=== md_5|away is now known as md_5 [08:09] hello [08:12] hi [08:15] hi gggs. Don't think I have seen you here before [08:16] I lurk mainly [08:17] That is alright. Always nice to see new people [10:16] http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs47/f/2009/203/1/c/Computer_hardware_poster_1_7_by_Sonic840.png [10:16] wait, that's 24mb, try http://i.imgur.com/W3bxy.jpg [10:38] sweet chart gggs [10:38] * blahdeblah shares with workmates [10:57] could come in handy === md_5 is now known as md_5|away [12:11] sagaci, have you had issues with timeouts when translating? === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless