=== chihchun-afk is now known as chihchun === jussio1 is now known as jussi [12:43] o/ bobweaver [12:59] what are the different components of ubuntu tv called lenses? [13:31] Hello [13:31] o/ bobweaver: How are ya:) [13:31] components [13:32] Alot better then yesterdat smartboyhw [13:32] :) [13:32] you see my new videos up on youtube ? [13:32] No, give me the links:) [13:32] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlOacuIldM8 [13:33] that is unity 3d [13:33] standalone form-factor TV [13:33] opengl es is not working all the way [13:34] bobweaver, push the destop guys to upload the latest compiz ;) [13:34] arm is waiting for GLES too [13:35] (they somehow omitted it even though their package was created a day after gles was added upstream) [13:35] I treied but It is concept code [13:35] it will go into quantal really soon [13:35] its a requirement of arm desktop [13:35] God job, bobweaver [13:35] Yeah I would love to but I can not get a stright anwser [13:36] about naming conventions and files [13:36] so I just over wrote the whole dash folder [13:36] well, i'm responsible for the arm port images ... be assured the gles bits will land :) [13:36] *when* is in the hands of the desktop team though [13:37] Like I do not know if I should use case statements or just make new {cpp,h} files [13:37] I asked that question like 5 days ago [13:37] there should be a PPA somewhere that builds directly from upstream iirc [13:37] brb I will pastebin it [13:37] :) [13:38] you should ask in #ubuntu-desktop i'm sure they can oint you to it [13:38] *point [13:38] This is my rock and hardplace [13:38] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169843/ [13:39] will do thansk ogra_ [13:40] :) [13:53] o/ bobweaver [13:53] bobweaver: Will try to compile the Ubuntu TV source code in 12.04:) [13:54] smartboyhw, which one ? [13:54] use saviqs code for that [13:54] bobweaver: What do you mean by which one? [13:55] Saviq, Code the one htat says persice merdge [13:55] How? [13:56] the same way that you build all the oter ones but with his code [13:56] ping Saviq ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [13:57] wassup? [13:57] Saviq: I want to compile your Ubuntu TV code of Precise:) [13:57] But then how? [13:57] Hi Saviq can you help smartboyhw with 12.04 and me with this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlOacuIldM8 [13:58] er wrong link [13:58] sorry [13:58] Saviq, Sorry this is what I am talking about http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169843/ [13:58] smartboyhw, everything you need is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/Contributing [13:58] thanks [13:59] bobweaver, there's a bunch of stuff there, you'll have to be patient before I respond to all of that [13:59] OK [14:00] Thanks Saviq the main thing I guess if should I make case statements or new files . [14:07] Saviq: I mean compiling Ubuntu TV code in 12.04. I can't run the code [14:08] I can't cmake, it has "unity-core-4.0" not found [14:08] smartboyhw, as bobweaver said, the closest thing is the precise_merge branch [14:08] smartboyhw, lp:~saviq/ubuntutv/precise_merge [14:08] Thanks [14:08] that's not to say that's in any way complete [14:08] there's all kinds of bugs [14:19] Saviq: It works at least. [14:21] Saviq, yeah when 12.04 started using sturt manager in qt everything for the tv went down the tubes (QT) [14:33] Saviq, can I PM? [14:34] tgm4883, sure [14:36] Saviq, tgm4883 popey mhall119 jhodapp How to get this more popular ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlOacuIldM8&feature=g-upl [14:38] also tgm4883 when you get a chance what is up with you scope ? did you upgrade it ? [14:38] bobweaver, I just made it work in 12.10, although I don't think I commited those changes to the branch yet [14:38] I haven't added any preview stuff yet [14:40] tgm4883, I will take care of previes if you like [14:40] should almost be pplug and play after what I did to the previews on my test unity 3d last night [14:40] If you want to add previews and submit a merge request I'll take a look [14:41] tgm4883, it is not in the scope it is in unity its self [14:41] unity/dash/previews [14:41] that is where all the code [14:41] is [14:41] !enter | bobweaver [14:41] well the lens has to support previews though right? [14:42] is there support for images [14:42] meaning does the lens read the image ? [14:42] and the name of the file [14:42] if so [14:42] then there is no need to make previews in the scope its self [14:43] if the scope/lens doesn't do anything with previews, then what does the preview show? [14:43] look [14:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1169958/ [14:44] it shows what it is told to show that is Moviepreview.cpp [14:44] the previews are a framework all in them selfs [14:45] right, but what is moviepreview? [14:45] does it just do partial playback? [14:45] it is what is