
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi
FourDollarsHi, a PPA is slow to build package. Could you help me?07:48
wgrantFourDollars: On armel?07:51
FourDollarswgrant: i386/amd64 base07:51
wgrantFourDollars: Do you have a link to the build or the PPA?07:52
FourDollarswgrant: nvm, it just starts to build the package.07:53
FourDollarsSorry to07:53
FourDollarsI'm sorry to bother you.07:53
wgrantWe're still missing a lot of builders after the move, so some extra latency is inevitable, I'm afraid07:53
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
jaddi27Hi. Are there any current issues with the translations site at the moment? I repeatedly get 'timeout error' when trying to translate packages08:18
czajkowskijaddi27: which page in particular ?08:20
jaddi27czajkowski: This is the last page I got it on, but there have been many others08:21
czajkowskiworking ok here08:22
jaddi27I either get a themed 'Timeout error' page, or sometimes just a white page saying to wait a couple of minutes08:22
czajkowskijaddi27: do you have the oops ID08:23
jaddi27It can happen when trying to load a page of translations, or when submitting translations I have done08:23
jaddi27czajkowski:  OOPS-3e73f40da681651546a5f87baafda65208:23
czajkowskiahh the bot uses the old link08:25
jaddi27oh, time to change the bot08:25
jibelI get a lot of timeouts when filing bugs in LP this morning. Last one is OOPS-7e7d4ef7e2eec811c886382ca1d98cbb08:49
jaddi27I guess it is good that I am not the only on09:02
odony'morning everyone09:12
odonyczajkowski: hi Laura, wondering if there's a known glitch in the rosetta auto-exports at the moment?09:12
czajkowskijelmer: morning are you having any issues09:12
czajkowskiodony: glitch..09:13
jelmerhi czajkowski, odony09:13
odonyczajkowski: one of our projects is getting daily translation changes, but has not had any auto-export committed by Launchpad since august 1709:13
czajkowskiodony: ah you asked the question as well on answers, it's in the queue09:13
odonyczajkowski: did I?09:14
czajkowskiwell someone else asked thought it was you09:14
czajkowskiI'll go and see09:14
odonythanks :)09:14
czajkowskiodony: which project is yours09:15
odonyczajkowski: here is one https://translations.launchpad.net/openobject-addons/6.109:15
czajkowskijelmer: can you look into this, this is the 3rd issue we've had raised over translation exports, another example is https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1041858  and https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20691209:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1041858 in Launchpad itself "No daily translation export anymore" [Undecided,New]09:16
odonyczajkowski: if you sort the list by last change you'll see changes every day in the last few days, but http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-addons/6.1 has not seen any export since august 1709:16
* jelmer nods09:16
czajkowskiodony: ok09:17
czajkowskijelmer: thanks09:17
odonyjelmer, czajkowski: for what it's worth, similar problem on another branch of ours:  https://translations.launchpad.net/openobject-server/6.1 has changes on 17,19,20,23/08 but last translation export was on 8/8 - see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-server/6.1/changes09:40
czajkowskiodony: we are looking into it09:40
odonyczajkowski: great, thanks09:41
czajkowskiodony: only two of us on today09:41
czajkowskiso we may not have an update straight away09:42
odonyno prob, at least you guys are aware of it...09:44
czajkowskijelmer: any luck with finding out whats up with the import?11:27
jelmerczajkowski: some; I haven't looked at this code in a couple of years..11:32
czajkowskijelmer: gonan add it to the topic at least11:33
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Some issues with translations import, being looked int. Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Some issues with translations import, being looked into. Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
bilalcan anyone run "dig launchpad.net" on a terminal? I can't access LP, and I'm guessing it has something to do with my DNS12:21
beuno;; ANSWER SECTION:12:22
beunobilal, ^12:23
* bilal checks if that helps12:23
bilalbeuno: thanks for that12:25
bilalsame addresses as it comes for me, so the issue is something else.12:25
bilalnot a launchpad issue though, so no need to continue the discussion here12:26
svetoslav80I can't access launchpad.net , pinging the site shows request time out, is it possible that I was banned for some reason ?13:21
lifelesssvetoslav80: it is possible, but unlikely - thats pretty rare to have happen.13:30
lifelesssvetoslav80: more likely is a routing issue in your ISP. Where does traceroute stop ?13:31
svetoslav80let me see13:32
svetoslav80it shows request time out on the 8th and after the 10th hops13:35
svetoslav80  8     *        *        *     Request timed out.13:35
svetoslav80  9    74 ms    73 ms    75 ms  ae-1.r03.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.25013:35
svetoslav80 10    75 ms    79 ms    81 ms  te3-2-0-cr0.nik.nl.as6908.net []13:35
svetoslav80 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.13:35
svetoslav80so it's a routing issue uh ? is there a way to fix this ?13:35
svetoslav80maybe i should call to my internet provider13:36
lifelessI suspect so; let me see if I can grab the attention of a sysadmin to confirm13:36
