phillw | I know how to set up the interface for static VM's, but not for home dynamic ones. | 00:00 |
yofel | there goes kbuildsycoca.. | 00:00 |
phillw | If all else fails, I'll vsftp the the entire file onto the daddy server. But that will take quite a while to do from my link :( | 00:01 |
phillw | try and get the report in, before the others start ganging up? | 00:02 |
* yofel wonders if one can tell update-manager to block drkonqi during the upgrade | 00:02 | |
phillw | I ended up with "too many errors" | 00:02 |
shadeslayer | whoa | 00:05 |
shadeslayer | yofel: I was tab completely for update-manager | 00:05 |
shadeslayer | and I found | 00:05 |
shadeslayer | wait for it | 00:05 |
phillw | the tar file of my install errors is still there. | 00:05 |
shadeslayer | update-maintainer | 00:05 |
shadeslayer | :D | 00:05 |
shadeslayer | so far I've been manually updating that field | 00:06 |
yofel | lol | 00:06 |
yofel | we have too many tools :P | 00:06 |
shadeslayer | correction, we have so many tools that we don't know about | 00:06 |
* yofel knew about it - it's used somewhere in the old motu merge guide | 00:07 | |
shadeslayer | ah ok | 00:07 |
shadeslayer | I didn't know about it | 00:07 |
shadeslayer | infact, even Quintasan doesn't know about it | 00:07 |
shadeslayer | because we decided on using sed to replace maintainers in the ktp script | 00:08 |
yofel | well, for us the problem is that it has no kubuntu support. Not sure if someone has a mod | 00:08 |
phillw | do you guys still need that VM, or can i move onto ubuntu-studio? | 00:08 |
phillw | There is a long list! | 00:08 |
yofel | hm. It would be nice if you could get the errors out from it :S | 00:09 |
phillw | I'll keep the VM file alive, just not running in case you later need it? | 00:09 |
yofel | ok | 00:09 |
yofel | most of us are asleep anyway I think | 00:09 |
shadeslayer | or really tired of dealing with ISO's for the past 10 days | 00:09 |
phillw | yofel: I cannot pull the data from it. honest, I've tried everything I know to pull it off. | 00:09 |
yofel | ah well, nvm then | 00:10 |
phillw | Save give one of you guys desktop access to piglet, I'm out of ideas. | 00:10 |
phillw | you are welcome to pop onto piglet. | 00:10 |
yofel | I have no idea what piglet is, but I can try | 00:11 |
phillw | piglet is the unix name of my laptop, it runs CentOS | 00:11 |
yofel | aah | 00:11 |
yofel | I guess if you're online tomorrow we can try then | 00:12 |
yofel | my upgrade just failed rather badly as well :( | 00:12 |
phillw | I've got about 1.5 Mb/s link here, so it will not be too pretty to access via 'X', but may be possible. | 00:12 |
phillw | Else, I can attempt to transfer the file for the VM upto the server which has 100 MB/s link. | 00:13 |
shadeslayer | -> logging off for the day :) | 00:17 |
yofel | gn | 00:17 |
yofel | fun, on my desktop kvm has DNS issues | 00:17 |
yofel | google to the rescue | 00:17 |
phillw | yofel: I only have the instructions for static ones.... | 00:18 |
yofel | nah, replacing KVM's NAT address with in resolv.conf works | 00:19 |
phillw | yofel: let me go try. | 00:21 |
yofel | hm, here it seems the upgrade starts failing during configure of fontconfig-config as a perl module is missing | 00:22 |
phillw | yofel: wrong file, it gets over-written on boot. It needs to go into /etc/network/interfaces | 00:23 |
phillw | yofel: do you want me to put in dns-nameservers onto that file area ? | 00:25 |
yofel | I know it gets overwritten, but it's enough of a quickfix for a throw-away VM here. | 00:26 |
phillw | I was advised to enter it there, as resolve.conf is now an auto build file | 00:26 |
yofel | well, you can try, I rarely edit that file | 00:26 |
phillw | how to restart networking on kubuntu? | 00:26 |
phillw | without it re-reading the entire config file? | 00:26 |
yofel | for what? you don't need to restart networking after editing resolv.conf - if you used interfaces you need to restart network-manager I guess put that'll probably read the whole file. | 00:27 |
