
wgrantshadeslayer, yofel_: I've noticed that a number of Project Neon builds (eg. kate, kdegames) are hanging early in the build lately. https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa/+build/3741043 and https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa/+build/3741663 are representative examples.00:04
yofel_odd, I'll look at it in a few minutes00:05
wgrantI've killed them each about 3 times this weekend, so it's not particularly intermittent.00:06
wgrantBut also not something I've seen much before from neon...00:06
yofel_well yeah, that shouldn't be happening...00:10
yofel_ok, at least it hangs here locally as well so I have something to debug...00:11
wgrantAh, great.00:12
wgrantI shall perma-kill the builds next time, then :)00:12
wgrantThanks for investigating00:12
yofel_uh oh... found the issue. The python wrapper I added is recursively calling itself. NOT good00:13
* yofel_ thought he fixed that00:13
wgrantYeah, it's odd, since it just hangs00:13
wgrantIt doesn't swapstorm or anything00:13
yofel_it should though, as it should be spawning bash and python processes all the time, except it kills them at some point and then just hangs00:14
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yofelwgrant: sorry 'bout that, will be fixed once project-neon-runtime r240 is published00:59
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shadeslayernew ktp : http://download.kde.org/unstable/kde-telepathy/0.5.0/src/01:26
yofeldebfx: what's up with those kde 4.8.5 ~ppa1.1 packages in staging?01:28
ScottKshadeslayer: Did you fix up the dvd/armhf links after the images got restored?02:06
shadeslayerScottK: yofel fixed the DVD links02:19
shadeslayerfixing armhf links right now02:20
shadeslayerScottK: fixed02:30
* shadeslayer looks at TODO02:37
shadeslayerok so, quassel has a very serious bug wrt rendering url's02:38
shadeslayerapparently libpng12 is deprecated and svourela tells me I should take up png maintainence in debian02:39
ScottKyofel and shadeslayer: thanks.02:40
shadeslayerthen there's a new ktp release as well02:40
ScottKshadeslayer: quassel's handling URLs just fine here.   What's this bug?02:41
shadeslayerScottK: are you on quantal?02:41
ScottKshadeslayer: On precise.02:41
shadeslayernot sure if you can reproduce on precise02:41
shadeslayerbut, hover over a URL, and quassel used to show the preview02:42
shadeslayerdoesn't show it in quantal02:42
shadeslayerour libpng is apparently very old02:43
ScottKDoesn't in precise either.  IIRC it was dropped.02:43
shadeslayerthe feature was dropped?02:43
shadeslayerSput: ^02:43
ScottKIf it's a bug, it's not recent.02:44
ScottKIIRC there was a preference for it and I don't see that either.02:44
ScottKSince it was rendered with qtwebkit, it's just as well.  Since that's got negligible security support, I think rendering random web pages with it is risky.02:45
shadeslayerunderstandable, maybe upstream dropped support for it02:49
shadeslayerlet's wait for Sput to get back before doing anything02:49
shadeslayerclaydoh: why is a 2010 post by you appearing on planet.ubuntu.com now? :P03:04
claydohlol I edited a mising graphic, didn't change the date 03:04
claydohshadeslayer: no, the date is good. I dunno03:06
shadeslayerprobably because wordpress updates the RSS feed and p.u.c uses that03:06
claydohcan that be changed on wp?03:07
shadeslayerdon't know03:09
claydohgoogle says nope more or less03:11
claydohill put it to private for a bit03:11
shadeslayerhow will that help? :D03:11
shadeslayerI'm fairly certain that once you make it public it'll be there on p.u.c again03:12
shadeslayerjust leave it :P03:12
shadeslayeryofel: do you remember where Quintasan_ put his update telepathy script ? :P03:14
claydohthere is a plugin tho, I just found, else I put the post private, edit, then make it public again.03:15
shadeslayerwe worked on it together, and it was on a pastebin somewhere03:15
shadeslayerbut now I've lost it03:15
* shadeslayer tries to use muon to upgrade stuff03:24
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: is there a way I can hide this dialog box?03:25
shadeslayerthe one that shows the packages being downloaded and what not03:25
shadeslayerwould be nice to hide it to the system tray03:25
JontheEchidnaminimize button :P03:25
shadeslayerI tend to accidentally click stuff in the task bar :P03:26
shadeslayerplus, it shows up in alt tab03:26
shadeslayeruhhh ... what just happened to muon 0.p03:50
shadeslayerI double clicked some text and I'm back to the main ui where you search03:51
shadeslayerhmm ... maybe the upgrade completed ....03:53
shadeslayerfwiw I'm working on KDE Telepathy packages06:32
* shadeslayer checks build queue06:33
shadeslayerah shit06:33
micahgshadeslayer: it's much better than it was on Friday06:51
shadeslayerwell ... yeah06:52
shadeslayerbut still ... 12 hours is pretty long06:52
* shadeslayer is still tweaking his automated script for packaging ktp06:54
shadeslayerand for some reason, uupdate sets the release as UNRELEASED06:54
micahgshadeslayer: not for that many jobs with that many builders06:54
shadeslayerI don't follow06:55
shadeslayer331 jobs (12 hours)06:55
micahgright, with only 12 builders, that's not so bad06:55
shadeslayerah ok, yes, true that06:56
shadeslayernew ktp being uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly07:23
shadeslayerI've scripted the packaging, so there *might* be a issue or two ....07:23
shadeslayerCurrently 16 packages building and 3 packages waiting to build. < I think launchpad likes me07:34
