
compengihi Armageddon20:48
compengihave you tried ubuntu 12.0420:48
Armageddonbut I hear they fixed a lot of stuff20:51
Armageddonand I hear it still has a lot of problems20:52
compengii see20:55
compengiArmageddon, are you using mint?21:20
Armageddoncompengi, Gentoo21:28
ArmageddonI'm a contributor remember ?:21:29
compengiand what are you enrolled into?21:33
Armageddonarchitecture testing21:43
ArmageddonI also have my own overlay now21:43
compengihmm.. and what do you test there?21:43
compengiand nice about the overlay21:44
ArmageddonI test packages for amd64 for stabilization21:52
Armageddonif I feel it's stable enough to become stable I give it my acceptance21:52
Armageddon2 people testing a package will make it eligible to become stable, that's when the dev makes it stable and people have new updates :D21:53
compengiah, cool22:25
compengigentoo packges used to be mostly outdated and lag few versions behind. what's the state now22:27
compengiare you a general 64bit tester or for specific packages22:27
Armageddonand no, gentoo packages were never outdated22:28
Armageddonthe stable ones are but you have the choice of using unstable packages which are very up to day22:28
Armageddonso you can't really complain that they are not up to date22:29
Armageddonif you want them stable you have to use stables one, if you don't care for stability go unstable22:29
ArmageddonI prefer hybrid systems, most of its components are stable and some applications that I want to be newest I have them unstable and latest22:30
compengii used todo that with pidgin22:36
compengiare there still sometimes issues when you update core packages?22:37
ArmageddonI do it with a lot of packages22:37
Armageddonthere are never issues with updating, I never had any in 2 years now22:37
Armageddonbut sometimes you have to issue commands which are usually given to you by messages22:38
Armageddonif you don't read the news/messages given to you by portage your system will most probably break22:38
compengiyeah, like the old days :)22:40
compengisadly, i don't have spare time to play with linux anymore22:41
compengii only have little time for me22:41
compengii've been sitting on windows 7 for around 2 years now22:42
compengii need it for work, so even there i don't have a chance to use linux22:43
Armageddonnot cool at all22:44
compengiyeah, just not much interest anymore22:49
compengiso how are you doing overall22:51

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