be honest. [23:24] hmmm in dat case do u suggest going back to ubuntu 10? [23:24] thank you vlc3 thats what I thought . So curious why RDP wouldn't be ported to linux but cifs / smb would be or at least they must be implemented in both microsoft and linux [23:24] nightwalkerkg, which graphicscard? [23:24] Might be,but you can try. If it' not working as it should,use some other DE. [23:24] xperiamaniac: No, don't downgrade... [23:25] xperiamaniac: that wouldn't fix your problem - the issue here is not what version of ubuntu you're running *and downgrading is a NIGHTMARE* [23:25] v1c3: Diamond Ati Radeon 9550 128mb. [23:25] But I always thought microsoft share system was part of the netbios protocal ... though maybe netbios was just for sending computer names [23:25] but rather what DE you're using - unity torks too much on your computer. Unity torks on my laptop, for that matter, and I have a macbook air! [23:25] There was this one thing that for checking how the graphic works,and it fixes it. [23:26] But my brain stoped working. [23:26] well i have installed ubuntu inside windows [23:26] so i guess dat shudnt be a prob will it? [23:26] xperiamaniac: No... [23:26] nightwalkerkg, i think its to old for the propritary drivers : http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Grafikkarten/ATI/fglrx?highlight=ati [23:27] if modifying resolv.conf didn't affect my domain resolving ,, what else could be managing my dns or how to know ? [23:27] hmmmm dats true... [23:27] wait, xperia maniac - do you run Ubuntu on VMWare or something like it???? If so, that's the issue. If you mean you used wubi for your ubuntu install, that's totally fine. [23:27] nightwalkerkg, this one should work: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Grafikkarten/ATI/radeon [23:27] maybe I answered my own question xrdp software seems like it [23:27] xperiamaniac: Just load up Ubuntu, click the gear icon, then select Unity 2D and login. [23:27] yes i used WUBI [23:27] v1c3: Yes i know that. But it's not the drivers. It's something like dkpg a command,short like that. I don't know how to call it. [23:28] i downloaded the iso and wubi put it in one folder and installed it [23:28] okies [23:28] will try that right now [23:28] xperiamaniac: that's totally fine [23:28] xperiamaniac: If it still lags, then you need to switch to a lighter desktop environment. [23:28] f00bar80, networkmanager overwrites your resolv.conf.. [23:28] and if am successful then i shall meet ya guys in 2D :) [23:29] Okay. :) [23:29] okay [23:29] or else will be back on windows [23:29] ljackL he'll be back in a minute, I'm sure - unity 2d is still too heavy I bet. [23:29] v1c3: I am going to try this. [23:29] Lets hope for d best :) keepin ma fingers crossed [23:29] Yep... [23:29] nightwalker: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org-radeon [23:29] xperiamaniac: Switch to a lighter-weight desktop. HIGHLY recommend that. [23:29] sry i dont know the packagenames :( [23:30] soliloquy1: You think Xfce is best for him? [23:30] xperiamaniac: Either Xfce, LXDE, Openbox+Tint2, or Fluxbox. [23:30] v1c3: It's ok. Thanks. [23:31] ljack: no, I think that lxde is what he really needs. [23:31] soliloquy1: ljack : What about any of the *boxes? [23:31] He likes the Unity interface. [23:31] teamrock1233c: those would be fine [23:32] No offense to him, but the *boxes are too advance... [23:32] but that's the issue right there [23:32] He's new to Linux. [23:32] soliloquy1: Openbox+Tint2 is a great desktop, and actually not that hard to use. [23:32] they require WAY too much config to be usable [23:32] Yep. [23:32] teamrocket1233c: yeah, but he wouldn't know how to start a session with them [23:33] or where to find his apps [23:33] TeamRocket1233c: He wont like the interface either. [23:33] soliloquy1: Depends on the distro. Crunchbang and Unity (the distro, not the UI) come with Openbox pre-configured. [23:33] yeah, he wants the glitz [23:33] v1c3: I remembered. It's glxinfo. I install it with sudo apt-get install mesa-utils. It's working now. [23:33] huh, that's interesting, I didn't know that [23:33] Still, I'd say LXDE. [23:33] the thing is lxde isn't glitzy either. [23:33] I know. [23:33] and it's a hard one to make glitzy. [23:34] Xfce is quite light too... [23:34] soliloquy1: ljack : And it just takes a moment to get used to right-clicking