
danielbothi... there are many folks out on the net wondering why kubuntu sound works, except for video playback, I'm one of them00:02
danielbotI think this situation started around ubuntu 10.1000:02
=== matteo is now known as Guest60751
danielbotin other words, mpg321 has sound, mplayer doesn't00:17
=== crys is now known as Tita
JNuttsHi. I'm having an issue getting the kubuntu installer to run. I boot into the cd and select "start kubuntu." At this point the system will go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. After about 5 minutes the cd stops spinning. Nothing will happen from this point on. Any advice?01:02
JNuttsTrying to install 12.0401:03
danielbotjhutts, I usually install normal ubuntu from CD, then apt-get install kubuntu-full01:04
JNuttsdanielbot : i'll have to try that then. thanks!01:05
danielbotyou can be pretty sure that once your ubuntu is up and running, installing kubuntu is easy01:06
danielbotand that way you get to enjoy gnome for a short time also :)01:07
=== OutToC is now known as MobiusTape
RadSurferin Dolphin, Folders is showing hidden .folders, is there a way to turn that OFF?02:22
RadSurferdoh! right-click on USER ... lol02:23
RadSurferor HOME folder02:23
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
Leakoutanyone here?03:56
Leakoutsay something?03:56
Leakoutsay something?03:57
MerlynKorris there a way to obtain a channel list here?04:46
MikeFairwhat app are you using04:46
MerlynKorrQuassel IRC04:47
MikeFairRight Click on Kubuntu IRC -> Show Channel List04:48
MikeFairclick "Show Channels"04:48
MikeFairotherwise the generic IRC command is /list but you really don't want to use that04:48
=== wook is now known as Guest50637
=== mandragor is now known as weedar
lordievaderGood morning08:29
QantouriscWhat network manager does Kubuntu us ?08:42
bacso_edinaubuntu-ra kubuntu-t tudnék rakni úgy hogy a progik megmaradjanak?09:27
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál09:27
bacso_edinathx bye :D09:28
mat619Hey folks. I'm currently trying to implement a little script that pings the gateways of all our company's establishments and rings the system bell if one fails to respond, since we have a lot of network provider issues lately09:33
mat619Kubuntu 12.04 doesn't seem to have an audible system bell though - echo -e "\a" doesn't make any sound. How can I fix that?09:34
mat619i already removed pcspkr from the module blacklist and manually loaded it, didn't help09:34
hateballmat619: Are you running the script in Konsole?09:35
hateballmat619: Because then you need to "customize notifications" and set the bell to some alert you like09:36
hateballby default I think it will only show a popup notification, in a focused window09:37
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest92179
Riddellmat619: you can install sox and use the "play" command10:00
ramchandraI use pacat /dev/urandom to have **really** irritating bell10:16
ramchandrait sometimes makes your heart skip a beat even10:16
grvrulzhello all10:26
grvrulzI accidentally deleted my home partition while trying to install androidx86, and now i cant log in10:26
grvrulzcan anyone help?10:28
mat619hateball: sorry, been afk - that sheds some light in the dark, thx for the tip10:44
nfkif i want to install on lvm2, i need the alt cd, correct?10:44
mat619just found out that my system doesn't play any sound at all anymore since I swapped the graphic card and set the default sound device to HDMI output, as intended10:44
mat619nice. really nice. *rolling eyes*10:46
mat619ok, so gotta fix that first. any idea what's going on? I've set HDMI as default output for all categories in the phonon control module10:47
mat619no sound output whatsoever though10:47
nfkmat619, uh... it's doable is the only thing i can say off the bat10:48
nfkit depends on both video driver having support for it and alsa/pulseaudio not messing up10:48
nfki reckon you should start with finding how well does your video driver support audio over hdmi10:49
nfkand if it should support it then look into pulseaudio's hdmi support or something10:49
hateballmat619: I've only played a tiny bit with HDMI with my intel system, and it refuses to play sound unless I also send the video over hdmi10:49
mat619hateball: oh. that's bad. since I don't have any other sound card in this system (not even onboard, since it's a server hardware based system)10:50
nfkmat619, okay, i remembered a bit, you might have to write a custom profile for pulseaudio10:50
hateballWell I'm not saying it can't be done10:50
nfkthere should be some docs on that but i'm sort of bussy10:50
hateballJust... yeah10:50
mat619nfk: it's a GeForce 210 runnin on the default open source nvidia driver (nouveau, was it?)10:51
nfkmat619, i don't know how well nouveau supports this10:51
mat619nfk: k, will read a bit... thanks.10:51
nfkalso kubuntu might have some silly old version of nouveau10:51
nfkmat619, try asking in #nouveau maybe10:51
mat619the onboard speaker would be fine too, though, if it's usable10:51
mat619for now all I need is the system to make some noise if any gateway goes down10:52
