
len-dtailo, how goes? I don't suppose you have seen the logs from earlier?03:30
ailolen-dt: For some reason my server, which hosts this irssi client sometimes falls asleep04:24
ailoI'll check..04:24
ailoWhat Scott is talking about concerning jack is pretty much what I'm aiming for with -controls04:27
ailoSimple jack control from an applet (start|stop), and "connections" which opens patchage04:28
ailoPatchage needs to be opened in no-start-jack-automatically mode04:28
ailoAlso, one might consider readapting patchage to be as plugin, so that only some of the code would need to be custom04:29
ailoAbout the workflow panel..04:29
ailolen-dt: I still think the only good answer is a dedicated software for it, like your panel04:30
ailoI'm on a usb install of lubuntu precise at the moment. One thing that seems to be a lot different is cpu freq04:47
ailoIt likes to stay on lowest, and tries to quite agressively with the ondemand option04:47
ailoBoth cores are fluctiating even when I have a few flash videos playing. They hardly stay at full juice, and one of them is often down at 800MHz. Seems quite effective04:49
len-dtailo, patchage... does it handle alsa midi connections as well? or does a2j have to run?05:14
len-dtI agree about the workflow panel for two reasons: one the panels we have are not made for switching on the go, so it would be a hack. The panels we do have _are_ made to be changed by the user... and those changes stay even after a distro upgrade. Our own app can have system workflows we can change from release to release... or add with a meta. The user could add their own too.05:18
len-dtailo, I found even with qtractor, 4 synths and hydrogen, I could run at forced 800MHz on my netbook. (single core)05:20
len-dtI didn't try two flash videos at a time, but one was not even 50% cpu.05:21
ailolen-dt: Patchage is both midi and audio in the same view06:14
ailoHaven't yet explored it much more. It autostarts jack if you don't give it a flag06:14
ailoI like it since it's mostly just a jack connections app06:15
ailoWould like to just keep that part06:15
len-dtailo, I meant does patchage do both jack mid and alsa midi.06:26
ailolen-dt: Yep07:06
ailolen-dt: It can also change frame/period while running07:06
ailoIt can't save connections, but I would assume it is, or will be ladish compatible07:07
ailoIt should be able to save, but it's disfunctional on this install anyway07:08
knomeus website now has a favicon10:20
smartboyhwastraljava: You here?10:39
smartboyhwNews: The ISO QA Tracker declared the ISO images of the 12.04.1 builds READY!11:33
smartboyhwstrange: no one goes to test the amd64 images...But 2 or 3 tested i386...Real weird!11:34
smartboyhwI mean no one except me for amd6411:39
len-dtsmartboyhw, That is an interesting fact. So there are actually still lots of people using i386 machines.13:37
smartboyhwlen-dt: Uh oh13:37
len-dtThis is interesting because it is getting hard to buy 32 but machines besides atom based.13:38
smartboyhwlen-dt: That's true13:39
smartboyhwo/ scott-worj13:39
scott-workthanks knome for fixing the favicon!13:39
smartboyhwscott-work: The ISO images is declared ready13:39
scott-workhi smartboyhw 13:39
scott-workgood :)13:39
len-dthi scott-work we were just noticing that there are more tests on 32nit machines13:40
smartboyhwOnly me on amd6413:40
len-dtI was thinking I was the only odd one with 32 bit HW, but I guess there is still a lot out there tha is 32 bit13:41
len-dtscott-work, both ailo and I feel it would be better (maybe easier as well) to make our own panel/workflow app, than to muck with the panel(s) we already have13:44
* len-dt has played around with other panels besides just xfce13:44
smartboyhwlen-dt: +113:44
scott-worklen-dt: hmmmm, i don't know about a new test, nothing in -release channel mentions it from what i can see (although i only logged on)13:46
smartboyhwNew test?13:46
len-dtThere is no new test13:47
scott-worksorry, did i misread your comment?13:47
smartboyhwscott-work: He meant to implement another panel besides xfce13:47
len-dtThere has been talk that some flavours will only come with 64bit kernel13:47
scott-workoh, i see what you are saying (sorry, i got phone call and people at my desk while reading)13:47
smartboyhwlen-dt: Really? Not us, I think13:48
scott-worklen-dt: i'm pretty agnostic about implementation, but i ask one big thing13:48
scott-worklen-dt: i would ask that we clearly define what we are trying to do and make sure it makes sense before we go willy-nilly into coding13:48
len-dtserver will come with either a 64b server k or 32b generic13:48
smartboyhwWell, server is better in 64-bit.13:49
len-dtOnly if you have the HW to support it13:49
scott-worki have serious concerns about how some are trying to revive -controls without being able to say what its purpose would be13:49
