
dholbachgood morning07:13
coolbhavidholbach, gm!07:13
dholbachhey coolbhavi, namaste :)07:13
dholbachhey ajmitch07:13
dholbachhow are you all doing?07:13
ajmitchgood, how are you?07:13
ajmitchcoolbhavi: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=20315 is still open, sorry :)07:14
dholbachgood, thanks :)07:14
* ajmitch is rather tired for some reason this evening07:15
coolbhaviajmitch, no problem how are you btw?07:17
coolbhavidholbach, how is it going?07:17
* ajmitch is busy enough, waiting for new computer to arrive later this week 07:18
dholbachajmitch, nice07:18
dholbachcoolbhavi, very good - how about you?07:18
ajmitchdholbach: it'd be nice if it wasn't because my existing desktop died07:19
coolbhavidholbach, down with a bad cold weather has gone bad here but managing..07:20
* ajmitch doubts he'll get back to ARB voting this week, too many pycon things on07:20
ajmitchand once all the apps that need votes have them, there's still a lot og app showdown submissions that could probably be put forward for voting if their authors have made changes07:21
coolbhaviajmitch, sadly yes07:22
ajmitchso many apps, so little time07:22
coolbhaviand arb is now effectively 4 on 7 with jocarter resigning07:24
dholbachwhen are you going to start the call for nominations?07:25
coolbhaviajmitch, any idea?07:25
* coolbhavi goes to lunch btw07:26
ajmitchdholbach: well, I only just realised the term expiry the other day, but any new person would be coming into an uncertain future07:27
* ajmitch hasn't heard if all the team members currently active wish to renominate themselves07:27
dholbachit might be worth finding this out :)07:31
dholbachAFAIK stgraber wanted to step down, jocarter as well and from Luke and Shane I haven't seen much in quite a long while07:33
dholbachthat'd leave Allison, Andrew and Bhavani IIRC07:33
ajmitchright, and you know that the time we can put into it is rather variable, at best :)07:36
dholbachif the four members I mentioned first found successors that'd certainly help :)07:38
ajmitchyeah, though finding 4 people in ~ubuntu-dev who can commit the required time will be challenging07:38
ajmitchstill worth trying07:38
* coolbhavi is back08:03
coolbhavihmm also the new process if not discussed before restaffing, would mean any new member coming in will take some time to get hold of processes and also there will be a transition time I think08:05
coolbhavidpm, good noon!08:06
dpmhey coolbhavi, how are you doing? :)08:06
coolbhavidpm, health on the downside a bit right now but manageable :) how are you btw?08:08
dpmcoolbhavi, I'm good, thanks. Sorry to hear about your health, I hope it gets better :/08:09
coolbhavidpm, :) thanks!08:09
mhall119coolbhavi: "flawless packaging" :)15:35
mhall119very kind of you15:35
mhall119doubtful, but still very kind15:35
coolbhavimhall119, it passed at a single attempt through my routine check so :)15:53
coolbhaviI thought it was flawless15:53
coolbhavihi wendar good morning17:40
* coolbhavi finishes his round of app reviews for the day and goes to sleep17:47
coolbhavigood night all!17:47
wendarajmitch: oh, btw, I'm not an Ubuntu Developer, so won't be standing for re-election on the ARB18:19
wendarajmitch: the TB granted a pass for existing members to stay when they were elected before we changed the rules, but it doesn't seem appropriate to ask for another extension18:20
wendar(I'll still be a contributor)18:21
* wendar sorry I missed coolbhavi this morning18:24
wendarwe need one of those bots for sending time-delayed messages18:24
stgraberwendar: you sure you don't want to apply for some kind of upload rights before that? :)19:25
stgrabersurely there's something you would want PPU for19:25
ajmitchso the team's even smaller, ok :)19:31
ajmitchstgraber: there's supposed to be an ARB meeting this weekend but I'll be busy, at this rate I don't know who will be there19:32
wendarstgraber: well, the plan is to switch some of the time I've been putting into ARB over to a MOTU focus and then apply there19:39
wendarstgraber: I suppose I could do PPU, but the only package I really have a dedicated interest in is parrot, and I'm already DM for it (and have it syncing)19:40
wendarajmitch: if you need to prioritize, focus on fitting the CC meeting into your schedule19:42
wendarajmitch: I'd like to get as many as possible of us there19:42
ajmitchwendar: I looked at the time for that, it's 5AM for me19:42
ajmitchrather unlikely I'll be there19:42
wendarajmitch: ooh, yuk19:42
wendarajmitch: yeah. Well, if you have any thoughts, write them up ahead of time, and I'll make sure they're represented in the meeting.19:43

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