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seb128hey dholbach08:18
dholbachcould it be that alt-drag was disabled somehow?08:19
seb128yeah, seems to not work for me as well08:19
seb128sil2100, Mirv: ^ is that known? alt-leftclick-dnd not moving dialogs anymore with the compiz-gsettings update?08:20
sil2100seb128, dholbach: yes, I also noticed it doesn't work - but maybe just the move plugin got disabled?08:36
sil2100I'm using still the old versions of packages, so my ccsm crashes08:36
* sil2100 has to update08:36
dholbachis there no way to do it without ccsm? :)08:37
seb128dholbach, according to ccsm it's binded to super-leftclick08:37
dholbachugh :(08:38
sil2100huh, indeed08:38
seb128that "works" but it triggers the unity-help if you let super pressed which makes it really slow08:38
sil2100Why did it change?08:38
seb128dholbach, can you open a bug against compiz?08:38
seb128  <schema id="org.compiz.move" gettext-domain="compiz">08:39
seb128    <key type="s" name="initiate-button">08:39
seb128      <default>'&lt;Alt&gt;Button1'</default>08:39
seb128 08:39
seb128in the schemas08:39
sil2100hm, indeed strange08:41
dholbachseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/104110508:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1041105 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Alt-leftclick-dnd does not work anymore" [Undecided,New]08:43
davidcallesil2100, your videos lens release is missing quite some files in the package :/08:45
sil2100davidcalle: huh? It is? I did it exactly as Ken instructed...08:47
sil2100davidcalle: I did python setup.py sdist08:47
davidcallehttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-lens-videos/ubuntu_ff2/revision/87 all the removed files shouldn't be removed08:47
sil2100davidcalle: and the newly prepared distro branch was building08:47
sil2100Ok, I was in a hurry, but what did I wrong then? python setup.py sdist is not the right way?08:48
davidcallesil2100, it's the right way, so I don't know what happened08:49
sil2100davidcalle: are those files really missing from the tarball? Or maybe bzr merge-upstream did something strange?08:49
seb128dholbach, thanks08:50
seb128sil2100, what files are missing?08:50
seb128sil2100, dholbach: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier '<Alt>'08:52
davidcallesil2100, trying to check if they are missing from the tarball, but Lp is super slow08:52
seb128sil2100, dholbach: sam says the GNOME integration use the mouse-button-modifier and GNOME changed that to Super08:52
seb128sil2100, dholbach: that call should fix it08:52
dholbachfixed :)08:52
dholbachyou're a hero08:52
davidcallesil2100, yes, they are missing08:52
sil2100davidcalle: I just checked, and they are missing... so what did happen during my python setup.py sdist ?08:52
seb128davidcalle, sil2100: that's not a packaging mistake, I checked the packaging08:52
seb128the diff.gz has no change out of the debian dir08:52
sil2100Everything fucked up AGAIN08:52
dholbachmaybe files/dirs missing in setup.py?08:52
sil2100davidcalle: can you re-do the tarball? Since obviously, my sdist just blows08:52
davidcallesil2100, don't know, if you give me ten min, I'll roll a new tarball08:53
davidcalleSure :)08:53
sil2100seb128: sorry about that, could have double-checked what files were removed when I was doing merge-upstream - that could have given me clues that something is wrong08:54
sil2100seb128: I just wrongly assumed  that when bzr bd doesn't fail, then everything is ok08:54
seb128sil2100, I saw the .lens dropping from the installed file but since that was in the vcs I though it was wanted08:54
sil2100davidcalle: every time I do python setup.py sdist I get the same tarball with those files not in it...08:58
sil2100davidcalle: so either something's f'd up on my system, or something wrong with the sdist rules08:59
davidcallesil2100, are you doing it on the branch without the debian folder?08:59
sil2100davidcalle: yes, I'm doing it on lp:unity-lens-videos09:00
davidcallesil2100, odd09:00
sil2100davidcalle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1164069/09:01
sil2100This is the output I'm getting09:01
seb128davidcalle, src/unity-lens-video is missing for me as well if I run "python setup.py sdist"09:01
seb128unity-lens-video.service as well missing09:02
seb128and why the heck the source in ubuntu is called unity-lens-video and the sources files as well but the project is unity-lens-video*s*09:03
