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alo21mvo: hi... can I ask you something else about Ubuntu Software Center?07:14
mvoalo21: sure07:14
mvoalo21: good morning07:14
alo21mvo: I found the describprion (called 'text'), but it is a string... I am looking for a widget such as Gtk.Label or something similat. Thanks07:16
mvoalo21: right, check the PangoLayout subclass there07:18
alo21mvo: I found just string type. I noticed that you used Pango to set text. I supposed this text is in widget; in which widget is it?07:45
alo21drawarea? label?07:45
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brendandas of today when i try to install a quantal server image, network autoconfiguration fails13:40
brendandtried with yesterdays image and it doesn't happen13:40
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intgrHey, there's a bug edit war going on at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1039998 ... bots?16:37
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1039998 in linux "perf top (linux-tools) cannot find debug info for some gstreamer plugins" [Medium,Confirmed]16:37
intgrBrad Figg (brad-figg) ... affects: affects: linux-meta (Ubuntu) → linux (Ubuntu)16:38
intgrJoseph Salisbury (jsalisbury) ... affects: linux (Ubuntu) → linux-meta (Ubuntu)16:38
intgrRepeated a few times16:38
jsalisburyintgr, yeah.  I'm going to look into it.16:44
ambidextrvsHi, how can I log the output of the boot process in order to debug a kernel panic?16:50
intgrambidextrvs: netconsole is one way... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Netconsole  http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/networking/netconsole.txt16:51
ambidextrvsintgr: thanks, I'll look into it.16:54
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tvizzlehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1039979 I think this goes to Wishlist18:02
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1039979 in update-manager "Avoid automatic apt-get update on mobile broadland" [Undecided,New]18:02
* TheLordOfTime yawns18:05
TheLordOfTimei'm not certain that can be implemented18:06
TheLordOfTimehere's my reasoning:18:06
TheLordOfTimeHow would the system interpret it to be mobile broadband?18:06
TheLordOfTimes/it/a network interface/18:06
TheLordOfTimefor all intents and purposes, network traffic looks the same regardless of ethernet, wifi, or mobile broadband.18:06
TheLordOfTimetvizzle:  penguin42:  ^18:06
TheLordOfTimeyes, it would be a wishlist, but i'm not certain that's even a valid "wishlist" item.18:07
tvizzleya, i agree that the system wouldn't be able to interpret18:08
TheLordOfTimewhile I will set this as Wishlist and Triaged, I will add my comments accordingly.18:09
penguin42TheLordOfTime: Network manager knows what it's connected to and the other apps can probably ask it18:10
TheLordOfTimepenguin42:  see my additional comments on the bug18:11
TheLordOfTimei added that i'm not certain you can find out, unless networkmanager or wicd or others have system/api calls for that18:11
TheLordOfTimei'm not a network-manager or wicd or $given_network_management_software expert, but i do know that if such calls do not exist, then the system can't really interpret what is/isnt mobile broadband, wifi, ethernet, etc.18:12
TheLordOfTimei've marked it as wishlist/triaged.  i should *probably* see if there's an upstream project...18:13
TheLordOfTimeupdate-manager... is that a GNOME upstream project...?18:13
penguin42TheLordOfTime: Even if there isn't already an API on network-manager for it, it doesn't seem an unreasonable thing to add18:13
TheLordOfTimethat's why i didnt include the last line i had :P18:14
TheLordOfTimeabout it not being a valid item :P18:14
* penguin42 was about to look in update-manager, but it's segging on my kubuntu install....18:15
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