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Vampydoes any have a guide or suggestion for setting up a MAAS server that isnt DHCP, but still run PXE?17:58
dannfVampy: i.e. using a separate dhcp server? that works fine as long as you set the "next-server" option to be your maas server18:09
Vampydannf, would the idea of using 2 nics when the maas is behid a dhcp enabled router be wiser? the router isnt running drt so i'm unable to edit for next-server18:18
dannfVampy: yeah, putting your MAAS on its own subnet probably makes sense there18:19
Vampyso running the eth0 as the internet accessable nic and eth1 as a dhcp for the switch and nodes with a bridge from eth0 to eth118:21
dannfnot sure you'd want to bridge it18:22
dannfmaybe masquerade the eth1 network18:22
dannfbridging it would mean dhcp is still travelling between the two18:22
Vampyahh yes.. agreed.18:22
Vampyso instead of a bridge, a masquerade is better that way it shares the net access but not the dhcp pool from the router18:24
jgcampbell300i need help ... i need to know where to add dns to maas ubuntu 12.0418:24
jgcampbell300i think ... man im about to hit the power button and go drink 30 beers18:25
jgcampbell300Vampy: is there no one home here eather or am i just asking a stupid question18:26
Vampyas dannf pointed out before you joined.. a bridge would continue to share the dhcp pool from the router.. so there would be the need to share the net connection without the ip pool. and masquerading was a suggestion18:26
jgcampbell300ya ... now that i think about it i bleave thats what maas-dhcp is doing18:27
jgcampbell300i wonder if i install maas-dns if that will help me with my issue18:27
dannfi don't think maas-dhcp provides masquerading, it just provides a dhcp range of private ips18:27
jgcampbell300it installed dnsmasq18:28
jgcampbell300im not positive but i would assume that is what does the dance ... please correct me if im wrong18:28
dannfdnsmasq is a dns forwarder - i don't believe it actually messes with your network topology18:29
dannfiow, its not preventing your existing dhcp server from replying to your maas clients18:29
dannfif you can somehow make your site dhcp server stop replying to your maas nodes, then maas-dhcp would be a solution18:30
jgcampbell300so where can i add nameserver x.x.x.x and it stay18:31
dannfjgcampbell300: depends on your configuration18:31
dannfjgcampbell300: if its a statically configured network (configured w/ /etc/network/interfaces "static"), you can add dns-nameservers to your network stanza18:32
dannfif your network is configured w/ dhcp ("dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces, or network-manager managed), you can have your dhcp server send that info18:32
Vampydannf, would this sites guide allow sharing without dhcp replyin to nodes?18:33
jgcampbell300holy cow ... why didnt i think of that18:33
jgcampbell300so would that be formated dns-nameservers,,etc;18:33
dannfVampy: yeah, at a glance it looks right18:34
dannfjgcampbell300: i think its a space separated list18:34
dannfbut i could be wrong18:35
Vampyhmm ill hav to dig another nic out and try that option..18:35
Vampyi'm still gonna see if i can Vbox over 2 ubuntu desktops18:35
jgcampbell300Vampy: what ever you do , DO NOT PLAY WITH realtech ... wow i had hell with one of those18:36
jgcampbell300dannf: ty18:36
Vampyjgcampbell300, hahah if i have a realtek nic, it will be the inet accessable nic18:36
jgcampbell300dannf: and do i need an entery for each nic or just in the same file18:36
Vampyjust add that to /etc/network/interfaces for each in that file18:37
dannfjgcampbell300: you only need one set of dns-namservers - presumably for whihc ever nic is connected to the Internet18:37
jgcampbell300Vampy: lol hope it isnt 3981too i think was the driver i couldnt get mine to use ....18:37
jgcampbell300dannf: k18:37
jgcampbell300oh thank god ... it finaly works right lol18:39
jgcampbell300but i did notice my eth0 isnt going up now18:39
Vampyjgcampbell300, make sure you have auth eth0 in there.. that way it auto starts18:40
Vampyerr auto not auth18:40
Vampycould maas actually run a web server and a mail or is this not the scope of a MAAS server18:41
jgcampbell300im hopeing it willd do both ... is what im after18:42
jgcampbell300http://paste.kde.org/540314/ would you mind checking that make sure i didnt typo or something18:42
jgcampbell300i been at this to long ... think im gona have to take a break soon18:43
jgcampbell300well i have something wrong some where .. Failed to bring up eth0.18:47
Vampynto seein the gateway marker19:03
Vampyi believe, een if your gateway is the machine your on, you still have to define it..19:05
Vampysry just read, broadcast and gateway are optional..19:07
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