
noctiphileok, after going to prompt it says root filesystem check failed, but I get the shell ok00:00
noctiphileyes, I have a 2nd pc00:00
phunyguysounds like a dead HDD..00:00
phunyguyI had one go, shell still worked, but got filesystem errors.00:01
BarkingFishok.  So fsck on / is failing - my guess is your hard drive is shot.00:01
noctiphiledual boots to Windows ok00:01
phunyguyshell is running in RAM00:01
BarkingFishnoctiphile, how many hard disks do you have in the machine?00:01
noctiphileand I can access files in home or whatever.  it appears to be mounted ro00:02
noctiphileone hd00:02
phunyguybtw, a hard drive can still go bad and work most of the time.00:02
BarkingFishyeah, root is normally done like that as an option - errors=remount-ro I believe.00:02
phunyguyget a nice big scratch from the head smashing into the platter00:02
phunyguywas it dropped?00:03
phunyguy...be honest...00:03
noctiphileno, just sitting on the desk...00:03
BarkingFishDo you have an ISO copy of Kubuntu at all?00:03
phunyguyrecent earthquake?00:04
noctiphilean old copy somewhere...00:04
noctiphilenope, phuny00:04
BarkingFishThe only thing I can think of is that you might have to perform a reinstall.00:04
noctiphilebased on what I just saw in a forum, I think some installation got corrupted from the update done last, but I don't know what to do about it.00:04
phunyguyKubuntu has a repair install feature, no?00:05
BarkingFishthat makes me weary then - I haven't updated for a while, so I'll be wise to watch this.00:05
BarkingFishphunyguy, there is a safe mode type thingy in grub, I'm sure of it - recovery mode.00:05
BarkingFishBut I don't think it will let you fsck and repair root - you need to umount root first, and it won't let you do anything once you unmount root :)00:06
noctiphilemy wife is the one who ran the update.  She thinks it was from 10.04 to 12.04 LTS, but I can't confirm.  Grub still lists 10.04 as the last version.00:06
TheLordOfTimenoctiphile:  it wouldnt auto upgrade to 12.0400:06
TheLordOfTimeat least not that i'm aware00:07
BarkingFishno, TheLordOfTime, you're right.00:07
TheLordOfTimethought so00:07
TheLordOfTimethat'd still need do-release-upgrade -d or similar command for Kubuntu, no?00:07
* TheLordOfTime memorized Ubuntu's release notes, not Kubuntu's00:07
unheedingwhat is the best  desktop environment?00:07
TheLordOfTime!best | unheeding00:08
ubottuunheeding: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:08
BarkingFishTheLordOfTime, we normally use sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade00:09
TheLordOfTimeBarkingFish:  to do release upgrades?00:09
TheLordOfTime10.04 -> 12.04?00:09
TheLordOfTimeyou'd use apt-get upgrade for that?00:09
TheLordOfTimenow, you're breaking the laws of apt-get...00:09
BarkingFishno, sorry  - sudo apt-get release-upgrade00:09
* BarkingFish is tired00:10
noctiphilewell, anyway, I can't confirm it was the release upgrade, or some other package update00:10
noctiphileis there a way I can check to see if something failed to install?00:11
BarkingFishwell if you're half way through an upgrade, and it's not finished, and you're broken, I suspect you're going to have to reinstall.00:12
noctiphileshe said whatever it was finished, so I'm assuming it finished with errors00:13
BarkingFishI'd go to Ubuntu's website, download a full ISO of 12.04, burn it, and install it.00:13
noctiphileok, one last thing.  Can I remount the / partition being used as rw?00:14
BarkingFishyou should be able to.  what is the dev address of /00:15
BarkingFishyou can find out by just typing mount in the terminal00:15
BarkingFishok - so in the terminal, just type mount  -t  ext2  /dev/sda5   /00:16
BarkingFishthat's assuming your root partition is ext2 of course00:16
noctiphileit say already mounted00:17
noctiphile("or busy")00:18
BarkingFishok, we'll try for a remount using the full argument00:19
BarkingFishtype: mount -t ext2 /dev/sda5 / -o rw00:19
noctiphilesame message00:21
noctiphilehow do I verify if it is currently ro or rw?00:22