kanliotfor some reason, i'm not getting email notifications when people request to join my launchpad team.  Does anyone know what could be wrong?13:38
lifelesskanliot: are you an admin or just the owner?13:44
lifelessyou probably want to be an admin to get such notifications13:44
kanliotk will check13:44
lifelesssvetoslav80: hmm, UK bank holiday - I'd check with your ISP13:45
svetoslav80ok lifeless thanks13:46
kanliotlifeless, i am an admin also. i think i've gotten membership requests in the past, but not this time13:48
kanliotfile a bug?13:48
lifelesskanliot: mmm, start with a support request.13:50
czajkowskikanliot: no just check to see if someone else hasnt changed a setting13:50
lifelesshttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad - we can check logs etc.13:50
czajkowskithat was the next link13:50
czajkowskilifeless: thank you13:50
lifelessand with that, I bid you all adieu13:51
* lifeless goes to sleep13:51
czajkowskinn lifeless13:51
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kanliotlifeless, what's the diff bteen a support request and a bug?13:52
kanliotgo to the answers page?13:52
kanliotand ask?13:53
czajkowskiyes just ask on the answers page13:53
kanliotk ty13:53
czajkowskiand give details such as the project and when it started to happen please13:53
czajkowskithanks kanliot13:53
kanliotif someone would try and join https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-wiki-docs i will see if the problem repeats13:54
kanliotso i don't have to create a fake lp account13:54
czajkowskikanliot: if you could file the answers we'll do that bit when we look at it13:55
slanksvetoslav80: I don't see any reported network or launchpad issues on our end. Are you still having problems?14:06
svetoslav80yes, and I just talked to my ISP and they told that it's not a problem with them :(14:09
svetoslav80they gave me some new dns-es, I tried with them too but I still wasn't able to connect14:10
svetoslav80weird ... , I so much needed to access this site for some project I'm working on14:11
dobeysvetoslav80: are you in .nl?14:12
svetoslav80no, I'm from bulgaria14:13
dobeysvetoslav80: the problem isn't your isp or launchpad.net, but according to the traceroute info you posted earlier, appears to be a router in the netherlands, which your connection has to go through, in order to reach launchpad.net14:13
svetoslav80my current ip is if that helps14:13
svetoslav80I see ...14:14
svetoslav80I thought changing the dns should change the route ?14:14
svetoslav80(I'm not much into these things)14:14
svetoslav80or I can test that myself actually14:15
dobeyno, it's not a DNS issue. your system was getting the IP just fine it seems.  i suspect launchpad.net isn't the only site causing an issue for you either, but it's the only one you're trying to connect to at the moment14:15
svetoslav80ok, thanks dobey14:16
czajkowskiInteroute are currently experiencing a network outage on the UK/Netherlands section of their Transmission network.14:17
czajkowskiCause of the issue is a fibre break between UK and Netherland.14:17
czajkowskiStart Time (UTC/CEST): 02:57/04:5714:17
czajkowskiEnd time (UTC/CEST): TBC14:17
czajkowskiOTDR completed and break location identified as a sub-sea break – cable repair ship now being arranged.14:17
czajkowskiAffected access to lots of internationally hosted sites up until we we able to kill one of our peering sessions and reroute. we were losing all packets at euroring.net when accessing logmein.com and immobilise.com for example.14:17
dobeythat is exactly the issue14:17
dobeythanks czajkowski14:17
czajkowskiright so not LP issue14:17
czajkowskiand I can stop making slank find stuff out for me and poke him over things now14:18
svetoslav80ah, that explains it14:18
czajkowskibilal: also may be helpful to you14:19
bilalOH wow14:19
bilalthat explains it14:19
bilalall Canonical servers are broken for me, including ubuntu.com and all the archives14:21
bilalresorting to a third-party archive for now, but without LP, I won't be able to work today14:21
czajkowskiwell at least that's not down to LP :)14:21
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Some issues with translations import, being looked into. Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
knomehey, could somebody help me with deleting and renaming projects?17:33
czajkowskiknome: if you file a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion  it will get done17:36
knomeczajkowski, aha, ok! thanks for the pointer :)17:36
knomeczajkowski, question filed; you want a link or shall i just wait? :)18:08
SpamapSwhoa.. are PPA builders crazy behind?18:17
czajkowskiknome: working on it, it's past my EOD so just looking at it now18:18
czajkowskiSpamapS: yes18:18
knomeczajkowski, thanks :)18:18
* SpamapS should work on his presentation slides for the next 2 hours anyway ;)18:19
knomeczajkowski, thanks! little bird(s) tweeted you did it!18:21
czajkowskiI did18:21
* knome sends czajkowski a cookie over DCC18:22
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=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
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george_eWhere is the best place to ask for more space in a PPA?22:22
micahggeorge_e: answers.launchpad.net/launchpad22:56
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=== Guest90165 is now known as jelmer
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