
trialbykittensI signed up to U1 with an email account that is now defunct. In the U1 account screen, it directs me to Ubuntu SSO to update my account details (specifically, email account) which I have, however U1 is still showing my old email address00:58
chaselivingstontrialbykittens: could you submit the form at http://one.ubuntu.com/support/contact so we can get some more information from you?00:59
trialbykittenschaselivingston: sure can, thanks01:00
chaselivingstontrialbykittens: no problem :)01:00
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JamesTaitMorning all! :)08:48
* mandel errands09:57
gatoxgood morning11:08
mandelgatox, morning!11:13
gatoxmandel, shouldn't you be working late? :P11:14
mandelgatox, that is what they say ;)11:14
gatox you are going to die mandel11:14
mandelgatox, eventually :)11:15
gatoxlive a lot of years is overrated :P11:15
mandelgatox, exactly hehe11:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mandelgatox, regarding the scrolling problem on mac, why didn't we use a model view approach?12:01
gatoxmandel, because it's a PITA? what we have now is reasonable12:03
mandelgatox, well, but is breaking on mac :(12:03
mandelgatox, I have seen few people complaining about this same problem on mac, setting the parent of the checkbox to be the treewidget or none or its viewport does not fix it12:04
gatoxi'll try to finish with my share links tab today.... and take a look at that12:04
mandelgatox, would be appreciated12:04
ralsinagood morning12:12
alecugood morning, all!12:12
alecuhola ralsina :-)12:13
ralsinamandel: don't worry about it, we can fix it, focus on the demon :-)12:13
gatoxralsina, alecu hi!12:13
mandelralsina, daemon is ready, we need to look at the blessing and we will be done12:13
gatoxralsina, i have the share links tab using the system icons for each file, it was easy :PP12:14
alecuralsina: shall we mumble?12:14
ralsinaalecu: yes, please12:15
ralsinagatox: awesome!12:15
ralsinamandel: awesome ** 212:15
mandelralsina, gatox, alecu may  I have rubber stamps for this guy https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/correct-fsevents/+merge/120977 which is the same as https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/use-new-fsevents-api/+merge/120833 which was already approved. Lp does not like the original branch12:23
gatoxmandel, ack12:24
mandelI'm of to have lunch :)12:24
mandelgatox, FYI: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-26731 /cc ralsina12:25
dobeyam not feeling so great today :-/14:07
ralsinamandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/correct-fsevents/+merge/120977 is not being scanned :-(14:07
ralsinadobey: sorry to hear that!14:07
mandelralsina, yes, I've noticed..14:07
mandelralsina, will ask again at the lp channel14:07
dobeyit's the same issue as yesterday14:10
dobeysomething with mandel's branches only14:10
mandeldobey, yet, one of them managed to land, I talk at #lp-ops the had some oops and have no idea why14:11
dobeyyou leaned back too far in the chair again, i guess14:11
mandelprobably.. or looked at the screen the wrong way14:12
ralsinamandel: about that qt bug you linked, do we have fast scrolling disabled for any reason?14:14
mandelralsina, no idea, I just found that ref about the problem, some other people were complaining about the setItem method not working on mac14:14
mandelralsina, have moved to test the new daemon and see if we can add it to the bundle since you told me you would take care14:15
ralsinamandel: and I will14:15
ralsinamandel: or worst case, you will, but on monday ;-)14:15
mandelralsina, ok, but testing it with no scrolling in shares is very annoying14:15
mandelralsina, I wanted to test if with the view model approach everything work ok, but is a lot of changes to be done14:16
mmcchi folks.14:18
mandelmmcc, morning, did you see that the correct module is in trunk?14:19
mandelmmcc, following you email last night14:19
mmccmandel, yeah, I was talking about the one in https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/jenkins-daemon-main/files/head:/python/ubuntuone/darwin/14:20
mmccthe most recent branch of your daemon, not the daemon trunk.14:20
mmccI wanted to use that one, because making changes to the .xcodeproj would be easier if I avoided merging it14:20
mandelmmcc, ok, I'll merge with trunk and push then14:21
mandelmmcc, it was done in a diff branch that landed in trunk but I did not merge, give me a min14:21
mmccmandel: I thought the change was from ubuntuone/fseventsd.py => ubuntuone/darwin/fseventsd.py, not the other way around?14:22
mandelmmcc, is the other way around ubuntuone/darwin/fseventsd.py => ubuntuone/fseventsd.py to remove the darwin package, was mentioned in the reviews and I followed them14:23
mmccmandel, huh, ok. I guess I remembered wrong… thanks!14:24
