
linuxieusI seem to be having a problem with the desktop. The wallpaper does no longer show and icons + text appear vague. When right clicking and trying to change desktop background nothing happens... What could be my problem and what is the solution?01:17
linuxieusThanks in advance for any help.01:17
linuxieusI did do a search on the net before coming here btw, but I seem to be having a weird problem...01:18
Unit193I don't quite remember, but I think the fix for that was alt+f2, xfwm4 --replace, but that doesn't make as much sense as thunar should be managing it.01:20
linuxieusNope, screen flickered but nothing changed. Sorry...01:22
linuxieusI can't recall that I changed anything either that's what makes it even more strange... I switched the laptop off without any problems before and since yesterday I have this weird problem.01:23
linuxieusAnything else I start seems to be just fine, nothing wrong with the screen. Firefox for example, or anything else are as clear as normal and even the top and bottom menu are fine.01:24
linuxieusThe desktop just appears in plain blue (BSOD blue) and no wallpaper... And as stated before the icons are vague as the text underneath it.01:25
linuxieusThat's what I thought ;)01:29
Unit193Could always nuke your .config, and by that I mean move it. :P01:31
linuxieusOkay, it's not such a major problem - everything else seems to be just fine and the system appears to work normal but this is just something weird I want to fix. What is the base for the background settings? Maybe I should purge something out and install fresh?01:31
linuxieusNuke the config... Settings of xcfe? Could you specify what file maybe? -_o01:32
linuxieusI appreciate your help btw! ;)01:33
linuxieusAs the only one replying to my problem.01:34
Unit193Not much I know from this, haven't seen it.  12.04/Xfce 4.8?01:34
Unit193~/.config/ or if you don't like that, ~/.config/xfce401:35
linuxieusOkay, well I'll give it a try then.01:35
Unit193Log out and back in after.   (make sure to move the dir rather than actually deleteing)01:36
linuxieusJust moved it, going for a log out now...01:37
Unit193No go?01:39
linuxieus...sigh :( nope01:39
knomealt+f2 -> "xfdesktop --reload" ?01:40
linuxieusNothing :S01:41
knomehave you tried removing ~/.cache ?01:41
linuxieusNo, I'll try that just now.01:42
Unit193Gah! .cache!01:42
knomelinuxieus, and log out and in after that too just to make sure01:43
linuxieusOkay, hold on brb.01:44
linuxieusIt seems I am messing things up more atm. The bottom menu has lost its icons now :S01:46
linuxieusI did recover the .config btw, however it did not get my settings back. I have some work adjusting things in my top menu now.01:48
linuxieusHad some shortcuts there that are gone now (after the config removal tip).01:49
Unit193Really?  Sure they went to the reierjiereihg location?01:49
linuxieusYes, I am quite positive I did the correct thing.01:50
knomeUnit193, to *WHAT* location? :D01:51
Unit193knome: Right.01:51
Unit193linuxieus: Cool.01:51
linuxieusMaybe, while I am at it I should reinstall after moving my important files to the external HDD or maybe I should not give up just now... :D01:51
Unit193Could make a new user, see if it happens there, if so, problem.01:52
linuxieusProblems are meant for solving and learning. I'll just create a new user - hold on.01:52
linuxieusWeird... That works just fine, with wallpaper and all.01:56
linuxieusI could even change it etc.01:56
linuxieusWhen I log out I get a black screen that says something like 'Could not write... broken pipe'?01:57
linuxieusDoes it have something to do with it maybe?01:58
Unit193I have that on suspend.01:58
linuxieusOkay, so that is quite normal... I guess?01:58
linuxieusNever mind that then ;)01:58
Unit193Well, wouldn't say it is normal, but...01:59
linuxieusI noticed something else too... On the new user I had the possibility to change settings or so - other than wallpaper settings that I do not get on the main account anymore.02:00
linuxieusRight click only gives me the option: Change background, on the main user account I use atm.02:00
linuxieus(Maybe it helps in solving the problem?)02:01
knomelinuxieus, just checking; have you enabled the root account?02:01
linuxieusEnabled? I cant recall disabling it... I guess it's a yes ;)02:02
knomelinuxieus, (please don't if you haven't, you shouldn't)02:02
knomeit's disabled by default02:02
knomeso if you haven't touched it, good02:02
linuxieusOh 0_o okay... Well, I have done nothing special that I know of that created this problem.02:03
linuxieusI'll see where to enable the root account.02:03
knomeno, don't02:03
knomeyou shouldn't02:03
knomei was just making sure *you didn't*02:03
knomebecause that's known to cause problems02:04
linuxieusNo then, I am sure I didn't02:04
knomegood :)02:04
knomei think i need to go to bed, it's 5am02:04
knomeUnit193's timezone is more favorable, so he'll probably continue with you :)02:05
linuxieusIt's 4 am here. But I am on a nightshift :D02:05
linuxieusSleep well! And thanks a lot, anyways...02:05
knomei'm an entrepreneur, so "always working".. though this time, only on open source stuff ;)02:06
knomegood night, and good luck02:06
Unit193Nighty, knome.02:06
knomenini Unit19302:07
linuxieus...My guess is I am f*cked.02:09
Unit193Well, try to keep it family friendly and all, but why can't you just keep the new user?02:10
Unit193Just make sure it's in the sudo group.02:10
linuxieusI could do that, but that's is (to me) just a simple way to avoid the problem... It's not the solution, wright?02:11
linuxieusI would like to try and fix it.02:12
linuxieusBy all means this just have to work and there has to be a fix, is what I am thinking.02:12
blackgatonegrohave you tried to change the account to an administrator one?02:12
blackgatonegroor run the program in terminal with sudo?02:13