sil2100Yes, that's a bit confusing indeed...09:07
davidcalleseb128, old mistake from me. I'm checking the recent commits on trunk to see what happened.09:07
davidcallesil2100, found the issue. In MANIFEST.in, should have include video.lens.in instead of video.lens09:15
davidcallesil2100, does it work on your side?09:15
Mirvindeed that alt->super is annoying now that I noticed it09:15
seb128Mirv, you can workaround it with "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier '<Alt>'"09:16
sil2100davidcalle: so how come it was working before?09:17
Mirvseb128: ok, thanks09:17
davidcallesil2100, 0.3.7 was not working actually, it just wasn't noticed, the upgrade wasn't removing video.lens from /usr/share/unity/lenses/video09:18
seb128Mirv, we are tracking that with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/104110509:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1041105 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Alt-leftclick-dnd does not work anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:18
davidcallesil2100, well, it *was* working, but by using existing files from 0.3.609:18
Mirvseb128: yeah, I'm there :)09:18
sil2100davidcalle: ah, ok, so probably the previous tarball that Ken made was also buggy09:19
davidcallesil2100, I've checked, it was09:19
sil2100We just didn't release it before because of the new dependency09:20
* sil2100 sighs09:20
sil2100davidcalle: could you roll out the new tarball ;) ?09:20
davidcallesil2100, yes09:20
popeysil2100, alt-tab seems fixed for me in 12.04 with your package09:20
Mirvpopey: what about the alt-thekeyontheleftsideofnumber1?09:22
popeythat too09:23
* Mirv upgrades09:23
popeystill flickers09:23
popeybut I am resigned to the fact that i seem to be the only person with fingers that can reproduce that09:23
sil2100popey: ;)09:27
sil2100popey: you should fill a bug against your fingers then!09:28
sil2100davidcalle: ping me when you roll out the new tarball09:28
davidcallesil2100, for some reason, I don't have the controls in Launchpad to create a milestone and release...09:28
davidcalleThat's interesting.09:28
sil2100davidcalle: huh? Ok, now this is strange - you were the one rolling out tarballs in the past, right ;p ?09:29
sil2100Since I remember poking you about that once09:29
davidcallesil2100, oh, I suppose it's because the maintainer is now PS project management team :p09:30
davidcallesil2100, well you can python setup.py sdist in trunk, should be fine ;) Just check if video.lens.in is in it09:31
davidcalleit = the tarball09:31
sil2100davidcalle: we need to fix those permissions anyway ;p09:33
sil2100popey: ^09:33
davidcallepopey, oh yeah, just add me to project management ;)09:33
sil2100Anyway, that's nice, 3 video lens tarballs in 3 days09:38
sil2100Quite nice indeed09:38
sil2100I wonder why seb128 didn't yet choke me to death09:39
sil2100davidcalle: still, the po files got removed09:40
sil2100davidcalle: the whole po/ directory09:40
sil2100davidcalle: is this anticipated?09:40
davidcallesil2100, include po/*09:40
davidcallesil2100, fixing09:41
seb128sil2100, too busy with other things, your time will come :p09:42
sil2100davidcalle: phew, good thing I didn't upload - since ANOTHER version bump is something we would probably not want ;)09:42
seb128don't worry ;-)09:42
sil2100seb128: I'm starting to worry now ;)09:42
davidcallesil2100, fixed09:43
davidcallesil2100, by the way, do you know when the next Unity release is coming?09:44
sil2100davidcalle: next week, I hope09:48
sil2100davidcalle: thanks09:48
davidcallesil2100, no problem :)09:49
popeys/, I hope//09:51
seb128sil2100, popey: it better has to be next week, you don't want didrocks to come back from holidays to see that no release went out ;-)09:52
sil2100seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-lens-videos/ubuntu_ff3 <- new 'thing' for the video lens ;p09:56
sil2100Should be ok now, publishing the tarballs09:57
seb128sil2100, it better be ok, you will own me beers otherwise :p09:57
sil2100seb128: I'll buy you one beer anyway, just in case ;p09:58
sil2100davidcalle: can you check the repo I pasted?09:59
sil2100If all the files are in ;) ?09:59
sil2100davidcalle: if you ACK, I just press 'Upload'10:02
dholbachseb128, I don't care about "some applications (mostly graphics)" :)10:03
dholbachbut well spotted :)10:03
seb128dholbach, what?10:04
dholbachjust commented on your last bug comment10:04
seb128dholbach, ah ;-)10:06
