
thumperdoes anyone else get bucket loads of console spam starting apps like: Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/90-fonts-nanum.conf", line 22: Having multiple <family> in <alias> isn't supported and may not works as expected02:36
RAOFthumper: Yeah, I do.02:44
thumperRAOF: I mean, good that someone else gets it too02:45
thumperthink it'll get fixed?02:45
RAOFI'm not aware of a bug filed on that.02:45
RAOFSo it might get fixed, but by accident.02:46
jbichabug 103492802:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1034928 in language-selector "Fontconfig warning: Having multiple values in <test> isn't supported and may not works as expected" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103492802:53
* thumper goes to me too02:55
thumperRAOF: I have a testing question for you02:55
RAOFthumper: Shoot.02:55
thumperRAOF: thomi is trying to test a stand-alone function in a C module that is defined static02:56
RAOF(Quickly, lest I feel the need to bitch about g++ 4.4 at you ?)02:56
thumperRAOF: what is the best approach?02:56
* thomi listens02:56
* thumper runs to collect kids from school02:57
RAOFThat funky unittesting framework that lifeless pointed to would be a good candidate.02:57
thomiwhich one?02:57
RAOFthomi: I presume you're trying to unittest *outside* the compile unit that contains the static function?02:57
thomiRAOF: yeah02:57
thomiit's a separate test (gtest)02:58
thomierr s/test/file/02:58
thomiprobably can't use that in compiz :(02:58
RAOFSo, your main problem, as you're probably aware, will be trying to actually *find* that function to call.02:59
thomiyeah - seems like my options are either to export the function from the library, or...02:59
RAOFAt least one solution is to #include the C file in your unittest file.03:00
* thomi tries that03:03
RAOFIf you *can't* do that, then you *could*, if you really really really wanted, do something like novaprova does and parse the dwarf debugging symbol information to find the address of your static function and call that.03:03
thomiuhhh. no03:05
thomithis was supposed to be a 10 minute fix :)03:05
RAOFYeah, though so.03:08
ajmitchthomi: surely you could do that in 5? :)03:09
thomiit took me 5 minutes to build compiz in the first place03:10
ajmitchtime for a faster laptop03:10
* RAOF wonders how Quantal runs on a retina macbook03:21
thumperfont sizing is all screwed up03:21
RAOFYou can't just set the DPI appropriately?03:24
RAOFSetting it to 140 DPI on my thinkpad doesn't break the UI :)03:25
RAOFAnd that's roughly 150% of the default. Surely going up to a bit more than 200% of the default doesn't break GTK *too* badly? :)03:27
thumperRAOF: really not sure03:44
thumperRAOF: njpatel has one03:45
thumperRAOF: so perhaps he can comment more03:45
pittiGood morning03:52
lickalottgents, running into an odd issue.   I installed ubuntu to /dev/sda but added 3x 500GB drives after installation.  they showed up as sdb, sdc and sdd.  I rebooted and not /boot shows up against sdb and my mounts in fstab won't mount (likely because /dev/sdb1 is supposed to be mounted to /media/<FOLDERNAME>)  anyone know whats going on here?04:20
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seb128hey desktopers08:29
RAOFHey there sebsebsebsebseb!08:33
ogra_arent you supposed to repeat that 128 times ?08:34
RAOFRepetitions are left as an exercise for the reader :)08:36
seb128RAOF, hey, had a good w.e?08:42
pittibonjour seb128, ça va?09:07
seb128pitti, hey, ca va bien ! et toi ? t'as passé un bon w.e ?09:08
pittiseb128: je suis bien, merci!09:11
pittiseb128: we went to a soccer game, did some gardening, and otherwise it was rather calm and relaxing09:11
pittiseb128: how was your's?09:11
seb128pitti, quite good, I didn't do much though, some house cleaning on saturday morning, some exercice in the afternoon, some tennis video gaming and some hacking09:15
seb128spent some hours yesterday re-building,re-installing a computer for my cousin09:16
