
knomeäsch, need to sleep00:09
knomesee you tomorrow!00:09
pleia2night :)00:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pleia2ok, pages tagged and mail sent to ubuntu-doc list about access to xubuntu-doc: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2012-August/016793.html01:26
micahgknome: if software center meets our needs, sure02:32
Unit193I'd say app-install-data, usc, and depends would free up more room. :---D02:39
micahgUnit193: yeah, but that leaves us without the ability to purchase apps02:46
Unit193That it would.02:47
micahgknome: mr_pouit: synaptic removal done (should give us at least 2.3MB)06:44
=== fmolinero is now known as fmolinero_
knomemicahg, that and apt-get for advanced stuff. also, synaptic is phasing out anyway.09:21
smartboyhwochosi: ping14:13
ochosiknome: mind if i add more theme-stuff to this list?14:35
knomeochosi, not at all14:35
smartboyhwochosi: ping14:35
knomeochosi, especially feel free to describe the specific items14:35
knomeochosi, this is a list of everything that should be done by UIF !!14:35
knome(except the xfce 4.10-item, which would be good to have for beta)14:36
knomeochosi, we should probably review the lightdm-theme workitems14:36
ochosismartboyhw: hi14:36
knomeochosi, since those aren't official work items, i'll group them there14:38
ochosik, why not14:39
smartboyhwSorry, ochosi, a bit wrong of XChat.14:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pleia2ok, writing marketing target audience for real now16:46
pleia2also, I figured something out16:46
knomethat was known16:47
knomebut not tagged16:47
pleia2the images themselves are tagged CategoryXubuntu - but ack, prior to 10.10?16:47
pleia2should we do something about this?16:47
pleia2do we still have a burner by default?16:48
knomebut we should delete that section16:48
knomefor sure..16:48
pleia2should we update it to ues xfburn?16:48
knomewe probably need to write on that to the documentation as well16:49
knomemaybe create a workitem and update the wiki later, since there's no rush for it for UIF...16:49
knomepleia2, http://www.typewith.me/p/x-q-beta-uif-prepping16:51
knomewe need to get those done by thu16:52
* pleia2 nods16:55
pleia2I emailed the doc list about who all has rights to upload to xubuntu-doc, but it went off in the wiki direction16:55
pleia2hopefully someone who knows something will notice and answer my first question ;)16:55
knomeyes, i noticed that mail16:56
pleia2and I've now set up redirection to Installation for all three install docs (english, spanish and german)16:56
pleia2so all left to do is fix up BurningIsoHowto and the Compiz page16:57
pleia2oh, and on the website I'll update the /tour screenshots today16:57
ochosimaybe it'd make sense to look at the /tour and ubiquity at the same time?16:58
pleia2what about ubiquity?16:58
ochosiwe need to update the slideshow16:58
knomepleia2, we're going to update the installer slideshow16:58
ochosiwith Q screenshots and all16:58
pleia2ah, right16:58
ochosibut we can also discuss whether we want new/other slides16:58
pleia2I was planning on just using -P screenshots for /tour16:59
knomei started looking at the slideshow today16:59
ochosibut then we're kinda behind with the screenshots in a month...16:59
pleia2yeah, but I wasn't sure our Q ones would be perfect yet :)16:59
knomewe can probably get away with updating after UIF quite easily; everybody always does that16:59
knome(re: slideshow)16:59
pleia2but now I'm giving myself too much work because I was planning on doing some iso testing along with -Q screenshots too ;) better get to it17:00
knomemr_pouit, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/104189217:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041892 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Update terminalrc" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:03
knomeochosi, do you expect to get a lot of reports of missing icons/do you have time to fix before UIF (re: elem-xfce)17:04
knomerethink https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-elementary-xfce after answering17:04
ochosiknome: well i hope not :}17:07
knomeok, in that case, can we "DONE" most of those?17:07
knomeat least "report"17:07
knomeand what about "implement"17:07
knomeis that the same as bug #100641617:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1006416 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Add missing icons to elementary-xfce" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100641617:07