shadeslayerthough all of them will go into dep wait till common internals is built07:34
Sputshadeslayer: if you build quassel without enabling qt-webkit support, you won't get the option for the preview07:41
Sputnot sure what's the default though07:41
* shadeslayer checks build log07:41
Sputdefaults to automagic07:42
shadeslayerSput: it does pull in qtwebkit07:42
shadeslayerbwahaha 07:42
shadeslayerdh_install: libktpcommoninternalsprivate1 missing files (usr/lib/libktpcommoninternalsprivate.so.0.4*), aborting07:42
shadeslayerstupid regex07:42
Sput-- QtWebKit not found, disabling WebKit support07:44
shadeslayerbut it has QtWebkit installed on the buildd07:44
shadeslayerpossibly doesn't pull -dev headers ...07:45
shadeslayerhmm .. looks like it07:45
Sputthat could be it07:45
Sputit also disables KDE integration07:45
Sputnot sure if that's intended for that package?07:45
Sputah wait, no07:46
shadeslayerquassel is a weird package in ubuntu07:46
Sputthere's more than one config runs07:46
shadeslayerone is for building it without qt support07:46
shadeslayerSput: should we enable the link previews since qtwebkit recieves no security updates07:48
shadeslayerthat means someone could attack using quassel 07:49
SputI have no idea about the state of qtwebkit07:49
shadeslayerlike I just said, recieves no security updates07:49
Sputit's used by various projects, why should it be unmaintained?07:49
shadeslayerno idea really, the qtwebkit ML looks fairly active07:50
shadeslayermaybe they're just lazy in filling CVE's and what not07:50
Sputthat's what I would expect, it is an active project at least07:50
Sputbut I'm also not a distro maintainer and not involved in that security stuff, so... :)07:50
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1041770] Weird artefacts on screen (white traces, white boxes around windows) @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1041770 (by cagara)07:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041770 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Weird artefacts on screen (white traces, white boxes around windows)" [Undecided,New]07:56
debfxyofel: that was a test rebuild to see which packages missed to install files08:22
shadeslayerSput: you were right08:42
shadeslayerenabling webkit support made all the difference08:42
shadeslayernow we just have to convince ScottK to let us add the dep in the archvies :P08:43
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1004932] kdm.conf file not removed after dpkg-reconfigure @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1004932 (by monochromec)08:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004932 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "kdm.conf file not removed after dpkg-reconfigure" [Undecided,New]08:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: did Scott remove the option?08:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: more like, somone removed the build dep 08:57
apacheloggernot documented?08:57
shadeslayerand since webkit has security issues08:57
shadeslayernot that I can see in the changelog08:57
apacheloggerto be perfectly honest....08:57
apacheloggerqtwebkit is one insanely huge build dep for previews08:58
apacheloggerIMHO that should be runtime loaded Sput08:58
shadeslayerwhich is already installed on Kubuntu systems08:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: the KDE build ought to depend on qtwebkit08:58
shadeslayerit does08:58
apacheloggerBECAUSE kdelibs is built against it anyway08:58
shadeslayerit didn't pull in dev headers08:58
apacheloggerperhaps there never was a build dep08:58
apacheloggerbut kdelibs-dev pulled it in08:59
apacheloggerand now it doesn't08:59
shadeslayerquite the possibility, yes08:59
apacheloggerwhich also makes sense since only 1% of stuff needing kdelibs links against kwebkit, so depping -dev on qtwebkit would be somewhat ecessive ^^08:59
Sputapachelogger: I *think* it only gets loaded if previews are enabled, at least one case save tons of RAM by disabling them09:00
* apachelogger cannot spell today Oo09:00
Sput(speaking about the runtime option now_09:00
apacheloggerSput: it's not RAM that concerns me but time-it-takes-to-install09:00
Sputapachelogger: I would mention USE flags, but... :)09:01
apacheloggerSput: knowing the build time of quassel that makes matters worse :P09:01
Sputobviously we can't build webkit support without depending on the headers09:01
apacheloggerSput: I am not talking about the headers but linking09:01
Sputmh, idunno. feel free to provide a patch that improves things09:02
SputI don't know enough about that kind of stuff myseld09:02
apacheloggerme neither :P09:02
apacheloggerwell, actually I do09:03
apacheloggeractually it's terribly simple09:03
apacheloggersimplest option is to QLibrary load the lib09:03
apacheloggerthen manually try to resolve symbols09:03
apachelogger(manually is not really manual resolution ;))09:03
wgrantyofel_: Thanks12:53
bobweaverHello there I was wondering if there is a kubuntu developers kguide 15:04
bobweaverpun on the kguide :D ok bad joke 15:04
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1041945] "multiple errors leading to this one" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1041945 (by Christopher Horan)21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041945 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) ""multiple errors leading to this one"" [Undecided,New]21:19
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