nfkmat619, then set the onboard sound adapter as default in phonon10:52
nfkand if that doesn't help, try installing pavucontrol10:52
nfkor was it pavucontroller?10:52
mat619can't monitor a ping script all the time, and am not always sitting in front of the computer10:52
hateballHow come you don't set up nagios or something instead?10:53
mat619nfk: no, I don't mean the onboard sound card - this system doesn't have one. i mean the plain old system beeper10:53
nfkmat619, that's probably not handled by pulseaudio10:53
mat619hateball: we have nagios running, but in another subnet, and setting up two separate systems would be overkill10:53
nfkmat619, konsole has a way to route that to the real sound system, tho10:53
nfkbut it's a separate thing from what i remember10:54
mat619nfk: well I could still run the script on one of the vttys then I guess10:54
nfkmat619, or just disable that rerouting, it might not even be on by default10:54
nfkand make sure the system isn't trying to suppress them in the first place10:54
mat619HAHA! speaking of vTTYs... there the onboard speaker actually works!10:54
nfkalso maybe alsa had a "beeper" that intercepts them10:55
mat619jeez I'm stupid, could've tried that before, since i enabled pcspkr...10:55
nfkmat619, then it's probably console intercepting it10:55
nfkmat619, try xterm or something10:55
nfkand if it works there then it's almost certainly konsole10:55
mat619nfk: it's ok if the script runs on a vtty, switching from ctrl+alt+f7 to i. e. f2 and back isn't that much of a hassle, really - I hope I rarely have to watch another gateway become unavailable anyway10:56
anqxyrHi. I have a bit of a problem, maybe someone here could help me with it.10:57
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:57
mat619we've had our fair share of construction equipment ripping copper and fibre channel cables apart this year... even for the next three years in advance I guess10:57
nfkmat619, btw, if the tty of your choice and x11 have different users then the active one will get access to the real sound hardware10:57
anqxyrI have, on sda1, kubuntu 12.04 that I've upgraded from 11.something months ago, and it works fine10:57
mat619nfk: I'm logged in on both10:57
nfkthat is, consolekit sets the user of the active seat as the user for /dev/snd/* nodes10:57
anqxyron sda2 I have just installed kubuntu 12.04 from newly downloaded official iso10:58
nfkit shouldn't affect the pc speaker of course10:58
anqxyrand in the new system my monitor turns off spontaneously, regardless whether I'm doing anything at the moment or not10:59
anqxyrand it won't start until I completely power off and then power on the computer11:00
anqxyrall energy-saving and screensaving stuff are turned off too11:00
nfkdoesn't sound terribly fun11:01
nfkcould you use kubuntu and forget about ubuntu?11:01
Whiz2Kubuntu 12.04LTS using both LiveDVD, and HDD install crashes minutes after loading the desktop. mouse freezes, then black screen. I've checked power supply, hard drives (all), DVD drive, RAM, USB ports, and changed video cards. Any idea what might be causing this issue?11:01
nfkboth are kubuntu11:01
FloodBotK1nfk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
anqxyrin theory they should work exactly the same11:02
nfkanqxyr, start by comparing video drivers, i guess11:02
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nfkand for good measure also if uname -a is the same11:03
nfkanqxyr, what video driver and video hardware do you have?11:04
anqxyrwait a moment, let me check11:05
nfkah, so you didn't build it yourself11:06
anqxyrI did, but it was years ago and stopped caring and forgot the specs since then11:07
anqxyrvideo card is Radeon HD 485011:07
anqxyrand what is the easiest way to check what the current drivers are?11:09
nfkanqxyr, hmm..11:14
nfki suppose lspci -k might do the trick11:14
nfkanqxyr, though you might also need to take a look at /var/log/X.0.log to make sure what x11 part of driver is used11:15
anqxyryeah, I know, I was looking at it already, I just can't figure out what the results mean11:17
anqxyrit loads vesa, but it also loads ati and radeon11:17
anqxyrit can't use several drivers simultaneously, can it?11:17
anqxyrlspci says that the kernel driver in use is fglrx_pci, and I'm not sure that it is even a video driver11:18
hateballfglrx is ati video11:20
anqxyroh, good, that clarifies it a bit11:21
anqxyrI think I'll just save everything it says, then reboot into the new system and see if there is anything different11:22
anqxyrthanks for the help11:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
nfkhateball, fglrx is the proprietary driver11:25
hateballnfk: Not saying otherwise11:25
nfkati and radeon both sound like the open source drivers but i might be wrong11:25
nfkhateball, you implied it goes hand in hand with ati while from what i recall that's a name of an xf86 open source driver (not the current gallium type radeon)11:26
nfkwell, radeon has both gallium and classic of course11:26
