
Moonshiner24mUKim now running windows 8. but it doesnt run civ 4 like i installed it to, and its a MS lock in, apple style00:28
Unit193So, is there something related to Xubuntu?00:30
Moonshiner24mUKive done this cause the 3.5 kernal screwed ndiswrapper00:31
Troy^do any of you use any addons or extensions with xfce such as like a dock or something00:32
Moonshiner24mUKcatastrophic system failiure after an upgrade to 12.1000:32
Moonshiner24mUKyes i do, i customized my panel00:32
Unit193Ah, that's still in alpha so may be more breakage.00:33
Moonshiner24mUKyep, besides i missed ableton live00:33
B3rz3rk3rhi guys, redshift crashes as soon as its opened. I tried to open it from the terminal to look for an error and got a load of nonsense back. Put that into google and cant find anything to fix this. Can anyone help?00:33
Moonshiner24mUKdo you launch it as a sudo op?00:36
B3rz3rk3rno should i be?00:36
Moonshiner24mUKworth a try00:36
Troy^where is a good palce to find themes and extensions/addons for xfce?00:37
B3rz3rk3rnah same error00:37
Moonshiner24mUKi think it would adjust the xorg stuff. xorg needs superuser do privalidges00:37
B3rz3rk3rMoonshiner24mUK, the error is: GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_instance_get_private: assertion `instance != NULL && instance->g_class != NULL' failed00:37
B3rz3rk3rit looks like its trying to call a library and not finding it?00:38
B3rz3rk3rTroy^, try http://xfce-look.org/00:39
Moonshiner24mUKapt-cache search glib00:39
Moonshiner24mUKdownload corrasponding lib00:40
Moonshiner24mUKguess is libglib or something00:40
B3rz3rk3ryeah that narrows it down a bit00:41
B3rz3rk3rlibglib2.0 sounds promising00:41
Moonshiner24mUKsudo apt-get install libglib2.000:41
B3rz3rk3ryeah, already installed :/00:42
David-ATroy^: yes xfce-look.org (by the way if you didn't know, there is a search engine called google, that returns this site as first hit when asked: xfce themes)00:42
B3rz3rk3rno way David-A ! you use Google too? That's how I found it! :p00:43
Troy^i was looking to see if there was other ones that werent as obvious00:43
B3rz3rk3rTroy^, i heard you can grab the new greybird theme from 12.10 if you add the repo00:44
B3rz3rk3rthink i saw it on /r/linux earlier00:44
B3rz3rk3ryeah thats the one00:44
Troy^it looks very slick00:45
Troy^lots of these themes are ugly lol00:46
Moonshiner24mUKB3rz3rk3r: before i pass out on the keyboard, could you check if the redshift dependacies are filled?00:46
Troy^also how do the themes work gtk2.x? or strictly xfce? or do they both work00:46
B3rz3rk3rMoonshiner24mUK, sorry, how do i do that? is there a terminal command?00:47
B3rz3rk3ror just check against that link u sent?00:48
Moonshiner24mUKsudo apt-get install libc0.1 libc6 libx11-6 libxcb-randr0 libxcb1 libxxf86vm100:49
Moonshiner24mUKdo an aptget install using the list00:50
B3rz3rk3rMoonshiner24mUK, Package 'libc0.1' has no installation candidate.. so i guess that is the problem?00:51
B3rz3rk3rMoonshiner24mUK, However the following packages replace it: initscripts:i386 tzdata initscripts libc-bin:i386 libc-bin00:52
Moonshiner24mUKsudo apt-get install libc0.1-udeb00:52
B3rz3rk3rcouldnt find it still. shall i try install the replacements?00:53
Moonshiner24mUKi think the deps are very specific00:53
Moonshiner24mUKworth a try00:53
Moonshiner24mUKdo both00:54
B3rz3rk3rok, thanks for your help! :)00:54
Moonshiner24mUK*passes out on keyboard* oeorijghoewghgearguwuhegrhg00:54
Moonshiner24mUKnew channel up: #windows800:55
Troy^windows 8 ewwww00:59
Troy^the start menu is retarded01:00
Troy^would full switch to xubuntu then use windows 8...01:01
David-ATroy^: (offtopic) MS will fix it so most people will think it is not worse than 7, but then most people will think it isn't better either.01:06
MurtaughOn my floppy problem, it seems as though I have to make a directory for it to mount to, then manually mount it every time01:45
MurtaughI think it may be showing up as /dev/fd0 since it isn't in sdb01:50
B3rz3rk3rMurtaugh, couldn't you just add it to fstab?02:05
Murtaughit's not showing up via g-parted02:05
B3rz3rk3rsomething like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3687.html02:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rhin0got a serious problem with 12.0404:58
rhin0x2x doesn't work04:58
rhin0this is an absolute nightmare04:59
rhin0i'm downgrading05:00
rhin0can't use it.05:00
rhin0nobody helps05:00
rhin0will stick with 10.0405:00
rhin0have raised this in forum -- nobody is bothered05:00
rhin0won't bother either05:00
rhin0what a disgrace05:01
rhin0you work all your life helping people with software and get nothing in return05:01
