
bachi frankban11:46
gary_posterbac benji frankban call in 212:08
bacgary_poster: ok12:08
bacgary_poster: could you invite me please12:11
frankbangary_poster: lpsetup package is ready and it works.12:45
frankbangary_poster: I will build the final-final packages once bac's branch is merged.12:46
frankbangary_poster: also updated https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/ParallelTestingSetupForDataCentre (removed finish-init-host, s/init-host/init-target)12:54
gary_posterfrankban, excellent thank you (and good memory for updating the data center instructions)13:12
bacbenji: i failed in trying to make setup.py do something reasonable.  i took your suggestion and did http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1169907/14:18
benjibac: because of the London data center hating me, I can't see that paste14:19
* gary_poster is trying to get bip set up14:20
bacbenji: for fun you might try:14:25
bac sudo ifconfig eth1 mtu 147614:25
benjibac: already tried that14:26
bac s/eth1/your if/14:26
benji(and that shouldn't have affected pings, being that they are small, single packets)14:26
bacbenji: ah, right.  our problem was it hung after the first big packet14:27
benjithat makes sense14:27
bacbenji: so you cannot see lp?14:27
benjibac: who did you talk to?  I guess I need to escalate this problem14:27
gary_posterOK, I'm going to continue the bip experiment later, and take my laptop away from the dock...14:27
bacbenji: lifeless and elmo14:28
gary_posterbenji go to #is and look for the vaguard in the channel message14:28
benjigary_poster: one guess where the canonical IRC server is hosted14:28
gary_posteror you can escalate straight to elmo14:28
gary_posterbenji ah right :-/14:28
gary_posterbenji, I'll be your intermediary.  give me a moment to change locations14:29
gary_posterbenji, deej is a vanguard so maybe he'll pay extra attention.  :-) Could you give me a benji-special succinct-yet-complete description of the problem and the diagnostics you have so far, so I can start the interaction with them on the right note?14:31
bacfrankban: my branch should be in tarmac shortly, so if all goes well it'll merge in 15-20 minutes14:32
benjigary_poster: sure; ping packets appear to be dropped at ae-56-221.csw2.London1.Level3.net ( without a RST or anything else coming back14:33
gary_posterbenji, cool.  what's your ip?14:33
benjigary_poster: pings/connections/traceroutes from a Dallas datacenter work fine14:33
frankbangreat bac14:33
benjigary_poster: as far as I know nothing has changed with my network config in the last week; I think this started yesterday (I noticed my phone couldn't sync some pictures I took too one.ububutu.com)14:35
bacbenji: you didn't mention it was charter.  abandon all hope...14:35
benjiI could always set up a VPN through Dallas. ;)14:36
gary_posterbenji, in the short term, that might not be a horrible idea.  deej reports:14:38
gary_posterHrm, okay, that's an odd path through the network from the US, but there's a bit of a known network issue14:38
gary_posterWe're opening a ticket with L3 I guess14:39
benjiyeah, it seems like a routing issue; probably an asymetric route and the back half is broken for some reason14:39
gary_posterbenji, yeah, deej confirms they can't do anything in the short term.  He also says "gary_poster: I may be able to work out an alternate jump host for him if need be, I'm on Freenode as well he can hit me up if he has problems"14:41
benjiwhen are you guys getting to the sprint?  is one of the airports preferable?14:41
gary_posterI was intending to show up Sunday; I have not talked to the travel agent yet.  flacoste is the one who would know about airports--you are asking about montreal, right benji?14:42
gary_posterI can ask him if so, and then spread out the knowledge14:42
benjigary_poster: ok; I can use my machine in Dallas, so no need for that.  I can use SSH port forwarding for a point solution and look into VPN if this drags on14:42
gary_posterok cool14:42
benjigary_poster: right14:42
gary_posterok will ask14:43
bacour tarmac instance on canonistack is thrashing.  will redeploy.14:46
gary_posterbenji, YUL14:48
benjigary_poster: cool, that seems to be the popular one14:48
gary_posterbenji, is the other one YUX?14:50
gary_posterJust out of curiosity14:50
* bac upped our tarmac to m1.medium14:50
baci think we need to parallelize our lpsetup tests suite14:51
* bac ducks14:51
benjiooh!  I can see London again!15:01
gary_posterbenji, ?15:03
benjigary_poster: I can route to the London data center (and the goodies therein) again15:03
gary_posteroh!  cool.  What with travel plans in the air--not to mention the ever-possible use of hallucinogenics ("I can see London!  There's a giant polka-dotted slug on top of the London Eye!  He's smiling at me!")--I did not immediately jump to the right interpretation.15:05
benjithat or the next thing I was going to say was "I see France..."15:06
gary_posterHeh, that too15:06
benjigary_poster: the email about the product strategy summit says that "If you are attending UDS, you will receive a separate invite with further information."  should we book the "full" time now or wait on that email for booking PSS/UDS travel?15:11
benjigary_poster: the email about the product strategy summit says that "If you are attending UDS, you will receive a separate invite with further information."  should we book the "full" time now or wait on that email for booking PSS/UDS travel?15:31
gary_postersorry, benji, I had started a reply and then was distracted.  you are on the spreadsheet, which is the important thing, I think15:33
benjigary_poster: cool, so I'll be arriving by the stated time (6pm) on Tuesday the 23rd and will be leaving mid-day on Thursday, November 1.  Sound right?15:34
gary_posterbenji, yes cool.  I was going to get you the link to the spreadsheet; will try to remember to do so later15:35
=== bac- is now known as bac
bachey gary_poster, you have a second?  i'm looking at the cards and am a bit flummoxed trying to pick one.18:29
gary_postersure bac18:30
gary_posterbac you want a yellowsquad call?18:30
bacgary_poster: cell?18:42
gary_posterok :-)18:42
BradCrittendenhi gary_poster, here's what i propose to send out in a bit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1170634/plain/20:51
gary_posterBradCrittenden, that sounds great.  Thank you!20:54
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bacso formal...20:54

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