
hfspluswhat up homies?01:15
ubottuHey Christel, Corey, Dave2, Fuchs, Gary, Martinp23, Myrtti, Pricey, VorTechS, jayne, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, dax, stew, tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)01:16
hfspluskline. :)01:16
hfsplusI'm in new hamshire01:16
Coreyelky: Hi!01:17
elkyjust makin' sure it was noted ;)01:17
elkyalso, see -ot for a slightly amusing convo01:17
bazhangmay want to keep an eye on silverghost in #ubuntu , he has collected +q in multiple other channels just in the last few minutes or so02:45
elkythe fail is strong with this one.02:47
elkyorly... * codeM0nK3Y has quit (Quit: boobs)05:47
ubottuph00rk called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:21
ubottuph00rk called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()06:24
ubottuph00rk called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:25
ubottuph00rk called the ops in #kubuntu ()06:26
ubottuph00rk called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()06:26
=== Guest83481 is now known as jussi
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1524 users, 1 overflows, 1525 limit))07:15
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1522 users, 1 overflows, 1523 limit))07:15
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1523 users, 1 overflows, 1524 limit))07:15
bkerensaelky: I'm not sure what the policy is on offensive nicks but you might wanna look in #ubuntu-women07:24
bkerensagnight folks07:25
elkyYou've been asked in numerous places to change that nick.09:40
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1628 users, 2 overflows, 1630 limit))12:37
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1629 users, 2 overflows, 1631 limit))12:37
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1632 users, 4 overflows, 1636 limit))12:37
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
bazhang<cifadam> but than i erased the gnome14:12
bazhangpoor gnome14:12
groupcatbest thing to happen to a gnome14:13
mneptokbazhang: if you were a shooting sports enthusiast, and read Internet threads about your hobby, you would have stopped feeling badly for gnomes a long, long time ago.14:14
bazhanghehe nice one14:14
emI would like ikonia to account for his mishandling of op privileges and apologise to me.16:38
Piciem: Er.. can I get some context here?16:40
emThis is -- ostensibly -- the channel for dealing with operator abuse. No one really takes that seriously or believes that any of you do, but this is your chance.16:40
emPici: quite some long time ago -- I would like this channel to account for the exact length of time so that is part of the record -- I was baned from #ubuntu16:41
PiciSo we're here to discuss your ban?16:41
emIt was not for anything I did in #ubuntu and I believe this channel will not find any record in its extensive logs of me doing anything inappropriate there.16:41
emPici: We are here to discuss holding ikonia accountable for his inappropriate ban, the length of time it has been in effect, and to get some explanation and apology from him.16:43
Piciem: From what I can see from my logs, the ban looks justified.  He also made a note in late July that he has tried to speak with you on a few occasions to resolve it but you said that you were busy when he contacted you.16:44
emPici: explain the reason for the ban.16:45
Piciem: It states here that you were sending unsolicited private messages to #ubuntu users asking them to join ##club-ubuntu16:45
emPici: Well that is ridiculous.16:46
emPici: what is the basis of that allegation?16:46
emPici: Who is the person or people I sent these 'unsolicited messages' to?16:47
Piciem: That wasn't mentioned.  I'll also add that another op also made a comment on the ban stating something similar.16:47
mneptokem: given your long history, i think it best if you use the !appeals process. one man's opinion.16:48
emI want to know who the person or people were who received the fictional unsolicited messages.16:49
emI want to know how long this ban has been in place also, please.16:49
mneptokem: Feb 4 this year.16:49
emI think it is urgent that the Ubuntu community recognises the damage that people like Ikonia are capable of inflicting upon it.16:49
Piciem: This doesn't have anything to do with ikonia.  Other ops have the ability and permissions to remove bans that other ops place.16:50
PiciJust because one person "presses the button" to ban someone doesn't mean that there wasn't a conversation amongst other ops about it beforehand.16:51
emFebruary, March, April, May, June, July, August -- Seven months. Seven months Ive been banned for fictional unsolicited messages that only ever existed ikonia's mind.16:51
Tm_TI would like to note that the lenght of the ban is irrelevant most of the time16:52
mneptokem: bans do not auto-expire. you know this.16:52
Tm_Tlength too16:52
PiciAgain, ikonia was not even the first person to place the comment on the ban regarding your alleged private messages.16:52
emIt's a bit relevant to me. Since I was the one baned inappropriately.16:52
PiciI agree that the ban has been in place for a long time, but it seems that you have been contacted at least twice in the meantime to resolve it.16:53
Tm_Tem: the ban is in effect as long as it takes to sort it, if you have been refusing to sort it out then I don't know why you are bringing the length to the discussion now16:53
PiciIf you'd actually like to resolve the ban, I think that we'd need some time to go through our logs to determine what exactly happened, since, as you said, the ban does not state who you were messaging.16:54
emTruthfully, since I never did anything wrong, and since all of this only existed in ikonia's mind, I think it is just a further injustice that I should have to be here or do anything at all to resolve it.16:55
PiciWell, thats what our appeals process is for.  You could have tried to go through that at any time since the ban was placed.16:56
mneptokem: you have a history of trying to recruit people to join #club-ubuntu. now, there's zero tolerance from us and a tendency to believe reports that you're doing this.16:57
emmneptok: I would like to point out -- since this is logged and all -- that what you are saying is not quite accurate.16:58
emmneptok: I have no history of recruiting anyone from #ubuntu16:58
PiciThen throw an 'allegedly' in there somewhere if you choose to think about it like that.16:58
mneptokem: i really, really do not want to dig out my gzipped logs.16:58
emI dont even thing, until now, that Im alleged to have recruited anyone from #ubuntu16:59
mneptokem: you have invited ME there in PM.16:59
emThere was a different channel that was alleged to have been a problem. I'm not worried about that channel.16:59
emmneptok: Well if I ever pmed you, that's entirely different, we have known one another for a long time. You are a good guy :)17:00
emIf Im alleged to have pmed friends on Freenode, then I'm guilty of that.17:01
mneptokem: be that as it may ...17:01
mneptok10:58 < em> mneptok: I have no history of recruiting anyone from #ubuntu17:01
mneptok^^ false ^^17:01
emAs for people I don't know in #ubuntu -- never.17:01
mneptoki am in #ubuntu. you invited me. your assertion is false.17:01
mneptokem: so let's move away from absolutes.17:02
emmneptok: is #ubuntu the only channel you are in?17:02
mneptokem: i assure you, this line of thinking is not going to reflect well on you at this point.17:03
mneptokem: let's move beyond absolutes like, "i never" and "ikonia is"17:03
mneptokem: by your own admission, you have recruited people from the #ubuntu* namespace in the past. maybe not #u itself.17:04
emSorry -- because this channel is logged -- I have to be really careful about what I seem to agree with. In normal conversation your last post would be fine but strictly speaking, I have never admitted that.17:05
mneptok10:59 < em> There was a different channel that was alleged to have been a problem. I'm not worried about that channel.17:06
mneptokmaybe i misunderstood that17:06
AlanBellem: do you want to provide support, or ask support questions in #ubuntu?17:06
emI would say there is definitely a history concerning a different channel in the Ubuntu namespace where some things were alleged, and a great deal of confusion and unnecessary drama surrounded that.17:06
emAlanBell: yep.17:06
mneptokem: you are, in effect, asking a bank to not modify their behavior toward you based on what goes on in any one branch office. you steal office supplies from one branch, no one is supposed to be cautious when you enter another. that's just not the way things work.17:07
emBut I maintain -- and I believe the logs bear it out -- that as far as #ubuntu goes - I have always understood the purpose of that channel and have not done anything inappropriate there.17:07
mneptokem: see above. this is why you are on a "short leash." your history warrants careful attention to your behavior.17:08
emI think that ikonia also has a history of allegedly damaging the Ubuntu reputation and should reconsider being an op. That should be left to adults like yourselves with fully developed human emotional skills.17:08
mneptokem: well, the ad hominem stuff has really put me off. so i'm going to bow out.17:09
emmneptok: this is not ad hominem. Im here to discuss ikonia's misuse of his op privileges.17:11