baizonthis is your thread ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199326805:07
baizonrhin0: have you tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65852/cannot-login-to-my-user-account05:09
rhin0whats this got to do with x2x05:12
Unit193Is that at all like synergy?  And I'd say it's not that people don't bother, ever think that many don't know?05:12
baizonsaying "x2x doesnt work" is not very accurate05:13
rhin0it doesn't work05:13
rhin0the cursor is locked to the left column05:13
rhin0"doesn't work"05:13
baizonhow do you connect? "ssh -X to_hostname /usr/X11R6/bin/x2x -west -to :0 &"05:14
rhin0ssh -X user@ -C "x2x -east -to :0"05:15
rhin0i can't believe nobody has asked this -- question on forum left http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199326805:16
rhin0regarding problem05:16
rhin0june 1st --05:16
rhin0oesn't work 12.04 to 12.0505:16
rhin012.04 either05:16
jychello, I've installed xubuntu and I'm getting startup times much slower than ubuntu05:16
jycis there some way to fix this?05:17
baizonrhin0: no error message?05:17
rhin0i'm downgrading - can't use it05:17
rhin0the cursor moves on the machine you x2x to but it's locked to left column05:17
rhin0no error message05:17
baizonjyc: use bootchart and check for any processes that need time, then remove or repalce them in the boot process05:18
rhin0im too exhaustred to continue with this today05:20
rhin0i'll just downgrade05:21
baizonrhin0: well, this software is 4 years old05:21
rhin0i'll stick with 10.0405:21
baizonwhy dont you try an alternative?05:21
baizonlike x2vnc05:22
baizoni mean x2x is pretty old05:22
baizonim using ssh with x forwarding and it works :)05:26
rhin0that allows you to control cursor on 1 machine from another?05:26
jychow do I disable the dock that appears then disappears at the beginning of login?05:30
baizonrhin0: i dont know, never tried it :)05:32
baizonbut vnc can do such thing05:33
baizonjyc: disable it in the startup process05:33
jycbaizon, I can't if I don't know the name05:33
baizonwhat dock is it?05:33
baizonis it a xfce panel?05:33
jycI don't know, it disappears right after it shows up05:34
jycalso, the problem with installing bootchart is that it fixes the problem - after uninstalling it the slow startup appears again05:34
baizonjyc: well go with your mouse at the bottom of you screen please05:34
jycthere is nothing there05:34
baizonpress with your mouse at the bottom of your screen05:34
jycnothing appears05:35
jycthough the slow startup problem is more serious05:35
baizonjyc: ok, so right click on you panel05:35
baizonand check if there are more then one panel there to choose05:35
jycit appears now - thanks!05:35
jycdo you have any idea how to fix the slow bootup?05:35
baizonlike i said05:36
jycxubuntu slow startup05:36
jycsorry, wrong window05:36
baizoncheck to boot process05:36
jycwas googling05:36
jycbaizon, after installing bootchart, the problem goes away05:36
jycwhen I uninstall it, it comes back05:36
jycso I can't see the problem using bootchart05:36
baizondo you have the boot msg or the fancy animation?05:36
baizoni mean boot logo05:37
jycI have the window that says xubuntu as dots appear05:37
baizondisable it and watch the boot messages05:37
baizonand on what it stays for longer05:37
jycI think the problem doesn't appear there, but when I log in05:37
jyc(that's what I meant - sorry if I wasn't clear)05:37
baizonah you mean after logging in?05:38
jycafter entering the password and pressing enter, it takes a long time for the panels and icons to appear05:39
baizona ok05:39
baizonwell then check it by disabling the startup processes, and you can try to remove the content of the .cache directory05:40
baizonthere you have application autostart check it05:41
jycok, will try, thanks again05:41
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
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xubuntu399im getting a black screan after instalation of alternate xubuntu 12.04 in asus eee 701 4g netbook08:43
xubuntu399help meeeee08:44
TheSheepxubuntu399: try adding 'nomodeset' to kernel boot options08:47
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:48
QantouriscWhy doesn't dhclient detect a disconnected network cable ?10:41
Qantourisc(Not using gnome network-manager)10:41
Qantourischmmm ifplug10:42
SmackinthefaceI have the biggest hairiest ***** in all of the UK and I have grown my pubic hair down to my ankles. I tie my pubic hair with five goat bells that jingle jangle all day long. I LOVE coming the USA and giving all you Yanks the middle finger. Come lick me in my hairy places...I have fleas..:D11:12
