
cjwatsonAhaha.  Um.  Installing ubiquity appears to remove unity now, presumably due to the WM changes.06:31
cjwatsonev: Do you think you could deal with this when you get in, or ask xnox or stgraber to do so?  I'm about to go off-net on vacation - just noticed this while debugging a problem with building the Qin image.06:32
cjwatsonMay need to extend ubiquity-dm to handle unity directly, or revert my recent change if the cure is worse than the disease there, or something else.06:33
evcjwatson: firefighting the retracers. I'll pass it on to stgraber or xbox when they get in.08:12
evstgraber: could you or xnox take care of this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1163918/ - I'm in the middle of a firefight on errors.ubuntu.com08:22
xnoxI wonder about the TORAM option and actually performing installation back to the USB stick / origin of the live environment.11:28
xnoxseems like cia had a hookup ~10-9 hours ago.11:33
xnoxemail returned to sender in debian11:33
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