
=== xubuntu606 is now known as laiv
ickefeshi guys. somehow the power button and date section in panel 0 isn't located to the right on my computer and I can't seem to find where to configure that placement. anyone have a idea?00:39
ickefesit is really annoying.00:39
TheMasterWhat version of xfce?  You may need a seperator, and you should be able to right click > move.00:40
ickefesi am trying out 4.1000:41
TheMasterYep, it happens.00:41
ickefesit is a problem in version 4.10?00:41
drcah...there appears to be a problem with spacing on 4.10. Try the "expand" option on the items on the panel (I'm not using 4.10 ATM, but I think that's what it's called.00:42
ickefesi have tried to move in but it does not allow me to move it to the far right00:42
TheMasterNope, just what happens when you try that ppa in precise.00:42
ickefesdrc: THANK YOU. The expand option fixed it!00:43
ickefesTheMaster: Ok. Too bad though.00:43
laivHi all, I just installed xubuntu, does it install a gui on its own or do I have to do that? all I have is terminal, and there were some issues with the install but I think that its good and was just due to not being connected to a network?00:44
drclaiv: if you don't gave a gui by default, something <did> go wrong with your install.00:45
drcPersonally, I'd just re-install...it'd be quicker than trying to troubleshoot and fix whatever it was.00:46
TheMasterCould try to install xubuntu-desktop.00:46
drcTheMaster: True, but who knows what else went wrong...safer to nuke it from space :)00:47
TheMasterdrc: Yep, that too.00:47
xubuntu276hello, im new so i have a question, I have a 64bits Pc with 8gb of ram, wich version of xubuntu should I download 32 bits or 64bits? can I install 32bits also?01:45
SkippersBoss64 bits would be advisable to make use of all your RAM01:46
drcUse the 64 bit.01:47
TheMasterCould use PAE with 32, but 64 should be good.01:47
drcDoesn't 12.04 use a non-pae by default?01:48
TheMasterDon't think in Xubu, but .10 does.01:48
drcThe i386 images use a non-PAE kernel. The non-PAE kernel will not be available in future Xubuntu releases.01:49
drcFrom http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/01:49
TheMasterdrc: Whoops, I read PAE rather than non-pae, sorry.  You can still install it.01:50
drcTrue :)01:50
drcBut why?01:50
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
xubuntu276ok, thanks guys01:51
SkippersBossglad to have you back Unit01:51
Unit193drc: Not all hardware supports PAE, so the hope was to support more for one cycle.01:51
drcWhich reminds me, is 12.10 i386 going to be PAE or non-PAE?01:51
Unit193PAE, non-PAE won't be in repo.01:52
Unit193SkippersBoss: Heh, danke.01:52
SkippersBossBitte sehr01:52
drcUnit193: An LTS cycle?01:57
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Unit193drc: Sorry?02:00
SkippersBossfor 12.04 yes02:01
drc" the hope was to support more for one cycle"02:01
Unit193One more cycle, the LTS one.02:01
drcThen the decision makes sense :)02:06
drcI <was> wondering, but not enough to ask...until the opportunity presented itself02:07
Unit193grep pae /proc/cpuinfo    to see if you'll be good.02:08
drcOh, I'm good, I run the 64 bit, I was just wondering.02:09
drcAlthough I should pretend otherwise and tell my wife a need a new laptop :)02:13
craigbass1976I have two panels I like on my computer.  How hard woudl it be to copy them both to another xub box?03:32
craigbass1976is there something in .config/xfce that I can just copy over?03:34
Unit193Try just copying .config/xfce4/panel/ over03:34
craigbass1976Unit193, would it matter that I'm on a computer logged in as craig, and the account on the other one is called doug?  and victoria?  I'm setting up a new box and the panels as I have them were a pain to set up initially...03:35
Unit193Would you also need .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml?03:37
Unit193I'd try without first, and shouldn't matter, as long as you put it in the right location.03:37
drcUnit193: Looks like that would probably be helpful...yup the more I look at it, the more I'm convinced you need it03:39
Unit193Sure, but that is placed there by xfconfd and if you remove the panel dir all settings are defaulted.03:40
craigbass1976Unit193, Yep, that didn't work...03:40
drcIt's got all my plugins listed03:40
drcUnit193: But he doesn't <want> the defaults :)03:41
Unit193I understand, reverse the thought process and you have that panel dir should be what you need to copy.03:42
drccraigbass1976: Did you use both, the panel dir and the xml file?03:42
craigbass1976drc, I'm about to copy over the xml03:43
drcUnit193: damn...logic...why didn't I think of that03:43
Unit193Don't know, maybe it's failed logic.03:45