called to get the data from the scope [14:45] not yet ;) [14:45] I am trying to rip open gnome-shushi and add that to it [14:46] so that spacebar in the lens loads gnomesushi stuff [14:46] I get that if the scope doesn't do previews it will still work, but I don't get what would happen if you right click a recording in there [14:46] sorry in the dash that is . [14:46] Not sure push the scope and lets find out :) [14:46] it's at home [14:47] and I don't think I can SSH in [14:47] ahh cool [14:47] let me check [14:47] oh nm, it's on my netbook, which is at home and off :( [14:48] UH oh [14:48] ahh too bad well when you get home .... [14:48] I am going to play with the old one and see what I can do [14:48] just as a test [14:48] bobweaver: http://pastebin.com/rzWwjd98 [14:49] what is branch ? [14:49] bobweaver, I think I'm going to have to make a lens anyway [14:49] A readable version:) [14:49] tgm4883, ^^ [14:49] https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/unity-scope-mythtv [14:49] thanks tgm4883 and smartboyhw [14:49] bobweaver, I'm going to have to make a lens I think so I can have it do the right stuff with the previews [14:49] so I can return show titles, and drill down to episodes [14:50] tgm4883, so you mind if I help ? [14:50] sure [14:50] Ok give me like 3 hours and I will report back :) [14:50] bobweaver, heh, OK [15:12] alright here goes nothing [15:13] brb [15:13] brb [15:16] ok looking at error log [15:16] o/ bobweaver, you're back:) [15:20] tgm4883, I have asked davidcalle to take a look at it we will see what happens [15:21] but it looks like something is timming out either that or my back end is messy [15:48] tgm4883, davidcalle, that did the trick thanks a ton [15:48] bobweavertv, no problem ;) [15:48] I now have mythtv in my unity 3d TV [15:49] but It is not showing any videos [15:49] maybe backend ? [15:51] yeah tgm4883 I am going to need help setting up a frontend to my backend [16:24] Bye bobweavertv and all [16:24] cya smartboyhw [17:37] bobweavertv, [17:37] bobweavertv, ok [17:41] hey tgm4883 sorry I was walkiing my dog [17:41] no worries [17:41] but when you get a chance maybe you can help me with myth so I can test this thng on previews ? [17:42] so you aren't getting anything from the backend? [17:42] no [17:42] ok [17:42] I have team viewer on both boxs [17:42] so that is easy enough to test with how I did the scope [17:42] yeah the scope works [17:42] need to add a line of code [17:43] to myth.py [17:43] or what ever [17:43] under lib david callee helped [17:43] mythtvapi.py? [17:43] but I can not connect to backend on 12.10 box [17:44] yes that file line 31 I will push code [17:44] bobweavertv, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/mythtv-scope/view/head:/lib/mythtvapi.py your issue is here, findBE () returns MYTHPROTOCOLPORT, but if results is empty, MYTHPROTOCOLPORT doesn't exist. You need to declare MYTHPROTOCOLPORT before the loop on line 32, MYTHPROTOCOLPORT=None on line 31 for example [17:46] hmm [17:46] Does it work with that set to None? [17:46] so I did what he said [17:46] because I don't think it would [17:46] Yes it works great [17:46] ok [17:46] I see all the stuff in the filters [17:46] bobweavertv, well, it "works great" but you can't see anything from your backend [17:46] so maybe it isn't "working great" [17:47] there error I get is that I can not connect to back end [17:47] yes it still needs love [17:47] but it is a start [17:47] bobweavertv, probably because the port is set to None ;) [17:48] even in frontend I can not connect to back [17:48] is the backend started? [17:48] on 12.10 machine I just purged and re-installed everything [17:48] I mean everything mysql the works [17:48] I am just getting back to the 12.10 machine [17:49] Yes [17:49] it is working now [17:49] everything works? [17:49] I hade to set both the ip's to be the same in backend [17:49] testing brb [17:50] what were they set to before [17:50] yes I aam now connected testing scope now [17:50] ok [17:51] nothing so far :( [17:51] rebooting [17:51] nothing in previews, or getting nothing from backend? [17:51] do I need to export anything [17:52] backend is now working and connected [17:52] but I am not getting anything from the api [17:52] going to restart unity [17:52] ok try this [17:52] http://backendserverip:6544/Dvr/GetRecordedList [17:52] put that in a web browser [17:54] yeah xml is comming in [17:54] bobweavertv, ok, so that link works? [17:54] that means the backend is working properly [17:54] yes sir [17:55] so change that line you added [17:55] no the back ed is def now working [17:55] set it to 6544 instead of None [17:55] will do [17:55] thanks [17:55] is there a way to scan for that open port then assign ? ? [17:55] like a function to a var ? [17:55] I am not that good at oython [17:55] it does that already [17:56] python * [17:56] your backend for some reason