
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, em00:22
shadeslayerKDE Telepathy needs testing : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly00:22
ScottKshadeslayer: Re quassel: go for it.02:07
shadeslayerScottK: will upload today then 03:01
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shadeslayerso, did anyone test ktp?07:20
shadeslayercan I move it to the ktp ppa for even wider testing? Yes? No?07:20
shadeslayeragateau: oh btw, those black bars that we talked about in the ktp-call-ui? that's because ktp-call-ui scales the recieved video to correct dimensions08:32
shadeslayerunfourtunately the code that's supposed to tell clients the dimensions of the video is not implmented in telepathy yet08:32
jussihave they implemented passwords for jabber chatrooms yet? :/09:09
jussishadeslayer: ^^09:10
shadeslayerI .... don't know 09:10
shadeslayerif I recall correctly from the release notes, nope09:10
shadeslayerok nope09:12
ubottuKDE bug 288502 in general "Cannot connect to password protected Jabber conferences." [Normal,New]09:12
shadeslayerI could try and work on this ... maybe for 0.7 or sth09:13
jussishadeslayer: that would be very appreciated. If you do that, I will use ktp on a regular basis (daily) and report bugs. :D09:32
jussi(then I can stop using kopete which crashes after every unsuspend...)09:32
shadeslayerhaha :D09:32
Riddellwhat did I miss?09:33
jussiRiddell: shadeslayer promised to fix ktp for me :D09:34
shadeslayersure, as soon as I can figure out how to implement it :P09:36
shadeslayerRiddell: not much except a new ktp release and missing 12.04 images :)09:37
Riddellshadeslayer: thanks for handling those09:39
shadeslayerno problem, though now we need a release exception for ktp 0.509:40
Riddellfile a bug and a member of the release team can review quick enough09:40
shadeslayerthat's on my todo once a couple of people confirm that the upgrade works for them09:42
Riddellshadeslayer: where's the PPA now?09:42
jussishadeslayer: re: implementation, just have a look what kopete does and do the opposite :P 09:44
shadeslayerheh, but kopete doesn't use telepathy ;)09:45
shadeslayerso its going to be a bit different09:45
RiddellI would have thought telepathy would do passwords the same for all protocols09:51
Riddellisn't that the point of telepathy that it takes care of the details and the UI just needs to do mostly one thing for all of them?09:52
Riddellshadeslayer: ping?10:51
ingwaI was chatting a bit with Riddell about Calligra in ubuntu and kubuntu...11:34
ingwaAnd he said there is a certain bureaucracy in getting it into ubuntu proper with updates and stuff.11:34
ingwaScottK: Your name was mentioned as "a nice kubuntu guy doing work for KDE SC". :)11:35
ingwaWould it be possible for you to add Calligra to the KDE general mix?11:35
Riddelllast seen at 3 in the morning, he might not be around yet :)11:36
ScottKNot sure what you mean by add it.11:37
shadeslayerRiddell: I fell asleep at my desk .... >.<11:37
ingwaScottK: Also packaging calligra updates11:38
ScottKDue to $WORK my time has been limited recently, so I'm really not in a position to volunteer to do more than I am now.11:39
ScottKAlso, Calligra isn't particularly usable for me, so it's not something I'd likely be highly motivated about.11:40
Riddellshadeslayer: telepathy upgrades and works nice11:40
shadeslayernote to self: don't look at regex after lunch11:40
ingwaScottK: ok, I see11:40
ingwaScottK: thanks11:42
shadeslayerso bug 950749 looks like a issue in ubuntu's software center12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950749 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu) "kde4 softwarecenter.db.update: ktp-send-file.desktop' could not be read correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95074912:10
Riddellshadeslayer: well it's whatever makes app-install-data not reading the file12:16
Riddellbut no idea why, it looks fine12:16
Riddellshadeslayer: I guess install software-centre and watch for the "Updating software catalog...this may take a moment." notice12:18