emmneptok: Correct me if I am wrong but that is the purpose of this channel.17:11
Myrttiyou do realise that since anyone of us could remove the ban, it's not really about him?17:12
Myrttias so many people have already said17:12
emI respect your perspective on that. But my primary concern is not for myself. It is for the Ubuntu Community.17:12
emI understand that one purpose of this channel is for people to come here to ask to be unbanned. That is what ikonia wanted me to do. I find that demeaning. In particular since it concerns his fictional allegations.17:13
PiciWell, he was only following our operator guidelines, so, as we've said, this has nothing to do with him.17:14
PiciIf this is about the ban, then thats one thing.  If this is some sort of crusade against ikonia, then thats another.17:15
PiciOr perhaps our entire operator process is at odd with what you think it should be.17:16
emI suggest that future allegations be supported with evidence or actual complaints or the ability to say "this is the person it concerns". Otherwise it has the look and feel of someone making a mistake with an axe to grind.17:16
emSeven months is really quite a long time. I thought I could be patient and let it blow over. I dont really enjoy coming here because I dont think there is a good history of people being treated fairly here -- just my opinion.17:17
PiciWe normally try to put that sort of information into our ban comments, but sometimes we forget.17:18
emI would also like to point out that ikonia is in ##club-ubuntu and said he was going to play Monopoly with us but so far has been a no show.17:19
PiciI'm afraid theres nothing I can do about that.17:20
emFair enough.17:20
Piciem: Is there anything else?17:24
Piciem: If you'd actually like to move forward with your ban removal or whatever it is with ikonia, I'm going to have to ask you to put in an email to the IRCC.17:25
emSince this is being broadcast through public logging I would also like to give a shoutout to my friend Anastasius - *clink* - As well as all the good people in the Ubuntu Community beyond IRC -- There are really some great people out there and I have a lot of respect for them.17:27
Piciem: If thats all, I'm going to have to ask you to part the channel.17:29
emAnyone who wants to join us in ##club-ubuntu on the Freeenode IRC network will always be greeted with warm welcome. Be aware though - it is not an official channel and is less restricted than official channels tend to be. By design it is not family friendly but often a source of stimulating chat.17:31
emPici: Was this resolved then?17:32
Pici13:25:48 <Pici> em: If you'd actually like to move forward with your ban removal or whatever it is with ikonia, I'm going to have to ask you to put in an email to the IRCC.17:32
emPici: Okay.17:32
PiciNow you can part.17:32
emPici: I dont have any desire to 'get ikonia in trouble'. It was just important to me to express myself and air my view on the potential for harm that can be done when people place bans for fictional reasons and keep them in place for seven months.17:33
emPici: You can surely understand - at some level - how that might irritate a person.17:34
Myrttiwell, you've also managed to distroy a lot of the remaining good will by the last few lines you posted here before your kick17:34
emMyrtti: I tried to avoid coming in here for seven months.17:35
Myrttiand you certainly should know where the appeals process is documented17:35
Myrttiand could have addressed the issue via that route17:35
Myrttiso in theory there was no need to come here to use this channel as your soapbox at all17:36
emMyrtti: my preference was to never come in here. I am making the best of it.17:37
Myrttiyou're not doing too well.17:37
emMyrtti, Pici so the idea is that I should send an email if I want the baseless ban of seven months to be lifted?17:37
Myrttiif you can formulate an email that lists all the facts, whatever of your own sources or logs you have at hand, and work on the basis of what the IRC guidelines and Code of Conduct(s) and even perhaps other relevant rules and guidelines you find...17:39
Myrttiperhaps then you can make solid enough and easily readable appeal that isn't ... whats the word...17:40
Myrttiappeal that isn't muddled up by the ops team making comments on each sentence you write17:40
PiciMyrtti: Thank you, that is what I was trying to say.17:41
emMyrtti: Please imagine if things were reversed. Imagine that you had quite literally done nothing but use #ubuntu in the 'correct way'. Now imagine that ikonia suddenly bans you because he 'senses something'. Now imagine that you patiently wait seven months to let him or the powers that be resolve that breach of responsibiity. I think after seven months you might possibly be a bit miffed :)17:41