craigbass1976I'm all good.  Thanks folks.03:49
craigbass1976Why is it such a pain to get launchers and stuff on the panels to begin with, or am I just being retarded?03:49
drccraigbass1976: dunno, I don;t have any problems, it takes time but not much effort (if you already know what you want)03:50
drcbut then I don't use the bottom panel, so....03:51
craigbass1976drc, It's just the time I guess and number of mouse clicks.  Once it's set up, I'm golden.  I like the bottom for workspace switcher and window buttons, kind of like GNOME 1 and 203:51
drcWell, I've just saves ~/.config/xfce4 to my config file USB stick, so it should be even easier next time :)03:53
craigbass1976drc, aye.  Thanks again.03:53
drcit was mainly Unit19303:53
drcIf he thought it was hard now, he should have tried with 4.6 :)03:56
NetbootXubuHi anyone there?05:13
NetbootXubuIm trying to install Xubuntu on a diskless computer05:14
NetbootXubuCould you help me..?05:14
Evil1888Anyone know how to control fan speeds with Xubuntu 12.04 LTS on a HP Paviliion dv5000 (dv5115nr to be exact)? It turns on by itself  and run fine when it gets hot enough but I'd like to control it some so it can run cool most of the time.05:19
NetbootXubuAnyone who knows how netboot xubuntu?05:20
Evil1888NetbootXubu: I have no idea but a little googling: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server_and_network_installations that can't be too far off from Xubuntu05:25
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Guest54225Does anybody know if I can install Xubuntu over Ubuntu 12.04??09:28
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »09:28
Unit193That style?09:28
Guest54225great I've seen that - it's just that I've had an issue with USB modem hardware switch and the machine is getting old and I thought it might run better09:29
AscavasaionHello there.  I recently upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 to 11.04.  I now have that dreadful Unity desktop.  Can someone here explain to me how to get rid of Unity?  I am currently doing an sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop   Will that do the trick?10:04
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »10:06
AscavasaionUnit193: Will I still be able to run LibreOffice, firefox, etc.?10:07
Unit193Firefox comes by default, and if libreoffice doesn't work, should have told me an hour ago when I was using it. ;)  (So, yes.10:08
AscavasaionUnit193: Awesome!  thank you.10:08
Unit193Sure thing.10:08
AscavasaionThis Unity is killing my old laptop: Centrino Dualcore, 2Gb RAM.10:09
AscavasaionE: Unable to locate package libstlport4.6ldbl10:12
AscavasaionE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libstlport4.6ldbl'10:12
well_laid_lawn!find libstlport410:12
ubottuFound: libstlport4.6-dev, libstlport4.6ldbl10:12
AscavasaionUnit193: I get the above when I do http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfcenatty10:13
AscavasaionWell then... sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop it is :)10:28
no-nI'm running xubuntu 12.04 and thunar keeps crashing... especially when I try to do stuff in Trash12:03
no-nI haven4't read all the crash reports so far, but a couple of them said blueman-applet12:04
no-nanother weird thing is all my trash items have the padlock on the icon12:04
no-n'I also get "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." and "something something Transport endpoint is not connected"12:05
well_laid_lawnno-n: start thunar from a terminal and check for any error messages when it crashes12:16
bhankinsI hope WindowMaker makes a big comeback someday.12:55
no-ni3 is good :))12:57
no-noh, btw, I seem to have solved my problem by removing blueman12:57
no-nxubuntu's crash report was mentioning it every time12:57
bhankinsDid you submit the crash report?12:59
bhankinsxubuntu really needs to release a 12.04.1 livecd with the current updates. I had a terrible time installing on this dell xps.13:01
bhankinsacpi problems and nvidia driver problems, all solved in updates.13:02
GridCubebhankins, 12.04.1 realese schudle is this week13:02
bhankinsOh sweet, I maybe should havee waited.13:03
GridCubeatually, today https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule?action=show&redirect=PreciseReleaseSchedule13:04
bhankinsAww man, that really rubs it in.13:04
bhankinsI'm never buying another dell though.13:04
bhankinsI shouldn't say that. In the foreseeable future.13:05
GridCubei call it lucks, sometime you have bad luck13:05
bhankinsI had not used XFCE since 2002, it's really come a long way. We used to not have desktop icons.13:07
GridCubeyeah i remember that :P13:09
GridCubeand two sides file browsers with [+] expandable trees all the way13:09
TheSheepxtree gold!13:17
* TheSheep still doesn't have desktop icons13:18
bhankinsI kind of liked the midnight commander interface.13:22
n2diyCosmos episode 10 is a mind bender.13:35
TheSheepcosmos 1999?13:35
TheSheepahm it was space 199913:36
TheSheepanyways, #xubuntu-offtopic13:37
n2diyActually, it's on topic, I've been trying to get flash working here, and Cosmos was my target. Gridcube, and others were helping me yesterday, but I guess he isn't paying attention?13:39
GridCubedoes flash works now n2diy ?13:40
n2diyGridCube,  I have a third box here that I use for weekly backups, so essentially it is a virgin install of 12.04. Last night I loaded VLC media player on it, and watched Cosmos 10 on youtube. So, yes I did. Wrong box, but it proves the network isn't the issue.13:43
n2diyGridCube, but I couldn't watch Ep. 8 or 9, so I'm guessing I'm missing some codecs or something?13:46
GridCubemmhm i see, again i would try to figure out why your video drivers dont work13:47
GridCubeif you have xubuntu-restricted-extras you have all the drivers you could need13:48
n2diyGridCube, ok, I was planning on re-installing 12.04 on the test box, and starting fresh. I have a pile of vid. cards somewhere, so I could change that before the install.13:48
GridCube:) that would probably help13:48
GridCubeif you have nvidias thats better, i havent had many problems with them13:49
n2diyThe problem card is a NVIDIA! But it needs changing anyway. Let me grab some coffee, and walk the dog, find the cards...13:50
xubuntu509Hello Guys. Is here any Autoinstaller which can install Jave Jre7. I need to run Mc Server with Xubuntu.13:54
bazhang!java | xubuntu509 have a read13:55
ubottuxubuntu509 have a read: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:55
xubuntu509Ok. Thank you!13:55
Marzataubu 12.04 has support for 5 yrs, xubu 12.04 for 3 yrs, right?14:39
Marzataif you install ubu 12.04 and add xfce4 or lxde what the support time will be?14:39
holsteinMarzata: xubuntu *is* ubuntu14:44
holsteinyou can look and and think about what is going to be supported for 5 years... the kernel for example14:44
holsteinall the ubuntu specific stuff, and the server stuff.. all the security updates14:44
holsteinwhats not going to be supported for 5 years? the xubuntu specific stuff.. this xubuntu session.. the security updates (if any) to the xubuntu 12.04 version of XFCE14:45
Marzatais there a way to see what are the xubu 12.04 packages which will be supported only for 3 yrs?14:46
holsteinMarzata: sure.. *all* of them will only be supported for 3 years14:46
holsteinMarzata: anything xubuntu specific will not be supported for 5 years.. only the stuff that needs be supported for 5 years14:47
holsteinwould that be a deal breaker for me? no...14:47
Marzataxfce is not ubuntu specific, right?14:47
Vlad176Anyone know if Linux/ Xubuntu is compatible with AMD ati RS482 graphic card? My monitor gets vertical lines when it suddenly freezes.14:48
Marzataoh, I meant xubuntu specific14:48
Marzatadunno, а другой монитор нет?14:48
holsteinMarzata: not necesarily, but there will be no reason for ubuntu/cannonical to keep XFCE up to date in the repos, and the xubuntu team is guarnateeing 3 years14:48
Vlad176Don't speak Russian that much.14:49
Marzataso ubuntu + xfce4 will be 5 years, xubuntu specific just 314:50
GridCubeMarzata, check this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/xubuntu-desktop14:50
holsteinVlad176: i would try a different driver.. the vesa driver is a good way to test... sometimes i just fire up a puppy live CD since there is an easy GUI at boot for choosing the vesa driver... if all is well, i grab the xorg.conf and put it in buntu14:50
GridCubethis are all the contents of the xubuntu-desktop metapackage Marzata, thats the stuff xubuntu needs to work14:50
MarzataGridCube: ah, thanks! so, those are with 3 years support.14:51
holsteinMarzata: there will be no reason for XFCE to be "kept up to date" by canonnical..14:51
Marzataholstein: yes, that is clear14:51
GridCubeMarzata, xubuntu team will try to keep them all up to date for 3 years, but they are not made by them, they will just try to make them work14:52
holsteinMarzata: cool... so for the record, ubuntu + xfce4 will *not* be for 5 years14:53
Vlad176Dude, I've never tried to change anything with my hardware. I didn't have any problems with Ubuntu. I recently switched to Linux. I had this same hardware when using Vista and I had same problems with freezing up and stuff but such things were extremely rare. Like.. couple times a year14:53
MarzataGridCube: yes, still very big effort for the xubu team14:53