mandelmmcc, no problem, I'm fixing some merge conflicts and will push it14:26
mandelmmcc, pushing to lp, if lp does not hate me like yesterday14:28
mandelmmcc, should be there by now14:30
mmccmandel: got it, thanks14:32
mandelmmcc, so, shall we mumble on how to tackle that? I wrote some instructions on how to install it, but ofcourse I ignored any default location in a bundle14:33
mandelmmcc, everything is written down in the README.txt14:34
mmccmandel: sure, we can mumble, just a sec14:35
mandelmmcc, whenever you want :)14:36
mandelmmcc, I'm testing the bundle and works great with it :)14:36
mmccok mandel, I'm in mumble now14:38
mandelmmcc, ok, let me launch it14:39
mandelmmcc, can you hear me?14:39
dobeyare we going to do mumble or hangout?14:41
ralsinaI never got around to fixing my hangout plugin14:46
mmccyou should definitely get that looked at14:50
mandelralsina, I have the same problem with the hangover plugin :)14:51
dobeymandel: use less tequila next time14:51
ralsinamandel: your hangover worked just fine last time I saw you using it :-)14:51
mandeldobey, last time was the 4 eur gin & tonic.. bad bad idea14:52
mandelralsina, works, ok, used to be able to go out and play rugby the next morning, now I can't, must be getting old :)14:52
mandelmmcc, ralsina, on thing we have broken is the share links tab, it never shows a thing.. we might have to look deeper in to that14:53
ralsinamandel: that's a stub14:53
mandelralsina, awesome!! then I can just find ui annoying details :)14:54
ralsinamandel: did you try the --with-icon option on mac?14:55
mandelralsina, nope, I'll give it a try14:55
mmccralsina: I have, it shows the status well, but is the submenu with current transfers supposed to work yet?14:55
ralsinammcc: it should if you have latest syncdaemon, right gatox?14:56
gatoxralsina, mmcc yes14:56
gatoxmmcc, if you can file the bug, and i'll take a look at soon i propose this branch14:57
gatoxas soon as.... grrr14:58
mandelralsina, take a look at the pm14:58
mmccgatox: ok, just checking to be sure I do have the latest14:58
gatoxralsina, team meeting in 2'?14:58
mandelralsina, we might need someone else to take that branch and propose it, seems that my username is the 'unlucky' one14:58
ralsinagatox: yes14:58
ralsinamandel: I can do it14:58
mandelralsina, please do :)14:59
ralsinamandel: right after the call that starts in 40 seconds ;-)14:59
mandelralsina, sure15:00
mandelgatox, I don't see the transfer either in but might be because we have an old version in the bundle, I'll try from trunk15:00
ralsinathisfred: call?15:01
mandelgatox, mmcc, there is another bug, if you close the control panel with --with-icon and you re-click in the app the control panel does not appear, we will have to fix that15:01
ralsinammcc mumble15:02
mandelthisfred, mumble15:02
mandeljoshuahoover, you missed the stand up :(15:28
joshuahoovermandel: right, sorry guys...i completely forgot15:29
mandelralsina, can you send me the name of the person from qa over a pm?15:29
mandelmmcc, we might want to add --with-icon as the way to launch the control panel, right?15:30
mmccmandel: yeah, I think you might be able to add default cmdline args in the info.plist, or alternatively we can make it default to be on in the code for mac (and win?)15:31
dobeyhuh, the client test failures i was seeing don't seem to be happening when building in the q chroot from tarball (as a debian package)15:31
dobeyso i think i'll just release it as is and call it done for now15:31
mandelmmcc, I would say .plist, anyways, I'll be creating bugs for this and later we can assign them, you keep working on the blessing15:32
mandelmmcc, I also think that we should name the daemon something better than FSEvents, like UbuntuOneFseventsDaemon or something15:32
mmccmandel: the daemon executable has to have the same name as the launchd job label, the convention is reverse DNS - I was going to call it com.ubuntu.one.fseventsd15:33
alecugatox: did you end up finding the cause for the tab switching on the show event?15:34
mandelmmcc, sounds reasonable, should we change the target name in the xcode project or simply rename it when in the bundle?15:34
gatoxalecu, no.... haven't look for it yet neither15:34
alecugatox: no prob. Let me know if you find it.15:34
gatoxalecu, ack15:35
mmccmandel: might as well do it in the project, I'll change that setting, since I've got other changes going too15:35
mmccstupid xcodeproj15:35
mandelmmcc, you are looking at the daemon project atm then?15:35
mandelmmcc, ok, let me know for the reviews, which by the way we should land all of the ones that are waiting..15:37
mmccmandel: true…15:39
mandelmmcc, no to worry too much, I will get back to the testing daemon on monday, which is very close to be done15:39
dobeyok, need to get lunch. bbiab15:44
