
mmccok, all done for today…00:27
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czajkowskimandel: you about ?07:37
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JamesTaitHappy Friday, folks! :)08:43
ryemandel: do you happen to know the revision 3.0.2b is built upon?09:13
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gatoxgood morning11:22
alecuhello, all!12:00
gatoxalecu, hi12:00
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ralsinaGood morning, sorry I am so late, had some rain-relate issues at home :-(13:30
gatoxralsina, hi13:31
gatoxralsina, raining inside your home?13:52
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ralsinagatox: some small bits of it ;-)13:56
gatoxbummer :S13:56
ralsinagatox: np, just the laundry room, and just because water pooled on the roof13:57
ralsinagatox: so I had to go unclog a drainpipe in the pouring rain at 6AM13:57
ralsinagatox: NOT FUN13:57
gatoxagree... not fun13:57
ralsinagatox: looks like the sync indicator is merged... wonder if it's released yet :-)14:13
mmcchi folks14:16
gatoxmmcc, hi!14:17
mmccno mandel today?14:23
gatoxmandel, hi14:32
mmcchowdy mandel!14:33
mandelgatox, when are you going to nz?14:35
mandelmmcc, hello! I was late lost night talking with jfunk, looks like we have a number of new bugs :(14:35
gatoxmandel, on tuesday14:35
gatoxmandel, i arrive at nz on thursday14:35
mandelmmcc, I want to take a look at the ipc one, I wonder why it happens...14:36
mandelgatox, I thought it was earlier14:36
mandelouch, that is a long trip, gatox you are lucky you are not too big hehe14:39
mmccmandel: sounds like a plan. I saw your conversation yesterday, he found a few good ones.14:39
gatoxmandel, but on my way back... i leave nz the 8th of September, and i get back to argentina the same day jejeje14:40
mandelmmcc, indeed, I think there is a good way to make the ipc more resistant to the stale broker problem14:41
mandelgatox, you better sell well ninja and bring some hobbits back  ;-)14:42
gatoxmandel, will do!14:42
mmccmandel: great - what causes it, anyway?14:42
mandelMmcc, it usually means that the remote reference you have in the client is old and pb is trying to use a python obj that does not longer exists in the server14:44
thisfredDONE: refactoring playlists web api TODO: consolidate all couchdb acces in web api base, s/couch/u1db/ for playlists BLOCKED: no NEXT: briancurtin15:02
briancurtinDONE: fiddling with output from a subprocess stdout15:02
briancurtinTODO: write some util function that'll make this work on 2 and 3, it keeps breaking one or the other15:02
briancurtinNEXT: gatox15:02
dobeyralsina, alecu, mmcc: eh? guess you get to mock yourselves on twitter15:02
gatoxWorked on the Share Links Tab15:02
gatoxFinish fixing some tests and some parts of the code that are not behaving properly.15:02
gatoxMadkiss, go15:02
ralsinaYes I do!15:02
gatoxmandel_, go15:02
=== mandel_ is now known as mandel
gatoxmandel, go15:03
gatoxok, dobey go15:03
dobeyDONE: team call, finished releases15:03
dobeyTODO: reviews, icon generating magic, music store15:03
dobeyBLCK: None.15:03
dobeyalecu: go15:03
alecuDONE: discussions on dash apis, vala+oauth+webservice calls15:03
alecuTODO: more on the dash15:03
alecuBLOCKED: no15:03
alecuNEXT: mmcc15:03
mmccDONE: more SMJobBless, launchd daemon checkin code, sent build to QA15:03
mmccTODO: launchd integration, test, propose15:03
mmccBLCK: no15:03
mmccnext: mandel?15:03
ralsinaDONE: lots of calls about the dash, team call, more calls, and I called people. Administrivia. Helped around, reviews. TODO: fix windows test failure on jenkins BLOCKED: no15:04
mandelSorry, got disconnected15:04
alecumandel: from reality?15:04
thisfredalecu, I think that was a while ago15:04
ralsinaMockery of the day: https://twitter.com/ralsina/status/23901541439333990615:05
mandelHe, is possible15:05
mandelDONE: talk with QA about the Mac app. There are a bungee of big bugs to fix. Mainly adding folders from control panel, stale brokers and the app crashing fur to json decode problems15:05
mandelTODO: look at the stake broker bug and the json one.15:05
mandelBlocked, over 3g because they are updating my network15:05
mandelralsina, did my best with the connection I have..15:09
ralsinamandel: good enough :-)15:09
* mandel is also very sleepy15:09
ralsinain the words of the french knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail "now leave before I mock you again!"15:10
mandelalecu, ralsina, I plan to make the ipc more resistant to those stale brokers by catching the exception and trying to connect to a new broker will make it shower in CSS of an error but should recover from it, what do you think?15:11
ralsinammcc: my mac dev env is screwed. Where are the latest instructions, and are they current?15:12
mandelUps... Autocomplete15:12
ralsina"shower in CSS"?15:12