Whiz2Kubuntu 12.04LTS using both LiveDVD, and HDD install crashes minutes after loading the desktop. mouse freezes, then black screen. I've checked power supply, hard drives (all), DVD drive, RAM, USB ports, and changed video cards. Any idea what might be causing this issue?11:34
susundbergWhiz2: you mean you get normal graphical interface up and running nicely until at some point it freezes?11:40
Whiz2susundberg yes within only a few minutes of active use, it freezes and the monitor goes into a power saving state11:41
Whiz2i have to hold the power button or flip the switch on the power supply to turn off the system at that point11:42
susundbergsounds very weird. other OS's have worked fine with the same hardware i guess?11:42
Whiz2last OS before this was Windows XP pro SP3 which had no issues11:42
Whiz2as far as I am aware there had been no other OS on the system before XP11:43
susundbergi would guess for graphical driver bug but thats just longshot11:43
Whiz2well i'm about to the point i'm ready to swap out the motherboard for an older all-in-one board that I've had sitting around... lotta work, but I'd like to make the system work11:43
Whiz2the only error i've ever seen was when i presed the power button for only a moment. the screen came back on, system tried to shut down and I always got an I/O init failure on the hard drive (no matter which IDE channel)11:45
Whiz2and doesn't matter which of the 3 hard drives i use on which slot. still same result. I thought it might be graphics, but changing out the card for a different one didn't resolve the issue11:46
Whiz2susundberg: would it use the same graphics drivers for 3 different cards?11:51
susundbergWhiz2: it might if thay are all from say nvidia11:53
Whiz2hang on i will see what they are11:53
susundbergWhiz2: you could also try to use some other distro livecd and see if its stable11:53
susundbergram checking you have made with memcheck i guess?11:53
susundbergif the HD would be failing then it would still not power down the display afaik11:54
susundbergor it might be some other card that you have attached that is causing troubles -- making kernel to crash11:54
susundberglike wireless card or so11:54
Whiz2ram checking was with memtest during grub boot for nearly 5 hours, and no errors. Hard drive is not the cause for sure. and wireless is USB11:55
Whiz2no other cards in the system11:56
Whiz2looks like the videocards are all ATI. With one of them, even the liveDVD wouldn't get past the initial splash screen (before the window pops up to try or install) even after an hour11:59
susundbergi would suggest first trying without wireless, if no help, google for the cards and known problems12:02
Whiz2i'll try without the wireless and if it crashes again, i think i will just swap out the mainboard and be done with it lol12:04
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest85189
rethushowto suspend 2 disk in kubuntu 12.04 ?12:32
Whiz2rethus: click on the K menu, and choose system settings. From there, go into power management. if there is anot a check in the box for "Suspend Session" place one there and a drop down menu will appear on the right. Click on that and tell me if you see "Hibernate" in the list of options.12:47
rethusbut suspend session is not 2disk ?12:50
Whiz2If hibernate is in that drop down menu, then yes it is. it will suspend your session to disk, and when you boot your system, it should prompt you to login and then return you to where you left off12:50
Whiz2similar to the hibernate feature of windows12:51
rethusk, isn't what i need12:52
rethusi need a complete turn off of the pc12:52
Whiz2hibernate will do that. hibernate saves your session to the hard drive then powers off your computer12:52
rethusi have try sudo pm-hibernate12:53
rethuspc doesn't going realy down12:53
rethusdo some work... but don't turn of...12:54
rethusis there a log for it, so i could see whats wrong?12:54
Whiz2are you running from a hard drive, or from a live CD/DVD?12:54
Whiz2hmmm as far as logs, I can't help you with that.12:54
Whiz2give me a moment, let me restart my kubuntu computer (not this one) and I will see if mine works like what you're asking about12:56
rethusk. don't wonder if i'm off between... cause i keep on trying here :)12:56
rethuswill come back soon than... only in minutes12:56
Whiz2no worries12:56
BluesKajHi all12:57
SIR_Tacorethus: /var/log/pm-suspend.log has the logs for suspend and hibernate12:58
=== mck182_ is now known as mck182
goodtimeidk i had some trouble with that but i just reinstalled so i reboot fast now13:03
goodtimei realy had to reformat13:04
goodtimeand i got rid of win7 pro so i got my space back13:04
goodtimeturns out win7 kills your hdd pretty good13:05
Whiz2yeah windows 7 requires a good deal of hard disk space13:05
BluesKajgoodtime, I'm running W7 dual boot on one of my drives without any trouble13:06
goodtimeyeah screw that ill find or make some cool games instead13:06
goodtimei was13:06
goodtimethings went wrong real fast13:06
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:06
goodtimeyeah i was all happy bootin good13:06
Whiz2which did you install first? windows 7 or Kubuntu?13:07
goodtimethen i tryed unetbootin to get backtrack513:07
goodtimelol what a mess13:07
