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pittiGood morning04:22
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dholbachgood morning07:06
shadeslayerdholbach: hi!07:08
shadeslayercjwatson: DVD images for Kubuntu 12.04 are missing :(07:08
shadeslayerdholbach: could you review a sqlite transition diff?07:08
dholbachI'm not sure I'm an expert, but sure07:09
shadeslayerdholbach: http://paste.kde.org/538790/07:11
dholbachhum, how did it offer a -sqlite2 and -sqlite3 package before?07:13
shadeslayerdholbach: I don't understand ...07:14
dholbachah no, nevermind07:14
dholbachhum, I do wonder though why we need libsqlite0-dev and libsqlite3-dev as build-deps07:16
* shadeslayer checks logs07:17
shadeslayerdholbach: checking for SQLite 2 driver headers... /usr/include/07:18
shadeslayerseems like something requires it07:19
dholbachisn't that the plugin which is removed?07:19
shadeslayerthat's from the old logs07:19
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shadeslayer( oh cool, linuxplumbersconf uses summit )07:21
shadeslayeroh, that's wrong ...07:25
shadeslayerdholbach: I assumed libsqlite-dev will pull in libsqlite3-dev07:25
shadeslayerso that'll need fixing in the control file07:25
bkerensagnight folks!07:26
dholbachshadeslayer, I'm just doing a test-build without libsqlite0-dev07:26
shadeslayerright :)07:26
dholbachah no, seems necessary07:29
dholbachdh_install: gambas2-gb-db-sqlite3 missing files (usr/lib/gambas2/gb.db.sqlite3.*), aborting07:30
shadeslayerI was looking at the configure output myself07:30
shadeslayerand since I made it dep on libsqlite-dev, it worked ( since that pulls in libsqlite0-dev which the package picks up as sqlite3 )07:30
shadeslayerdholbach: gb.db.sqlite3/configure seems like magic07:34
cjwatsonshadeslayer: on holiday and very shortly off-net - somebody else can work it out07:38
shadeslayerit seems like everyone who would know how to fix this is on a holiday :P07:39
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Feature Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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ev@pilot in11:40
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Feature Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ev
Davieyjelmer: hey, are there plans to fix debian bug 634848 ?11:41
ubottuDebian bug 634848 in python-debian "debian.changelog: add method that gives list of closed bugs" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/63484811:41
jelmerDaviey: not that I'm aware of11:42
jelmerDaviey: (I'm not involved with python-debian upstream)11:43
Davieyjelmer: oh, sorry.. i thought you were11:43
larswebi am trying to assign a group write-access to a folder using the "setfacl" tool. but it doesnt seem to work? does anyone know this?12:08
xnoxlarsweb: support is in #ubuntu or askubuntu.com this is developer channel =)12:16
hyperairthis is weird. how does chromium-browser even build?12:22
hyperairit just bails out saying "tar: This does not look like a tar archive"12:23
xnoxhyperair: which one? the one in the archive or the one from daily ppa?12:24
xnoxthe former crashes, the later ftbfs/out-of-date12:24
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hyperairxnox: the archive one.12:27
hyperairi don't even know how i have the binary installed -- i unpack it, there's a tarball inside the source directory, which is unpacked12:27
hyperairand then the debian/rules doesn't even attempt to unpack the tarball12:28
hyperairaha, it looks like i can force this to work by running debian/rules pre-build12:31
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xnoxhyperair: i'd expect you to use 20.0.1132.47~r144678-0ubuntu5 or is this for precise?12:39
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mterrymvo, ping about https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/update-manager/stop-update/+merge/120318  - I'd like to get it in this next week before UIF13:37
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mvomterry: sure, let me have a look13:42
xnoxmvo: what's the best way to submit patches to debtagshw? debian BTS + CC you for review?13:49
mvoxnox: yeah13:50
mvoxnox: I can commit them to git13:51
mvoxnox: out of curiosity, what is the patch about?13:51
xnoxmvo: python3 support13:51
xnoxmvo: i need to add dep8 test runner and i will submit13:52
mterrymvo, we've got time before UIF for me to add a test13:53
mterrymvo, I'll try to do that if I fail for some reason, will merge to make UIF13:53
mvomterry: cool13:54
mvoxnox: please note that I will need py2 support for s-c as it looks like xapian will not make it for py313:54
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xnoxmvo: it supports both =)13:55
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mvoxnox: sweet13:55
xnoxmvo: 2.6 or better required including all the way through 3.X =)13:55