ralsinamandel: are you typing on your phone?15:12
mmccralsina: the google doc is close to current. you can help me make it so now!15:13
ralsinamandel: don't you have hotspot functionality on the phone? So you can go back to the computer :-)15:13
ralsinammcc: awesome15:13
ralsinammcc: will follow it, and ping you on failure15:13
ralsinammcc: got the URL handy?15:13
mandelralsina, yes, it seems I cannot use irc over 3g on the pc15:13
mmccralsina: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1f7xaDT-hblCKIXrKXZjpKtFRsBRnionDix5NojwdgmE/edit15:14
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ralsinammcc: awesome15:14
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mandelralsina, Vodafone is crap and blocks it... Also is a PITA cause the rest works15:14
mandelAnd I keep getting raising instead of ralsina..15:15
mmccralsina: I've updated the instructions now...15:15
mmccI removed the windows-specific stuff for clarity. that doc is the OSX dev setup doc anyway :)15:16
dobeyok, need to get lunch. bbiab15:19
mandelralsina, I'm going to request a holiday, there is no way I can work like this..15:19
ralsinamandel: agreed :-(15:19
mandelralsina, I'll try to catch up I've the weekend..15:20
ralsinamandel: if you do that, don't ask for the day off15:21
ralsinamandel: off is off15:21
mmccralsina: OK, I actually updated the whole thing now. ping me with any questions…15:26
ralsinammcc: will do. I intend to be able to help with the UI issues very late today / early monday depending on luck15:43
mmccralsina: great. when you get to the end, I'm very curious what you see when you run the u1cp tests - you're on 10.7 right?15:44
ralsinammcc: yes15:44
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* gatox lunch15:50
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mandel3gralsina, I'm getting an error when accessing canonicaladmin, does it work for you?15:52
dobeymandel3g: wfm15:53
mandel_ralsina, request made15:58
mmccralsina, have you installed qt via brew already? I'm not sure how much of this you have to repeat…16:03
ralsinammcc: yes16:04
ralsinammcc: or at least brew says it has it already16:04
ralsinammcc: BTW, lovely how everytime a configure script checks for javac a dialog pops up telling me to install it ;-)16:05
ralsinamandel_: I'll approve it in a bit. So, you have the rest of the day off, go rest :-)16:05
mmccralsina: heh. I guess I installed java already.16:06
mmccralsina: I just remembered that you need to get a qt with no X11 deps so it will run on stock 10.816:09
mmcccan you do 'brew cat qt | grep X11' for me?16:09
ralsinammcc: sure16:09
mmccif that comes back with X11 flags, then you need to reinstall qt.16:10
ralsinammcc: I get -L/usr/X11/lib -I/usr/X11/include16:10
ralsinaok, how do I reinstall it?16:10
ralsinammcc: but that's just if I want to do a bundle to share?16:11
ralsinammcc: since rebuilding Qt is bound to take a few hourds, I would rather do that on the weekend if at all possible16:11
mmccralsina: for me it downloaded a prebuilt binary - was done in a minute16:12
mmcc% brew install https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/master/Library/Formula/qt.rb16:12
ralsinammcc: ok, will do it then :-)16:12
ralsinammcc: I get "undefined method 'version'" maybe my brew is too old?16:13
mmccmaybe. try 'brew update'16:14
mmccalso if you already had qt 4.8.2, that'll be a problem and you'll need to brew uninstall qt before running that install from the URL16:14
ralsinait's telling me I have local changes to the qt recipe, probably something alecu did before hegave me this mini16:15
ralsinaI have 4.8.0 so it's not that16:15
mmccok… well you can save off the locally-changed qt by doing 'brew edit qt' and saving that somewhere else16:16
mmccI'm assuming it gives you the option to overwrite the changed file?16:16
ralsinammcc: no, I have to go git stash it16:17
ralsinammcc: user friendly it isn't16:17
ralsinammcc: ok, it's working now, thanks!16:17
mmccthe number of projects that decided *git* was a user interface… the mind boggles16:17
alecuralsina, mmcc: I had to use a fix for the qt brew. I added it to the osx dev setup doc, and it was this: https://github.com/tmf/homebrew/commit/f34897104399f48b36e1e86a776c70dd2d882c5a16:18
ralsinammcc: starting with git ;-)16:18
ralsinaalecu: we are using a bottle now, so that should not be needed16:18
alecuralsina: right16:18
ralsinagreat now my xcode is too old16:21
mmccalecu, that bug is indeed fixed in the latest qt.rb, just differently :) build systems, man, build systems16:21
mmccXcode too old? what's telling you that? I thought it shouldn't matter…16:22
alecuralsina: don't worry about the "too old".16:22
ralsinammcc: brew16:22
ralsinaalecu: ok, stopping xcode update then16:22
mmccralsina: which brew command? qt?16:22
ralsinammcc: yes16:23
ralsinammcc: tells me to PLEASE install 4.4.1 because 4.3.2 is too old16:23