on the desktop with either Openbox or Fluxbox, and you're set. And LXDE = Openbox dressed in fancy clothes basically. [23:34] TeamRocket1233c: But, he'd still have to be editing many configs to update the menus for the stuff he's installed, etc... [23:35] And making it how he wants. [23:35] teamrocket1233c: that's why I think lxde is the right thing - he needs the clothes! [23:35] Im trying to ssh via crossover cable but i can't seem to get it working [23:35] I first need to give the server a static ip right? [23:35] ljack: Xfce or Enlightenment? [23:35] Xfce [23:35] teamrocker1233c - for what? [23:35] soliloquy1: LXDE's great too, I tried it out in GhostBSD and loved it. [23:35] soliloquy1: And Xfce or Enlightenment for his desktop? [23:36] LXDE or enlightenment, *maybe* xfce depending on his processor. [23:36] soliloquy1: Unless Enlightenment and Ubuntu do not go well together.. [23:36] http://lists.refractions.net/pipermail/udig-devel/2008-November/013397.html [23:36] what this mean? [23:36] The thing is that with xfce, you can make it look like this: http://i.imgur.com/3ZLDw.jpg [23:36] without much work [23:37] which is I think what he's fafter [23:37] nightwalkerkg, flash is working now? [23:37] v1c3: I am installing it now. [23:37] Just a sec [23:37] and I don't have the first clue about enlightment, but I know it requires a LOT of config (like the *boxes) and I've never heard of using it with Ubuntu which makes me suspicious. [23:38] either LXDE or Xfce fullstop [23:38] soliloquy1: Also, tried out Fluxbox in Tiny Core, it worked fine out of the box, it operates like basically a refined Openbox. [23:38] soliloquy1: JWM is easy to use, it's just ugly in stock form. [23:38] v1c3: Nope. Could not load Shockwave flash. Shockwave flash has crashed. [23:39] I really,really,really,really hate Adobe now. [23:39] got question [23:40] teamrocket1233c: again, too much config. He needs a full DE, not just a window manager to build a desktop around; those are great lightweight options for someone who's comfy using a command line and configuring stuff, but it's hard for a newbie [23:40] nightwalkerkg: You can basically have Illustrator and Photoshop without having to pay for it, in the form of GIMP, MyPaint, InkScape, or all three. [23:40] nightwalkerkg: The problem is, there's so many "flash" packages... [23:40] And I have no idea what to install most of the time. [23:40] marcus___: don't ask to ask, just ask. [23:40] soliloquy1: LXDE's his best bet. [23:40] if i build packages for fglrx with ./ati-installer.sh 8.980 --buildpkg Ubuntu/quantal AND install it via dpkg i need to run aticonfigure or something? [23:40] teamrocket1233c: that's the conclusion I came too as well. Now to convince him to that! [23:40] TeamRocket1233c: Hahahahaha. I am having problems with flash. :D [23:40] nightwalkerkg, are you able to watch youtube-videos? [23:40] soliloquy1: does that count as asking him to ask and not ask to ask? if so i think i just got a headache [23:40] But that made me laugh. Thanks man. [23:41] v1c3: Only ones that use HTML5 player. [23:41] soliloquy1: Not in here anymore. [23:41] smallR2002: metaasking! [23:41] >.< [23:41] teamrocket1233c: yeah I know, he went to install unity 2d .... [23:41] he'll be back soon. [23:42] I can't wait for HTML5 to take over and push Flash out of the way. I might start anti-flash campain. xD [23:42] I wonder what flavor of windoze he's using, tho? XP even needs more memory than that. [23:42] soliloquy1: I hope it works, Unity's biggest issue is it's a huge resource hog. [23:42] He probably wants the windows 7/8 look, I'd think. [23:42] Teamrocker1233c: I know. [23:42] soliloquy1: No, Win XP can run fine on 512MB. [23:42] soliloquy1: I don't think KDE and GNOME Shell are any better as far as memory usage than Unity shell. [23:42] imho, unity's biggest problem is unity [23:43] I think that xp can run on 256 mb fine. [23:43] ^ Yep. [23:43] they're all bad in terms of memory [23:43] soliloquy1: Especially since KDE has a very Vista/7-esque apperance. [23:43] I didn't realize xp was that compatible. [23:43] XP can even run on 128MB I think.. [23:44] the thing with unity is it's compiz - which is fine except a. it's not very configurable b. it eats memory to breakfast [23:44] soliloquy1: And XP was good back in its day, but it's 11 years old and pretty much