
pleia2got a couple summaries but not many, for anyone who has time it would be greatly appreciated :) http://bit.ly/vDkJyf01:33
* holstein looking pleia2 03:20
pleia2hi there holstein :)03:24
pleia2thank you!03:24
pleia2yay, most of planet is done :)16:34
pleia2anyone around to help with more summaries?16:34
pleia2anyone else around for summaries?22:03
holsteinpleia2: i can do a few more later for sure...23:18
pleia2thanks :)23:18
holsteinit'll be like 4 hours from now23:18
pleia2I've been in Xubuntu land all day23:18
holsteini'll check in though23:18
* pleia2 nods23:19
gonyerepleia2 what do you need hlep with?23:21
holsteinhttp://bit.ly/vDkJyf summaries23:22
gonyeredo you need help writing more of the summaries or editing or both?23:24
pleia2writing more23:24
pleia2we still need about half of them23:24
pleia2editing comes later :)23:24
gonyereone thing i notice just scanning through is there mostly 'announces' when it should probably be 'has announced'23:25
pleia2thanks! if you do end up writing some, please add your name/nick to the end of the document so we can credit you23:25
pleia2we're describing the post itself, so it's like "in this post $foo announces"23:26
gonyereyeah, but it still just sounds a bit odd considering all this is stuff thats already happened23:27
pleia2I guess if you don't consider them as summaries and instead take them as news itself23:29
pleia2but I tend to see them as summaries23:29
pleia2huh, I just realized our StyleGuidelines aren't linked in the header23:31
pleia2there we go23:32
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/StyleGuidelines should help23:33
JoseeAntonioRhey pleia2, I'll take a look at it in a second23:34
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: is that supposed to go in the template?23:36
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: we're editing the google doc right now, I'll move it to the template after the first reviews23:38
pleia2the doc is here: http://bit.ly/vDkJyf23:38
JoseeAntonioRI meant, the style guidelines, should they be linked somewhere?23:39
pleia2they are now linked in the header of UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter23:39
JoseeAntonioRok, then :)23:39
pleia2and I send them out the the summary writers and editors that are emailed each week23:39

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