blackgatonegrogo to system /user and groups02:13
linuxieusChange the main account to a administrator one?02:13
linuxieusIs the main account not already the administrator?02:14
blackgatonegropick the account, go to advanced settings, change permisions02:14
linuxieusJust asking.02:14
linuxieusOkay, hold on.02:14
blackgatonegroyou remenber your root pasword, right?02:14
linuxieusYes sure ;)02:15
blackgatonegrothen try to change the permisions02:15
linuxieusChanged it to the group adm is that correct?02:16
Unit193blackgatonegro: He has a different problem, not a group issue.02:16
blackgatonegroif you still have problems, you could have some bad program installs02:16
linuxieusMain group: adm02:16
blackgatonegrohe can also change the account permisions, not just the group ones02:16
linuxieusI log out now?02:17
linuxieus...guess so?02:17
blackgatonegroif nothing works, he can try creating a new account, and doing a backup of the stuff he had in the old one.02:18
linuxieusNew account works fine, but I would like to solve this issue - if possible.02:18
linuxieusAlthough I already have lost some settings on the way now ;)02:18
linuxieusOkay, I'll try log out/in now.02:19
blackgatonegrosystem /user and groups /pick account name / advanced settings / type root password /user privileges / select all02:21
blackgatonegrothen reboot02:21
linuxieusOkay, I'll try that then - since it has not changed.02:22
linuxieusHold on.02:22
blackgatonegrosystem /user and groups /pick account name / advanced settings / type root password /user privileges / select all /ok / then reboot * If that does not work, create new account, backup stuff in old one*02:23
linuxieusGoing for a reboot...02:24
linuxieus...I am lost. It did not work, but I'll try it maybe later... I'm tired of it atm. I do appreciate all your help guys, thanks a lot!!!02:28
silverghostwhat happened eh02:28
linuxieusI'll work with it, without a wallpaper and vague icons and text for now.02:29
silverghostwhat happened linuxieus02:29
linuxieusRestore my shortcuts on the top menu and I'll be fine for the time.02:29
linuxieusWhat happened, well I dont know.02:30
linuxieusMy first question, you are asking what my problem is wright?02:30
silverghostwhat happened to ur xubuntu eh02:31
linuxieusWell, my wallpaper was gone just like that and icons with text are all vague but everything else is just fine. Background is now blue like BSOD blue and I cant change or have a wallpaper...02:31
silverghostu using 4.10 ?02:32
blackgatonegrosometimes you have no choise but to make a new account, do you have remote desktop enabled?02:32
linuxieusEverything else is just fine, top menu is functional and bottom was fine but I trashed that by removing settings.02:32
linuxieussilverghost, correct!02:32
silverghosttry fedora xfce it is less buggy than xubuntu02:32
linuxieusNo, wait...02:32
silverghosttry solus os 1.2 it is lightere than xubuntu www.solusos.ocm02:33
bazhangsilverghost, thats not helpful02:33
drcSettings>Settings Manager>Sessions an Startup>Advanced> Launch GNOME Services on Startup   id that checked?02:33
bazhang!behelpful | silverghost02:33
ubottusilverghost: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.02:33
linuxieus...I want ubuntu, I like it very much - I changed to Xubuntu because of the damn unity crap.02:33
drclinuxieus:    Settings>Settings Manager>Sessions an Startup>Advanced> Launch GNOME Services on Startup   id that checked?02:34
silverghostlinuxieus why compromise stability of ur system with ubuntu based distros technically they are unstable debian sid02:34
linuxieusdrc, I'll check that, hold on.02:34
bazhangsilverghost, stay on topic02:35
silverghostbazhang u frm which country?02:35
silverghosti am educating him02:35
bazhangsilverghost, stay on topic for xubuntu support. Chat elsewhere.02:35
silverghostu frm which eountry eh02:36
linuxieusdrc, It's checked.02:36
* drc thinks baz is from canops country :)02:36
linuxieusI seem to also have KDE :S02:36
drclinuxieus: uncheck it, restart x, tell us what happens.02:36
linuxieusIn that menu/option.02:37
linuxieusOkay, hold on.02:37
drcuncheck both02:37
linuxieusIt did not fix it.02:39
linuxieusShould I check them or only one?02:40
drclinuxieus: did you restart x completely?02:40
drcnot just log out02:40
linuxieusUh, how do I do that? I reboot?02:41
drcrebooting is the easiest :)02:41
linuxieusOkay, sure... hold on.02:41
linuxieusIt did not do the trick, booting took a bit longer though and while starting up it did show the standard wallpaper for a small while until completely booted I get the blue background again.02:44
drcboth GNOME and KDE are unchecked?02:44
linuxieusYes, I am quite sure I had them both unchecked. Let me check it for you, hold on.02:45
linuxieusYes, both are unchecked so I did that correctly.02:45
drcThere was a problem (a while back( with Onboard and GNOME services that resulted in the symptoms you described.02:46
linuxieusBut that is (maybe) not the case with me, wright?02:47
drcI do not remember if I had to clear the cache also (delete everything in ~/.cache).02:47
linuxieusonboard, is a service or program?02:47
linuxieusI already had this tip and cleared that.02:47
drcprogram, it's an onscreen keyboard, iirc...see Software center.02:47
linuxieusAh, okay.02:48
drcok, sorry, must have missed that...I'm out of ideas :(02:48
linuxieusBut please remember, it was working fine before. This just happened overnight I switched it off and the next day !@#$$%@$#! o_O02:49
drcThat's the way it always is :)02:49
linuxieusI can't understand why... Okay, sometimes weird things do happen on my laptop's Xubuntu but after a reboot or so it's fine but this stays...02:50
linuxieusWell, thank you's to you to... I am tired of it and you are out of ideas ;)02:50
linuxieusI gtg do something else, start up the XBMC and get my mind off from this for a while. (system works fine only this minor problem persists).02:51