len-dta lot of small servers are whatever HW is left over.... 32 bit13:49
scott-worki feel very, very strongly that we need to have a *very* clearly defined goal for our app(s) before we code and implement it13:50
smartboyhwscott-work: Agree. +113:50
len-dtThat is a good thought.13:50
scott-worki have equally large concerns that we might be trying to fit too much into -controls (or possibly any single app)13:50
len-dtscott-work, I would not worry about that unless it is something we expect to leave running13:51
scott-worki don't think -controls should be for 1) setting user in audio group, 2) getting a kernel, 3)starting/setting jack, 4) adjusting workflows, 5) installing new work flows, etc13:51
len-dt1) is ok IMO, setting jack could be ok, but not starting. getting a kernel? I think we ship what we ship.13:53
smartboyhwI agree setting Jack. People having problems in Ubuntu Forums about jack mainly13:54
len-dtadjusting workflows to me would include installing... sort of. Most WFs should be installed by a meta that includes the SW needed13:55
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
len-dtstarting WFs should be a separate (small quick) app13:55
ailo-controls is all about settings. If you can't make settings with it, what is it good for?13:56
len-dtailo, I agree13:56
smartboyhwo/ ailo. I agree13:56
len-dtWe have different words, controls/config but they mean the same thing13:57
ailoThere are two things I have in mind for -controls. 1. it should be simple and help the user easily configure the system on any ubuntu derived distro (not only Ubuntu Studio). 2. it doesn't matter if it has more than it needs, as we need feedback from users to find out what features are needed and which are not.13:57
ailoI'm making it plugin based13:57
smartboyhwailo: Complete agree from me. It works. 13:57
len-dtEven us as devs need to have it so we can look at it13:58
ailoSo, it's not one huge application13:58
len-dtailo, by plugin you mean that the plugin is called just as needed?13:58
ailolen-dt: I mean, I'm splitting it up in many packages.13:59
ailoThere's a main package that will create an applet in the panel13:59
ailoEach plugin will populate the applet, or add to windows that are opened from the applet13:59
ailoIt could also be put in a worflow panel14:00
ailoI mean, instead of the main panel14:00
ailoscott-work: I really don't understand your standpoint in this. If you want something done, you have to do it. 14:02
smartboyhwailo: +114:02
ailoYou can't plan things in detail before hand14:02
ailoscott-work: But, if you feel you'd want to, I won't stop you14:02
ailoI'm thinking about creating a one for all audio control interface. Simple as can be. If someone needs something more advanced, the other applications will still be available. 14:04
ailoAs a part of the applet14:04
ailoAlso, we've been talking about modes14:04
ailoI'd like to add that too14:04
smartboyhwailo: Are you sure you can deal with so many things at once?14:05
ailoI'm also making two versions of the whole thing. I'm pushing a more general version into Debian, calling it something like "pro-audio-controls"14:08
ailoSo, even if for some reason it is not approved, it will be available in Ubuntu anyway14:09
ailoI mean, approved for Ubuntu Studiop14:09
smartboyhwWow wow wow, ailo, I am seriously wondering that your brain is full of code now:)14:09
ailosmartboyhw: It's not that much code really. But of course, it takes some time to write it14:10
ailoscott-work: I think one big problem in how you think about Ubuntu Studio is you are not worrying about any other debian/ubuntu based distro in the equation. To me, the whole purpose of Ubuntu Studio is to improve multimedia on Ubuntu based distros generally, and serve as an example of a well configured version of it14:14
smartboyhwailo: YEAH!@14:14
smartboyhwThat's why I like Ubuntu Studio.14:15
smartboyhwStrange: So is it ailo and len-dt and me vs. scott-work now?14:15
ailoIt would be d slightly ifferent, if Ubuntu Studio was not an official derivative.14:15
ailosmartboyhw: I think you might be in your own team ;)14:16
smartboyhwYep, but since now it is:)14:16
smartboyhwailo: What da?14:16
smartboyhwailo: What do you mean?:(14:16
ailoscott-work: If you want to realize your ideas about workflows, I say, go the full length. Stopp messing with XFCE menus and panels, to try to find a shortcut. 14:18
ailoAnd, as always, if you want to collaborate on something, document first14:18
ailoOtherwise, it doesn't exist14:19
len-dtailo, I think because we are doing something new we need to have code we can look at and try out.14:20
smartboyhwlen-dt: Yeah. I'm willing to try it out14:20
scott-workailo: my point is pretty simple, i believe - i don't want -controls to be a "catch all" for any functionality that we might want to incorporate14:21