seb128she got the thunder hitting close of her house and she thinks the computer got damaged, it was powering on for a few seconds and down again09:16
pittiuh, that's bad09:18
seb128pitti, yeah, well we had enough spare parts so I basically build a new working one, then I had to to made hey winxp work again (always lot of fun when the mb and the eth card have no builtin driver)09:21
chrisccoulsonseb128, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/2622640/+listing-archive-extra ;)09:27
chrisccoulsongood morning btw :)09:27
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, good morning!09:28
seb128chrisccoulson, \o/09:28
seb128larsu, ^09:28
larsuchrisccoulson, thanks!09:28
seb128chrisccoulson, did you have a good w.e?09:30
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it wasn't too bad thanks. how about you?09:45
seb128chrisccoulson, it was good, I hate computers, especially when they break and when repairing them involves dealing with windows :p09:48
seb128computer though*09:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, i bet that sucks ;)09:50
chrisccoulsonright, time to send this eds patch upstream10:39
seb128chrisccoulson, which one?10:40
seb128xchat-gnome doesn't like indicator.so to be replaced which it's running10:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, the one on bug 103804710:45
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1038047 in evolution-data-server ""evolution-data-server" has to be installed for Thunderbird 15 after upgrade to be executable, otherwise Thunderbird will crashs at runtime" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103804710:45
chrisccoulsonto stop tbird from crashing at startup :)10:45
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, upstream it, I got another nagging comment from Bastien the other day about one of our GNOME patch you didn't upstream :p10:58
chrisccoulsonseb128, which one was that?10:59
seb128chrisccoulson, one of the g-c-c one10:59
seb128chrisccoulson, in fact it was probably an old you your ported to the GNOME3 version, 06_handle_passwd_with_ldap.patch11:00
seb128chrisccoulson, but we had some of the g-s-d startup optimisation ones as well in that case11:01
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seb128pitti, having a minute to talk about tests using dbus on buildds?12:29
pittiseb128: sure, what's up?12:29
seb128pitti, I failed to enable the libsecret testsuit while you were not here12:29
seb128$ fakeroot dbus-launch dbus-monitor12:29
seb128Failed to open connection to session bus: Did not receive a reply.12:29
seb128do you know a way around that?12:30
pittiuh? normally dbus-launch <test suite> works fine12:30
seb128not under fakeroot12:30
seb128which debuild calls12:30
seb128does it work for you?12:30
pittiI guess that's because of fakeroot, not because of dbus-launch12:30
seb128if not, how do you deal with building things locally?12:31
seb128yeah, I guess so...12:31
pittiI never really ran into this12:31
pittiI guess fakeroot does not properly un/reset the environment12:31
pittilet me play with this for a bit12:31
seb128I wonder why not, I would assume anything doing "dbus-launch <something>" in a rules would hit that12:31
seb128pitti, thanks12:31
pittioh, wait12:32
pittiI think I worked around that by not calling fakeroot12:32
pittiand forgot about the workaround12:32
seb128danke ;-)12:32
pitti        # drop LD_PRELOAD to avoid running under fakeroot; drop TMPDIR to work12:32
pitti        # around LP#972324 (set by autopkgtest)12:32
pitti        -env -u LD_PRELOAD -u TMPDIR APPORT_TEST_NOXVFB=1 sh test/run12:32
pittior ubiquity: env -u LD_PRELOAD ./tests/run --xvfb-log debian/xvfb.log12:33
pittii. e. same solution12:33
seb128we should maybe add that to dbus-test-runner12:33
pittisame in pygobject12:33
pittibut yeah, the question remains what breaks it12:34
seb128it's a bit silly if everybody needs to run into the same problem, figure the workaround and patch their rules12:34
pittifakeroot env -i dbus-launch dbus-monitor --session12:34
pittiheh, that seems to work12:35