goodtimelets just say i reinstalled and everything is peachy13:08
goodtimeim running ubuntu12.04 with a kde plasma gui13:08
Whiz2ok, but just like BluesKaj, I ran a windows 7/Kubuntu dual boot without issues13:08
goodtimesmooth once again13:08
goodtimetheres should be no issues13:09
BluesKajgoodtime, are you here to ask a question or just comment about W7?13:09
goodtimegrub is updated and win7 is ok but i just didnt have any luck i guess13:09
goodtimeno no im saying that im running better without it now13:10
goodtimeim a linux guy belive me13:10
goodtimei hate win713:10
SIR_Tacothere's probably a channel for that topic13:11
goodtimebut i need it for other reasons so ill just get some chear pc for that13:11
Whiz2agreed. i don't think this is the place to talk about that, unless you want assistance with the dual booting issues13:11
goodtimesorry if im off topic13:11
Whiz2Hmmm when I choose hibernate on my system all it does is lock it. Doesn't suspend it to disk. oh well...13:12
goodtimeno im here to support linux based questions and maybe get some linux based answers is i need13:13
BluesKajeven boot repair will sometimes fail to restore the the W7 mbr and grub , but the tutorials on the net are mostly accurate, for grub restore13:13
goodtimefi i need*13:13
BluesKajusing the live cd13:13
Whiz2generally if you install linux after windows 7, there is no issue13:13
goodtimeyeah install linux first13:18
goodtimeif you install win7 you wont get in13:18
goodtimei never did anyhow13:18
Whiz2no... install windows first, then linux, because windows overwrites the GRUB MBR, but when you install windows first, and then install linux after, GRUB will add your windows install to the list of operating systems automatically13:19
rethusk, seems to work now13:19
goodtimeyou should get the partition manager to install how much space you want to install the os13:19
rethusnow i only need a way to hibernate if i have inactivvity > 1 hour.13:20
rethuswhere can i set this?13:20
goodtimeshould be easy13:20
goodtimeits mutipil choice13:20
SIR_Tacorethus: should find the option under System Settings -> Power Management13:21
rethusgoodtime: where can i set it?13:21
Whiz2rethus: click on the K menu, go to System settings, click on Power Management. Place a check in the "Suspend Session" box and from the drop down menu, choose "Hibernate" and set the timer for 60 minutes.13:21
gryhi, quassel package appears to be broken now, I started it with default settings but it still displays "%1" instead of nick in the /whois at times13:21
gry(first and last lines of whois)13:21
rethusk. i'll try it13:22
goodtimegood luck13:22
rethuswhiz2: but in german i only have suspend, shutdown and screenlock13:23
kbrouliklol havent even finished entering my name and password and the installer is already done copying (SSD POWER! :D)13:23
gry(does this happen to other folk with quassel on 12.04?)13:24
rethusi only use pidgin13:25
Whiz2rethus then I'm sorry I don't know. I'm in the USA, so I don't know anything about German systems.13:27
rethusI#ll try and see13:28
ubottusiro: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:39
=== pjoe_afk is now known as pjoe
Whiz2my issue has been resolved. it was the particular wireless USB adapter I was using.13:58
BluesKajWhiz2, yes some USB wifi adapters can be difficult to configure on Linux14:06
Whiz2BluesKaj: the hardware was automatically configured by the system, but after a few minutes it would hang the entire system.14:11
BluesKajand what was your solution , Whiz214:11
Whiz2switching to a different USB wifi adapter brand/model seems to have resolved the issue.14:12
BluesKajok :)14:12
Whiz2which tells me either kubuntu 12.04LTS doesn't like that brand/model, or there is a actual issue with that particul piece of hardware14:13
BluesKajWhiz2, which adapter was it ?14:15
Whiz2the problem adapter was Linksys compact wireless-G usb network adapter with Speedboost WUSB54GSC14:16
BluesKajdid you find out which driver was needed Whiz2 ?14:17
Whiz2i didn't even see which driver it used. linux configured the drivers automatically14:19
naujokellisyra lietuviu ?14:24
BluesKajWhiz2, no I mean the problematic adapter14:24
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Whiz2BluesKaj: The problem adapter is the one i'm talking about. Linux setup the drivers on it's own. I dunno much about drivers on linux. I'm still learning15:12
BluesKajmost of just google the name and model number driver15:13
genii-aroundUsually vendor:device  code is extremely useful15:14
BluesKajfor linux thay is15:14
BluesKajyeah genii-around , good point I forgot about that15:14
Whiz2hmmm i added a line to fstab as follows: LABEL=Web /media/Web ext4 default 0 2 but during bootup i got an error and it didn't mount. I did this following info in the man pages for fstab, and mount so i'm confused on why it failed. before i could open it in dolphin and it would mount on it's own, but i'd rather it mount on boot. did i do something wrong?15:20
Whiz2to further this, i try to mount it like before in Dolphine now and i get the error that only root can mount that device15:22