linuxieusYou all where a great help. Talk to you later maybe!02:52
* linuxieus is away: I'm busy02:52
utu-san12.04.1 is out?03:42
utu-sanbut don't see 4.10 in it?03:43
utu-sannot good enough yet?03:44
hanslandahello there, can anyone help me please? im trying to install Xorg-Server-1.12.3  but its asking for some dependencies that i dont know and neither can find them03:47
utu-sanhanslanda: apt-get should take care of it?03:48
utu-sanit will pull in all deps03:48
hanslandautu-san, yes..some deps i could find...but others not03:49
hanslandabigreqsproto is one i cant find03:50
utu-sanam assuming you are installing from ubuntu repos right?03:51
utu-sanwhen you apt-get install <pkg>, it will install other deps that are not installed yet03:52
hanslandaim sorry utu-san ...please tell me how can i update Xorg so? ive downloaded it im trying to compile this...but without success due to these missed dependencies03:54
hanslandamy is X.Org X Server 1.11.3 ...and i want to install 1.12.3 or later03:56
utu-sanmay I ask why?03:56
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
hanslandai have a problem while im playing some games...my mouse scroll button doesnt work when im pressing other buttons...so i read the text of that link and it says that i have to download xorg 1.12.304:00
utu-sanhanslanda sorry can't help you but you can try quantal which is at
hanslandaquantal? dont know what it is...i will search in google04:02
utu-santhe next ubuntu 12.1004:02
utu-sanhanslanda:  or there are ppa's that has bleeding edge versions like the xorg-edger  it may work or not not sure04:09
hanslandautu-san, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-24-08-2012-011105.php  please...help me...look at this link..its a print of the problem04:12
utu-sanX is tricky so use at your own risk04:12
utu-sansorry. got to go04:13
holsteinhanslanda: im not seeing it, whats up?04:19
Sysihttps://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=precise there's 1.12.304:22
holsteinOH, i get it ...i thought it was an image depicting an X error ;)04:22
hanslandaholstein, i think i've found a solution...but i will ask if i get any problem...just a minute04:22
holsteinyeah, use the PP hanslanda04:22
Sysicompiling xorg is quite risky if you don't have experience, I'm not sure if you can have two different versions installed simultaneously04:23
holsteinyup.. and the stuff will be everywhere...im not a noob anymore, and im quite sure i could make a mess that only resinstalling would cure04:24
hanslandaSysi, holstein , i want to have xorg 1.12.3 on my system...what i have to do so?04:25
holsteinhanslanda: i would try the PPA04:25
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Arpad2is it possible to send/receive sms text messages with hsdpa internet connection in xubuntu?08:42
daedaluzI don't get this. I used the xubuntu team's ppa to upgrade xfce from 4.8 to 4.10, and first xfce-settings-manager was as intended, but then for some reason last time I opened it 5mins ago it was almost empty08:58
daedaluzthings like power management are missing for no apparent reason08:59
daedaluzI have only screensaver, default apps, panel, kb layout, mime-editor & display there now08:59
dystopiandrifthello all. any idea why the ppc port xubuntu iso is so far over 700mb? I can't get it to burn right.. I even used -overburn in wodim to try to get it to work anyway. no luck..11:42
TheSheep!ppc | dystopiandrift11:43
ubottudystopiandrift: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ11:43
dystopiandriftI even mounted the squeesefs and dug around, but I can't get into the root so not much I can do to try to cut stuff out.11:44
dystopiandriftseems like the iso should be smaller..11:45
TheSheepdystopiandrift: in short: we don't support ppc11:45
dystopiandriftah. I misunderstood. okay. I figured it was on the server with the others so.. yeah. anyway, thanks.11:47
TheSheepdystopiandrift: try ubuntu-ppc11:47
TheSheepdystopiandrift: the channel11:47
TheSheepdystopiandrift: ah, sorry11:47
dystopiandriftoh, cool. thank you.11:47
TheSheepdystopiandrift: no such channel :/11:47
* TheSheep can't remember the channel name11:48
dystopiandriftwell, its the thought that counts.. I'll look.11:48
TheSheepah, it's #ubuntu-powerpc11:48
TheSheepI really hoped the ubottu fact would have a reference to the channel11:48
dystopiandriftI found  a guide to shrink the iso, but it is what I have already done. This guide I found is referencing ubuntu 9.10 ;p so thats probably why it worked.11:52
dystopiandriftanyway, thank you again. I'll go bug #ubuntu-powerpc about all this.11:53
matematikaadithi, i've problem to connect to freenode server via xchat/irssi, etc.12:00
PiciWhat sort of problem?12:02
matematikaaditthe problem is: if the server support ipv6, there will be [Network is unreachable] warning.12:02
PiciYou can try specifying the -4 argument when you connect with irssi12:03
matematikaaditbut if it doesn't support ipv6, like zelazny.freenode.net (seen in http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml). I will be abble to connect.12:03
matematikaaditOK, i try this at irssi: /server -4 chat.freenode.net12:05
matematikaaditbut it respond with: 19:04 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server chat.freenode.net port 6667 [IPv4 address not found for host]12:05
matematikaaditI think the cause is that I set my linux to not support ipv612:06
matematikaaditbtw, it's xubuntu 11.10 on i38612:08
PiciCan you pastebin the output of: dig chat.freenode.net12:10
* Pici scratches his head12:18
Picimatematikaadit: how are you connected right now?12:19
matematikaaditPici: I'm using zelazny.freenode.net server. (this server doesn't support ipv6)12:19
matematikaaditI will paste the command and the result that I type in xchat for the success and the non-success one.12:22