pittiso fakeroot is missing to unset some env vars12:35
seb128is it supposed to?12:35
seb128i.e is that a bug or a feature?12:35
pittiI'd call it a bug12:36
pittierr, wait12:37
pittienv -i would also drop LD_PRELOAD12:37
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bobweavercan anyone help me with this question please disregrad the QT/QT-quick stuff (unless you know)     http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169843/13:41
bobweaverbut naming conventions13:41
Laneycyphermox: Do you still see a need for the networkmanaged packageset?13:49
chrisccoulsonbah, i just had to restart, and every time i restart i keep forgetting to select a kernel which isn't broken13:53
pgranerstgraber, are you hearing of any resolv.conf issues lately?13:55
lamalexchrisccoulson, ping13:55
chrisccoulsonhi lamalex13:56
pittimvo: sorry for the delay; I did some nagging on https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/aptdaemon/support-for-whitelisted-repositories/+merge/121200 now13:56
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lamalexchrisccoulson, have you had a moment to look more into that patch we sent for the native handle bug?13:57
lamalexwe posted a second iteration (really the first) that implements the feature how you said it would have to be to take the patch13:58
chrisccoulsonlamalex, we should implement it pretty much how it's been done upstream, but in a way which doesn't break ABI13:59
stgraberpgraner: not more than usual13:59
lamalexchrisccoulson, that's what our patch does13:59
chrisccoulsoni didn't mean to use the original patch that was sent upstream, seeing as that's been rejected already13:59
lamalexthat was set upstream because of the accepted one13:59
lamalexnot because of any deficiency of the patch13:59
lamalexour patch does the same thing as theirs, but goes one step further and gives you the XID from the window that they return. They stop before getting the XID but that's really nothing . If you'd like us to remove that little convenience we added we will14:00
pgranerstgraber, I updated over the weekend and the only way to get name resolution is to hard code it now. also NetworkManger is not showing any APs (it gets an IP from the server) in the drop down all it showes is Enable Wireless, Enable Networking, Connection Info & edit connections14:01
stgrabercyphermox: ^14:01
stgraberpgraner: resolvconf didn't change in quantal for weeks, so I'd suspect a NM issue (or for the AP part, kernel?). cyphermox should be able to help there14:03
pgranerstgraber, cyphermox: here is a screen shot http://frylock.redvoodoo.org/~pgraner/Screenshot%20from%202012-08-27%2009:56:53.png14:03
stgraberpgraner: can you pastebin your /var/log/syslog, /etc/resolv.conf, "ps aux | grep dnsmasq" and "find /run/resolvconf"?14:05
pgranerstgraber, yep one sec14:05
robrugood morning!14:07
cyphermoxLaney, no, it could go I guess14:07
stgraberpgraner: I'll be offline for the next 30min or so (just arrived in Montreal, need to get to somewhere I can work from)14:08
stgrabercyphermox: can you help pgraner?14:08
cyphermoxyes I'm looking at it14:08
Laneycyphermox: thanks14:08
lamalexchrisccoulson, did you see my messages to you? sorry- forgot to ping you with them14:09
cyphermoxpgraner: can you send me syslog?14:09
cyphermoxstgraber: how come you're in montreal ?14:10
chrisccoulsonlamalex, i will fix it tomorrow by modifying the upstream patch to not break ABI. i've got a firefox release to get ready for all ubuntu releases by tomorrow, and i'm meant to be on vacation today ;)14:11
mvopitti: great, thanks for this, I will address it once the call is over14:11
pgranerstgraber, cyphermox: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1169889/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169882/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169886/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169888/14:11
lamalexok, sounds good! sorry didn't realize you were on holiday. is a priority for us so excuse the insistence14:11
chrisccoulsonlamalex, that's ok14:13