alecuralsina: it complained the same about 4.4.0, but I just ignored it.16:25
dobeymmcc: does ubuntu-sso-client give a clean bill of health with pyflakes already?16:32
mmccdobey: I don't know, but I doubt it16:33
mmccdobey: answer is no. it  complains about gettext's '_'16:33
mmccand some other minor things16:34
dobeyright; commented on your merge16:34
dobeycrikey, why are mandel's fsevents branches so freakin huge. and why has nobody reviewed them yet16:36
* mmcc thought those already went through16:36
mmcc(mine, I knew mandels were rotting there)16:36
mmccdobey, you answered your own question. I have reviewing them as a TODO for today thoguh16:37
dobeywhy isn't https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/sbjson-link/+merge/116445 landed? it has 2 approves16:38
mmccI don't know. we should probably land it.16:39
* mmcc flipped it16:39
ralsinammcc: you have first a command to install protobuf via brew and later the doc says "install protobuf following these instructions" is that so or should I ignore the second one?16:40
mmccralsina: looking…16:41
mmccif you have protoc in your path then ignore the second one16:43
ralsinammcc: ack16:44
ralsinammcc: looks like I do16:44
mmccls -l `which protoc` should show a symlink to /usr/local/Cellar/protobuf/blah16:45
ralsinammcc: missing step somewhere in the middle: install qtreactor16:46
mmccthat should be in the buildout, i thouhgt16:46
ralsinammcc: looks like it isn't or it failed to install. I'll check16:47
mmccdid you get an error in running tests, or were you testing from the interpreter?16:47
ralsinammcc: it's in the links but is not listed as a requirement, it seems16:48
ralsinammcc: when running tests for u1cp16:48
ralsinammcc: oh, wait it's in the development section of the buildout16:49
ralsinammcc: I'll figure it out16:49
mmccit should be there, it's one of the eggs…16:49
mmccif you just try to import it from the interpreter, does that work?16:49
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ralsinammcc: latest qt4reactor tries to use PySide!!!!16:49
mmccthat'll teach us for using /master in a buildout :\16:50
ralsinammcc: got it, when updating qt, pyqt broke16:50
ralsinammcc: and qt4reactor tries pyside if pyqt fails to import16:51
mmccoh, shoot. sorry, should've remembered that16:51
ralsinammcc: it's ok16:51
ralsinammcc: so now it will rebuild pyqt from source, right?16:52
mmccbut that's not slow16:52
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mmccdobey, re pyflakes on darwin, pylint has a lot more spew. It looks like it can't find dev-tools even though the u1lint wrapper definitely has it in the path16:59
ralsinammcc: possibly another missing step, clientdefs.py has to be moved to the right place before you can run tests17:00
dobeymmcc: right. probably because of the missing patch issue17:00
mmccright, now I remember that17:01
ralsinammcc: and also, storage-protocol seems to need to be installed17:02
mmccralsina: for the sso tests, or for the control-panel tests?17:03
ralsinammcc: aaaaaand I am getting the error messages when running tests :-)17:03
ralsinammcc: u1cp tests17:03
mmccralsina: ack.17:03
dobeypretty much everything has to be 'installed' for u1cp tests to run17:03
mmccralsina: yeah the buildout doesn't do any of the build steps for the source reps, it just bzr branches them for you17:04
mmccsource deps, not source reps17:04
ralsinammcc: ok17:04
ralsinammcc: on windows this used to work by just setting PYTHONPATH and not installing17:05
ralsinammcc: but it doesn't really matter17:05
ralsinammcc: now I get "can't import name fseventsd"17:08
ralsinammcc: probably because I haven't installed ubuntuone-client how do you do that on mac?17:09
mmccaha. ok, you hit a gap in the docs. good17:11
mmccfseventsd is from mandel's branch. you need to grab both that and the fsevents.py, let me look for URLS17:11
mmccinto parts/ do bzr branch lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon17:12
mmccactually, I'll just put this in the doc17:13
ralsinammcc: cool17:13
ralsinaI get invalid transport because bzr probably doesn't have the launchpad plugin or something17:13
ralsinammcc: shouldn't that be  lp:ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon ?17:14
ralsinaand lunch17:14
mmccyes. d'on17:14
ralsinaand that's still not open source, so I need to install credentials17:29
mmccping alecu - re: checking version of the fsevents daemon. I have code doing that as a result of launchd integration, not 100% sure where the best place to put it is17:30
mmccralsina: yes we need to sort that out. there's still a "TODO" comment about licensing in the source17:30
ralsinammcc: now I get "no module fsevents". I assume I need to install macfsevents?17:38
mmccyes. I updated the doc - you need to git clone and build it17:38
ralsinammcc: missing dependency dirspec17:42