matematikaaditsimilar result also apply for irssi12:29
matematikaaditoh, also using http://webchat.freenode.net/ is work.12:30
xubuntu949Just wondering, does 12.04.1 have the latest XFCE?12:33
Sysistays in 4.812:34
xubuntu949Ah - thanks for the answer!12:34
matematikaaditanyway... what does the proper way to check wether our linux 3.0 support ipv6?12:59
noisemshi all, im novice in xubuntu, want to try xfce 4.10, but my repository show me only 4.8 version. What repository i ne to add? thx!13:20
GridCubenoisems, xubuntu 12.10 will be the first official release with 4.10, but you can get an unoficial, slightly unsuported, version https://plus.google.com/112064450121097287690/posts/Jj27zJqmCVB13:26
knomenot slightly, but officially unsupported13:27
GridCubeyeah... well... i meant not for long :P13:30
GridCubeand that its not so different from 4.813:31
cifadamhi everyone, i need some help about my grub?14:06
cifadamis there anyone want to help me?14:06
bazhangcifadam, dont crosspost in multiple ubuntu channels14:07
cifadamsorry about that14:07
cifadami'm totally new at this14:07
cifadamso how can i get some simple help with my problem?14:08
holsteincifadam: you can ask... whats going on?14:10
cifadamfinally, thanx14:10
cifadami recently set up gnome on my xubuntu14:10
holsteincifadam: bazhang was asking that you not ask in multiple channels... you can get "help' from one person, then get distracted and waste a voulunteers time14:11
cifadambut than i erased the gnome14:11
holsteincifadam: theres also no time limit on said voluntary support, so you might want to refrain from using terms like "finally" as that might be considered "combatitive"14:11
holsteincifadam: i will be glad too look at your issue however.. you installed gnome? by what method? and removed it? how?14:12
cifadami see, sorry, as i said i'm totally new at this14:12
cifadamanyway, after i removed gnome, i lost some functions in xubuntu14:12
cifadamone of them is, transparency of xfce-terminal14:13
holsteincifadam: xubuntu session? or XFCE?14:13
cifadamxubuntu session i guess14:13
holsteincifadam: if you are new, and not worried about hard drive space, i would suggest just reinstalling gnome14:13
holsteincifadam: you can look at login and confirm what session you are using14:13
cifadamspace is not the issu14:13
cifadam but my internet connection sucks14:14
cifadamit takes almost a whole day to reinstall it14:14
holsteincifadam: i would probably look into compositing.. see what compositor you were using before gnome14:14
holsteini would look at the settings in the terminal and see that they are set to the transparency you are wanting14:15
holsteincifadam: something that will facilitate transparency...14:15
cifadamin terminal settins, everything seems normal, i doublechecked14:15
cifadamalso i installed some other terminal emulators14:15
cifadamnothings changed about transparenc14:16
cifadami think i've lost some libraries about transparency while erasing gnome14:16
cifadamis that possible?14:16
holsteincifadam: yup.. i think its possible you broke some config.. i would probably make a new user and test there14:17
cifadamok, i'll try it14:17
cifadamby the way14:18
cifadamis there any simple way to complete reset of grub14:18
holsteincifadam: not aure what you mean by "reset".. there is sudo update-grub14:18
cifadambecause my visual settings of grub is completely terrible14:18
cifadamvisual reset i mean14:18
cifadamfonts, sizes etc.14:18
holstein!grub | cifadam14:19
ubottucifadam: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:19
holsteinthat is what i refer to when configuring grub cifadam ...if you are using another application to manage it, i would expect breakage14:19
cifadamyes, probably it's about grub-customize, but is it the solution to uninstall it?14:20
holsteincifadam: the solution would be to understand what grub-customize is doing to grub, and undo that before you uninstall... but there are ways to restore grub linked above14:22
holsteingotta run...14:22
cifadamok, thank you holstein and others14:23
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melodie_I would like to find out where are located the configurations for the desktop in the LiveCD ?15:00
melodie_not the ones which are dedicated to the new created users after install, but the one for the live itself ?15:01
holsteinmelodie_: what is your goal? to make a persistent live USB? make your own live CD?15:02
melodie_hi holstein I am trying to make a spin out of Xubuntu, with another set of colours15:02
melodie_I am using Ubuntu builder for this purpose15:02
holsteinmelodie_: every now and then i try making a custom iso.. not sure what i suggest trying15:03
melodie_I am not sure it is the most appropriate tool, but I am just discovering for now.15:03
melodie_what I don't know is where the configuration for the Live Desktop is located15:04
melodie_I have tried to read the docs here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization15:04
holsteinyup.. thats what i usually reference15:04
melodie_but the information does not match with what I see in the xubuntu15:05
holsteini was using UCK and had issues with using a custom kernel15:05
holsteinmelodie_: should be quite similar.. what information doesnt match?15:05
melodie_"Generally background files are located in /usr/share/backgrounds. Copy your png file there, adjust owner and file access, and edit the files:15:05
melodie_    /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntu-wallpapers.xml and "15:05
melodie_this one15:05
melodie_when I look for something similar, this file can't be found15:06
melodie_melodie@astro:/usr/share$ pwd15:06
melodie_melodie@astro:/usr/share$ find . -name "*-wallpapers.xml"15:06
melodie_see what I mean ?15:06