ochosithat's practically the same17:23
knomeäsch, tb in albatross fails17:26
knomeor maybe it's some weird thing here17:27
knomeochosi, see your inbox17:27
ochosiknome: do you have an in-action screenshot as well?17:30
knomenope, i didn't test it17:30
* knome hides17:30
ochosisry, i'm busy with fixing bluebird right now17:31
knomenp, try it when you can17:32
ochosisend me a screenshot when you can :}17:32
knomei don't personally use those launcher panels, so i don't have a strong opinion17:32
ochosime neither17:32
knomewha's the def height?17:32
ochosi48 i think17:33
ochosiodd, it seems it's 4617:33
ochosiin my vm17:33
ochosiwe should double-check with lionel17:33
knomei don't know why the img repeats oddly17:34
ochosiyeah, just wanted to point that out17:35
knome(look at "notes"17:35
knomeit's the exact same image with mods17:35
ochosidoesn't look bad17:35
ochosibut i think now the launchers need more padding17:35
knomeme too17:35
ochosiotherwise they look crammed onto it too much17:35
knomeare we proposing this change to be a default?17:36
ochosithe panel-bg?17:36
ochosioriginally the idea was to have a bg so that the launcherpanel would also work without compositing17:36
ochosi(that was when astraljava was still exploring switching compositing on/off by default)17:36
ochosibut i think it makes sense to use the bg image anyway17:36
knomebut if that isn't enabled by default, how can we make sure that image is proposed by default :]17:36
knome(the answer is: probably no way)17:37
knomebut i don't want to add padding to other panels17:38
knomeif we add padding for that panel, doesn't it mean the other panel gets padding too17:38
knome20:35  ochosi: but i think now the launchers need more padding17:38
knomeor do you mean just launchers?17:38
knomei'm not sure if i want that either...17:38
ochosijust launchers ofc17:38
ochosiknome: it would help to reduce the top-border of the bg-image for the launcher-panel17:54
pleia2oh dear, my touchpad isn't working in this 12.10 daily18:22
Sysiat all? check if synaptics isn't loaded or it's just disabled18:25
pleia2at all, plugged in a usb mouse and that isn't working either (usually does)18:26
pleia2no modules including "syn" loaded18:27
pleia2xinput list isn't showing it18:28
ochosii have a mouse-problem with my mouse in vbox18:40
ochosino scrollwheel18:40
pleia2ochosi: should there still be color mismatch issues in menus in the daily builds?18:41
ochosipleia2: what theme?18:42
ochosii'm afraid you'd have to test the theme/s from git to be able to tell18:42
pleia2ah ok18:42
ochosii'm using an updated quantal box18:42
ochosino color-mismatch here18:42
pleia2was just wondering if it had been released to the images18:42
ochosii think not yet18:44
knomeochosi, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/quantal_blueprints/greybird-tb-compose.png18:44
knomeochosi, is that expected? the main tb window has black icons18:44
ochosii'm not touching tb again18:44
ochosithis is not related to our theme at all18:44
knomeochosi, see http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/quantal_blueprints/greybird-tb-main.png18:45
ochosiyeah, we had icon-issues with tb before18:45
ochosii changed nothing that is relevant in the gtk theme18:45
ochosiso something must be wrong with tb18:45
SkippersBossGuys: Why is xfburn - in 12.10 - listed in both Accesoires and Multimedia ?? 18:47
knomeSkippersBoss, because it is added to both categories18:49
ochosiok, i think i only have to fix the resize-grip and the radio/checkbuttons in bluebird, then it's usable again in 12.1018:49
knomeour prepping list looks quite good actually, i have to say18:50
knomemuch better than i thought it would look today18:50
knomewoot, our completion bar is green!18:51
pleia2so, synaptics module won't load, but in ubuntu 12.04 it's not loaded either and works fine, but it shows up in xinput too18:53
pleia2(the module doesn't exist in either place)18:54
pleia2xinput in 12.04 does show it as SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad18:54
Sysievdev might be used instead of synaptics18:55
knomemicahg, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/quantal_blueprints/greybird-tb-compose.png and http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/quantal_blueprints/greybird-tb-main.png - any idea why the icons aren't black on both TB windows?18:55