chrisccoulsonlamalex, do you know who's going to be handling the 6-weekly updates for the stable releases btw?14:13
lamalexnope, i dont14:14
lamalexlikely me, racarr, or zaspire14:14
cyphermoxpgraner: two more things to check: the contents of /run/resolvconf/interface/NetworkManager, and of lo.dnsmasq14:14
cyphermoxpgraner: I see you have in resolv.conf; should be now to avoid clashing with the system instance of dnsmassq, which should also never bind to loopback (so not listen on (that gets done by /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager))14:15
cyphermoxstgraber: do you also get error messages about invalid messages from avahi-daemon?14:16
chrisccoulsonlamalex, so, firefox 16 moves to beta next week, which means we should have a full set of addons that are compatible with that version by now, ready for the firefox beta testers to be using...14:16
pgranercyphermox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169902/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169904/14:16
* cyphermox takes a note to look into this14:16
lamalexupdating our extension for this new patch will take all of 5 minutes14:17
lamalexso as soon as that's in I can update our extension and get it in14:18
cyphermoxpgraner: ok so there's really something up with dnsmasq; in /etc/dnsmasq.conf or /etc/dnsmasq.d/ is there a file that reads 'listen-address='  or no file named 'network-manager' with "except-interface=lo" in it?14:18
lamalexchrisccoulson, ^14:18
desrtricotz: hey.  good timing :)14:21
desrtricotz: i'm seeing that totem crash you were talking about before14:21
pgranercyphermox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169914/  is the dnsmasq.conf14:21
desrtricotz: the trace runs pretty much straight through the clutter/cogl/dri stack14:23
cyphermoxpgraner: what about the files in /etc/dnsmasq.d?14:26
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pgranercyphermox, just a network-manager file with bind-interfaces   except-interfaces=lo14:28
cyphermoxthat's weird, that shouldn't allow it to bind to
cyphermoxcould bind be running too?14:28
cyphermoxah nevermind, it comes from lo.dnsmasq14:29
cyphermoxpgraner: remove /run/resolvconf/interfaces/lo.dnsmasq, it probably is a leftover from before /etc/dnsmasq.conf got configured by cobbler, and before we added /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager14:30
cyphermoxthat was working before because NM's instance was binding to, so the value was still correct14:30
pgranercyphermox, ok rebooting to get a clean bring up14:31
ricotzdesrt, hi, crashing on which action?14:32
desrtricotz: resizing the window14:32
desrtapparently it's not a totem bug, though -- but a clutter/cogl/dri issue14:32
desrtLIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=y stops the crash, in any case14:32
ricotzdesrt, i see, can't remember mentioning such thing ;)14:32
pgranercyphermox, ok, now the nm-applet menu looks correct, but still no name service14:33
desrtricotz: you asked me if the totem was broken for me14:33
ricotzdesrt, sounds like something for ubuntu-x and a mesa problem14:33
desrti assume this is what you were talking about14:33
desrtricotz: ya... it's actually upstream...14:33
desrtfedora is seeing it as well14:33
ricotzdesrt, yeah, that for more refering to gst1.014:33
cyphermoxpgraner: I forgot the files in /run would get deleted anyway on a reboot; something's not working right with dnsmasq, I bet /run/resolvconf/interfaces/lo.dnsmasq is back14:33
pgranercyphermox, it is14:34
ricotzdesrt, where i run into another thing which i already fixed14:34
ricotzdesrt, i guess you are running the mesa 9.0 snapshot14:34
ricotzdesrt, totem runs fine here on nvidia blob14:36
desrtricotz: seems like an intel issue14:36
desrtthe crash is inside intel's code....14:37
desrthttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=842413 is more or less the same stacktrace i got out of totem14:37
ubot2`desrt: Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.redhat.com: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xml.cgi?id=842413)14:37