noctiphileoh, I could just try to create a file couldn't I?  doh00:22
BarkingFishyeah, that would work00:23
noctiphileyeah, can't "touch" anything00:23
noctiphileit's ro00:23
BarkingFishI think your only option here is to completely reinstall kubuntu, I'm afraid.00:24
BarkingFishIt sounds to me like root is corrupt, and you ain't gonna get in there to fix it.  You could try recovery mode as a last resort though00:24
BarkingFishDo you get grub's selection menu pop up when you boot?00:25
BarkingFish*ok, when you reboot, select the recovery mode option in grub, and try to get to a recovery menu - there is a fix option in there, I'm sure - but as I said earlier, i don't think you can fsck root with it00:27
noctiphilethe recovery boot option had the same problem00:27
BarkingFishyeah, I think you're up the creek a la no paddle I'm afraid then00:28
noctiphilelol.  okay.  Thank you very much for giving it a shot.00:28
BarkingFishDo you have anything on windows which can burn an ISO, like Nero SmartStart?00:28
noctiphileI can put one on a USB drive00:29
BarkingFishthat would be ok then, do one to a USB stick, and install it when you get in.00:29
BarkingFishDo you have anything on your disks which is important?00:29
noctiphilethat's probably what I'll do00:29
BarkingFishBecause if you reinstall, you're likely to lose whatever you have on there unless you can access whichever parts of the disk you need to, and back them up to a DVD RW or another USB Stick00:30
noctiphileyeah, I'll have to copy over some stuff first00:30
noctiphilegood thinking00:30
BarkingFishyep.  OK then, as long as you're ok on what to do, and how, I think it's gonna be best for you to go ahead and do the reinstall. I'm just sorry your root has dropped out.  It happens sometimes, I've lost 3 installs in the past (not Kubuntu) to root corruption and hd failures00:31
noctiphileI guess it's just a consequence of using a PC00:34
BarkingFishnot always, noctiphile - it can be a number of factors, mine is the fact primarily that I mostly use salvaged equipment to build my PCs, never had a professionally built one with new parts :)00:35
BarkingFishNone of my PCs have cost above $50 to build00:35
Obsidian1723-2barking how do you build them that cheaply?00:38
BarkingFishRecycling yard about 3 miles from my house.00:39
BarkingFishThey sell everything off dirt cheap - the less they have to get rid of, the better it is for them :)00:39
BarkingFishit means they don't pay as much to dispose of all of our garbage :D00:40
Obsidian1723-2Yeah, my last brand new PC was in 2005 until I bought one this year, otherwise I usually ran refurb stuff.00:41
Obsidian1723-2but this new one is worth it. Not that bad of price I paid for it.00:41
BarkingFishMiles, I use miles.   I wouldn't know a kilometre if you poured one into a basin and shoved it in my pants :P00:41
MilesOn the other hand kilometres doesnt ping me00:42
BarkingFishif you don't wanna get pinged by unnecessary stuff, change your nick :)00:42
BarkingFishwe have a guy in another channel i'm in called  here  - everytime we type that word, he gets pinged, and he gets annoyed :)00:43
Milesit's my name00:43
szaland if you don't wanna get pinged by the evil ops, I suggest you move this conversation to -offtopic ;)00:43
BarkingFishszal - i was merely pointing something out. if you don't want to get unnecessarily pinged, don't pick a common word as a nick :)00:44
szalBarkingFish: I was primarily hinting at the PC recycling topic ;)00:46
BarkingFishah, ok00:46
MilesMy mum picked it00:46
=== Obsidian1723-2 is now known as Obsidian1723
LinkmasterI'm planning on making a server with RAID w/ ZFS filesystem for my mom to house her professional pictures, and was going to put Ubuntu Server on it, but I was reading about ZFS, and it says its not part of native Linux? Can I get a regular GParted disk, and set it up that way, or will Linux not natively install inside of ZFS ?01:38
MikeFairI'd like to connect to an XMPP server MUC, what clients are recommended for that in Kubuntu?01:39