holsteinmelodie_: i was doing that with gnome in ubntu 10.04, so im not sure i can offer any clarity.. i would probably just search for where the current walleper is15:06
holsteini would consider just renaming the one i want to use and putting it in place of the one thats there15:07
melodie_I want to change not only wallpaper but also the settings of the panel15:07
melodie_and the window manager15:07
holsteinmelodie_: cool..i would chip away one at a time... settings i would expect to find from poking around on a live CD15:07
melodie_therefore I have placed the configuration files under /etc/skel, but for what the live get's it's own I have no idea where it is15:07
holsteinmelodie_: the folks i know who do this and are really successful just do it by hand.. in a chroot or whatever15:08
melodie_I can chroot, no problem with that, but I don't know where the configs for live are located. Not a clue15:08
melodie_I tried to search before15:08
holsteini would consider emailing a dev mailing list.. i would think i could just find what i need poking around on the live CD15:09
melodie_dev ml seems a good idea to me. where are the devs of xubuntu ?15:09
melodie_oh, do you want to see a shot of my desktop in Xubuntu ? :)15:10
holsteinsure... you can link that here, or in the offtopic channel if you feel we are straying from support to "chat"15:10
melodie_I am looking for support.15:10
holsteinnice.. makes me want to go bowling ;)15:11
melodie_I have found a few walls at gnome-look.org, matching the idea of a brown desktop.15:12
melodie_I liked this one for it's lights and general look.15:12
melodie_I have done a full tarball with the configuration files as well.15:12
melodie_I mean the ones from the /home/user, and one for plymouth, and lighdm,15:13
melodie_grub customize would need an install on another machine, this one has several distros and I didn't want to break the main bootloader.15:13
holsteini would maybe try #ubuntu-beginners-team... try and find someone who had done exactly what you are trying to do15:13
melodie_thanks, I'll try there  : didn't know this chan15:14
martinphonethunar doesnt allow multiple tabs as, for instance, nautilus. How do I make nautilus the default file manager? and what other file managers that allow multiple tabs do you recommend?15:18
holsteini might try pcmanfm15:21
holsteinthis is interesting http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=55352&start=0 ...i would not do nautilus just because of the wight of it.. i dont think its worth it to just add tabs15:23
martinphoneok, if I cannot make nautilus default, how do I adda n icon to access it in accessories?15:24
holsteinmartinphone: you can install, and make nautilus default if you like15:24
holsteini would look at editing the menu with something like alacarte maybe?15:25
knomepcmanfm has tabs, and it's lighter15:25
martinphoneill give pcman a try15:32
martinphoneiwith alacarte i found bulrename, can I rename 500 files in several folders with that?15:33
martinphonepcman always resest my view mode to icon and I want it list15:45
melodie_martinphone, have you logged out after you changed the setting ?15:49
melodie_which version pcmanfm do you have ?15:49
martinphonemelodie_, no I just closed and opened15:49
martinphonethe one from the repos15:49
martinphonei assumed it is a discontunued project, am i wrong?15:50
melodie_yes you are wrong15:51
melodie_version 1.0 and 1.0.1 are on their way15:51
martinphoneim looking for a git or a ppa15:52
melodie_good idea15:53
martinphoneim toot ired to compile15:54
melodie_you need to get libfm same version too15:55
melodie_it will be available in quantal. :/15:55
milen8204I just installed an copy of Xubuntu 12.04. I tried to start video in youtube but I couldn't. I have installed flash player but nothing happed.16:14
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
holsteinmilen8204: i usually install chrome as a troubleshooting step since it has flash built-in.. you can try going to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/16:16
holsteinmilen8204: if you "using installed a copy of xubuntu 12.04" that doesnt come with flash... so maybe you installed flash as well? how?16:16
v1adimiryeah, chrome or chromium, it's the simplest way16:17
milen8204holstein, I went to the download page http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ , adn installed version for Ubuntu 10.04+16:18
holsteinmilen8204: i would not go to the download page..i woud open the package manager of your choice and search for flash... this is usually what i do and suggest16:19
n2diyGridCube, want to try again?16:30
GridCube:) sure why not16:32
GridCubethough im being extremely laggy today n2diy16:33
n2diyGridCube, ok starting out with a virgin install, and a different VGA card. Roger on laggy, TGIF!16:33
n2diyThe new VGA card is a Radeon RV1000, my other Nvidia card would boot, but I had no display.16:35
n2diySo, I had success with VLC media player installed via the USC, let me try that first, or would you rather xubuntu restricted extras?16:37
GridCubethat is essential16:37
GridCubethey allow you to play restricted codecs, like mp3 and stuff, its very important16:38
n2diyGridCube, ok, that explains why the backup box can play some stuff, but not other stuff. I only installed VLC media player on it. Ok, I'm installing restricted on the test box. Any prefrences as to which installer I use?16:43
GridCubenot really16:44
GridCubei just usually apt-get it because its faster to type16:44
n2diyGridCube, restricted extras installed, youtube not working, installing VLC media player via USC.17:14
GridCubei dont understand why youtube wont work17:15
GridCuben2diy, on a terminal run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:16
n2diyI don't either!?. Ok, when VLC is done cooking, I run those.17:17
David-An2diy: you have had this problem for at least 3 days now17:24