cyphermoxpgraner: could you please paste "sudo netstat -anp | grep dnsmasq"14:37
skaetpgraner, cyphermox,   is:  bug: 1017187 related?14:37
ricotzdesrt, works here on intel gm965 too14:38
cyphermoxskaet: I don't think so14:38
cyphermoxskaet: that looks like a bug in ifupdown that we fixed early in the quantal cycle14:39
cyphermoxsgraber:  ^^14:39
pgranercyphermox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169949/14:39
cyphermoxpgraner: whoa, where the hell does lo.dnsmasq come from then? :)14:40
ricotzdesrt, i am actually running https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/2617500/+listing-archive-extra14:40
pgranercyphermox, I don't know, everything had been working fine until I updated on Sun14:40
desrtricotz: i've had enough crack for this week, i think14:42
cyphermoxpgraner: to make sure which dnsmasq is bugged there; could you either disable the system dnsmasq (that provides dhcp?) by setting ENABLED=0 in /etc/default/dnsmasq or disabling the NM dnsmasq by commenting out dns=dnsmasq in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf?14:42
pgranercyphermox, ok, I'll do option 1 first14:42
ricotzdesrt, alright ;)14:43
cyphermoxwith this, if you reboot and everything is fine, then we know it's the system instance that has a bug14:43
cyphermoxthat is definitely a bug14:43
skaetcyphermox,  ack.  got email in from someone upgrading over the weekend and who had problems with network coming back after rebooting, and he thought that one sounded closest to what was seen.   I've asked for a bug to be opened.14:43
cyphermoxskaet: thanks. do you know the bug num14:43
cyphermoxor I'll just check in my email14:43
skaetcyphermox,  he hasn't opened it yet.  just sent him email to do so.14:44
cyphermoxskaet: you mean upgrades from precise to quantal or from lucid to quantal?14:45
pgranercyphermox, that fixed it14:45
skaetcyphermox,  lucid to quantal14:46
cyphermoxskaet: ok14:46
skaetlucid to precise14:46
cyphermoxpgraner: alright. well, the dnsmasq code is complicated. I'll start to search through it to figure out why it writes that file out when it clearly shouldn't14:46
pgranercyphermox, do you want me to file a bug?14:47
cyphermoxpgraner: yes, please do14:47
pgranercyphermox, against dnsmasq I'm assuming?14:47
cyphermoxyes, something about dnsmasq updating resolvconf when it's not configured to do DNS14:47
cyphermoxthere's also an easy workaround for this; if you add listen-address= or interface= to /etc/dnsmasq.conf according to where you want it to listen for DNS requests to respond to; then things should also work14:49
cyphermoxbut it remains that there is a bug, dnsmasq shouldn't write out resolvconf config if it's not bound to any address for dns14:49
pgranercyphermox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnsmasq/+bug/104227514:50
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1042275 in dnsmasq "dnsmasq updating resolvconf when it's not configured to do DNS" [Undecided,New]14:51
pgranercyphermox, yw14:51
desrtricotz: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/?id=4b8b6f385e855ecb6da0b7dea56e70e69d1517b9 apparently...14:54
* desrt tries applying that locally14:54
ricotzdesrt, ah14:55
rickspencer3seb128, so ... how are 10.04 users reacting to having their desktops upgraded to Unity?15:14
seb128rickspencer3, good question, I didn't see so much feedback about so far ... did you?15:15
pittibonjour rickspencer315:16
rickspencer3hey pitti15:16
rickspencer3seb128, I have not heard anything15:16
rickspencer3I know that there was an upgrade bug that slangasek was worried about15:16
rickspencer3so he only turned on updates for a few hours last Thursday15:16
rickspencer3but got no new bug reports about it, so it's been on full blast for a while, I guess15:17
rickspencer3seb128, I guess everyone likes being upgraded to 12.04 Unity ;)15:17
seb128oh, for sure... ;-)15:18
pittismb:// anonymous ... ok15:19
pittismb:// authenticated ... ok15:19
pittiyay more tests15:19