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Andy80dholbach: hi! Maybe there is a typo here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative or I'm just noob (more probable). I try to branch some packages and I always get the error that the branch doesn't exist. For example: bzr branch ubuntu:libboost1.46-dev15:47
Andy80bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu/libboost1.46-dev/".15:47
dholbachah, that's a binary package name, not a source package name15:47
dholbachapt-cache showsrc <package>      should tell you which source package it belongs too15:48
dholbachgood point15:48
Andy80dholbach: another possible problem.... even if you do: apt-cache showsrc libboost1.46-dev - you can get: W: Unable to locate package libboost1.46-dev15:49
dholbachare you on precise?15:50
Andy80dholbach: I suspect because that particular version is only available in quantal15:50
Andy80and not in precise15:50
Andy80do I need Quantal to fix those packages? If yes I can't do :(15:50
dholbachah no, it should exist in precise too15:50
Andy80maybe with a different version15:50
dholbachah, do you have a deb-src line enabled in /etc/apt/sources.lists?15:50
dholbachor in software-properties you need to check 'sources'15:51
dholbachotherwise apt only knows about binary packages :)15:51
Andy80let me check...15:51
Andy80good point15:51
dholbachI'll see if that's covered in our docs15:52
dholbachfiled bug 104125615:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041256 in Ubuntu Packaging Guide "Cover 'deb-src' line in getting-set-up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104125615:54
Andy80dholbach: ok, my fault... it was because of the sources not enable. Now I get a loooooong output for the command: apt-cache showsrc libboost1.46-dev15:55
Andy80which one is the line that I need?15:55
dholbachthe first one15:55
Andy80yeah! It's branching :)15:56
dholbachfantastico :)15:57
Andy80at least I'm testing the whole procedure/howto ;)15:57
Andy80by the way nice job! It's exactly what we need to make people start contributing15:58
dholbachyeah, let's see how it goes :)15:59
Andy80ok now I feel even more stupid :D I can't find the typo in the debian/control ;) you say "libboost1.46-dev (binary): unused-override spelling-error-in-description" but there are many descriptions... and I cannot find the "unused-override"16:03
dholbachhaha ok, sorry - my mistake (again)16:04
dholbachlintian finds mistakes in packages16:04
dholbachyou can override some of the warnings with a lintian-override16:05
dholbachit seems in this case an override was added, but it's not needed16:05
Andy80I still don't get it... it's because I don't know this "lintian-override". Which line is "bugged" in this case? And how should it be?16:06
dholbachit's a bad example I picked for the list - basically it went like this: at some stage there was a mistake in the package, lintian complained, the maintainer felt it was not a problem, so they added an override, so lintian would not complain any more - it seems like this problem in the past is gone now16:08
dholbachso the override is not needed any more16:08
dholbachthere's a line in debian/rules where the spelling-error-in-description override is added - that line can be safely removed16:09
dholbachAndy80, I'm afraid you picked one of the harder problems :)16:09
dholbachbut I just checked - this line can be removed16:10
dholbachhave a great weekend everyone16:13
dholbachand good luck Andy80 - I'm sure there are others in here who can help you out if you should get stuck16:13
Andy80dholbach: while you were checking the problem I worked and committed the second one https://code.launchpad.net/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/quantal/kdevelop-custom-buildsystem/typo-fix/+merge/121223 :D16:13
dholbachsee you around! :)16:14
Andy80yeah I keep going :) it's easy ;)16:14
Andy80arghh..... I always get the weird problems...16:18
Andy80I saw another typo after I ran bzr lp-propose16:18
Andy80and I tried to run it again and I get this: bzr: ERROR: There is already a branch merge proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/quantal/kdevelop-custom-buildsystem/typo-fix/+merge/12122316:19
Andy80oh it's ok now16:21
SpamapSso, as an nvidia user, do I just have to wait until Nvidia drops new drivers to dist-upgrade?16:33
SpamapS(in quantal)16:33
xnoxAndy80: by the way, boost1.46 is superseeded by boost1.49 in quantal.16:35
xnoxAndy80: 1.46 is pending removal in quantal.16:36
Andy80xnox: oh... well... just refuse the mp16:37
Andy80ok, dinner time, I'll continue it later16:41
infinityxnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1164755/16:46
xnoxinfinity: damn it!16:54
xnoxinfinity: I am off to give ben a kick16:54
infinityxnox: Did you miss having build-deps in the transition tracker?16:55
infinityxnox: Might make some sense, from the POV of possible ORed false positives, but in the above case, only two of those are ORed deps (and should be fixed anyway), and the rest aren't.16:55