Myrttiem: I wouldn't have waited for seven months to begin with17:42
MyrttiI would have written that email months ago.17:42
Myrttiyou haven't.17:42
emNo small part of it is that I speculate that ikonia did this, in the way that he did because he explicitly knows I dont want to participate in this channel. I tried to contact him several times personally.17:42
Myrttiwe can't help that17:42
ikoniaok - that's just lies17:42
emIndeed he is, himself, by his own choice in ##club-ubuntu where I occasionally talk to him there. I assume he enjoys being there.17:42
emikonia: oh good I am glad you are here. Could you please explain why I was banned to clear this up?17:43
ikoniayou have never contacted me about the ban. and on the occasions I have contacted your - you have informed me you where too busy17:43
PiciThis has stopped being the place to discuss either your ban, or ikonia or anything.17:43
knomethis isn't going anywhere, please stop17:43
ikoniaem: you've had it explained multiple times - this is over17:43
emikonia: I was busy then. I have tried to contact you in several other neutral channels.17:43
Piciemail the IRCC. we're done going back and forth in this channel.17:43
ikoniawindow 1417:43
emWell I hope you will all excuse me. I dont see this getting more productive than it has been since ikonia refuses to transparently and openly account for his decisions.17:44
emIs there anything else I can do for anyone here?17:44
Myrttias we have told you several times over17:45
emOkay then, I have a policy of not allowing certain channels to idle in my IRC client. So Im going to have to ask you all to leave my list of channels.17:45
Myrttiplease find your own way out.17:45
emTake care, and please always remember this is IRC.17:45
* mneptok bursts through the floorboards17:48
mneptokand for you, Pici, some glitter.17:49
DJonesMaybe not something to celebrate or laugh about17:49
MyrttiThank you thank you, you've been a wonderful audience17:49
Myrttiplease, try the fish, we'll be here all weekend.17:49
mneptok15 minute buffet break. then Cleo Simpson's Moody Swingers.17:52
MyrttiI'm back to waisting my time in a more productive way17:54
knomehow does one "waist" time? can time be "unwaisted" too?17:55
Myrttiwaste even17:55
Myrttianyway, I prefer Assassin's Creed at the moment.17:56
mneptokMyrtti: the first?17:56
* mneptok played that for an hour or two ...17:57
MyrttiRevelations now, I played AC2 a month ago, then we played Brotherhood and now I'm finishing off some of the Xbox360 achievements that fiancé didn't manage on the first try of playing Revelations17:57
Myrttiit's addictive17:57
knomeawwh :(17:59
* AlanBell returns from food and finds a mess of a scrollback :(18:03
mneptokand popcorn. and glitter.18:04
AlanBellfor the benefit of the log watchers, the above was a textbook example of how not to get a ban resolved.18:18
AlanBellfocussing on a reasonable reason to want to regain access to the channel and committing to follow the rules and not repeat problematic behaviour would be more constructive18:19
icequeenhi, can anyone tell me why I'm banned from #ubuntu-women?20:53
icequeenand the #ubuntu support channel?20:54
=== icequeen is now known as sissyphus
ubotturoasted called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()20:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:00
ubottuk1l_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:01
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from newgmae)21:01
sissyphusAny ops around?21:02
bkerensaMyrtti: your much quicker than I :D21:02
MyrttiI am but can't comment on that particular ban too well21:02
sissyphuslast night I got asked to change my nickname so I changed it but today when I logged on I was banned anyway =\21:03
sissyphusmy nick was "omnipotentfaggot" (same as I use around the web) but that was too edgy so I came up with "sissyphus" as a milder alternative just now21:06
bkerensasissyphus: Although I am not a operator for that channel it would seem like you have a history of issues in that channel and are not welcome there at this time.21:06
sissyphusok but why the #ubuntu support channel? that's where I go just to ask technical questions21:08
sissyphusI don't know how you could say it's anything but arbitrarily ill-will21:11
bkerensasissyphus: I do not know why the #ubuntu ban is in place21:12
bkerensaI would suggest sending a e-mail to the IRCC if you have questions about those bans21:12
sissyphuswhat's the IRCC?21:13
bkerensaUbuntu IRC Council21:13
