
bacmorning frankban11:33
frankbanhi bac, how are you doing?11:33
bacgood.  so far not much going on.11:34
gary_posterhi bac benji frankban12:09
gary_postercall in 1 or so12:09
benjihey hey12:09
* bac makes gentle appeal to the gods of DSL12:10
bacsorry about that.  i'd tested hangouts a bit and they seemed to work fine.  for the first month i'm going to have very constrained upstream bandwidth.  after a month they will allow us to upgrade.12:42
baci can see if our neighbor will allow me to drag an ethernet cable over in the interim.12:42
gary_postergmb could you give me a link to the document?  I don't see it in my drive13:04
gmbgary_poster: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1DnLQmw4PxfubpmotRWioSzyY5QBOFEapz6aBoh_GVqM/edit13:04
bacfrankban: review done.  thanks.13:15
frankbanthanks bac, good suggestions in your review, I will add the changes and then land the branch13:18
bacfrankban: great13:19
benjiI wonder if that hang was caused by overheating.14:15
bacbenji: i'm working with our canonistack instance now.  the configuration has changed (see https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/IS/CanonicalOpenstack) so i haven't yet gotten to the lp2kanban bits yet.14:37
benjibac: ok; I have a call in about 2:15 but I'm free before that14:42
gary_posterfrankban, I'm ready for call any time14:52
gary_posterno rush14:52
frankbangary_poster: joining14:53
gary_posterbac is tarmac down, or is waiting 50 minutes for it to bless frankban's branch reasonable?14:55
bacgary_poster: it is down.  configuration for canonistack has changed.14:56
baci'm trying to get my credentials straight and get it working again.14:56
gary_posterok thanks bac14:56
bacgary_poster, frankban: tarmac is up again and is running the tests to land frankban's branch.  it started at :15 so it should be done by :35 i think15:23
gary_posterawesome thanks bac15:24
frankbancool bac, thanks15:24
gary_posterbac, getting rid of finish-init-host is the last thing that we have to do before we throw lp-setup over the wall, I think15:25
bacbenji: i looked at lp2kanban and i think i see your concern.  is it the hardcoded bit in kanban.py?  that code is not actually run in production.  the cron job calls bugs2cards.py.  it should be fixed, though.15:25
gary_posterSo getting that done asap would be great15:25
bacgary_poster: ok.  i just finished up the other task.15:25
benjibac: yep that sounds like it15:25
bacbenji: there is an 'account' in the config file that is set up properly15:26
benjigood to know that's not called in production; sad to know that the software is now so complex that it harbors decoys15:26
bacbenji: yep15:29
bacgary_poster, benji, frankban: i'm not sure if any of you are using canonistack but the way keys are named and generated has changed.  the wiki page describes it.  i had to use euca-delete-keypair before i could register one of the new ones.  for more details see: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/IS/CanonicalOpenstack15:30
gary_posterack thank you15:32
frankbangary_poster: I've filed bugs for all the cards except the ones in the last two rows of 'active metatask' (6 cards). One is the 'move make schema' card, another is 'user testing'. An then we have the documentation one (that maybe can be just deleted). Finally, for the remaining 3 blocked cards, I don't know what to do, and I have no problems if you want to just delete them.16:18
gary_postercool frankban, sounds great.  thank you!16:55
benjigary_poster: I'm back and haning out.18:37
gary_posterHow does one hane?18:37
gary_posterbac, are you alive?19:33
bacgary_poster: yes!19:35
bacgary_poster: let's try hangout19:35
gary_posterbac, cool19:36
gary_posterI'm going out to school function.  Will be working later.  Bye20:17
bacgary_poster: if you'd like to do a review when you return: https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/lpsetup/muerte_finis_init_host/+merge/12108520:46
gary_posterbac, approved with some mostly trivial comments.23:45

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