shadeslayeryeah, will do12:18
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: did you run desktop-file-validate on it?12:26
Riddellno error, probably an old bug12:29
shadeslayeryeah, looks fine for 0.512:29
shadeslayerseems legit enough, has 3 dupes12:31
Riddellshadeslayer: but fairly old no?12:37
shadeslayerConf: ACER one with Kubuntu Precise 12.04 Beta 1 updated dayly and including KDE 4.8.112:38
shadeslayermaybe it was even fixed with 0.4.012:39
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shadeslayerRiddell: filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde-telepathy/+bug/104222613:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1042226 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu) "FFe: KDE Telepathy 0.5.0" [Undecided,New]13:08
shadeslayerhaven't subscribed release team just yet13:09
Riddellshadeslayer: can you add testers and a link to upstream's changelog?13:37
shadeslayerUpstream changelog hasn't been publically released yet :(13:38
Riddellshadeslayer: or get anyone who's tested it to comment13:38
shadeslayerwill do13:39
Riddellshadeslayer: anything on the kde-telepathy mailing list about what's new in it?13:39
shadeslayernot really13:40
shadeslayerjust says that 0.5 was released13:40
shadeslayerthere is a small changelog13:40
shadeslayerbut it's on notes.kde.org and private13:40
shadeslayerwhich is why I've linked to the bugs closed13:40
Riddella private changelog seens curious, can you ask for permission to copy and paste it into the ug13:44
shadeslayerit's actually supposed to go on the dot13:45
shadeslayerso they used a private etherpad to jot down notes13:46
shadeslayerdot story was submitted and someone just needs to post it to dot.kde.org13:46
shadeslayerRiddell: http://i.imgur.com/8AUJN.png13:50
shadeslayercouple of files were missing in ktp-text-ui, fixed them up13:51
Riddellshadeslayer: talking to yourself again? :)13:52
shadeslayerI even call myself at times13:52
debfxScottK: are you going to push KDE 4.8.5 to -proposed now that 12.04.1 has been released?14:19
Riddellshadeslayer: published http://dot.kde.org/2012/08/27/5th-release-kde-telepathy-instant-messaging-suite14:34
shadeslayeradded changelog, just needs someone who has tested the release to comment now14:37
ScottKdebfx: We should.  We need to see where we are on the ibus stuff first and it's also better if it's not me that does it since if I don't upload it, I can accept it for ubuntu-sru.14:59
mparilloThis weekend, I noticed there was some discussion over the DVD, but is it safe to add a news item about 12.04.1?15:39
Riddellmparillo: does the download page need updated?15:47
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Riddellno doesn't look likeit15:52
Riddellmparillo: yes go ahead with a news story15:52
mparilloRiddell: The big download button, mirror links, bit torrent links, and alternate CD links look good. 15:52
mparilloRiddell: The DVD Links (both regular and Bit Torrent) still are at 12.0415:53
mparilloRiddell: The ARM is also still at 12.04, but Mac seems to point to 12.04.115:54
mparilloRiddell: Last, The MD5 sums appear current.15:55
Riddellmparillo: yep that sounds right15:57
mparilloRiddell: So I go to https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/user and sign in. Do I then clone? I assume it will ask me for a story to clone?16:00
mparilloRiddell: Or do I go to create content at https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/node/add and pick news?16:01
shadeslayerthe latter I believe16:04
debfxshadeslayer: do you know anyone who can push stuff to telepathy-qt?16:13
debfxit would be good to get https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46241 committed16:13
ubottuFreedesktop bug 46241 in tp-qt "telepathy-qt4-farsight: undefined references" [Normal,New]16:13
mparilloYikes: I think the [publish|promote to production] process is automagic! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/lts-update-12041-released 16:14
shadeslayerdebfx: sure16:14
shadeslayeryou'll have to wait for him to reply on the bugzilla though ;)16:17