silverghostguys this is ridiculous xubuntu is taking more memory than ubuntu12:01
silverghostxubuntu stock - 693 mb ubuntu -681 mb what is wron this is trock without no apps12:02
TheSheepsilverghost: how are you measuring it?12:03
silverghostsystem monitor12:03
TheSheepwhich column?12:04
silverghostxubuntu 681 mb ubuntu of 2 gb xubuntu 693 mb of 2 gb wtf12:05
silverghostubuntu 681 mb lol12:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 681 in amule (Ubuntu) "amule hangs system on exit" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68112:05
TheSheepglad I could help12:09
silverarrowdoes anyone know about the media player setup in xubuntu?12:34
QantouriscWhere is /etc/init.d/wpa_supplicant ?12:40
silverarrowlost at sea12:40
QantouriscUbuntu has to be the WORST distro i dealed with when it comes down to network configuration12:42
tycheQantourisc: I disagree.  Windows 7 beats it.  I have no problem setting up any of the *buntus, simply because I'm hardwired to the router.  However, getting my WIFE'S machine on the net is a bear.12:46
Qantourisctyche: i mean ubuntu uses gnome-network manager, but that doesn't work in all cases, and as a result, the debian-based network config has been neglected12:47
tycheNow, that's an interesting point.  I've run Ubuntu and I've run Debian, and I didn't notice a difference between them.12:48
tycheGotta go.12:48
Qantourisctyche: Got it working, hacked the wpa_supplicant into pre_up making it run always.12:52
madriverericHello --  I've installed Xubuntu 12.04, but I want to install an older version of myth (e.g. 0.23-0.24) so that I can update my old database.   Synaptic is only showing the latest version of myth.  I think I need to add an older repo so I can force an older version, but so far haven't had success in finding  it.  Can anyone assist?13:18
melodie_I tried to install Xubuntu precise from an iso image and could not succeed to boot. I have used a howto which was already a bit old, which might explain why I didn't succeed13:22
melodie_then I installed xubuntu to hard drive on one primary partition : /dev/sda3, and at the end I wanted to have grub installed to /dev/sda3 EBR (partition mbr), but it failed with error (not possible to know which error at that stage).13:23
melodie_I have fixed it by removing all grub2, installing Grub legacy and installed it by hand (had to find where the grub legacy files where located because they were not installed to /boot/grub)13:24
genii-aroundIf you install grub to a partition like sda1 sda2 sda3 and so on instead of to just the drive itself ( like sda sdb sdc ) then you wipe out part of the partition information, etc.13:25
melodie_I wonder if this issue was seen and reported before, or if the problem comes from the distro being installed from a usb stick ? Does someone know if the case is just a random issue ? I have installed it to someone else's machine recently with the same stick, but on the sda MBR instead of the partition boot sector. Does that count when it comes to grub2 ?13:26
melodie_genii-around, I usually have one main boot loader and then chain the others from the first one, or add a boot entry in it for the newer install.13:27
melodie_" then you wipe out part of the partition information, etc." / what do you mean ?13:27
melodie_I have always done that with grub, but when it comes to grub2 I am still quite a newbie. Is it too big to fit in EBR ?13:28
genii-aroundmelodie_: Chain-loading bootloaders works if the next bootloader is also on the MBR of an entire drive, like sdb for instance. But installing grub onto a specific partition of a device usually over-writes the partition information which tells what partition type it is, and does not make it bootable anyhow.13:29
melodie_genii-around, when it comes to grub, your information is wrong. If you tell me "grub2" then I can believe you as I don't have much practice with it. are you telling me this about Grub2 ? For what Grub legacy is concerned I have chained to primary and logical partitions many times and never met with an issue.13:31
melodie_on one hard drive only, or on two hard drives : many linux distros one beside others13:32
melodie_each could have it's own bootloader, and being started from the main grub, even with or without grub splash working, provided the GPU was ok for that.13:33
melodie_genii-around, ok, thanks anyhow.13:36
melodie_merci quand même.13:36
melodie_have to reboot, bye13:36
genii-aroundmelodie_: Pointing the bootloader at a partition to begin booting works fine, installing the bootloader onto a partition does not. eg: grub-install  /dev/sda works but grub-install /dev/sda3 will mess up the partition info for sda313:38