davidcallesil2100, looks fine to me, but you haven't released the tarball on the project10:08
davidcallesil2100, I mean, if this is for the tarball, it shouldn't include the packaging10:10
sil2100davidcalle: no, this is distro ;)10:10
sil2100davidcalle: it's the distro branch with the tarball merged in10:10
davidcallesil2100, oh ok then :) I've builded just to be sure, and everything is here10:11
sil2100davidcalle: ok, so tarball uploaded10:11
sil2100seb128: if anything, new tarball uploaded for video lens, the packaging is in https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-lens-videos/ubuntu_ff310:12
seb128sil2100, I'm on it!10:12
sil2100seb128: thanks !10:13
davidcallesil2100, great :) I'm pretty sure there was a change made to python setup.py sdist this cycle, the MANIFEST file was working fine before.10:13
davidcallesil2100, or maybe it was failing but ken was always supervising and fixing it. ;)10:14
seb128davidcalle, sil2100: what was not working with the buggy package? the lens was still showing in my dash and listing local and remote videos10:17
seb128davidcalle, sil2100: I would like to know what to test next time ;-)10:17
sil2100seb128: I have no idea ;p davidcalle ^ ?10:17
sil2100seb128: I just know it was missing some files, translations and something more10:18
davidcalleseb128, it was working because of files still here from previous versions. If you remove everything and install 0.3.8, it won't show up in the Dash, because of the missing video.lens10:18
seb128davidcalle, what file? local user ones?10:19
sil2100During upgrade, existing files should have been removed10:19
sil2100And only those in package included, hm10:20
davidcalleseb128, hmm, then it was something else :/ A lens can't be in the Dash without it's .lens file.10:20
seb128davidcalle, I think I screwed my testing, I still had the previous deb installed on that box it seems10:21
seb128that explains it10:21
davidcalleseb128, let's hope it does. Anyway, the new package contains everything at the right place.10:21
seb128davidcalle, is the photo lens supposed to show anything if you don't have remote photo services activated?10:25
seb128like is there a local shotwell scope or something?10:25
seb128it's empty for me10:25
davidcalleseb128, yes, there is a local shotwell scope10:26
seb128davidcalle, is it known to not work?10:27
davidcalleseb128, nope, which version do you have? Should be unity-lens-photos 0.2.110:28
seb128davidcalle, bah, still had 0.1.1 ... updating ;-)10:29
seb128davidcalle, oh10:29
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/overrides/Signon.py", line 17, in process10:30
seb128    for (key, value) in session_data.iteritems():10:30
seb128AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems'10:30
seb128I guess I need other updates :p10:30
davidcalleseb128, yeah, the signon one to work with py310:30
seb128davidcalle, better, thanks ;-)10:30
davidcalleseb128, currently, the shotwell scope fails if Shotwell hasn't been opened at least once. It's fixed in trunk.10:31
seb128davidcalle, it lists 96 photos where my shotwell has like 5000 photos10:33
seb128is that normal?10:33
seb128I guess it is, similar to the music lens10:33
davidcalleseb128, normal, the Dash doesn't handle so much results on slow machines.10:34
davidcalleseb128, I'm not sure if you have results deduplication yet with your Unity version. So you should see pretty similar results in two cats10:36
seb128davidcalle, yeah, recent and my photos are the same10:36
davidcalleseb128, hopefully it will land soon, with all results sorted by timestamp. it's pretty cool to see Facebook and Flickr friends photos all mixed :)10:38
popeyhas CTRL+ALT+T broken for anyone else in latest quantal?11:08
popeyi.e. doesn't open a terminal?11:08
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davmor2popey: it is working for me currently let me upgrade and see11:21
davmor2popey: it's now not working11:29
popeysil2100, ^^ gsettings migration fallout? keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+T no longer works11:31
sil2100popey: it's part of the gnome compatibility compiz plugin, right?11:32
sil2100We didn't migrate settings for that one...11:32
sil2100But the default should be ctrl+alt+t anyway11:33
sil2100popey, davmor2: I think the reason for this are the invalid defaults for plugin settings ;/11:33
sil2100Since as Sam pointed out, in the bast we basically modified the defaults by a distro patch and now this one got removed11:34
