
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest3949
=== Guest3949 is now known as mparillo
shadeslayerHm ... ktp missed feature freeze01:50
shadeslayerFFe's will need to be filed ....01:50
* shadeslayer makes a TODO list for today01:53
shadeslayer[kubuntu-dev] aim to create AC100/tegra images for desktop/active if testers: TODO01:56
shadeslayerdoes someone have hardware to test that?01:56
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
=== Linkmaster_ is now known as Linkmaster
shadeslayerLet's say I'm purging a package, and there's a postrm script04:21
shadeslayeris it sufficient to add a 'remove' case04:22
shadeslayeror should I handling both of them separately?04:22
shadeslayer( plymouth-kubuntu-logo only handles the remove case, purging the package won't call update-alternatives I think )04:23
shadeslayerunless purging a package calls the postrm script by passing remove first04:24
shadeslayer!find interest04:31
ubottuFound: hledger-interest04:31
shadeslayeroh my06:16
=== Guest68144 is now known as wordpress
=== wordpress is now known as ikonia
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, em08:56
Riddell12.04.1 testing needed!08:57
Quintasanshadeslayer: Transformer is tegra09:34
RiddellI'll be away from this evening to Sunday evening, so if you need me get your pings in now :)10:59
apachelogger_Riddell: ping11:03
Riddellapachelogger_: pong!11:14
apachelogger_Riddell: hug :*11:23
apachelogger_also that's qutie the latency ^^11:23
RiddellI'm running multiple install tests at once!11:24
Riddelllatency will happen11:25
Riddellhi mparillo 11:42
mparilloHi. I had no luck from home last night. I am guessing I messed up my keys some how.  On #bzr, they suggested I try sftp -v. I will try the KDE paste thing.11:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
debfxJontheEchidna: do you remember what kubuntu_01_fix_rounded_corners.diff in kwin-style-crystal is supposed to do?11:53
Riddellmparillo: try using your lp username11:55
Riddellmparillo: sftp -v <lpuser>@bazaar.launchpad.net11:57
Riddellmparillo: sftp -v marco-parillo@bazaar.launchpad.net11:59
Riddellmparillo: is https://launchpad.net/~marco-parillo/+sshkeys the same as in /home/mparillo/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ?11:59
mparilloSame basic result: http://paste.kde.org/538520/12:00
mparilloIt looks as if the only file (other than . and ..) in .ssh is -rw-r--r--  1 mparillo mparillo  810 Aug 22 12:37 known_hosts 12:03
mparilloSo, I should create id_rsa.pub there, by copying and pasting from the URL you gave me?12:04
mparilloDone. I might need to change the permissions. http://paste.kde.org/538526/12:09
mparilloI got further after I removed permissions from group and world: -rw-------  1 mparillo mparillo  396 Aug 23 08:12 id_rsa 12:17
mparilloBut, now it seems to be either asking for the private key or the passphrase. I saved the .asc private key. Do I need to name it anything special?12:18
yofelmparillo: you need a key in there, remove the file again and run 'ssh-keygen'12:23
yofelmparillo: what error do you get now?12:24
yofelwhat are the contents of /home/mparillo/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ?12:27
mparillossh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDfHMHOK8b/RzdOenpC93kuXOYMYjADaR8c48qJuoA4gomWYRn0BP9rxPelz9Q28AhtI6pw23ghqLt4MCI7YUIcBbqgEjVnuLiUzECl4rWMyYX2aEAaxq9lU7Kw7cnYEP+TAejyDBGUdBuzV0wtIxKPCjOrnIJUZKJkNqKQvtHtxdKgcgDdTNrihxqQaUOpxV4TYizKCFwXUv8LKWyClk053AbtViBHyiDclrfnnUXTwMwoPNfRRjw1BhBA/f2NkyHOMVoIlb+fBurPn7xPvLqmSMEERzyt15GJQzj8V3Ox6BNnCKRYmaTcVtje+rxYmiUioJz1Osg1LxcIyXG/BpB7 mparillo@ubuntu 12:28
yofelthat doesn't match with https://launchpad.net/~marco-parillo/+sshkeys - you'll need to update the key on launchpad12:28
Riddellif your .ssh is empty then I'm not surprised it doesn't work :)12:30
mparilloyofel: I went to https://launchpad.net/~marco-parillo/+editsshkeys and deleted my old ssh key, and pasted in the new one, clicked import, and success! 12:33
mparilloConnected to bazaar.launchpad.net. sftp>  12:34
mparilloSo, now I try the bzr push again?12:34
mparillobzr push lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information. 12:36
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JontheEchidnadebfx: presumably it's to round the corners when there isn't a compositing window manager14:02
RiddellScottK, JontheEchidna, apachelogger_ etc anyone want to attend the release team meeting tomorrow (I'm away)14:58
JontheEchidnaI have move-in to my new place today, and I'll probably still be busy with that tomorrow14:58
JontheEchidnaon the plus side I met the internet guy there yesterday and I'm connected to the 'net there already :)14:59
dantti_laptopRiddell: is s-c-p splited around kde git repos? I can only find printer-applet15:33
Riddelldantti_laptop: it's in kdeadmin and kdeutils15:37
Riddellsystem-config-printer-kde is the admin part15:38
Riddellprinter-applet is the unil part15:38
dantti_laptopright, I always get lost in kde repos :P trying to find this admin part now...15:39
Riddellooh tazz is famous! http://dot.kde.org/2012/08/23/gaurav-joined-game15:40
tazzRiddell, it was for a good cause. :p15:41
Riddellmparillo: bug 1040658 is a simple edit, I can give you the access details if you make the fiddly grammer decision :)15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1040658 in Kubuntu Website "Grammar mistake on front page" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104065815:42