genii-aroundBleh, left13:38
madriverericI figured it out...  Have a good day all!13:46
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=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
tech1i have a script which chooses a random wallpaper. last night i ran it a few times until it picked a wallpaper i liked then turned my machine off.... this morning when i rebooted there was a different wallpaper than the last one when i last ran the script. it must be a glitch with how xfce "remembers" the last wallpaper right? unless xfce has some inbuilt ai which has decided to automatically run this random wallpaper scri15:28
tech1pt for me each time i log in.... but i doubt that...... the script is in bin -and i am sure/hope these scripts are not run each time i log in, or that would be bad seeing as i have scripts that should only be run at specific times15:28
GridCubetech1, it all depends on how you got the script and where you put it15:30
GridCubecheck your >configuration >Session and startup >>autolaunch of applications and >>Session tabs to see if they have the script added there15:31
tech1i put it in ~/bin and wrote it myself, it just gets input(1-9) then sets a wallpaper(1-9), or if you press 0 -it chooses a random number(1-9) before setting15:31
GridCubei know for a fact this is not a xubuntu default script so its all pretty much up to you15:32
tech1ok ill check. i definetly didnt add any scripts there so would be surprised if it did15:32
tech1is autolaunch > sessions where i can put scripts i want to run at login then?15:32
tech1i was looking for that before but could only find where to launch "apps" at login15:32
tech1so scripts can be treated as apps? in that manner15:33
GridCubei dont thinks so15:33
GridCubeit deppends on the script i guess15:33
n2diyI have  a computer that won't play youtube  or pandora radio. I got tired of messing with it, so this morning I formatted the partitions and installed Xu 10.04. Then I ran the updates, installed the restricted extras package and chkrootkit. That is all that has been done to the box, why won't it play youtube or pandora?15:34
tech1in settings > sessions and startup, thre are 2 tabs, (application autostart), and (session), i can put the scripts in the (application autostart) one?15:35
GridCubetech1, yes15:36
tech1cool  thanks15:36
GridCubethe session one depends on what applications are open15:36
tech1i see15:36
GridCuben2diy, when you say "won't play" what do you mean?15:37
GridCubetech1, in any case we dont know how your script work, it might pretty much be that it is failing somewhere to save the picture you want to be the one you want as backdrop, again we dont know15:38
n2diyGridCube, I go to youtube, search for Cosmos, select episode one, click on episode one, and a blank screen comes up.15:39
GridCuben2diy, does this page says wich version of flash you are using? http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/15:40
tech1it always remembered the correct one after login correctly before i added the random number thing, it uses "xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s ~/Pictures/wallpapers/dark-city.jpg" to set wallpapers.... its probably because i ran the script multiple times very fast choosing random numbers... maybe it has a "save" cooldown time or something15:41
n2diyGridCube, no it doesn't it just tells me what versions are available.15:42
GridCubeok then you dont have flash installed15:44
GridCuberecheck using sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras15:44
n2diyGridCube, flash installer has the same version number that is listed on the website.15:45
GridCuben2diy, are you sure that in that page there isnt a small box that says "Version information"?15:46
Sysin2diy: check that you don't have gnash or swfdec installed15:46
n2diyGridCube, I don't see it, Sysi, ok.15:47
GridCuben2diy, do you have your correct video drivers? check using "gksu jockey-gtk" to see if there arent updates to you video card15:47
n2diySysi, they aren't installed, GridCube, checking.15:48
Sysican you right click on where video should be and get flash settings?15:50
GridCubeSysi, he says that http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ doesnt tell him what flash version he is using15:50
Sysin2diy: check that flash is enabled in firefox settings15:51
n2diyGridCube, the recommended driver is not activated! I guess I should activate it?15:51
GridCube:D sure!15:51
n2diyGridCube, "system error: install archives () failed." Do I need to activate some repos?15:54
GridCuben2diy, probably15:54
Sysiyou need to update to 12.04 where jockey works..15:54
GridCubeyou are using 10.0415:55
