
thumperibeardslee: oh, sorry, back from lunch now01:28
thumperibeardslee: gazelle pro01:28
thumperibeardslee: with maxed out cpu, ram, and 480 gig intel 520 ssd01:29
thumperibeardslee: there was a compiz sru recently that used a lot less cpu time01:30
ibeardsleeit's definitely dropping down in load regularly. that Compiz fix must have done it.01:31
ibeardsleea lot less red01:31
ibeardsleenice Gazelle Pro01:32
* thumper thinks01:32
thumperactually may have been the unity 5.16 sru01:32
thumperibeardslee: don't suppose you can tell me which unity you have? apt-cache policy unity ?01:32
ajmitchthumper: I'll have to try that out, is it in -proposed?01:34
thumperibeardslee: won't be that fix then01:34
thumperajmitch: perhaps in proposed01:34
thumperit was supposed to be release ages ago01:35
* ajmitch regularly has compiz using 50-80%01:35
ajmitchit's partly why my laptop gets so noisy at those kiwi pycon meetings :)01:37
ibeardsleeinteresting .. seems to be using between 0 and 16% for me01:37
ajmitchI think it's something to do with the number of tabs I have open in the browser, but it's still excessive01:38
thumperoh I regularly get firefox or chromium consuming large percentages of cpu01:41
thumperdoesn't normally show as compiz though01:42
ajmitchsure, but top reports compiz as using CPU01:42
* ajmitch doesn't see 5.16 in a ~unity-team ppa01:46
hadsI still don't think I could buy a laptop without a nipple, it's just so good. Don't have to move your hands from the keyboard to mouse. Thinkpad nipples are way better than other brands though.01:46
ajmitchmaybe I should just upgrade to quantal soon01:46
hadsI'm still considering the X1 Carbon myself even though it comes with Windows.01:46
thumperajmitch: don't do it today02:14
thumperajmitch: dust settling after feature freeze02:14
thumpernot everything yet built against everything else02:15
thumpernew compiz, but not new unity yet02:15
thumperso no desktop :)02:15
ajmitchconsidering that this laptop uses fglrx & is currently my only working computer, I think I shall wait until after kiwi pycon02:15
ajmitchI'm not *quite* that mad to break it when I need it :)02:16
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ibeardsleemorning .. and a rather damp one at that20:05
mwhudsonforecast to get better later though20:12
Atamiraovercast but not rainy up here20:30

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