n2diyDavid-A, I've had this problem since 7/9, I just decided to address it 3 days ago!17:25
David-An2diy: what does about:config in firefox or chromium say. does it list the flash plugin?17:25
n2diyDavid-A, I'll check when apt-get finishes.17:26
marsjeWhat do I do if after login all my windows borders have disappeared and won't come back? All windows end up in the upper left corner without title bar :(17:27
marsjeI had it before and someone told me to delete a file and then it worked, but I forgot which file it was17:27
TheSheepmarsje: press alt+f2 and type 'xfwm4' and press enter17:28
marsjeTheSheep: that works :)17:29
marsjeTheSheep: so what is happening?17:29
TheSheepmarsje: for some reason your window manager didn't start or it started but crashed17:30
n2diyDavid-A, Says I might void my warranty!? But I'm past that, what am I looking for, flash?17:30
marsjeTheSheep: the funny thing is that I've had it with both ubuntu as xubuntu17:31
David-An2diy: sorry not about:config, but about:plugins (by the way, about:config is safe if you dont change anything)17:32
n2diyDavid-A, roger.17:35
n2diyDavid-A, ok, that lists Shockwave Flash; libflashplayer.so; shockwave flash 11.2r202, and two mime types, swf and spl.17:38
David-An2diy: that sound okay, flashplayer is installed17:41
n2diyDavid-A, let me go see what jockey thinks of my vga drivers.17:43
Troy^I'm trying to install 32bit java on my 64bit system. Apparently the 32bit java will work better with a java game I'm trying to play but i get this when trying to covert the .rpm package to a debian package17:44
Troy^troy@Troy-Box:~/Downloads$ sudo alien jre-7u6-linux-i586.rpm17:44
Troy^Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package jre: postinst postrm prerm17:44
Troy^Warning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts.17:44
Troy^jre-7u6-linux-i586.rpm is for architecture i386 ; the package cannot be built on this system17:44
n2diyDavid-A, GridCube, jockey doesn't suggest any drivers.17:45
GridCuben2diy, your computer surpass me17:46
GridCubei mean, flash is installed17:46
GridCubebut it wont work, your drivers dont work...17:46
GridCubei really dont know17:47
holsteindid it work with the chrome browser? chromes flash?17:47
n2diyI haven't tried chromium this week, lets try that now.17:48
David-An2diy: flash should be able to work with open source drivers. have you tested other video sites using flash?17:48
holsteini would try "chrome" since its the one with its own flash.. chromium will use the flash you are using now... i think both would be a good test17:48
n2diyholstein, installing chromium now. Synaptic didn't list chrome?17:50
holsteinn2diy: correct.. its not in the repos...17:51
n2diyholstein, so chrome needs to be compiled?17:52
holsteinthere are packages for ubuntu here n2diy https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/?&brand=CHMB&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-sk&utm_medium=ha17:53
holsteini didnt realize that link was so nasty https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/17:53
David-An2diy: (in general, to install open source programs not in the repos, there are usually two simple ways: add a "ppa" to "software sources" and install as normal using USC or synaptic or apt-get, or download a .deb and double click it.)17:55
n2diyDavid-A, holstein, GridCube, ok, opened chromium, went to youtube, and tried to play Cosmos episode 1, and I'm told I'm missing a plugin, of course it doesn't tell me what I'm missing.17:58
n2diyand chromium crashed.17:59
holsteinn2diy: its a flash site, correct? how about in chrome, which has its own version of flash that is not the one yo are currently using?17:59
n2diyholstein, let me install chrome.17:59
xubuntu963I have a question, how can I tell if my lubuntu supports multi-core?18:06
xubuntu963I am running it on a 4Core nettop computer18:06
xubuntu963I can not tell if it is utilizing all the cores18:06
TheSheepit is18:06
xubuntu963would like to know how to check this.18:06
TheSheepthere is no way to make it not utilize them, as far as I know18:07
holsteinapplications can not use them, but thats got nothing to do with *buntu, or the kernels which are the same across the versions and support multicore18:08
xubuntu963Ok... When using regular ubuntu, there was the some GUI which displayed cpu usage for each cpu18:08
xubuntu963can not find this on lubuntu18:08
TheSheepxubuntu963: system monitor18:08
TheSheepxubuntu963: I don't know about lubuntu (this is a xubuntu channel), but xubuntu has it installed by default, afair18:09
TheSheepxubuntu963: you can probably install it with synaptic, or open a terminal and type 'top'18:10
xubuntu963I will try now18:10
xubuntu963another question which is more lightweight Xcfe or lxde ?18:12
n2diyDavid-A, holstein, GridCube, ok, opened chrome, went to youtube, and tried to play Cosmos episode 1, and I'm told I'm missing a plugin, of course it doesn't tell me what I'm missing.18:13
holsteinn2diy: how about the flash test site i linked? does it say?18:14
n2diyholstein, I don't see the link?18:15
holsteinn2diy: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/18:16
holsteinn2diy: are you running chrome? try from the terminal to be sure.. chrome-browser18:16
holsteinn2diy: sorry... 'google-chrome' from the terminal18:17
David-Axubuntu963: afak lxde is lighter than xfce18:17
David-Axubuntu963: with "top" in a terminal, press: f j RETURN   then you will get a column "P" that is the processor number (with dual core you will see 0s and 1s, with quad core 0s, 1s, 2s and 3s)18:20
n2diyholstein, I don't see anything telling me my flash version, just available versions. And there is a bug displaying a broken link symbol, and when I hover over it, it displays "couldn't load plugin" When i right click on it, and then inspect element, the first line is "/fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/shockwave/cabs/flash/"18:23