SysiI had tons of problems with jockey on 10.0415:55
ubottuAs most of the Ubuntu channels, #xubuntu is English only. A list of the localized Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList#line-80. These channels will most probably be able to give Xubuntu support too. For alternative Xubuntu support options, please see http://xubuntu.org/help/.15:55
n2diySysi, well, this box is running Xu 12.04, so let me try it here.15:56
GridCuben2diy, you are probably also using a very old firefox version15:56
n2diySysi, ok, "gksu jockey-gtk" on this box returns no probriatry drivers in use, and doesn't recommend any changes. but this box has been polluted, so let me update the test, box to Xu 12.04, and pick up from there.15:59
n2diyGridCube, I ran all the updates, Firefox was ver 14.XX, but I install 12.04 now, so...16:03
GridCubethats probably for the better16:03
n2diyGridCube, well, everything was working fine with Xu 10.10, then I upgraded to 12.04, and that's when my problems started. But I reall would like to get 12.04 working.16:05
Sysiupdates often cause problems16:06
GridCubeclean installs are my choosen way16:06
n2diySysi, roger that! Ok, I'm partitioning now, reformatting everything.16:06
SkippersBossGridCube, that is not always possible though16:07
GridCubeit is if you take the precaution to have dedicated /home :D16:07
n2diyGridCube, yes /home has it's own partition, but it's empty any way.16:08
n2diyGridCube, done partitioning, install is cooking.16:09
GridCube:D good luck16:10
n2diyGridCube, Thank, after the install I'm going to install chkrootkit, and then the updates, that shouldn't interfere with anything?16:13
GridCubei dont know what chkrootkit is16:13
GridCubeso i don know16:13
n2diyGridCube, it's a rootkit hunter/detector. Rootkits are one of the few ways of hacking a linux box.16:16
GridCubegood to know16:16
GridCubeit should not interfere16:17
silverarrowis anyone in xubuntu right now?16:22
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:23
silverarrowwhat is default setup for media players in xubuntu?16:25
SkippersBosseuh setup ??16:25
silverarrowwell, I mean for browser embedded play16:26
silverarrowtotem is main player in ubuntu16:26
SkippersBossThat's a decent question16:26
silverarrowin lubuntu gnome mplayer with gecko media player16:26
silverarrowbut I cannot find which setup xubuntu have16:27
SkippersBossGrid can you assist ??16:27
silverarrowI suppose anyone booted in xubuntu can16:27
SkippersBossI have vlc miself but that is NOT the default setup16:27
silverarrowI see16:27
Sysidefault video player is parole, I don't know about browser, I have flash16:28
n2diyI have parole and rythmbox here on 12.04.16:28
GridCubethe default video/mp3 player is parole16:29
GridCubethe default music manager is gmb16:29
GridCubeergo gmusicbrowser16:29
silverarrowflash is the main problem16:29
silverarrowan powerpc16:29
GridCubethe default pictures and i think that it manages some video aswel is gThumb16:29
n2diyahh, flash.16:29
GridCubesilverarrow, you need to install xubuntu-restricted-extras to have flash support16:30
GridCubesudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras16:30
silverarrowI know, but for powerpc there is no flash really16:30
silverarrowmaybe an old adobe flash might owrk16:30
GridCubei dont know16:31
silverarrowgnash works16:31
silverarrowbut browser plugin package is broken16:31
GridCubeif its for youtube videos you could try installing minitube16:31
silverarrowgnome  player and gecko should work on windows media player oriented sites, but geco is broken for ppc16:31
GridCubeits a standalone program that plays youtube videos witouht flash16:32
SysiI'd use vlc-mozilla and html5 when possible16:32
silverarrowI haven`t tried minitube, but so far gnome mplayer and flash video replacer works for youtube16:32
silverarrowhtml5 is so so, on this laptop16:32
GridCubeyou could also try the vlc plugin16:33
silverarrowI haven`t tried vlc in browser16:33
silverarrowI have vlc player though16:33
silverarrowI wish firefox would keep their flash video replacer, it works perfectly16:34
GridCubesudo apt-get install browser-vlc-plugin16:34
silverarrowthanks, I should try vlc plugin16:34
GridCubemmm browser-plugin-vlc16:34
silverarrowon the ubuntu forum someone bragged something awful about xubuntu on ibook G416:36
GridCubeyou cant please everybody16:36
silverarrowwell, at least two guys were every happy about xubuntu16:37
silverarrowiBook G4 has only 1.42GHz cpu and 512 ram16:38
silverarrowI have upped it to 1GB16:38
silverarrownot sure there is any advatage to more ram though16:38