len-dtSo I need to do my own PPA so I can have other people try out what I have14:21
scott-workailo: i'm not planning everything out, i think i'm doing some common sense activities, thinking about what we are trying to accomplish before we start14:21
holsteinscott-work: i saw your ping yesterday14:21
scott-workailo: i think it would be beneficial to have a clear set of goals (issues we want to address and possibly conditions of success to gauge if we have address the issue) before we get it all done14:22
holsteinscott-work: i think i would need to see the xsession idea to really wrap my brain around it14:22
len-dtholstein, that is the thing. we need something to look at and try.14:23
scott-workholstein: len-dt explained to me that not using xsessions would be a better approach14:23
smartboyhwWow, that's almost the most active discussion since I joined here:)14:23
smartboyhwI want to try new things:) That's why I like testing14:23
ailoscott-work: As len-dt said, as long as there isn't anything to testrun, or even documentation that can give a picture of what something does, it's hard to have an opinion about it14:25
ailoscott-work: I'm making the application nevertheless, and I believe my approach is as optimal as can be from all angles14:25
ailoscott-work: Plugin based means it can be whatever you want14:26
len-dtscott-work, if I had to logout/in every time I changed functions... I would not use that functionallity14:26
holsteinhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/230/builds is this the current 12.04.1 page?14:27
smartboyhw2 people for i386 (one is len-dt), one person for amd64 (me)14:27
len-dtchange of workflow should be able to happen with one click14:27
holsteinsmartboyhw: not where im looking.. says we are done, and xubuntu has a few cases left14:28
smartboyhwTrue, I'm testing Xubuntu alternate amd64 now:)14:28
holsteinsmartboyhw: you just asked the xubuntu-dev channel for help testing the iso's?14:30
smartboyhwholstein: Good work14:31
smartboyhwI did, no one is testing Alternate for them14:31
holsteinoh i see... to see if anyone is one it already... i usually mark myself early... just like when im working on the newsletter14:31
smartboyhwGood work means the e-mail you just sent14:31
holsteini put my name on the articles im about to start working on so we dont duplicate efforts14:31
smartboyhwI'm thinking that my CPU is going to explode soon due to too much usage on testing OSes.14:32
holsteinhehe... work it!14:32
len-dtscott-work, ailo changing workflow: 1) close or at least alert the user of any non-workflow apps.14:36
len-dt2) start or ask user if they want to start base processes such as jack/a2j14:36
len-dt3) if it is a session based workflow, start a session (may require user input to decide which session/project))14:37
len-dtThat is maybe a bit simplified...14:38
smartboyhwlen-dt: Good job:)14:39
ailosmartboyhw: I wasn't able to answer your PM's as this nick isn't properly logged in, just so you know15:08
ailosmartboyhw: Don't worry too much about what I say though. 15:08
scott-worklen-dt: just for the record, i was thinking about using changing xsessions when changing modes, rather than just work flows (which is why i was querying you about how often you thought about changing modes vs. work flows yesterday)15:18
scott-workbut of course, it appears that changing xsessions is certainly not an optimal solution :P15:18
len-dtscott-work, that is why we need to know _what_ has to change.15:20
len-dtChanging menus is probably not that hard15:20
len-dtchanging what is running system wise is not that hard either... but starts to get distro specific real quick. This takes away from Ubuntu's "give back to the community" ideals15:22
len-dtI think both ailo and I want something that can be used in *ix systems in general not just US.15:22
scott-worklen-dt: to be honest, if an stand-alone app is used for work flows then we probably don't need to worry about adjusting menus, doe we?15:23
len-dtI don't know, scott-work, the only way to find out is to build it and try it on real projects15:24
smartboyhwlen-dt: Let's see:)15:24
scott-worki'm sure i don't explain myself very well, but i'll try15:25
scott-worki mentioned before about defining what the problems are that we are addressing, and conditions for successfully addressing the problem.15:26
scott-workthis is implementation agnostic. both in sense of what method is used to implement and the actual action15:26
scott-workfor example, work flows are not immediately obvious to user could be the problem15:27
scott-workwithout talking about panels/apps (implementation) or changing modes/menus (actions), we can still define the problem and...15:28