ralsinammcc: oh, wait, I need to install it17:42
mmccralsina: what was missing dirspec? the buildout should have put it in parts/ , and it should be on sys.path of the wrapped interpreter17:42
mmccso 'python -c "import dirspec" ' should work17:43
ralsinammcc: yes, forgot to source the env17:44
mmccaha. ok17:44
ralsinaI am logged in :-)17:44
mmccthanks for wading through that, glad the doc is updated now17:45
ralsinaalthough I am not getting any folders other than ~/Ubuntu One17:46
mmccyes, there appear to be UDF bugs…17:47
mmccare shares showing up?17:47
ralsinammcc: I get a SSL error about it not finding the godaddy cert17:47
mmcchrm. it should see the cert files in ubuntuone-storage-protocol/data … oh. I think that code is wrong. I don't think it handles running from source correctly17:49
mmccno, it should be right.17:50
ralsinammcc: it's trying to load it from the installed location17:51
ralsinammcc: because I installed storage-protocol17:51
mmccoh. I see. I never installed storage-protocol17:51
mmccwas expecting it to be run from the source tree17:52
ralsinammcc: then it has to be added to the PYTHONPATH17:53
ralsinammcc: not installing and putting it in PYTHONPATH works and I get all the shares listed :-)17:53
ralsinammcc: which means I see the scrolling bug, which means I can get to work on it17:53
mmccvery good17:55
ralsinammcc: can you verify for me that adding "-graphicssytem raster"  to the command line fixes the scroll?18:06
mmccralsina: I haven't seen the bug, I don't have enough shares to scroll18:07
ralsinammcc: want some? ;-)18:07
dobeyugh: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/113439378/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.ubuntuone-control-panel_4.1%2Br348-53~quantal1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:07
mmccyou bet i do18:07
ralsinammcc: you can just add folders in your system18:07
dobeylots of failures in there; and logging messages to console amidst the tests :(18:07
ralsinadobey: "constants module not available." is strange18:08
ralsinadobey: does it do the same in your q box?18:09
dobeyi haven't run it locally; but this is happening on oneiric and precise as well, for the nightlies18:09
ralsinadobey: I can do a run on precise to verify18:10
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ralsinadobey: I got a segfault!18:12
dobeystable-4-0 was fine for me yesterday at least18:12
ralsinadobey: same here18:13
ralsinadobey: as in "was fine for me yesterday"18:13
dobeytrying trunk now18:14
mmccwe need to fix the on_download_finished exceptions… I'm at #300 and counting and it's stalling the control-panel UI18:15
mmccor am I out of date and they're fixed in trunk?18:16
dobeyhrmm; trunk ./run-tests passed fine here :-/18:16
* mmcc checks18:16
chaselivingstonmmcc: any news on that download priority issue we talked about yesterday?18:16
mmccchaselivingston: thanks for reminding me.18:17
chaselivingstonmmcc: np18:17
ralsinammcc: no, they still exist18:17
ralsinammcc: they break windows jenkins too18:18
mmccguys, chaselivingston was noticing that he wasn't getting files downloaded to his mac while uploading a ton of data. is that a bug or expected bad behavior?18:18
ralsinammcc: if you try to add folders, does the "select a folder" dialog go away on its own sometimes?18:18
mmccralsina: I'm still stalled on the loading overlay :(18:19
ralsinammcc: that's probably that you need to start syncdaemon manuall18:19
ralsinammcc: happened to me a few minutes ago18:20
ralsinammcc: if u1cp can't find it / start it it freezes18:20
dobeyis that the "select some folders to sync to the cloud" page hanging?18:21
ralsinadobey: no, this is in u1cp proper18:21
mmccno, it was starting it just fine - I saw my precise VM pop up a notification about downloading new .DS_Store after I started it18:21
mmcchrm, well quitting and restarting with U1_DEBUG=1 got me to a working folders screen18:21
mmccnot good: I canceled the add_folder dialog and got this in the log: "ubuntuone.controlpanel.qt.addfolder - INFO - on_add_folder_button_clicked: user requested folder creation for path u''.18:22
alecummcc: pong re: "checking version of the fsevents daemon"18:23
ralsinammcc: that's ok18:23
ralsinammcc: it just means "hey, you didn't select anything. Ok!"18:24
mmccralsina: ok.18:24
ralsinammcc: although I agree it's a scary message ;-)18:24
mmccralsina: yeah, combined with the controlpanel status still saying "file sync starting…" I thought it was busily trying add something random18:25
mmccalecu - pong your pong, just a sec18:25
alecuno prob18:25
ralsinammcc: do qt plugins work on mac? If they don't I need a workarund for my scroll workaround :-(18:29
mmccralsina, they should. can you give me more context? do you need to add one?18:29
ralsinammcc: basically, the workaround I found for the scrolling is using -graphicssystem raster and that's a plugin18:30