holsteinxubuntu is great... but it can be helpful to weed out the opinions.. if you are looking at those media players, they are not distro specific, and should be similar across the *buntus .. flash support would be the same16:39
silverarrowI am in lubuntu now16:39
n2diyis there any such thing as to much ram?16:39
silverarrowwith the gecko gnome mplayer setup, which if fixed would be great16:39
holsteinright.. but the flash support, VLC and all these other applications will be the same or quite similar in xubuntu or lubuntu or whatever16:39
silverarrown2diy: not sure, but on this old thing would it improve anything?16:40
SkippersBossn2diy, if your running a 32bit version ??16:40
Sysi512 to 1024 sure should make a difference, 1 to 2 gb maybe not so much16:40
silverarrowthey used to say not point in more than 3GB unless you have 64bit16:41
silverarrowsysi, are you sure16:41
silverarrowI might get a 1GB card then16:41
silverarrowdoesn`t cost much16:41
silverarrowwith a bit of luck at least16:42
Sysi512mb is quite little for modern OS and especially webbrowser, 1GB is enough for several browser tabs and some multitasking16:42
drcsilverarrow: use something like htop or task manager to track your RAM usage for a day...then make a decision about how much you "need".16:42
silverarrowreally old laptops can some times not push ram usage much more than 300MB16:43
holsteinat some point, a 32bit system might not see the ram... but a PAE kernel can usually make 32bit systems use all the ram, though im not sure how that works on PPC hardware16:43
silverarrowppc is weird16:43
silverarrowmight work though16:43
TheSheep32bit system should see up to 4GB ram16:43
TheSheepbut not more16:43
silverarrowI see16:43
TheSheepat the same time16:44
silverarrowI can have max 8GB in  my HP cetrino laptop, with Core2Duo cpu16:44
silverarrowafter installing linux on the iBook I got very focused on optimizing usage16:48
silverarrowI wanted it to be better than osx16:48
silverarrowbut really,it is much the same, but with more options for software16:49
holsteinyeah? better is a matter of opionion though.. i would think it will always just be different.. osx will likely support the hardware best, at least certain versions16:49
silverarrowwell, not noticeably at least16:50
silverarrowlubuntu boots fast, runs easy, not hard on specs16:50
silverarrowthe main issues are the same, rather difficult with media streams in browser16:50
silverarrowsome at least16:50
silverarrowif gecko could be fixed it would be better than osx16:51
silverarrowosx was the best when it was current version, but not anymore16:51
holsteinsure, but again, thats a matter of opinion.. im sure if we focused on power management, we might have a different "best"16:51
silverarrowhowever lubuntu ppc does handle hardware well enough to not be a disadvatage compared to leopard16:52
silverarrowor the previous one to leopard16:54
silverarrowI like the ubuntu alternative16:55
holsteinyou cant compare ubuntu ppc and those version of OSX on that hardware though, since they are not supported on that hardware16:55
Sysithough neither are those OSX versions anymore16:56
holsteinright.. those OSX version are not supported on that hardware any longer, so you cant compare them to ubuntu PPC on that hardware16:57
n2diyupdate manager is not an improvement in 12.04, the only way I can tell it is working is from watching the LEDs blink on the router.16:57
silverarrowholstein: true, the advantage of current ubuntus on ppc is because they are somewhat supported and kept up17:03
silverarrowit came with tiger17:04
silverarrowand upgraded to leopard fine17:04
n2diyso, how do I tell when update manager is finished if I have no progress bar or details screen? Top shows update manager is running, but it isn't doing much, 0.7% cpu.17:27
n2diynever mind, just got the system restart required notice.17:30
n2diyGridCube, still here? Have a virgin 12.04 install to play with.17:33
n2diyGridCube, still here? Have a virgin 12.04 install to play with. Installed the Nvidia driver without a problem. Going to load restricted extras with synaptic now.17:50
GridCubei am17:51
GridCube:D good luck!17:51
n2diyGridCube, rebooted, logging in, wow, the screen res. is "different" !18:04
n2diyGridCube, my max res is 640x4801?, but I deal with that later.18:06
GridCubei dont know18:06
GridCubethat sound weird tho18:06
n2diyGridCube, there is another driver available, I'll try that one.18:08
* genii-around ponders this 4:30 aspect ratio18:08
n2diyGridCube, should I remove the previous driver before installing the new one/18:09
n2diyI think so.18:10
GridCubegenii-around, i think is a typo+1, 640x480 :P18:11
GridCuben2diy, yeah sure :) try them all18:11
