
DaekdroomWhat is the package that contains the webapp addon for Firefox?00:13
bjsnidercan someone do me a favour please?00:41
bjsniderif anybody's around00:41
BluesKajI'm here , bjsnider , but on W7 atm00:42
bjsnideryeah, that won't do00:43
DaekdroomI'm on Quantal.00:43
BluesKajthought so00:43
bjsniderDaekdroom, do you have a video file you can try playing?00:43
Daekdroombjsnider, using totem?00:44
bjsnideri need you to use gnome-mplayer00:44
bjsnideryou can choose either mplayer or mplayer2 as the backend00:44
Daekdroomgnome-mplayer installed.00:45
bjsniderok, start playing a video file00:45
DaekdroomIs this about any specific file format/codec?00:45
bjsniderno, i don't think so00:45
bjsniderstart playing the file and then push the stop button00:46
bjsniderwait and see if the file starts playing again00:46
Daekdroombjsnider, for a very brief moment it does, then it actually stops.00:47
bjsnidertry playingt he file by right-clicking and selecting gnome-mplayer00:47
DaekdroomStill working ok.00:48
bjsniderwhat kind of file is it?00:49
DaekdroomMPEG-4 Video containing H.264 and AAC00:50
bjsnidercan you try playing something different and then stopping it to see if it keep playing anyway?00:50
bjsnideror actually starts over00:50
DaekdroomLet me try a DVD ISO00:51
DaekdroomWorking ok as well00:52
bjsniderDaekdroom, thank you01:07
bjsniderDaekdroom, were you using mplayer or mplayer2?01:34
Daekdroombjsnider, mplayer01:34
bjsnidercan you try it with mplayer2?01:34
Daekdroombjsnider, i'm unable to play the files I used previously.01:38
bjsniderplease elaborate01:38
DaekdroomIt only happened if I tried to open them through GNOME Mplayer's 'open recent'01:39
bjsniderso, if you play the files and then stop them and wait, do they restart?01:39
bjsniderah, for me it's only happening with mplayer and not with mplayer201:44
bjsniderso i guess the lesson is use mplayer2 instead01:45
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zniavreooops sorry wrong chanel08:37
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BluesKajHowdy all11:49
penguin42hey BK11:49
BluesKajhi penguin42 , I see we have to add our nameservers to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head , once again to run network interfaces without network manager11:51
penguin42BluesKaj: I've not tried a 12.10 without NM; but  if you're stripping out NM why not also strip out the dnsmasq and resolv.conf smarts ?11:53
BluesKajresolv.conf is required for static ip in /etc/network/interfaces without NM11:54
penguin42right but you could just write to /etc/resolv.conf couldn't you?11:55
BluesKaj /etc/resolv.conf is written to by /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d now ..if you write to resolv.conf directly it will be overwritten by /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d11:59
BluesKajwhy the devs did that is beyond my understanding12:00
|FrederikIs there some change in 12.10 kernel packages which prevent them from running correctly on 12.0.4? When I boot them, network does not come up and usb keyboard does not work.12:03
bazhang|Frederik, yes, you dont mix later kernels with earlier releases.12:04
|Frederikso what's the incompatible change?12:05
bazhang12.10 with the 12.10 kernel, and earlier releases with their respective kernels12:05
|Frederiktheir should be a specific reason why it's not working12:06
WarOfTheNerdbazhang, it is supported technically.  There are packages for that in repos12:26
WarOfTheNerd|Frederik, wait for 12.10 to be released first12:26
* penguin42 is seeing odd behaviour on Kubuntu where it's trying to mount an encrypted partition at login, didn't used to do that, and doesn't seem to be set to12:58
BluesKajpenguin42:  this is urelated to your question , but are you using lightdm ?13:05
* penguin42 wonders why lpstat wants to connect to my non-existent gnome-keyring13:08
yofelif it's saying "WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/yofel/.cache/keyring-ZbC91m/pkcs11: No such file or directory" - quite a few things do that in quantal here, not sure why13:10
* penguin42 hadn't noticed it on anything else13:10
BluesKajpenguin42:  nouveau driver ?13:12
penguin42BluesKaj: Nope, open ATI driver13:12
BluesKajthat probly explains the pixelated inaccessible lightdm login then...nvidia card with nouveau here13:14
yofelI'm using nouveau and lightdm is fine13:14
penguin42BluesKaj: But you're sure you're not seeing anything in /var/log/lightdm ?13:14
yofelbut it could be an issue with the specific card13:14
* penguin42 wonders why ltrace gets no output from tracing lpstat13:15
BluesKajpenguin42:  this the greeter log , http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169806/13:17
penguin42BluesKaj: Mine is similar, except it doesn't have the main.qml error line13:19
BluesKajwell, i just drop to the tty to login then startx ..it's no biggie , just annoying13:21
penguin42line 135 is property string usersession: model.session      so I guess model.session is unset - whatever that is13:21
penguin42BluesKaj: On the greeter can you choose KDE as a session?13:22
BluesKajthe greeter is unreadable , pixelated jumbled squares all over the screen , not resolving as a prper image13:24
BluesKajpenguin42: ^13:24