xnoxinfinity: I was fixing some of these in Debian, where there are errorous build-deps on a "libboost1.42-dev | libboost-dev"16:56
xnoxinfinity: will adjust the tracker to make it right.16:56
infinityThis could be why I never use trackers.16:57
infinityAnd just trust the archive to not lie to me when I ask it questions.16:57
infinityQuestions like "yo, archive, does stuff still depend on this thing that I want to remove?"16:57
infinityAnd it's all like "dude, don't do it, you have so much to live for."16:57
infinityAnd it all goes downhill from there.16:58
infinityUntil the archive and I share a case of beer and reminisce about old times.16:58
* xnox is taking notes on effective AA16:58
* xnox ponders how mumble ever manages to work at all17:20
ogra_it steals unicorns and pixie dust from btrfs17:23
ogra_thats why btrfs never gets finished btw17:23
DebolazOf course, the real reason is that they have no goals.17:27
ogra_the unicorns ?17:27
* penguin42 notes that a unicorn as a goalee would be messy; it would always catch the ball on it's horn17:43
xnoxinfinity: you have now send me down the path of taking (!) patches from asterisk to fix (!!) zeroc-ice for (!!!) java7 compat to merge (!V) mumble to remove (V) boost.18:02
micahgxnox: welcome to being a core dev :)18:04
infinityxnox: It's not too late to remove yourself from the group.18:06
ogra_infinity, !18:07
* xnox decisions decisions decisions18:23
Andy80what does this command exactly: bzr bd -- -S      ?18:48
micahgAndy80: builds a source package from a bzr branch18:50
slangasekAndy80: it creates a temporary bzr export of your current branch (including any uncommitted changes) to a temp directory in ../build-area, then invokes dpkg-buildpackage with any arguments after the -- (in this case, -S, which means "only do a source build")18:50
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Andy80micahg, slangasek I found it in this contest https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative - so basically after I execute "bzr lp-propose" I also execute those two command to send the package to Debian, right?19:17
slangasekAndy80: what two commands?19:17
slangasekah, bzr bd -- -S + submittodebian?  yes; the first is not actually part of sending it to Debian, it only verifies the source package can be built; you should also verify that your *binary* package builds before submitting to Debian19:18
slangasekAndy80: so I think you should run 'bzr bd' without the -S at all, here19:19
Andy80ah ok19:19
Andy80luckly I haven't sent it yet19:19
Andy80it's still building :(19:19
Andy80I'm on a slow netbook...19:19
Andy80and... that "submittodebian" does all work :P ? I mean the submitting...19:21
slangasekit automates as much of it as it can, then drops you into an editor so you can compose the bug report to Debian19:22
pedahzurhallyn: around?19:22
Andy80slangasek: it looks like something went wrong (executing: bzr bd) http://pastebin.com/Gtx9G83519:24
pedahzursoren: around?19:26
slangasekAndy80: yes; that command tries to build the package, and you need to have the build dependencies installed to build the package19:26
slangasekAndy80: let me have a closer look at that wiki page; maybe I'm sending you down a wrong path19:27
Andy80slangasek: yeah, I understand the missing deps, but... wasn't there a method to automatically install all the deps before building the package?19:27
slangasekAndy80: have you gone through http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/getting-set-up.html ?19:27
slangaseki.e.: have you set up pbuilder?19:27
Andy80I should have..... let me check (I don't remember if I did it on this netbook or on the office PC)19:28
slangasekAndy80: so you should be able to run 'bzr bd --builder=pdebuild'19:28
slangasekand that should take care of the dependencies for you19:28
Andy80slangasek: ok it looks like I didn't run pbuilder-dist. On my office PC it was ok, here I get this: andrea@andrea-1215P:~/Documents/sviluppo/Ubuntu/gambas2$ pbuilder-dist pangolin create19:30
Andy80Warning: Unknown distribution "pangolin". Do you want to continue [y|N]? n19:30
slangasekpangolin isn't the distribution name; the name is 'precise'19:30
Andy80oh sorry -.-19:31
Andy80how I'm stupid -.-19:31
Andy80ok... it's getting stuff ;)19:32
hallynpedahzur: what's up?19:33
Andy80so I'll run 'bzr bd --builder=pdebuild' and it will build the package for "precise"19:33
slangasekAndy80: I believe that's correct19:33
pedahzurhallyn: I added the PPA from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/+archive/backports, but trying to upgrade qemu-kvm tells me seabios and vgabios are too old.  Did I do something stupid, or do I need to raise a bug to have seabios and vgabios backported as well?19:35
pedahzurhallyn: Sorry if I got the wrong channel to discuss this. Will happily move it if I need to.19:35
hallynpedahzur: d'oh, if i created that then yes i should have backported those too.  i'll do that.19:37
