=== jonathan__ is now known as jjesse-phone [02:27] Ok this is cool on IRC through quassel with the core running on my netbook [02:31] Now need to configure router to allow it through === jjesse-phone is now known as jjesse-android [02:40] This works very well in both my phone on wifi and my nexus 7 [02:43] New version of Version Control with Git is out. [11:20] broumorning [11:20] oops morning [11:46] It's a brouumorning everywhere [11:46] heh [11:47] started to reply to brousch using make last night but he was offline so tab complete failed [11:47] and had that in the input for this morning [11:47] Yeah, I hate that [11:47] Why can't he idle on channel like everyone else? [11:56] there he is [12:01] Who? [12:02] you [12:02] I was talking to myself after you left last night when I saw your makefile comment [12:02] Hah, sorry [12:03] I'm just using your epic Bookie Makefile to scrape out things I need [12:03] hah, sorry [12:03] start with the smaller ones [12:03] No, that one is good [12:03] https://github.com/mitechie/breadability/blob/master/Makefile [12:03] is lighter and easier [12:04] Do you have anything where you read a config to set things up? [12:04] Such as the location of the venv on my system would depend on a line in a config file [12:05] Or would the Makefile call a Python script that does all the config stuff? [12:05] well everything is based off the bookie.ini, which is a copy of sample.ini [12:05] and that's passed to all the commands that need it [12:05] why the bookie makefile has a BOOKIE_INI or whatever it is [12:06] Ah, so when you call a command that needs some config, you pass it the location of the ini [12:06] Nice [12:07] right [12:07] and you can override the ini by changing your make command [12:07] make BOOKIE_INI=test.ini run_something [12:07] and then the command runs with a different ini file to run that command [12:08] That is slick [12:09] yea so see: [12:09] BOOKIE_INI = bookie.ini [12:09] SAURL = $(shell grep sqlalchemy.url $(BOOKIE_INI) | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr -d " ") [12:10] I actually pull out the sqlalchemy url from the ini that's being used for some stuff [12:10] and then launch celery background process (for example) [12:10] run_celery: BOOKIE_INI=$(BOOKIE_INI) $(CELERY) --pidfile celeryd.pid & [12:11] cool [12:14] See, I need the epic Bookie Makefile ;) [12:15] lol [12:15] well if you get stuck let me know. I do some nutsy stuff in there that can throw off new users [12:16] I'm not sure how far I'll get on it. Basically as I find a command I have typed a few times I'm adding it in there [12:17] good go [12:17] try to keep it organized though [12:17] keep like things together [12:17] makes it easier to manage [12:17] testing things, setup/install things, untilities, etc [12:17] What is this testing you speak of? [12:18] yea right, never mind. Just stick them in the same file one after another without any comments [12:18] and call them all things like: do_more [12:18] Hey! Like the rest of my code! [12:18] :P [12:18] Does order matter? [12:19] so yes and no [12:19] make [12:19] without any arguments will run the first target [12:19] aside from that, no not really. Order whatever makes sense [12:19] So the first target should be help [12:20] generally it's a clean and build [12:20] Convention is generallt that make by itself will build [12:20] yea [12:20] notice my first command is all [12:20] I don't like that convention [12:20] which will setup things [12:20] It's a grand convention [12:21] right, that's what you're saying. Definitely don't do it this way :P [12:21] handed down for generations [12:21] otherwise people will start to wonder about you [12:21] and they will start the proceedings for your excommunication [12:21] ssssh, he's not supposed to know those meetings are going on [12:22] I would have thought the catering bill we're sticking him with would have given it away? [12:22] it's in the mail still [12:22] Must be a lot more people involved than I thought [12:22] damn front office [12:22] I sent it via the bounched returned address method [12:22] Ah, good call [12:23] I would have just done a direct invoice [12:23] I assumed he auto shredded those [12:23] this way it looks like he wrote it [12:23] And that's why you're the Senior Excommunicator [12:23] VP [12:26] and I'm just the Operator [12:26] with the Pocket Calculator [12:32] rick_h_: saw your tweet about CHC. we were planning to meet at the older caribou, weren't we? [12:34] Blazeix: I talked with my neighbords who are cruise regulars and they say we'll be fine [12:34] bah, neighbors [12:34] Blazeix: so since we already didn't pay/show up on one week I'd rather go there if we can [12:38] OK, so Woodward? [12:39] snap-l: rgr [12:39] Because I think Julie at MH is going to save us a table otherwise. [12:39] yea, after talking with my neighbors I got wondering if we'd lose any reservations/issues with the woodward place not paying back to back weeks [12:40] since they assured me it clears out rather keep the normal schedule [12:40] if if they're wrong...then everyone can hang me from the flag pole for screwing up again [12:40] heh [12:40] We won't hang you from the flagpole [12:41] THat would be too easy. ;) [12:44] Hang him by his leopard-print thong [12:45] * rick_h_ schedules a stop at the summer set mall on my way to CHC tonight [12:59] rick_h_: ok, cool. i won't be able to make it anyway, just wanted to double-check :) [12:59] the manager at the old CHC was going to reserve some tables for us, we should probably cancel that. [13:01] i can call and do that if nobody else has done that yet [13:03] Blazeix: that'd be great. I was going ot bug snap-l since he was close and has chatted with her [13:03] but if you can that would be awesome, appreciate it [13:09] ok, cancelled, i think. the person i spoke to had no idea that the tables were being held [13:09] since i imagine that it was just an informal thing [13:09] yea, I think that was just the person we tend to see there [13:09] right [13:09] so the person left a note that we don't need them held. [13:09] cool thanks Blazeix [13:10] if anyone is in AA, I'll be going to fanzoo tech tonight for their thing. [13:11] last month i worked on ubuntu-docs, and that pull request just sat idle, so I won't contribute to that again. [13:11] ugh [13:12] idle pull requests are disheartening, but I'm positive. I learned a lot generating it. I just need to find something else. [13:12] yea, greg-g was just talking about that last night [13:13] oh? [13:13] where at? g+? [13:13] irc [13:13] what channel? [13:13] he was hitting refresh on some pull request over and over [13:13] in here I thought [13:13] oh. yeah, afternoon. [13:13] last night to me is post-6pm :) [13:14] ah, well I didn't recall to be exact :P [13:15] its all good. i was being a time pedant. [13:16] Blazeix: Thanks, good sir [13:25] rick_h_: You have my mobile number, right? :) [13:26] or at least the GV number? ;) [13:26] snap-l: yea [13:26] I had it last time just misread my phone or something [13:26] test, please. ;) [13:28] * snap-l changed the location again [13:28] recv [13:32] tx [14:02] Apparently my Squeezebox is in a trippy mood [14:02] Rildrim followed by Ozric Tentacles [14:02] I'm not complaining [14:10] rick_h_: jrwren good news, the pull request was accepted while I slept :) [14:11] greg-g: Awesome news. [14:11] g'morning, btw [14:11] snap-l: so its been two years of OMC? [14:11] Yep. Started on 2010 [14:11] http://openmetalcast.com/2010/08/17/open-metalcast-episode-1-open-the-gates/ [14:12] crazy!! [14:12] Yeah, no kidding [14:12] and awesome. I love it. [14:12] :) [14:12] Thank you. :) [14:13] A watched pull request is never merged [14:13] Would love to talk to someone at CC about what I've discovered. :) [14:14] ie: places like bandcamp get musicians thinking about CC [14:14] and places like FMA are essentially where the computer folks play musicians. ;) [14:15] (FMA = Free Music Archive) [14:16] I did not realize OMC was that old [14:16] Yep, now it's in the terrible twos. ;) [14:16] quit your whinning [14:16] congrats [14:16] Thank you. [14:16] greg-g: :-P [14:17] bbian [14:17] s/n/b/ [14:29] NextDayvideo is publishing a bunch of PyConAU videos now [14:29] *sigh* === brousch_ is now known as brousch [14:50] Error: Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined. [14:50] ^^^ why doesn't it just