dead. [23:44] yeah, I know [23:44] what the hell. [23:44] I have a pc that is 8 years old,and when i bought it i had 80GB HDD,256MB Ram,Nvidia MX-4400 64mb graphic card,and i could run xp without a problem,hell i had a best pc in my neighbourhood. [23:44] xp first version runs ob 256 mb.. but with the servicepacks you should have mire than 1000 [23:44] casey: ? [23:44] $ ls -l | grep foo [23:44] ls: cannot access foo: No such file or directory [23:44] ?????????? ? ? ? ? ? foo [23:44] anyone know about Arduino Unos not working in Ubuntu? [23:44] soliloquy1: Vista's only five years old and pretty much on its way out. [23:45] apparently ubuntu sets up some sort of encryptfs for /home [23:45] and it's malfunctional [23:45] any file I try to rm becomes a ?????????? leftover [23:45] soliloquy1: Win7 pretty much has a few years left before it dies out. [23:45] TeamRocket1233c: Windows 8 wont take over... [23:45] well [23:45] I'm sure. [23:46] if I try to touch a file, it tells me no space left on device [23:46] ljack: It'll only really gain ground in the tablet world, I'm sure. [23:46] but then there's a ?????????? entry with that filename. [23:46] People we are going offtopic. [23:46] that I can't rm [23:46] or ls [23:46] WTF [23:46] Can an upgrade to 12.04 fix the problem with flash ? I am becoming desperate. [23:46] when I try to write to the Arduino on /dev/ttyACM0 it gets disconnected and reconnects on ACM1, 2, etc [23:47] nightwalkerkg: I'm sure it could. [23:47] am i in the right place for some very basic help? [23:47] results are always the same whether I try to write a program to it, or monitor it on the Serial monitor [23:47] Farfy: Yes. [23:47] farfy: yep [23:47] ljack: You are sure why ? :D [23:47] device works fine in OSX [23:47] yeah, I haven't touched windows since about... 2005? [23:47] nightwalker i dont think so, becaust its probably a settings or package problem.. [23:47] nightwalkerkg: Why are you using an outdated version anyway? [23:47] I remember things working fine in Ubuntu previously, but I'm just using 12.04 new [23:48] nightwalkerkg: Flash does have problems on 10.10 if that's what you're using. [23:48] Well, I had problems in 11.10 [23:48] *11.10 [23:48] nobody has run into this problem? [23:48] heck, I can't install flash now on 12.04 [23:48] How can I log into my computer remotely at will? [23:48] this is on my web server, and I could really stand to get it fixed. === guest___ is now known as clarion [23:48] anyone here using bumblebee with 12.04 sucessfully? [23:48] I seem to be able to copy files out of /home === clarion is now known as clarion_admin [23:49] casey: Ask in a more advanced channel, like #debian, just don't tell them you're using Ubuntu. :P [23:49] ive got a really long question should i get someone to pm me or put it all in here? [23:49] I am using 11.10. When i try to install 12.04 i get to the point where i am asked to transfer files from Windows-Administrator,and as soon as i click next the screen goes blank. And i have to restart it. [23:49] Farfy: Type it all up. [23:49] so if nobody can help I guess I'll just blow away /home and try setting it up like a normal mount. [23:49] put it all here so both me and ljack can see it [23:49] ljack: ummm, no. I use debian too without such headache, this is Ubuntu-specific. [23:49] extremely new to ubuntu, installed 2 days ago. i load into the login screen, but only show the right half of the screen, the left half is off screen (can see part of the login box). after i log in, i see the desktop and the icons in the top right screen, but again only half the screen is visible (rest is black). i switch to terminal and do sudo lightdm restart and im usually able to switch back to a full desktop, after on the desktop [23:49] Okay. [23:50] I've never used an encryptfs before, apparently ubuntu does that by default [23:50] casey: I still think that ljack's right - it's probably a config issue regardless of distro; somethings busted in your core packages. [23:50] I don't want to upgrade from 11.10 because the goddamn thing need one and a half hour to install. I can install it five times with a cd in that time. [23:50] switching back and forth from terminal, the terminal will start to overlap the desktop, i can see what im typing into fields on desktop but in the terminal, and vice versa, until i cant switch between