
cheusHi, I'm on mythbuntu 12.04 and whenever my monitor is turned off my session crashes and I'm back at a login screen. Any idea what could cause the session to crash with just the press of a monitor power button? I checked acpi and saw no events.00:26
tgm4883cheus, are you using HDMI?00:43
cheustgm4883: I am00:43
tgm4883vid card?00:44
cheusnvidia 9400 GT. Had this machine running mythbuntu for successive updates since the distro's inception00:45
cheustgm4883:  12.04 knocked quite a few things for a loop.00:45
tgm4883cheus, It sounds like it's an issue with CeC00:46
cheustgm4883:  CeC?00:46
Zinn[en.wikipedia.org] HDMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia00:46
tgm4883cheus, basically, you turn your tv off, it sends a signal though HDMI00:46
tgm4883bad news is I've not heard of this issue before00:47
tgm4883you might want to try in #mythtv-users00:47
cheustgm4883: Ahh. Actually, I say it fires when I turn it off, but it might be firing when it turns back on -- at the very least I see acpi's client disconnect and crash when it comes back on00:48
tgm4883cheus, well CeC is going to cover both of those00:48
tgm4883as well as input changes00:48
tgm4883maybe volume/channel changes too00:48
cheustgm4883: Thanks for the tip. That's more than I had to start with.00:50
=== qwebirc18712 is now known as korn788
korn788hello  have a win tv 1600 tuner card and im using a windows mce remote can mythtv do ir blaster22:40
korn788and if so is there a guide i can find22:40
riddleboxdo I have to do anything special for a pvr-150 to work in mythtbuntu?23:14
riddleboxmythbuntu sees the card in the setup..but I am not seeing any tv23:14
TechnophilI vaguely recall the IPTV MPEG2 encoder stuff (PVR-150) was removed in ?0.25, can someone clarify please?23:48
TechnophilSorry IVTV23:54

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