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n2diyGridCube, only have two choices, so...18:12
bhankinsDid you have the nvidia splash screen?18:15
bhankinsYour not in vesa?18:16
n2diyGridCube, sigh, still no youtube, pandora, and now my screen res. is messed up.18:21
GridCuben2diy, :(18:21
GridCubewell then go to /etc/X11/18:22
GridCubeand rename xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old and reboot18:22
n2diythunar, or cli?18:22
GridCubethat should restore your screens18:22
GridCubeany that you feel confortable n2diy18:22
n2diynever mind.18:23
n2diyGridCube, ok, res. is still afu., I "think" in need to remove that driver, rename, xorg.conf again, and reboot?18:28
n2diyGridCube, xorg.conf wasn't recreated!?18:32
n2diyGridCube, screen res. back to normal, but still no xorg.conf!?18:36
GridCuben2diy, thats normal18:37
GridCubexorg.conf isnt really necesary anymore18:37
GridCuben2diy, still no flash?18:38
n2diyGridCube, roger that. yep, still no flash.18:38
GridCubetry the firefox add-on called flash-aid18:39
GridCubeit installs flash and tune it to work with ubuntu18:39
GridCubeif that doesnt work try gnash or other options,18:39
GridCubeyou could also try the browser-plugin-vlc18:39
GridCubeother than those im pretty much out of ideas18:40
n2diyok, I don't see flash-aid, but there are a number of helpers offered that I can try. And I'll try the above too if needed. Thanks for your help and time.18:42
GridCuben2diy, https://github.com/webgapps/flashaid18:43
GridCubeits gone D:18:43
milne8204I have a problem that I can not solve. I can not play videos in Internet because my shocable  flash player, any one could help???18:52
TheSheep!flash | milne820419:00
ubottumilne8204: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:00
n2diyGridCube, none of the add ons worked, so I installed gnash. Now both pandora and youtube are compliaining that I need the latest version of flash, and offer DL links.19:05
n2diyremoved gnash, and trying browser-plugin-vlc19:08
shpanki think i've just created the loudest nettop on this planet19:14
drcbut can you dance to it?19:16
shpankit's just the monotone buzzing of a 20W DC fan :)19:17
drcah...trance music19:17
shpankmy boss gave me an asus r3600 motherboard without the heatsinks19:17
shpankso i had to jury rig something to make this stuff work19:17
shpanknow there are two small heatsinks on the cpu and the northbridge/gpu19:18
shpankand a big fan is blowing on them19:18
shpankand it's louder than the music19:18
n2diyGridCube, I just clicked on the install adobe flash link in pandora, and it offered to install an APT package for 10.04+. I clicked on DL, and it offered to install it with the software center app.! So that's cooking! Yesterday, I tried the same thing, but the software center wasn't offered, so I had no app. to install it with.19:20
n2diySo something we did today "awakened" the awareness of the software center!?19:21
ubottuGnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/19:23
marcpvhi! anyone know how to change default folder in catfish?19:24
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GridCuben2diy, :) is flash working?21:33
n2diyGridCube, nope.21:33
GridCuben2diy, have you tried minitube?21:33
n2diyTried all your suggestions, but no luck with them. No I haven't, where might i find that?21:34
GridCubeits a stand alone program to watch youtube without using flash21:34
GridCubeget it by sudo apt-get install minitube21:35
GridCubeor from the USC21:35
n2diyok, here goes.21:35
n2diyGridCube, ok, got it.21:37
GridCube:) so?21:38
GridCubealso n2diy try pianobar, its a stand alone pandora manager21:39
TheMasterThough what version of Xubuntu are you using?21:39
GridCubeTheMaster, who you asking21:40
n2diyGridCube, Cosmos Ep.1 is loaded, but play is  ghosted out!21:40
GridCube(also TheDrums and TheMaster are in the same channel... spooky)21:40
TheMasterYou are recommending pianobar which is a pandora client, but depending on the version, may not currently work.21:40
n2diyGridCube, I have to DL the episode to watch it, I'm guessing?21:41
GridCubeTheMaster, i dont know i just found out it existed21:41
TheMasterGridCube: Cool, no problem.21:41
n2diyGridCube, the DL button doesn't do anything!21:42
GridCuben2diy, its pretty much like standard youtube21:42
GridCubeplays while downloading21:42
n2diyGridCube, ok, let me kill it and see if there are any clues on the terminal?21:44
n2diyGridCube, tried to kill it, and it wanted to know if I wanted to cancel the DL, so I'll let it cook for a while.21:45
GridCubemaybe your internets are really really slow21:46
GridCubeoh! i never used that download button21:47