scott-work"having a visual element on the desktop (one that would draw user's attention and invite investigation" could define the success condition15:29
len-dtThe reason I don't know if having a menu change would help is that I was thinking that a workflow pannel would have the main apps on it in the order of use, but extra tools and utilities may be better not cluttering that up and so a mini menu might be usefule15:30
scott-workthis is how i like to approach problems, in an somewhat abstract way15:30
scott-worklen-dt: right!15:30
scott-workthis is why i was asking people to reimagine the desktop, without constraints, yesterday to envision a perfect future state of what we would like to use15:30
len-dtSome of us are unable to think that way and need a picture at least, but prefereably a working app to try15:30
scott-worklen-dt: i understand, ailo helped me quite a bit to see some of my deficiencies15:31
len-dtIt is easy to come up with ideas, but there are tons of apps that on first look are really, really useful, but once installed _never_ get used.15:31
scott-workagreed, totally15:32
scott-workwhich is why i wanted to make sure that we are actually solving a problem and that people will want to use our solution15:32
scott-workoaky, i need to finish talking to people before a meeting but i'll be back in a few hours and hopefully continue this conversation15:32
len-dtscott-work, when you get back... xfce panel is happy to get it's menu via a link15:37
len-dtRather than put this in the bottom/extra panel (which some people just throw away anyway) I would put it right next to the tray. Call it a context menu. With just applications related to the workflow.15:40
len-dtIt would seem like a tray icon.15:40
len-dtAn example of where this would be useful (ok might be) is for things like mixers. I wouldn't want a mixer starter in a workflow panel because there are so many for different audio cards.15:46
* scott-work is about to go downstairs for meeting15:47
scott-workbut i wanted to put this out there...15:48
ailolen-dt: It would be cool if the proper mixer would appear only if its' device was loaded and present15:48
scott-workseeing jackpanel application made me reimagine the desktop for audio and think, "what _should_ be an applet on the panel for default? what do we use ALL the time for audio?"15:48
scott-worki think jack controls would be helpful for one15:49
scott-workailo: very true15:49
scott-workshould the work flows "menu" or "icon" what whatever be an applet in the top panel?15:49
smartboyhwWell, bye bye now15:50
scott-workby smartboyhw 15:50
scott-worki am also heading downstairs for the meeting now15:50
len-dtso having a menu to take care of it might be handy... or the user might just reach for the main menu they are used to.15:51
len-dtailo, ya, it would be nice. What are the downsides of that?15:52
ailolen-dt: The only problem is making sure a database of devices for the functionality is up to date15:52
ailoOne would need to list them manually15:53
len-dtWhat if a USB device is plugged in. the mixer would have to change/get added on the fly15:53
ailoThere are services for that15:53
ailoJust like how nautilus updates its' contents, if you create a file using a terminal15:54
ailoWell, maybe not "just like"15:54
ailoI don't know how exactly, but surely it can be done15:55
ailoThat's probably not the first thing you'd want to develop though15:55
len-dtYa, it should be able to be done. how often do we want to scan for new devices so we can add new devices?15:56
ailoEven though, I think it's important to keep things like that in mind, cause that will enable you to strategically design the software to be able to use such functionality later, if added15:56
ailolen-dt: Any usb devices that have dedicated mixers, btw?15:58
ailolen-dt: One way to do it is to search for devices each time you open the menu15:59
len-dtailo, I am not sure. Many of them have no mixer... levels are controlled on the box.15:59
ailoThat way, you don't need any particular service. The only downside may be that opening the menu is slower16:00
ailolen-dt: But, I'm imagining dedicated software now, not XFCE menus. Not sure what you are thinking of right now16:00
len-dtI was thinking some of each :) a panel/dock that has the major apps for the function and an xfce menu for utilities.16:02
len-dtHowever, having the workflow start the applications needed is another way to go.16:02
len-dtthat would be what session managers are for.... but for graphics and publishing too16:03
ailoA few years back, I imagined a panel much like the Unity panel, but unlike unity, one that was totally dynamic. In the upper corner, you'd have a global control/button. Say, you point your mouse there, and the whole panel becomes global. As soon as you take it away, the panel becomes customized for what application is up. You push it, you get a global menu system. The custom mode could system controls in the lower corner, that are 16:07