ralsinammcc: or at least I think it's one18:30
mmccalecu - re the daemon version issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1164920/18:31
mmccralsina: you can check with the QT plugin env var.... /me looks18:31
ralsinammcc: cool, not a plugin18:34
ralsinammcc: so now I just need to inject that option only on darwin and it's fixed18:34
alecu"Jobs' Bless"!!!! People praying to Saint Steve already?18:36
mmccheh, they've been doing that for years18:36
ralsinaalecu: where would be a good place in u1cp to put a platform-specific constant I need in main?18:39
alecuralsina: in u1cp's main?18:39
alecummcc: +1 to "all the version checking can be done in controlpanel, and SD doesn't need to know about launchd"18:39
ralsinaalecu: yes, I need to inject two args into sys.argv when we are running on darwin18:39
mmccalecu, sounds good.18:39
ralsinaalecu: I *could* do it in the bin/ script but that's icky18:40
alecuralsina: inject args into sys.argv? why?18:40
ralsinaalecu: because of a bug in Qt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/101891818:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1018918 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Scrolling shares on darwin does not work" [High,In progress]18:40
ralsinaalecu: I can workaround it by passing "-graphicssystem raster"18:40
mmccralsina: you just need to add it to the args passed to Qapplication, right?18:40
ralsinammcc: right18:40
mmccsee line 88 of gui/qt/main/__init__.py18:41
mmccwe're already doing some arg tweaking there18:41
ralsinammcc: yes, but it's not platform-specific18:42
ralsinammcc: although a bit lower we do have a darwin-specific bit18:43
alecuralsina: we are even checking for sys.platform a few lines below18:43
ralsinaalecu: yes, just saw it18:43
ralsinaok, I'll do it there then18:43
alecuralsina: also, at the top of the file we have some "win32" and "darwin" checking for dbus...18:43
mmccalecu ack on your +1, proceeding thusly18:43
ralsinaalecu: yes, so that file is dirty already :-)18:44
alecuralsina: right. Go ahead, I'll look to the southeast.18:44
ralsinaalecu: I can file a bug about refactoring the platform-speciicness out of it18:45
mmccralsina: just saw the bug you mentioned about the dialog disappearing. I believe it is bug #104090518:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040905 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Cannot “Add a folder from this computer” more than once per session" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104090518:45
alecuralsina: that sounds great.18:45
ralsinammcc: right18:45
alecummcc: and re: "CP kills old installed daemon * TODO:", I was supposed to create a bug for that, where we can discuss the best way to do it.18:45
mmccalecu, ralsina: that'll be a tricky refactor, due to the dependencies between qt4reactor, reactor, QApplication and QCoreApplication, etc…18:46
ralsinammcc: yes18:46
ralsinammcc: worse or better: there is a hack to install the reactor in the bin/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt script as well18:46
alecummcc: I propose that we postpone that refactor till after the rushes18:46
ralsinaalecu,mmcc: yes, this is for next cycle, probably18:46
ralsinabut I am filing so it's there18:46
ralsinabug #104133318:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1041333 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "main/__init__.py is platform-specific" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104133318:48
alecummcc: so, my idea is that the root daemon gets a message telling it that it will be updated, so it notifies every running SD of that. Then each SD shuts down, and the root daemon too. The new version of the root daemon is started, and then somehow (*insert magical idea here*) the new version of the SD is started for every user that had it running.18:49
mmccalecu - upgrading other users' syncdaemon is probably not workable18:51
alecummcc: perhaps we can have a SD wrapper script that checks the error code of the SD process, and on a given value of that error code, the wrapper process waits a few seconds, and then restarts it.18:51
alecummcc: it's the system's root daemon we are upgrading, so every SD version should match!18:51
mmccalecu, I agree! but syncdaemon itself is going to be in another user's directory, unless they installed the app in a system-visible place18:52
mmccand if we upgrade SD inside an existing .app, we break the code signing, etc18:52
mmccmight be the best we can do is teach CP how to tell the user that they need to upgrade18:53
alecummcc: I assumed everybody installed these things in /Applications .... :P18:53
mmccand that they won't be able to sync until they do18:53
mmccalecu: can't make any such assumptions18:53
alecummcc: right :-(18:53
mmccmany people will end up running it out of ~/Downloads, or never moving it out of the install DMG18:53
