
TheLordOfTimeapparently i broke part of ZNC again00:00
* TheLordOfTime goes to fix the broken module00:00
phillwhi TheLordOfTime00:01
phillwUnit193: I do do not have any logs from here00:01
TheLordOfTimephillw:  *cough* public logging00:01
TheLordOfTimesee /topic00:01
Unit193The IRCC guidelines do apply, and I do not have any plans to join #defocus-uncensored nor have I been there.  The link is borderline I'd say, as it does not link directly to the sites it's not "as bad" as it "could be", but may still be a little over the line, as it is said.00:02
Unit193TheLordOfTime: Entry message, actually.00:02
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  and topic00:02
TheLordOfTimetopicquote: This channel is logged http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/00:02
* TheLordOfTime returns to code-level fixing00:02
phillwI have now found it.00:02
phillwdrat, it has not updated.00:04
TheLordOfTimephillw:  check the last day00:05
TheLordOfTimei think the server's on UTC, right?00:05
TheLordOfTimeor "Zulu Time"00:05
TheLordOfTimeah, that'd tie up with my time conversion00:05
TheLordOfTimephillw:  you missed the correct date by 4 minutes00:06
phillwUnit193: I'm not asking for, never have asked for a Z-line in bioterror00:06
phillwa simple "please do not post in approriate links" would be fine. As to why this has got to this level?... pass.00:07
* TheLordOfTime yawns00:08
* phillw ::shrugs::00:08
TheLordOfTimegenerally, i was chekcing to make sure that IRCC policies were being used, and wanted Unit193's view on it.00:08
phillwTheLordOfTime: I'm no longer an IRC-OP, I would have issued a clear warning, as I did in the channel.00:09
TheLordOfTimephillw:  i repeat my last statement.00:10
phillwfor me, that would have been enough.00:10
TheLordOfTimeDAMN, now it won't build from source...00:10
* TheLordOfTime digs around deeper in the ZNC code.00:10
TheLordOfTimewhoops, that was intended for a trekweb channel... sorry00:10
Unit193I don't know, that's up to you as I said in PM that it may be better to not link to those in there, and was going to say something to him...00:10
phillwTheLordOfTime: you having fun with the VM? :P00:11
Unit193I don't see it as the end of the world, but it seems you do...00:11
phillwUnit193: no, i saw it as break of freenode policy, I raised it and got nothing but "Yes, it is okay" from you. - Instead of giving bioterror a slap on the wrists, we are now at higher level, with more people involved. IMHO, next time bioterror mistakes a '#' area for an '##' area simply tell him that is against the rules?00:14
Unit193They are not breaking Freenode rules, not that I see at least, the issue (as I've said *several* times!) would be the guidelines...00:15
phillwUnit193: then I repeat that I will warn 14 year old people from channels you look after. Such links are not appropriate for youngsters and as you seem to find no issue with them & allow them to be pasted... then... meh00:17
phillwI'll part before I get kicked.00:19
TheLordOfTime... okay then, if he got kicked from here, that'd be the first time in ages i've seen any op action here...00:20
TheLordOfTimeshort of topic changes00:20
TheLordOfTime... or antispam00:20
Unit193I've seen one, but it was a troll, soo....00:25
TheLordOfTimethat counts as antispam :P00:25
bobweaverhey we got  a bad dude on #ubuntu04:35
bobweaver<lickalott> rm -rf *04:35
bobweaveris the name might be good to watch04:36
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