phunyguy_workperhaps default should be "defaults"15:23
phunyguy_worknot "default"15:23
phunyguy_workWhiz2: ^^15:23
Whiz2hmmm ok then the man pages have a typo. i'll try that15:23
Whiz2actually my 3rd device also has "default" and it mounted just fine15:24
phunyguy_workyou forgot the device15:24
phunyguy_workyou didnt include what you are mounting, only the mountpoint and label15:24
Whiz2no... the man pages specify that you can use LABEL-<label> in place of dev15:24
Whiz2sorry LABEL=<label>15:25
genii-aroundIs the volume name of the drive "Web" ?15:25
Whiz2yes that's how it shows in the partition manager15:25
genii-aroundHm. Probably I'd use the UUID instead15:26
Whiz2i don't know the UUID15:26
genii-aroundsudo blkid    should tell you15:26
Whiz2I'm going to test something... gonna comment it out then reboot and try with dolphin again15:26
phunyguy_workthat will work15:27
phunyguy_worki promise15:27
Whiz2uh oh... my earlier problem has surfaced again :(15:27
Whiz2looks like i'm going to have to just swap out the mainboard to solve my hanging issue from earlier15:29
phunyguy_workhmmm mine mounted fine with LABEL=<label> - but that is just a manual mount -a, not a reboot15:29
Whiz2give me a bit to swap mainboards and i will boot up and test my theory again lol15:30
=== toto is now known as Guest86218
compaqhi can anyone tell me how to adjust the sound system is hdmi, video card my ati radeon Mobility HD 4250 HD driver is installed it works PERFECT now, but no settings of multimedia-channel HD and the sound is quite weaker than windows 7 and there was sound and HD audio in kubuntu analog duplex15:42
=== doctorpepper_ is now known as doctorpepper
doctorpeppercan anyone please  help me ,  i have an issue with phonon gstreamer. i have no sound . this issue hitting only on user on the system15:54
BluesKajdoctorpepper, does the prefered device list in phonon show any devices that work with the twest button , also make sure your alsmixer ctrls are all turne up and not muted (MM)15:57
doctorpepperactually if i use the vlc backend everthing works fine so nothing is muted15:58
BluesKajyeah , vlc backend is more audio format frieindly as well15:59
doctorpepperbut when using gstreamer backend  none of the devices works15:59
doctorpepperand only for one user  other user dont have  this issue16:00
doctorpepperthe vlc backend  has only one thing missing : support for mpris2 and nowplaying16:01
doctorpepperBluesKaj: any idea how can i fix this problem16:02
doctorpepperBluesKaj: are you here ?16:06
Walzmyndoctorpepper: I found the package "pavucontrol" (pulse audio volumn control) to help me when I was having sound issues16:06
doctorpepperWalzmyn: actually sound works fine  unless  i use gstreamer-backend and this happens only with one user on the system16:08
Walzmyndoctorpepper: yeah, this app lets you change settings for each application that's making sound, got more options than kmix/alsa sound. It might just help you find the issue - might not16:08
wolf60ciao a tutti16:13
ubottuwolf60: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:13
=== pjoe is now known as pjoe_afk
Prometheshow to connect to webdav using dolphin? i am trying to connect to my owncloud, trying to add network folder->webdav, i filled all the fields and nothing. Anyone?16:21
doctorpepperWalzmyn:  i just switched to gstreamer backend and i get the following message "the audio playback default does not work falling back to default."16:23
Korba@Promethes just open the adress bar and fill it with something like this webdavs://webdav.example.org/16:25
BluesKajhave you set the playback device in phonon >preferred devices , and in pavucontrol as well , doctorpepper ?16:26
Korba@Promethes or terminal: sudo mount -t davfs https://webdav.example.org /mountpunkt16:28
Prometheskorba: nothing happens, i see empty dolphin window, when i try to create a file dolphin gives me error 400. In firefox i can successfully go to my webdav resource16:28
BluesKajdoctorpepper, I'm on several differnt chats , if you have an answer for someone pls use his/her nick , thanks16:30
doctorpepperBluesKaj: yes16:31
BluesKajdoctorpepper, have you checked alsamixer as "user" . make sure all ctrls are up and not muted (MM)16:32
BluesKajand what chip is listed in alsamixer , doctorpepper ?16:33
doctorpepperBluesKaj: i checked alsamixer every is at full power on alsamixer16:34
doctorpepperBluesKaj:   Card : HDA intel  chip: IDT 92HD75B2X516:35
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BluesKajwhat does aplay -l  show , doctorpepper?16:35
doctorpepperBluesKaj:  card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]16:36
doctorpepper  Subdevices: 1/116:36
doctorpepper  Subdevice #0: subdevice #016:36
BluesKajdoctorpepper, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel16:36
doctorpepperBluesKaj:  the module is already loaded16:37
BluesKajdoctorpepper, you probly have to reboot16:37
doctorpepperi will try to reboot and get back to you16:38
BluesKajyou don't know that for sure doctorpepper , either way there's no output unless the module is incorrect16:38
