
snailibeardslee: mōrena20:16
snailthe webservice I mentioned on the bus is http://www.greenstone.org/macron-restoration-service/jsp/en/main.jsp20:16
ibeardsleeAnd this is the bug for the LibreOffice mi_NZ dictionary .. https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5351720:17
mwhudsonsnail: does that just replace doubled vowels with vowel + macron, or is it cleverer than that?20:21
snailmwhudson: it's substantially cleverer than that20:35
snailmwhudson: alas it really only works on whole sentences20:36
snailmwhudson: so it's not good for checking software translations20:36
mwhudsonand my tiny bit of maori doesn't really stretch to sentences :)20:37
chiltsplaying with Node.js and Postgres isn't fun at the moment (just starting) ... should be a good combination once I work out the weird stuff :)20:45
mwhudsondatabases and event based programming tend not to get along very well, ime20:45
ajmitchchilts: too many half-baked libraries, no clear winner?20:47
chiltsajmitch: I think node-pg is the winner for Pg connections ... I have it working now20:50
chiltswasn't disconnecting once all my queries were finished since I was listening to the drain event at the wrong time :)20:50
chiltsmwhudson: I'm thinking that they're going to be great together - Pg comes with an async client library20:51
chiltsso node-pg can use that native one, or use it's own (JS) one20:51
chiltsMySQL also has an async client library20:51
mwhudsoni must be out of date then :)20:51
chiltsso it's not like it's an unknown science20:51
chiltsyeah, I'm reaquainting with DBs since I've been doing NoSQL for a while now20:52
chiltsor no SQL at all :)20:52
mwhudsoni don't know sql20:52
mwhudsoni just know postgres :)20:52
chiltsI like how I can do a query and then listen as each row event occurs :)20:52
mwhudsondatabase portability can go hang20:52
ajmitchpostgres is standard enough20:52
chiltsmwhudson: that's ok, you've chosen the right thing in Postgres :D20:52
ajmitchit was mysql that was a bit loose with sql standards20:53
chiltsagreed, there is no such thing as DB portability20:53
mwhudsonajmitch: it has looooooooooooooooooooooooooooads of extensions20:53
chiltsno-one I know has ever switched DBs on a big project20:53
chiltswell, except Stuff when we switched it from Oracle to Pg20:53
ajmitchmwhudson: that it does20:53
mwhudsonchilts: i think that transition is probably the commonest :)20:53
ajmitchI'm guessing you;ve used a few of those extensions over time20:53
* ajmitch is still mostly using mysql20:53
chiltsyeah, and we re-wrote the entire site at the same time 'coz the caching was shit20:53
mwhudsonwhen i started on this project, you _could_ run it on sqlite20:54
mwhudsonnot any more though20:54
chiltsyeah, I've seen that, sqlite in dev mode, something else in prod mode - doesn't make sense to me :)20:54
chiltsmwhudson: which project?20:54
ajmitchmwhudson: you're still working on linaro stuff like lava?20:55
mwhudsonchilts: validation.linaro.org20:55
* chilts looks21:05
chiltscontaints == contains ?21:05
chilts(front page)21:05
chiltsis that not a Canonical thing? or is it? am just wondering if you're still working for them21:06
mwhudsonoh probably, the front page is terrible21:06
mwhudsonchilts: i still work for canonical, but linaro contracts canonical for software engineering services21:06
chiltsis it a fun project?21:07
mwhudsonit's interesting :)21:07
mwhudsonwe've been very short staffed of late21:07
chiltsit looks cool21:07
mwhudsonalthough i think we've just hired two new bodies, which will help21:08
Atamirabeautiful beautiful day22:35

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