Sysixorg and udev can also be broken18:55
knomepleia2, shiny wiki edit18:56
pleia2well, /lib/modules is broken :\ after booting up this new install I have /lib/modules/3.5.0-1 but my kernel is -618:57
pleia2so modprobe and everything complains18:57
ochosimeh, unico-engine is becoming more and more useless :(18:57
pleia2Sysi: I don't have synaptics or evdev modules (is evdev a module?)18:58
Sysipleia2: you could check what 12.04 uses with lspci -k 18:59
pleia2I looked through that but I couldn't find anything looking obviously like a touchpad19:03
pleia2clearly it just works with magic19:04
pleia2hm, touchpad works ok in the 12.10 livecd19:12
pleia2from 8/22 though, my installed version is from 8/2619:13
knomepleia2, around?20:04
pleia2yay, last thing on marketing blueprint is the pamphlet/handout items \o/20:22
knomepleia2, what's the plan with docs anyway?20:32
pleia2well hopefully someone on the ubuntu-doc list will reply20:35
pleia2so we can actually get our changes into the package20:35
knomewhen have you planned the converting to docbook?20:35
pleia2what's all this "you" stuff :)20:35
pleia2I am swamped with other things :(20:35
knomei thought you had an idea since you told stuff needs to be ready in a week ;)20:35
knomeif you haven't got one, np20:36
pleia2we need a for real docs lead20:36
knomei'm worried about the docs look20:37
knomeif we get that in before UIF... wonderful20:37
knomethen we have again time until sep 20 for magic20:37
pleia2so, the alt image is doing installs that end up with the 3.0.5-1 kernel20:37
pleia2desktop gets you 3.0.5-1120:37
pleia2and lightdm theme is different20:38
knomecould this have something to do with ubuntu dropping alt?20:38
pleia2not a clue20:38
knomeme neither20:38
pleia2I'll try to find time to do this on some VMs later this week20:39
knomeok, good20:39
ochosiwow, that sounds odd20:39
ochosiwhy would the kernel be different20:39
knomethere was some discussion about newer kernel breaking proprietary nvidia drivers20:39
knomethat's maybe why you are held back?20:39
knomeor sth20:40
pleia2when I boot up after alt, it also tells me I need like 500 updates20:40
pleia2so I am suspecting something is quite wrong20:40
knomeprobably yes20:40
knomefrom what date is the alt? :P20:40
knomeno, but really? :P20:40
pleia2desktop is from 4 days ago (last time it created one)20:40
ochosiwell yeah, definitely doesn't sound like a problem that's on our side20:41
pleia2ok yeah, don't listen to me20:41
pleia2I burned the old i386 image instead of the 64 \o/20:41
pleia2sorry :)20:41
knomewhy would we listen our marketing lead?20:41
pleia2clearly I just have fluff-for-brains20:42
pleia2ok, let's do this again, but with the right iso :)20:42
knomedon't say typewith.me is dying again20:43
knomewe really need somebody from the docs team to help us20:48
knomedo we know anybody from the team that's bribable?20:49
knomehmm, i had lunch at UDS-J with one of the doc committers20:50
ochosii met j1mc in vienna a while ago, but i think we lost him to gnome20:52
knomehe might be able to help us though, if somebody got a hold of him20:53
knomei have his mobile #, but i don't think that's the right way to approach20:53
ochosimaybe not20:55
ochosii'm "friends" with him on g+20:55
ochosii can get in touch with him20:56
ochosibut i need a specific question/reason20:56
knomelike "can you mentor us in ubuntu docs related questions?" 20:56
ochosiok, will try that21:00
knomeok, thanks21:00
ochosiok, contacted him21:13
pleia2bug 1041955 was pretty amusing21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041955 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Thunar opens for all disks if manually partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104195521:22
* pleia2 screen-full-of-thunar21:22
pleia2and the alt is failing at the moment :( dependency issues21:23
pleia2made bug 1041959 for it21:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041959 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu 12.10 Alternate Installer fails with indicator-application-gk2 dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104195921:36
pleia2https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Xubuntu \o/21:48
ochosicongrats pleia2 21:48
ochosiseems the screeners are a bit older :)21:49
pleia2those are 12.04, should be fine21:50
knomeweird xfwm then.21:50
ochosiah right :)21:50