pedahzurhallyn: Ah...OK...my sanity *is* in tact. :)19:37
pedahzurhallyn: Shall I raise a bug, or is that needed?19:37
hallynpedahzur: no need.  thanks for bringing it up!19:39
xnoxAndy80: although it's a pain, I do $ bzr bd -S; and then use pbuilder-dist $series build $package.dsc19:40
pedahzurhallyn: you're welcome. Thanks for responding quickly!19:40
slangasekxnox: however, 'bzr bd -S' can also fail due to missing build-dependencies19:40
slangasekas you probably know :)19:40
xnoxAndy80: because with pdebuild a package can escape and nuke stuff in your home dir =/19:40
xnoxslangasek: pdebuild builds source package locally, so it can also fail ;-)19:41
slangaseksilly thing19:41
slangasekright, so we should scrap all references to pbuilder in the guide and replace them with sbuild immediately ;)19:41
Andy80xnox: so if I already have the .dsc, I do: pbuilder-dist precise build gambas2_2.23.1-1ubuntu6.dsc19:43
Andy80let's try...19:44
Andy80and it will get the deps automatically?19:45
jbichasbuild wasn't too difficult to set up19:45
xnoxslangasek: sbuild can also operate on the unpacked tree & escape *gasp*19:45
Andy80yes it's getting...19:45
xnoxslangasek: clearly we should switch to yum & RPM19:45
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slangasekxnox: what packages are you building that you haven't already audited debian/rules on to make sure they don't rm -rf ~ ? :)19:46
slangasekyou can certainly configure schroot to not bind-mount things you're worried about, if that's the issue19:46
xnoxslangasek: not sure, there were some funny onces with vorlon@d.o in the change-by field. Do you know who that is?19:47
slangasekxnox: a dastardly rogue19:47
xnoxslangasek: i think I got bitten by modifying packaging & adding patches.... only to have the build-dir purged and loosing my changes.19:48
xnoxnothing too serious.19:48
hallynpedahzur: I just blindly pushed them without a local build first (dependencies looked innocent).  They *should* build fine in a few mins19:49
pedahzurhallyn: seabios is already there...wow...that was fast!19:49
slangasekxnox: ah :)19:53
pedahzurhallyn: I see the packages listed now...do you know how long does it take to update the packages indexes?  Even after 'update' apt is still complaining.19:54
pedahzur(impatient, aren't I?)  :)19:55
SpamapShm, why would quantal's argparse.py be different from debian unstable's?19:57
slangasekSpamapS: possibly because later versions of the package in Debian sid are including pulls of the release branch from the upstream VCS20:01
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xnoxsbuild-build-depends-lo-menubar-dummy : Depends: libboo-dev but it is not installable20:02
xnoxboo sbuild boo =)20:02
hallynpedahzur: unfortunately the ppas are lower priority for the builders than the archive.  (naturally)20:04
hallyni'd expect 20 mins or so, but some days it can be hours20:04
pedahzurhallyn: Ah...just because it's listed doesn't mean it's built. Gotcha.20:05
pedahzurhallyn: but it is here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-virt/backports/ubuntu/ :)20:05
pedahzurBut not yet listed in http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-virt/backports/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Weird.20:05
SpamapSslangasek: ah, ok, well it seems horribly broken in sid20:06
hallyni need to reboot into q for a test.  bbl20:06
pedahzurhallyn: So I take it the builders "sweep" the pools to generate the package indexes?20:06
slangasekSpamapS: probably warrants an RC bug against the package?20:06
infinitypedahzur: Err, there's only source there, not binaries.20:07
pedahzurhallyn: Ah!  The sources are in place, not the debs.20:07
infinitypedahzur: But I'll give the builds a bit of a bump.20:07
pedahzurhallyn: Yeah, sorry...was reading too fast when I was looking at pools.20:07
pedahzurhallyn: Again: thank you very much!  I'll be sure to bug you if seabios and vgabios have unresolved dependencies. :)20:07
pedahzurhallyn: Wow, they have no install-time deps...that simplifies things.20:08
xnoxa package fails due to -fpermissive.... while using gcc-4.7?!20:49
pedahzurhallyn: Packages built, and they are installed. And there's the 1920x1080 screen option I was after in Windows. Thank you so very much!  It is greatly appreciated!21:03
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hallynpedahzur: this was in relation to an open bug, right?  can you comment on it so i can act on the email?  (i assume this means i get to find a patch to cherrypick that fix whatever was broken)21:21
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pedahzurThe version of vgabios installed did not have the 1920x1080 mode defined.  I had not opened a bug for it.  There *might* be an open bug for it.21:22
pedahzurhallyn: ^^21:23
hallynah.  yeah, rings a bell21:23
hallynok.  thanks.21:23
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