Shura_Hi, I'm aware i'm probably in the wrong place for that, but is there some news about vivaldi tablet ?16:38
BluesKajyou're right , Shura_ this is the wrong room16:39
KorbaPromethes try it without the webdav://webdav.example.org/ Anyway i have to go im sry16:42
jussisomeon want to give me a nice short guide to using dd to back up my HDD as a i,g file to an external usb disk?16:42
jussi.img file I meant16:42
genii-aroundjussi: Is the hd smaller than the external disk?16:43
jussigenii-around: yep16:43
doctorpepperBluesKaj:  rebooting  did nothing16:43
genii-aroundjussi: Then just like: sudo dd if=/dev/sda  of=/media/usb-drive/path/filename.img     ... substitute dev names and /media paths accordingly...16:44
jussigenii-around: sure, so the whole drive thign wont include backing up the USB which is mounted in the drives file structure?16:45
genii-aroundjussi: No, it's not copying things inside of the file structure like links or so on, just bit-for-bit what's on /dev/sda ( or whichever drive )16:47
genii-aroundeg: It doesn't care about filesystem16:47
genii-aroundjussi: Ideally though you'd want to do this operation on an unmounted drive, since some of the data can be changing on it as you are trying to image it16:49
genii-aroundWork, back in 5-1016:49
jussigenii-around: ok nice. andw will I somehow be able to use this file to drop onto another PC then?16:50
BluesKajdoctorpepper, have you setup pavucontrol as someone suggested earlier ?16:59
doctorpepperBluesKaj: i have just observed  a strange thing . the user that has issue   doesnt have same configuration   as the other users . alot  of devices  are showing in systemsettings >multimedia  whereas  other user  have only one  entry  in the configuration17:01
doctorpepperBluesKaj: yes17:03
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BluesKajdoctorpepper, then that person has configured the audio setup . perhaps using pavucontrol settings anf pulseaudio settings in phonon "Audio Hardware Setup" tab17:04
doctorpepperBluesKaj:  no  its the kubuntu default setup   created adduser17:05
doctorpepperthe user that has issue  is a user  that  have been migrated  from several distros17:06
genii-aroundjussi: Yes, if you have another hd which is same size or larger, you can just basically use the reverse to copy it to that one. eg: sudo dd if=/media/wherever/filename.img of=/dev/sda      (as example )17:08
genii-aroundjussi: If the new drive is larger, you can then use gparted to adjust the size and make it take up the whole disk again, etc17:09
cooper_Hi, someone could help me please? I'm trying to sync my iPhone with Amarok. Don't why but my iPhone is mount as a camera. I found something on the web who requiere to create a *.fdi I have really no idee how I'm suppose to create it :S17:10
cooper_sorry deco :P17:12
jussigenii-around: ok, I suppose that means I have to do that operation from a live CD?17:13
cooper_Other question, how come my passeword su and sudo aren't the same? I set only one passeword when I install Kubuntu -_-17:16
jussicooper_: su is the root password which is randomised in *ubuntu. sudo is giving your user privelidges, and there fore is your user password17:18
jussi(assuming you su to root etc)17:19
cooper_Ok i found the answer myself :P But still have the same problem. Don't know how to create a fdi file17:19
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jussicooper_: "sudo -i" will give you a root terminal.17:20
cooper_jussi : nice, thanks you :D17:20
cooper_jussi: I still cannot create a fdi file, I tried with "Kate" in etc/hal/fdi/policy but the access is denied....17:22
jussicooper_: try sudo nano /etc/hal/fdi/policy17:23
cooper_jussi: what's the command to create a file?17:25
jussicooper_: what file do you need to create?17:26
cooper_jussi: a fdi file17:26
jussicooper_: which one specifically17:26
cooper_jussi: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>17:27
cooper_<deviceinfo version="0.2">17:27
cooper_  <device>17:27
cooper_    <match key="info.udi" string="$/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_5ac_12a0_77b75db9a226e63ea633c452e5311b55c4da836e_if0">17:27
cooper_       <merge key="info.ignore" type="bool">true</merge>17:27
cooper_    </match>17:27
FloodBotK1cooper_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:27
cooper_jussi: i was muted haha17:27
cooper_jussi: something for the iphone : info.udi17:28
cooper_jussi: can't show you in that chan, too long... I was muted :P17:28
genii-aroundjussi: For both operations, livecd is preferable... for making the image you can also remount the drive read-only with something like sudo mount -o remount ,ro /  ( for root filesystem as an example )17:29
genii-around( and copy it then without being on livecd )17:29
cooper_jussi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=978623 Is what I'm trying to do but some trouble with create a fdi file17:30
genii-aroundjussi: Apologies on lag, work is requiring much of my time right now17:31
danielbotHi, my sound works but not with video. A large number of kubuntu users report this problem on the web, but without solutions. Any ideas?17:32