holsteinVlad176: you might want to test the hardware then to makes sure its not something motherboard related... xubuntu *is* ubuntu, and its likely that the newer kernels have "dropped" support for your hardware14:53
holsteinVlad176: i usually isolate the hardware from the driver issues by using a live CD with the vesa driver or safe graphics mode..14:54
craigbass1976I'm trying to use UNetbootin with a xubuntu iso.  I guess a gig isn't going to cut it.  Is there a pared down xub image I can get that will fit on this thumb drive?  I'm out of CDs, and this is the biggest thumb drive I've got.15:21
GridCubecraigbass1976, all xubuntu isos are under 700mb15:23
GridCubethey fit on 1gb thumbdrives15:23
craigbass1976GridCube, the iso itself does, but I'm trying to make it bootable.  I'VE FOUND A CONVERT!!!!  Anyway, I'm out of cds and trying ot get xubuntu on their laptop today.15:24
GridCubecraigbass1976, unetbooting makes it booteable15:24
GridCube:/ and only takes 700mb15:25
Troy^hey guys i just installed docky how do i remove the original xubuntu dock15:39
craigbass1976GridCube, I copied the iso over though and the laptop booted right to windows.  I know you can burn an iso as an image on cd, or just copy it over, and didn't know if there were some similar issue here with the thumb drive15:40
GridCubecraigbass1976, copying the iso its not the way to go15:42
GridCubeyou have to use a program like unetbootin to convert it into a booteable usb15:42
GridCubebut it doesnt take more space than what it would as a livecd15:43
craigbass1976GridCube, http://static.inky.ws/image/2647/image.jpg  Does that look right?  I idd this before and hit OK, then ran out of space on a 1g drive that's showing empty before hand15:47
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
GridCubecraigbass1976, sound fine15:48
craigbass1976GridCube, wait...  There are .Trash directories that are probably full of stuff.  I have cruzer...15:49
GridCubeformat it using gparted craigbass197615:49
milne8204I have a problem whit flash player anyone can help me ?15:49
GridCube!details | milne820415:50
ubottumilne8204: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:50
milne8204I have a problem whit flash player anyone can help me ? I am running Xubuntu 12.04 When I try to open a video in Internet, it does not start at all.15:52
GridCubethat sounds awfully familiar to n2diy problem with flash15:52
GridCubemilne8204, its a fresh install?15:53
GridCubedid it work earlier?15:53
SkippersBossmilne8204, what link ArE you trying to open15:53
GridCubedo you have your proper video drivers?15:53
milne8204SkippersBoss, any video in internet15:53
recon_lapmilne8204: how did you install flash?15:54
craigbass1976GridCube, Well, that was a bit on the retarded side.  I wonder why things don't just erase on those cruzer drives15:54
GridCubemilne8204, do you have other problems with flash? do games play?15:54
Fizzikhmm, how do i get rid of the xfce dock i have docky installed15:54
milne8204GridCube, I have base driver for my video card because it is very old :D15:54
Fizzikand now they are both present15:54
milne8204GridCube, game does not start to15:54
GridCubecraigbass1976, becase people make mistakes and having a trash folder is helpful15:54
GridCubemilne8204, have you installed the xubuntu-restricted-extras15:55
milne8204GridCube, several times :D15:55
craigbass1976No, I remember emptying the trash with that drive over the course of a year or so, and saw some of the things in the ttrash were from farther back than that.  It didn't empty15:56
milne8204xubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.15:56
recon_lapmilne8204: what browser are you using?15:56
milne8204recon_lap, firefox15:57
milne8204recon_lap, but have google-chrome and says that flash is aut of date15:58
recon_lapmilne8204: have a look in firefox plugin's and see if it lists flash15:58
milne8204recon_lap, ok will check15:59
milne8204recon_lap, I have shocable flas from gnash16:01
recon_lapok, look it up, it's the open source flash player16:03
milne8204I will reinstal slash player and remove gnash16:04
milne8204and will tell what hapends16:04
milne8204recon_lap, nothing happens16:17
holsteinits good to have realistic expectations of the hardware.. i have an old eeepc900, and it doesnt do flash very well16:19
holsteinsometimes i install the chrome browser, since it has its own flash integrated and i find that helpful for troubleshooting purposes16:20
recon_lapmilne8204: goto  http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/16:20
v1adimirhey is this the PPA for TOR? https://launchpad.net/~ubun-tor/+archive/ppa16:21