phillw | in which case, I have a slight problem! | 00:28 |
yofel | edit both files? | 00:29 |
phillw | i only have | 00:29 |
phillw | auto lo | 00:29 |
yofel | yeah, by default it's pretty empty as network-manager uses dhclient to get the settings | 00:30 |
phillw | iface lo inet loopback | 00:30 |
phillw | yup, can you pastebin up your dhcp settings, pleaser? | 00:30 |
phillw | I only know static ones! | 00:30 |
yofel | uh... dhcp means get settings from the dhcp server, wherever that might be | 00:32 |
yofel | if you're on precise then we have a dns cache by default too I think | 00:32 |
yofel | (or was that quantal?) | 00:33 |
phillw | yofel: you cannot beat a trip to the loo.... piglet is running on DHCP, let me go look at the config files on here :) | 00:34 |
phillw | comes of being a little tired :/ | 00:35 |
yofel | great, apport generated an invalid crash report for the issue. | 00:38 |
phillw | yofel: it screamed like a bitch at me. | 00:40 |
yofel | seems like the cause is a half-upgraded system. I'll finish this by hand and then try again | 00:40 |
phillw | yofel: is restart-nm correct under debian for Network Manager restart? | 00:41 |
yofel | under debian not sure, in ubuntu it would be 'sudo service network-manager restart' | 00:42 |
yofel | well, at least I can reliably reproduce the ugprade failure | 00:43 |
phillw | I still have no network access. | 00:44 |
phillw | At least you can confirm the bug.... As odd as it may seem, that is actually progress... just not what we wanted at this point. | 00:45 |
phillw | I'll kick in my spare VM on the main server which can take the static IP address system. I only have one spare ipV4 on there, so switching over for me will take a little time as I need to use 'X' to do the installs using virt-manager. | 00:47 |
phillw | what iso's do you want me to preload? is it still kubuntu 10.04.04 i386 and the AMD64 that I need to get onto the iso area? | 00:48 |
yofel | seems like jr did most of the ISO tests, so unless you have mac or powerpc hardware we're probably fine there | 00:55 |
* yofel can do the auto-resize stuff later | 00:55 | |
phillw | I'll grab both the i386 and amd 64. ones of 10.04.04. As the b/band speed of the master server is a darn sight faster than I have, the delay doing an ssh -X will hopefully be negated. I didn't think it was going to be three CD's worth of stuff! | 00:57 |
phillw | took it 70 seconds to grab the i686, and 69 seconds for the amd64 (It's why we refer to it as the beast) | 00:59 |
yofel | seems like I'm seeing bug 990555 | 01:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 990555 in fontconfig (Ubuntu) "package fontconfig-config 2.8.0-3ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 01:01 |
yofel | I'll file a new one as the error happens at a slightly different place (probably still a dupe) | 01:02 |
phillw | yofel: I've asked lars (the only known Mac-AMD64 tester to check out the ubuntu one, as it the source of all the others, He is the only Mac-AMD tester we have, on any team. We do have a couple of ppc testers for lubuntu, and you can actually test ppc on a VM. We do not have a VM available for AMD-64 | 01:05 |
yofel | thanks! good to know | 01:05 |
phillw | afaik, kubuntu is dropping ppc? | 01:06 |
phillw | I know xubuntu has, so it being handed to the baby of the family as we do have some testers. If kubuntu ever want ppc stuff testing, just shout up on #ubuntu-testing and i'll ask the guys to have a look. | 01:07 |
yofel | can't remember now what the decision was. The images are still built, if nobody tests they'll simply not get released | 01:07 |
phillw | You'd need to check within kubuntu, we only have 4 ppc testers, so we are thin on the ground as well. | 01:09 |
yofel | IIRC that's 3 more than we have | 01:10 |
phillw | maybe after 12.10, we can decide how best to deal with ppc. As to getting Mac-AMD64 people, I've had zero success in getting any more for us, or any other team. | 01:12 |