holsteinn2diy: are you "up to date" with all upgrades? is this 12.04? 32bit?18:26
holsteinn2diy: would you mind creating a new user account, logging in, and running "google-chrome" and trying to go to that flash verison site?18:26
n2diyholstein, yes, as of an hour ago, Xu 12.04 32 bit.18:27
n2diyrebooted, nothing changed except my uptime. :/18:30
David-An2diy: I have not experienced it myself BUT "some" says there can be problems with flash if one installs it in multiple folders, even if the same version, "they" say. I am not sure if I believe "them", but maybe you have tried install flash multiple times using different methods. if so, and if "they" are right, you should try undo all installs except one.18:30
n2diyDavid-A, to avoid that, I started with a virgin install of 12.04, formatted both partitions, / and /home.18:31
David-An2diy: good thinking18:32
n2diyI'm working on my test box, so re-installing isn't an issue, other than time.18:32
holsteinchrome has its own... how about as a new user n2diy ?18:32
n2diyholstein, create a new user?18:32
holsteinn2diy: would you mind creating a new user account, logging in, and running "google-chrome" and trying to go to that flash verison site?18:32
n2diyholstein, no change with the new user trying to play Cosmos ep. 1.18:37
n2diyand I skipped importing my settings from google, so...18:38
holsteinn2diy: right.. dont try and play anything.. just go to the flash site.. whats that say?18:39
holsteinthis is in google-chrome? can you take a screenshot from google-chrome when you are on that flash version site?18:41
n2diyholstein, same thing as with the previous user.18:45
holsteinn2diy: cool.. i understand... did you see my post above?18:45
n2diyroger on the screenshot.18:45
holsteinin google-chrome can you take a screenshot from google-chrome when you are on that flash version site?18:45
n2diyholstein, any suggestions on how to get the screenshot from the test box to you? I can setup ftp, bring it to this box, or logout here, and login to irc with the test box?18:48
holsteini would just put it on imagebin18:48
n2diyholstein, ok, screenshot.png is on imagebin with the title flash is a pita.18:51
holsteinfor future reference, this is typically what folks like to get http://imagebin.org/22574618:52
n2diyah, ok, never used imagebin before.18:54
holsteinn2diy: type chrome:plugins in the address bar18:54
n2diyok, want a screenshot of that?18:55
holsteinn2diy: is what im reading http://pastebin.com/g37vW9KN18:55
holsteinn2diy: try this suggestion and report18:56
holsteinn2diy: this is easy as well.. hold down shift and click reload on that page18:57
n2diyholstein, chrome:plugins only shows one flash player.18:58
holsteinn2diy: cool, and you tried the shift click on reload?18:58
n2diyyes, same thing.18:59
holsteini suppose what i would do next is try a live CD that comes with flash.. something like mint should i think18:59
holsteinwouldnt hurt to test the memory and/or hard drive18:59
holsteinn2diy: you could talk down your install process? maybe you are doing something to break functionality?19:00
holsteinhave you ever had flash working in an ubuntu distro on that machine? what kind of machine is it?19:01
n2diyok, I have my xubuntu disks, knoppix 6.0, and puppy 5.11. Flash is partially working on my backup box, so I doubt it is my install process. Not sure if I ever had flash working on the test box, it's a generic box with an AOpen AK790D-400MAX motherboard.19:04
holsteinn2diy: partially working?19:04
David-An2diy, holstein: the infobar in your chrome says "shockwave flash has crashed". is it the same with other browsers and other video sites? we should try find if and where a crash log may be.19:05
holsteinn2diy: so, you dont want to share your install process for troubleshooting purposes? .. thats fine.. i suggested mint becuase it would be a live CD that would include flash19:05
holsteinif its "crashing" maybe you just dont have th resources to support the overhead of flash19:05
n2diyholstein, yes, I can play some episodes of Cosmos, and not others.19:06
holsteinn2diy: so, flash works, and some videos dont play?19:06
n2diyholestein, sure I share my process, what exactly do you need to know? I install from the CD, and manually partition.19:06
holsteinn2diy: anything relavant really... dont know.. all i konw is you are the only one here not able to use flash, and im trying to determine why19:07
holsteinn2diy: i would look at the hardware specs.. maybe its just not enough to handle the load, and its crashing19:07
holsteini have an eeepc900... an old celeron 900 in there.. i dont even bother with flash on it19:08
holsteindoes it work? sometimes.. sometimes it crashes, or locks up19:08
holsteinn2diy: i might try isolaing the graphics driver.. maybe try adding a custom xorg.conf file with the vesa driver specified19:09
n2diyholstein, ok, the mom board is running an athlon at 1463mhz with 1 gig of ram. GridCube did suspect VGA problems, so I switched VGA cards, but they are both old, so that didn't prove anything. Jockey doesn't show any alt. VGA drivers. No more vid cards to try, but I got some mom boards to test.19:16
n2diyrebooting with knoppix.19:18
n2diyknoppix complained about undefined video modes?19:20
holsteinn2diy: yeah, i would trust GridCube 's accessment.. i would want to force the vesa driver  for testing19:21
n2diyholstein, knoppix dropped me into a text shell! So I can't surf with that. How do I force the vesa driver?19:23
GridCuben2diy, !19:24
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x19:24
GridCubewow that was helpful ubottu19:24
holsteinn2diy: i usually use the puppy wizard.. sometimes i grab the xorg from there or knoppix19:24
holsteinn2diy: this would take your current graphics driver out of the equation19:24
n2diywhat, I think I have X running with knoppix?19:25