MikeFairLinkmaster: unless you know about initrd images and kernel modules, and the boot process and mounting root filesystems, I'd suggest making multiple partitions where 1 partition is a straight native install (say 1G  just be safe) and then mount a /data volume as ZFS01:41
MikeFairor better yet, buy a separate boot drive01:41
MikeFairput it on a USB flash disk or something01:42
MikeFairthen have the USB OS mount the drives as data volumes01:42
LinkmasterSo, e.g., get a 50gb SSD or something to put the native Ubuntu Server, and have it use the ZFS partitioned drives?01:42
MikeFairOnce you get it working, the just take a backup snapshot of the USB key01:42
MikeFairLinkmaster: I wouldn't waste the money on a real SSD like that, a 4G usb key01:43
MikeFairLinkmaster: Then make two of them once it's working01:43
* Linkmaster would end up buying an 8 or 16gig at most01:43
MikeFairLinkmaster: ok, that's fine, the point is "the server" is small, "the data" is what matters inthis application01:44
MikeFairLinkmaster: The hardware for this should small, a RasberryPi even01:45
LinkmasterMhm, so, putting that aside, since the main question *is* the data, what do you recommend? I'm considering getting my xyz number of drives, and setting them up in some form of RAID(once I figure out the best for it...), and partioning them with ZFS to prevent data corruption as best as possible01:45
MikeFairLinkmaster: It's for "storage of data" not "processing of data" right?01:45
LinkmasterMostly storage, but there *will* be processing, since she'll be accessing it via a samba file share thing from her computers01:45
MikeFairLinkmaster: Yeah for purposes of this application the Samba processing is minimal, I'm talking things like automatically creating thumbnails of various sizes, auto-adding watermarks, face recognition, OCR, that kind of thing01:47
LinkmasterShe'd probably be doing that on her host computer, the file itself would just be stored on the server01:47
MikeFairLinkmaster: I personally find RAID adds a lot of ongoing complexity for not a whole lot of benefit.  I personally would just recomment doing a periodic rsync to a second drive01:48
MikeFairLinkmaster: Or some other kind of backup process01:48
LinkmasterSo I take it building a server with 8gigs of RAM, an i5-2310, an RNX-250PC2, and several 1 or 2 TB HD's is slightly overkill?01:49
MikeFairLinkmaster: Or get something in hardware that hides the RAID level away from the OS01:49
MikeFairLinkmaster: hehe - just a bit ;)01:49
LinkmasterThats what the ZFS was for, I'd let it handle the RAID for itself01:49
LinkmasterShe wants the server to be fast..so, thats what I assumed would be good for 'fast' without having to sacrifice too much money for01:50
MikeFairLinkmaster: Yes, it'd be a great way to get dirty with ZFS01:50
MikeFairLinkmaster: FAST = SSD01:50
MikeFairbut this isn't exactly Kubuntu related anymore :)01:50
unheedingoh my god COMPWIZ01:50
unheedingI turned them all on01:51
Linkmastermhm, but she needs several *TB*'s of information, and then lets go to offtopic01:51
JozinIs there anything better than Wine?01:56
JozinI tried to get it to run Guitar Pro and it keeps crashing on me01:56
skreech_Jozin: Better?02:21
=== Edge is now known as Guest7294
mn2010Hello All03:25
unheedingoh my I have compwiz on its so awesome04:16
D-coycompiz?. .. D:04:21
[1]nezumihowdy is someone here who could give me a hint about dual boot Kubuntu/Win704:27
[1]nezumiappreciate a little help as I am linux-handicapped ;)04:27
Daskreech!dualboot ?04:29
ubottuDaskreech: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:29
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:29
[1]nezumithx "bot"04:29
Daskreech[1]nezumi: I think that might help but if you want to ask something further poke me04:30
emDaskreech: whatchya doin?04:30
DaskreechHi em04:30
DaskreechCatching up with the world04:31
[1]nezumiI have really short two questions that you may know answer for straight away04:31
[1]nezumibut thanks for links as well04:32
Daskreech[1]nezumi: Sure shoot04:33
