
ibeardsleehmm wha? yeah .. morning20:29
ajmitchunfortunately so20:30
ibeardsleeMonday mornings are best.  It means you can leave the boring weekend behind and get back into the excitement of the working week.20:30
ajmitchas long as it's not too exciting20:30
ajmitcha surplus of excitement isn't great on a monday when you've got servers to maintain :)20:31
ibeardsleedespite my whines about the UltraLap it is still a pretty good machine for it's price20:33
ajmitchI didn't expect it to be perfect20:33
=== hads_ is now known as hads
mwhudsonibeardslee: what were your whines?21:07
ibeardsleeno caps lock (or num lock) lights21:11
ibeardsleespace key is sometimes missed, could be positioning (is slightly lower than tha track pad or just me adjusting to the keyboard21:12
ibeardsleethe trackpad is centred to the laptop, not the space bar21:12
ibeardsleethe edge of the laptop where the wrist rests seems a bit sharp21:13
mwhudsonhm ok21:13
mwhudsonseems fairly simple stuff really, hope they can fix all that on a rev 221:14
mwhudsonmm, the thinkpad x1 carbon looks nice22:20
ibeardsleehmm can't choose something other than windows to go with it22:22
mwhudsonunless you're in china or something22:23
thumperpersonally I can't stand the thinkpad nipple23:06
thumperand it would annoy me anytime I looked at the keyboard23:06
thumperso even though the build quality seems good, especially screen hinges23:06
thumperI've gone for system 7623:07
ibeardsleewhich one?23:08
mwhudsonwell, the trackpad on my x220 is hilariously bad23:10
mwhudsonso it's nipple or massive frustration23:10
mwhudsonfortunately i get on fine with it23:10
ibeardsleeI've had a varied history with the nipple.  Went through a period when I just loved it, but other times it has become and exercise in frustration.  Mind you it was a bit different to the Thinkpad nipples, which do seem to be better.23:13
ibeardsleehaving the option of both can be handy23:13
* snail is waiting for telepathic interfaces23:14
* ibeardslee does prefer the idea of the fingers being able to filter out some of the things that goes through his head23:20
ibeardsleeHas anyone else noticed that load indicators (eg indicator-multiload) seem to be showing lower loads after recent Ubuntu (Precise) updates?23:24
ibeardsleetop matches that load graph23:24
ajmitchmine's still all red :)23:28
ajmitchcompiz has a habit of chewing cpu time, so it's rare for the load average to drop below 123:28
ibeardsleeseems I may have spoken too soon23:30

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