sil2100And probably the new gsetting settings didn't get distro-patched in any way as well11:34
sil2100We'll need some overrides probably11:34
Mirvpopey: confirming, ctrl-alt-t doesn't work12:10
Mirvadditionally, shortcuts settings say ctrl-alt-t is it, but even if removed and put in again, it still doesn't work12:11
Mirvpopey: file a bug (if you didn't already)12:13
Mirveven though I don't know exactly against which package :)12:14
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popeybug 104116112:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1041161 in Unity "CTRL+ALT+T no longer works" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104116112:27
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eroachanybody free now?12:48
sil2100Hi, not really free, but what's up?12:49
eroachnothing serious, first time come here,just to say hello12:51
bobweavercan any one tell me where the data dir is located for unity 3d like in unity 2d ?13:19
bobweaverthanks for your time13:19
bobweaverin  unity 6.113:19
bobweaverer 6.2 *13:19
bobweaveris it as simple as I think and it is under /usr/share/dconf/services ?13:21
bobweaverdbus-1 not dconf *13:22
Mirvbobweaver: /usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.canonical.Unity.Panel.Service.service exists in the package unity-services13:25
bobweaverthanks Mirv13:25
bobweaverI am trying to change the formfactor and can not figure out the scema dir13:26
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bobweaver gsettings set  com.canonical.unity.form-factor 'TV'13:26
bobweavershould it be13:27
bobweaver gsettings set  com.canonical.Unity  form-factor 'TV'13:27
popeythe latter13:28
bobweaverseemed to work just dont understand (coming from QT )13:28
bobweaverLike in 2d I have the source in my home dir so13:29
bobweaverGSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=ubuntu-tv/data gsettings set com.canonical.Unity2d form-factor tv13:29
bobweaveror in this case maybe it is in the generated dir ?13:31
bobweaverGSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=Desktop/unity-6.2.0+bzr2616ubuntu0+762/<WHAT GOES HERE >  gsettings set com.canonical.Unity2d form-factor tv13:33
bobweaver./com.canonical.Unity.gschema.xml   looks to be the ticket13:36
Mirvseb128: if you have time at some point, please push https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/compiz/ubuntu_quantal_GLES to lp:ubuntu/compiz so we'll have working staging / GLES builds again. it's rebased gles work on top of lp:ubuntu/compiz13:37
bobweaverIs there any compair charts any where for NUX like thike compaired to qt-quick or qt ?13:38
bobweaverSo I can learn Nux faster13:39
bobweaverand for all the others that may be coming from a qt/c++ background13:39
bobweaverrevierce enginering comes easy to me but alittle bit of reading would be nice :)13:40
dandraderbobweaver, I don't think so13:40
dandraderand the lack of documentation won't help either :)13:40
bobweaversomeone said to me that NUX is new that is why there is not documentation , I said yeah so is qt-quick13:41
dandraderbut there is lp:nuxplayground. it contains some examples13:41
seb128Mirv, merged and pushed13:41
bobweaverthanks dandrader13:41
bobweaverbrb time to boot into the new formfactor and see how it looks13:42
bobweaverCompiz does not like this formfactor :)13:44
bobweaversigserc in brw_upload_state13:45
Mirvseb128: thanks13:51
bobweaverIf anyone that is qualified to teach me NUX I would trade a laptop for it it is a compaq cq60 nothing special but yeah its a laptop that is working and in ok condition13:51
bobweaverI know C++ pretty well13:52
bobweaverI also know python ,vala C , javascr ip (all the web stuff ) haskell , perl13:55
bobweaverbut nothing with gnome13:56
Mirvbobweaver: if the formfactor happens to use OpenGL ES only, you may want to check https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/+archive/compiz-gsettings-test which happens to have one snapshot of the OpenGL ES supporting Compiz13:57
bobweaverthanks a ton Mirv13:58
Mirvbobweaver: ah but sorry, no armhf build there (if it'd be an ARM device), use https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/staging instead although it has a lot of other components as well13:59
bobweaverYeah lets just say that this is not in good shape at the moment , but I have no job and am smart and powerful so I think that I could handle / help with this even if it is just putting in comments13:59