Daskreechem: what's happening in your world?04:34
[1]nezumibecause of work I have to keep win and lin separated as much as possible, I cant allow that if I screw up linux (that probably will happen :D) it will affect starting windows. I have all separate drive for linux - but question is if those systems are somehow connected by dual boot ar even if I screw linux up completely or want to try other distro I can do that without worrying about affecting win?04:34
unheeding[1]nezumi: I've never had a problem with GRUB04:36
[1]nezumiyou know what happens when I make a mess on linux and want to start windows? It will just load up? I am very scared of screwing this up because I depend on that windows at the moment04:38
unheedingi'd say go for it04:42
unheedingwhen i have issues with linux (and I didn't this time, at all!) I'm still able to boot Windows04:43
Daskreech[1]nezumi: Well you have a few back up escape routes04:49
Daskreech[1]nezumi: I really doubt that you would be able to screw it up badly enough in the first few weeks bad enough to have boot issues04:50
Daskreech[1]nezumi: If you'd like i can explain somewhat how it works if you like technical explanations or I can just nod and assure you that you should be able to boot windows at absolute worst case in 15 minutes04:51
[1]nezumiAll I want is to run Krita and Mypaint smoothly but also to get bit deeper into linux - with time04:51
[1]nezumiI would like to have idea what to do when this dual boot part is screwed :D Thx for your help buddy - all I heard about linux community is that is not helping lol04:52
[1]nezumiAnd I like what I already saw on Kubuntu - even if that was only live cd boot04:52
Daskreech[1]nezumi: Well that's your number one ticket back to working land. If you screw up something so bad that Linux won't boot just load up the live CD and come in here and it should be fixed within about10 minutes04:54
em[1]nezumi: no a boot issue because of something you do in linux is not likely unless you purposely mess around with GRUB - in any event if your windows partition is so important for work you should set up some backup for that anyway.04:54
DaskreechIf you somehow screw something bad enough that not even that can fix it (which I haven't seen in many years now) then a windows CD will give you access to windows but lock you out of Linux temporarily04:55
Daskreech again a live CD should fix that04:55
[1]nezumicool - I am running windows for years withour reinstalling it at all - I know how to take care of it but on linux I feel like going to Mars a bit04:55
DaskreechGRUB (The GRan Unified Bootloader) can boot near anything that exists and it's pretty far out of your daily running around04:56
Daskreech You have to really be going out of your way to interfere with it as it exists in it's own little realm04:56
Daskreechand as I said even then a live CD and 10 minutes should fix it04:56
DaskreechKrita is great btw04:57
[1]nezumiif linux and windows are on separate drives - where Grub is located?04:57
[1]nezumiYeah I love it even on Windows04:57
Daskreech[1]nezumi: Mars is kinda coolright now. Go Curiousity!04:57
[1]nezumicuriosity is pretty much what brings me to it :D04:57
[1]nezumibut curiosty killed a cat also...04:57
Daskreech[1]nezumi: and the internet loves kittens05:01
Daskreech so we aren't going to let that happen05:01
Daskreech[1]nezumi: It's a boot loader so it's on the main drive that boots first05:01
[1]nezumisorry to bother you but want to clarify05:01
dj_segfaultHi.  Is there a way to get Kubuntu to start up in text mode, and start/stop X later at will?  Someone told me I could choose "command line" from the login screen, but I didn't see that option.05:02
[1]nezumiI have win7 on my main drive. Can I install Kubuntu on separate drive but keep boot loader on main one? And I guess I could set so windows loads by default? Promise those are last on my newbie questions ;) FOR TODAY  ;)05:05
Daskreech[1]nezumi: Yes05:05
Daskreech[1]nezumi: that's correct05:06
[1]nezumithx a LOT buddy!05:12
