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rsalvetiogra_: you changed Bootloader-sets-root: to yes even if the meaning is currently wrong! :-)07:36
rsalvetithat's a different behavior from debian07:36
rsalvetibut will at least now work after the installer finishes?07:38
ogra_rsalveti, i havent tested it on actual images yet, but beyond that it should work08:00
ogra_(as documented in the changelog)08:01
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* ogra_ hugs rsalveti 14:40
rsalvetiogra_: there's only one new package that needs to land now, the libdri214:41
rsalvetiwhich is what I'm testing at this moment14:41
rsalvetithen we'll be ready to go with pvr-omap414:41
rsalvetikernel and xorg related packages all in already14:42
* ogra_ wonders if omap should be in the xserver-xorg-video-all deps on arm14:43
rsalvetiI belive so, at least we need to make sure we're installing it by default14:45
ndecrsalveti: libdri2-omap in the archives for 12.10?15:06
rsalvetindec: that's what I'm doing now15:06
rsalvetiit's needed by the sgx driver15:07
ndecare you taking the Xserver patches for dri2video as well? sounds more risky ;-)15:07
rsalvetindec: not at this point yet15:08
rsalvetiwant to first make sure it works without any new fancy features :-)15:09
ndechow about the clutter/totem 3.4? is there any ARM SoC which has support for that?15:09
rsalvetindec: don't think so15:16
ndecrsalveti: also i wanted to ask you about LEB. so ubuntu is no longer doing pre-installed. how does it impat linaro LEB?15:17
ndecin fact i don't recall exactly how LEB are generated.15:17
rsalvetindec: doesn't change much, we're still doing pre-installed images15:18
rsalvetias well with hwpack + rootfs15:19
rsalvetieven for quantal15:19
ndecrsalveti: ok. is there a wiki that explains your image generation?15:20
ndecwe need to change our image generation for TI releases... since we were using pre-installed images ;-)15:20
rsalvetindec: sure, 1 sec15:20
hrwogra_: can you grab powertop 2.1 from http://people.linaro.org/~hrw/debian/ and sponsor upload? :D15:21
rsalvetindec: http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-build-service.git;a=summary15:21
rsalvetiif you see, this is how we're maintaining our build jobs15:21
rsalvetithe only thing done by jenkins is a cd to the right folder and ./configure && make15:22
ndecrsalveti: and it works outside of LP, e.g. I should be able to run this script?15:22
rsalvetithat runs live-build and generate the tarball in the end15:22
rsalvetindec: yup15:22
ndechmm... why did I not look into that before...15:22
rsalvetindec: the logs from the job handling the quantal images: https://ci.linaro.org/jenkins/view/Ubuntu%20Build%20Service/job/quantal-armhf-ubuntu-desktop/65/consoleFull15:24
rsalvetiif you want to create a pure ubuntu image (without the linaro sauce), it's quite easy as well15:25
rsalvetijust need some minor changes, like by not installing linaro-ubuntu-desktop and installing the task ubuntu-desktop15:25
ndecthanks a bunch!15:25
ogra_hrw, hmm, the .dsc expects a tar.gz tarball15:29
ogra_i cant extract it with dpkg-source15:30
ogra_rsalveti, any chance that we see a pcr for omap3 update (not FF critical indeed) ?15:45
rsalvetiogra_: that depends on TI providing us the armhf binaries =\15:46
ogra_i thought there were published ones15:46
rsalvetinot for armhf, at least not by the official channel15:47
ogra_hmm, i thought i read something about hf binary drivers15:47
ogra_but i cant findit in my history...15:47
ndecogra_: rsalveti: i don't think i have seen a DDK/armhf for OMAP3.15:52
ndeci think, though, that some TI people are working on adding armhf support in OE, so it is a sign that such binary might show up...15:52
ogra_well, probably someone talked about an inofficial binary or some such15:53
ogra_i know i catched it up somewhere15:53
* ogra_ adds unity-2d back to the ac100 images 15:59
rsalvetiogra_: there's a new mesa at the archive today16:01
rsalvetimight be nice to check if unity3d would work16:01
rsalvetior at least how it'd explode16:01
ogra_rsalveti, well, slangasek apparently tested yesterday, with rather disatrous results16:01
rsalvetihehe :-)16:01
ogra_it doesnt explode, but itsnt usable either16:01
ogra_hmm, i see a compiz upload but nothing in the changelog indicates its the one that has GLES16:03
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infinityogra_: How does adding unity-2d to ac100 work when it's been removed from the archive?  Or did I miss someone adopting it and re-uploading it?16:28
ogra_it hasnt been removed16:28
ogra_it was removed from the seeds16:28
ogra_and i dont think anyone plans to remove it from the archive actually16:28
infinityogra_: Uhm.  It was removed from the archive last week.16:29
infinityogra_: Because no one stepped up to fix the dconf->gsettings mess, or something.16:29
ogra_why does apt-cache madison on a current panda still show source and binary then ?16:29
infinityBecause it lies?  Or has precise in its sources?  Or something?16:30
infinityThe source was removed.16:30
infinitySome binaries may still linger due to them having rdeps.16:30
ogra_well, rickspencer3's suggestion was actualyl to have it back on the arm images worst case16:31
infinityYes, well.  The desktop team screwed you there.16:31
ogra_and the results for llvmpipe are far from usable16:31
infinityProbably worth an internal discussion about porting the bits that need porting and reintroducing it.16:31
rickspencer3as I understand it, llvmpipe is completely out of the question for ARM16:31
rickspencer3we need to wait for the PVR driver to run unity16:32
ogra_rickspencer3, after slangasek's test results definitely16:32
rsalvetiproblem is that we'll be able to solve the unity issue just for panda16:32
rickspencer3I don't think anyone ever envisioned that it would work, really16:32
rsalvetiwhich we have the river16:32
rsalvetipeople can dream hehe :-)16:32
ogra_rickspencer3, haha16:32
rickspencer3is there another DE that we can use at least to test until the PVR is available?16:33
rickspencer3just to bridge us until Unity is runnable?16:33
rickspencer3Gnome 2?16:33
ogra_rsalveti, right, and for ac100 i was just planningg to pull unity-2d in ... i wasnt aware they actually removed it16:33
rsalvetirickspencer3: the pvr driver will be available later today16:33
ogra_omap4 will be fine soon16:33
rickspencer3oh, so Unity 3d should work(ish) later today?16:33
ogra_ish, right16:33
rickspencer3you guys were talking about other boards16:33
* rickspencer3 backs away quietly16:34
ogra_what wont be fine are all other arm desktop images16:34
* rickspencer3 backs back in16:34
rickspencer3I wonder if Lubuntu might be a better flavor for other boards?16:34
ogra_my second choice after re-introducing unity-2d is lubuntu-desktop16:34
rickspencer3it runs my eeePC 701, which is pretty impressive16:34
ogra_but that requires more work for me16:34
infinityogra_: Given that ac100 is a community image, why not just switch it to Xubuntu? :)16:35
rickspencer3ogra_, you can't just apt-get install lubuntu-desktop?16:35
ogra_infinity, why using that much overhead ?16:35
infinityogra_: Or lubuntu, sure.16:35
rsalvetilubuntu works as well16:35
ogra_yeah, and will have a tiny footrprint16:35
rickspencer3the lubuntu community targets exactly this scenario16:35
* ppisati +1 for reintroducing unity2d16:35
infinityogra_: I really see no reason to ship the full whiz-bang Unity experience for anything except our darling "tech demo" platform (OMAP4).16:35
rickspencer3it's the only reason that we bought new PowerPC builders, so that lubuntu could make a PowerPC version16:35
ogra_ppisati, its gone from the archive ... i dont see how we woudl get it back without lots fo extra work16:35
infinityppisati: And as much as I want unity-2d back, someone needs to commit to the work, it's not self-maintaining.16:36
ogra_infinity, i agree, but someone has to maintain the differences16:36
ppisatiogra_: didn't you just said it was just eliminated from seed?16:36
ogra_ppisati, i was just proven wron above16:36
infinityogra_: What difference?  s/ubnutu-desktop/lubuntu-desktop/ in the ac100 target in livecd-rootfs, profit?16:36
ppisatiinfinity: i agree, but have you ever tried the "3d experience" on a pandaboard?16:37
ogra_infinity, well, i have to get used to it for testing etc etc16:37
ppisatiinfinity: if we need to switch for $foobarUbuntu, i prefer U2d16:37
rsalvetiit's working way better with latest compiz16:37
infinityppisati: With the PVR driver, it's not bad.16:37
rsalvetiyou'd be surprised16:37
ogra_and will start to fix arm issues on lubuntu16:37
ogra_since people tend to copmpain to *me*16:37
infinityFixing ARM issues in the whole archive isn't a bad thing. :P16:37
infinityBut really, it should all Just Work.16:37
infinityIf it doesn't, we suck at this.16:37
infinityA lot.16:37
ogra_i think its a lot more than changing the target btw16:38
infinityEither way.  I don't want us shipping desktop images for a ton of platforms regardless.  ac100 gets a free pass because it's a pain to install it any other way.16:38
ogra_i'm not even sure there is any oem-confi support in the lubuntu ubiquity16:38
infinityUhm, it's the same ubiquity...16:38
* ppisati goes testing another kernel...16:39
ogra_they have overlay packages for everythin in lubuntu, no ?16:39
infinityNot for the installer itself.16:39
* ogra_ needs to get used to this new kbd 16:39
ogra_well, then lets just do it :)16:39
infinityI suspect just swapping xubuntu or lubuntu in will Just Work, as I said, but either way, it's probably less effort than committing to support unity-2d, unless you want to be the new u2d upstream in your spare time.16:40
infinityAnd if you do, awesome, lots of us love and miss u2d. :P16:40
ogra_i'm not that crazy, no16:40
ogra_i really would like to see some community people picking it up though16:40
ogra_infinity, erm, you didnt mean livecd-rootfs but the nusakan crontab (and default-arches), right ?16:42
* rickspencer3 looks forward to dist-upgrading panda board tomorrow 16:47
infinityogra_: Oh, fair point, it's not hardcoded anywhere.16:47
ogra_good, you had me confused :)16:48
infinityogra_: But yeah, just add armhf+ac100 to lubuntu's default-arches, and give it a try, I guess.  Or do a test-spin by hand.16:48
infinityogra_: It seems like the sane(ish) way forward.16:48
ogra_what do we do with mx5 ?16:49
rickspencer3rsalveti, will HD video work tomorrow too?16:49
* rickspencer3 hopes 16:49
ogra_rickspencer3, we have no codecs16:49
rickspencer3so, "not yet", right?16:49
ogra_and its unlikely they will ever enter the archive16:49
rickspencer3ogra_, well, I thought I could install them from somewhere else16:49
rsalvetiyou can, but for precise16:50
ogra_with luck TI will provide gstreamer packages and codecs from the PPA after release16:50
infinityogra_: We already dropped mx5 desktop images, didn't we?16:50
infinityogra_: If we didn't, I'll do that.16:50
rsalvetiunfortunately for quantal a lot of stuff changed16:50
ogra_infinity, not sure, i thought that was only temporary16:50
rsalvetithey are maintaining like hundreds of patches at the gst packages16:50
ogra_wrt livebuilder shortage around a milestone16:50
infinityogra_: Nope, the only desktop images we should be producing are omap4 (the blessed tech demo image), and ac100 (cause it sucks installing any other way).16:51
ogra_i think we do build omap still atm16:51
infinityogra_: But mx5 reminds me that we still need to do d-i images from universe kernels.16:51
ogra_and i woudl like to keep the opportunity open for an omap3 HF driver16:51
ogra_so i would like to go on buildin them16:51
ogra_no need for testing or milestone releases though16:51
infinityI see no issues with asking non-omap4 users to use netboot and install desktops by hand.  It's not like ubiquity on a Beagle is a pleasant experience anyway.16:52
ogra_infinity, i guess FF day is a little late for that16:52
ogra_according to colin there is some heavy lifting involved to make d-i use universe16:53
* ogra_ would really like to see some images to actually test flash-kernel-installer16:54
hrwogra_: fetch again16:58
ogra_will do16:58
rsalvetiogra_: new compiz doesn't include yet the gles branch17:02
rsalvetiit's one rev before the one we wanted17:02
ogra_oh that endless game17:06
rsalvetihm, someone really need to spend some time optimizing the updating of the software catalog17:08
rsalvetithat always takes a huge time17:08
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ogra_improve IO17:08
ogra_its unzipping huge files17:08
rsalvetiyeah, imagined that17:09
ogra_bah, sigh17:13
ogra_if i hadnt messed up livecd-rootfs i could now do an ac100 tesbuild17:13
ogra_life always strikes back17:13
ogra_hrw, done17:21
hrwogra_: cool, thanks17:27
rsalvetiogra_: bug 104061117:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1040611 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] libdri2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104061117:50
rsalvetiogra_: last piece before the pvr-omap4 driver17:50
ogra_rsalveti, uh, whats the license17:53
infinityrsalveti: Is this a generic dri extension thing that's being pushed to fdo/xorg upstream and (eventually) used all over, or some ARM(or TI)-specific madness?17:54
ogra_oh, i misunderstood "as it's binary only, and built against the shared library "17:54
ogra_i thought that libdri2 had binary bits17:54
ogra_liked against the free one17:54
rsalvetiinfinity: no, idea is to be the reference and generic dri extension17:54
rsalvetito avoid duplicates all around17:54
infinityrsalveti: If it's not actually generic and intended to be used cross-platform, "libdri" is pretty awful namespace pollution.17:54
infinityrobclark: ^17:55
rsalvetihe's the father17:55
infinityrobclark: Bring your sideburns over here and tell me about libdri.17:55
* ogra_ runs an ac199 lubuntu-desktop testbuild18:01
infinityIf the ac199 comes with an en_US non-android keyboard, I'll take two.18:01
robclarkinfinity, rsalveti, libdri2 is basically some code extracted out of mesa so that other things can use it18:02
ogra_infinity, you and your keyboard fixation :P18:02
infinityrobclark: Sure, I grasp *what* it is, but is it being pushed upstream as a generic solution that others intend to use for this same purpose, etc?18:02
infinityrobclark: Cause if it ends up being just an ARM thing, just a TI thing, the namespace pollution of "libdri" is a bit icky.18:03
infinityrobclark: And, if it's partly cargo-culted from mesa, why not build it from mesa, so it can be more readily kept in sync?18:03
robclarkinfinity, well, I did send a while back a patch for mesa to use it..18:04
infinityrobclark: (And so others can learn of its existence and use it)18:04
robclarkanyways, the point was that mesa, vdpau, vaapi, etc where all just copy/pasting the same code18:04
infinityrobclark: Dude, are you going German on me?18:04
infinity"well, I did send a while back a patch for mesa to use it"... I thought Oli typed that, until I read the nick. :P18:04
infinityJust sayin'.18:04
robclarkI need to kick mesa folks again...18:04
ogra_texas is full of germans18:05
infinityrobclark: Anyhow, if you've had any positive response from upstream about it at all, and if it seems likely it'll end up being "a thing" upstream, then I'm less grumpy about including it as-is as a stop-gap in Ubuntu right now.18:05
ogra_might have some bad influence on the language :)18:05
robclarkwell.. my reasoning is that currently dri2 is a bit of an exception to the way most x11 extensions work.. ie most you have a proto tree plus a client side lib tree18:06
robclarkdri2 is the only one (that I know of) that doesn't have a client side lib tree.. hence libdri218:06
robclarkanyways, why is it a namespace issue?18:07
infinityrobclark: *nod*... Like I said, I'm down with the concept, and your reasoning.  Just more curious if you've been able to sell upstream.18:07
infinityrobclark: But if you're pushing upstream to DTRT here, that's cool.18:07
infinityrobclark: It's a namespace issue only because I could totally see someone else introducing a libdri that's an entirely different thing, so it would be nice if yours was on the radar and won. :P18:07
robclarkI do need to kick them again..  if I can make it to xdc then I'll bring it up in person there..18:07
robclarkI think main issue is that most everyone on xorg/mesa/gfx side of things has too much to do and too little time to care about those sort of little cleanups :-P18:08
ogra_bah, lubuntu build failed18:09
infinityrobclark: You'd think that would make them all the happier about someone else doing it.18:09
ogra_The following packages have unmet dependencies:18:10
ogra_ indicator-application-gtk2 : Depends: indicator-application (= 0.5.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed18:10
ogra_i guess lubuntu wasnt a good choice if they have to port the world to gtk3 first18:11
infinityI assume that's just buildd skew.18:11
ogra_i would assume that indicator-application stopped providing its gtk2 bits18:12
rsalvetiinfinity: so what do we say, trust robclark and push it to the archive? :-)18:12
infinityOh, indeed.  Very recently.18:12
infinityrsalveti: Yeah.  If robclark fails us, we can wax his face.18:12
infinityogra_: Yell at Seb?18:13
ogra_infinity, he will just point me to the unity team18:13
infinityogra_: Dropping GTK2 in indicators all over is a nightmare for Xubuntu and Lubuntu, and right before FF, no less. :/18:13
ogra_and they then point me to sabdfl ... and i wont yell at him i fear :P18:13
infinityYou should.18:14
infinityIn cases like this, he's just another contributor.18:14
ogra_no, yelling is the wrong approach for sure18:14
infinityUntil he formally sabdfls something, which is a different matter.18:14
xnoxthere was an email about moving those bits to universe? or was it a complete drop?18:15
xnox(e.g. separate source package)18:15
ogra_well, seb just referred to that mail18:16
ogra_in -desktop18:16
ogra_so it seems xubuntu wants to take over maintenance of gtk2 parts in universe18:17
scientesogra_, so xubuntu is not gtk3?18:17
ogra_but seemingly need to push these in from scratch18:17
ogra_no idea18:17
ogra_they use a lot of gtk2 stuff, that i know18:17
ogra_lubuntu intrestingly as well18:18
ogra_i guess for NM18:18
rsalvetiinfinity: ogra_: and finally, the pvr driver: http://people.linaro.org/~rsalveti/pvr/, but it needs libdri218:18
infinityscientes: XFCE is GTK2 for now.  There was a push for GTK3 porting, and it got derailed upstream.18:20
infinityTurns out it's a lot more work than people realised when they first got gung-ho about it. :P18:21
infinityLike, effectively a rewrite of half the world.18:21
scienteslooks like lxde is being ported too18:22
scientesand i *was* subscribed to the linux gtk3 migration18:22
scientesbut that patch and email flow was just too great18:22
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rsalvetiogra_: hey, any news about the driver?20:54
rsalvetiinfinity: for you as well, in case you're willing to sponsor it :-)20:55
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