bobweaverMirv,  yeah I can only see like to top 2 lines of my ircclient I am going to join on my TV remote (system 76 starling )14:00
bobweavercan not wait to put a touch screen on this thing14:00
bobweaverMirv,  I have the stagging ppa installed upgrading again now14:13
Mirvbobweaver: ok, that's the latest stuff there is14:15
Mirvseb128: to be pedantic, you could cherry-pick rev. 3279 from again rebased lp:~timo-jyrinki/compiz/ubuntu_quantal_GLES to clean the one changelog entry caused by your original merge of sam's branch. then it'd 1:1 what's actually in quantal now, + GLES14:16
seb128Mirv,  111 files changed, 7705 insertions(+), 4788 deletions(-)14:19
seb128Mirv, that's the diff between lp:ubuntu/compiz and that branch ... is that normal for a changelog update?14:19
Mirvseb128: you've something funny there, it's branched from lp:ubuntu/compiz? https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/compiz/ubuntu_quantal_GLES14:20
Mirvthe original problem was that lp:~smspillaz/compiz/ubuntu_quantal_gles was not a proper branch to merge to a packaging branch14:21
seb128Mirv, ? I did bzr branch lp:ubuntu/compiz; cd compiz; bzr merge lp:~timo-jyrinki/compiz/ubuntu_quantal_GLES14:22
seb128Mirv, that gives me that diff ... can you try or tell me what I did wrong?14:22
Mirvseb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1164519/14:24
seb128Mirv, ok, dunno what was going on, I redid a clean round and it worked, merged, pushed14:30
seb128Mirv, thanks14:30
Mirvseb128: ok thanks!14:31
bobweaverSorry to be naggy all. that is not my intentions I just want to learn :) . that said . can anyone please tell me if I am going about this wrong or if there is a different way that is quicker or "better". I am using QT-creator to to build Unity 6.2  I am using gnome-fallback  then I build and launch. can I use Unity 3d and then launch over the top ? or is there a sturt manager that will freak out ? or anything like that ? If there is an14:40
bobweavery documentation on things of this nature plz by all means (maybe I am missing it). Thanks again14:40
bobweavergnome fallback as DE14:40
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bobweavertvHello again. questtion if I wanted to start hacking away at the stanbdalone of unity 6.2 and adding code to the dash and other places who to talk to about that so I dont 1 step on toes and 2) dont put things in the wrong place if there is ideas already ? thanks18:17
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tgm4883Have Unity previews made it into Quantal yet? I attempted to add the staging PPA, but the version of Unity in quantal is higher than the PPA, yet I don't seem to have previews enabled19:05
bobweavertvtgm4883,  what is unity version ? 6.2 ?19:15
tgm4883yea 6.2.019:16
bobweavertvand you reinstalled the lens and scopes ?19:16
tgm4883and unity-lens-application is 6.4.019:16
bobweavertvI had to reinstall unity a couple  of times19:16
bobweavertvdrop to tty and reinstall19:16
bobweavertvtgm4883,  I got unity standalone running working but needs alot help19:17
bobweavertvtgm4883,  if that dont work could always use synaptic19:22
tgm4883bobweavertv, I'd imagine it will get into the repos sooner rather than later. I can just grab the code off the PPA and start working on my lens, I just won't be able to test it19:23
bobweavertvill test the myth one correct19:23
bobweavertverr I can not get NUX to change its hlayout19:24
bobweavertvbut I am not sure if that in in scope or not . tgm4883 I have noticed that the music remote scope and also the videos remote scope are acting like RenderCoverFlow.qml with the formfactor on TV19:26
bobweavertvthere has to be something there19:26
bobweavertverr so furstrating none of this documentation is correct20:08
bobweavertv  http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity20:09
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bobweavertvOK I have changed the json data like 4 times dash.cpp and rendercoverflow  re-compiled it and it still change's  nothing what Am I doing wrong ?22:00
bobweavertvOk Finally unity standalone built with kde as de22:14
bobweavertvok it is all starting to come togeather now !!22:30
bobweavertvwonder if I can add case statements for form-factor or if there is something doing that22:31
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bobweavertvsorry for all my crying just want to learn :)23:12

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