apparently isn't responding with that info [17:56] bobweavertv, actually do this [17:56] after results = elem.find("Settings") [17:56] add this [17:56] print results [17:57] then just run that from the command line [17:57] it should print everything your backend returns regarding configuration [17:58] take out the port stuff ? [17:58] nah, you can leave that in [17:58] cool [17:58] this will show us if it's returning the port though [17:58] cool one sec [17:58] I like you install script [17:58] actually that might just return an object [17:59] bobweavertv, yea, that's just for testing ;) [18:01] bobweavertv, also, rather than set that to None or the default 6544, it might be better to exit and log an error [18:01] ok its running [18:02] also, at the very bottom you can see results = mt.search('house') [18:02] that is faking a unity search term "house" and printing all Title+SubTitle that the backend returns [18:03] so you can just run that mythtvapi.py file and it will do a search for you [18:03] Ok it is throwing errors [18:03] pastebin [18:03] Will paste [18:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1170329/ [18:04] bobweaver, did you remove the line you added? [18:04] No Just made it to the port Id [18:05] will paste lines changed [18:06] line 31 MYTHPROTOCOLPORT = 6544 [18:06] well [18:06] 31 - 34 [18:06] MYTHPROTOCOLPORT = 6544 [18:06] results = elem.find("Settings") [18:06] print results [18:07] but I left what was under "print results " [18:07] should I comment out ? [18:08] where is for l in results: [18:09] Oo [18:09] do int need to have "" around them in python ? [18:09] foo = "6780" [18:09] or [18:09] foo = 6789 [18:09] no [18:10] but let me check if it is expecting a string [18:11] can you push your changes to your branch so I can see everything? [18:11] yup [18:13] https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/mythtv-scopes [18:14] all is in commit message [18:14] also in cchangelog well not the lib/myth stuff but that is in the bzr commit mssage [18:16] meh, looking at this it probably needs a rewrite. Can you just comment out link 34 (put # at the beginning) and run it again [18:18] bobweaver, laso, how about this in a web browser http://backendserverip:6544/Myth/GetSetting?Key=MasterServerPort [18:19] MasterServerPort [18:19] 6543 [18:19] ok [18:20] so it does return the port [18:20] that is what you should set it to [18:20] so 31 needs to have 6543 [18:20] commend out 34 [18:20] comment* [18:21] ahh one int of :) [18:22] It's probably looking for a string there ( I don't have a backend to test ), but that won't matter until you try to do playback [18:23] still getting same error [18:24] you want me to comment ouyt the for loop ? [18:24] or print results [18:24] I see how this is working this is cool tgm4883 [18:24] bobweaver, push changes [18:24] will do [18:25] https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/mythtv-scopes1 [18:26] why do you keep pushing to new branches? [18:26] because I dont have time to break locks at the moment [18:27] You didn't comment out line 34 [18:27] I forgot to commit 1st before pushing [18:27] line 34 for l in results: [18:27] that is what I see [18:28] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/mythtv-scopes1/view/head:/lib/mythtvapi.py [18:28] Line 34 [18:28] MYTHPROTOCOLPORT = l.findtext('Value') [18:28] should be [18:28] # MYTHPROTOCOLPORT = l.findtext('Value') [18:28] thanks [18:28] also the port is still 6544 in this [18:29] I'm not sure this is the latest changes you made [18:29] yeah I def changed that [18:29] er [18:29] bzr [18:31] same thing line 39 [18:31] can pull back the info gathered [18:31] can;y* [18:32] er [18:32] can't * [18:32] UnboundLocalError: local variable 'MYTHPROTOCOLPORT' referenced before assignment [18:33] and then when I comment out [18:33] NameError: global name 'MYTHPROTOCOLPORT' is not defined [18:37] bobweaver, ok, I'll look into that, lets try to bypass that for now [18:37] ok [18:37] hard code in the port ? [18:37] do you have ~/.mythtv-scope-location.conf" [18:37] do you have ~/.mythtv-scope-location.conf [18:37] no sir [18:38] ok, create one [18:38] ok [18:38] bobweaver, it should look like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1170389/ [18:39] replace with the IP address of your backend [18:39] hm [18:39] ok [18:39] this would be easier if I had a backend here to test with :/ [18:40] bobweaver, can you insert a line before 'if NEW:' that says 'print BACKENDLOCATION' [18:41] then run it to find out what that prints [18:45] same deal [18:45] let me make sure I spelled everything righ t [18:49] bobweaver, yea it should print the same error [18:49] but before that it should print something extra [18:49] nothing [18:49] pm [18:49] you [18:49] tup [18:50] lol [19:47] tgm4883, http://imagebin.org/226073 [19:47] Woot Woot [19:49] now to test with TV [19:56] http://imagebin.org/226074