mmccmandel: I just did a little poking - there's no way to statically link a .framework into an executable. we can either build SBJson as a static library and link to that, or just copy the files back in. building it as just a static library is probably the right thing to do.15:46
mmccmandel: shouldn't be too hard - it's already building the library, it's just embedding it in a framework.15:46
* mmcc just said "shouldn't be too hard" about changing Xcode project settings15:47
mandelmmcc, hehe yes, you might have spoken too fast15:47
mandelmmcc, I'll speak with QA about the steps to follow to give them the bundle, then I'll look into that15:47
mmccmandel: ok15:47
mmccmandel: I'm making a static libsbjson now, I need it to test the launchd installation. It actually does look not-too-hard15:52
* mmcc crosses fingers15:52
mandelmmcc, look at this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7854785/crash-with-sbjson-library15:53
ralsinamandel: 7 minutes, still scanning15:53
mandelralsina, hmm... stupid lp15:54
ralsinamandel: also, it hasn't picked up the latest revno15:55
mandelmmcc, so, using the -Objc flag and the -all_load might be a good idea to do, or run the daemon and see if it breaks in crazy ways15:55
mmccmandel: handy, thanks15:55
mandelralsina, lets wait a little longer, then we both go to #launchpad-ops and bully them :)15:56
ralsinamandel: I am going to have to run some errands in 4 minutes, so I will give you my bullying rubberstamp ;-)15:57
ralsinamandel: but anyway https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-client/use-new-fsevents-api/+merge/121034 done from scratch, just sticks there15:57
ralsinamandel: there is a revno 1294 it has not picked which is linking to the other bug15:58
mandelralsina, look like the datacenter move has done something bad to us.15:58
ralsinamandel: I will delete the proposal and branch and push again, just in case linking a bug while scanning was what triggered it15:58
mandelralsina, sound like a good idea15:58
* gatox lunch!16:09
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
ralsinamandel: now, 8 minutes and the branch still appears as empty16:10
ralsinamandel: go complain to launchpad, Ihave to run some errands :-(16:10
mandelralsina, mierda.. I'll take care no problem16:11
ralsinamandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-client/use-new-fsevents-api-216:11
mandelralsina, did you push it with no bugs lincked?16:11
ralsinamandel: I pushed it with both bugs linked16:14
ralsinamandel: it just has not scanned any revnos yet16:14
mandelralsina, I'll try without the linked bugs, to test if that is the reason16:14
ralsinamandel: ok16:14
ralsinamandel: we are approaching magic thought very quickly here16:14
mandelyes, I know..16:17
ralsinaAnd errands it is. Will be back in a bit.16:17
mmccmandel: so, do we have a set meeting with QA or are you just sending them the .app sometime soon?16:22
mandelmmcc, sending the app, qa guy is very busy16:23
mmccaha, just saw your email. good16:23
ralsinammcc, mandel: just send them the app, the "meeting" is just their allocated slot for testing16:23
chaselivingstonmmcc: anything ready to test?16:23
mandelmmcc, you are in cc and I'm talking with elopio to see if he can give some feedback on the correct way to test it16:23
mandelchaselivingston, got a mac, I can foward you the mail16:23
mmccmandel: can you copy chaselivingston on that email too?16:23
mandelsure thing16:24
chaselivingstonmmcc, mandel: awesome, thanks!16:24
mmccchaselivingston: thank us *after* it works for you ;)16:24
chaselivingstonmmcc: haha, any idea if it would be safe to attempt to upload say ~10GB at once?16:25
mmccchaselivingston: that should work as well as any other platform. give it a try and let us know :)16:25
mandelchaselivingston, let me know if you got the mail :)16:26
chaselivingstonmmcc: cool, going to try taking everything from dropbox into u1 :)16:26
mmccchaselivingston: that's what I like to hear :)16:26
mandelchaselivingston, would take some time, I have done, is 'safe'16:26
chaselivingstonmmcc, mandel: cool, once I get the email I'll give it a shot then16:27
chaselivingstonmandel: no email yet, should I be concerned?16:33
mandelchaselivingston, no, I'm using evolution which is retarded.. wait a few mins more16:34
chaselivingstonmandel: ah, there we go :)16:36
mandelchaselivingston, evolution makes email more async than it already is..16:37
mandelmmcc, I've gotten the stale broker several times.. I wonder why that happens16:44
mmccmandel what have you been doing when you got it? I haven't seen that recently, only when I was testing sso16:46
mandelmmcc, I got it in control panel, switching tabs16:46
mmccmandel: are you using the fsevents_client or the daemon/16:47
mandelmmcc, the daemon16:47
mandelmmcc, but is control panel related16:47
