=== Guest1266 is now known as jokerdino | ||
dholbach | good morning | 07:06 |
nigelb | Morning dholbach, dpm | 07:50 |
dpm | hey nigelb, how's it going? | 07:50 |
dholbach | hi nigelb | 07:50 |
nigelb | dpm: Hey! Pretty good. So far a great morning :) | 07:52 |
dpm | nice :) | 08:00 |
twobottux` | aucommunity: Why does Vote Up require 15 reputation? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/179318/why-does-vote-up-require-15-reputation> | 08:04 |
czajkowski | morning | 08:06 |
czajkowski | in the blue finn today to meet one of the new guys who joined launchpad | 08:06 |
czajkowski | nice to meet more of my team | 08:06 |
czajkowski | nick veitch joined Canonical to work as a tech writer for the LP team :D | 08:09 |
czajkowski | https://twitter.com/evilnick | 08:10 |
philballew | czajkowski, did you teach them the secret handshake yet? :) | 08:32 |
czajkowski | nope not yet :) | 08:32 |
czajkowski | he has yet to arrive | 08:32 |
philballew | ah, Well one day when I become rich and end up in a cool place like London I'll stop by see what all the cool people do | 08:39 |
philballew | I should not say I live in a bad place, as I do live in California. | 08:39 |
czajkowski | which is nice to visit | 08:40 |
philballew | Well there is Bakersfield... | 08:43 |
* philballew apologizes if anyone is from Central California here | 08:43 | |
twobottux` | aucommunity: Why does Vote Up require 15 reputation? [migrated] <http://askubuntu.com/questions/179318/why-does-vote-up-require-15-reputation> | 10:22 |
dholbach | dpm, ubuntu-translators@lists.u.c are the people I want to talk to, right? :) | 10:23 |
dpm | dholbach, you want to buy them beers? Yeah, definitely the people you want to talk to ;) | 10:25 |
dholbach | :) | 10:26 |
czajkowski | dpm: I sent a mail last week to you re getting a page translated | 10:27 |
czajkowski | any luck with that ? | 10:27 |
dpm | hi czajkowski, sorry, I didn't get to that yet, I've been busy with getting a new app developer spec ready, but I might have some time for translations tomorrow | 10:29 |
czajkowski | dpm: thank you! | 10:30 |
dpm | no worries, and sorry for the delay | 10:31 |
czajkowski | dpm: np, I know you're busy as well, just want to have an update for meeting later on | 10:32 |
dpm | ok, cool | 10:32 |
czajkowski | cheers | 10:32 |
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach | ||
doctormon | dholbach: links in the packaging section are all broken | 13:12 |
doctormon | http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tools/packaging/ html, pdf links | 13:13 |
dholbach | doctormon, I know | 13:13 |
dholbach | doctormon, we're waiting for https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-packaging-guide-team/+recipe/ubuntu-packaging-guide-daily to finish | 13:13 |
doctormon | dholbach: Also, please credit my image contributions :-D | 13:14 |
dholbach | doctormon, sorry, you weren't in the bzr log | 13:14 |
dholbach | but I'm happy to edit my blog entry | 13:14 |
doctormon | NP, we didn't do it through the normal pipes. | 13:14 |
dholbach | done | 13:14 |
doctormon | Zanzeebar | 13:15 |
doctormon | I wonder if we should commit the svg files to the branch, include sources etc | 13:16 |
doctormon | Oh no, wait I see them | 13:16 |
doctormon | Maybe a desktop file to take care of that access problem Grumpy is talking about. | 13:18 |
AlanBell | heh, grumpy is me, I used the wrong twitter account | 13:19 |
dholbach | haha | 13:20 |
AlanBell | https://twitter.com/GrumpyGameMaker | 13:20 |
AlanBell | separate account for my olympics stuff to ubuntu stuff | 13:20 |
jcastro | FINALLY. | 13:20 |
jcastro | the packaging guide! | 13:20 |
dholbach | and the Brazilians already translated like 100 strings of it :) | 13:23 |
dholbach | hum, the new gwibber doesn't make it easy to distinguish if you have 2+ accounts of the same type | 13:26 |
jcastro | heya ping nigelb | 13:30 |