[1]nezumihope this week I am going linux ;)05:13
[1]nezumistill backuping things05:13
[1]nezumilater! again thank you05:14
Daskreech[1]nezumi: Sure. Come here if you have any questions05:16
Daskreechdj_segfault: What are the options that you see?05:16
dj_segfaultI'm not at that machine right now, but from what I remember, it was like kubuntu, kubuntu safe mode, kubuntu plasma, kubuntu plasma safe mode05:17
emanyone have any idea why kalarm does not play any alarms for me?05:29
DaskreechIt's afraid of being hit?05:31
Daskreechdj_segfault: kubuntu safemode should give you a submenu you can choosecommand line from. As another option you can disable kdm from your services on startup05:32
Daskreech !upstart05:32
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:32
dj_segfaultDaskreech: Thanks. I'll try that.05:33
emDaskreech: im talking about kalarm in kubuntu05:33
Daskreechem: I kno :)05:34
hateballem: By play, do you mean they are silent audio-wise, or do they not pop up at all?05:45
Phiscribehttps://play.google.com/store/books has a free section also05:54
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
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emhateball: i dont know if it pops up. I mean there is no audio. Im not sure what popping up would entail07:05
utenteciao a tutti07:06
ubottuutente: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:06
hateballem: iirc, by default it only pops up a window to notify you. I dont recall if it plays any audio by default07:06
emhateball: lol an alarm clock that wakes you up by popping up?07:06
emhateball: there is a place in it for 'making an audio alarm" and it asks for a file. I put that in there and then after one minute when i should hear some alarm, I hear nothing.07:07
hateballem: well probably more people will set alarms to notify them of things when they're actively working with their computer, rather than using it as a wakeup alarm :p07:07
hateballem: I see07:07
=== utente is now known as tonino
toninociao a tutti07:08
ubottutonino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:08
hateballem: let me try to reproduce07:08
hateball!it | tonino07:08
ubottutonino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:08
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi
=== pjoe is now known as pjoe_dj
hateballem: I just created a new "audio alarm", pointed it to /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Im-Phone-Ring.ogg and it played as expected07:17
hateballem: I did  not adjust any settings regarding volume or so07:18
hateballem: if you launch kalarm from a terminal, you should see output when it runs the alarm07:18
emhateball: yeah i dont know what's wrong.07:18
emhateball: i just quit it and restarted it and now the audio is working.07:21
hateballem: Well that's an easy fix at least :D07:23
emi set this to be my wake up alarm --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFPwm0e_K9807:24
emwell just the first two minutes of that whole opus.07:26
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
toninociao a tutti10:08
ubottutonino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:09
Anubishi there. can anyone tell me a good free dyn dns service ?10:24
BluesKajHowdy all11:49
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest45877
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bbeckWhen I came in this morning, my hard drive was completely full.  It turned out the xsession-errors was about 350GB.  I've been using Kubuntu for a long time, and have never encountered this.  Does anyone know if there should be a cleanup mechanism that for whatever reason isn't working?14:28
=== spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57
=== michael is now known as Guest59324
dbc254hoping to catch someone at work with an answer. Kmail doesn't send deleted items to the trash. It just deletes!14:47
