
cairneOh wow the channel is live03:56
cairneI am looking for an active linux community in wa.03:59
thefinn93lol 04:13
thefinn93this channel is not live04:14
thefinn93and i gotta go04:14
creftosSo what's the deal with this channel?23:20
valoriehi creftos23:24
valoriethe deal?23:24
valoriethis is the official channel for the Washington state ubuntu users23:24
creftosoh neato23:24
creftosI just sent a request to join the group23:25
valoriehowever, since we don't have anybody currently who has time to take up leadership23:25
creftoson launchpad23:25
valorieit's pretty much social only23:25
creftosright on23:25
valoriewe're not official with Ubuntu23:25
valoriesince we don't have many real-life functions23:26
creftosI see23:26
valoriebut that could change with some leadership and energy23:26
* valorie used to have the time, right now does not23:26
creftosWell I'm somewhat new-ish to linux23:26
valorieoh cool23:27
creftosI've been using it sporadically over the last few years, but only recently been trying to delve more deeply23:27
valorieI'm a long-time user, but rather new to being involved with the community23:27
valoriemy current time, such as it is, goes to KDE23:27
valorieand visiting my dad in his nursing home23:28
creftosI see23:28
creftosI've also been trying to find an open source project to work on23:28
creftosI guess the two main things I've been using that are open source are ubuntu and eclipse23:28
valorieeclipse the IDE?23:29
valorieah, I wasn't aware that was still widely used23:29
valorieor being developed23:29
creftoswhat do you develop in?23:29
valorieI'm a writer and community person23:29
creftosoh right on23:30
valoriewhen i was thinking about how to get involved, I became active here and in Amarok23:30
valorieand ended up writing the Amarok Handbook23:30
creftosvery nice23:30
valorieit's been a lot of fun23:30
valoriewhere in Washington state are you, creftos?23:31
* valorie lives south of Seattle23:31
creftosBremerton. Looking to move to the seattle area.23:31
valorienear Black Diamond, if you've heard of that23:31
valorieah, Bremerton is nice23:31
creftosyes I have actually23:31
creftosoff hwy 18, right?23:32
valorieI had a great-uncle who lived there for many years, working at the shipyards23:32
creftosyeah, a lot of people here either work for the shipyard or the navy23:32
valorieon the way to the mountain23:32
creftosSo what do groups generally do?23:33
creftosor what have you guys done in the past?23:33
valorierelease parties, bug days, free software days23:33
valoriewe have a booth at linuxfest northwest23:33
valorieand have had one/cooperated with ubuntu oregon at OSCON23:34
creftosWhat exactly are bugdays?23:34
valoriethere is an official one, which we did last year23:35
valoriewe got together at a local library and tested out the beta ISOs23:35
valoriethat was cool, but a lot of work setting it up, then I had only one guy show up23:35
creftosso basically finding and filing bug reports?23:35
creftosaww 23:35
valorietesting and yes, filing bug reports23:36
creftosright on23:36
valoriebut sometimes people can do patches too23:36
valoriewhich is always awesome23:36
valoriethis year I just don't have the time/energy23:36
valoriewith my dad as he is23:36
valorieso we need someone/a few folks to step up23:37
valorieor continue as we are, which is sort of a holding pattern23:37
valorieanyway, nice talking to you but my husband wants to go out for dinner23:37
creftosthanks for the info!23:38
* valorie disconnects for now......23:38
valoriehang out with us!23:38
valoriewe'll eventually make something happen23:38
creftosthat would be great23:38
valorieit's a great group, lots of fun23:39
valoriewe just need more people23:39
valoriebye for now23:39
creftossee ya23:39

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