MyrttiI'll have a look in the log, hold on21:13
Myrttimy money is on the fact that you've decided to cycle through different borderline offensive nicknames seemingly just to annoy people and specifically ops21:15
AlanBelloh I did that ban21:16
AlanBellwill chat about it later, bit busy now21:16
sissyphusMyrtti- [17:03] <sissyphus> last night I got asked to change my nickname so I changed it but today when I logged on I was banned anyway =\21:17
sissyphusAlanBell- could you at least unban me from #ubuntu ? that channel is an essential source of technical support21:18
mneptoksissyphus: Ubuntu is a support channel for Ubuntu only. other topics are expressly forbidden. no random chatter. do you understand?21:22
sissyphusMyrtti- all of my nicks are queer-themed. on ubuntu forums I'm queerkhajiit. on the avast! forums I'm omnipotentfaggot21:22
AlanBellsissyphus: ok, I banned you from -women and that ban is staying, I don't want to discuss that one further, we already chatted about that channel privately21:23
sissyphusmneptok - yes, I understand, and have never used that channel for anything but support21:23
mneptoksissyphus: also, names with pejoratives in them are really not welcome.21:23
mneptoksissyphus: do you understand those 2 points? (you said yes to the first)21:24
sissyphusis my current nick alright?21:24
mneptoksissyphus: i see nothing wrong with it.21:24
mneptok!coc > sissyphus21:25
ubottusissyphus, please see my private message21:25
mneptok!guidelines > sissyphus21:25
mneptoksissyphus: please read those.21:25
sissyphuscool. yes I understand that y'all don't want 'pejoratives' here that's why I changed my nick last night21:25
sissyphusyup I have already read those guidelines21:26
mneptoksissyphus: we will now expect you to follow them, since we know you have read them.21:27
mneptoksissyphus: i have unbanned you from #ubuntu. your ban in #ubuntu-women will have to be sorted out with someone else.21:27
AlanBellsissyphus: you might want to check that your IRC client doesn't automatically select one of the other nicks if you get disconnected or whatever21:27
sissyphusin my opinion I have always been following the guidelines. as far as I know I'm banned from #ubuntu-women based on the rationale that a woman must have a uterus21:28
AlanBellno, it wasn't that21:28
sissyphusi have never said anything rude or antagonizing just tried to be friendly21:29
elkysissyphus, not at all. on the basis that your behaviour across all your visits made people not want to speak there while you were there.21:29
maco(it's not like you'd be the first transgender person in the channel. don't flatter yourself.)21:30
sissyphusmaco - I was making reference to elky's comment that I must be "lying" about my gender21:30
sissyphuskinda uninteresting though21:31
mneptoksissyphus: if there's nothing else, please /part the channel.21:31
sissyphusI guess I still have no idea what it means that my "behaviour across all your visits made people not want to speak there while you were there." Which seems to be a different tune21:33
sissyphusFrom accuse me of lying and "appropriating oppressions" etc21:37
AlanBellsissyphus: quit while you are ahead, you got the unban from #ubuntu, the other one is not going to be lifted21:38
sissyphusforgive me if I don't consider this "being ahead"...21:40
sissyphusi am behind compared to yesterday21:41
AlanBellyou are forgiven21:41
AlanBellso there were two issues, one in #ubuntu which you have now successfully resolved, the other was a ban I placed which I will not lift, I don't think there is anything further we can help you with here. Have a great time in our other channels21:42
sissyphusI'd still like to know why I'm banned. that's all. I don't even remember saying anything in the channel yesterday, although I might have21:44
sissyphusthe only thing that was brought up to me before I was banned was a) my nickname and b) my "lying" about my gender/sexuality/whatever21:47
sissyphusI thought (a) was resolved when I changed my nickname. So the only standing issue is (b)21:47
sissyphusmy interactions in #ubuntu-women have been virtually identical to my interactions in other ubuntu channels, with the sole exception that someone took issue with the words I use to describe myself. so I can only assume that that is the issue, and that's the reason I'm banned21:49
AlanBell(b) is not the issue21:49
elkyI told you already why you were banned.21:49
AlanBellyou are welcome to have any gender/sexuality/whatever in any of our channels21:49
sissyphuselky: you said I was making people not want to speak, but I've spoken with plenty of people in #ubuntu-women21:50