phillw | I've applied for sponsorship for UDS 13-04, so, I just have to see if get happens. | 01:14 |
shadeslayer | I heard mac and amd64 | 01:55 |
yofel | hm, I thought I would give the oneiric upgrade test a try, now do-release-upgrade is sitting there reading the cache using 400% CPU the last 5 minutes... | 01:57 |
yofel | ah no, seems like KVM hung up | 01:58 |
phillw | yofel: I have the 10.04.4 iso's sat on the beast, i'm a little too tired to go install them tonight. I need to also set up the static rules so I can actually provide the logs. | 02:15 |
phillw | shadeslayer: yeah, we appear to have one mac-amd64 tester across all flavours; he is busy, but would really love a bit of company | 02:16 |
phillw | no one else seems to have the kit. | 02:16 |
phillw | has any one tried on actual kit? I was told it was just a simple VM task. | 02:18 |
shadeslayer | phillw: thing is, the point of testing the ISO is on mac's that don't boot | 02:20 |
shadeslayer | phillw: I've tested amd64 mac images for kubuntu the last couple of releases | 02:21 |
shadeslayer | and then I've tested the desktop images | 02:21 |
shadeslayer | both work fine for me | 02:21 |
shadeslayer | so, tbh, it doesn't make sense to test those images because they'll surely boot on my macbook | 02:21 |
shadeslayer | those images need to be specially tested on devices that can't boot the standard desktop images | 02:22 |
phillw | shadeslayer: can you touch base with Lars from Lubuntu-QA team, as he was, until right now, the only other tester we on ubuntu-qa were aware of :) | 02:22 |
shadeslayer | sure | 02:22 |
shadeslayer | ( I've had a long chat on #ubuntu-release about this btw ) | 02:22 |
phillw | Lars does not do IRC, he's an email person. He kindly responds to balloons when an SOS goes out for other teams. | 02:23 |
shadeslayer | ah ok | 02:24 |
shadeslayer | I'm quite tired, I'll remember to email him | 02:24 |
shadeslayer | apparently tired, but not tired enough to sleep | 02:25 |
phillw | shadeslayer: if you apply, I'll approve immediately approve it | 02:25 |
phillw | -approve ... you're not the only tired one! | 02:26 |
shadeslayer | done | 02:28 |
yofel | btw. is there a lubuntu dev channel on freenode? or are you just using ubuntu-devel? | 02:28 |
phillw | shadeslayer: approved, he is on the list as | 02:30 |
phillw | emailing by the ML is better, so I have at least a small chance to know what is going on :P | 02:31 |
shadeslayer | sure | 02:31 |
phillw | yofel: the devs decided not to have a -devel list, they use the -qa one for discussions that are related to dev, and then have for them selves. | 02:33 |
yofel | ah, we're doing the opposite thing ^^ | 02:34 |
shadeslayer | actually | 02:35 |
shadeslayer | we're not using the wiki anymore | 02:35 |
phillw | I cannot insist the devs make a mailing list. All lubuntu bugs are sent to us, as are all updates. | 02:35 |
shadeslayer | ftw | 02:35 |
phillw | all the devs are on the -qa list. | 02:35 |
phillw | well, all 5 of them. | 02:36 |
yofel | as long as it works... In our case we don't really have a QA team, so there's no point in seperating that | 02:36 |
phillw | indeed, as long as qa & dev work together, that is what matters. | 02:36 |
Riddell | ScottK: LGPL 2 only can be converted to GPL 2+, see article 3 | 08:39 |
apachelogger | "investigate kde touchpad enabler for packaging/inclusion" | 08:45 |
apachelogger | what's that? | 08:45 |
Riddell | apachelogger: that's a 12.10 work item? | 08:48 |
apachelogger | aye | 08:48 |
Riddell | I've no idea | 08:48 |
Riddell | sounds like synaptiks but we have that | 08:49 |
* apachelogger ponders complaining about the quality of WIs again | 08:49 | |
Riddell | come to UDS to keep them high quality :) | 08:50 |
apachelogger | ENOTIME | 08:50 |
apachelogger | [kubuntu-dev] make daily builds of Qt media hub: TODO | 08:53 |
apachelogger | that does not seem worhtwhile TBH | 08:53 |
apachelogger | Riddell: oh, also klook requires dolphin patching | 08:53 |
