
silverarrowanyone here?02:15
silverarrowI lost sound when removing lightspark packages02:17
silverarrowI have no sound at all now02:17
silverarrowhi WildTux02:26
silverarrowany idea about missing sound?02:26
WildTuxhi silverarrow02:28
silverarrowI did something stupid02:28
silverarrowI installed lightspark02:29
silverarrowit didn`t work and I uninstalled02:29
silverarrowreinstalled Gnash,02:29
silverarrowbut I  lost sound on entire system02:29
silverarrowI am in alsamixer, putting levels on highest, and hear slight hissing02:30
silverarrowbut no sound for videos in browser or from hard disk02:30
silverarrowany idea?02:30
WildTuxno, sorry02:31
silverarrowI don`t know what to do02:33
silverarrowmaybe to morrow then02:33
silverarrowWildTux: are you in lubuntu?02:33
WildTuxbye. See you soon02:39
AscavasaionThe little notification that pops up when Internet connections are made, songs chance, etc. has disapeared.  HOw do I get back.08:53
kanliotAscavasaion, did you remove notification-daemon?09:39
Ascavasaionkanliot: I got it sorted in the meantime, thank you. :)09:40
aklshow can make a mouse button click to trigger some command?10:39
kanlioteither openbox or config X1110:41
aklskanliot, thank you10:52
aklsin case it's interesting for somebody10:52
aklssynclient TapButton3=1210:52
aklsthis will set a triple tap on your touchpad to a 12th mouse button (which is probably not used for anything)10:53
aklsthen in .xbindkeysrc add these lines:10:53
akls  b:1210:53
aklsthen run xbindkeys10:53
aklsnow if you tap on your touch pad with 3 fingers a terminal will open10:53
kanliotTRY ctrl+alt+t10:54
aklsit's not fun this way10:54
aklsanyway, that's just an example10:55
aklsI was going make it enable left handed dvorak layout10:55
aklsso if I was typing with just one hand I'd just have to tap my touchpad instead of pressing some shortcut10:55
ActionParsnipakls: but won't it interfere with normal clicks, like in web browsers?10:56
aklsActionParsnip, what?10:57
aklsa tap with 3 fingers??10:57
aklsor 12th mouse button?10:58
kanliotakis if you find any synclient documentation i'll add it to the wiki10:58
ActionParsnipakls: oh a 3 finger tap, gotcha10:58
aklsany synclient documentation about what?10:58
aklsanyway 3 finger tap is disabled by default in lubuntu10:59
aklsusually people set it up for a middle click10:59
aklsbut I have a corner click, a click with two buttons simlutaneously.. why would I need another way to make a middle click10:59
AscavasaionDoes anyone else here have an issue running conky?  I have tried numerous .conkyrc files from the Internet and all give errors and do not run.11:08
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: what error?11:10
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: what error do you get when you run conky with the config you currently have??11:17
AscavasaionActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1167889/  and then nothing until I Crtl+C11:22
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: the theral_zone lines will need removing11:22
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: thats obviously unique to the authors hardware11:23
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: tried this one: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/conky-a-light-weight-system-monitor-for-ubuntu-linux-systems.html11:23
AscavasaionActionParsnip: did that, same thing but without the thermal error/warning11:24
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: its a good start point, you can change the partitions as you need11:24
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Let me edit it to get rid of obvious errors.11:28
AscavasaionWell not errors, differences :)11:28
AscavasaionActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/UnGnJa9k11:34
AscavasaionThat is after I removed thermal, changed harddisk designations etc.11:34
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: looks ok, does conky load?11:40
AscavasaionNope, nothing on the desktop11:40
AscavasaionNevermind... Will try again anotgher time, bye Action.11:43
aklsoh wow11:46
aklsdidn't know about sudo !! command11:46
ActionParsnipakls: there is also:   !!    without sudo11:48
ActionParsnipakls: if you run:  history    you can see past commands, you can use the bang to rerun commands, based on number11:52
aklsye, that's what I know11:52
ActionParsnipakls: so to run command 347, you can run:  !34711:52
aklsbut I love using UP arrow11:52
aklsanyway, what is the best way to clear history?11:53
aklshistory -c doesn't work11:53
ActionParsnipakls: just delete the ~/.bash_history   file11:53
aklsthere's .bash_history file in home directory, but..11:53
aklsoh, alright11:53
ActionParsnipakls: the file gets recreated on the first command you run :)11:59
silverarrowwhat is hardware acceleration?15:13
kanliotwhen the chip does graphics drawing, and not the CPU15:14
silverarrowI see15:18
silverarrowor not really but...15:18
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: well, do you want a CPU doing video work, or would you rather a nice big video chip doing it all?15:18
silverarrownice big video chip I suppose15:19
ActionParsnipyes, it will be smoother and faster too15:19
silverarrowI see15:21
silverarrowso hardware acceleration is for the video chip to work15:21
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: its for the OS to know how to use it to take advantage of it's features15:30
silverarrowcan someone do me a favor? mark package for lightspark to install, and note down which packages come with it in synaptic?15:48
silverarrowyou don`t have to install, just load the packages and cancel before you actually do15:48
silverarrowtrouble is I installed lightspark last night, and now i want to get rid of these other libs that came with it15:49
bioterrorsilverarrow, sad157@planetizer:~% apt-cache depends lightspark16:01
silverarrowoh thanks16:05
