
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgxnox: the tracker isn't always 100% right, not sure if it's out of date ATM02:31
TheDrumsmicahg: Ready to mark the bug with the checkmarks, I take it you did no modifications?   (Getting someone to try the 64bit one)03:48
micahgTheDrums: no need to try both03:49
TheDrumsOh, alright.  Thanks.03:49
TheDrumshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/precise-backports/+bug/1041010 Awesomeness.03:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041010 in Precise Backports "Please backport mosh 1.2.2-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,New]03:51
micahgLogan_: what did you ask me to do a no change rebuild of and is it still needed?07:12
shadeslayershouldn't libsqlite3-dev now provide libsqlite-dev?07:14
shadeslayersince there's a ongoing transition to sqlite307:14
tumbleweedonly if they are API-compatible07:15
micahgshadeslayer: no, as they're not compatible07:15
shadeslayerah, makes sense then07:15
=== vibhav is now known as ubuntu-ops
=== ubuntu-ops is now known as vibhav
iulianLaney: I shall be doing some haskell rebuilds in a bit. What level are you on?15:36
TheLordOfTimeif you fix a dep-wait in a PPA, will it autoresolve itself eventually?15:42
TheLordOfTime(added the dependency to the PPA, for instance)15:43
micahgTheLordOfTime: yes, a dep wait should automatically retry at some point (assuming it's in that state and not a build failure state)16:18
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=== Ris1 is now known as rsajdok|android
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=== AmberJ_ is now known as AmberJain
Laneyiulian: following the tracker, but be aware of false negatives there19:34
iulianLaney: I've just done 22. What do you mean by false negatives?19:48
Laneyeg. cmdargs chell debian19:49
tumbleweedcomments on reports like that would be so useful19:52
tumbleweedrandom thought. How about putting a link to an etherpad on each thing like that?19:52
tumbleweedhacky comments...19:52
Laneywishlist bug on src:ben?19:52
Laneygo go go19:52
tumbleweedor js comments like disqus19:52
* tumbleweed contemplates a generic comment service that we can use on all our table-y reports19:54
Laneymehdi is usually quite receptive to ideas19:54
tumbleweedthe complication is that it outputs static pages, like most of our reports19:55
ajmitchtumbleweed: like disqus, it could be added in with a single js file20:26
tumbleweedajmitch: exactly20:35
jtaylor:( libpng-dev:i386 is not coinstallable, kind of a core package to have this issue20:37
jtaylorops no I removed half my system _again_ ._.20:39
jtaylordamn my lazy reading ^^20:39
ajmitchI don't think you're meant to do that20:40
tumbleweedas long as you don't remove the wrong half...20:40
jtaylorlooks like the wrong half, it includes ubuntu-minimal20:41
ajmitchshould be easy to reinstall then20:41
jtayloryes not the first time I did this ._.20:44
Laneyiulian: you doing some more rounds?20:50
iulianLaney: I stopped at persistent-postgresql.20:51
Laneyiulian: I saw. Just wondering if you're doing more tonight or if someone else (me) should.20:53
iulianI'll do some more tomorrow in the evening.20:53
ajmitchLaney: ghc transition is almost done then?20:54
iulianWill be done in a few days I reckon.20:56
Laneywell, in the week it's more difficult20:57
ajmitchbecause of buildd queues?20:59
ajmitchI wish I could help, I really do :)21:04
xnoxLaney: I don't understand the armhf FTBFS I mean Error 132 is highly descriptive and no verbose builds or anything.21:09
Laney132 - 12821:09
xnoxat least gcc tells you why it refused to compile somthing21:09
Laneyit means the compiler segfaulted21:10
xnoxhmmmm.... interesting. Shall I try targetting LLVM / C -> full compile instead of generating native code?21:12
xnoxor running ghc under gdb (?!) to try to get a crash?21:12
Laneymight be an idea to try to get a minimal reproducer first21:13
Laneybut it should be targetting llvm already on arm21:14
xnoxLaney: well i build haskell-cmdargs three times and it segfaulted, and my limited haskell debugging skills didn't take me far.22:13
Laneyon armhf?22:14
* Laney stabs scheat22:15
Laneyit reproduced for me on my panda, but that's sadly not where I am right now22:17
Laneyand scheat appears to not like me22:17
Laneyso can't help you much right now xnox, sorry22:18
xnoxI see.22:19
xnoxit's not so much as help, but something new to learn. /me has no clue about haskell tbh22:19
LaneyI got the build-deps of whichever package it was22:20
Laneypossibly haskell-chell22:20
Laneyand then unpacked the sourcepackage and runhaskell Setup.hs/lhs configure && runhaskell Setup.hs/lhs build22:21
Laneyor possibly I installed cabal-install and did apt-get build-dep haskell-chell && cabal install chell22:21
Laneyall on the panda/quantal, and it failed in exactly the same way as the build does22:21
* Laney goes away22:27
xnoxgood night Laney23:06

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