pitti(for gvfs)15:19
desrtricotz: okay.  local build confirms that the patch fixes the issue.  i'll take it up with the mesa guys.15:20
desrttjaalton: ping :)15:20
desrttjaalton: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/104229315:27
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1042293 in mesa "assert in intel_resolve_map_set" [Undecided,New]15:27
pittibonne nuit mes amis15:35
desrtpitti: gn815:36
Ursinhapitti, boa noite :)15:37
chrisccoulsoni should get pitti to work his test magic for my firefox and thunderbird addons ;)15:37
seb128pitti, bonne nuit15:38
Laneyricotz: jbicha: Either of you interested in writing up the FFe for clutter-gst-2.0?15:54
Laney(I could then be the release team member to review it)16:05
tjaaltondesrt: yeah, needs to be upstreamed, git master didn't seem to have anything that might fix it16:09
desrttjaalton: the bug i just gave you a link to has a link to the fix in upstream git master16:10
desrti cherry-picked it into a vendor-patch and did a local build -- it fixed it16:11
ricotzLaney, i just hijacked this old bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gst/+bug/104093016:17
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1040930 in clutter-gst "FFe: Sync clutter-gst-2.0 1.9.90-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged]16:17
Laneycan you confirm that it builds/installs/works with the new sushi?16:18
ricotzLaney, i can confirm it works with totem16:18
ricotzdont have sushi here, but i guess robert has16:18
Laneyricotz: please say that in the bug16:19
ricotzrhythmbox might join the club at some point16:20
Laneywell, not that we'll have it in main for quantal16:20
seb128we will not update rb in quantal no16:23
seb128they might land gstreamer1 as well16:23
seb128which we also want to avoid16:23
ricotzseb128, yes, same with totem ;)16:24
ricotzbut these are still some solid arguments to have clutter-gst-2.0 in ;)16:24
seb128what the fact that our apps don't use it? ;-16:25
Laneysome universe stuff will16:25
Laneyat least sushi16:25
seb128right, I'm not arguing against it ;-)16:25
Laneyricotz: I added it to desktop-extra so you should be able to upload from svn16:26
Laneyplease do16:26
Laneyoh, huh, you aren't in ubuntu-desktop16:27
ricotzLaney, right, i am not16:28
Laneyget that sorted :P16:29
ricotzthere were some concerns last time i checked16:29
Laneyfair enough, I haven't sponsored enough stuff for you to say16:30
Laneyif you prepare a debdiff over SVN I'll sponsor that for you16:30
Laneyappend "~ubuntu1" or something16:30
seb128Laney, that's the issue btw, ricotz should get some extra work sponsored so he can get added16:31
Laneyok, I was under the impression that others had been but I did not check16:32
seb128no, I sponsor some diff every now and then16:32
seb128but I saw like 3 merge requests done using our workflow in a year16:32
antarusIs this the right place to ask questions about notify-osd?16:33
seb128antarus, try #uun16:33
seb128antarus, try #ubuntu-unity16:34
ricotzLaney, here it is http://paste.debian.net/plain/18586616:36
Laneyricotz: ok. You missed the bug reference, but thanks16:39
ricotzLaney, ah sorry :\16:39
ricotzseb128, if you want i can so another patch for libgsf fixing a gir package dep issue16:43
seb128ricotz, patches are always welcome ;-)16:44
ricotzseb128, http://paste.debian.net/plain/18586716:47
seb128ricotz, uploaded, thanks16:49
Laneyricotz: -2.0 uploaded too16:59
Laneynow you have to convince an AA to revie wit16:59
ricotzLaney, uh, there is one ;) > pitti_17:01
ricotzLaney, i guess the bug should be subscribed to ubuntu-release?17:03
Laneytechnically I suppose so, for tracking17:04
Laneymark it Fix Committed too17:04
tjaaltondesrt: oh wow, didn't look at the bug in detail, but it sounds like another one recently filed. thanks for the research :)17:04
ricotztjaalton, new snapshot ;)17:05
ricotzLaney, done17:05
tjaaltonricotz: yeah17:07
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desrttjaalton: ya.  it's a pretty serious issue.  i marked it as critical and milestoned for -beta117:39