dholbach | dpm, wenn Du nachher die Sessionbeschreibung ändern könntest, wär das super :-) | 13:32 |
dholbach | hey jono | 13:42 |
jono | hey dholbach | 13:42 |
jono | hows things? | 13:42 |
dholbach | good good :) | 13:42 |
dholbach | jono, I'm going to be in a couple of meetings during the apps call, but I gave dpm a list of notes I took while reviewing the spec again | 13:42 |
dholbach | hope that's OK | 13:43 |
jono | dholbach, np | 13:43 |
dpm | dholbach, ok, mache ich gleich | 13:43 |
dholbach | great thanks | 13:43 |
dholbach | dpm, danke | 13:43 |
dpm | dholbach, ok, done | 13:46 |
dholbach | yoohoo | 13:46 |
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox | ||
jono | dpm, mhall119 about set? | 15:02 |
dpm | jono, yep! | 15:02 |
mhall119 | yup | 15:02 |
jono | dpm, mhall119 cool, give me a few mins, just wrapped a call | 15:02 |
dpm | ok | 15:03 |
jono | dpm, mhall119 https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f35473da505e2e94c1de8c5b2507a4df777aa194?authuser=0&hl=en-US | 15:08 |
nigelb | jcastro: hi! pong | 15:55 |
doctormon | dholbach: Can I help you guys with the developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/ page? Is it available for patching? | 16:12 |
dholbach | doctormon, it's a wordpress blog | 16:13 |
doctormon | dholbach: So, yes? | 16:13 |
dholbach | yes - dpm, mhall119 - what is the LP project for it again? | 16:13 |
jcastro | nigelb: hey I saw your nginx stuff, wondering if you've looked at the nginx charm stuff imbrandon is working on | 16:28 |
dholbach | alright my friends - I have to rush out - see you later | 16:29 |
=== khildin is now known as khildin-preparin | ||
=== khildin-preparin is now known as khildin-dinner | ||
nigelb | jcastro: I haven't done much with charms | 17:23 |
jcastro | well it's more checking the nginx configs he's using | 17:24 |
nigelb | jcastro: ah, happy to, when I find some free time. | 17:45 |
mhall119 | doctormon: https://launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal is the LP project for the wordpress theme on developer.ubuntu.com | 17:50 |
jono | jcastro, lets roll | 18:25 |
jcastro | on a call | 18:25 |
jcastro | charmers call, gimme 40m? | 18:25 |
jono | jcastro, np | 18:28 |
=== khildin-dinner is now known as khildin | ||
doctormon | thanks mhall119 | 20:07 |
mhall119 | np | 20:07 |
jono | jcastro, all set? | 20:16 |
jcastro | yep yep! | 20:16 |
jono | jcastro, actually, I don't need a call | 20:16 |
jono | unless you do | 20:17 |
jono | jcastro, actually, I do :-) | 20:17 |
jcastro | all I have is a small update on cloud stuff I was working on with the fellas just today | 20:17 |
jcastro | cool, let's do this, I need to take apart this computer soon, lol | 20:17 |
jono | hah | 20:18 |
jono | jcastro, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/621792f8695d9f32e8b2605ef75dc35d6cba70cf?authuser=0&hl=en-US | 20:18 |
jcastro | "cool, let's do this, I have a HURRICANE to outrun." | 20:18 |
jcastro | and leave mhall and balloons to deal with | 20:18 |
mhall119 | lol, northerner | 20:19 |
balloons | yankees | 20:19 |
balloons | bah | 20:19 |
mhall119 | oh noes! it's a category 2! run away | 20:19 |
* balloons notes his unequivocally NOT a yankee, having been born in that land between midwest and northeast known more casually as the middle of nowhere | 20:20 | |
mhall119 | jcastro: when you're snowed-in from a blizzard this winter, I'm going to send you photos of me on my hammock | 20:21 |
popey | jcastro, no ubuntuonair for featurefreeze & 12.04.1? | 20:27 |
balloons | popey, jcastro would have to do it live from the back of the sedan while the wife drives :-) | 20:30 |
popey | heh | 20:30 |
mhall119 | that would be entertaining | 20:31 |
jcastro | we can do one when I get back in a week | 20:32 |
jcastro | or feel free to just have one! | 20:32 |
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