mparilloBefore you do, I think I might have a broken branch.15:43
mparillobzr push lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information. 15:43
Riddelloh fiddly15:43
Riddellneeds a new checkout and merge I think15:43
Riddellfrom a new dir  bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org kubuntu.org215:44
mparilloSince my changes are so small, can I simply delete my Release 1.0 directory, and pull it down again?15:44
Riddellyeah you can15:44
Riddellin kubuntu.org2 do a  bzr merge ../kubuntu.org15:44
Riddellwould be one way15:44
Riddellor just start fresh and apply manually15:44
mparilloHow about I start fresh and this time try to document what I do ;-)15:45
Riddellcan do15:45
ryanakcaWouldn't just a 'bzr merge lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org' do it?15:46
Riddellyeah should do15:47
Riddellmparillo: try that15:47
mparilloI tried a bzr merge with no args. ryanakca I will try yours (without the quotes).15:47
mparilloryanakca: I think I have a Contents conflict.15:49
mparillo+N  page-node-252.tpl.php                                                               RM  page-node-10.tpl.php => page-node-10.tpl.php.THIS 15:49
ryanakcaAlright, make the manual changes (bzr diff to see the differences I think) and then you can commit the merge (bzr commit  I think)15:50
* ryanakca hasn't used bzr in a while, so I might be very wrong15:50
Riddellmparillo: sounds about right, I removed page-node-10.tpl.php15:52
Riddelland added a minimal page-node-252.tpl.php, meanwhile in the drupal database node/252 has the content that was in 1015:52
mparilloRiddell: So that means the merge probably worked as expected, and I should try the push again?15:57
Riddellmparillo: you should manually resolve it16:01
Riddellbzr conflicts16:01
Riddellwill tell you what's conflicted16:01
Riddelland bzr resolve <filename> 16:01
Riddellwill tell it that it's resolved16:01
Riddellanyway if you're editing page-node-10.tpl.php then it doesn't exist any more so there's nothing to commit :)16:02
Riddelland I can give you details to edit it in the database16:02
mparilloI had to bzr resolve page-node-10.tpl.php then bzr commit then push, and it looked successful: Pushed up to revision 11.16:03
Riddellmparillo: groovy16:05
Riddellmparillo: so want these details?16:06
mparilloSure, but I am afraid  I more effort that I am worth.16:06
mparilloAnd I have assigned myself to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/104065816:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1040658 in Kubuntu Website "Grammar mistake on front page" [Medium,Confirmed]16:10
Riddellmparillo: /msg'ed16:13
Riddellmparillo: got it?16:14
mparilloGot it. Sorry I did not notice the /msg, but on webchat, there was just a quiet tab with your name on it at the top (and I look at the bottom for new posts).16:27
RiddellI'm away for the weekend, 12.04.1 is due to be released shortly16:51
Riddellif anyone with web access can put up a story on kubuntu.org when that happens that would be great16:52
Riddellor help mparillo with doing it, he has access now16:52
shadeslayerRiddell: can you send them to me as well?16:55
mparilloI will try to stay on IRC, and would appreciate the help.16:55
shadeslayerkubuntu.org access details16:55
shadeslayermparillo: yeah, I'm around, feel free to highlight :)16:55
shadeslayerI'll be up for the next 10 hours16:55
* genii-around makes more coffee16:59
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger_ seems that qt4-x11 depends on libtiff5-dev when it should really depend on libtiff-dev18:10
shadeslayerthis should have been caught as a part of the tiff transition18:10
shadeslayerbut it seems it wasn18:11
apachelogger_depends or build depends?18:11
shadeslayerbuild depends18:11
debfxshadeslayer: there is no libtiff-dev package18:12
shadeslayeruh, it's a virtual package iirc18:13
debfxbuild-depending on virtual packages is not really a good idea18:15
shadeslayerany particular reason?18:16
debfxthe build environment is inconsistent if there are multiple packages that provide it18:20
debfxlooks like several packages build-depend on libtiff-dev so meh18:25
shadeslayerdebfx: yeah, that's because there was a tiff transition recently18:32
shadeslayerwhere everything was moved to depend on libtiff-dev18:32
shadeslayerhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/tiff.html 18:33
debfxand by everything you mean everything in main ;)18:34
shadeslayerright :P18:39
shadeslayerdebfx: so, transition to libtiff-dev, fine with you?18:40
shadeslayerI'm going to take that as a yes19:26
skaetshadeslayer, where will the kubuntu announce info be posted?   would like to include a link in the email.21:07
shadeslayerskaet: http://www.kubuntu.org/news21:09
skaetthanks shadeslayer :)21:09
shadeslayerthat amarok image is ETOOLARGE21:09
skaetshadeslayer:   this link ok?  Kubuntu: http://kubuntu.org/news/12.04.1-release  or just go with /news/21:17
shadeslayerskaet: just go with /news21:17
shadeslayerI can't say what the url will look like21:17
skaetshadeslayer, ok.   was just going with the pattern from last time,  but will simplify.21:31
shadeslayerwell .. it'll be the top story there :P21:33

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