v1adimiroh noes, 11.10 is the latest ver.16:21
recon_lapmilne8204: you get any response from that page?16:22
milne8204now what should I do ? :D16:23
recon_lapwhat version does it say?16:23
recon_lapshould be a little box saying  "you have version"16:24
n2diyGridCube, just finished the re-install with a different Vid. card, boots but no display! Trying another card.16:25
milne8204I do not see that sing16:25
milne8204i have a table whit different OS, and for Linux says
holsteinmilne8204: you can take a screenshot if you need help interpreting the data16:26
genii-aroundv1adimir: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor shows the repository to use as "deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org precise main"16:26
v1adimirgenii-around: thanks, but the repo version isn't 12.04 - I guess I will use the all-in-one download and just run it without 'installing' it; tnx.16:28
recon_lapanyway milne8204 , try reinstall using apt, "sudo apt-get -purge xubuntu-restricted-extras " , then " sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"16:28
milne8204ok will try recon_lap16:28
genii-aroundv1adimir: Please note the "precise" in the url I gave, which corresponds to 12.0416:28
v1adimirgenii-around: ohh, gotcha16:28
recon_lapmilne8204: before installing again , do this as well  "sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer "16:29
recon_lapmilne8204: and no - before purge, opps16:30
milne8204recon_lap, ok thanks16:31
recon_lapis it working?16:31
milne8204i got it that no "-" necessary16:31
milne8204now will install16:31
recon_lapok, fingers crossed, remember to close all browsers and start one before testing at that url16:32
milne8204should I restart browser ?16:32
recon_lapmilne8204: yes16:32
milne8204now says that have not flash player16:34
milne8204recon_lap, it does not start16:35
recon_lapmilne8204: ok, try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer , see if that helps16:36
milne8204no, same16:38
Vlad433How do I start in safe graphics mode?16:38
holsteinVlad433: i usually try a live CD such as puppy linux.. theres a nice GUI there to start with teh vesa driver... from the ubuntu live CD's you can tap shift while booting and try the F6 "nomodeset" option16:40
recon_lapmilne8204: that page still saying you dont have FF installed?16:40
Vlad433And how do I sent a private message, holst?16:40
milne8204recon_lap, no the screen is white and do nothing : D16:41
recon_lapmilne8204: just white at http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ ? nothing but white?16:42
holsteinVlad433: i might reference something like http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IRC/beginners.html16:42
milne8204ohh sorry i didnt understand :)16:42
recon_lapmilne8204: it saying anything?16:44
milne8204i made a screenshot16:44
recon_laphmm, should show where that green line is16:46
recon_lapmilne8204: try clicking on the green line, see if anything comes up.16:47
milne8204it is as a object16:48
recon_lapmilne8204: and dont forget to close all browsers before each test16:48
milne8204i can resize whit my mouse, the same thing happens when I start a video in internet the screen have a green line in right side16:49
milne8204recon_lap, you mean to try again to reinstall all16:50
recon_lapmilne8204: ok, you want to reinstall firefox?16:50
recon_lapmilne8204: does it work in crome ?16:50
milne8204i have google-chrome but it does not work too16:50
recon_lapmilne8204: it's possible you got some flash like program installed somewhere on your system thats interfering.16:51
recon_lapmilne8204: also check firefox addon and extensions to see what in there16:52
milne8204i have purge it16:52
recon_lapmilne8204: you can get all sorts of odd flash installs, web pages offer to install it all the time16:53
milne8204ok what should I do ?16:53
recon_lapmilne8204: look in firefox plugins to see in it say it's installed16:54
milne8204I have nop java instaled in my plugins16:55
milne8204just shockwave flash16:55
recon_lapmilne8204: and in extensions  ? any flash blocker ?16:56
milne8204how to recognize a flash blocker ? :D16:57
recon_lapmilne8204: generally the name is a clue :)16:58
milne8204I have extensions: Ubuntu Firefox Modification 2.2.116:59
milne8204and Global menu bar integration16:59
milne8204I can disable bout16:59
recon_lapmilne8204: all seems fine16:59
holsteinmilne8204: disable all for troubleshooting purposes..17:00
recon_lapmilne8204: you mind purging firefox and reinstalling, you'll lose any bookmarks ect17:00
milne8204My PC is a mystery :D17:00
milne8204recon_lap, ok will reinstall but dont thin it will help17:00
milne8204I can reinstal xubuntu too ;D17:01