apachelogger | with code like | 08:54 |
apachelogger | if (QString(now->metaObject()->className()).contains("Konsole::TerminalDisplay")) | 08:54 |
Riddell | apachelogger: yeah that's why nobody's got round to it | 08:55 |
* apachelogger looks at calendar | 08:59 | |
apachelogger | Riddell: closing the klook work item for lack of proper patches/inclusion in dolphin master | 08:59 |
Riddell | ok | 09:03 |
apachelogger | uh | 09:03 |
apachelogger | Riddell: we don't have the owncloud client in the archives yet? | 09:04 |
apachelogger | fregl: ping | 09:05 |
* apachelogger looks at calendar again | 09:06 | |
danimo_ | apachelogger: I think debfx saw issues with openssl in the csync plugin that's required by the owncloud client | 09:07 |
apachelogger | Riddell: public poll about libreoffice vs. calligra? we wanted to make the final decision before beta, which is 2 weeks away | 09:07 |
apachelogger | danimo_: thx, oh, btw, do you happen whether/when Qt5's release target is? | 09:08 |
apachelogger | debfx: ping | 09:08 |
danimo_ | apachelogger: hahaha, no | 09:08 |
apachelogger | k ^^ | 09:08 |
apachelogger | fregl: unping | 09:08 |
danimo_ | apachelogger: the beta is still targeted for "asap" | 09:08 |
apachelogger | asap is what I use as target for phonon | 09:08 |
apachelogger | asap ~= 2 months :P | 09:08 |
danimo_ | apachelogger: IIRC we are having source packages, and some people are considering last-minute-ammendments | 09:09 |
danimo_ | apachelogger: because the beta is supposed to be feature-complete | 09:09 |
apachelogger | last time amendments tend to bring forth phonon competitors | 09:10 |
apachelogger | scnr | 09:10 |
danimo_ | apachelogger: :p | 09:11 |
debfx | apachelogger: it has GPL + OpenSSL license issues, upstream is aware of it | 09:11 |
apachelogger | does upstream care? | 09:11 |
debfx | yes | 09:12 |
apachelogger | ok then | 09:12 |
apachelogger | I still find it worth noting that tomorrow is feature freeze, so that ought to be fixed soonishy :S | 09:13 |
Riddell | apachelogger: owncloud-client is in | 09:13 |
apachelogger | oh? | 09:14 |
apachelogger | isn't that called mirall? | 09:14 |
Riddell | apachelogger: my thinking is we decide on package inclusion after beta 1 and before beta 2 | 09:14 |
debfx | but the binaries are undistributable | 09:14 |
Riddell | I don't think a public poll is useful, that just gets the opinionated people | 09:14 |
apachelogger | Riddell: with calligra we explicitly agreed on deciding before beta I think | 09:14 |
apachelogger | that's also what the WI says | 09:15 |
apachelogger | Riddell: problem is ... there is litterly no feedback at all | 09:15 |
apachelogger | also no bug reports | 09:15 |
apachelogger | debfx: I thought the csync thingy has the license isssue? | 09:15 |
debfx | apachelogger: yes. I'm not sure what's the best course of action. maybe just remove the binary packages. | 09:17 |
apachelogger | debfx: the csync stuff is in the archive? Oo | 09:17 |
apachelogger | Riddell: oh, Fabian actually made a poll on g+ | 09:18 |
apachelogger | how convenient | 09:19 |
apachelogger | | 09:19 |
apachelogger | opinionated folks: all hail the calligra | 09:19 |
=== apol_ is now known as apol | ||
* debfx wonders if it's a good sign that half of the csync tests fail | 09:57 | |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
Quintasan | debfx: It's always good when tests fail :P | 11:26 |
Quintasan | They are there for a reason | 11:26 |
Riddell | apol: kdevelop compiled if you didn't see that | 13:38 |
Riddell | hopefully won't take so long in future | 13:39 |
apol | cool | 13:41 |
apol | Riddell: is there any way to use this repo only for kdevelop? | 13:41 |
Riddell | apol: it only contains kdevelop | 13:42 |
apol | fair enough | 13:42 |
Riddell | apol: but you'd be best to disable it once you've installed what you want incase we add anything else to it later | 13:42 |
apol | well the thing is that i wouldn't want to have other projects in beta | 13:42 |
apol | ok | 13:42 |