the 2 anymore and it just becomes a jumbled mess [23:50] all I did was do a fresh install of the o/s on the server, been configuring email and http stuff, and now one day /home is broke. [23:50] casey: and ubuntu's channels aren't equipped for it. Also ##linux is a great place to ask about this stuff. [23:50] Farfy: Major graphics issue, I have no idea sorry. [23:50] Yep, use ##linux. [23:51] farfy: are you using unity? [23:51] soliloquy1: why? This is something that UBUNTU has chosen to do by default, I didn't explicitly set this up or want it. [23:51] nightwalkerkg, but you are here in irc since an hour :D [23:51] ya it was pre-installed, i tried switching to unity 2d but no luck w/ a fix [23:51] v1c3: Yes i am. :D [23:51] xD [23:51] I come from a Debian background and pretty much just wanted to give Ubuntu a shot to stay more current with software versions. [23:52] I've never heard of that casey, both of those work fine for me. Still, your best bet is ##linux - tell them about it being ubuntu, there will be people in there who are experts at it who just help with that kind of thing and don't do the ubuntu "where is my printer" kind of help. [23:52] Farfy: Maybe missing drivers... [23:52] casey: I'm sure you could make Debian fairly modern if you work at it enough. [23:52] farfy: was everything okay before unity 2d? [23:52] casey: I mean if you can with CentOS.. [23:52] is there an ubuntu-server channel? [23:52] ugh centos :( [23:52] have to use that at work [23:52] #ubuntu-server I think? [23:53] ok thanks [23:53] CentOS ftw [23:53] casey: Hey, CentOS is a good distro, it's free Redhat. XD [23:53] for the weak? [23:53] SmallR2002: For the win. [23:53] v1c3: I have the .iso file for the 12.04 i am going to try to install with usb flash drive one more time. If it's the same thing,the upgrade it is. :D [23:53] I'm on CentOS right now. [23:53] no unity 3d never worked, same issue [23:54] switching to 2d did nothing to improve issues [23:54] ljack: there's no way to get a couple more people to come in to help people, is there? we're getting a bit swamped [23:54] its an nvidia 7950 btw, should be fine for running either unity 3d or 2d [23:54] soliloquy1: Not possible really... [23:55] farfy: it sounds like a graphics driver issue. Unfortunately, not my area of expertise. I recommend a. going to #debian and pretending that you ubuntu is debian and asking for help that way, or b. going to ##linux and asking for help. [23:55] TeamRocket1233c: red hat sucks terribly. [23:55] nightwalker, but save your files.. and have a look @ linux mint. based on ubuntu but with more propritary things included.. nice for beginners [23:55] Farfy: I'm not 100% sure, but it might be an issue with your graphics driver. [23:55] v1c3: I have been using it. [23:55] kk ty very much, appreciate it :) [23:55] Farfy: I'll help you install the driver. [23:55] Farfy: Stay in here it's okay. [23:55] casey: And Fedora too? [23:55] ljack: kk ty [23:55] And Fedora,and puppy,and jollycloud,and kubuntu,xbuntu,lubuntu,and tons of distros. xD [23:55] Farfy: Can you tell me what graphics card you have? [23:56] nvidia 7950gt [23:56] Farfy: Please wait a minute or two. [23:56] nightwalkerkg: You're in a Ubuntu chat and dissing all three Ubuntu spins. XD [23:56] I just want a good distro so i can start learning and develping for Android. [23:57] Farfy: 64 bit or 32 bit? [23:57] TeamRocket1233c: Yeah,f*** me right ? xD [23:57] ljack: 64 bit === maximilian is now known as Guest59895 [23:57] nightwalkerkg: Would Arch, Gentoo, Funtoo, or LFS work for that? [23:57] nightwalkerkg: LMAO [23:57] wonder if you can develop android on android... [23:58] Dr_Willis it might. [23:58] :D [23:58] asking in #android may be a good idea [23:58] Farfy: Download this file: http://driverscollection.com/?file_cid=424989683589d60e824604789a3 [23:58] Then tell me once complete. [23:58] Onto Ubuntu [23:58] What command will tell me the full filesystem path of something? [23:58] Nah,i am not asking about android,i just mentioned,i am asking about the Flash that i can't run in ubuntu 11.10. [23:59] Alternatively, which folder I am in [23:59] ljack: will have to do it on other pc, just a min [23:59] Ok [23:59] semitones: ls [23:59] I think? [23:59] nightwalkerkg: Also, if you go base command-line, you can set Ubuntu up however, you'd just have to work at it a bit.