Guest11215I do have a serious issue. When booting to LiveCD environment desktop, I can use everything (free radeon drivers too, which give me gaming power for assault cube fluidly at fixed 60fps - HD6850) but after installation, it boots into a blank screen. I see background light on screen is on, but only see a very grey-blue like colored screen without any pointers and other desktop objects :/14:50
MamarokGuest11215: what desktop object do you expect?15:21
Mamarokyou should have a panel15:22
Peace-Guest11215: are you there ?15:22
Peace-Mamarok: hola mama15:22
Peace-rock :P15:22
MamarokPeace-: please, I already told you, don't call me like that!15:22
Mamaroknot funny :(15:23
Peace-Mamarok: infact i remembered and i added rock :O15:23
Mamarokwell, tab completion and type my nick in full or not at all15:23
Peace-... come on15:23
Mamarokbecause rock is equally wrong15:24
Mamarokit has nothing to do with either mama or rock, I already told you so15:25
Peace-oh i noted now15:25
Peace-it's rok and not rock15:26
Mamarokit is Mamarok, period, nothing else, so please respect that. mangling other people's names or nicks is impolite15:27
Mamarokso it is not rok either15:27
Peace-yes sir15:28
Peace-Mamarok: but let me say that this kind of discussion is ridiculous in my eyes15:30
Peace-anyway it' snot support15:30
Mamarokjust respect it in the future.15:31
=== Curiosity is now known as m4v
=== Steve___ is now known as Guest15964
=== Wizard_ is now known as Wizard
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monkeyjuicehey there Wizard17:11
WizardHi, monkeyjuice.17:12
WizardTrying to get used to KDE - once again.17:12
monkeyjuicewere ya been?17:12
Wizardmonkeyjuice: Here and there :)17:13
WizardI quit IRCing for some time.17:14
monkeyjuiceoh and what desktop you been using17:14
=== pjoe_dj is now known as pjoe
Wizardmonkeyjuice: XFCE, mostly.17:17
monkeyjuiceah i c   ive not used it  gnome to kde and stayed with kde17:18
WizardWhat's the name of Koffice nowadays?17:21
WizardAh! Calligra!17:22
monkeyjuicewell im still one 11.10 not sure what 12.04 is should be the same17:22
monkeyjuicestill on ( as in using) 11.1017:23
WizardIs it still being updated?17:26
monkeyjuice11.10 ?  yes17:26
monkeyjuiceis that what you were asking?17:27
monkeyjuicewhat are you using17:28
WizardIf it gets updates it's OK.17:28
WizardI made a fresh install ;P17:29
monkeyjuicei need to17:29
WizardYou need to what?17:30
monkeyjuicedo a fresh install of 12.04   upgrade17:31
monkeyjuicewell im off for a bit l8r17:34
=== alexander is now known as Guest71910
killownhttp://bpaste.net/show/ZJkw3HXwnIM83GlQqD9s/ I am trying to disable emulate3buttons from kde but seems it ignores the xorg option17:43
killownI am trying it a long time, seems no one knows how to fix this17:44
kbroulikkillown: did you try changing that "no" to "false" ?17:46
killownkbroulik, yes, also removing this option too17:47
killownkbroulik, the strange is, gnome-shell and ubuntu unity disable the mouse3buttons emulation, only kde persist to keep it enabled17:48
killownOption "Emulate3Buttons" "boolean"17:51
killownEnable/disable the emulation of the third (middle) mouse button for mice which only have two physical buttons. The third button is emulated by pressing both buttons simultaneously. Default: off17:51
killowndefault is off so if I remove it kde should not enable this option17:51
=== julian is now known as Guest62991
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
LynoureSince couple of days ago, my incoming video feeds flicker18:12
Lynoureheavily... and even through other windows18:14
Lynoureit's quite bizarre18:19
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=== guest____ is now known as clarion_admin
clarion_adminCan someone please tell me how to lock the widgets and or desktop on my guest account so that no one can move them. I need it to be password protected or some kind of sudo command.19:12
abuusaamah_how do i find a list of channels19:12
=== dgjones is now known as DJones
unheedingwhat client?19:14
BluesKaj /list in the server text19:14
abuusaamah_do i type this in a terminal19:15
unheedingabuusaamah_:  http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/list-channels.html19:15