recon_lapmilne8204: purge it, then install , then we will have to start looking at files :)17:01
recon_lapmilne8204: lets not go there unless we have to :) this is not windows :)17:01
milne8204recon_lap, ok i own you :) you had lost a lot time whit me :)17:02
milne8204recon_lap, nice one :D17:02
milne8204should I delete a files in home directory ?17:03
recon_lapmilne8204: no, purge should do it17:03
milne8204the firefox is purged17:04
recon_lapmilne8204: install it again17:05
Sysipurge doesn't touch users files, just local settings17:05
recon_lapSysi: good to know.17:06
milne8204ok installed17:07
recon_lapmilne8204: goto http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ , and check your plugins17:07
recon_lapmilne8204: dont forget to close any open firefox first17:08
milne8204how to go http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ whitdowt firefox17:09
recon_lapmilne8204: did you reinstall it?17:09
recon_lapmilne8204: ok, open a terminal and type firefox17:11
milne8204but all bootmarks are here :D17:11
recon_lapmilne8204: your user profile was not deleted , hopefully should not matter, just test it17:12
milne8204nothing happens in testing page17:13
milne8204the green line is gone but everythig else is the same17:14
recon_lapmilne8204: check plugins17:14
milne8204just shockwave flash17:15
recon_lapmilne8204:  11.2 r202 version17:16
recon_lapmilne8204: with a disable button ?17:16
milne8204whit disable button17:17
recon_lapmilne8204: running out of ideas. something is interfering17:17
milne8204will reinstal xubuntu :Д17:18
recon_lapmilne8204: you can play normal video on you system ?17:18
recon_lapmilne8204: well, how long since you install in the first place?17:20
jotekI want to speed-up my pc. What packet are not needed in Xubuntu?18:44
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=== Fizzik is now known as Troy^
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Troy^please somebody help me get rid of the default dock. I installed docky and they are now bother there19:10
Troy^now both there*19:10
Sysiyou can remove bottom panel in panel settings19:11
Troy^oh found it thanks19:12
milen8204I have just installed Xubuntu 12.04 and updated all issues, now I can not run videos and games whit my flash player19:15
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:02
SalahI'm having a strange issue with logins and such. Can anyone help?20:38
recon_lapwell, describe your issues , maybe someone can help20:42
xubuntu192salut tous le monde20:45
xubuntu192comment allez vous20:45
recon_lap !es | xubuntu19220:54
ubottuxubuntu192: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.20:54
SalahThat's French, not Spanish. I think.20:55
SalahWhat language xubuntu192 is using, that is.20:55
Salah"Hi, everyone! How are you"20:55
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:55
SalahSo today I tried logging into my account. The screen just blacks out, says a few things then "Plymouth server disconnected," then returns me to the screen.20:56
recon_lapSalah: thx20:56
SalahWould anyone know what's going on in that case?20:56
recon_lapSalah: emm, what account?20:56
SalahMy Xubuntu user account.20:57
drcIs this an old or new account (i.e., did it work yesterday?)20:58
SalahIt worked yesterday. I haven't done anything that I can consider a trigger.20:58
drcno updates?20:59
drcand which version?21:00
SalahNo. The other accounts work when I log in to them.21:00
SalahXubuntu 12.04.21:00
SalahIf I can decrypt my home folder from another account I wouldn't mind the issue as well.21:00
recon_lapSalah: so the home directory is  encrypted21:02
drcI have no knowledge of encrypted home dirs, sorry21:03
SalahWith the encryption service the Xubuntu installation requires.21:03
drcI avoid them like the plague21:03
SalahIt's probably better to encrypt files and folders, not the entire home folder. For situations like this.21:04
recon_lapSalah: have you tried a tty1 login21:07
SalahWhat's that?21:07
recon_lapSalah: it's a text based login, I'll have to read up on it myself :)21:08
SalahI'll Google it.21:10
SalahI'll try to login as root. If that doesn't work, I'll post on the forums or so. Thanks for the help!21:11
recon_lapSalah: hard to find info, most people want to get out of a tty1 login, I'm just thinking thats it's a graphics issue as the account tries to load up. and there is no root in ubuntu21:14
drcHe's gone, Jim21:14
xubuntu050buona sera a tutta la chat21:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.21:25
Elchzardor even21:25
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:25
=== Chaser_ is now known as Chaser

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