holsteinn2diy: you'll know.. it'll look less "texty"19:25
n2diyCompize fusion?19:25
holsteinn2diy: im assuming you are not installing compiz... thats correct, right?19:25
n2diyholstein, it was a splash screen that popped up while X was loading. Went to youtube, and couldn't play Cosmos, going to the flash sight now.19:29
holsteinn2diy: i would not go to "cosmos" whatever that means.. i would only go to the flash test site first19:29
holsteinn2diy: cosmos is not a good "baseline" ... cosmos could be crashing flash, and then all is borked after that19:30
n2diyholstein, ok, it plays on my backup box, that's why I was using it for a baseline. went to the adobe  /flash/about/ website, and same thing, doesn't tell me any version info.19:34
holsteinn2diy: backup box? another machine?.. thats great.. how about the vesa driver on the machine in question?19:35
GridCuben2diy, with version of ff are you using?19:35
GridCuben2diy, wait, this is the third video card you try and fail, might it be, maybe, that the mobo is dying?19:37
n2diyGridCube, I'm not, running iceweasel from the knoppix 6.0 disk! holstein, yes three boxes here, this one, the mission critical box, the test box, the one we are playing with, and the backup box, which plays some youtube stuff.19:37
n2diyLet me go back and look at the vesa info.19:37
n2diyholstein, GridCube, ok, so to use the VESA driver I can just rename xorg.conf.19:40
holsteinn2diy: i would create a custom xorg.conf specifiying the vesa driver.. im assuming you dont have an xorg.conf19:40
n2diyholstein, no xorg.conf in /etc/X11, which is where I think it resides?19:43
n2diynope, locate doesn't show any xorg.conf files, just xorg.conf.d19:44
GridCuben2diy, as i told you the other day, xorg.conf is not really needed anymore, unless you want something special like vesa drivers, you gotta create it19:45
GridCubeusing sudo Xorg --configure from a terminal shoudl create one19:47
n2diyGridCube, roger that. GridCube, holstein I'm now looking at ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7711766, what do you think?19:48
n2diysee if I can make a link out of that?19:50
GridCubeyep i think that should work19:50
GridCubei hate xorg.conf in any case and never use it, but that should hopefully work19:51
holsteini only use it to force vesa for troubleshooting really19:51
holsteinits easy to test and blow it out from a live CD or recovery if it breaks the boot19:52
n2diyGridCube, holstein, ok, copy and paste that stuff into a text file, name it xorg.conf, and put it in /etc/X11/?19:54
n2diyI don't have permission to do that, have to open up the editor with sudo. :/19:59
n2diyGridCube, holstein, X didn't start, ran start X and it failed.20:05
Troy^anyone here play runescape20:05
Troy^n2diy, sudo startx20:05
holsteinn2diy: that can happen.. thats why i like to make sure im comfortable blowing that file out in case...20:06
n2diyholstein, ok, rn is rename right?20:06
holsteini use move, or rm n2diy20:06
holsteinn2diy: i would probably try just using this in there http://pastebin.com/usJeib8720:07
holsteinor, using whatever works with puppy or knoppix and just edit the driver line to vesa20:07
n2diyholstein, ok, rmed it, rebooting.20:08
holsteinn2diy: yeah, but thats right back where you were, having not tried the vesa driver.. might want to try another option.. you know what happens with no xorg.conf in place20:09
GridCuben2diy, try the tinycore iso, it comes with vesa by default and you can install flash to it: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:flash_player20:10
holsteinyeah, thats a great way to troubleshoot flash with vesa.. easy20:11
* holstein bookmarking that GridCube ! good call20:11
n2diyholstein, GridCube, ok, trying the second xorg.conf.20:14
n2diyGridCube, ok, have to DL it and burn a CD.20:18
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
n2diyholstein, GridCube, umm, this isn't an iso? Not making sense of the instructions, stage 1 using the appbrowser... What is the appbrowser?20:29
holsteinn2diy: this?..20:29
GridCuben2diy, that asumes you are already using the tinycore livecd20:29
n2diyok, DLing the iso.20:33
n2diyburning the image.20:40
n2diyGridCube, holstein, ok, booted into tinycore.20:42
GridCubegreat, install firefox20:43
GridCubeand then follow that guide20:43
GridCube(just open the appbrowser to install stuff)20:44
=== SeH[SSH] is now known as SeH
newgmaefuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubunt21:03
newgmaeufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubun21:03
newgmaetufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubu21:03
newgmaeufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntu21:03
newgmaefuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntu21:03
newgmaefuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntufuck ubuntu21:03
n2diywrong channel dummy21:05
recon_lapso glad that people like newgmae are to dumb to use ubuntu21:14
knomen2diy, recon_lap: just let it be. cheers!21:15
n2diycheers and beers!21:18
SkippersbossToo tired for the beers. Falling asleep on platform21:21
recon_lapeven free beers?21:21
n2diyfree beer, where!?21:21
SkippersbossDon't temp me lol21:21
recon_laphave not bothered with beers in a long time21:22
n2diyran into a six pack last night, today had a slow start.21:24
SkippersbossIf its only the one (wheatbeer) I could be persuaded21:24
knomeplease take the beer-talk to -ot21:26
Troy^it seems as though everytime i kill the pidgin process it relaunches?21:37
Troy^ugh 64 black dragons lol21:38
Troy^glass of beer and slayer21:44
Troy^.stats hey_jason22:00
knomeTroy^, can you cut the useless comments?22:20
knomeTroy^, re: piding, sounds weird. are you sure you are killing the right process?22:20
=== SkippersBoss_ is now known as skippersboss

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