pleia2oh right, I should have switched to the default theme21:50
ochosiand funny font :)21:50
knomeyeah... :D21:50
pleia2well the instructions are fixed anyway ;) I'll get proper screenshots21:51
knomemeh, the pad is playing games on me21:51
ochosipleia2: hehe, no worries ;)21:51
knomepleia2, awwh, now you have to burn another CD!21:51
* knome giggles and hides21:51
pleia2don't actually have to burn it!21:51
knomeoh great pad21:52
knomelet me work!21:52
pleia2it keeps disconnecting me, I gave up21:52
knomelook at that21:54
knomethe green bar touches the mainline21:54
ochosiimpossible! :p21:54
knomenow if i only got the pad working, i could mark one more thing as DONE21:55
knomeand oh so little "blocked" stuff21:56
knomeCOME OOOON22:00
pleia2ok, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Xubuntu is better now22:07
knomei wrote "good" somewhere and pressed enter22:07
* pleia2 works on /tour screenshots22:07
ochosiok, i think that bluebird should be usable now22:07
ochosibugs banished for now22:08
ochositime to fix the lightdm-theming22:08
knomepleia2, i reviewed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Development/ReleaseProcess22:12
pleia2ochosi: should these look this way? http://princessleia.com/temp/apps_0-q.png22:16
pleia2additional sheets in gnumeric, much black in abiword22:16
knomegnumeric probably yes, abiword not22:16
ochosiabiword is a known issue upstream22:16
knomethat's a gtk3 bug22:16
knomeoh, abiword bug22:16
ochosimr_pouit knows about it22:16
* knome ducks under the table22:16
ochosii submitted a bugreport one release ago upstream22:16
pleia2I suppose this is the trouble with taking screenshots from -q right now :)22:16
knomepleia2, leave abiword out :))22:17
ochosithey managed fixing it upstream last week (!)22:17
knomeochosi, woot?22:17
ochosimr_pouit is looking into importing the fix for us22:17
ochosithat's all i can say for now22:17
ochosignumeric uses special widgets, it's really a bitch with themes...22:17
ochosispecial widgets == custom widgets22:17
knomeochosi, watch the language or...22:18
pleia2maybe I'll just take them from precise for now22:18
ochosiok, i think lightdm theming is starting to wor22:31
knomepleia2, http://typewith.me/p/x-devel-rewrite22:38
knomepleia2, feel free to review and fix errors22:38
knomeochosi too, if you have time22:38
ochosiknome: sry, busy with this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-08272012-124230am.php22:42
knomeheh :)22:42
knomepleia2, this is the last page of the website review!22:43
knomeochosi, it already looks quite nice :)22:43
knomeochosi, not optimal, but better than most22:43
ochosithis is just the beginning22:45
knomeyeah, i know22:45
knomei was just trying to make you feel needed22:45
pleia2ok, http://xubuntu.org/tour/ is done :)22:45
* knome feels like there is nothing this team can't achieve22:46
knome [lyz] Cleanup and review community wiki: INPROGRESS22:46
knomeisn't that DONE?22:46
knomeexcept maybe one thing22:47
pleia2knome: once I test and fix the compiz instructions22:47
pleia2I need to get some food right now, I r teh hungry22:47
knomeyou are meh hungry22:47
knomeat least from the knome POV22:47
knomei'll stay up for a bit longer22:48
knomehow long will you stuff food into your mouth?22:48
pleia2like 20 minutes :P22:49
knomefair enough22:49
* knome will do something for like 2022:50
ochosialmost done ^22:52
ochosii think i'll make the login-button look special somehow22:56
drcmaybe make the text lighter (as the Session/English buttons are)?22:59
ochosidrc: yeah, that's just a bug23:00
ochosinp :)23:01
ochosianyway, i hope the stupid "cancel" button can go away23:01
ochosiit's utterly useless23:01
drcwell, if the cancel button goes away, then the login button doesn't need to standout, does it?23:03
knomeochosi, what about making it blue?23:03
knomeochosi, like you did with the default buttons23:04
ochosiyeah, was also considering green tbh23:04
ochosimostly for fun :)23:04
ochosibut also because i'm curious23:05
ochosianyway, think i'll push what i have pretty soon23:06
pleia2knome: are we merging QA and Development mages?23:09
pleia2oh, it's just fixing bugs in this pad23:09
knomepleia2, nahhhhh23:13
knomepleia2, that's been said at http://xubuntu.org/contribute/23:13
pleia2the join devel list one?23:14
knometrying to keep that as generic as possible, and the subpages as specific as possible to not duplicate information23:15