danielbotThe issue seems to start with 10.10, and seems to be related to pulseaudio17:33
danielbotbefore 10.10, I had sound with my videos17:33
cooper_I have a trouble to create a fdi file. I didn't found nothing to help me on the web. Could anyone explain me how to do it? Here the tutorial I'm trying to do : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97862317:35
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cooper_Hi, someone could help me? My iphone is mount as a camera, I have really no idee how to change that.17:40
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PtitGNUHi :)18:01
PtitGNUdoes someone can make a little test on a 12.04 x86_64 (not x86_32) ? With rekonq or konqueror, go to http://www.google.be and try to change the language (nl/fr/de/en). Does it works ? Then _disable_ the rekonq/konqueror cache and try again...18:01
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PtitGNUdoes someone can make a little test on a 12.04 x86_64 (not x86_32) ? With rekonq or konqueror, go to http://www.google.be and try to change the language (nl/fr/de/en). Does it works ? Then _disable_ the rekonq/konqueror cache and try again...19:11
jussigenii-around: still about?19:17
genii-aroundjussi: Somewhat :-)19:17
jussigenii-around: If I do a whole volume rather than just a partition it still works, right?19:18
jussiie. /dev/sda as opposed to /dev/sda119:18
genii-aroundjussi: The usual way is to do the entire disk19:18
jussigenii-around: and if I have only done the one partition, is that an issue?19:18
genii-aroundjussi: Yes, sda is actually better than sda119:19
jussigenii-around: Im actually swapping 2 pc's...19:19
genii-aroundjussi: You can't really restore just one partition that was copied ... the better thing is just to do the entire disk, then dd it back to new drive, extend the partition again after with gparted if it's larger.19:20
genii-around( because the main partition table is at the beginning of the drive, so just getting sda1 off doesn't tell where it begins on the disk, where it ends, etc )19:21
jussigenii-around: problem is, I dont want the whole disk (ie. I dont want windows as well ;) )19:21
jussiI wonder if I can just swap the HDD's19:21
genii-aroundjussi: Probably can just swap the drives, don't see why not19:22
jussigenii-around: need to see if dell and HP put any random suprises in their laptops...19:22
Whiz2hmmm i added a line to fstab as follows: LABEL=Web /media/Web ext4 default 0 2 but during bootup i got an error and it didn't mount. I did this following info in the man pages for fstab, and mount so i'm confused on why it failed. before i could open it in dolphin and it would mount on it's own, but i'd rather it mount on boot. to further this, i try to mount it like before in Dolphine now and i get the error that only root can mount that devi19:42
genii-aroundWhiz2: Does the directory /media/Web exist?19:52
Whiz2genii-around: i just did some checking, and it did, so i use sudo bash and deleted it, then uncommented the line and rebooted, same error.19:54
Whiz2after reboot, /media/Web exists, even though i deleted it, but the drive is not mounted to it.19:57
genii-aroundWhiz2: If you use the drive's UUID instead, does that work?19:57
Whiz2how do i find the drive's UUID?19:57
genii-aroundWhiz2: sudo blkid19:58
genii-aroundWhiz2: Then you use it like: UUID=73ef1624-8922-41bd-a946-1fbe06434324  /media/Web ext4 default 0 2        in the fstab ( this is an arbitrary uuid for example purpose)20:00
genii-aroundWhiz2: But /media/Web  will need to pre-exist20:00
genii-aroundwork, back in 3-5 minutes20:01
Whiz2boot time mounting for /media/Web still fails even with the UUID20:05
genii-aroundWhiz2: Very odd. But you can manually mount it?20:07
Whiz2yes as long as that line is commented out in fstab, otherwise i get a error that it can only be mounted as root20:08
yarinseayuda con copiar home corriendo u12.04 desde un pendrive... alguien me dice como hacerlo?20:08
yarinseme da error:  splicing file : input/output error20:10
Whiz2maybe i should try the "user" option along with default?20:10
genii-around!es | yarinse20:11
ubottuyarinse: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:11
Whiz2nope the user option changed nothing20:12
genii-aroundWhiz2: If the line is not commented out in fstab, and you do: sudo mount /media/Web                it mounts ok or chokes?20:13
genii-aroundBleh, apologies but work needs me again for a bit. Will return however20:14
Whiz2it mounts successfully that way with the line active, just not at boot time... gonna test something20:15
genii-aroundWhiz2: Conceivably the drive is not ready for mounting until after the fstab is read. This could happen if it's driver is not loaded at that point for instance ( like usb_storage or something )20:26
Whiz2it's an internal drive. i just removed the partition and recreated it. testing to see if that fixes it20:27
Whiz2even changing persmissions of the volume to 777 didn't work...20:31
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Whiz2genni-around you still abouts?20:59
Whiz2genii-around you still abouts? (correcting the name lol)21:00