alecummcc: do we have a "system registry" of sorts in osx?18:54
mmccalecu, that depends on what you're trying to do :)18:54
mmccthere isn't a single binary grab-bag database for config info, but we do have the filesystem18:55
alecummcc: I would assume that the user that has power to install the root daemon, is the one that has admin power. And by installing (or upgrading) the root daemon, we would write the path to the system's Syncdaemon.app18:56
alecummcc: right, we have some equivalent of /etc18:56
mmcclike /etc ? :)18:56
mmccso the idea is to move syncdaemon out of the app package, and put it in a global place so it's possible to upgrade it?18:57
* mmcc thinks18:57
* alecu starts up his mac, to cut on the amount of guessing.18:57
mmccI don't think we can do that without shipping two copies of Qt18:58
mmccbecause CP needs qt to start so it can install SD, and SD needs qt, but can't point to CP because we don't know where the user has CP18:59
alecummcc: what if we symlink from the "canonical SD place" (say, /etc/ubuntuone/syncdaemon) to the SD from the last installed root daemon?19:00
mmccnot sure I understand "SD from the last installed root daemon" - the daemon is just one executable file and doesn't include SD…19:01
alecummcc: right, but it's installed by *some* copy of the control panel, right?19:01
alecummcc: and that control panel should have a SD next to it19:01
mmccnext to it, yes. but in some user's directory19:02
mmccand to be clear, no code is really installed, it all stays in the .app wrapper - SD is just UbuntuOne.app/blah/blah/Syncdaemon.app/19:02
alecummcc: right. And with the SD being in the user's directory, we hit permission issues if some other user tries to run it...19:03
alecummcc: so, the only thing that's really installed is the root daemon executable.19:04
mmcc(and some .conf files, but that's not important right now)19:04
mmccwe *could* do this:19:05
mmccI upgrade my CP, it detects an old daemon, upgrades that, which tells my CP that there are other SDs listening.19:06
mmccSo my CP puts a copy of the whole new U1.app in a system-visible place19:06
mmcc(or in each users' drop box folder)19:06
mmccand then when their SD notices the issue, it looks in the known place for a totally new U1 app to upgrade to19:07
mmccupgrading piecemeal will break code signing, but upgrading the whole thing works19:07
mmccand we already have it downloaded, so it'd be smooth for the other user to just upgrade19:08
mmcc(that's it - what do you think?)19:09
mmcc~/Users/Shared/ would be one place we could put the downloaded .app for upgrading19:13
alecummcc: it sounds good19:17
alecummcc: is ~/Users/Shared writable by all users?19:17
mmccheh, I meant /Users/Shared, and yes19:18
alecummcc: I would like for only the user entering the sudo password to be able to write there...19:18
alecummcc: well, not there, but wherever we place this.19:18
mmccit's just a shortcut so the other user doesn't have to re-download the app19:19
alecummcc: I don't want a "non admin" user overwriting the u1 app, and having other users running his code after reboot.19:19
alecummcc: or overwriting the shortcut, for that matter.19:19
mmccI didn't mean a symlink/shortcut, just a "fast way"19:19
mmccbut I see what you mean - I was thinking they'd copy from that location to wherever the old u1 app is and overwrite that19:20
alecummcc: ah, ok.19:20
mmccbut it's a good point that someone's going to end up just running it from /Users/Shared19:20
mmccthing is, if the app is somewhere they can read, then they can run it from there- there's no way I know of to force them to copy it somewhere else19:21
alecummcc: is this really common? on a mac shared by a few users, every user installs his own copy of Photoshop?19:21
=== tetris4_ is now known as tetris4
alecuI know macs are not usually shared; I'm thinking of a computer lab kind of environ.19:22
mmccalecu, probably they put it in /Applications, but they don't have to19:22
mmccof course adobe has installers and installer-installers19:22
mmccbut for other apps, you can put it in a shared place, but you can't force the user to do that unless you write an installer, which mac people don't really like19:23
mmccbesides, I'm betting most families have an account per person on a family mac19:24
alecuright, that too.19:24
ralsinanot being able to type ~ ' or " on the mac vnc client is cramping my style19:26
mmccso I'm looking at dropbox - they ship a .dmg that suggests you copy the app to /Applications , but of course you don't have to19:27
mmccthat's another issue - if two people are running the code from /Applications, and one person upgrades it, what happens19:29
mmccanswer is probably 'it depends'19:30
ralsinaalecu, mmcc: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/scroll-harder/+merge/12126819:32