len-dtThough maybe for graphics or video or whatever things are done more in a sequential manor. In audio (in Linux) it is normal to use a number of apps at the same time16:08
len-dtailo, that was what I tried to do with my workflow panel16:08
ailoAs for the exact content in the middle, it's hard to imagine off the bat. It needs to be worked out, by getting down and dirty with the code16:09
len-dtI didn't think of using hovering to bring up the global menu though :)16:10
ailoMe neither, in the past16:10
ailoThat is something you get from gnome-shell16:10
len-dtor unity for that matter16:10
ailoSomething to condider is that some applications may fit many workflows16:12
len-dtOK, why would that be odd?16:13
ailoIf you make the panel show only a certain workflow, it gets confused if you want to use an application for a different workflow16:14
ailoI really don't have a clear idea about the details. I do think the user should be able to customize stuff16:15
ailoLet's say, the workflow content is just a set of launchers. And we have our standard workflows with applications we have chosen for them. A user might want to create their own custom workflows, adding whatever applications they want16:16
ailoDidn't you do something like that? adding starters from a list in a file?16:17
ailoAside from launchers, one would want to have some system controls. Jack control for audio (and perhaps choosable also for video)16:18
ailoI'd put those at the bottom16:18
ailoThe launchers should be docks for the applications too, or whatever you call it. 16:19
ailoAfter an application is launched, pushing the icon should only bring that app up front. Not start a new one, unless doing right-click, open new16:19
ailoJust like the mac/gnome-shell/unity panels16:20
ailoPerhaps a tool button at the bottom. A generic toolbox for workflows, where you can add controls or starters however you want. Mix anything with anything16:21
ailoFinally, the workflow is actually more like a profile16:21
ailoAnother solution with hovering, is to expand the panel to show all the workflows(profiles) next to each other. Important to have the possibility to delete some, since probably no one will use them all16:25
ailoI could imagine using the panel not just for multimedia, but for everything16:26
ailoA wizard of some kind would be good to have. One that creates a template for you.16:27
ailoHow would it work, if you'd combine menus with started applications, in the same panel?16:28
ailoThe docks and menus would be like the submenus16:28
ailolike the submenus in the main menu16:29
ailolen-dt: I do think what you have is a good foundation, which allows for these kind of ideas.16:30
ailoSo, all that is missing is just starting to develop some of those16:30
ailoI mean, anyones ideas..16:30
ailoI'm sleeping early today. bb refreshed, tomorrow16:31
len-dtGn then ailo .16:33
scott-worklen-dt: a single application for work flows could also control a panel (perhaps on the side looking like a "dock"), and you could set the "mode" and a different panel would be loaded16:48
scott-workwhich would only show the pertinent work flows16:48
scott-workdamn, it's very weird reading ailo's comments, it's like he's been reading my not published blog post :P16:50
scott-workhere is what i had been working on: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1162983/16:55
scott-workwow, i wrote that on my laptop using libre office write during a vacation trip, pasted that into blogger, and now pasted it into pastebin....that did wonders for the formatting :P16:59
len-dtscott-work, I think each US meta should come with its own workflow(s) as needed. As such each workflow configuration needs to be it's own file17:06
len-dtThe files a meta comes with would be in /usr/share/something17:07
len-dteach user would have a workflow directory in .config/something/17:07
len-dtthis directory would have both workflow files but also a config file. System workflows that are not used or replaced with a user custom one would be recorded here so that system WF would not be displayed.17:10
len-dtThat way if a new meta is downloaded it's workflows would show up by default17:11
scott-workoh, interesting idea...you are saying include the work flow configuration along with the meta, i was viewing it as another package that would have the configuration file in it...hmmmm17:11
len-dtscott-work, what I am saying by talking "nuts and bolts" is that the current panel gets disconnected at install time17:12
scott-worki was worried about this due to the ubiquity plugin and if a meta was not installed, your method may solve this problem17:12
len-dtThat is the first time a user logs in the current panel gets set in stone and no change to the system template will show up.17:12