desrttjaalton: particularly because the fix is pretty simple....17:40
desrt(and zero-risk -- it replaces an assert with a non-asserting codepath... the only thing this patch will ever do is turn crashes into not-crashes)17:40
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tjaaltondesrt: i'll fix iter this evening..17:48
desrttjaalton: awesome.  thanks.17:48
brycehtjaalton, 9.0 specific?  or sru-able?18:48
tjaaltonbryceh: 9.0, uploaded already19:05
tjaaltonbryceh: at least this got five dupes already, so we'd know if it was in 8.0.x too :)19:10
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robert_ancellseb128, hey20:56
seb128robert_ancell, oya20:57
robert_ancellseb128, sound-juicer - keep on 3.4? (bug 1042015)20:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1042015 in sound-juicer "Update to 3.5.0" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104201520:57
seb128robert_ancell, your call, it's in universe, it can use gstreamer0.9n20:58
LaneyI don't think it is true that gnome has a freeze exception20:58
Laneydidn't that come up somewhere recently?20:58
seb128robert_ancell, oh, yeah, ff, I almost forgot that "detail" :p21:00
seb128sound-juicer is not part of GNOME21:00
seb128so it wouldn't have an exception, even if GNOME has one21:00
seb128GNOME doesn't need an exception since .90 to .91,.92,.0 are bug fixes updates21:01
robert_ancellseb128, https://live.gnome.org/SoundJuicer - "Sound Juicer is the GNOME CD ripper". And it's on GNOME FTP. And it's on GNOME git. Is there a new definition of GNOME I'm unaware of?21:01
seb128robert_ancell, the ff exception was meant for things that respect the GNOME schedule and freezes21:02
robert_ancellseb128, like sound-juicer?21:02
seb128robert_ancell, which has not beeing the case of s-j, they didn't even use the same versioning until recently21:02
seb128robert_ancell, in a minute you will tell me that rb does respect the schedule and freezes? ;-)21:02
robert_ancellseb128, http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/sound-juicer/ seems to indicate they have been21:02
dobeyrobert_ancell: sound-juicer isn't part of GNOME's upstream "desktop release set" is it?21:02
robert_ancellseb128, no, that annoys me with rb21:03
seb128robert_ancell, let's say I don't trust s-j to have a responsive maintainer and handle their stuff correctly and I don't trust the release team do care enough s-j to do anything about it if there is an issue21:04
seb128robert_ancell, but well, it's in universe so at the same time no big deal...21:04
robert_ancellseb128, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sound-juicer says it's in main...21:05
robert_ancellare we talking about the same package?21:05
Laneydon't believe the top21:05
Laneylook at the table21:05
seb128says it's in universe since lucid21:06
Laneyhowever I don't really agree that universe is no big deal :(21:06
seb128we need to kill universe21:06
Laneylosing support to rip to mp3 would be quite bad21:06
seb128honestly apps are the responsability of the app writers21:06
seb128it shouldn't be up to us to care more than upstream about apps21:06
seb128they should just get what they think their users should get in the s-c21:07
seb128that model of "we know better than upstream and we will fix the world" doesn't scale21:07
robert_ancellseb128, absolutely21:07
robert_ancellseb128, what table am I looking at?21:08
seb128robert_ancell, all the lines going back the page21:08
seb128quantal ... universe21:08
seb128lucid main21:08
robert_ancelldobey, man, I can't find the GNOME module list anywhere anymore. Does it even still exist?21:09
seb128robert_ancell, they adopted a fuzzy definition :-(21:10
seb128I don't think there is an official list somewhere, or maybe they consider jhbuild as being that21:10
dobeyhttps://live.gnome.org/ThreePointFive says to look at the 'versions' file in the most recent 3.5 folder under that releng dir21:16
dobeywhich is a bit odd21:16
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