mandelmmcc, we use a broker per tab, so some of them where ok, it looks like the ref id of the other side, the sd side, is gc for some reason and is not longer there16:48
mmccoh, I thought it was IPC related16:48
mmccthere's a separate broker to the backend for each tab?16:48
mandelmmcc, is ipc reatled, yes, and there is a broker per tab AFAIK16:49
mmccby IPC related, I meant to the daemon or sso... forgot about the backend16:49
mandelmmcc, oh, yes, our multi tier arch ;)16:49
mmccwith multiple copies of the same tier16:49
mmccit's web scale16:50
mandelmmcc, big time, and we should be using mongodb to store the settings16:50
* mmcc is fine with the key-value store called "filesystem", thank you16:51
mandelmmcc, can you rubber stamp this guy: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fsevents-new-api/+merge/12105316:57
mandelmmcc, same as the others, it looks like using --fixes lp:blah breaks the lp scanning16:58
mmccmandel +1 - boo to lp bugs :(16:58
mmccI set it to approved too, since it's tiny and we got 2 reviews on the other version16:59
mandelmmcc, exactly :)16:59
ralsinaok, errand failure, I have to retry in about 2 hours, which will mean a early EOD for me will make it up by starting extra early tomorrow :-(17:01
mandelralsina, the issue was the linked bugs..17:06
mandelralsina, filled a bug with lp bug 104077717:06
chaselivingstonmandel, mmcc: just so I'm clear, anything I put within the u1 folder that's created within my user folder will be synced, correct?17:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040777 in Launchpad itself "Scanning of branches with linked bugs is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104077717:06
ralsinamandel: damn17:06
mandelchaselivingston, everything in ~/Ubuntu One should be created17:06
mmccchaselivingston: should be, yep.17:07
mandelralsina, is bad because we use that feature for the releases, right?17:07
ralsinamandel: change the description so it links to bug 1040777 if they can link and propose, then it's fixed ;-)17:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040777 in Launchpad itself "Scanning of branches with linked bugs is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104077717:07
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mandelralsina, also, some more info: <cjwatson> You do have to remember not to propose the branch for merging or indeed do anything else with it until after it's been scanned, though17:08
mandel<cjwatson> Otherwise it gets cursed17:08
dobeymandel: just be patient i guess17:09
ralsinamandel: that's new17:09
dobeymandel: but all those update-4-0 branches of mine had linked bugs in them17:09
ralsinamandel: and I hope, not permanent17:09
mandelno idea..17:09
mandelralsina, mmcc I'm off to do some rugby training, as with tuesday I'll be back in 2/3 hours depending on traffic17:10
mandelralsina, seems that when the other branch landed all the others where set as merge because I merged then to the new one.. bah, is fixed I'm of to hit people17:14
mmccmandel: ack, good luck not puking17:14
mandelmmcc, will try :)17:16
ralsinamandel: ack17:25
ralsinamandel: suerte!17:25
* briancurtin lunch17:41
chaselivingstonmmcc: is there any way to tell how the upload is doing?17:47
mmccchaselivingston: not too easily yet. there's a command-line tool u1sdtool that we haven't packaged yet that will let you poke at things17:49
chaselivingstonmmcc: cool, just wondering17:50
mmccchaselivingston: you could try quitting the control panel (it won't interrupt the syncdaemon in the background) and starting it up again from the command line with the --with-icon option17:50
chaselivingstonok, I'll give that a shot17:50
mmccthat will show the u1 icon in the menu bar, with a menu that should have some extra info. not sure if that is 100% working in that build yet though17:50
mmccok, type "UbuntuOne.app/Contents/MacOs/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt --with-icon"  in the terminal to launch it directly17:51
mmcctypo, Contents/MacOS/17:52
chaselivingstonmmcc: doesn't look like clicking on that menu bar icon does anything18:00
chaselivingstonmmcc: oops, never mind, does show some info18:00
mmccchaselivingston: ok great. does the sub-menu that has current transfers show anything for you? that's the part  I can't remember, and I've broken my current build just now :)18:01
chaselivingstonmmcc: nothing comes up when I hover over it18:02
mmcccan't remember if it worked with the code in that build, that is - it should work in trunk but that build might be missing those revisions18:02
chaselivingstonmmcc: gotcha. how will updates happen for us testers?18:02
mmccchaselivingston: ok, well, absent that, the only other ways to get info about what's uploading is to check the web interface, or look at the log in ~/Library/Caches/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log18:03