ralsinaassuming of course, I did not do anything that makes launchpad never-scan19:33
ralsinayay, scanned and everything19:33
mmccman, CP from source is stalling out on the loading overlay for me consistently now19:34
mmccit looks like the shares tab is frontmost in the background, wonder if that's waiting for some unimplemented stub19:35
ralsinammcc: that's a silly bug I can fix it in 5'19:37
ralsinammcc: sneaking it into the previous proposal ;-)19:39
mmcchey neat, if I add --switch-to devices to the cmdline, it stalls, but harder:  http://ubuntuone.com/46k0YA2JBY9r1qmnCcYolu19:39
ralsinaa tifff... how quaint19:40
ralsinammcc: for me it starts on the shares tab but switches to the folders tab in a second19:40
mmccyou're gonna see a lot of tiffs in bug reports from mac users I'd bet - it's the default format for Grab.app19:41
mmccthe only format, actually :\19:41
ralsinammcc: if you want to fix it in your copy: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1165028/19:41
ralsinammcc: from windows users we get BMPs embedded in word documents, so it's a step up19:41
ralsinammcc: I have received 5MB screenshot "documents"19:42
mmccralsina: so that diff will fix the stalling? is the shares tab stalling out for you, or am I out of date somewhere?19:42
ralsinammcc: no, that will just open the flders tab first19:43
ralsinammcc: which should make no difference, but who knows19:43
mmccI'm up to date, so that's not it19:44
alecuralsina: +119:44
mmccand now it launched, but doesn't display my username or quota19:45
mmccbut the bug in the table is fixed19:46
alecuralsina: I ran the tests, and looked at the code.... I've not ran it, though :-)19:47
mmccralsina, with -graphicssystem raster on the command line, I get fixed table buttons and no username or quota.19:47
mmccwithout that on the command line, I get broken buttons and visible username and quota19:47
ralsinammcc: choose one! ;-)19:48
ralsinammcc: let me check here19:48
mmccok, I choose the username. makes me feel welcomed19:48
ralsinammcc: I get both19:48
ralsinammcc: the name and quota can take a few seconds to appear though19:50
mmccyeah, but they appear immediately without the flags19:50
ralsinammcc: it works more or less the same here19:50
mmccwell, almost immediately19:51
ralsinawe need a tiebreaker19:51
mmccI'll break the tie, I just tried again with the flags and it worked19:53
mmccfixed table, name shows up about the same speed19:53
mmccwant some fun, try -graphicssystem opengl19:54
ralsinammcc: yes, black scrollbars ?19:54
mmccand error spew everywehre19:55
alecuralsina, mmcc: how do I generate the clientdefs?19:55
ralsinaalecu: I just copied the ones from windows/19:55
mmccyep, that's what the setup.py does19:56
mmccthere's a bug to fix that19:56
dobeygatox and anyone else: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/py3-support/+merge/121276 please?19:57
mmccyou really ought to be able to run 'make' for u1-client on darwin, which will generate clientdefs with a more useful version number, but that's low priority19:57
ralsinadobey: sure19:57
ralsinarb-u1 py3?19:57
ralsinammcc: you also need to whole autotools suite installed19:57
dobeyralsina: yep. as the apps are supposed to be switching to py3 for python plug-in loading in 12.10; though i don't think any have yet19:58
gatoxdobey, why are you declaring: parseurl = None outside the try-except? to avoid flake issues?19:58
ralsinadobey: whoa19:58
dobeygatox: yes19:58
mmccralsina: yeah, that's what stopped me a while back when I was looking at the test script19:58
gatoxdobey, +119:58
ralsinadobey: +120:02
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
ralsinaalecu, mmcc: whe you have a minute could you try to reproduce bug #1041333 ? I am not getting it now.20:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1041333 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "main/__init__.py is platform-specific" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104133320:08
ralsinaargh, wrong bug20:08
ralsinaI meant bug #104090520:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040905 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Cannot “Add a folder from this computer” more than once per session" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104090520:08
mmccralsina: I did reproduce that earlier. are you not getting it with your new flags?20:09
ralsinammcc: yes20:09
ralsinammcc: which would be a very weird fix20:09
ralsinammcc: when you had it, what was the symptom? the file chooser closing on its own?20:10
mmccralsina: yes20:10
mmccand I still see it with the flags20:10
ralsinammcc: ok, not happening to me rightnow20:10
mmccI'm not using your code, but setting the graphicssystem on cmdling20:10
mmccand a new twist - if I start CP, click to add a folder, then don't select anything and just wait 20 seconds, it closes by itself20:11
ralsinaok, I get it again now20:12