silverarrowis there a command that removes them?16:07
* silverarrow opens synaptic16:08
ActionParsnipsilverarrow:  apt-cache depends lightspark | grep Depends | awk {'print $2'}     will show the packages16:10
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: so:   sudo apt-get --purge remove ` apt-cache depends lightspark | grep Depends | awk {'print $2'}`16:10
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: will remove those packages16:10
silverarrowI looked them up in  package manager, and it looks like I have to keep some of them16:13
silverarrowthey might be used by other software16:13
silverarrowis the purge command risky ? unreparable?16:14
TheLordOfTimeif you just want to reinstall and not screw the configs, then dont use purge16:16
TheLordOfTimeif you want to possibly lose your configuration data for a package, then purge16:16
TheLordOfTimebut purge can also have unintended side effects sometimes16:16
TheLordOfTime(like removing everything that depends on the package)16:16
silverarrowso I should just live with them16:19
silverarrowthanks both of you16:21
TheLordOfTimei was going to say he could run a reinstall command...16:22
ActionParsnipTheLordOfTime: its only the configs outside of home, so that when you reinstall you get the defaults16:22
ActionParsnipdead handy16:22
TheLordOfTimeActionParsnip:  indeed.16:23
TheLordOfTimeActionParsnip:  actually... if you're me and you use aptitude, aptitude detects the config differences and asks what to do16:23
TheLordOfTimebut aptitude is near deprecation, since apt-get has most of its functions now16:23
ActionParsnipTheLordOfTime: I use apt-fast :)16:23
ActionParsnipTheLordOfTime: i think there should be an option to remove configs in $HOME too16:23
* TheLordOfTime does all updating and package installation via command line, so...16:24
TheLordOfTimeActionParsnip:  actually...16:24
TheLordOfTimedamn funny story on that...16:24
ActionParsnipTheLordOfTime: apt-fast = apt-get + axel16:24
TheLordOfTimei'll tell you in -offtopic16:24
ActionParsnipTheLordOfTime: sure, i've got time :)16:24
TheLordOfTimeyou're not there, so... :P16:24
ActionParsnipTheLordOfTime: am now16:25
AscavasaionARGH!  Frustration.  I still cannot get Conky to display on my desktop.17:03
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: try without the ownwindow settings18:00
AscavasaionI did, no noticeable difference.  beginning to think Conky is not meant for me.18:08
bioterrorit's not that hard18:10
AscavasaionIt is to me.18:11
bioterrorwait a while as my kids falls a sleep18:11
bioterrordo you have one or two cpu's?18:11
bioterrorlaptop or desktop?18:12
Ascavasaionhehe  No rush, I am about to throw the towel in.18:12
AscavasaionTwo CPUs, laptop.18:12
bioterrorgrab that with wget and rename to .conkyrc18:12
bioterrornotice the $(image18:12
bioterrorprobably hwmon 2 is outdated18:13
bioterrormight be 0 and 1 :D18:13
Ascavasaion0 and 1?18:14
ActionParsnipbioterror: or:  wget -O ~/.conkyrc http://ricecows.org/conkyrc18:18
bioterrorI dont need sensors!18:18
bioterrorActionParsnip, for example18:18
bioterroror just wget and mv :D18:18
AscavasaionOr cut and paste :)18:18
AscavasaionOkay, I have that info in .conkyrc18:19
ActionParsnipconky rocks in the way it just rereads the config, no need to restart the app :)18:20
bioterrorcomment out the image file18:20
bioterrorfor the first18:20
bioterrorand then run conky18:20
bioterrorI just fixed image and commented out hwmon 2 -line and core 2 :-)18:22
AscavasaionThere is the output of conky18:24
bioterrorit's out of reach :D18:24
bioterrorI dont see18:25
bioterroran you use just pastebin.com18:25
bioterrorConky: can't open '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input': No such file or directory18:27
bioterrorcomment that out18:27
Ascavasaionand there the  bloody thing works.18:28
Ascavasaionthank you.18:28
AscavasaionMay I ask why those commands do not work?18:29
bioterrorbecouse you have to configure them correctly for your hardware18:37
AscavasaionOh, Okay.18:38
bioterrorwith correct picture18:40
bioterrorhttp://ricecows.org/lubuntu/lubuntu-12.04.png you get that kind of logo on the top of the conky18:40
bioterrorand you score lots of chicks with it!18:41
bioterrorI think I'll show my conky to my wife tonight18:41
AscavasaionYeah, I just did something along those lines... ta. Now for that temp bit.18:44
AscavasaionWould installing hardware-monitor make the hwmon lines work?18:50
bioterrorthen you run: sudo sensors-detect18:50
bioterrorand answer "yes" to all questions18:50
AscavasaionOkay, lm-sensors was already installed... now doing the sensors-detect18:53
Ascavasaionnot sure what I just did to be honest.18:55
AscavasaionOkay, whatever that was it made no difference.18:57
AscavasaionArgh, enough for one day :)19:39
AscavasaionNight all.19:39
AscavasaionAnd thank you.19:39
troiihi. is there a guide for securing lubuntu?23:21
bioterrortroii, it's quite secure by default23:21
troiiwhat about iptables and stuff?23:22
lewis1711so I've been trying to restore lubuntu default settings, because I ruined itby messing with config files. I reinstalled with synaptic, but then logging in returned me to the same broken install. then I removed lubuntu from the desktop sessions list and reinstalled, but it didn't re-add a clean lubuntu session. err... am I screwed without a reinstll?23:22
troiihow do i disable autorun?23:25
bioterrortroii, iptables are more than closing ports23:26
holsteinsudo ufw enable is usually about all you need to do23:26
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.23:26
bioterrorby default ubuntu has 0 ports open to outside world23:26
troiithank you23:27
bioterrorand ubuntu comes with the apparmor23:28
troiiwhat about icmp echo responce?23:29
bioterrorthat's on23:29
bioterrorbut as you know things like that, I am sure you know how to block it, then.23:29

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