yofel | apol: you can always add another repos just for kdevelop. Question would be who would maintain that | 13:48 |
apol | i don't have much interest in doing any packaging | 13:49 |
apol | Riddell: | 13:55 |
Riddell | wibble | 13:55 |
dantti | ScottK: the cups dbus subscription is fixed now, thanks to Qt::DirectConnection the code now runs on the right thread :P | 13:55 |
Riddell | apol: mm I see my mistake | 13:56 |
Riddell | apol: do you know how to work out it? | 13:56 |
apol | Riddell: i have no idea | 13:56 |
apol | should I -f it? | 13:56 |
Riddell | apol: dpkg --install --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdevplatform6-libs_1.3.80-0ubuntu1~precise1~ppa1_amd64.deb | 13:56 |
apol | Riddell: ok done | 13:58 |
Riddell | apol: then run the install command again and see if there's more problems | 13:58 |
Riddell | I'd hope there isn't | 13:59 |
apol | no no | 13:59 |
apol | it worked fine | 13:59 |
apol | i called dist-upgrade | 13:59 |
apol | Riddell: I have kdevplatform5-libs and kdevplatform6-libs installed now | 14:00 |
apol | that doesn't sound right... | 14:00 |
Riddell | apol: yeah that won't be possible in the fix I'm adding | 14:01 |
Riddell | you can manually remove kdevplatform5-libs if it annoys you | 14:01 |
apol | ok | 14:01 |
apol | no no problem | 14:01 |
Riddell | dantti: so a new git snapshot of print-manager needed? | 14:36 |
dantti | Riddell: I'm adding the last TODO before I do a new release KMessageWidget will show the dbus error if s-c-p-dbus fail | 14:37 |
Riddell | oh cool | 14:38 |
Riddell | Quintasan: want to add print-manager to the seed? | 14:38 |
Riddell | dantti: is colord-kde the sort of thing we want installed by default? | 14:47 |
dantti | Riddell: well now that the NVidia last blob does support proper color correction I think it's something interesting to have by default | 14:48 |
Riddell | afiestas: your first boot bluetooth app has been talked about for ages, do you know what state it's at? | 14:48 |
Riddell | Quintasan: add that too | 14:49 |
Riddell | ^^ | 14:49 |
dantti | Riddell: also gnome in ubuntu/fedora has it by default | 14:49 |
* dantti remembers he should also do some TODOs on colord-kde :P | 14:50 | |
dantti | Riddell: almost done :P | 15:00 |
Riddell | hmm I'm sure that string can be made more user friendly | 15:02 |
smartboyhw | Er, excuse me, anyone have the bug number about phillw failing to upgrade from 10.04.4 to 12.04.1 earlier on? | 15:02 |
phillw | smartyboy, it was failure of upgrade-manager to get from a virgin 10.04.4 --> 12.04 | 15:04 |
Riddell | was the problem no? | 15:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1039828 in fontconfig (Ubuntu Precise) "package fontconfig-config 2.8.0-3ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Fix committed] | 15:04 |
Riddell | phillw: failure of fontconfig surely? | 15:04 |
smartboyhw | I don't think so | 15:04 |
phillw | Riddell: I had a screen full of errors, it overloaded apport | 15:05 |
phillw | Riddell: (02:57:34) yofel: hm, I thought I would give the oneiric upgrade test a try, now do-release-upgrade is sitting there reading the cache using 400% CPU the last 5 minutes... | 15:06 |
dantti | Riddell: well it's the dbus error message I can't think of something better | 15:06 |
dantti | maybe it's even localized... | 15:06 |
phillw | Riddell: to save you reading all the logs, I have got both 10.04.4 isos on the SII server, if someone is familiar with virtual manager, i will hand over my spare VM to you guys, | 15:08 |
phillw | it took less than 60 seconds to grab the iso... it is a capable server. | 15:09 |
phillw | else, I will happily install it and see how it goes. the VM on my system lost all internet connection after the upgrade,... really odd, as it obviously had it before to get the upgrade. | 15:11 |
Riddell | you do need to manually add the network-management plasmoid back after upgrade | 15:11 |
Riddell | I don't really get how you're connecting, is it with remote vnc? | 15:12 |