mmccchaselivingston: good question :) we'll have to think about that. we're expecting to put out another test build early next week.18:04
chaselivingstonmmcc: ok cool, wasn't sure if that capability was built into the app yet or not18:04
ralsinammcc: if builds are automated you could just script it18:04
ralsinammcc: and upload them to a share in u118:04
mmccralsina: builds are automated enough to script if you've got the parts in the right place…18:07
ralsinammcc:  if "the parts" is some bzr pulls...18:07
mmccbut I'm breaking that now while testing this daemon integration stuff. need to make sure it and the libs it depends on are compiled and in a known spot too18:08
mmccI'll unbreak it soon18:08
mmccralsina: it's a bzr pull, a git clone, a couple build steps, a do-se-do18:09
chaselivingstonmmcc: so when I launch with the icon like that, I have to leave that terminal session running?18:09
mmccchaselivingston: if you want to leave the icon up, yes. you could kill it and re-start it with nohup if you really want to close the terminal18:12
chaselivingstonmmcc: ok cool, thanks for the info18:13
mmccthere ought to be a way to nohup a running process but I can't think of it off the top of my head18:13
ralsinammcc: there isn't AFAIK18:13
* briancurtin back18:15
mmccralsina: I figured it out -- there is 'nohup -p' in Solaris ;D18:16
ralsinammcc: learn something every day :-)18:16
ralsinammcc: OTOH, usually, if you backgrund a process and exit the terminal, the process doesn't get HUP18:17
ralsinammcc: yes if you kill the terminal but no if you use the exit command18:17
chaselivingstonmmcc: does the sync run indefinitely even if the control panel is closed?18:24
mmccchaselivingston: yes, the background process is running, it's called ubuntuone-syncdaemon, and you should be able to see it in the Activity Monitor app18:25
chaselivingstonmmcc: awesome, good to know18:25
dobeyubuntuone/controlpanel/sd_client/__init__.py: 211:  [E1101, SyncDaemonClient.sync_menu] Instance of 'SyncDaemonTool' has no 'sync_menu' member18:41
mmccdobey, out of date u1-client branch?18:50
mmccthat's gatox's recent addition, but it should be in u1-client trunk18:50
gatoxmmm that should be in trunk18:51
gatoxthat is in trunk18:51
gatoxdobey, maybe not installed?18:51
dobeyyeah, i guess publishing was slow :-/18:52
ralsinaEarly EOD for me for errands, will be around early tomorrow19:03
gatoxralsina, bye19:03
gatoxok...... my brain is being liquefied and this tests are going nowhere.... i'll finish this tomorrow morning!!20:08
gatoxbye people! see you tomorrow! :D20:09
chaselivingstonping mmcc: still around?20:18
mmccchaselivingston: yep, not quite lunch yet around here. what's up?20:19
chaselivingstonmmcc: in the settings tab, when I uncheck the limit upload box and save, then go to another tab and come back, it's checked again. is that a known issue?20:19
mmccchaselivingston: not known to me. sounds like a bug, does it do that on other platforms too?20:20
* mmcc fires up ubuntu20:20
chaselivingstonmmcc: haven't checked on other platforms20:21
mmccI bet it's mac only. tag it as u1-darwin. I have a hunch that something hasn't gotten the memo about where the prefs file is on macs.20:21
chaselivingstonwhere should I file the bug?20:22
mmccnope, just reproduced it on ubuntu precise :) so - file it against ubuntuone-control-panel, and just tag it 'desktop+'20:22
chaselivingstonmmcc: cool, will do, thanks20:23
mmccthank you!20:23
chaselivingstonmmcc: how's that? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/104086120:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1040861 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "limit upload checkbox remains checked after saving" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:26
chaselivingstonmmcc: also, is it really limiting the upload speed to 1 kb/s?20:28
mmccchaselivingston: it certainly doesn't seem to be in my experience20:29
chaselivingstonmmcc: hm, ok20:29
mmccchaselivingston: we'll have to check on whether or not that setting is actually being honored when we look at the bug20:31
chaselivingstonmmcc: cool, I appreciate it20:31
dobeyugh; my "in 5 minutes (estimated)" build start estimate just went to 11 minutes, for this recipe :(20:46
dobeybah. just as i'm about to finish up and go do stuff outside, clouds pop up21:16
mmccI have to run to a late lunch now, back in a bit…21:20
dobeylater all21:21
alecuhmm.... what's up with bug #961315?21:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 961315 in Ubuntu Single Sign On Client trunk "Qt UI: when resetting my password using an invalid reset code, the operation fails and no error is shown" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96131521:35
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