debfxScottK: ok, so what's the plan to verify the ibus stuff?16:19
mikhasoh, ibus16:20
mikhaswho's responsible for that in Kubuntu?16:20
ScottKdebfx: IIRC we got some it works/it doesn't replies on kubuntu-devel, but I don't recall where we were for sure.16:22
shadeslayersomeone who was very excited about it on the ML16:23
debfxhm, I haven't been following the ibus discussion16:26
debfxmikhas: no one, that's the problem16:27
debfxwe need someone who actually uses input methods16:27
mikhaswell, I do, but not ibus =p16:28
Riddellmparillo: did you get it?16:37
Riddellah yes there it is, lovely, thanks16:38
mparilloRiddell: Thanks to the tip from shadeslayer, yes. 16:38
mparilloRiddell: And you are most welcome. This is a whole lot easier than the bzr thing, but pretty scary.16:39
shadeslayerdebfx: merged upstream17:03
shadeslayerthanks :)17:03
shadeslayeroh oh oh17:05
shadeslayerbuyvm will have new stock17:05
shadeslayeranyone who wants cheap VPS's? :P17:05
shadeslayerbah, drf attributed the patch to me >.>17:18
debfxyay :)17:19
dantti_laptopRiddell: can you please reply aacid last email on  k-c-d?17:57
Riddelloh I see18:02
dantti_laptopRiddell: he questions what the current maintainer of printer-applet thinks about  it being replaced18:03
dantti_laptopthanks :)18:09
Riddellmparillo: fancy replying to an e-mail saying why we don't have translations on the kubuntu website?19:27
mparilloRiddell: I have been trying to clean up the Launchpad bugs (some of them are very old), but I suppose the bottom line is if you see a need, please jump in and help, right?19:28
Riddellmparillo: yep, you're doing great19:29
Riddellmparillo: what's your e-mail?19:29
mparilloFunny you should ask. I originally created my launchpad ID with a company e-mail, and I changed the mail preferences to go to maparillo@gmail.com, which goes great, but my Launchpad identifier is still my old company e-mail.19:31
Riddellbounced, you can say that it would take a lot of effort to have coordinated translations and we don't have the person powre19:32
Riddellmparillo: if you get annoyed by sysadmins not picking up the new theme you can ask in #canonical-sysadmin about the progress on rt #2029619:33
Riddellbut probably best in UK work timezone19:34
mparilloI try to be low maintenance, but when I get ambitious, I think the next step on that front is to update the screenshots to show the default s/w.19:35
Riddellyes that would be great19:35
mparilloRiddell: As an alternative, could I suggest he starts with http://www.kubuntu.org/support/italiano There are a couple of bugs that the language pages go nowhere (not exactly true, as the German one does, but mostly true as I believe all the others are empty).19:38
Riddellmparillo: top idea19:40
mparilloRiddell: I will make the suggestion, but it might have to wait until tomorrow. Day job and all that.19:42
Riddellno rush19:42
bbeck_Does anyone know if KDE Telepathy will be updated from 0.4 to 0.5 through backports?19:44
Riddellbbeck_: shadeslayer packaged that and he'll be asleep so I don't know if it's in his plans19:46
bbeck_Riddell: thanks.  I'm really looking forward to it.19:46
jussibbeck_: Im pretty sure shadeslayer put it into a PPA recently, if you are interested in testing it.19:48
bbeck_jussi: thanks, i'll look it up.19:49
jussi!info calligra quantal20:05
ubottucalligra (source: calligra): integrated work applications suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.0-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 8 kB, installed size 66 kB20:05
yofelhm, that's wrong, quantal has 1:2.5.0-0ubuntu120:07
jussioh guess ubottu hasnt run apt-get update recently20:07
jussi!info calligra quantal20:47
ubottucalligra (source: calligra): extensive productivity and creative suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 8 kB, installed size 71 kB20:47
jussiyofel: ^^20:47
ryanakcaRiddell: D'you know if we ever got internationalisation setup in Drupal for www.kubuntu.org? I received an email offering to translate the website to Italian.23:22

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