BluesKajyofel:  nvidia geforce 8400gs ...it's a cheap pci card but adequate13:25
penguin42ah, that does sound like a disagreement with the nvidia drivers - do you have any other logs in /var/log/lightdm  - like the X startup logs?13:25
BluesKajyeah penguin42 there's the x-0.log , but it's 554 lines13:33
penguin42BluesKaj: That's what pastebin is for13:36
bobweavercan anyone help me with this question please disregrad the QT/QT-quick stuff (unless you know)     http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169843/13:45
bobweavermy unity3d form-factor TV  ^^13:45
BluesKajwow, now kate won't to open in dolphin "KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kate ", and if I try to open it from the terminal , it segfaults with multiple errors about fonts beingf depracated13:54
penguin42kate's happy here - sounds like you've got a bit of a mess there - ignore any fontconfig warnings13:55
BluesKajpenguin42:  reinstalled kate , seems fine now except after opern the file in krunner , kate no longer opens  , here is the  x-0.log , http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169965/14:54
penguin42BluesKaj: yeh well that does look like a nouvaeu issue doesn't it14:55
BluesKajnow kate won't open in dolphin if I use the krunner with kdesudo ...strange14:58
BluesKajkate won't open in dolphin if I open it in the terminal as well15:00
penguin42hmm, chromium is getting annoyingly crashy for me15:19
penguin42enough for me to think about switching back to ff15:19
BluesKajusing FF here without any probs15:27
penguin42I switched a few years ago15:28
penguin42very hard bug to report though, random hangs15:28
BluesKajkate seems to be my problem atm ...won't open in dolphin if I use krunner with kdesudo15:31
BluesKajchromium was ok , it ran fine ...it's the lack of font resizing options in the tabs the bugs me15:32
* BluesKaj uses a 42" plasma tv as monitor and failure of google to care that more and more users are doing so is offensive to me15:34
penguin42as your main monitor?15:36
BluesKajyes, this is our HTC setup ...wife has a windows pc , and there's a laptop we seldom use except when travelling ...my other linuxbox bit the dust in march15:39
penguin42ah right, yeh I gave my mum a PC and wired it to her 32" TV as it's main display, works OK - I couldn't imagine using a 42" for dev and general use though15:46
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BluesKajpenguin42:  well, it's 10ft away so it's not overwhelming ...using wireless KB and mouse from my easy chair15:48
edgyHi, dpkg -l |grep ^rc show lots of 386 packages, is it only me? why?16:44
penguin42edgy: I've seen some cases where a whole load of 386 packages get removed, and I'm not sure why16:45
penguin42edgy: Particularly I install googleearth and then sometime later something comes along and removes it and all the 386 stuff it depended on16:45
edgypenguin42: for me it's not removed, can I remove them safely now?16:46
edgyrc means removed but not completely?16:46
penguin42edgy: I think if they're ^rc then they're close-to removed anyway, so yes you should be able to = but the question is why did you have them16:46
edgypenguin42: how can I remove them now?16:47
edgypenguin42: I don't want to do it one by one16:47
penguin42edgy: I don't think you need to, I'm not even sure computer janitor will do it16:48
penguin42edgy: If they're just in rc then it's just config files left16:48
edgypenguin42: yes, i still don't want to pollute my eyes with them, it hurts my 64bit eyes16:49
penguin42edgy: Well, I ***think** dpkg --purge `dpkg -l |grep ^rc|awk '{print $2}'`   would do it - but you might want to be careful with that, if I've got it wrong it might nuke half your system16:50
edgypenguin42: thanks a lot16:52
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rippsGreat! The Nvidia driver from xorg-edgers allows me to actually use a composited desktop again.20:05
rippsNow, we just need to fix Network-Manager so I don't have to downgrade everytime reboot.20:06
vividripps :: excellent20:13
crfhi, I am using quantal. Recently, using nautilus, I can no longer mount SD cards or my windows partition. It says "Adding read ACL for uid 1000 to xyz failed: Operation not supported20:17
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vividuhg, cant minimize rhythmbox21:10
ironhalikhmm - what does the 'suspend' command do?21:24
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ironhalikit's not 'pm-suspend'21:24
trismironhalik: dpkg -S $(which suspend); (I can't seem to figure out what package it is in, I don't have it on any of my systems)21:26
trismironhalik: oh nm21:27
trismironhalik: help suspend21:27
trismironhalik: it is a bash command21:27
ironhalikohh.. that explains it21:27
FernandoMiguelI haven't got Suspend to work in a few kernels21:28
FernandoMiguelbut pm-suspend works fine21:28
ironhalikwhat would be the proper place for custom scripts, with access from all users?21:36
ironhalikin the unix dir tree21:36
dwatkins /usr/local/bin, perhaps?22:21
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peterrusanyone else having unity-panel-server occupying 100% cpu and not responding?23:55

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