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genii-aroundWhiz2: I will be back at my computer in 5-7  minutes, just wrapping up my work right now.21:22
* genii-around makes a fresh pot of coffee21:33
Whiz2genii-around you will be happy to know i've resolved the drive issue21:35
genii-aroundWhiz2: For completeness, what turned out to be the issue?21:35
Whiz2first step was to remove and recreate the partition. second was to change volume permissions to 777 and third was to remove the "default" option because apparently ext4 doesn't recognize that mount option21:36
genii-aroundAh. So probably just the "default" likely the underlying problem.21:37
Whiz2doubt it was the original cause because originally dolphin would tell me that only root could mount it21:38
Whiz2after recreating the partition and changing permissions it still errored out and checking the log for it gave me that bit about default21:38
Whiz2dolphin gave a completely different eror the second time around21:39
genii-aroundWell, that is normally the case. That admin/root is needed to mount a drive, unless users is specified.21:39
Whiz2it didn't mount it even with users21:39
genii-aroundWhiz2: `Hm. I think is supposed to be "defaults" with an "s" at the end21:39
Whiz2"default" is a filesystem independant option, and is used for my 3rd drive which is ntfs21:40
genii-aroundIn my fstab I have ext4 partitions being mounted with option "defaults" and not "default", and it seems to work fine. eg: UUID=07582673-e63c-4b54-822b-59714d685910 /home           ext4    defaults        0       221:41
Whiz2then that means the man pages for fstab and mount have a typo21:42
genii-aroundWhiz2: I just checked them both here but in both defaults is plural and not singular21:44
Whiz2weird oh well. maybe i read it wrong then... but "default" seems to work fine for ntfs21:44
genii-aroundThe main thing is that it's working now as expected.21:45
genii-aroundWhiz2: If you want a particular user to be able to write on there, you should probably make a subdirectory which is recursively owned by that user21:46
Whiz2i plan on using the drive as the root of a webserver21:48
Whiz2i'm having configuration problems with apache2, but unless you wanna take that on, i don't think that is for this channel lol21:49
kbroulikhow can I make kwin_gles  insteadof kwin my default window manager?21:50
genii-aroundWhiz2: Yeah that's probably better for #ubuntu-server or #httpd21:50
genii-aroundkbroulik: System Settings... Default Applications... Window Manager22:01
kbroulikgenii-around: awesome! never noticed that window manager was in there as well. thanks!22:02
genii-aroundkbroulik: You're welcome!22:02
kbroulikgenii-around: hmm that "use different window manager" is greyed out22:02
kbroulikit probably doesnt differentiate between kwin and kwin_gles?22:02
genii-aroundkbroulik: Mine was greyed out too until I installed kde-window-manager-gles for testing purposes, then it became an option22:03
kbroulikI am already running on it. probably need sycoca update, mom22:03
kbrouliknope didnt help22:04
genii-aroundOr maybe swap back to kwin, then it may become an option from there22:04
genii-aroundbleh, phone.22:05
kbroulikno luck :(22:05
kbrouliklet me restart :)22:05
kbroulikdidnt change anything22:07
Torchkbroulik: did you try update-alternatives x-window-manager?22:11
genii-aroundAs a last resort you can manually add it to /usr/bin/startkde on line 443/44422:14
genii-around( In that general area, anyhow )22:15
kbroulikah, startkde says "if the KDEWM environment variable is set, it will use it as kde window manager"22:16
kbroulikso, I guess I will be setting this variable :)22:16
genii-aroundYes, exactly22:17
mr-richOk, upgrade to 12.04 went smooth(ly) ... TV card: Pic, but no sound. Brooktree 878 (very old). Checked Phonon, alsamixer & mixer settings ...23:17
mr-richany ideas?23:17
netrunner_es primera vez que entro, hay laguien online?23:36
szal!es | netrunner_23:37
ubottunetrunner_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:37
netrunner_ok gracias23:38
netrunner_es la primera vez que entro, hay alguien online?23:39
szalstill no Spanish in here please23:39
netrunner_pensé que habia entrado a ubuntu en español23:41
szalthat may well be the case, but you obviously didn't switch to it23:42
SIR_Tacomr-rich: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Hauppauge_WinTV-Go         (same chipset, has step-by-step for setting it up)23:42
mr-richSIR_Taco: it worked fine in 11.10. have a cable hooked up to the line it on the MB ... still no sound.23:44
* mr-rich sighs23:44
* mr-rich needs to break open the piggy bank and buy a new TV card ...23:45
SIR_Tacomr-rich: does the following show you any results in the console?: lsmod | grep  snd-bt87x23:45
mr-richlast time all it took was un-muting the line and it worked ...23:45
mr-richSIR_Taco: that doesn't but lsmod | grep snd_bt87x does ... :)23:47
SIR_Tacomr-rich: ok, that's a good start23:47
mr-richSIR_Taco: pic, no sound ...23:48
mr-richdammit ... gotta go pick up the wife ... bbl23:48

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