abuusaamah_sorry first day noob19:15
BluesKajabuusaamah_: open the server page , type /list in the textbox19:16
unheedingchoose Windows -> Channel list19:17
ahoneybunhey people19:21
apparleahoneybun: hi19:23
ahoneybunapparle: whats up?19:23
apparleahoneybun: this is not exactly a general chatting forum, so we will have to stick to kubuntu. But, I'm good19:24
ahoneybunapparle: I know, just maybe general talk will get people feel comfortable to talk about computer issues with kubuntu19:25
apparleclementine is not honoring global keyboard shortcuts, is there any setting to be done19:25
apparleand are there any VPN gurus here, I need some help setting up my corporate VPN.19:26
ahoneybunapparle: not sure about neither, sorry19:28
=== abuusaamah_ is now known as wcbsal
andrewxWHATS the best advice for installing 'mplayer' in Kubuntu 10.x LTS?19:31
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.19:31
bbeck_Does anyone know if KDE Telepathy will be updated from 0.4 to 0.5 through backports?19:32
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)19:32
apparlebbeck_: you've better off checking in #kubuntu-dev19:32
bbeck_apparle: thanks19:32
apparleandrewx: any particular reason why you are not installing mplayer from repositories19:33
ahoneybunbbeck_: I have 0.4 with backports19:33
ahoneybunsays telepathy ui 0.419:34
bbeck_ahoneybun: Yeah that's what I've got too, but .5 came out recently and I was wondering if I should wait for it to come down through backports, or install it myself.19:34
ahoneybunbbeck_: might come down at one point, I'm not sure19:35
andrewxIt requires deps it said it wouldn't install...19:35
andrewxdo I have to edit apt files first?19:35
apparleandrewx: can you pastebin the output of apt19:35
apparlebbeck_: ahoneybun: How good is telepathy?19:37
apparleI've been using Kopete for quite sometime now, and I think it is pretty complete as such19:38
bbeck_apparle: I think for the most part it is very good.  Still not as polished as Kopete, but certainly getting there.19:38
ahoneybunapparle: its decent replacement for kopete, but it does need work, its nice to have a framework for networking19:38
apparlebbeck_: what would be the major plus for it according to you, and what are the major features missing in it?19:39
apparleahoneybun: ^19:39
apparleof course compared to kopete19:39
ahoneybunapparle: am I right?19:39
apparleahoneybun: actually I don't know, I've not tried telepathy yet19:40
ahoneybunapparle: it has a widget for the desktop that acts like the messager in GNOME Shell 3.419:40
ahoneybunapparle: its good to have a framework though19:40
bbeck_bbeck_: The biggest plus is the integration with the desktop, there are plenty of plasmoids that make chatting very nice.  Also the log viewer is nicer.  The only real negative I have is a bug that has been fixed in .5 regrarding AIM accounts.19:40
ahoneybunbbeck_: guess thats why you want .0519:41
apparleahoneybun: haven't given gnome a try. Yeah, the framework would be quite good to have19:41
bbeck_lol, yup19:41
apparlebbeck_: did you check with kubuntu-dev19:41
apparlewhat did they say19:41
bbeck_lol, actually I opened the channel, but I don't see anyone there.19:42
apparlebbeck_: sorry it's #kubuntu-devel19:43
ahoneybunbbeck_: I would love desktop integation like GNOME Shell has19:44
wcbsaldoes anyone know a good remote desktop client, I've tried vnc, very confusing19:48
TheLordOfTimewcbsal:  "client" or "server"?19:49
TheLordOfTimefor clarification :)19:49
wcbsalI use crossloop for windows, but want one for ubuntu that will work on a windows box19:49
wcbsaluhh i can download and use19:49
wcbsalso maybe ......client not sure if i got my terms right19:50
ahoneybunclient is the control and server is the master19:52
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wcbsalok well I want to use my linux box to access my windows when Im at work, so would I need both?19:53
wcbsalmust I dl program on BOTH machines like crossloop?19:53
ahoneybunwcbsal: could use logmein, web-based so no OS conflict19:53