phillw | Riddell: the 1st VM was on my local system. A decent enough laptop, but not up for server stuff. I can happily run at least one VM in its 4GB of ram, saves me using shh -X to the little beast | 15:14 |
Riddell | phillw: well I'm not sure I follow, I've done some upgrade tests today and they all work fine (with -proposed enabled) | 15:19 |
phillw | Riddell: cool, the 10.04.4 are sat there, I'll fire up the VM and see how it goes. I just cannot get the error files from my local VM transferred any where. I'm on dhcp here, the SII server is on static IPv4, so no matter what the upgrade does, I can override it. | 15:22 |
Riddell | what's the SII server? | 15:23 |
smartboyhw | phillw: See PM please | 15:24 |
phillw | Riddell: the 16G version of It runs CentOS, but I have never had problems with ubuntu server / desktop stuff. | 15:25 |
phillw | Riddell: | 15:26 |
phillw | I do pay for 4 such IPv4's myself. C'est la vie | 15:26 |
smartboyhw | phillw: PLEASE SEE PM | 15:28 |
phillw | Riddell: what instructions do you need for virt-manager? :P | 15:30 |
phillw | I'll pull up the lvm from the pool, I usually set them at 10 Gb so there is room to do an upgrade | 15:31 |
Riddell | phillw: um I don't know what it is or why I want to use it (over using virtualbox or spare laptops like I normally test on) | 15:32 |
phillw | Riddell: as you wish, I was only trying to help on the failure of 10.04.4 --> 12.04 (Confused) | 15:33 |
phillw | any connectivity failed on my local system | 15:34 |
Riddell | hum, hope I didn't offend him, I just wasn't sure what he wanted me to do | 15:37 |
Riddell | mparillo: that theme is still copyright 2010 | 16:07 |
Riddell | you can take out canonical though, I don't think they had anything to do with it | 16:07 |
mparillo | Thank you. So the (c) is correct as to the year? In other places I have been we would automatically increment even without other changes. And typically a copyright notice has a holder. If not Canonical, who? | 16:09 |
Riddell | mparillo: the kubuntu community is good enough | 16:10 |
Riddell | mparillo: should be 2010-$year I think | 16:10 |
Riddell | mparillo: I added you to the kubuntu-website group so you can now bzr checkout lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/; bzr commit directly | 16:10 |
mparillo | If I do that, do the changes go to some kind of staging / test environment first | 16:11 |
Riddell | mparillo: they go to that bzr branch on launchpad | 16:14 |
Riddell | I'm still working on getting sysadmin to update from that bzr branch | 16:14 |
Riddell | so plenty of time to get things reviewed | 16:14 |
Riddell | they're not fast.. | 16:14 |
mparillo | So, this is better: | 16:18 |
mparillo | bzr diff === modified file 'footer.tpl.php' --- footer.tpl.php 2010-06-29 17:01:10 +0000 +++ footer.tpl.php 2012-08-22 16:17:12 +0000 @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ <br style="clear: both;" /> <div> <p style="line-height: 1.8;"> - © 2010 Canonical Ltd. and the Kubuntu community. Icons copyright of Oxygen icon | 16:18 |
mparillo | + © 2010 The Kubuntu community. Icons copyright of Oxygen icon theme <br /> Kubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.<?php //print $footer_message . $footer ?> </p> | 16:19 |
Riddell | mparillo: best use a pastebin, is your friend :) | 16:19 |
Riddell | mparillo: but best with some php in there for the current year | 16:19 |
Riddell | © 2010-<?php date('Y') ?> The Kubuntu community. | 16:20 |
Riddell | that needs testing first | 16:20 |
mparillo | So I have updated the launchpad and executed a bzr commit. Now do I have to upload the change? | 16:35 |
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc | ||
Riddell | mparillo: bzr push | 16:36 |
mparillo | bzr: ERROR: No push location known or specified. To push to the parent branch (at, use 'bzr push :parent'. | 16:37 |
mparillo | Should I do :parent? | 16:37 |
Riddell | mparillo: bzr push lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/ | 16:37 |