elkyThe other day when you were demanding that we let you call us all "gurls".21:50
sissyphusbesides one unfortunate instance, all of those interactions have been mutually friendly21:50
sissyphuselky - I don't know if you keep logs of the channel, but you could easily disconfirm you own assertion by checking them. I don't keep logs21:51
sissyphuswhat I said was anyone who doesn't want to be called a gurl certainly has the right not to be called that, but that that right does not *also* mean no one should be allowed to call *themselves* gurls21:52
sissyphusI apologized when people reacted poorly to my use of the word and promised I wouldn't use it there again.21:53
elkyThat doesn't oblige us to let you keep hovering around.21:53
sissyphusone of the most popular bands in the UK was the Spice Girls, so clearly women have applied the label to themselves in a positive way21:54
* AlanBell likes the spice girls21:54
sissyphusmaybe most people in #ubuntu-women think the Spice Girls and all similar uses of the word "girl" to refer to adult women is stupid and antifeminist, but I didn't know they felt that way before I made the mistake of using that convention21:55
sissyphusThere is a third-wave feminist movement that uses another variation on "girl", "grrrrrl" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riot_grrrl21:56
* maco giggles about Riot Prrl21:56
* bkerensa googles21:57
macobkerensa: xkcd reference21:58
sissyphusYou are free to abhor any use of "girl" or alternative spellings, but you cannot claim either that (a) I insisted that I be able to call "girl" people who did not want that label or (b) that using "girl" is always sexist etc21:58
AlanBellsissyphus: really I don't want to remove you from here too, I am sure you are a nice person, I don't think you have done anything remotely evil, but my decision is final21:58
bkerensamaco: so nothing to do with yarn bombing items?21:58
macobkerensa: nope21:58
macobkerensa: http://xkcd.com/343/21:59
sissyphusAlanBell - why don't you simply repeal your decision?21:59
mneptoksissyphus: you are unbanned from #ubuntu. your #ubuntu-women ban will remain, per AlanBell. that means there is nothing left for you to discuss today. i suggest not asking again for at least a week. the best thing you can do now is just /part this channel.21:59
AlanBellbecause the decision was correct :) you arguing the point isn't making me feel the slightest bit comfortable about changing my decision22:00
mneptoksissyphus: but it's your shovel. if you want to dig the hole deeper by grating nerves and exhausting patience, good luck to you.22:00
sissyphuswhat makes you convinced the decision is correct, and not arbitrary?22:00
elkysissyphus, because we get to define our boundaries. You don't get to define them for us.22:01
sissyphuswho is "we"?22:01
ikoniaI placed the ban on sissyphus in #ubuntu22:02
sissyphusoh ok. how come ikonia?22:02
ikoniait was placed as the nickname was changed from omnipotentfaggot,22:02
ikoniathen the nick change back back to it after having the ban removed in #ubuntu-offtopic22:03
ikoniaI made it %100 clear to you in pm that nickname was not welcome in the ubuntu channels22:03
ikoniayou changed it (thank you) and when you thought I wasn't looking, you changed it back, so you got banned22:03
sissyphusi didn't change it back on purpose, though it might have done so when I logged in22:03
ikoniahopefully now that is cleared up you can move on22:04
ikoniasissyphus: you didn't part, you manually changed it22:04
ikoniaso that's why the ban is there, and that's why it's staying22:04
ikoniahopefully you can move on and someone else in the operator team can deal with you now I've clarified the reason.22:04
bkerensasissyphus: can you please /part the channel now that your questions have been answered.22:07
FuchsPici: maybe he manages to behave in #ubuntu-ot, but please keep an eye on, as this user managed to get quiets/bans in other social channels23:32
PiciFuchs: I missed the scrollback, was watching the apple v. samsung thing23:33
Piciwill catch up now.23:33
FuchsPici: I didn't see him in #ubuntu-offtopic yet, just aware of defocus and the fedora social channel. It might entirely be that he behaves23:33
Fuchsbut then it might not, which is why I am glad that you are awake, I won't be for long23:34
PiciPff, I won't be on here all night. thats what ldunn is for.23:39
* Fuchs fills coffee into the open ldunn23:40
Fuchshe is OURS now! Not yours anymore!23:40
ldunnI do actually have to skedaddle for a couple of hours in a bit23:40
Fuchsanyway, I think you just got an idea of what I was talking about. Bai :)23:40

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