
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
canthus13you'd think that uninstalling a DHCP client would stop the daemon...06:20
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thafreakOk, unity sucks with less than 4Gb of ram aparently...14:46
thafreakI tried...I really did14:46
thafreakgoing to stick with xfce I think14:46
thafreakAlso, it seems the opensource nvidia driver kinda sucks...crashes alot14:47
canthus13s/with less than 4Gb of ram apparently//14:52
snap-lI dunno, I  like Unity14:55
snap-lbut it definitely requires bettern than your cheapo Intel card.14:55
thafreaki'm using a decent machine I had been using just to stream video to the tv14:56
thafreakbut it's a dualcore athlon 2 3ghz14:57
thafreakonly has 2gb of ram currently14:57
snap-lYou definitely need more than 2GB for a modern browser. :)14:57
thafreakxfce so far runs great though...but I haven't launched chrome with my billion tabs open yet14:57
thafreakand so starts the swapping14:59
thafreakcanthus13: so re: gfx cards...for playing mostly older games you think intel card would be best?15:06
thafreakThey get decent opengl performance?15:06
thafreakI may also try wine+steam15:07
canthus13Not for games, no. :P15:11
canthus13Well, most of the indy games work with my 4500HD.15:11
thafreakso I guess it's between AMD and Nvidia15:12
canthus13but wine/steam is a definite no.15:12
thafreakI know I should like AMD...because Nvidia hasn't played nice with the OSS folks...15:12
canthus13Meh.. screw the OSS whiners.15:13
canthus13I've had excellent luck with nvidia cards.15:13
dzhoITYM screw we free software whiners15:13
dzhoOSS folk are about compromise and quality, less about ethics and freedom and the long view15:14
canthus13They've always worked for me. I really couldn't care less if the driver source is closed.  nvidia maintains the drivers themselves. :/15:14
dzhoyeah, I found them to be a PITA15:14
canthus13dzho: ok. that works. :)15:14
dzhoI maintained a lab full of stuff with nvidia cards back in the day and never much relished the idea that I had to go and rebuild the nvidia modules every time the distro upgraded the kernel15:15
canthus13dzho: I always used envy.15:15
canthus13dunno how well that would work on a large scale, though. but most modern distros will install the non-free drivers if you want them.15:16
dzhonone of that existed then15:16
dzhoI'm not above installing the nvidia drivers on a onesy-twosy basis even now15:17
canthus13and it's a far cry from back in the day when the only way I got my Sound Blaster AWE64 working was by compiling driver code found on a newsgroup, that was posted by a sympathetic Creative engineer.15:17
dzhobut I'm always going to cast a hairy eyeball on it all, because companies tend to do things like abandon product lines15:17
dzholike, I'm sure you can't get drivers from nvidia for those cards, now.15:18
* dzho wonders what ever became of those machines15:18
dzholeft that job before we retired the hardware, iirc15:19
canthus13dzho: Nah. you can still get drivers for Nvidia TNT cards.15:22
thafreaki can get like a 1Gb radeon or nvidia for about $40 at microcenter...geez...15:22
canthus13thafreak: only 1Gb? Weak. :P15:24
thafreakI think I could keep all of counter strike in video ram with that ;)15:26
thafreakThis is probably a silly question...but would a pcie 2.0 card work in a 1.0 slot?15:26
thafreakI don't think my 16x slot is 2.0 compliant15:26
dzhocanthus13: ah, it must have been this I was thinking of http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/03/26/2240250/nvidia-drops-support-for-its-open-source-driver15:29
Cheri703:D http://www.behance.net/gallery/Water-Wigs/488917520:55
Cheri703:D :D22:56
canthus13weirdo. :P23:01
Cheri703psh, you are just jealous of my awesomeness23:47
Cheri703also, I REALLY WISH quassel would get channel notifications >_<23:47
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* canthus13 hugs his irssi. less complicated. :)23:53
Unit193Plus it's pure awesome.23:54
=== jfriedly_ is now known as yano

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