mparillo | Ugh. Same error as last time. I can try from home tonight. | 16:38 |
mparillo | Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey). ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying Permission denied (publickey). bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. | 16:39 |
Riddell | wibble | 16:39 |
Riddell | well attach a patch to the bug report and see if it works from home | 16:40 |
mparillo | Might be our corp firewall. That is why I have to use the webchat rather than Quassel. | 16:41 |
mparillo | Done, and TY. | 16:41 |
Riddell | I'd guess it's more likely an issue with ssh keys | 16:41 |
ScottK | Riddell: OK. Let me have a look. | 16:44 |
* Riddell out | 16:45 | |
ScottK | Riddell: I guess someone accepted it, as it's in. | 16:48 |
gotwig | Hibernation handling in powerdevil (bug 812394). << renabled in 12.10 by default ?? | 16:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 812394 in Pantheon Session Indicator "Disable hibernate option by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:58 |
gotwig | *reenabled | 16:58 |
gotwig | any idea? | 17:09 |
genii-around | Heh, PPC | 17:30 |
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech | ||
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi | ||
afiestas | Riddell: it was kinda working, but I don't remember wher eI put the code | 19:16 |
afiestas | xd | 19:16 |
Riddell | careless | 19:23 |
Riddell | have you looked behind the fridge? if you lose something its nearly always there | 19:23 |
dantti | Riddell: release done, k-c-d mail sent :P | 19:42 |
rafa_ | Hi I want try to help kubuntu | 20:00 |
Riddell | dantti_laptop: congratulations | 20:16 |
Riddell | rafa_: you've come to the right place! | 20:16 |
Riddell | do stick around | 20:16 |
Riddell | rafa_: are you into coding or writing or testing or triaging or supporting? | 20:17 |
rafa_ | umm i want start with something easy :) | 20:18 |
rafa_ | I can coding (but i don think i could be good help, because i have to start from zero in kde coding) | 20:22 |
Riddell | rafa_: how about updating the screenshots in the kubuntu docs? | 20:28 |
dantti_laptop | Riddell: thanks :) | 20:28 |
rafa_ | i can do it | 20:30 |
Riddell | rafa_: do you have quantal running somewhere? | 20:31 |
rafa_ | nop, i 'am on 12.04 right now. | 20:34 |
Riddell | rafa_: so first task is to get 12.10 running, in a virtual machine maybe | 20:35 |
Riddell | I find virtualbox-ose good | 20:35 |
Riddell | then bzr co lp:kubuntu-docs | 20:35 |
Riddell | to get the docs | 20:35 |
Riddell | then updating the images in kubuntu-docs/images to use rekonq and the other current software | 20:36 |
Riddell | sorry I need to sleep now, not feel well | 20:36 |
Riddell | good luck | 20:36 |
rafa_ | oks Riddell, i will create a vb image and will try to do it | 20:38 |
rafa_ | good night | 20:39 |
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mparillo | Is there an intial set-up for public keys to push to bzr? | 21:16 |
yofel | you need to add your ssh key to your launchpad account | 21:17 |
mparillo | I did that. | 21:17 |
mparillo | Do I need to somehow get the ssh key from launchpad to bzr? | 21:17 |
yofel | hm | 21:18 |
yofel | you need to have bzr configured to use the right account name, did you run 'bzr whoami' ? | 21:19 |
mparillo | I did a bzr launchpad-login marco-parillo | 21:19 |
mparillo | which is my launchpad id. | 21:19 |
mparillo | Can I make the bzr whoami point to my launchpad id instread of a generic name and e-mail? | 21:21 |
yofel | hm, no, that should be like that I think | 21:21 |
yofel | not sure what's wrong then, maybe try #bzr or #launchpad | 21:23 |
Quintasan | Riddell: Do we need that done immediately? I would like to take care of that tomorrow if possible, I'm tired. | 22:04 |
Quintasan | More line, in ten hours or so | 22:04 |
Quintasan | Darkwing: This picture on Facebook, brilliant :D | 22:11 |
yofel | heh | 22:43 |
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