deafult to settings and then if that doesn't exist error? [14:51] because django and their 'magic settings' crap is irritating [14:51] indeed. [14:51] "oh that's a default setting, it's not listed" [14:51] there are some nice things about their settings system, but nothing python doesn't give for free anyway [14:51] "oh, well the order the setting files are collapsed isn't what you think" [14:51] oh, i'm fine with default settings and implicity [14:52] "oh, just set this setting, which isn't in the docs, but if you check the source..oh that's these two settings then you're set" [14:52] I seemed to keep running up against crazy settings fun [14:52] i've heard their docs got a lot better in 1.3 release. [14:52] or was it 1.4? [14:52] this was in June [14:53] oh. [14:53] after 1.4 [14:53] hell if I know then. [14:53] :) [14:53] i'm working on projects on 1.2 [14:53] yea, I railed out against how everyone says the docs are so great but I kept finding the docs/source not sync'ing [14:53] You can specify a settings file with --settings=/path/to/your/settings [14:53] but I'm a hater, so I was using it wrong :P [14:53] That works on syncdb, runserver, etc [14:54] test? [14:54] the test runner auto ignores some settings stuff by the way [14:54] ...grumble... [14:55] yup [15:07] one day I'm going to write a book about my inlaws [15:07] that's my retirement plan I think [15:09] if only Yehuda Moon was still not subscription only, wolger, snap-l and jrwren would love this one www.yehudamoon.com/index.php?date=2012-08-22 [15:09] (its a $1/mo subscription for 3 comics/wk) [16:04] I could still see it [16:07] oh, really? they may have made the switch to open again [16:08] oh, no, that didn't work [16:08] weird, that link isn't being dealt with intelligently [16:09] apparenlty, if you aren't logged in, you get to see each monday's comic (press previous, it goes back a week). [16:09] Ah, well cool that I could see it [16:09] not sure I'd pay $1 a week for it. :) [16:09] Also, apparenlty, if you load a url for a non-Monday comic and you aren't logged in, you just see the previous monmday's [16:09] month, rather. [17:00] i heard aws's new thingy described as being super expensive for recovery. so maybe I'll stick with s3 [17:09] yea, guess the recovery pricing is on some strange per day quota setup [17:12] Leave it to Amazon to cone up with strange pricing [17:14] how expensive? [17:16] the one example on TC I think was $2k expensive [17:20] * greg-g should look at that [17:22] http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/08/glacier/ [17:22] is the article that sets up the nightmare scenario === JonathanS is now known as JonathanD === _stink__ is now known as _stink_ === Blazeix_ is now known as Blazeix [20:07] Quick sqlalchemy question: how do I return two values from a query? [20:07] I'm looking to do something like "select id, max(somedate) from foo where ..." [20:11] rick_h_: ok I've spent a few nights investigating home automation [20:11] I am ready for next nerd brain-dump [20:24] snap-l: what would that query even do? [20:27] about 1/2 way down the page on literal sql: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/tutorial.html [20:27] most ORMs don't support projections since it doesn't work with identity map, which is part of the point of using an ORM [20:28] as soon as you are projecting you are in a special world where the orm is used only as a sql generation tool. [20:35] snap-l: also see http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/tutorial.html#counting [20:35] the second codeblock [20:37] oh, i was assuming you're doing a max(somedate) over a grouping [20:38] n/m. I think I'm on to somethihng [20:38] or I'm on something. [20:40] jcastro, what have you found out so far? [22:07] jcastro: heading out to CHC, drop what you think and I'll reply when I get there [22:07] snap-l: bring it to CHC and I can see if I can help [23:15] rick_h_: n/m, fugured itout [23:15] snap-l: cool [23:40] rick_h_: any reason pyinotify instead of watchdog ? [23:40] jrwren: no, just that watchdog had some limitation I think [23:40] watchdog can run a command, but doesn't have access at the raw files I think? I'd have to look again