n2diyGridCube, 1.5meg down, I believe, but it worked ok before I upgraded to 12.04.21:47
n2diyIn fact, I watched the first seven episodes of Cosmos.21:48
n2diyGridCube, still DLing, gotta walk the dog, back in 20.21:56
n2diyI'm back, no activity on the router, and no play button on minitube.22:27
GridCuben2diy, i never use the download button tho22:29
GridCuben2diy, you should probably check your video drivers again22:30
GridCubefigure out why they dont work properly22:33
n2diyGridCube, roger that. But there are three boxes here, all not doing the same thing. I'm beginning to suspect router?22:38
GridCuben2diy, i honestly dont know22:41
n2diyGridCube, trying pianobar now.22:43
n2diyGridCube, trying pianobar/pandora gave me a login... network error: TLS failed.  I may have changed passwords on pandora and forgot which one I'm using, I hope.22:46
TheMastern2diy: Type  apt-cache policy pianobar   real quick please?22:47
GridCuben2diy, synaptic says you also have pithos to try using pandora22:47
TheMasterPithos is gui, pianobar is CLI.22:47
GridCubei have no idea :P22:48
TheMasterI'm just adding to your info, all good.22:48
n2diyTheMaster, roger that. Well I keep getting this TLS error, and I tried all my passwords.22:49
TheMastern2diy: Sounds like an older version, pianobar is extreamly easy to compile if you want to use it. :)22:50
TheMasterOtherwise, pithos won't work either and you'll need to add his PPA to use it.22:50
TheMasterI personally like pianobar better, but the PPA route is a little easier.22:50
GridCubeTheMaster, he's having huge problems with flash in his computer and he wants to use both those services (yt and pandora) so anything that makes them work should be fine :P22:52
TheMasterGridCube: Did you get him to purge flashplugin-installer and install adobe-flashplugin from the partner repo by chance?22:52
n2diyTheMaster, yes, did that through the ubuntu software center.22:53
TheMasterVLC can handle YouTube videos if you paste them in the network dialog, and pianobar/pithos could do pandora.22:54
SkippersBossbut what about those flash sites that HIDE the link22:55
SkippersBossservices like e.g. brightcove vls is useless22:56
GridCubeminitube should work aswell22:56
TheMasterI'm under the impression he's just talking youtube from what he said, and the URL of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNZzJELbFRI is acceptable in vlc.22:56
GridCubebut im pretty sure most of his problems come because of faulty video drivers22:56
TheMasterGridCube: Sure, however you'd like to go.22:56
n2diyat this point, I'm ready to change my password, and let somebody hack away at the box!22:57
GridCubebecause when he installed them his screens whent default to 640x48022:57
GridCubeso i think theres something wrong there thats not letting n2diy progress22:58
TheMasterUsed jockey to get 'em?  Harder card to deal with?22:58
GridCubeTheMaster, :) yes, and i dont know22:58
GridCubeask him :D22:58
n2diyask me what?h22:59
n2diynvidia nv34 GeForce FX 5200?23:00
GridCube:P what video card you have, and why it fails to load its drivers23:00
n2diynvidia nv34 GeForce FX 5200?23:00
GridCubedo lspci | grep "VGA"23:00
GridCubethat works too :)23:01
n2diynvidia nv34 GeForce FX 5200 rev a123:01
TheMastern2diy: Have you checked "Additional Drivers" in the settings menu?23:08
n2diyNo, just checked Xorg.0.log, and it looks like the the NOUVEAU driver is being loaded? I'll check settings now.23:09
n2diyTheMaster,  Addtional Settings offers the same two drivers GridCube and I tried earlier.23:11
n2diyTheMaster, GridCube and those drivers are; NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver version 173, and post-release updates version 173-updates.23:13
GridCuben2diy, they should work23:19
n2diyOk :)23:19
n2diywhich leads me to believe something else is at fault. Let me poke around in some more logs.23:21
n2diythe last entry in dmesg.0 refers to the NVIDIA UNIX kernel Modue 173.14.35  as loading, no errors.23:26
n2diyhowever, dmesg shows the nouveau driver loading ok.23:29
n2diyGridCube, TheMaster, the last entry in jockey.log is "shutting down"!23:32
mk_Hello folks - I just started having a problem logging into my xubuntu laptop after a forced powerdown.  Logging in as a second user on the laptop works fine, but my old user can't get past the ubuntu login screen.  Wondering if anyone can help me troubleshoot.23:38
mk_I can log in as a second user and even su to the main user, but can't get main login screen to let me in.23:40
mk_what stuff might be corrupted on the main user?23:40
mk_I'm on 12.0423:40

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