ochosiseems like transparency isn't working here: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-08272012-011703am.php23:17
ochosiotherwise we could make a nice rounded box23:17
knomeochosi, heh. funky. :)23:17
pleia2ok, I think this looks good23:17
knomei'll update the website then!23:17
pleia2I _some links_23:17
knomei noticed, will take care of those23:18
pleia2what they should link to are on the current /development23:18
pleia2SkippersBoss: thanks for working on the docs today!23:19
SkippersBossno need to thank me23:20
SkippersBossdoing it in between other stuff23:20
SkippersBosssorry have to say gnite to some one23:22
knomepleia2, \o/ http://xubuntu.org/contribute/development/23:22
pleia2time for me to update the blueprint? :D23:23
knomeif you want to do that23:23
pleia2yeah yeah I want to do it23:23
knomego ahead23:23
knomei can't desribe how much and how long this has bugged me23:23
knomenow if we could get micahg and/or mr_pouit look at it...23:24
SkippersBosssome ones very happy or m i misreading something here23:25
knomeSkippersBoss, we are happy. the website content review is finally done23:26
knomeafter what, nearly a year? more?23:26
knomepleia2, bug #967878 - ideas? :)23:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967878 in Xubuntu Website "Xubuntu website has no "Contact us" -page" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96787823:27
ochosii still have to implement the hover styles, but i think other than that we're good to go on lightdm23:31
knomeshiny :)23:33
pleia2knome: I am not sure on that23:34
knomeme neither23:34
knomefortunately there's no deadline on that! :)23:34
pleia2I'll think about it23:34
ochosiseems like the lightdm-gtk-greeter doesn't support transparency in its current state...23:34
ochosiotherwise a lot more things would be possible23:34
knomeochosi, i see. though the sharp corners aren't too ugly either23:35
ochosiyeah true23:35
ochosistill, it'd be nice to use some shadows and transparency23:36
ochosianyway, will ask mr_pouit about that after he tests the theming23:36
ochosialso not 100% sure why the hover-states are not getting applied23:37
knomepleia2, apparently, they want us to stop using "derivative" in favor of "flavor"23:38
knomei fixed those on our website23:39
pleia2yeah, flavor is the appropriate term23:39
knomethere was fortunately only two23:39
knomeis there a non-breaking-dash?23:40
ochosihehe: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-08272012-014117am.php23:41
knomegreat! ‑23:41
knomethere's one "Derivatives" on our footer23:42
ochosiknome: this would be the style we use everywhere else: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-08272012-014248am.php23:43
ochosiknome: doesn't work too well imo23:43
knomemake it darker23:43
knomelike something 50% between that and the bg23:43
knomelooks good to me23:47
ochosiyeah, i think it's pretty ok23:47
knomeat least for a one-night-fix23:47
ochosiknome: why did you postpone uploading the lightdm changes?23:52
knomebecause isn't that simply upgrading shimmer-themes?23:52
knomeor am i mistaken23:53
ochosii guess it is23:53
knomeadded that to the prep pad23:54
ochosiok, just one more thing to fix, then i'm done for now23:54
knomehehe, yeah23:55
ochosistupid menubar at the top doesn't behave as i want23:55
knomei was thinking the same....23:55
knomewell, not "one more", but more like "it's quite likely it for today"23:55
ochosibut i'm afraid it might not even be possible to fix that one23:55
ochosii would love to have the two menuitems change their bg-color on mouse-over23:56
ochosilike the indicators23:56
ochosiin our panel23:56
ochosibut i think i can only change the clicked-state23:56
knomethat's not too bad23:56
ochosiyeah, could be worse :)23:56
knomethey are relatively rarely used23:56
ochosiat least the other items are working as expected now23:56
knomeat least here, and anywhere i know xubuntu being used :P23:56
ochosieven the hover states23:56
ochosii still think the green login-button would've looked funky :)23:57
knomewell not the #0f0 green at least!23:57
ochosibtw, i'm considering giving the loginbutton more xpadding23:57
ochosiwhat do you think?23:57
ochosisince it's the most important button there...23:57
* knome is waiting for s.u.c to update one more time ;)23:58
knomemy story stops here - let's be clear...23:59
knomenp: Faithless / Mass Destruction (Single mix)23:59

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