scott-workusing the work flow app as a frame work (as ailo said) and view things as plugins (as ailo said) for which the meta's provide the "plugin", this might work very nicely indeed17:13
len-dtWe don;t want our workflows to be unchangable, we want both user cusomisation as well as the system to be able to add things.17:14
len-dtI think a configuration utility should allow reset. If a user customizes a workflow they should be able to go back to stock if they want.17:16
len-dtSo there are two kinds of cutom workflows, those started from scratch as new WFs and those that modify an exsiting WF17:17
len-dtthere could be a third kind that uses an existing WF as a starting template but does not replace it.17:17
scott-workoooogh, really good idea len-dt ! a "reset button" is a must17:17
scott-workthis is the kind of abstract thinking i like! :P17:18
stochastichi all17:18
scott-workhi stochastic :)17:18
stochasticthe release notes for 12.04.1 seem pointless - it's just a bug fix release17:28
stochasticI can't even find any Ubuntu 12.04.1 release notes17:28
* stochastic isn't sure if we should even publish them17:29
knomestochastic, they are integrated to the 12.04 notes17:29
knomexubuntu didn't change anything17:30
stochasticI don't think we need to publish anything then.17:37
knometell that to skaet @ #ubuntu-release and she will stop worrying :)17:37
stochasticknome should we publish the previous release notes on the website (those that haven't reached EOL)?  I notice only 12.04 is published, but people might be interested in seeing the earlier release notes17:40
stochasticthey're written as drafts currently behind the scenes17:40
knomeif you think that helps, then go for it17:40
knomewe did that17:40
stochasticokay I think it'd be good to do.  It gives new users proof that this isn't our first release too.17:41
* stochastic will take care of that17:41
stochasticscott-work, I was thinking about how we've been pairing down our meta packages to only the key tools and it gave me an idea17:43
stochasticI personally like to have lots of options for my productions but understand this isn't optimal for our ISO purposes.   Maybe we should look into creating a audio-extras meta that would include all the bells and whistles.  Similarly with the other metas17:50
stochastic^^ or if scott-work is busy others can share their opinions17:53
stochasticthose metas would obviously not ship with our ISO, they'd just be useful for people wanting all options for sequencers or notation programs or wave editors or etc...17:54
scott-workstochastic: i believe that is similar to what len-dt has mentioned before :)17:57
scott-workstochastic: are you basing this on work flows, perhaps? ones that are created but we don't necessarily want to ship be default?17:57
scott-worki think it sounds like a great idea17:58
stochasticscott-work, no, not on workflows but rather on the plethora of tools in the repos that a new user might want to explore17:58
stochasticI think it would be useful for the extras package to stay away from the workflows idea simply because that process is a great tool for limiting the applications to just the best or primary ones but these packages should contain everything else17:59
scott-workstochastic: what would be the criteria for selecting the applications?18:00
stochasticI would say any package that could be seen as multimedia production related and functional18:01
scott-workthat could be a *very* large package, no?18:01
stochasticwell we'd segment them into audio/video/graphics/photography/etc... extras18:02
stochasticbut yes they'd be very bloated18:02
stochasticthe impetus behind this would be that some users can find workflows that they prefer that us all-knowing devs haven't even conceived of yet (or haven't determined fit into our meta structures)18:05
len-dtstochastic, what I have done instead of that (and it can be changed) is to add an menu item that opens software center with a list of things the user may want to install.18:06
stochasticI guess that's a cleaner way of doing it len-dt18:07
len-dtIf we can ever get our -default-setting released, I would like other people to look at it18:07
stochasticI'd love to see it18:07
stochasticall in due time I assume18:07
stochasticis FF today?18:08
len-dtI don't know. But this has been commited for over a month now I think.18:08
stochasticI'm pretty sure FF and 12.04.1 happened on the same day irc18:09
len-dtmicahg, said he was doing it... but I haven't see him for a bit18:10
* stochastic won't hold his breath but will expect it done soonish18:11
micahglen-dt: yeah, I'm on vacation, but unlike my other vacations, I've been busy with family :023:29
micahgbut will try to get to it23:29

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