ralsinathat 20 seconds thing may be useful debugging :_)20:12
mmccuse it to reduce eye stress - look out the window while u wait20:13
ralsinathis is an awesome bug20:16
dobeyugh, that's weird20:25
dobeyoh, but that test actually passed20:26
ralsinammcc: and here it is: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-1672220:26
mmccand https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-1531820:26
dobeyactually, there are a lot of python tracebacks in these tests, even though the tests 'passed'20:26
dobeythe errors are all only twisted timeout errors in the webclient tests20:27
dobeyso wtf is going on20:27
mmccso ralsina, making it use the non-native dialogs seems to work but is not pretty20:28
ralsinammcc: yes20:28
ralsinammcc: there seems to be a more complicated workaraound possible, though20:29
mmccand will probably not work great with the app store20:29
ralsinammcc: by calling the dialog manually20:29
ralsinammcc: for this release, I say non-native20:29
ralsinammcc: and then we can fix it "for real"20:29
dobeyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itvJybdcYbI <- u1cp tests right now.20:29
ralsinadobey: in youtube?20:30
mmccralsina, for the initial public release, or for internal releases?20:30
ralsinammcc: for next week's release20:30
ralsinammcc: I will try to get a real fix in monday, but if I can't I can't20:30
mmccralsina: ok, sure.20:31
ralsinammcc: and we have bigger fish to fry :)20:31
dobeyyes of course in youtube20:31
mmccjust as long as we don't ship that dialog…20:31
mmccor I guess maybe we can style it, I dunno20:32
mmccok, back to launchd20:32
ralsinammcc: it's not very styleable. We had to ship it for windows :-/20:32
* mmcc does gymnast unimpressed face20:33
* mmcc cheers up because emacs' pyflakes-in-flymake works again20:37
mmcc(I broke it for myself with the buildout and didn't notice for a while)20:37
ralsinammcc, alecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/add-add-add/+merge/12128220:48
* mmcc wonders how much of a lie that "this is temporary" is ;P20:48
mmccsorry, don't mean to pile on - just wondering if it'll actually get fixed in Qt20:49
ralsinammcc: it probably will be fixed in Qt520:50
ralsinammcc: and never in Qt420:50
ralsinammcc: at least for mac we can probably just call the native dialog ourselves via pyobjc or something20:51
mmccralsina: hmm, that's true.20:51
gatoxouch..... we are going to have a problem20:51
ralsinammcc: since it's a modal dialog, it should not "break" things20:51
ralsinagatox: "are going to"?20:52
gatoxi didn't realize this was happening..... and now the branch proposal has 1842 lines :S20:52
ralsinagatox: that's a paddling20:52
gatoxahhhh but a lot of xml20:52
ralsinagatox: are they complex lines? ;-)20:52
gatoxuntil line 454 is qss and xml also20:52
ralsinaI would *so* love to have this in the mac alpha :-)20:53
ralsinagatox: then it's "like 1000'20:53
gatoxwell...... it's actually an easy branch...... there is a lot of tests, docstrings, etc20:53
ralsinagatox: does it use QFileDialog?20:53
gatoxbut the number seems a lot20:53
gatoxralsina, nop20:53
ralsinagatox: ok, because that crap is broken on all !linux platforms :-(20:54
gatoxralsina, if you want...... you can be the first reviewer! https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/tab-shares-functions/+merge/12128320:54
ralsinagatox: sure20:54
gatoxralsina, QFileDialog is broken on linux?!20:54
ralsinagatox: no20:54
ubot5Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux20:54
ralsinadiaf ubot520:54
gatoxubot5, thx20:54
ubot5You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:54
briancurtinubot5, dance20:54
gatoxubot5, you rock!20:55
ralsinathis is what leads to dead astronauts orbiting jupiter.20:55
briancurtin:( the python buildbot bot can dance20:55
ralsinabriancurtin: and hal9000 could sing clementine!20:56
ralsinasee? dead astronauts20:56
gatoxralsina, i've been already using this feature to share some files today :P20:56
ralsinagatox: cool :-)20:57
gatoxok....... and now...... eod........ please send me an email (gmail account) if you need me to fix something in this branch... so i can do it during the weekend before leaving on tuesday20:58
gatoxalecu, can be the other reviewer maybe: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/tab-shares-functions/+merge/121283 :P20:58
ralsinaI will finish that review but in the meantime I am off20:59
ralsinahave a nice weekend team!20:59
gatoxralsina, bye21:00
gatoxbye all!21:00
dobeyugh; the tests pass for me when building in local quantal chroot, using the nightlies package21:18
dobeyi'll have to figure this out later :-/21:18
dobeyhave a good weekend all21:23
mmccok, time for me to run. might be back a bit later to try to wrap up this launchd stuff…22:10
mmcchave a good weekend everyone!22:10

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