wcbsalyes but limited offer and used it already19:54
ahoneybunwcbsal: did not know if you did19:54
wcbsallike 2 years ago19:54
wcbsalit worked good, but they want u 2 buy as usual19:54
ahoneybunwcbsal: yea19:55
ahoneybunwcbsal: I do not know of a piece of software to use19:55
wcbsali tried using remote desk top (RDP) but nver wrked19:55
wcbsallooked in sftware cntr but nothing that was actually good19:56
Daskreechbbeck_: Akonadi?19:57
bbeck_Daskreech: ?19:58
Daskreechbbeck_: 350 GB xsession file19:58
bbeck_Daskreech: yeah it seemed like it was mostly Akonadi messages.19:58
Daskreechbbeck_: yeah It's a mishmash of akonadi and nepomuk talking to each other. What version of kmail/akonadi do you have?19:59
DaskreechFar as I know that was patched for KDE 4.919:59
bbeck_I have Kmail 4.9.19:59
DaskreechLynoure: Updated the kernel?20:00
stiltzkinHey I have a quick question for you guys. I'm following this VNC over SSH tutorial, and I apparently need to set up a session manager. My question is, can I substitute kdm for "gnome-session" or do I need some other package? Thanks! http://blog.cheapvps.co.uk/index.php/2011/03/29/how-to-setup-vnc-over-ssh-on-ubuntu-server/21:34
LynoureDaskreech: seems forcing the reinstall for the binary only display drivers helped21:53
EpicsaladHoudy, could anyone be so kind to give me a little tech support? documentation/forums has been a no go.22:46
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: if you prop a steel post under your tech... it should support it pretty well22:47
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: what's your question?22:49
Epicsaladthree issues22:50
Epicsaladfirst off I get a black screen after login22:50
Epicsaladsecond and third my trackpad and wlan stopped working randomly with no change.22:51
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: for #1: you mean after loging into KDE? No selecting from the boot menu? # 2 and 3 it's a laptop I would assume? which one? and you didn't do an upgrade inbetween?22:52
Epicsaladit was a fresh install worked for a few hours and a few reboots. The screen goes black when I try to log into the desktop enviroment. and the laptop is a toshiba satelite.22:54
Epicsaladsynaptiks is causeing the trackpad issue I think but that is the least of my worries as now it just plain dosen't work.22:56
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: can you log into 'recovery' mode?22:57
Epicsaladyes I can22:58
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skreech_Epicsalad: do you ahve a mouse when you login?22:59
EpicsaladAND the trackpad works23:00
Epicsaladbut it didn't before the black screen started23:00
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: are you in KDE? or on the command line?23:01
EpicsaladI can log into the command line the black screen happens when I log into KDE23:02
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: what if you type "grep 'Synaptics TouchPad' /var/log/Xorg.0.log"23:05
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: also... do you know what video card you have on the laptop?23:06
EpicsaladI did but I forget let me look it up23:06
Epicsaladok I got the log23:07
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: are there errors?23:08
Epicsaladdosen't look like it no.23:08
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SIR_Tacohwo about "grep 'EE' /var/log/Xorg.0.log" ?23:09
Epicsaladxmm failed to open cmmqs connection23:12
Epicsaladfiregl_setsuspendresumestate FAILED -923:12
SIR_TacoEpicsalad: are you on Kubuntu/Ubuntu 11.04?23:13
Epicsaladthanks for the help guys I am just going to scrap it and go back to good ol debian23:15
Epicsaladthanks for the help!23:15
SIR_TacoPatience is no longer a virtue I guess23:15
SIR_Tacofor anyone interested... this seems to be the fix for Epicsalad's problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1761593.html23:18
SIR_Tacoor just updating/installing the latest version of Kubuntu...23:19
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